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Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Physics 244 James Bordner

06 May 2008

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing


1 2 3 4

Example Problem Evolution of Programming Paradigms Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Sample Object-Oriented Scientic Code

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Problem

Example Problem

Design a program to solve a sparse linear system Ax = b, with:


Support for multiple linear solvers

Support for multiple sparse matrix storage formats

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Problem

Example Problem

Design a program to solve a sparse linear system Ax = b, with:


Support for multiple linear solvers

Solver algorithms: S1 , S2 , . . . , Si , . . . , Sm

Support for multiple sparse matrix storage formats

Matrix formats: A1 , A2 , . . . , Aj , . . . , An

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Problem

Example Problem

Design a program to solve a sparse linear system Ax = b, with:


Support for multiple linear solvers

Solver algorithms: S1 , S2 , . . . , Si , . . . , Sm Solver parameters: i ,1 , i ,2 , . . . , for Si

Support for multiple sparse matrix storage formats

Matrix formats: A1 , A2 , . . . , Aj , . . . , An Matrix data: j,1 , j,2 , . . . , for Aj

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Evolution of Programming Paradigms

1 2 3

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Unstructured Programming
The Dark Ages

Denition: Program (unstructured programming) A program is a single contiguous block of instructions acting on data. Contol ow is handled using goto statements.

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Unstructured Programming
The Dark Ages

Denition: Program (unstructured programming) A program is a single contiguous block of instructions acting on data. Contol ow is handled using goto statements. Used in early computer programs before ~1970 Common with early languages: Fortran, COBOL, BASIC

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Unstructured Programming
Pseudocode for sparse linear solver example

if (matrix type = 1) goto 100 if (solver type = 1) goto 10 [ Code to apply solver S1 to A1 x = b ] goto 10000 10 if (solver type = 2) goto 20 [ Code to apply solver S2 to A1 x = b ] goto 10000 20 if (solver type = 3) goto 30 . . . 100 if (matrix type = 2) goto 200 . . .
James Bordner Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Unstructured Programming
Advantages and Disadvantages

Suitable for very small, simple programs

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Unstructured Programming
Advantages and Disadvantages

Suitable for very small, simple programs goto statements easily lead to inpenetrable spaghetti code Very dicult to write and understand large programs Virtually impossible to make large-scale modications

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Structured Programming
The Age of Enlightenment

Denition: Program (structured programming) A program is a sequence of instructions acting on data, where instructions are organized into manageably-sized sections (functions or subroutines).

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Structured Programming
The Age of Enlightenment

Denition: Program (structured programming) A program is a sequence of instructions acting on data, where instructions are organized into manageably-sized sections (functions or subroutines). Go To Statement Considered Harmful (Dijkstra, 1967) Higher-level control ow: if-then-else, for, while, etc. Programs usually designed using a top-down approach Supported by Pascal, C, Fortran 77

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Structured Programming
Pseudocode for sparse linear solver example


1,* , 1,*


1,* , 2,*

solm _matn

m,* , n,*

if (solver type = 1 and matrix type = 1) then call sol1 mat1 (1,1 , 1,2 , . . . , 1,1 , 1,2 , . . . , x, . . . , b, . . . ) else if (solver type = 1 and matrix type = 2) then call sol1 mat2 (1,1 , 1,2 , . . . , 2,1 , 2,2 , . . . , x, . . . , b, . . . ) . . . else if (solver type = m and matrix type = n) then call solm matn (m,1 , m,2 , . . . , n,1 , n,2 , . . . , x, . . . , b, . . . )

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Structured Programming
Advantages and Disadvantages

Easier to write and understand large programs

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Structured Programming
Advantages and Disadvantages

Easier to write and understand large programs Still dicult to make large-scale modications
soli matj() subroutines depend on both solver algorithm details and matrix storage format details

Deep call trees can force choice between global data and long function parameter lists

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Object-Oriented Programming
The Postmodern Era

Denition: Program (object-oriented programming) A program is a collection of cooperating objects. Each object can receive messages, process data, and send messages to other objects.

