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Police Asencies

Virginia Tech Police Deparfrnent

B lacksburg Police Departrnent
Montgomery County SherifPs Office
Christiansburg Police Department
Giles County Sheriff s Offrce
Pearisburg Police Departuent
Narrows Police Department
Pulaski County Sheriff s Office
Virginia State Police
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries-Game Wardens
Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau of Law Enforcement
Radford City Police Department
ATF-Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
FBl-Federal Buredu of Investigation
ICE-Immigrations Customs Enforcement
DEA-Drug Enforcement Administration
Secret Service
Botetourt County Sheriff s Office
Bedford County Sheriff s Office
Henry County Sheriff s Offrce
Roanoke County Police Department
Roanoke City Sheriff s Office
Roanoke City Police Department
Salem Police Department
Dublin Police Department
Floyd County Sheriff s Office
Vinton Police Department
Wytheville Police Department

Radford University Police Department

James Madison University Police Departrnent
Old Dominion University Police Department
University of Virginia Police Department
George Mason University Police Department
Hampden-Sydney University Police Department
Liberty University Police Department
Longwood University Police Department
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Police Department
Hampton University Police Department
Bridgewater College Police Department
EMS Agencies
Virginia Tech Rescue
Blacksburg Rescue
Blacksburg Fire Department
Christiansburg Fire Department
Elliston Fire Department
Christiansburg Rescue
Shawsville Rescue
Longshop-McCoy Rescue
Giles County Rescue
Newport Rescue
Salem Rescue
Roanoke City Fire and Rescue
Roanoke County Fire and Rescue
Vinton Rescue
Carilion Patient Transport Services
Lifeline Ambulance Service

Other Agencies/Businesses
Montgomery County Emergency Services Coordinator
Virginia Deparnnent of Emergency Management
Virginia Deparnnent of Health
American Red Cross
Salvation Army
Blacksburg Transit
Southem Baptist Disaster Relief
Second Harvest
McCoy Funeral Home
Horne Funeral Home
Pizza kn - Christiansburg
Subway - Christiansburg
Kroger's - Gables Shopping Center
Pepsi/Gatorade - Wytheville
Texas Road House
Chick Fillet - Christiansburg
"All Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Montgomery County Businesses that we ate unaware of'
"A special thank you to our Faith Community"
Vireinia Tech Departments
University Administration
Fleet Services
Parking Services
Communication Network Services
Residential and Dining Programs
Page I of I

Burton, Patricia

From: Armbruster,Megan
Sent: Monday, September24,2007 1:46 PM
To: Woodard, Linda; Burton, Patricia; Plummer, Ellen; 'Thomas, Karen'
Subject: Call Center details

Details for call center. I will be there at 8:30 a.m. with water bottles.

The telephone number for incoming (call back) calls will be (540) 231-0001.

Meea n

From: Rodgers, Patricia

Sentr Thursday, September 06,2007 10:20 AM
To: Armbruster, Megan
Subjecfi Call Center

Meg an,

Per our conversation this morning, we have reserved room 109 in research building 14 for use by Office of
Recovery and Support on September 25-27,9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and September 28, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

There will be 8 phones and 8 computers available for your use, physically dispersed throughout the room. I will
ask Bill Blevins to contact you concerning your specific calling needs.

There will be technical sr1pport available, should any issues arise with the computers.

Since RB14 is a secure building, a CNS employee must remain in the building until everyone has departed.

As before, we ask that all guests sign-ln and sign-out as they enter and leave the building, throughout the day.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide the adjoining conference room as a break room, as it is our largest
conference room and is needed for meetings.

Cost forvoice service will be consistent with charges for the prior call center. However, we are a cost recovery
unit and must charge a rate of $3O/hour for someone to remain in the building after 5:00 and for any technical
support (this should be minimal, based on the need from the last call center).

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you need anything else.

(l will be out of the office the week of 9/17.)

Pat Rodgers
Network lnfrastructure and Services

q/) A /1.nn'7
Burton. Patricia
From: Woodard, Linda
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 8:17 PM
To: Burton, Patricia
Subject: RE: Check in

I talked with ellen tshis evening. I will- be at the rneeting at 9 am on tuesday to help
'orienE' the callers. Karen Thompson did this wiLh the students earlier so I don't
envision any problems. We are going to make a few changes tomorrow Eo the email and the
survey. It will probably come from nark manamee and me instead of dr. Steger. We are not
going to include the physically injures (the faculty member. Wally Grant, or the custodial
worker who later had lhe heart attack) . Vie may end up with just one version of the email-
- focusing more on helping us plan. I lhink we will be ok.
Thanks for checking on j. Long. I don'E know anything about him.
sent from my Goodlink synchronj.zed handheld (

--- --oriqinal Messaqe-- -- -

From : Burton. Patricia
Sent: Sunday, september 23, 2007 07:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Woodard, Linda
subj ect: Check in
1inda - .Iudy is out tomorrow and Tuesday. I don't know what is happening with ,I Long -
the name is not familiar to me. He has noE been a subject of Case Managemen! discussion
as far as I can recall. I will check with Teresa Lyons for info.
I need a rnajor upda.te on the survey - I will check in with Rosie on that. I am concerned
that tshere is an rtorientaEion,' on Tuesday that HR seems to have some responsibility for.
Tf tshere is anything rL^! r ^- *j^^l-^
-^ we start the week, let me know.

Sent from my Goodl,ink synchronized handheld (
Page I of2

From: SarahThompson[] Sent: Tue 7OO7-04-74 23:75

To:; Osborne. Mary (Beth)
Subject Wednesday Schedule

Amy and Beth,

Here is a list of specialists who will be on-site tomorrow. Please ieel free to change this schedule as needed.
You may also call me with any questions and/or concems. Again, my number is 616*460-3751.

SG - Marilyn Hutchins: 540-357-2157 (Scheduled until 12:30 only)

SG - Lois Koufiran: 617-818-8099 (Scheduled until 2:30, but can stay the tull day if needed)
SQ - Richard Mague: 614-946-3486 (Scheduled until 12:30, but can stay the full day if needed)
SG - Lowell Thomas: 804-873-1 552 (Scheduled until 12:30, but can stay the full day if needed)
SG - Amy Moler: 540-616-7289
SQ/SG- Charfene Easter: 434-262-2450
SQ -Sue Rogge: 919-878-5858 (Can leaveearly ifneeded)
SQ - Jan Gray'. 757-3734259
SQ -Tom Northem: 757-535-2945
SO - Bifl Gamble: 5404214008
SQ - Katherine Meyersohn: 804-833-8776
SQ - Jennifer Slusher: 540-293-2041

Here are the assignmentsr

8a-9a - HR - Jeff Gorter
8:30a - 10:30a - Financial Aid - &ry Moler (Be sure to give herthe information listed on the calandar.
9a-1 1a - Bake Shop - Sue Rogge
1Oa - 12p - College of Business - Lowell Thomas
1:30p3:30p - ESM - Amy Moler
9a-2p - Dining Hall visits - Lois Koufman
Drop In - Lan Stadium - Sue Rogge
Squires Lead Person - Jan Gray

Jan Gray (Lead)
Richard Mague - until 12:30
Charlene Easter - until 1:00, then go to SG
Sue Rogge - based there, but will be doing drop ins
Tom Northern
Bill Gamble
Jennifer Slusher
Katherine Meyersohn

Marilyn Hutchins - until 't2:30
Lois Koufrnan - based there, but will be doing drop ins
Amy Moler - Groups at 8:30-10:30 and 1:30p-3:30p
Charlene Easter - will come over at 1:00p to relieve Amy
Lowell Thomas - scheduled until 12:30 - Group at 10a-12p

Sarah J. Thompson
Response Center Supervisor
Crisis Care Network
2855 44th Street, SW
Suite 360
Grandville, Ml 49418

https://weboutlook.vt.edr.r/exchange/aroszak/Inbo::/Wednesday%20Schedule.EMl?Cmd=o... 412512007
Contact Iufbrnralion Mondar'. ApLil 2i

Phone Nunrber
Sarah Thompsou 6t6-460-3751 line 540-231-074
Jefl'Gorter' 616-304-4915
Chuck Taylor 919-306-6 r 49
Karen McComb 304-74t-5002
l-heresa [)icone 804-2t2-69t6
Heidi 'laylor' 304-680-3377
Ruth Irielder 540-580-6300
Arny Moler s40-616-7289
Jennifer Slusher s40-293-2041
BillGamble 540-42t-4008
Galen Diehl 276-340-1173
Katlierine Meversohn 804-833-8776
Marilyn Flutchins 540-357 -2157
Sylvia Wri 304-320-5314
Lowel Thomas 804-873- 1 552
Bob Miller 540-250-3605 540-3 57 -3696

Name Phone Number Comments

Amy Adams 540-23t-7772 Southgate
Connie Wilkinson 540-231-3788 Hearing impaired -
Cook Counselins Center 540-231-6557 Students
Cranwel I International 540-230-8747 International Students and

Narne Phone Number

Darren Wagnon 540-529-9510
Bozana Young 540-808-81 10
Susan Atley 540-793-2631
Kathy Taylor 540-588-7274
Kirnberly Montgornery 540-353-6116
Marsha Jaudon 540-392-5567
S usan Blair 757-408-0440

ofle .'?n- fir- srs(

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Contact Information
Thursday 4119107

Judy Ridinger, 540-808-232 O i\fu#!;I
Amy Adams, 540-998-0834
Bob Miller, 540-250-306b/540-357-3696
Chuck 919-306-6149
Jeff 616-304-4915
Sarah 616-460-3751
Amy 540-616-7289 Go through Sarah Thompson
Linda 804-405-2949 Go through Sarah Thompson
Marilyn 540-357-2157 Go through Sarah Thompson
Darrin 540-529-9510 Go through Sarah Thompson
Allison 540-309-1331 Go through sarah rhompson
Bozana 540-808-8110 Go through Sarah Thompson
Susan 540-793-2631 Go through Sarah Thompson
Cathy 540-588-7224 Go through Sarah Thompson
Kimberly Montgomery 540-353-6116 Go throutn Sarah Thompson
Needra Voorhies (pm) 804-502-9111 Go through Sarah Thompson
LowellThomas (pm) 804-BZ3-1S52 Go through Sarah Thompson
KarenMcComb 304-741-5002
Heidi 304-680-3377 Go through Karen McComb
EddieTrieber 917-763-7317
MichaelWieleba 919-539-0537
Peter Manzo 617-T9T:|559
Barney Gaughan 224456-7192
Susan Blair 75Z-408-0440
carrie wilkinson, VT 540-231-3788 Interpreter for Hearing lmpaired

VT Staffrng for Thursday, May 10 Page I of I

Adams, Amy

From: Kaufmann,Rachel[]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 1A:52PM
Cc: Gagnon, Carol
Subject: VT Staffing for Thursday, May 10
lmportance: High

Here is the schedule for Thursday, May 10. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 800/444-9559 ext292560 or on my
cell at 919/306-0418. Thanks!

