The Dog Rambler E-Diary 18 January 2012

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 18
January 2012

Over Harbour Hill and beside reservoir


6 miles

Dogs on walk

Cyrano, Dylan, Finn, Jolie, Phoebe, Otis, Solo

The second walk for Finn having rejoined us in past couple of weeks. He was much more fun today teaming up with Phoebe. Back to being the best pals they used to be. Tumbling and rolling along, Finn often upside down in Phoebes grip. This despite Phoebe being targeted by Otis. Still in season, Otis was helpless but too follow her. Poor guy he has a neighbours dog in season who is driving him mad and finds he has no let up today. Cyrano too was stuck to Phoebe but not quite so het up and perhaps a little confused by his feelings. It was all too much for Solo and he left them to it only occasionally tagging on with Otis. In amongst this as we climbed from Bonaly up through the sun kissed Scots Pine trees and onto the curving slope of Bonaly Moor, Phoebe and Finn tangled around each other. Jolie popped her head into the mix and ran off with the pair of them, Otis tagging along and Cyrano running beside them. Dylan watched the fun waiting for a chance to get either Phoebe or Finn on their own. No

chance. Eventually as we reached a line of trees and turned toward Harbour Hill he took them both on. The moor slid away below us dropping toward the flat looking array of Edinburghs buildings and spaces. In front of us Harbour Hill arced easily with its yellowing green grass gently swaying in the light breee. The sun gently lighting the ground from its low position just above the hills like a dropped ball about to bounce. Higher we climbed curving over the hill just below its top, still rising to our left. As we swung around it more hills way of into the distance cut the sky with their sharp sawtoothed peaks. Some clouds beginning to roll in, the sun now in danger of being snuffed out. The dogs were still running madly. Otis more so that I have ever seen him. And Solo too keeping pace with them if not quite joining in. Jolie coming back to check that I was not too far away. We dropped off the hill down to the grassy moorland and into another line of Scots Pine trees. Stepping to one side to let a runner by, trying not to impede her progress. She half breathed a hello and continued her running climb up toward the cleugh between Harbour Hill and Bells Hill. Then the dogs ran off. They had spotted another dog that I had missed. Soon it was surrounded. Not at all bothered. Indeed it tried to follow after us as we moved on. Its owners call no more than a lament into the breeze. At Easter Kinleith farm we were watched carefully by the two farm collies. Eventually seeing us off the farm, one following the other letting out a bark and then running off. We were now on the track taking us through some farmland an on to Clubbidean Reservoir. Reminders of the storm still present with tree debris amongst the aged Scots Pines along its shore. More sad losses but hopefully opening the canopy for new trees to flourish. Cyrano was into the water as soon as he found a gap. Solo remained on the bankside looking at me for a stick or something. But we had not reached the fallen branches yet. When we did I picked some up ready to throw in at the far end of the reservoir along its dam. While Finn and Dylan chased around the steep grass on the other side of the dam. Cyrano and Solo waded and swam for the sticks. Almost joined by Otis who waded quite far out stretching forward to try and retrieve one of the floating sticks. No one else came in

preferring instead to join Dylan and Finn in the chase as we climbed back onto the top of the dam. We weaved back beside Torduff Reservoir toward the car park, back at the entrance of Bonaly Country Park. Stopping to say hello to a black Labrador who had also been for a swim. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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