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Object-Oriented Programming
The Postmodern Era

Denition: Program (object-oriented programming) A program is a collection of cooperating objects. Each object can receive messages, process data, and send messages to other objects. Roots in the 1960s, but not popular until ~1990s Supported by C++, Fortran 2003 Can use C, Fortran 90/95

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Object-Oriented Programming
Pseudocode for sparse linear solver example


Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)




Solver1 1,

Solver m m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrix n n,*

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Object-Oriented Programming
Advantages and Disadvantages

Suitable for huge programs with complex datatypes Easier to modify large programs Easier to reuse existing components

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Unstructured Programming Structured Programming Object-Oriented Programming

Denition Sparse linear solver example Advantages and Disadvantages

Object-Oriented Programming
Advantages and Disadvantages

Suitable for huge programs with complex datatypes Easier to modify large programs Easier to reuse existing components Object-oriented languages can be very complicated (C++) Easier to write inecient code

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

main Solver



1 2 3

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Solver1 1,

Solver m m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrix n n,*

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. Modularity
main Solver


Modularity refers to grouping together related code and data

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. Modularity
main Solver


Modularity refers to grouping together related code and data A class denes how to encapsulate functions (methods) and data

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. Modularity
main Solver


Modularity refers to grouping together related code and data A class denes how to encapsulate functions (methods) and data An object is a particular instance of a class

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. Modularity
main Solver


Modularity refers to grouping together related code and data A class denes how to encapsulate functions (methods) and data An object is a particular instance of a class C++: class; Fortran: type, module; (C: struct)

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

2. Encapsulation
main Solver


Encapsulation refers to hiding implementation details from the rest of the program

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

2. Encapsulation
main Solver


Encapsulation refers to hiding implementation details from the rest of the program Public functions (and data) are accessible by the entire program

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

2. Encapsulation
main Solver


Encapsulation refers to hiding implementation details from the rest of the program Public functions (and data) are accessible by the entire program Private data (and functions) are accessible only from within the class itself

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

2. Encapsulation
main Solver


Encapsulation refers to hiding implementation details from the rest of the program Public functions (and data) are accessible by the entire program Private data (and functions) are accessible only from within the class itself C++, Fortran: private, public

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

3. Inheritence
main Solver


Inheritence refers to deriving a class in terms of another existing class

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

3. Inheritence
main Solver


Inheritence refers to deriving a class in terms of another existing class Derived class inherits existing code and data from base class (code reuse)

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

3. Inheritence
main Solver


Inheritence refers to deriving a class in terms of another existing class Derived class inherits existing code and data from base class (code reuse) A derived class can add or override member functions and data

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

3. Inheritence
main Solver


Inheritence refers to deriving a class in terms of another existing class Derived class inherits existing code and data from base class (code reuse) A derived class can add or override member functions and data Models a kind-of relationship

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

3. Inheritence
main Solver


Inheritence refers to deriving a class in terms of another existing class Derived class inherits existing code and data from base class (code reuse) A derived class can add or override member functions and data Models a kind-of relationship C++: class Derived: public Base; Fortran: type, extends(Base) :: Derived
Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

4. Polymorphism
main Solver


Polymorphism allows a derived class object to be treated like a base class object.

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

4. Polymorphism
main Solver


Polymorphism allows a derived class object to be treated like a base class object. Object S is declared as Solver, but will contain some Solveri object.

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

4. Polymorphism
main Solver


Polymorphism allows a derived class object to be treated like a base class object. Object S is declared as Solver, but will contain some Solveri object. Appropriate Solveri::apply() function called (dynamic binding).

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

1. 2. 3. 4.

Modularity Encapsulation Inheritence Polymorphism

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

4. Polymorphism
main Solver


Polymorphism allows a derived class object to be treated like a base class object. Object S is declared as Solver, but will contain some Solveri object. Appropriate Solveri::apply() function called (dynamic binding). C++: virtual; Fortran: class

Solver1 1,

Solverm m,*

Matrix1 1,

Matrixn n,*

Solver S = Solver::create(solver type) Matrix A = Matrix::create(matrix type) Vector X,B S.apply (A,X,B)

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

1 2 3 4 5

Overview Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()


MPI-based parallel linear solver library James Bordner @ National Center for Supercomputing Applications Elliptic problems discretized on 3D distributed Cartesian meshes Linear solvers:
Krylov solvers: CG, BiCG, BiCG-STAB, CGNR, CGNE Multigrid: V,W,F-cycles

Matrix storage formats:

7-diagonals (nonsymmetric, symmetric, constant, interleaved) 27-diagonal, general sparse (CSR)
James Bordner Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Computational Domain

Grid unknowns Grid boundary vertices

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Computational Domain

Grid unknowns Grid boundary vertices

Grid ghost vertices

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: SolverCG::apply() while (!isConverged()) { A.matvec (W,P); Scalar pw; dot (pw,P,W); Scalar alpha = r2 / pw; yaxpy (X,alpha,P,X); yaxpy (R,-alpha,W,R); Scalar r2prev = r2; dot (r2,R,R); Scalar beta = r2 / r2prev; xaxpy (P,beta,P,R); currResid = sqrt(r2); ++ iter; }

