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June 2001

Process Industry Practices Civil

PIP CVC01015 Civil Design Criteria

PURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Team and will be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn. Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at

Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin, Texas 78705. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP.

PRINTING HISTORY June 1999 Issued June 2001 Technical Correction Not printed with State funds

June 2001

Process Industry Practices Civil

PIP CVC01015 Civil Design Criteria

Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................. 2
1.1 Purpose ............................................. 2 1.2 Scope................................................. 2

9. Railroad Work............................. 6 10. Roads, Paving, and Surfacing... 6 11. Curbs, Gutters, and Walks ........ 7 12. Underground Utility Piping Systems ...................................... 8
12.1 12.2 12.3 Pressurized Water Distribution ... 8 Natural Gas ................................. 8 Cathodic Protection..................... 8

2. References ................................... 2
2.1 Process Industry Practices ................ 2 2.2 Industry Codes and Standards .......... 2 2.3 Government Regulations ................... 3

3. Definitions .................................... 3 4. Environmental Protection ........... 4

4.1 Groundwater Protection..................... 4 4.2 Surface Water Protection .................. 4 4.3 Public Safety...................................... 4

13. Sewers ........................................ 8

13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 General ....................................... 8 Storm Sewers and Drainage ....... 9 Sanitary Sewers .......................... 9 Process Sewers .......................... 9

5. Geotechnical Engineering Investigations ............................. 4 6. Site Preparation and Grading ..... 5 7. Excavation and Backfill............... 5 8. Erosion Control............................ 6

14. Fencing ..................................... 10 15. Landscaping, Seeding, and Sodding..................................... 10

Process Industry Practices

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PIP CVC01015 Civil Design Criteria

June 2001


1.1 Purpose This Practice provides the civil engineer with criteria for the design of civil sitework within process facilities. 1.2 Scope These general criteria define the minimum requirements for the design of civil sitework of process industry facilities at onshore U.S. sites. Included is all work related to preparation of the site; such as grading, roads and railroads, underground utility and sewer work and related facilities, and all work related to finishing the site. This Practice is intended to be used in conjunction with PIP CVC01016, Plant Site and Project Data Sheets.


Applicable requirements in the following PIP Practices, codes and standards, and government regulations shall be considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise specified. Short titles will be used herein when appropriate. 2.1 Process Industry Practices (PIP) PIP CVC01016 - Plant Site and Project Data Sheets - Introduction and References PIP CVC01017 - Plant Site Data Sheet PIP CVC01018 - Project Data Sheet PIP CVE02705 - Engineering Guide for Double Contained Sewers (Pipe in Pipe Systems) PIP CVI02720 - Sewer Details PIP CVS02010 - Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Specification PIP CVS02100 - Site Preparation, Excavation, and Backfill Specification PIP CVS02700 - Underground Gravity Sewers Specification PIP CVS02831 - Chain-Link Fencing Construction Specification (in Process) 2.2 Industry Codes and Standards American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges American Railway Engineering Association (AREA) AREA Manual for Railway Engineering

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PIP CVC01015 Civil Design Criteria

American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME B31.3 - Process Piping American Water Works Association (AWWA) AWWA Standards National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 20 - Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps NFPA 22 - Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection NFPA 24 - Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances NFPA 30 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 2.3 Government Regulations Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EPA 40 CFR - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulations U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) U.S. DOT Pipeline Safety Regulations


For the purposes of this Practice, the following definitions apply: Cathodic Protection: A technique used to prevent corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell Contract Documents: Any and all documents, including design drawings, that have been transmitted or otherwise communicated, either by incorporation or reference, and made part of the legal contract agreement for civil structural work DOT: The department of transportation for the state in which the project site is located or the equivalent government organization Non-Contact Cooling Water: Cooling water that does not have direct contact with process fluids or materials. Cooling water may be recirculated or used only once and conveyed through gravity drainage systems. Owner: The owner of the proposed facilities Process Sewers: Any waste collection/drainage system carrying materials (exclusive of sanitary waste) requiring treatment before discharge RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

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Environmental Protection
4.1 Groundwater Protection 4.1.1 Storage facilities and process infrastructure (e.g., process loading/unloading, petroleum storage, hazardous material storage) shall be designed to protect against groundwater contamination. Examples include drip pans, paving, and concrete containment. New tanks below grade shall meet underground storage tank regulations in EPA 40 CFR, Part 280 UST. Tank farm areas for RCRA hazardous materials storage shall be floored and diked with materials impervious to the stored material for spill containment. Diked areas shall be designed to contain 100% of the largest RCRA tank volume plus runoff from a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall, and with 6 inches (150 mm) of freeboard. RCRA hazardous waste storage tanks shall be installed to meet the requirements of EPA CFR 40, Part 264 and Part 265.