7:45-4:14 p.m. Charlene Easter 434/262-2450 CCN
9a.m. -5 p.m. Kim Montgomery 540/353-61l6 CCN
8:30-5:00 p.m. Wanda Osburn 5401355-1720 REACH
9-5:00 p.m. GH Vaughn REACH '-+ 431- a5l- GT)O

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Charlene Easter - Bunuss all day

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Kim Montgomery - Squires all day
8:30-12 :00 p.m. Wanda Osbum - OIRED -- Pack Building, Information sesssion, International Office
l2:30-5:00 p.m. Wanda Osbum - Squires rest of afternoon
9-11; l-3; :-S p.m. GH Vaughan, Andrews Information Systems Building, Information Systems Enterprise

Again, if you see anything on this list that needs to be adjusted, please call in the moming and I will make the needed
. adjusnnents. Thanks for your help and patience with me as I attempt to respond to all the service requests.

Rachel Kaufrnann.

Ut*LLu< *

* fuqr*tt<rS urttt ( Q(

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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. Ifyou have received this email in error please notiff
the sender by email, delete and destroy this message and its


Page I of I
v lru
Hincker, Larry

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Monday, MaY 28,2007 12:36 PM
To: ''
Subject: Your proposal CAW

Dear Ms Vecchione,

your script and film proposal to President Steger has made its way to my desk. li is a very interesting idea and
we wish you the besi of luck with your funding proposal. However, we will not be able to participate or endorse. lt
is imposiible to convey the volume of projects, programs, or requests that offlces throughout the university.have
received. The administration, particularly the senior administrators, are inundated. Just trying to manage the
normal flow of events is challenging. Now, post April 16 we find ourselves handling dozens of after-action
reviews, devising ways to help the university community deal with the tragedy while we prepare to ge1 the
university back to noimal, responding to the Governor's panel, fielding hundreds of media requests, finding ways
to thank ihe tens of thousands of people who offered direct support to their condolences, etc.
As an alumna, I know of your deep attachment to this institution. I too know Dean Mook and Ed Henneke
well. Ed and i served together on the commencement committee for two decades. So, I appreciate your
aftachment to our alma mater.

I wish you the best on Your film.


Larry Hincker
nii6ciate Vice President for
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg VA 24061
540 231 5396

Hincker, Larry

From: Wilkes, Lisa flwilkes@vt.edul

Sent: Sunday, May 27,2007 'l'.46 PM
To: Larry


Here is one more note Sandy received while you were away.

Thanks, Lisa

From: Smith, Sandra

Sentr Thursday, VlaY 24, 2007 8:13 AM
To: Wilkes, Lisa


Please handle as you feel appropriate'


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Asslsfanf fo fhe Fresldenf
Virginia Tech (01 31)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24461

Fromi elizabeth vecchione]

Sent: Wednesday, MaY 23,2007 4:24 PM


Preserving.A.merics'E Rlch Herirrge of Fr€cdom

May 23rd,2007

Dear President Steger

IIE: Aspects of Project.

Attnr Ms' SandY Smith

on our projects'
Dear president Steger, I *m n riting to you on today with additional imforrnation
i,CAWt', "The Fooi-Candles Pawer Plant lllan" nnd a bit more inforxnation about other lblbw-up
prngru*r. Pl*"r* be advised thxt we are currently awaiting final approval from the IRS to use

Page2 of2

, project for our foundation. l erpect approval in the very near future.

Following is a short portion of the mission statement:

Criteria for success: To to get all people, including all students of all ages and their parents
teachcrs and professors, talking about potential threats in their schools and eommunities; to raise
alvargness ab-out our changing worldo including cutting-edge scientific initiatives and ways to
prepare for possible threatsl to strengthen ethics and citizenship; to reduce apathy and
exponentiatly raise cornmunity,' commitment for a long term trasis *nd to lef students know that it
is okay to "snitch""

Results can also bc mcas$recl $$ Xlart of the school's Standards <if Learning {SOL) performance.

Project W.R.A.P. €xecutive Sumrnary:

project W.R.A.P.,(We're Ready and Prepared), teaches alrout threats to freedom
for Jtudents in learning institutions.lSoth man-madc and natural threafs su*h as terrorisf attacks
an6 natural disasters can be atlded ifso desired. It promotes educ*tion and awareness ofdisasters
of kitling antl carnage in schools and universities, methods that rt'e are using to combat the these
threats (such as planning, risk anall"sisn etc.).

Implementation activities include teaching special seminars at K-12 schools throughout the United
States, broken ttown into sehool districfs. It is hopeful that enormous sums of monetary support
to fun4 the scope of such an undertaking will be more than amply received through the proper
media and public relations approach to this project and as a result of the film production.
Handouts ruch as the Z-Carql for the school children and other students xt higher learning
institutions are also ineluded" Sirnilar handouts
ue available ftrr parents llnd edue*tors.
'["vpienllyr I can be
llyou 9r any$ne has {urtker querstions, please do not hesitate to c**t*ct me.
reachetl *ort ut'f**oons, exeept Frirtays after one otcktck or by ernail af any flnl*. With warm
regards, I am

Sincerely yourso


Elizabeth Joan Vecchione

Cief Executivc Officcr

862I Quail Creek tr)rive*Willow Spring*North Carolinx 27592-9337


Page 1 of2

Hincker, Larry

From: Wilkes, Lisa

Sent: Tuesday, MaY22,2007 4:13PM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subject: FW: Information from a HOKIE Alumni - Joan Vecchione

Here is one more note I received. Lisa

Fromi Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, May 22,2007 3:46 PM
To: Stump, Shannon; Wilkes, Lisa
Subject: FW: Information from a HOKIE Alumni - Joan Vecchione


From: elizabeth vecchione]

Sent: WednesdaY, MaY 75,2007 3:05 PM
Subject: Information from a HOKIE Alumni - Joan Vecchione

Elizabeth Joanne Vecchione

May 18th. 2007

A'l*f'N: Ms. SandY Snrith

Dear llresident Stegert

I hope that every rtay brings you and €veryone at my beloved sch*tll *l*ser to recovery (ifthere
will evor be anyi, in just a sm*rll w*y. I spoke to Sandy Smith <l:r y*sterday at length' and told her
the purpose of mY telePhone call-

For a goo4 number of years, I made it a personal interest of mine regarding killings_and carnage
in schiols glotrally, rigirt after the loss of my first son. As time went on and the incidents hecame
more prevalent, I became more interesfed.
' To shorten the story hcre, people began to find out about o rvhich ! began doing after thc October'
2$$6 killingsn in Colorado and $}le Arnish Community .

I began writing to individuals and legisl*tors and made them aw*rre of my anger nnd that I had
put i6gether a"plan that would help trring a more expetlitious end to this nasty cancer in our
iocieiy, and pcople began to listen! You would not believe it!

I want you to be awarc of this very intricate plan that I *'orked cn l'cr a very long time, Governor
Kaine's o{fice is aware of thiso through bis assistant, Ms. Amber Amato and also at Scnator Jim
Webb's office through Ms. Mary Humphrcl's.

Ms, Amato has informetl me thst she has passcd this information on to the Secretary for
Etlucation ftrr the of Public Safefy. There are two major comp$&enfs to fhis plan:

Page2 ofZ

o The m*!:iun pietur* ffikaz '"t]'&W'1 .

. The follow-up plan - "Fttc{*{ianeNles".
B6th of the above nrmes are nppropriate for each of the two components; however which one is
trest for which component has.ntlt yet becn decided.

This plan has been more than well received. I am in the process of writing the sscreenplay and am
*orklng on some of the script. I know that I cannot do it all of the pmject myself. I am currently
rvorking on the screnplay also as well as some of the sound track

itealizing that you have had thousands of communications since the 16fh of April, I know you are
very tired. f urge you, horvever to look at this with great haste' sir. Time is {rf the essence. These
acti are randomo siro as you are well aware. We must colleetively do snmcthing last.

After you have had the tixne fo review tbis material, pleuse cont5*ef $le $s soon as possihlc so that
lve can discuss our mutual needs a$cl tlesires to help prevent th*:so fragedies from happening
anywhere else!

I was in the Enginecring Science and $lechanics department under Tlr. Edmund Flcnnehe. I know
him and his secrctary Mrs. Nane-y Linkous well and also I)r. Dean T. *Iook - they are all cherished
friends 6f mine. I am also a TECH Alumia member at the Research Triangle Park Chapter in
Raleigh, North Carolina. I will send these two attachrnnet in a difl'erent e-mail as there is too
muc} information to send electronically in one.

Thank you for your most kind and prompt attenticn to this critical matter of the new brced af
ca$cer and terror in our sotief,v $r. Steger and, I am

Sincerely yours,


El iza beth Joanne Vecc.hiote

8621 Quail Creek Drive
Willow Spring
North Calolin a 21 592-937
elizabeth j oanns@gmail. com

Page 1 ofl

Evans, Susan

Sent: Sunday, September09, 2007 12:04 AM
To:; Evans, Susan; Hoyle, Theresa
Subjecfi W Shooting's, my condolence's

I want to first offer my condolence's to the student's and families of the W tragedy.
I would have loved to include the W staff and faculty, however, after RECENT event's, I believe that that
My two son's and daughter were hoping to come to your school, however, I WOULD NOT let that happen
in a million yea/s. lt was OUR plan's for year's.
However, it would be a COLD DAY in HELL before I let that happen now.
I hope that you FOOL's are happy with your decision's, because NO ONE else is.

Thank You,

See whafs new at and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Page I of 1

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:50 AM
To: Smiley, Doug
Cc: Adams, Zachary; lmperatore, Frank
Subject: RE: Central Fund for Hazardous Waste Disposal

lf she geis back to you, mention better regulatory compliance. ..