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: SolverCG::apply() while (!isConverged()) { A.matvec (W,P); Scalar pw; dot (pw,P,W); Scalar alpha = r2 / pw; yaxpy (X,alpha,P,X); yaxpy (R,-alpha,W,R); Scalar r2prev = r2; dot (r2,R,R); Scalar beta = r2 / r2prev; xaxpy (P,beta,P,R); currResid = sqrt(r2); ++ iter; }

Matrix object operations Could write W = A*P;. . . . . . but executed as t A P; W t

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: SolverCG::apply() while (!isConverged()) { A.matvec (W,P); Scalar pw; dot (pw,P,W); Scalar alpha = r2 / pw; yaxpy (X,alpha,P,X); yaxpy (R,-alpha,W,R); Scalar r2prev = r2; dot (r2,R,R); Scalar beta = r2 / r2prev; xaxpy (P,beta,P,R); currResid = sqrt(r2); ++ iter; }

Matrix object operations Could write W = A*P;. . . . . . but executed as t A P; W t Vector object operations Could write X = alpha*P + X;. . . . . . but executed as t1 P; t2 t1 + X ; X t2

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: SolverCG::apply() while (!isConverged()) { A.matvec (W,P); Scalar pw; dot (pw,P,W); Scalar alpha = r2 / pw; yaxpy (X,alpha,P,X); yaxpy (R,-alpha,W,R); Scalar r2prev = r2; dot (r2,R,R); Scalar beta = r2 / r2prev; xaxpy (P,beta,P,R); currResid = sqrt(r2); ++ iter; }

Matrix object operations Could write W = A*P;. . . . . . but executed as t A P; W t Vector object operations Could write X = alpha*P + X;. . . . . . but executed as t1 P; t2 t1 + X ; X t2 MPI communication is hidden

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Matrix7::matvec()

X.refresh ghost(); X.enforce bc(A.bc()); for (int i2=0; i2<X.n(2); i2++) { for (int i1=0; i1<X.n(1); i1++) { for (int i0=0; i0<X.n(0); i0++) { int ia = i0 + A.m(0) * (i1 + A.m(1) * i2); int ix = i0 + X.m(0) * (i1 + X.m(1) * i2); int iy = i0 + Y.m(0) * (i1 + Y.m(1) * i2); Y.val(iy) = A.val(AZM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd2) + A.val(AYM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd1) + A.val(AXM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd0) + A.val(A0,ia) * X.val(ix) + A.val(AXP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd0) + A.val(AYP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd1) + A.val(AZP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd2); } } }

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Matrix7::matvec()

X.refresh ghost(); X.enforce bc(A.bc()); for (int i2=0; i2<X.n(2); i2++) { for (int i1=0; i1<X.n(1); i1++) { for (int i0=0; i0<X.n(0); i0++) { int ia = i0 + A.m(0) * (i1 + A.m(1) * i2); int ix = i0 + X.m(0) * (i1 + X.m(1) * i2); int iy = i0 + Y.m(0) * (i1 + Y.m(1) * i2); Y.val(iy) = A.val(AZM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd2) + A.val(AYM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd1) + A.val(AXM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd0) + A.val(A0,ia) * X.val(ix) + A.val(AXP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd0) + A.val(AYP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd1) + A.val(AZP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd2); } } }

ixd0, ixd1, and ixd2 are index osets along each coordinate axis

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Matrix7::matvec()

X.refresh ghost(); X.enforce bc(A.bc()); for (int i2=0; i2<X.n(2); i2++) { for (int i1=0; i1<X.n(1); i1++) { for (int i0=0; i0<X.n(0); i0++) { int ia = i0 + A.m(0) * (i1 + A.m(1) * i2); int ix = i0 + X.m(0) * (i1 + X.m(1) * i2); int iy = i0 + Y.m(0) * (i1 + Y.m(1) * i2); Y.val(iy) = A.val(AZM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd2) + A.val(AYM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd1) + A.val(AXM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd0) + A.val(A0,ia) * X.val(ix) + A.val(AXP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd0) + A.val(AYP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd1) + A.val(AZP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd2); } } }

ixd0, ixd1, and ixd2 are index osets along each coordinate axis y Ax accesses ghost zones of x: values of x that belong to neighboring MPI processes

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Matrix7::matvec()