4.1.2 4.1.3

4.1.4 4.2

Surface Water Protection 4.2.1 To facilitate the control of contaminants and minimize the mixture of flow constituents, drainage and sewer systems should be segregated where possible. Optimally, provide complete segregation of clean storm, sanitary, process, fire water, and Non-Contact Cooling Water sewers. Sewers that carry water not normally subject to contamination (Non-Contact Cooling Water or storm water) and that have the potential to receive spills shall have monitoring and diversion capabilities. Building floor and roof drains not subject to process spills shall connect to the clean storm water drainage system.


4.2.3 4.3

Public Safety Facilities for the storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids shall conform to NFPA 30.


Geotechnical Engineering Investigations

5.1 5.2 Geotechnical engineering investigations shall be performed in accordance with PIP CVS02010 when sufficient geotechnical information is not available. The design engineer shall provide the following technical information to the geotechnical consultant when this information is available and appropriate: 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 Site plan showing proposed facilities and adjacent existing facilities Topographic plan or relative elevations of existing grades and facilities to planned grades of proposed facilities Descriptions of proposed and existing facilities, including the following:

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PIP CVC01015 Civil Design Criteria

a. Types of structures b. Anticipated design loads under various design cases, including static compression, uplift, horizontal shear, vibratory, dynamic, and blast c. Any settlement sensitivity of structures or equipment d. Any sensitivity to vibration from external sources, of both proposed and existing facilities e. Special or unusual conditions: pits, basements, elevator shafts, reciprocating compressors, retaining walls, etc. f. Elevations: building ground floor, bottom of pits, basements, elevator shafts, walls, tanks, etc. g. Proposed finish grade elevation adjacent to facilities h. For tanks, load condition (empty, full, test, and operating weights); operating condition i.e., full most of the time, empty most of the time plus time/duration when full, percentage full under operating conditions, etc.); and settlement tolerances i. Pavement loading and traffic data (when pavement recommendations are needed) j. Information regarding any known or potential soil/groundwater contamination at the site k. Drawings and other information for adjacent or on-site existing facilities, including underground utilities and structures


Site Preparation and Grading

6.1 The design of site preparation activities, including clearing and grubbing, stripping, and general site grading shall be compatible with the requirements of PIP CVS02100. Excavation, fill, stockpile and disposal areas, and the extent of clearing and grubbing areas shall be defined in the Contract Documents. Consideration shall be given to balancing the cut and fill for earthwork. All demolition shall be specified in the Contract Documents. Vehicular traffic detours shall be designed to provide a safe routing and a satisfactory means of controlling traffic.


6.3 6.4


Excavation and Backfill

7.1 7.2 The design of excavation and backfill shall be compatible with the requirements of PIP CVS02100. Areas requiring differing levels of compaction shall be noted on the drawings by the engineer. These areas include structure areas, roadways, railroad subgrades, paved

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area subgrades, utility trenches, embankments and dikes, and general graded areas outside the process or work areas.


Erosion Control
8.1 Due to the condition of the site based on forecasted construction activities, erosion and sedimentation controls must be given special consideration in design. Soil erosion control shall be designed to comply with federal, state, and local regulations and shall be compatible with PIP CVS02100. The need for erosion control permitting shall be identified and shall be submitted through the Owner.



