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Two types of


Introduction the degree of their accom-

In the earlier essay we had plishment in the sÊdhana-
seen in detail the four kinds catuêÌaya.
of adhikarins (qualified aspir-
In this essay we shall see
ants) –
in brief the nature of instruc-
1. Manda (the lower) tion that is imparted to
2. Madhyama (the middling) them. To the uttama and the
3. Uttama (the superior) and uttamottama the teaching is
4. Uttamottama (the best of the nature of vicÊra while
among the superior)*. for the manda and madhyama
These classifications have the teaching of vicÊra is
been made keeping in mind coupled with yoga.

The Teaching: Vicara mediately the direct experience

and Yoga of the Self. This direct experi-
ence of the Self is termed as
VedÊnta is of the nature of aparokêa-jæÊna or aparokêÊnu-
vicÊra or discrimination be- bhäti.
tween Êtma and anÊtma. When This is because their minds
the Guru gives this vicÊra are free of mala and vikêepa
upadeâa (teaching), the uttama doêas# and they are endowed
and the uttamottama attain im- fully with the sÊdhana-catuêÌaya
as we have explained before.

* For elaboration on these four types of # For further explanation of avarana, mala and
adhikarins, refer to the March 2003 issue of viksepa doêas refer to the August 2002 issue of
Tapovan Prasad. Tapovan Prasad.

28 April 2003
The knowledge of the Self re- nubhäti. It is to be noted that
moves the Êvaraàa doêa and though these contemplations
they become at once liberated. cannot directly give aparokêÊ-
It is for them it is declared – nubhäti, they help directly to
‘âravaàamÊtreàa jæanaø bhavati steady the mind, thus helping
– knowledge is attained by mere indirectly in the direct experi-
listening. ence of the Self. The help ren-
dered by yoga can be compared
On listening to the pauranic
to that of a ladder. Some well-
description of Lord ãiva or Viêàu
trained high jumpers can jump
one gets only a parokêa-jæana
to the terrace of a building with-
i.e. indirect knowledge of them.
out any help – for they are
In the same way the manda and
trained to jump, but the major-
madhyama attain only parokêa-
ity need a ladder.
jæana of the Self. From parokêa
It is to be noted that uttama
they have to make their jour-
and uttamottama types are very
ney to aparokêÊnubhäti or
very very (repetition of ‘very’,
aparokêajæana . The traces of
three times intended) scarce –
mala and vikêepa doêas, which
some upaniêad students like
are seen as the waverings of the
Naciketas (student in KaÌhopa-
mind, have to cease. For this to
niêad) and ãvetaketu (the student
happen, the Guru gives them
in ChÊndogya Upaniêad) can be
the yoga upadeêa also with the
cited as examples. For almost
vicÊra upadeêa, whereas for the
all, these techniques of contem-
uttama and uttamottama adhi-
plations are absolutely impor-
kÊrins, vicÊra upadeêa alone is
sufficient. The word ‘yoga’ is not
to be construed here as the vari-
ous physical postures recom- Yoga Upadesa
mended by the great Sage The word yoga is derived
Pataæjali in the asana aspect of from the Sanskrit verbal root
AêÌÊÜga yoga. ‘Yoga’ here means ‘yuj’ (grammatically 7th conju-
‘contemplation’. The manda and gation, ubhayapadØ ), which
madhyama adhikÊrins use this means ‘to unite’. In the yoga
contemplation, keeping in mind upadeâa, the Guru gives tech-
the vedantic understanding and niques called yoga by which the
conquer the wavering nature of adhikarin ‘unites or merges’ his
the mind and attain aparokêÊ- mind with Brahman. Depending