X.refresh ghost(); X.enforce bc(A.bc()); for (int i2=0; i2<X.n(2); i2++) { for (int i1=0; i1<X.n(1); i1++) { for (int i0=0; i0<X.n(0); i0++) { int ia = i0 + A.m(0) * (i1 + A.m(1) * i2); int ix = i0 + X.m(0) * (i1 + X.m(1) * i2); int iy = i0 + Y.m(0) * (i1 + Y.m(1) * i2); Y.val(iy) = A.val(AZM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd2) + A.val(AYM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd1) + A.val(AXM,ia) * X.val(ix-ixd0) + A.val(A0,ia) * X.val(ix) + A.val(AXP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd0) + A.val(AYP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd1) + A.val(AZP,ia) * X.val(ix+ixd2); } } }

ixd0, ixd1, and ixd2 are index osets along each coordinate axis y Ax accesses ghost zones of x: values of x that belong to neighboring MPI processes So these ghost zone values must be obtained from neighboring processors beforehand

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Vector::refresh ghost()

. . . send oset = is[0] + na3 [0] * (is[1] + na3 [1]*is[2]); recv oset = ir[0] + na3 [0] * (ir[1] + na3 [1]*ir[2]); Scalar *send buer = &v [send oset]; Scalar *recv buer = &v [recv oset]; if (do send && do recv) { MPI Sendrecv (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id, recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id, comm, &status); } else if (do send) { MPI Send (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id,comm); } else if (do recv) { MPI Recv (recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id,comm, &status); }

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Vector::refresh ghost()

. . . send oset = is[0] + na3 [0] * (is[1] + na3 [1]*is[2]); recv oset = ir[0] + na3 [0] * (ir[1] + na3 [1]*ir[2]); Scalar *send buer = &v [send oset]; Scalar *recv buer = &v [recv oset]; if (do send && do recv) { MPI Sendrecv (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id, recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id, comm, &status); } else if (do send) { MPI Send (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id,comm); } else if (do recv) { MPI Recv (recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id,comm, &status); }

We assume boolean variables do send and do recv have been initialized appropriately

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Vector::refresh ghost()

. . . send oset = is[0] + na3 [0] * (is[1] + na3 [1]*is[2]); recv oset = ir[0] + na3 [0] * (ir[1] + na3 [1]*ir[2]); Scalar *send buer = &v [send oset]; Scalar *recv buer = &v [recv oset]; if (do send && do recv) { MPI Sendrecv (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id, recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id, comm, &status); } else if (do send) { MPI Send (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id,comm); } else if (do recv) { MPI Recv (recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id,comm, &status); }

We assume boolean variables do send and do recv have been initialized appropriately Corresponding MPI calls are blocking MPI Send, MPI Recv, or MPI Sendrecv

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Vector::refresh ghost()

. . . send oset = is[0] + na3 [0] * (is[1] + na3 [1]*is[2]); recv oset = ir[0] + na3 [0] * (ir[1] + na3 [1]*ir[2]); Scalar *send buer = &v [send oset]; Scalar *recv buer = &v [recv oset]; if (do send && do recv) { MPI Sendrecv (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id, recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id, comm, &status); } else if (do send) { MPI Send (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id,comm); } else if (do recv) { MPI Recv (recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id,comm, &status); }

We assume boolean variables do send and do recv have been initialized appropriately Corresponding MPI calls are blocking MPI Send, MPI Recv, or MPI Sendrecv Data buers are simply pointers to the appropriate array values

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

Example Object-Oriented Code: MGMPI

Computational Domain SolverCG::apply() Matrix7::matvec() Vector::refresh ghost()

Sample code: Vector::refresh ghost()

. . . send oset = is[0] + na3 [0] * (is[1] + na3 [1]*is[2]); recv oset = ir[0] + na3 [0] * (ir[1] + na3 [1]*ir[2]); Scalar *send buer = &v [send oset]; Scalar *recv buer = &v [recv oset]; if (do send && do recv) { MPI Sendrecv (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id, recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id, comm, &status); } else if (do send) { MPI Send (send buer,1,ghost type, to rank,id,comm); } else if (do recv) { MPI Recv (recv buer,1,ghost type, from rank,id,comm, &status); }

We assume boolean variables do send and do recv have been initialized appropriately Corresponding MPI calls are blocking MPI Send, MPI Recv, or MPI Sendrecv Data buers are simply pointers to the appropriate array values An MPI derived datatype ghost type is used, dened using MPI Type vector or MPI Type contiguous

James Bordner

Object-Oriented Scientic Computing


Object-oriented programming can be used for large-scale parallel scientic computing Particularly useful for creating high-level data types that are natural to work with
e.g. Matrix, Solver, Field, Pde, etc.

Implementation details, including parallelism, can be encapsulated Object-oriented languages tend to be more complicated Eciency can be a concern The Object-Oriented Numerics Page reference material, mailing list, free software

James Bordner Object-Oriented Scientic Computing

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