Fromr Smiley, Doug

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 8:11 AM
To: Hagerman, Coftney
Cc: Mondy, Bernadette; Imperatore, Frank; Adams, Zachary
Subject Central Fund for Hazardous Waste Disposal

I am wriiing to seek permission to use Central Funds (1-2'1739) to purchase a special storage building for one of
our waste collection areas. The building will provide much safer storage conditions. The cost of building will be
$25,000 - $35,000.

Thanks for you help.

Doug Smiley
Radiation Sitety otficer
Co-Director, Environmental Health & Safety Services
Virginia Tech
Mail Code 0423
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540)231-5364 FAX: (540)231-3944 I

Comments? Please complete our customer service survev

From: Waggoner, Charlotie
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:30 AM
to: ehsslsd-DL

f - rs: el-ectricity a: home so i:r. a - wc: t. : -gh; now ::.--. =:ing ena: -s :rom a- - --h: pecple
check-:-ng on me anC EHSS. . .

I will be -Laki:rg sone Ieave --his week. ..

I plan io atte:rd rhe convoca:ion ;hrs af::rnocn...ii anyone el-se is go:ng and wan'ls to go
r-,i i-h ma nl aaca r-:l I mr; nol I ??n-tR61

Cha:lo:te M. tr{aggoner, M.S., RBP

Univers::y Biosafe:y ofiicer and Responsi.c-e Off:c:a- invi::nmental-, Heal-i.: i:.c S.-e-y
Services (0423) Vrrginta Tech
459 Tech Cen:er Diive
Rl anl,<hrr-r \;- --- ri a 2406I
httc : //www. ehss. vi. edu/

(540) 231-5864
(540) 231-3944 rAX
t^nmne-rq? Srl.r.raqr j onq for imDrovement?
Page 1 of i

From: Strader,Cynthia
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 11:25 AM
To: Conner, Donald; Waggoner, Charlotte; Mondy, Bernadette
Subject: update

There is a lot of foot traffic moving into cassell.

Troopers on every intersection it appears.

Cynthia Strader
EHSS, 231-2699

Comments? Please complete our customer seNice suNey

Page l ofl

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 8:18 PM
To: ehss-managers-DL
Subject: FW: tomorrow, wednesday

Zack, Based on our phone conversaiion, l'll plan to be in by 1pm. Based on our phone call, this seems
acceptable. lf this doesn't work, call me at home.

From: Mondy, Bernadette

Sent: Tuesday, April L7, 2007 5:01 PM
To: ehss-managers-DL; ehss-lsd-DL
Subject: tomorrow, wednesday

Public school has been canceled for tomorrow. Dave is taking Jake to a preplanned golf event in Richmond. l'll
be taking the day off to be with Ry.

Page 1 of 1

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Monday, April 16,2O07 10:324M
To: ehss-all-Dl
Subject: news is now on CNN

You may want to think about emailing or phoning family members that might hear this on the news.

From: System Administrator
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 12:00 AM
to: Mondy, Bernadette
Subject: Your mailbox is over its size limit

lmportance: High

your mailbox has exceeded one or mcre s j ze .Limirs ser .5y your adrr,inisi-ra+, or .

Youl mailbox size is 107376 KB.

Ma i lbo>: srze l:m:cs:
You wif I :ece:-ve a wa:ning whe:r your ma:lbox reaches 51"200 KB.You may not
send o:: iec€:-ve new ma:l unttl you teduce i;our maiJ-cox s.l,ze.
To make more spa:: ava-lable, deLete a::y items il:a-- ycu are no longer using or move then
ye! Jvrrq4 fol rjer =i I e 1 nqf )

L-,ems in a-- of your mailbox folders including :he DefeieC J:ems and Sent ::ems folders
coun-- aoains-- vour si:e l:m::.
w..r - -q: o-y--v ihe )eie:eC l:ems fo-der afrer defe::nc items o! ihe space will noi be
See client Help for more infcrmation.
Page I of 1

From: Smiley, Doug

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 B:11 AM
To: Hagerman, Cofiney
Cc: Mondy, Bernadeile; lmperatore, Frank; Adams, Zachary
Subject: Central Fund for Hazardous Waste Disposal


I am writing to seek permission to use Central Funds (1-21739) to purchase a speciai storage building for one of
our waste collection areas. The building will provide much safer storage conditions. The cost of building will be
$2s.0oo - $35,000.

Thanks for you help.

Doug Smiley
Radiation Safety Officer
Co-Director, Environmental Health & Safety Services
Virginia Tech
Mail Code 0423
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540)231-5364 FAX: (540)231-3944 t

Comments? Please complete our customer service survey

Page I ofl

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 9:36 AM
To: ehss-all-DL
Subject: lock down

Until we get further info on the shooting, we are locking the building. Please do not go out on campus until you
hear from one of the managers.

Page 1of1

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 8:18 PM
To: ehss-managers-DL
Subject: FW: iomorrow, wednesday

Zack, Based on our phone conversation, l'll plan to be in by 1pm. Based on our phone call, this seems
acceptable. lf this doesn't work, call me at home.

From: Mondy, Bernadette

Sent: Tuesday, April L7,2007 5:01 PM
Tor ehss-managers-DL; ehss-lsd-DL
Subject: tomorrowr wednesday

Public school has been canceled for tomorrow. Dave is taking Jake to a preplanned golf event in Richmond. I'll
be taking the day off to be with Ry.

Page 1 ofl

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:50 AM
To: Smiley, Doug
Cc: Adams, Zachary; lmperatore, Frank
Subject: RE: Central Fund for Hazardous Waste Disposal

lf she gets back to you, mention better regulatory compliance...

From: Smiley, Doug

Sent: Monday, April 15, 2007 8:11 AM
To: Hagerman, Coftney
Cc Mondy, Bernadette; Imperatore, Frank; Adams, Zachary
Subject Central Fund for Hazardous Waste Disposal


I am writing to seek permission to use Central Funds (1-21739) to purchase a special storage building for one of
our waste collection areas. The building will provide much safer storage conditions. The cost of building will be
$25,000 - $35,000.

Thanks for you help.

Doug Smiley
Radiation Safety Officer
Co-Director, Environmental Health & Safety Services
Virginia Tech
Mail Code 0423
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540)231-5364 FAX: (540)231-3944
http://www. ehss. vt. ed u/

Comments? Please complete our customer service survev

Page 1of1

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 5:01 PM
To: ehss-managers-DL; ehss-lsd-DL
Subject: tomorrow, wednesday

Public school has been canceled for tomorrow. Dave is taking Jake to a preplanned golf event in Richmond. l'll
be taking the day off to be with Ry.

Page i of i

From: Smiiey, Doug

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 8:11 AM
To: Hagerman, Cortney
Cc: Mondy, Bernadette; lmperatore, Frank; Adams, Zachary
Subjech Central Fund for Hazardous Waste Disposal


I am writing to seek permission to use Central Funds (1-21739) to purchase a special storage building for one of
our waste collection areas. The building will provide much safer storage conditions. The cost of building will be
$25,000 - $35,000.

Thanks for you help.

Doug Smiley
Radiation Safety Officer
Co-Director, Environmental Health & Safety Services
Virginia Tech
Mail Code 0423
Blacksburg, V424061
Phone: (540)231-5364 FAX: (540)231-3944

Comments? Please complete our customer service survev

VirEinia Tech Alumni Association Page2 of2

om Tillar
ice President for Alumni Relations

ore information as it unfolds continues to be posted at u'u\'

Vireinia Tech Alumni Association Page 1 of2

From: alumnivt
Sent Tuesday, April17,2OA7 12:30 PM
To: alumnivt


o our Virginia Tech alumni, I write the kind of message I never expected to have to write in my entire career
sgrving the university. On Monday, the 16th of April, a campus resident senior student shot two students in
Johnston residence hall and proceeded shortly thereafter to the other side of the Drillfield, entered
ris Hall and randomly shot more than 40 students and faculty in several classrooms. He then tumed his
gun on himself and took his own life. As I write this, 32 students and faculty who were among his victims
died. Others remain hospitalized. An ongoing investigation will answer so many facts and questions
unknown at this time.

is the most horrific scene in the history of this or any university. Our hearts go out to the families and
ones of the victims. Our hearts go out to the friends, ciassmates and others who witnessed this
. A Memorial convocation is scheduled today (Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time) and
be nationally televised. President ard Mrs. George W. Bush are expected to attend, along with Virginia
and Mrs. Tim Kaine and other dienitaries.

is a shockilg crime with crime scenes that have attracted national and inten:ational press, all
their live news shows from the Holtzman Alumni Center. President Charles Steger, himself an
nus, has personally expressed with utmost compassion his condolences to the famiiies who have been
ified and are still being notified. His leadership through this tragedy has been extraordinary. All ofus at
university wish to demonstrate our compassion especially to our students who have experienced a kind of
and tragedy that hopefuliy they never will again. We share in their deepest sorrow and grief.

universities and institutions across the country,, and indeed around the world, have cornmulicated with
to express their shock and sympathy. Many of our alumni have communicated with us and also with each
to share expressions of support as well as their personal grief. I am confident that Virginia Tech will
from this in whatever time it may take, and will do so because of irs strong support from a family of
caring alumni numbering over 200,000, including our current students and all their families. The faculty,
staff and entire surrounding communiry are committed to heiping our students and faculty recover from this
terrible event. Those who will follou' them will continue to embrace the true meanins of our motto
I May Serve," that bonds the enthe Hokie Nation.

Alumni Association placed a single u,reath in the Campus Chapel within hours of the tragedy, and the
ofCadets has posted an honor guard with it to symbolize a universit-v honoring those it has lost so
ically. It is but one symbol of the enormous grief that an enrire campus and family of alumni around the
must bear. Many have asked how they may send financial memorials. .. any memorial gifts, payable to
"Virginia Tech Foundation," desisnated specifically for the "virginia Tech Family Fund," should be
to University Development, 902 Prices Fork Road (0336), Biacksbwg, VA 24061.

you for your genuine concern and expressions of support for all of us at the universiq'. And please
those who lost their lives and their grieving famiiies in your thoughts and prayers.