Railroad Work
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 All railroad design shall be in accordance with the AREA Manual and the local operating railroad requirements. Railroads shall be standard gauge and meet design, condition, and maintenance requirements for class II (minimum) track systems as defined by AREA. No. 1 prime relay rail may be used. The minimum turnout (frog number) shall be No. 8. The maximum grade, unless otherwise required by local topography, shall be 2%. Loading stations should be designed level. The maximum degree of curvature shall be 12 degrees 30 minutes. The rail unit weight and rail type shall be selected to be compatible with the existing rail system and to provide the desired design life based upon the intended service and availability. A drainage system shall be designed to meet individual job requirements. Perforated underdrain systems with standpipes at 50-feet (15-m) intervals should be provided between parallel tracks and when adjacent grade is near the same elevation or higher than the railroad track. A geosynthetic material shall be installed between the subgrade and ballast when required to prevent fouling.




Roads, Paving, and Surfacing

10.1 10.2 10.3 Roadways, parking areas, and paved areas shall be surfaced using materials specified in PIP CVC01017 and PIP CVC01018. Roads shall have a vertical curve when the algebraic difference of the road gradients is 2% or greater. The minimum length of a vertical curve shall be 100 feet (30 m). Roads shall be designed for AASHTO HS20 truck loading. Selection of materials of construction shall be in accordance with DOT highway specifications. Thickness of materials (concrete, or asphaltic, or granular bases and surfaces materials) shall be

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designed according to the design traffic loading and geotechnical data of the subgrade and conforming to DOT highway specifications. 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 Roadway shoulders, curbs, sideslopes, drainage ditches, and culverts shall be designed in accordance with DOT specifications where practical. The maximum grade for roadways shall be 6%. The minimum cross slope for roadways shall be 2%. The minimum inside turning radius shall be 50 feet (15 m) for tractor-trailers, 30 feet (9 m) for stake body trucks, and 25 feet (7.5 m) for passenger cars and pickup trucks. The minimum sight distance shall be 200 feet (60 m). Design of roadways shall include clearance and loads for construction and maintenance equipment (e.g., cranes). The roadway pavement design shall include a drainage system to prevent saturation of the base and subgrade. Guide rails along roadway embankments shall be designed in accordance with DOT specifications. Guide rails or bollards shall be designed to protect equipment (e.g., electric substations, natural gas valves) along plant streets. Minimum slope for Portland cement concrete and asphalt area paving shall be 1%. Portland cement concrete area paving shall be a minimum of 4 inches (100 mm) thick. Portland cement concrete area paving shall have contraction or construction joints at a maximum spacing of 25 feet (7.5 m) in both directions unless otherwise engineered. Reinforcing required by design shall be provided across construction joints. Expansion joints are not required except at foundations and for other items penetrating through Portland cement concrete paving. Asphalt area paving shall be designed for the anticipated traffic load in accordance with AASHTO design requirements but shall not be less than 2 inches (50 mm) thick. Gravel surfacing shall be placed to a minimum compacted thickness of 3 inches (75 mm).

10.11 10.12 10.13




Curbs, Gutters, and Walks

11.1 Walks shall be provided to interconnect the parking lot, gatehouse, administration building, cafeteria, process buildings, etc., to adjacent roadways for safe pedestrian travel. The walkway subbase shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02100. Walkway grades without steps shall not exceed 6%. Finished grades shall be shown on the engineering drawings. All curbs, gutters, and walks shall be designed to comply with ADA requirements.

11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5

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Underground Utility Piping Systems

12.1 Pressurized Water Distribution 12.1.1 Water distribution systems shall be designed to supply adequate flow and pressure at all points of usage and shall meet requirements of AWWA Standards and local codes. 12.1.2 If the Owner has existing models of the systems, the models shall be utilized to determine if adequate flow and pressure are available and to ensure that other parts of the system will not be adversely affected. 12.1.3 Fire water distribution systems shall meet the requirements of NFPA 20, NFPA 22, NFPA 24, and the Owners insurer. 12.1.4 System design shall include sufficient restraint of pipefittings and valves to prevent movement during normal and anticipated water hammer conditions. 12.2 Natural Gas 12.2.1 Natural gas distribution systems shall be designed to supply adequate flow and pressure at all points of usage while operating at acceptable noise levels. 12.2.2 Valve spacing shall be such that a section of main can be shut down quickly in the event of an emergency. 12.2.3 Systems shall be designed in accordance with the U.S. DOT Pipeline Safety Regulations for outside of buildings and with ASME B31.3 for inside of buildings. 12.3 Cathodic Protection 12.3.1 Cathodic protection for corrosion control may be required on underground carbon steel structures including piping. Cathodic protection of other underground lines in the area may be necessary at times to ensure the integrity of the process lines. 12.3.2 External coatings shall be used in conjunction with cathodic protection.


