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Backwards Design Lesson Plan

Designer: Jimmy Tinoco Subject Area: Language Arts Term/Cadre: Fall Term 3 Cadre 19 Title: Compare and Contrast Stage 1 Desired Results Established Goals: R 2.5 Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate text: compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles Understandings: Students will understand that: Essential Questions:

- there is/are a signal word/s that tell whether you are comparing or contrasting - that you can compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages - that several passages can have details that are similar - that several passages can have details that are different
Students will know:

What types of passages will have details to compare and contrast? Will there always be things to compare and contrast in a story?

Students will be able to:

- Students will know how to find the differences and similarities in two different passages. - Students will know how to compare and contrast the characters, settings, and plots of two different passages.

- Students will be able to find the similarities in two or more different passages. - Students will be able to find the differences in two or more different passages. - Students will be able to compare and contrast different passages across the curriculum.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:

Explain - Students will be introduced to signal words and practice picking them out of sample sentences explaining why (there will be sample of both comparing and contrasting) Interpret - the different types of passages being read Apply, by - writing sentences that compare and contrast two pictures of two types of bears making sure theyre using signal words - reading aloud grade-level passages Reflect - on how you can use the compare and contrast skill in all types of readings - on how you can relate compare and contrast skill to realworld situations
Learning Activities:

- approaching whiteboard and circling signal words in sentences. - filling out template with sentence comparing and contrasting to pictures that are related in some way - filling out template with complete sentences to compare and contrast after reading to grade-level passages - use skills learned to take a multiple-choice test on comparing and contrasting

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Abilities - Students should be able to read a variety of grade-level passages independently - Students should be able to understand the concept of two things having similarities and differences

W = Whereto; Where from - Share objective: I will compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles. - Share that it is an important reading comprehension skill that will make them better readers and thinkers. - Give clarity on what compare and contrast mean along with their signal words and have them know that they will apply those words to grade-level passages. - Skills will be taught in a sequence that will build up to the main objective.

H = Hook and Hold -Will you be able to compare and contrast two things that have similarities and differences from a passage or passages? - Start with vocabulary and terms that will be needed and used - using PowerPoint - Start by comparing and contrasting two different things that have similarities using engaging visuals (two types of bears grizzly and panda). - Have active discussions and quick writing activities that go with visuals. - Students will come up with their own subjects to compare and contrast illustrate them and write sentences E = Equip for Expected Performance 1st - go over meaning of compare and contrast and signal words 2nd - students are shown sentences on PowerPoint and students have to choose the signal word on a paper that matches the slide in front of them 3rd - students will be chosen to come up to the board where sentences are written, circle the signal word, and explain why they chose it (are they comparing/contrasting?) 4th - students will then be shown two visuals (diff. bears) and are asked to compare them 5th 1st verbally then they will write a complete sentence, making sure they use a signal word they will then share their sentences 6th students will come up with their own subjects to compare and contrast then write a complete sentence using their signal words to compare and contrast then illustrate their sentences and discuss 7th - next, students will be given a short passage that includes two compare and contrast questions they will read and compete we will discuss in detail the prompt and the questions along with their answers we will analyze thoroughly 8th students will be given two longer passages on bears (one about grizzlies and the other about pandas) students will read both passage and answer compare and contrast questions R = Rethink, Revise/Refine, Reflect - when individual students come up to the board, they will explain their answers peers will then agree or disagree by volunteering, or teacher calling random students - students will share answers from their questions for peer review - make sure they are using the signal words used when comparing and contrasting - students will continue to read a variety of passages comparing and contrasting two things - these skills will be integrated into their writing - have students realize the real world applications for comparing and contrasting E = Encourage Self-Evaluation - asking students if they have clarity on what compare and contrast mean - What part was difficult for them? - students will continue to have the opportunity to read passages where they can compare and contrast across the curriculum

T = Tailor for Diverse Learners - engaging visuals will be used for students with ADD along with structured interaction - lower level students can be paired with higher level students - RSP students will have the passages read to them, or they will read them aloud to the teacher, depending on their IEP - a lot of modeling, engaging visuals, and rich text for our English Learners O = Organize the Learning In this lesson the sequence of skills will build upon each other so that the students will receive the desired result and it will help reach all learners. Students will start verbal discussion, move to writing one sentence, then move to reading a small passage, then going to reading two lengthier passages where they will have to answer questions with complete sentences (making sure they are using signal words). 1. Introduce standard/objective 2. Go over needed terms 3. Teach pre-skills 4. Guide and practice 5. Independent practice 6. Informal assessment throughout 7. Students apply across the curriculum

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