Page 1 of 1

To: ehss-managers-Dl ehss-lsd-DL

Subject: tomorrow, wednesdaY

Public school has been canceled for tomorrow. Dave is iaking

Page 1 of 1

From: Mondy,Bernacette
Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 5:01 PM
To: ehss-managers-DL; ehss-lsd-DL
Subject: tomorrow, wednesday

Public school has been canceled for tomorrow. Dave is taking Jake to a preplanned golf event in Richmond. l'll
be taking the day off to be with Ry.

From: System Administrator
Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 12:00 AM
To: Mondy, Bernadette
Subject: Your mailbox is over its size limit

lmportance: High

Your mailbox has exceeded one or more s.ize ltnits set by your adnln:stra-Lor.
Your mailbox size is 107398 KB.
box size l-iirL:--s:
Ycu wil- rece:ve a warning when vour mailbox reacnes 5120C KB.You may not l^^ ^t^t e
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send o: receive !r€\,r, 1116f I unt.'l you :ecir-rce your nia-ibov- ?'-ze.
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ad: i nci \r.)"- .:Ze l:mit .
You m-rst empty che lel-e-Led ltems joLder afte: de-et:ng items or the space wr-- not
See client Help for more information.
Page I of 1

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Monday, April '16, 2007 10:32 AM
To: ehss-all-DL
Subject: news is now on CNN

You may want to think about emailing or phoning family members that might hear this on the news.

From; System Administrator
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 12:00 AM
to: Mondy, Bernadetie
Subject: Your mailbox is over its size limit

lmportance: Hiqh

Your mailbox has exceeded one oi more s:-ze lrmirs se-' bv your admin:-strato:.
Your mailbox size is 107376 KB.
Mailbox si ze limits :
Ycu wiil :eceive a warning when your rnail-box reaches 51200 KB. You nay nci be able
send or receive new maiL unr:- you reduce you: maribox s::e.
To make more s:Dace a-;a:-able, defete any items that you are no longe: usi-ng or move them
ev rr.\,1r
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I:ems in afl of your mailbox iolders including :he Deleted l:ems and Sent ltems fo.l-der:s
count aEa:nst your size l-init.
Y.)rl mr1<i 6'rr^1f \r thtr 'releteqi :tens fOldef e':er del ci- i no ' ;-omq n r. -ho qr,a/-6 i,.r.i ' i n.ri ha

S6a -licnt '] n f nr^ mofe infofmation

Page I of2

Hincker, Larry

From: Thorp, Jim

Sent: Friday, May 04,2007 9:54 AM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subject: FW: W Engineering Profressor Corners Blacksburg Police Ofiicer in Local Restaurant


Maggie Sloane suggested I fonvard this to you among others. The faculty member seems to be in ECE. Hardus
Odendaal fits the description and admits he was there.

Jim Thorp

From: Marion Pond]

Sent: Thursday, May 03,2007 l2:2lPM
Cc: Walz, John; Hall, Christopher; Thorp, Jim; Griffin, O. Hayden; Ellis, Lee Ann;;;
Subject: W Engineering Profressor C.orners Blacksburg Police Officer in Local Restaurant

To Everyone,

I am sending this email to The President and Department Heads of the Engineering programs at Tech
whose email address I could locate off of homepages. If in the end of this email you know who I am
speaking of when I refer to the "professor" I would appreciate letting the right person know. I do not
know this man's identity but I do know he is some sort of instructor/teacher. I was involved in an
incident last night that leaves me feeling SICK. I will be as short and to the point as possible. I know
we are all grieving after Monday the 16th but IF WE ARE VIRGINIA TECH AND WE WILL
PREVAIL we all need to be on the same page to make it through.

I am a VT graduate (99 Mathematics) and a former HighTech (dance team). I am currently an assistant
coach to the HighTechs. I taught Mathematics for 7 years (3 of which were at Blacksburg High). My
point is that I have a physical and emotional bond to this community. Most importantly, my boyfriend
of 4 years, Brian, is a Blacksburg Offtcer and member of the Blacksburg ERT (SWAT) team. He,
unfortunately, was the FIRST person in that building on 4-16-07 before the gunman shot himself. I
cannot explain to you what kind of man Brian is and how this has ripped him apart. He is military, he
has served in Afghanistan, he found Eric Sutphin when shot by Morva, he captured Morva, and though
all of that he was reserved, quiet, almost emotionless to others. This current tragedy has broken him.
This is why I was SO distwbed last night when a "professor" of engineering walks up to our table at
Cabo (a restaurant in town) and the first words out of his mouth after "how are you" were...."So what is
being done about what happened?" After an hour conversation ofpure ignorance this tall, slender, long
haired man who is originally from South Africa and came to VT in 1997 kepl repeating over and over
and over again how he felt safer in South Africa. He kept saying that he gets several emails from faculty
and students daily expressing how they do not feel safe. He kept saying that something could have been
done to stop that day. Locking down campus, police not responding fast enough, police not being
trained, etc. I understand everyone has an opinion and that is why we are in the US. Brian and one of
our friends got up from the table in the middle of this "professor" ranting and when the two males left
me alone with him the "professor" began cursing at me and getting in my face. I had asked him why he
was here in the US if he felt safer in South Africa. His response was..."Why do you people think you

Page2 of2

know fucking everything? You people do not know fucking shit." Keep in mind he never ONCE used
profanity in the presence of Brian or our male friend. When Brian and our friend retumed to the table
they continued the conversation with the "professor". My concem is that if this "professor" will come
up to a police officer in the middle of a restaurant when off duty and start ranting about "what ifs" what
is this "professor" feeding to co-workers and MORE IMPORTANTLY, students? I love this university
and this town. It is my home and I cherish it. It is not a job or a research glant or a stepping stone. To
have the University represented by such ignorance sickens me. To know graphic details ofwhat
happened in Norris Hall that day and to know what Brian saw sickens me. The worst part is that this
"professor" ruined a night that Brian was trying to relax and forget. He hasn't slept since that tragic
Monday. It replays in his head over and over. I just think that something needs to be said to this
"professor". Brian couldn't remember this man's name and when Brian asked him what his name was
the man left and said "Nevermind". Again, I just want people to know how employees and grown adults
who represent VT are behaving. To me it is unacceptable.
I apologize for babbling and my poor grarnmar and misuse of commas. After all, I was a Math Majorl
Thank you for you time.

Marion Pond

Ahirh...imagining that irresistible "new cal" smell?

Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Friday, June 22,2007 10:30 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Gc: Hincker, Larry; Stith, Randall; Dame, Michael
Subject: FW: W Convocation Stream

Susan- -

For Che April 17 convocation file.


---- -Origina1 Message- - ---

From: Smit.h, Sandra
Sent: Thursday, ,fune 2Lt 2007 4:25 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: FW: VT ConvocaEion Stream
- - - - -Original- Message- -- --
From: Kevin Hicks lmailto: kehicks2@vt. edul
Sent; Wednesday, Aprif I8, 2007 1:51- PM
To: president@vt. edu
Cc: Weaver, Jim; East, Tirn; WeI1s, ,Jeremy; freyguy3 OO@yahoo. com; SaIas, Damiani Mcgloskey.
Sharon;; Stith, Randall; Hardin, Samuel; Gabbard, Tom; Dame, l.tichael
Subject; FW: VT Convocation Stream
Below are the number of people who logged on to the free internet site Turner Broadcasting
allowed us to use yesEerday to carry the convocation ceremony. f thought some of you
might 1i-ke to know how many people from around tshe worl-d watched the ceremony on the
internec either five or watched the archived file later, They were able to access lhis
through a link that vras set up both on and the websites. I
can'! Chank the peopfe aE Turner enough for aflowing us to set this up.
Kevin Hicks
>Hi Kevin,
>f want.ed to share with you the numbers we have gotten from your
>coverage of the convocat.ion yesterday.
>We had 70,490 unique visitors view the stream yesterday. There were
hits on the l-ive sEream and ld,?87 have hit the VOD of the event
>as of midnight.
>Hope this he1ps. Your efforls were very worthwhile.

Kevin Hicks
Director of Broadcasting and Visual Media Virginia Tech At.hletics
225 ltierryman Center
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231- 98 04
From: Mondy, Bernadette
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1 1 :59 AM
lo: Mondy, Bernadette; ehss-managers-DL
Subject: RE: tomorrow, wednesday

Z ca]led and said he dcesn't need me. l!11 s--av home unless I hear f:orn hin.

-----Oriqinal Message-----
Fron: Mondy, Be:nader: e
Sent: Tue 20C1-44-11 20: LB
To: ehs s -=ana g=:s -)L
Qrr'-.r j-,-
.)Jt aa- . :i^1 . 1- t ,.,^n-^-J-,,

naaV p.e6.i .rrr ^\/1i16 r.nnr'.:re::-i r- T'l l n1 ih t-^ 1-\6 .in r.rr. - p1x- ppso.l .n o"r phone
cal-I, this seefi-s acc:Dtab]e. I: chr"s doesn'r wo:k, caff me at home.

From: Mondy, Be:nadette

c6h- . T,,6eA>\'
u!rvq-)l An-i I 1 1 )n|,'l q. n1 DM
To: ehs s-manager s-DL,' ehss--sC-DL
!uvJeve = n:-

Pub1ic school has been canceled for tomorrow. h:rzo ie l-rLiri.' .TrLF +.' : rr:_er'1:nnaA rrn'l f
eveni in Richmond. Trl l hc f eki in rho ri:rr n' -n }- c u;i l-h Prr
Page 1 ofl

From: Wiliiams, Jeremy

Sent: Wednesday, April 18,2007 7:45 AM
To: ehss-all-DL

Zach is in the process of setting up a Coordination Center in Skelton. He will be there and in Solitude for most of
the day. lf he is needed try his
cell phone.


Comments? Please complete our customer service survey

Page 1of1

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Tuesday, April 17,2007 3:51 PM
To: ehss-lsd-DL
Subject: meeting tomorrow canceled.

Everyone, please do what you need to do to take care of yourselves this week.

Page 1 of 1

From: Conner, Donald

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 1'.07 PM
To: Strader, Cynthia; Waggoner, Charlotte; Mondy, Bernadette
Subject RE: update

yeah, with W coming I think l'll watch this one on the tube. Chances of getting in are about 0 now.

From: Strader/ Cyntnra

Senh Tue 2007-04-t7 LL:25
To: Conner, Donald; Waggoner, Charlotte; Mondy, Bernadette
Subject update

There is a lot of foot traffic moving into cassell.

