Marketing Director

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Sandra Ramrez Lopez De Lara : sr17b75ba@westpost.

net CAREER SUMMARY Self-driven, results focused Marketing and Sales executive with 10+ years of exp erience; proven to provide focus, leadership and strategic direction across the organization. Trilingual with multicultural background, extensive experience wor king with Top Fortune 500 companies in North and South America and Europe; indu stry expertise in Consumer Packaged Goods, Advertising, Media and Retail. Specif ic expertise includes entrepreneurship, creative thinking, team builder, leaders hip, and strong managerial, analytical and organizational skills. Consistently r ated as a top performer with proven ability to impact business fast, increase RO I, loyalty and market share. Competencies: Business Planning and Development, Marketing, category management, new product and line introductions at a regional, national and international le vel, market research, advertising plans, product innovation and package developm ent, pricing, branding, promotions, competitive analysis, media buying, account planning, public relations, B2B, purchasing, operations, forecasting, sales and distribution. CAREER HISTORY GRUPO SOS 2009-2011 Houston, TX/ Miami, FL Grupo SOS is an international leader in the food industry with presence in more than 100 countries. Provides the finest range of brands: Bertolli, Carbonell, C arapelli,Arroz SOS, Adolphus, Comet and Blue Ribbon. $1.6 Billion Euros in Sales . Brand Management- US, Canada, Mexico, South America & the Caribbean. Responsible for all aspects of marketing P&L leading a $645 MM branded retail bu siness, $84 MM in Food service. Customer Expert in retail, clubs, government, m ilitary, distributors & foodservice. - Development and execution of Grupo SOS (American Rice) Oil & Rice Portfolio. D elivered 2 years of sustainable growth beating competitors growth in volume and share. Up 18% in Volume and 23% in dollars under a very competitive -commodity business-. - Led Global Packaging & Product Innovation strategies that translated into a $ 46 MM business with strategic retail partners, $12 MM new business on a product line extension and repositioned the brand as #1 in the market place through inc reased distribution due to customer support and aggressive non- traditional mark eting campaigns. - Developed a New Media campaign that increased ROI 7% and brand awareness 22%. Strengthened marketing mix with new customized initiatives to increase loyalty in the core targets by region, applied best practices, consumer insights, proact ively predicting new trends across the regions: General Market (+5%), Hispanic (+27%) and Asian consumers (+46%). - Developed an Innovative Food Service Program for Restaurants with a -Health/ E ducational- focus, a 360 approach to consumers and a table top component. Sales at participating restaurants increased by 17% , Food Service sales increased 21% and brand awareness increased by 14% among consumers in the participating mark ets. - Key member of the Executive team and corporate strategy: Successful leadership and strong teamwork, managed company mergers, business separation, regional int egrations & acquisitions for the North American Business. In a 6 month period ma naged to launch & integrate the Mexico Business into the rest of North America, key contributor of the integration of the Bertolli transfer from Unilever to Gr upo SOS in USA & Canada. Led the separation and transition of the Rice business in US, Mexico, Central America & the Carribean. Key member of the Oil division for the re-organization of the Oil Business Model in Brazil.

HANDLEMAN ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY (HDL) 2004-2009 Troy, MI / Los Angeles, CA Category Manager and distributor of music, movies and video games to leading ret ailers in the United States, Latin America, United Kingdom and Canada. $1.5 Bill ion in annual sales Director- Product Management & Logistics Latin Division (North & South America) Responsible for managing a $110MM music and $12MM movie business; led a successf ul cross-functional team with five direct reports, developed relationships with more than 55+ vendors; managed 10,000+ sku`s in 3800+ points of sale. - Increased Latin Division sales from $40MM to $110+MM and more than doubled the company music market share from 10 % to 22%. Accountable for strategic planning , new business models, sales, gross margin, ROI, market share, product assortmen t, inventory productivity, marketing and promotions. - Gained and developed new business accounts that translated into $45MM incremen tal business at: Best Buy, Circuit City, Sears & HEB. Drove market growth & expa nsion of product lines & services for core customers that accounted for addition al $15MM business at Wal-Mart and Kmart - Developed Movie Business Model that translated in a $12MM sales increase and a 7% market share. Led concept development, strategy, pricing structure, product selection and customer introduction. - Developed strategic genre plans that supported, differentiated & took advantag e of opportunities within the marketplace by being customer & consumer focused. Reduced product returns by 18% and improved retail space and productivity for th e electronics department. - Led and implemented initiatives across multifunctional team: Customer Teams, M arketing, Advertising, Operations, IT, HR & Sales business units. Contributed in outstanding results that outperformed the industry by 20 pts and translated int o a 12 pts market share gain for the division. - Positioned the company as the #1 industry distributor for Latin entrainment by building strong vendor, customer & third party relationships. Additional activities included participation as a spokesperson for the Entertain ment Industry at: Latin Billboard, Monitor Latino, LACMA, Home Video Latino Conf erence; as well as the development of seminars & training sessions for Executive Forums. Named Top Performer, awarded recognition shares for exceptional perfor mance PROCTER & GAMBLE 1999- 2002 Lived in Mexico and Venezuela (Latin America Global Business Unit- Brasil, Colom bia, Chile, Peru, etc.) Senior ABM Brand experience in Beauty & Family Care. Strong leadership, ownership and passion as a marketing supervisor/active brand manager. Responsibilities included: market research (qualitative and quantitativ e), packaging, pricing, new product development, sales forecast, media buying, p ublic relations, consumer promotions, POP, CRM, all of them holistically coordin ated to build stronger brands. - Planned, implemented, and evaluated strategic marketing plans and new product development that contributed to strengthen product positioning; increased market share from 24% to 28% (based on Nielsen data). - Launched local, national and international Product initiatives including test markets. Effectively managed multiple Advertising budgets $10-15 MM per brand. - Sales training and experience with local, national and international clients s uch as: Wal-Mart, HEB, Carrefour, Comercial Mexicana, Gigante, Sams, Costco and Soriana. - Developed Advertising Strategies and managed relationship with Media and Adver tising agencies (Starmedia, Leo Burnett, Noble- D`arcy, Grey). Increased Brand A wareness and consumer usage.

- Rated as a P&G Top performer -Gained recognition shares for an outstanding pro duct launch. Additional activities included: Key member of the P&G recruiting and training t eam, Attended P&G Marketing University Brand Manager training, developed 3rd par ty relationship, coordinator for B2B with Nestl, active member of the community activities between P&G and the public. EDUCATION The University of Texas at Austin & AMA (American Marketing Association) Graduate, Professional Marketer Certificate Program Instituto Tecnolgico Autnomo de Mxico (ITAM) 2000-2001 Graduate, Advertising and Publicity Certificate Program Instituto Tecnolgico Autnomo de Mxico (ITAM) 1994-1999 Bachelor`s Degree in Business Administration and Management with double major in Finance and Strategy Lancaster School, University of London, England 1991-1994 General Certificate Advanced Level of Education ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE & EDUCATION - Research, design and implementation of community programs that serve minoritie s. Culinary Institute of Texas - Cordon Bleu Chef Certificate Lycee International des Pontonniers- exchange student.- Strasbourg, France LANGUAGE AND OTHER SKILLS - PC & Mac experience in Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Oracle, Vision, SAP, Internet applications, Apps. - Fluent in Spanish, English and French. 2003

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