Tapovan Prasad 29
upon the type of contemplation 3. BhÊva yoga: This can be
used, the yoga is classified into done through
five types: a) VirÊÌ dhyÊna or
1. Mantra yoga: ‘Mantra’ is a b) IêÌa devatÊ dhyÊna.
scriptural sound formula that is
more often than not, a name of The word bhÊva here means
the Lord. Using a mantra one ‘form’ and since both these
can establish the mind in Brah- types of dhyÊna are with regard
man. This is called Mantra yoga. to the form of the Lord, this type
The most popular mantra among of contemplation is called bhÊva
sadhaks in this regard is the yoga.
Praàava mantra. One may use a. In the VirÊÌ dhyÊna one
other mantras also like ‘Om contemplates on the all-perva-
Namaò ãivÊya’ etc. The restless- sive cosmic form of Iâvara. The
ness of the mind is controlled heaven is seen as the Lord’s
by continuous contemplation on head, the directions as His ears,
the mantra and the mind be- the sun and the moon as His
comes established in Brahman. eyes, fire as His mouth, inter-
The Upaniêads, especially the space as His stomach, and the
MÊàdäkya, explain how this is earth as the very feet of VirÊt.
to be done. By VirÊt is meant the cosmic
2. Sparâa yoga: This contem- form of the Lord.
plation is done through the b. In the IêÌa devatÊ dhyÊna
AêÌÊÜga yoga system. The mind one meditates on the auspicious
and the pranas are united with limited form of the Lord. For ex-
the Praàava-mantra and it is ample, if one’s IêÌa devatÊ is
raised from the mälÊdhÊra chakra Lord Viêàu, then one meditates
through the suêumnÊ nÊdØ to on Him as endowed with four
reach the sahasrÊra and unite hands having a conch, discus,
with the supreme effulgence mace, lotus, etc. As one contem-
therein. The word ‘sparâa’ here plates, be it on the VirÊÌ or the
means ‘touching’ the supreme IêÌa devatÊ, one slowly drops
effulgence in the sahasrÊra one’s attention on the various
chakra. The Yoga ãastras give body parts of the Lord, one af-
sufficient guidance in this regard ter another and shifts one’s at-
but one must be sure to practise tention to the formless Con-
it only with expert guidance. sciousness aspect of the VirÊÌ or

30 April 2003
the IêÌa devatÊ and merges one’s the ladder according to his in-
mind in it. herent saôskÊras (tendencies).
The above two types of con- Practising them under the guid-
templation are described elabo- ance of a competent Guru, with-
rately in many texts like the out forgetting one’s essential
ãrØmad BhÊgavata MahÊpurÊàa. nature as being one with the
4. AbhÊva yoga: Establishing supreme Brahman, the manda
the mind in the Supreme Brah- and the madhyama adhikÊrins
man (which one has understood conquer the last traces of mala
in the parokêa way) which is and vikêepa doêas and they also
beyond the reach of the senses attain the aparokêÊnubhäti.
is called AbhÊva yoga. The word
‘abhÊva’ means ‘without form’. Conclusion
5. MahÊ yoga: Establishing
the mind in the Brahman, that is l To the uttama and utta-
the same in both creation (sìêÌi) mottama, vicÊra alone is suffi-
and destruction (pralaya) of the cient to bestow liberation
world, and in knowledge and while for the manda and
ignorance is called MahÊ yoga madhyama, vicÊra is given
or great yoga. with yoga.
l Yoga is of five types — Man-
General comments tra yoga, Sparâa yoga, BhÊva
on the yogas yoga, AbhÊva yoga and MahÊ
Both AbhÊva yoga and MahÊ l BhÊva yoga is of two types —
yoga may seemingly look iden- VirÊt dhyÊna and IêÌa devatÊ
tical. The difference is in the dhyÊna.
aspect of Brahman that one l An adhikÊrin may choose one
meditates on. In AbhÊva yoga of the yogas and remove his
one contemplates on Brahman as mala and vikêepa doêas and
being one without names and reach the truth through
forms. In MahÊ yoga, Brahman vicÊra.
is contemplated as the one that May we also become adhi-
remains unaffected in creation
kÊrØ-s and reach the supreme by
and destruction.
the Lord’s grace and ãrØ
These five yogas are only lad-
Gurudev’s blessings.
ders. Each sÊdhaka may choose G

Tapovan Prasad 31

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