Troopers on every intersection it appears.

Cynthia Strader
EHSS, 231-2699

Comments? Please complete our customer service suNev

Page I ofl

From: Conner, Donald

Sent: Tuesday, April,2007 9:1 3 AM

To: Waggoner,Charlotte;ehsslsd-DL
Subject: RE:

I am watching news and getting my act together and heading in to campus slowly. I will be attending the
convocation this afternoon as well. - Donald

From: Waggoner, Charlotte

Sent! Tue 2Oo7-04-t7 07:29
To: ehss-lsd-DL

I lost electricity at home so im at work right now answering emails from all the people checking on me and EHSS...

i will be taking some leave tlis week..-.

I plan to attend the convocation this aftemoon...if anyone else is goi"g and wants to go with me, please call my cell 320-

Charlotte M. Waggoner, M.S., RBP

University Biosafety OfEcer and Responsible Ofiicial
Environmental, Health and Safety Services (0423)
Virginia Tech
459 Tech Center Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 2406 I
hnp: //ra, r,,,ra,.

(s4o) 231-5864
is+oi zr r-ss+q rAx
Comments? Suggestions for improvement?

Page I ofl

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:32 AM
To: ehss-all-DL
Subject: news is now on CNN

You may want to think about emailing or phoning family members that might hear this on the news.

Page 1 of 1

From: Mondy,Bernadette
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 9:36 AM
To: ehss-all-DL
Subject: lock down

Until we get further info on the shooiing, we are locking the building. Please do not go out on campus until you
hear from one of the managers.

Page 7 of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, June 26,2007 3:35 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school

For duckpond file

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, June26,2007 3:34 PM
To: Hincker, Larry; 'Matthew Bowers'
Subjectr RE: On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school

Yes, Frances just had her baby within the past two weeks. . . . Mother and baby are fine.

And to further complicate the "dismissed from school" question, you have academic dismissals (cheating/honor code violations)
and student discipline (Office of Judicial Affairs). You may wish to clarify that. . .

Regarding the Duck pond . . .

was wondering from you all whether cleaning out stuff from the bottom (trash, debris, found items) was part of the regular
maintenance planned
ANS\A/ER: yes, cleaning debris and sediment will be a part of our maintenance once the Virginia State Police are done with their

and whether any inventory would be kept (the wild and wacky stuff tossed into the pond over the years
ANSVI/ER: Virginia Tech Police will review all the non-organic debris tossed in there to see if any of it will help close unsolved
campus crimes: other than that, no.

how big the pond is (l've read about 2 acres and as much as 10 feet deep?),
ANSWER: I don't have specific data, but that's about right.

when the draining was expected to be completed (heard there were rain delays since Sunday), how long it will be empty and
what kinds of maintenance will you be doing?
ANSWER: All TBA. Police are currently doing their work. lf more water needs to be drained to meet their needs, they will inform
us. Once they complete their work, the pond will remained drained for us to do our maintenance. How long that takes will depend
on the visual inspections of the dam and retaining walls and what is seen. Planned maintenance includes cleaning of debris and
sediment, repair of the spillway between the upper and lower duck pond; clearing and pruning trees along Duck Pond Drive near
the golf course and the island in the lower duck pond; visual inspections of the dam and retaining walls. lt would be fair to say that
we expect the Duck Pond to be drained about a month, Work progress also greatly depends on Mother Nature and her weather
forecasts (more rain, slower the work)

Hope this helps.


From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 3:04 PM
To: 'Matthew Bowers'; Owczarski, Mark
Subject RE: On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school


Mark will respond RE the Duck Pond story.

As for the disciplinary system and what it takes to be dismissed, that one is no easy answer. lt's complicated, but base primarily
on the severity of the offense, and whether it's repeated. There truly is no simple answer. You will want to get familiar with this

Page 2 of2
se:tion of our website:

http://www.judicial.vt.ed u/upsl.php

Atonetime,thedirectorofjudicial affairspostedherannual reportthere...butldon'tseeit. We'll trytogetacopyofthatandit

will give you a sense of what they review. As you can imagine, a high percentage relate to alcohol. I asked the question earlier
th'is year about dismissals. Yes, it is rare. Last year, we dismissed only one student.

Frances Keene is the director, and I will copy her on the note... but if I recall, she was about to have a baby.

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5396

From: Matthew Bowers [] :

Sene Tuesday, June 26, 2A07 z;tg PM

To: Hincker, Larry; Owczarski, Mark
Subject On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school

Hi. Tried to reach you by phone, but your boxes were full.

Was checking real quick about the Duck Pond draining. Police already gave us most rnformation; was wondering from you all
whether cleaning out stuff ftom the bottom (trash, debris, found items) was part of the regular maintenance planned and whether
any inventory would be kept (the wild and wacky stuff tossed into the pond over the years), how big the pond is (l've read about 2
acres and as much as '10 feet deep?), when the draining was expected to be completed (heard there were rain delays since
Sunday), how long it will be empty, and what kinds of maintenance will you be doing?

On another issue, was wondering who would be the best person to talk with there about the thresholds for dismissing a student
from your school (l'm checking with schools all around the state) -what offenses does it take and what process is required, how
many have you all dismissed/expelled in the past five years, say, and what were the reasons. I'm learning that it's rare, and am
trying to show our readers why and how it works.


Matt B.

Matthew Bowers
Staff writer
The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.
(757) 222-3893

6/27 /2007
'Police search virginia Tech Duck pond
for clues about April l6
Page l of
Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:41 pM
To: Evans, Susan; Cox, Shawn
Subject: FW News 7 News Alert

Duck pond file

From : WDBJT [mailto:]

Senh Tuesday, June 2G, 2OO7 lL:57 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: News 7 News Alert


June 26, 2007

Police search Virginla Tech Duck pond for clues
about April 16

Divers are at virglnia Tech

today searching the duck pond,
State Police asked the university. to drain the popular
pond to
search for clues to the April 16 shootings.

State Police have been out there-since early this morning,

won t say what they are looking for, only that They
they are t;iin;. to
teave no stone unturned in their investigation of
npri| fO.,
The,shooter, Seung Hui Cho, was seen by several people
Duck pond in between the shootings at the
v{,".i a: J"-., '""J' " ''
Norris Hall. "t

ATF.agents told the Washington post that Cho

removed the
hard drive from his computJr and that it tas neuer
Oe-Jn"ii-, na.
But again, srate potice won't confirm th"f, *h;i6t;;;-" '''
looking for.

They are using specialized metal detectors and have

come across old beer cans and fishing poles,

to s€arch all day and possibly for the rest of this

week, depending on how! well the search --- - -" -

More Local News

P:9licg:ea:TcfJirsi r crues

Police search Virginia Tech Duck Pond for clues about April 16 Page2 of2

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Virginia Tech & State Police drain oond in
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Page I of2

Evans, Susan
Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 3:35 PM
Evans, Susan
Subjecf FW: On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school

For duckpond file

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 3:34 PM
To: Hincker, Larry; 'Matthew Bowers'
Subjectr RE: On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school
Yes, Frances just had her baby within the past two weeks. . . . Mother and baby are fine.

And to further complicate the "dismissed from school" question, you have academic dismissals (cheating/honor code violations)
and student discipline (Office of Judicial Affairs). You may wish to clarify that. . .

Regarding the Duck pond . . .

was wondering from you all whether cleaning out stuff from the bottom (trash, debris, found items) was part of the regular
maintenance planned
ANSWER: yes, cleaning debris and sediment will be a part of our maintenance once the Virginia Stiate Police are done with their

and whether any inventory would be kept (the wild and wacky stuff tossed into the pond over the years
ANSWER: Virginia Tech Police will review all the non-organic debris tossed in there to see if any of it will help close unsolved
campus crimes; other than that, no.

how big the pond is (l've read about 2 acres and as much as 10 feet deep?),
ANSWER: I don't have specific data, but that's about right.

when the draining was expected to be completed (heard there were rain delays since Sunday), how long it will be empty, and
what kinds of maintenance will you be doing?
ANSWER: All TBA. Police are currently doing their work. lf more water needs to be drained to meet their needs, they will inform
us. Once they complete their work, the pond will remained drained for us to do our maintenance. How long that takes will depend
on the visual inspections of the dam and retaining walls and what is seen. Planned maintenance includes cleaning of debris and
sediment, repair of the spillway between the upper and lower duck pond; clearing and pruning trees along Duck Pond Drive near
the golf course and the island in the lower duck pond; visual inspections of the dam and retaining walls. lt would be fair to say that
we expect the Duck Pond to be drained about a month. Work progress also greatly depends on Mother Nature and her weather
forecasts (more rain, slower the work)

Hope this helps.


Flom: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2007 3:04 PM
To: 'Matthew Bowers'; Owczarski, Mark
Subject: RE: On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school

Mark will respond RE the Duck Pond story.

As for the disciplinary system and what it takes to be dismissed, that one is no easy answer. lt's complicated, but base primarily
on the severity of the offense, and whether it's repeated. There truly is no simple answer. You will want to get familiar with this

Page 2 of2
section of our website:

http://www. iudicial. pho

At one time, the director of judicial affairs posted her annual report there... but I don't see it. We'll try to get a copy of that and it
will give you a sense of what they review. As you can imagine, a high percentage relate to alcohol. I asked the question earlier
this year about dismissals. Yes, it is rare. Last year, we dismissed only one student.

Frances Keene is the director, and I will copy her on the note... but if I recall, she was about to have a baby.

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396

From: Matthew Bowers]

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:19 PM
To: Hincker, Larry; Owczarski, Mark
Subject On golden Duck Pond; dismissal from school

Hi. Tried to reach you by phone, but your boxes were full.

Was checking real quick about the Duck Pond draining. Police already gave us most information; was wondering from you all
whether cleaning out stuff from the bottom (trash, debrls, found items) was part of the regular maintenance planned and whether
any inventory would be kept (the wild and wacky stuff tossed into the pond over the years), how big the pond is (l've read about 2
acres and as much as 10 feet deep?), when the draining was expected to be completed (heard there were rain delays since
Sunday), how long it will be empty, and what kinds of maintenance will you be doing?