13.1 General 13.1.1 Sewers and drainage systems shall be designed to protect the atmosphere, soil, surface water, and groundwater from contamination and to provide safe, economical collection and flow of all sewage to treatment and/or holding facilities and subsequently to approved disposal. 13.1.2 When specified by Owner, open channel ditches and basins that potentially convey or retain groundwater contaminants (e.g., fire water runoff) shall be lined. Lining material shall meet Owner-specified permeability requirements.

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13.1.3 When specified by Owner, each sewer system shall be designed for increased flow from future sewer extension or from changes in surfaces that change the runoff coefficients. 13.1.4 Existing systems to which new systems will connect shall be reviewed to verify service compatibility and to ensure that sufficient capacity is available to accept the additional flow, unless the Owner has provided a written notice that the downstream system can accommodate the additional flow. 13.1.5 Manholes shall be located at spacing intervals to facilitate maintenance, inspection, and cleaning. Manholes or cleanouts shall be provided at changes in horizontal direction. Maximum spacing of manholes shall be 200 feet (60 m) for sewers less than or equal to 12 inches (300 mm) in diameter, and 500 feet (150 m) for sewers larger than 12 inches (300 mm) in diameter. 13.1.6 Sanitary and process sewers shall be designed to cross under potable water lines. Provide at least 12 inches (300 mm) of vertical clearance and 36 inches (900 mm) of horizontal clearance when sanitary or process sewers parallel the water line, unless otherwise required by local codes. 13.1.7 Minimum pipe sizes shall be 4 inches (100 mm) for laterals and 8 inches (200 mm) for main sewers. 13.2 Storm Sewers and Drainage 13.2.1 Design storm sewers to be compatible with PIP CVS02700 and PIP CVI02720. 13.2.2 Sewers and drainage structures shall be designed to carry runoff from a rain event as defined in PIP CVC01018. Unless otherwise specified, maximum inlet times shall be taken as 15 minutes for process areas with catch basin spacing of approximately 100 feet (30 m). Inlet times for large undeveloped areas shall be determined for each project, with special consideration for future development, but shall not exceed 30 minutes unless otherwise specified by the Owner. 13.2.3 Piping design flow depth shall not exceed 2/3 the pipe diameter. 13.2.4 The minimum design velocity shall be 3 fps (0.9 m/s) at design capacity. 13.3 Sanitary Sewers 13.3.1 Design sanitary sewer systems to be compatible with PIP CVS02700 and PIP CVI02720. 13.3.2 The minimum design velocity shall be 2 fps (0.6 m/s) with pipe flowing 1/2 full at maximum flow rate. 13.4 Process Sewers 13.4.1 Underground process sewers shall be designed to protect against groundwater contamination. Underground process sewers shall be designed to prevent potential leakage caused by anticipated corrosion, surface loads, shifting soils, water tables, etc., for the Owners specified design life.

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Underground process sewer joining systems shall be welded, fused, or glued unless otherwise specified. 13.4.2 Design underground process sewers to comply with Owners health and environmental requirements and to be compatible with PIP CVS02700 and PIP CVI02720. If a double-contained pipe in pipe system is required, then design in accordance with PIP CVE02705. 13.4.3 Process sewer designs shall comply with regulations in EPA 40 CFR. 13.4.4 Sewers requiring vents shall be determined by Owner requirements or as required due to the properties of the chemicals contained in the sewers. Collection systems shall be trapped and sealed to prevent personnel exposure to emissions. Sewers and vents shall be designed to comply with regulations directed at the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) and hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions. Vents shall be located away from normal operating areas and shall be equipped for secondary VOC emission disposal (e.g., scrubbed, flared, etc.) if required. 13.4.5 Design flow depth of gravity process sewers shall not exceed 3/4 of the pipe diameter, with a minimum velocity of 3 fps (0.9 m/s).


Chain-link fencing shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02831 (in process).


Landscaping, Seeding, and Sodding

15.1 15.2 Surface treatments shall be shown on the final earthwork drawings. Seeding and sodding shall comply with DOT specifications.

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