On another issue, was wondering who would be the best person to talk with there about the thresholds for dismissing a student
from your school (l'm checking with schools all around the state) - what offenses does it take and what process is required, how
many have you all dismissed/expelled in the past five years, say, and what were the reasons. l'm learning that it's rare, and am
trying to show our readers why and how it works.


Matt B.

Matthew Bowers
Staff witer
The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va.
(t57) 222-3893

Page 1 of2

Onczarski, Mark

From: Elvey, William

Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 11:35 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Cc: Beach, John; Helms, Mark
Subjech FM/: Upper and Lower Duck pond


FYI below as we discussed over the phone earlier this morning.

Could you please help create an appropriate campus notice that would help alert the campus
community to the planned maintenance activities that are described below?


W. M. Elvey

Assistant Vice President for Facilities

Virginia Tech
Sterrett Facilities Complex (0127)
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Ph: 540-231 -6291 F ax: 540-231 47 45

---Original Message--- (o'u
From: Mark Helms []
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:56 AM
To: Elvey, \Mlliam
Cc:Albert, Joseph; Beach, John
Subject: Upper and Lower Duck pond


We are gefting ready to do some much needed repairs to the spillway

between the upper and lower pond. Originally, we believed that we
would only need to lower the upper pond but have found that our
efforts will require dropping the water levels of the lower pond as
well. lt has been nearly 20 years since the pond was dredged and
nearly that long since we have done a good inspection on the dam. I
would like to suggest that we drain the pond beginning June 24. This
would be done systematically over the course of several days. All
inspections would be completed, several large trees that need work on
the golf course side could be pruned and or removed, and it would be
a great opportunity to eliminate the water problems along the
retaining wall at the golf course. My best guess would have the pond
empty for about a month. This could be impacted by extremely wet or
dry weather.

A I'' A I'I AA'7

Page 7 of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Gc: Hincker, Larry
Subject FW: Project updates


For the duckpond file.


From: Elvey, William

Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 B:43 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Beach, John
Subject: RE: Project updates


Please see my comments in bold below.


From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 8:40 AM
To: Elvey, William; Beach, John
Subject: Project updates

Bill and/or John-

Can either of you tell me what the status is with . . .

1. The temporary memorial. \Men will it likely be done? \Nhat is done and what remains to be completed?

The temporary memorial is well along and should be completed later this month.
2. The duck pond. What have we done, and what remains to be done, repair wise? When is it projected to be completed and
filled again?

We decided to refillthe pond after repairing the dam and have deferred any additional major repairs
until the Summer of 2008 or later.
Getting media calls on these two. Any update will be helpful.



Mark Owczarski
Director of News and lnformation

Page I of I


From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 2:08 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW duck pond

For the duckoond file

From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 2:01 PM
To: Wilkes, Lisa; Hincker, Larry
Cc: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: RE: duck pond

Thanks, Lisa. I was unaware of a connection between the golf course and the duck pond.

From: Wilkes, Lisa

Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 1:19 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kiml Hincker, Larry
Cc: Owczarski, Mark
Subject duck pond

Kim and Larry,

Joey Albert just called me. There have been a few complaints (primarily from the Jay Hardwick) about draining of the Duck
Pond. They started last night. Jay's concerns relate primarily to his inability to water the course. The complaints came through
John Beach and John is handling as they do not want folks to know this is a police effort. This is a "heads-up" for you (1) Kim, in
case your office receives complaints and (2)Larry to let you know they are starting.

Thanks, Lisa

Page l ofl

Evans, Susan

Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 8:50 AM
Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Duckpond wedding

Duckpond file

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent Tuesday, June 25, 2007 8150 AM
To: Muse, Sandra; Scoggins, Holly
Cc: Hincker, Larry
Subject Duckpond wedding

Hollv and Bob-

l've got a distressed (but understanding) bride who had planned to be married at the Gazebo on the duckpond mid July. In light of
the draining, it is likely she'll need a new location at the last minute (repairs to the spillways may take more than a month after the
state police leave). Any chance either of you can help?

She is Leslie Willis, 703-915-3721.


Mark Owczarski
Director of News and Information
Virginia Tech
3,|4 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
540-320-2001 (home)

From: Albert, Joseph
Sent: Friday, June 22,2007 11'.27 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: FW: Upper and Lower Duck pond

Captain 't. C. Albert

operations Division
Virginla Tech Police
geerretE Facifities Complex ( 0523 )
Blacksburg, virginia 24051
540 -23L - L249
- - ---originaf Message-- ---
From: Mark Hefme lmai l to : mahelms@vts . edu]
Sent: Tuesday, June L2, 2007 l-0:56 AM
To: Elvey, william
Ccr Albert, Joseph; Beach, John
Subject: Upper and L,ower Duck Pond
We are getting ready to do some much needed repairs tso the spillway between the upper and
lower pond. originally, we bel-ieved that $re would only need to lower the upper pond but
have found that our efforts will reguire droppj-ng the water levels of the lower pond as
we1l. It has been nearly 20 years since the pond was dredged and nearly thats long since
we have done a good inspection on the dam. I would l-ike to suggest that we draj-n the pond
beginning lTune 24. This woufd be done systematically over the course of several days.
Afl inspeclions would be completed, several large trees tshat need work on the golf course
side could be pruned and or removed, and it would be a great opportunity Eo eliminate the
water problems along the retaining wall at the gol-f course. My best guess would have the
pond empty for about a moneh. This could be impacted by extremely wets or dry weather.
Let me know whaE you think......Mark
Page I ofl
Evans, Susan

From: Orczarski. Mark

Sent: Monday, June25,2007 2:OBPM
To: Evans. Susan
Cc: Hincker, Lany
Subjech Duckpond story

Please file in the Duckpond draining 6125107 file-

Julie Dixon, PlO, Va Game and Inland Fisheries, 804-3674991


Mark Owczarski
Director of News and lnformatron
Virginia Tech
314 Buruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
540-320-2001 (home)
v lnient lhe Futurs


Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 8:37 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Upper and Lower Duck pond

Duckpond file. Thanks

From; Elvey, William

Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 11:35 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Cc: Beach, John; Helms, Mark
Subject FW: Upper and Lower Duck pond


FYI below as we discussed over the phone earlier this morning.

Could you please help create an appropriate campus notice that would help alert the campus community to
the planned maintenance activities that are described below?


W. M. Elvey

Assistant Vice President for Facilities

Virginia Tech
Sterrett Facilities Complex (0127)
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Ph: 540-231-6291 F ax: 540-231 -4745

---Original Message----
From: Mark Helms []
Sent:Tuesday, June 12,2007 10:56 AM
To: Elvey, William
Cc:Albert, Joseph; Beach, John
Subject: Upper and Lower Duck pond


We are getting ready to do some much needed repairs to the spillway

between the upper and lower pond. Originally, we believed that we
would only need to lower the upper pond but have found that our
efforts will require dropping the water levels of the lower pond as
well. lt has been nearly 20 years since the pond was dredged and
nearly that long since we have done a good inspection on the dam. I
would like to suggest that we drain the pond beginning June 24. This
would be done systematically over the course of several days. All
inspections would be completed, several large trees that need work on
the golf course side could be pruned and or removed, and it would be

Page I of3

Evans. Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Fdday, June 22,2007 3:03 PM
Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Duckpond

4116 frle on today's Washington Post story

From: Geller, Corinne []

Sent: Friday, June22,2007 1:57 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Albert, Joseph
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Flinchum, Wendell; Flaherty, W, Steven, Colonel; Carpentierl, RobertJ., Sgt.
Subject RE: Duckpond


There's nothing written down. lim simply telling reporters that "This was an unauthorized release of the 911
transcript and information related to the ongoing criminal investigation into the April 16 shootings." We are
commenting no further.

Corinne Geller I Virginio Slote Police I Public Relofions Monoger

Phone N4.674.2789 | Cell/B'beny 804.263.5547 | Corinne.oeller@vsp.vir'oinio.oov

----Original Message----
From : Owczarski, Mark fmailto :]
Sent: Friday, JuneZ2,2007 12:54 PM
To: Geller, Crrinne; Albert, Joseph
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Flinchum, Wendell; Flaherty, W. Steven, Colonel; Carpentieri, Robert J., Sgt.
Subject RE: Duckpond

l've sent several already.

Everyone is asking, "when did Virginia Tech release the 911 tapes?" I've simply responded that we have
not and could not, and have directed them to you.

Can you send me a copy ofyour statement? Thanks.

From: Geller, Corinne fmailto:Corinne.Geller@vsp,]

Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 12:52 PVi
To: Owczarski, Mark; Albert, Joseph
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Flinchum, Wendell; Flaherty, W. Steven, Colonel; Carpentieri, RobertJ,, Sgt,
Subject! RE: Duckpond


This morning's article was as much of a surprise to us as it was for you. lf you get any media inquiries
related to the investigation, please send them my way. We have a prepared statement to release.

Corinne Geller I Virginio Slote Police I Public Relotions Monoger

6t22t2007 . :.. :
Page2 of3

Phone W4.674.2789 | Cell/B'beny 804.263.5547 | Corinne.oeller@vsp.viroinio.oov

----Original Message-----
From: Owczarski, Mark fmailto :]
Sent: Friday, June 22,2007 tZi49 Pl4
To: Geller, Corinne; Albert, Joseph
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Flinchum, Wendell; Flaherty, W. Steven, Colonel; Carpentieri, RobertJ,, Sgt,
Subjectl RE: Duckpond

In light of today's Washington Post article, PLEASE give us a heads up if anything comes up.

Not knowing what's coming is.... well, you know.....

Thanks for your help


From: Geller, Corinne [mailto;]

Sent: Friday, JuneZZ,2Q07 t2:47 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Albeft, Joseph
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Flinchum, Wendell; Flaherty, W. Steven, Colonel; Carpentieri, RobertJ., Sgt.
Subject RE: Duckpond


Works for me! We will have Sgt. Bob Carpentieri out there hanging around to stage/field media on
scene and inquiries. lf anything is recovered, then we'll kick into a more serious mode and I may
even cruise out for a visit. We'll just see how it goes. Our folks won't start their dig until Monday.

Corinne Geller I Virginio Stole Police I Public Relolions Monoger

Phone N4.674.2789 I Cell/B'benl 804.263.5547 | Corinne.qeller@vso.viroinio.oov

---Original Message----
From: Owczarski, Mark fmailto:maowczar@vt,edu]
Sent: Friday, JuneZ2,20Q7 L2:07 PM
To: Geller, Corinne; Albert, Joseph
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Flinchum, Wendell
Subject: Duckpond

I've been in touch with Joey and Wendell about the Duckpond and the weekend draining,
and we all agree-since the work on the duckpond will not impact traffic, campus
operations, etc. we won't issue an announcement about it.

However, of course, we'll get a ton of calls about it, and when we do, we'll simply say that
'yes, in conjunction with some much needed repairs to the dam and spillways, the
Virginia State Police are here as part of the April 16 investigation. What are they doing?
You'll need to call Corrine Geller at the Virginia State Police at 804 . . . . . )

Page 3 of3

Work for you?


Mark Owczarski
Director of News and Information
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
540-320-2001 (home)

Page I of2

Woodard, Linda

From: Hanna, Dixon

Sent: Tuesday, APril24,2007 9:26 AM
To: Woodard, Linda
Subject: FW: where people are-complete updated list

Linda: Belorv is what we received from Ed Nelson yestbrday. The phone numbers are now what they were in
Norris. Dixou

-----Original Message-----
F-rorn : Iild N el son [rnai lto : enel son r@lt. edul
Sent: Mondai, , Apn|23,2007 11:;18 AM
To: Ball. Kemeth; Clark. David: Cri,rnt. Wally; Griffin. O. Hayden; Hall, Christopherl 'Kafura, Dennis';
'l'ho4r, Jim; Walz. John
Knocke, Williaml 'Novak.'l'om'; Iluri, Ishwar: Rahman. Saifur; ''l-aylor. G. Don ';
Cc: IIenneke. Ed; l.eo, Donalcl; Watfold, Bevlee: deisenroth@r,; llall. Itoclerick; Scales, Glenda:
Ritlenhouse. Faythe; Nystrom, Lynn; Benson, Richard; Pelkins, Linda: Hama. Dixon
Subject: l"W: where people are-conplete updated list

Dear Dept. Heads.

The list below shorvs rvheLe we in the Dcan's Office are currently located.
The phone numbers should be the same.


---Original I\4essage-----
From : Shari Mue ei [mai lto muel lersr@r,t. c'tlu]
11 :

Sent: Monday. April 23, 2007 l1:17 AM

To: Deanery@r,
Subject: where peopie are-cotnplete updated list

In Whitternore
.Deon :
eensc'iiis in 3o2D
Linda Perkins is iu 302J
Faythe Rittenhouse is in the 302 lobby'
Ed Nelson is in 302C
Brad Martens is in 320
Sala Barnett is in 322
Dee Perkiirs is in 322
[,ee Bishop is in 324

-i;;;;-j;:- -
In 212 Hancock:
A,i >gr, l-,?i''-''',1j )i'''-'
Barbara Crau'ford

Iq|it89Torygryn' ,. 1\
L'- ''" l'.n-' I
Glcnda Scalcs
Becky Gunter
- |

Chelyl Peed
.letT Phillips
Andlea Raines

Page2 of2
l.J-nn N\strom in 229 !i ;'-' . ";at (/l'
l-iz ('rumblc'y in 205
Slrari lv1Lreller in 227 --:
| ,,V..1"P"'
. .,',/*,1
Deve loprnent is in the Gatelvay Building:
fi-,., it " 'r'^ ..,/..L
'l 'l4i'
Erin Edwards - 3007 . r
Judl' Hughes - 3008 1'.i
Calolyn Bairi - 3030
John King - 3034
Rob.lones - 3036
Pat Uostic - 11039
o,,l,Nlw"^ ]
Deborah l-rlamiltun - 3211
Lisa YoLrng - 3224

Page 1of1

Graduate Student Assembly tgsa@W.EDUl *nE Tue 41L712007 9:30 AM

Subjece GSA Condohnes and Hokies Unfted Gndlelight Vigll


The Graduate Student Assembly hopes you are all well during this
tragic tfine. Words cannot derribe all of the feelings that we may
have. Please let us know if you need any support. We will do what
we can. It is bnible to feel so helpless during this situation.

We thank all who have offered condolences. We appreciate these kind

words frorn family, friends and strangers.

Tonigtf" Flckies UniEd is hoding a candlelight vigil on the

Ddllfield. Lef us come togeffer b rernember and reflect on Monday's
U-agic events.

l-lokies United: Rernanbeing Our'Oyvn

Candlelight Vigil
Tuesday, ApnlL7,2007

Fellow Hokles,
In light of the recent anenb that have devastated our
campus, there will be a candlelight vigil held fior our community b
come toge$rer and reflect on Monday's tragic events. Everyone will
have the opportunity to write messages, place flolrers, and light
candhs as we remember those who have been affected by this fagedy.
Please encourage fellow Hokies and community members !o
attend the vigil tonight! Everyone is encouraged to wear orange &
mafDon. We are doing our best to provide enough candles but please
bring one with you if at all possible.

Volunteers Needed:
3:00pm-6:00pm - Preparing candles for the Mgil at the @rman Oub
Manor (711 Southgate Drive near Lane Stadium)
7:00pm - Distribution of candles prior to vigil on the Drillfield

Con|act Sumeet Bagai (703.856.4774), Srlltt Cheatham (540.808.8477),

or Adeel Khan (703.303.8056) if you have any questions.

Please forward this email to everyone in our community!

hffrrc'/Avehnrrflnnlr r# edrr/anrr.honrrr'/lrn canpah /T) ala+c"Ao/^1flI+arrrc /fle A o/^l01-nrednl.-noacoZ LllAno, '1

Page I of 1

Semeah, Luz
From; Graduate Student Assembly [gsa@W.EDU] *ntz Tue 411712007 7L226 AM
Subiect: Drillfield Wil, wednesday, lpm

> All,

> Today's tragedy is already being called the most horrific violence
> on a campus
> in history, Our friends, families, loved ones, and ourselves have
> been affected
> deeply. Please join us in a vigil on Wednesday, April 18th at 1 pm
> on the
> Drillfield to remember and cierish those who have been lost. Please
> spread the
> word, as this has affected every community and every person.

Laa-^. //.,,^L^,,+l^^1. ..+ ^4.. | ^..^l^- ^^ n*^^*^^L /I\^l ^1^ )o/-ar|I+^^^ rtt;1lC, ^l SOlarrll2 ^:l O/-arr A 17 O l"r|'t1
ADA Office Assistant
From: Graduate Student Assembly [gsa@W.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 9:42 f'M
Subiect: A statement from the GSA regarding the tragedy of Monday, April 16, 2007

On behalf of the graduate students at Virginia Tech, I would like to offer our condolences
to the victims
of this Monday's heinous
c +r.^ic event immenseIv irnnar-f s elI nf orrr Iivgs.
Graduate, undergraduate, facufty, staff, black, white, hispanic,
asian: qrief does not discrininate. The Hokie community has cone
together to conso]e and counse.I one another. Let us continue to
show the world our solidarity, our strength and our support of the Virginia Tech
Principles of Community.

Thank you,
Jory Z. Ruscio
President, VT Graduate Student Assernlcl,v
From: on behalf of School Board [School-
Sent: Wednesday, April 18,2007 2:19PM
Subject: Informalion Regarding Counseling Resources Available to MCPS Students and Staff

Dr. Tiffany Anderson, Superintendent,

Montgonery County Public schools
200 ,Junkin Street
Christsiansburg, VA 24 073
(s40) 382-s104
ApriL LS, 2007

Dear staff and Families,

School will resume on Thursday, April f9, 2007. Absences will not be counted against any
studen! who chooses nog tso altend school tshis week. We will be foll-owing our regular
school calendar in regard to the early release days that are outlined on Ehe calendar,
There wiLl be no after-school actiwities tonight.
As you may know, the Town of Chri-stiansburg and Che Town of Blacksburg were j-n a lock-down
status today. Therefore, I asked schools to l-ock al} exLerior doors thj.s morning as a
precautionary st.ep given the Blacksburg Police Department took similar precauEions. Please
know that there have been no direct threats that I am aware of on Montgomery County Public
Schools. However, there were some concerns at virginia Tech today that the authoritieE
have been addressing. our school counselors and social workers have planned with school
staff today ways to besE support tshe staff and students at all of the schools across the
counEy. The irnpac! of the tragedy has been devaslaling for all of us. As a result of the
tragedy, we have learned Ehat the victims include volunleers at our schooLs, the parents
of studenEs, close friends of sgaff and aE schools, and siblings of current
students. School Eeams have been wisiting the families impact.ed to offer supporE. Our
thoughts and prayers continue to be with tshese families.
To suppor! all families in our county, Montgomery County Sehool counselors have organized
a counseling sEation at' each strand at the following locations on Thursday, April 19,

Kipps Elementary schooL

Shawsville Elementary SchooL
Christiansburg Middle School
Auburn Elementary School
At these counseLing stations, counsel-ors wiLL be available from 5-8 p.m. to talk with
families in a private setting. we want to ensure you have as much support as possible i-n
p]ace. If there are continued needs in regard tso counseling, please contact your school
principal . We will ensure you have the appropriate supporE systems in place in this
regard .

School activities will resume on Thursday. However, attendance is not reguired. We hope
to help studenEs get back to their normal routlne on Thursday, and we are confident tha!
as a result of today's coordi.nation of resources we will be prepared to fully supporE
f ami.lies across Ehe disEricE.

FeeI free to conEacts us if Ehere are any quesEions.



- !atrii:ri.6, .
Montgomery County Public Schools

Sent via t,he MCPS WebMail system at

Page 1 of2
Virginia Tech News

Owczarski, Mark

From: Virginia Tech News [websupport@vt'edu]

Sent; WednesdaY, APril 25, 2007 5:55 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subiect: Virginia Tech News

Virginia Tech News

weorFsOaY, APril 25, 2Oo7
;#6#A'i#;;;ir,;-Apr es: chance none thunderstorms' Hi: 7/oF' Low: 56"F


Detailed lisi of resources for iaculty, students, statf ' and
Faculty resources for resumpiion of classes
lnformation line - Dean of Students Office: 5401231-3787

Artis, Mefford named Graduate Woman and Graduate

Man of the Year
Sharnnia Artis, of Chesapeake, Va., has been name!.,
Graduate Woman of the Year at Virginia Tech, and ulln
Thompson Mefford of Florence, Ala., has been selected
Graduate Man of the Year.
Read Full Story

Campus Notices

04.25.2007 Weather concerns necessitate relocation

1 1 .O0O tree seedlings to be planted across
the o{ memorial tributes
commonwealth in commemoration of
Roots concert canceled
Jamestown's 400th anniversary
Summer and Fall 2007 course
04.25.2007 registration information
Community Gardens to Erow in memory of
students and faculty Notice regarding unauthorized memorial
apparellmemorabilia and f raudulent
04.24.2007 fundraising
Two honored as 2OOZ Undergraduate Man and
Woman of the Year More Notices Submit a Nolice

Global Perspectives Forum to focus on
Upcoming Events
international trade initiatives
Wednesday April 25, AII daY
04.23.2007 Summer Session Registration
Board of Visitors names 2007'08 student
reDresentatives Thursday April 26, All daY
2007 Club Softball National
ChampionshiP World Series
Sunday Apri! 29, 1:00 Pm- 3:00 Pn
Virginia Tech Police host Breast Cancer

... .
Page 2 of 2
Virginia Tech News

Awareness/Special Olympics iundraiser

l\4ore Events Submii an Event


contact wnews@vt'edu, or call (540)
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ZS1-SZZ4. For technical qu.stiJns a6out this e-mail,


and the resi of today's
Virginia Tech News is a service of Univelsity Relations. For breaking news,
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@ 2007 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Maiiing List Powered bY Dada Mail

Seni: Wednesciay, April 25, 2007 9'.22 AM
To: Muliiple recipients
Subject: Provost message to faculty

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

Dear Faculty Colleagues :

With Ehe suppor! o: the colleges at every IeveL, we are making good progress in resurn:ing
classes in a way that enables siudents to make good choices aboui how best to complete che
semester. I appreciate the ext.ra effort the faculcy is maklng :o adapt !o this new set of
na l i r- i eq '].he resDonse of the studen'Ls in terms of h^-; -Fi6n;=nne rr^
irnorri- i e -rrrlrr
,l*^-i-i-- rarv
rrr-}J4i .

\T^f arlrnri cirrrr'i 1r u7e

arcrrinat qamF arttac-r.rrc arrc scr of rnres-' ons revoives a:'ound
stuoenE evaiuatrions of teaching.
N.rrmr'l lv
j-heqF are
u- L --ocn'irpri
=YEar ! f'l exihi i ii'v
TindF* ihF aJ rarrmsianacs. 4+!^+!--- v-I anna:r.s fn hF a
reasonable approach. I think each faculty member shoufd work with their department and
decide if, when, and how to obLain sEudent feedback, The sruqents may wan; to you know
hnrnr mtrr.h rhew annreci a-c wnrrr ef ro*-s Fnr- rznrr- dorii r-a-i n"t. so T an6'6.'1-16p woli l-n Obfain

- vs l-haw
rnsj rio thaf =
der-i ni'rra- t n=n tne St.andard S?OT f orm iS appropr:.ate :ilis
semesLer, but the choice is yours. Vrle wiil note officia:ly Ehat che Sp=ing 200? evaluation
rrro.ess i -c oDtional \n7hen cons i deri no a l'i futufe actions associated wi:h merit increaSes or
_y- vevrJ rr vyr4v-re -
:he gromoEion and Tenure process.
Besc wishes for all you do.
Mark McNamee
Th i \rarc i 11, Dr^rr.\c1.

Page 1 of 2
Vireinia Tech News

Owczarski, Mark

From: Virginia Tech News [websupport@vt'eou]

Sent: Thursday, APril 26, 2007 5:55 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subiect: Virginia Tech News

Virsinia Tech News MVisiniaTed:

" Invenf llre Fulure
Thursday, April 26' 2007 74"F' Low: 55"F
;i;;6;#s ioreiast tor Apr 26: Definitely moderate rain showers' Hi:


April 16 tribute website I Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund
Detailed list of resources f or faculty. students, staff ' and
lnformaiion iine - Dean of Students Office: 540/231

Today'sTop Story
Testing of new gait analysis system underway at equine
medical center
Faculty members al Virginia Tech's Marion duPont Scott
tr4eJicat Center are cur6ntly testing a new high-speed
video system which will allow for detailed gait analysls' lameness
diagnoiis and hoof balancing in horses'
Read Fuli Story

Campus Notices
Latest News
ALERT: E'mail scam promises video oJ
04.26.2007 Virginia Tech shooting
Engineering students provide $105
endowment for design teams Summer and Fall 2007 course
registration information
Deet's Place awarded prestigious Golden Cup Tratf ic advisory: Closure of Old Turner
award Street

04.26.2007 Weather concerns necessitate relocation

lnstitute for Cultural Policy and Practice of memorial tributes
continues partnership with Arts Council of Roots concert canceled
New Orleans
Notica regarding unauthorized memorial
apparellmemorabilia and traudulent
11,000 tree seedlings to be planted across the iundraising
commonwealth in commemoration of
Jamestown's 400th anniversary Richard Hirsh to discuss 2003 power
blackout on public radio broadcast
Mefiord, Artis named 2007 Graduate Man and More Notices Submii a Notice
Woman of the Year

_ ..-:r!i,--.r_ -;2 d:;4e..*. _
-v-ireinia Page2 of 2
Tech l'trews

Community Gardens to grow in memory of

students and faculty Upcoming Events
04.24.2007 Thursday April 26, 8:00 am- 6:00 Pm
Two honored as 2007 Undergraduate Man and PLANT SALE
Woman of the Ygar
Thursday April 26, All daY
More News 2007 Club Softball National
Championship World Series
Sunday April 29, 1:00 Pn- 3:00 Pm
Virginia Tech Police host Breast Cancer
Awireness/Special Olympics f und raiser
More Events Submit an Eveni


For quesiions or ieedback about Virginia Tech News, please contact' or call
zg1-E224. For technical questions about this e-mail, please contact


Virginia Tech News is a service of University Relations. For breaking news, and the rest of today's
nefrs, notices, and events, please visit the Virginia Tech News website. A complete list of News and
.lnJormation.contacts, is also available Jor' membersoflhe-media.
@ 2007 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Maitng List Powered bY Dada Mail

5l1.6/2047 @
Thursday, April 26, 2C07 1C:14 AM
MuliiDie reciDients
Corrected Noiice: Acknowledgment of condolences and gifts

Thursday, April 25' 20o'7

To the Virginia Tech

f ollowing
As we alL have wiinessed, :he errpressions of condolenees, suppor-\-, and love

even:s of las: week has :rulY beLn ::emarkabie. The undeniable strenglh of our Hokies
Spiric has touched tshe wor1d.
to our conunUnity ' the
As *,he many notes , t--ributes and Other e>4:resSionS of condol-ence eome units
universrty suggests !ha! individual Oepaltmenls, colleges, and other acknowledge
those madl spelificatty to their: unit. Items received in Burruss Hall ''o the university
community will Ue aclcnowleoged by the office of the PresidenL'
Notes, tribuEes and ocher messages intended for the families of the vicEims should be
directed to the Office of Student life (0255), 201 West Roanoke Slreei, VA
24050, 540-233.-3'781.
Donations to lhe Hokie spiriE Memorial Fund may be made by visiling
http: //www.vt. edu/ tragedy/memorial-ir:nd.php, or by calling 800-533-1144.
offers of ,'gif Es in kind" should be d.j-rected Lo sleve clark in university Development
(c.:.arks@v!. edu, 540-231-2813 )

A1l in Ehe Virginia Tech comnuni ty are asi<ed to save and record al-1atnames and addresses of
well wishers. This :-nforma-"ion wj-1I be collected and archiwed, and an appropriate :ime
in the future, and official univer-sity response wlll be sent Eo the ihousands upon
thousands who have supported us during this time.
.tl-tdllr! a,^r,
ra* 'nrrr. r.nn.r-i nrrart qtrencrth and resolve. We are Hokies. We will prevaiL .
ci n^ara 1 \/

T.= rnr Tf,i nr.'l.or-

Asso-ciate Vice Presiden! for University Relations

' i .i.-i-r' .;-rui.i' .:

Seni: Thirsday, April 26, 2007 12:33 PM
to: Multiole recioients
C"pi-ritg archiving ceremonies and condolences
Subiect: ""0

Thursday, APril 25
' 2001

To: Vi:'giinia Tech Faculty and Staff l

'-he impromptu and formal rnemo::ia'i'

univer.sity l-.,ib::anes i".a= ii heip in Jo"r^."ti"s' oi ihe "virsiinia rech
dispiays -.iiat have ap€eared want:-::t::-tt*p""-i"ifi11?='-^u:'nai'-
to document and p:'eserve thlse dispiays both to honor -'-he
4-L6-0-l Library Arcnive,, \"re
io-pto'iat historical materials f or
indivioual medoers of our r.:niversi-ty . "**iti ti't-a-
future researchers '
you to do lhe following:
Therefore, University Libraries asks each of
Those of You who have created disPlaYs , fliers, Programs, and the like' please send coPies
LIJ !1^^
I i1-.r-r\trc universitry Archiwes .
rf there are memorial displays within dispfays' units, we ask you:: assis--ance brlz:
-your evenEs '
i. r.t ittg pictures of the memorials'
dua t s pi-ccrrred ' -dafe' specif ic
pAace (i*e--*
2. Ideni-ilying the photol|rapher; indi'v-i informa*'ion chat would be helpful :o
builcrng and floor oi or'tic" number) , .nJ--r.v other
resea=che=s ano h:s:c:lans '
3. Sending the images etc. Eo us+ with a statement \z the photographer giving us
p.t i="io" Eo make the images awailabfe:
i' grant to Viz'ginia Tech or ltsj'nagen:s
As the
-iis;ra to arthive, display' and provide access to irri"ztrt."" dig:ta1 image(s)
Photog::aPher/author, , whole
i" p"tt in aff forms of media'
"i them to Gail
* until we have escablished Lhe email for trT4l5O?ArchiveBvt ' edu ' please send
Unlversity Libraries (mc 0434):
McMiIlan, Drreccor, Digital Library ""a^et"iti""s ' xennellv' uniwersitv Archivist
gailmac@v'.edu. you *.v-."fu-r..o 6-gzsz"l'-;;-;;;t;
]t-gzt+l , with quest:ons '

Thank you for your assisiance and support:

E!l-een Hiccninghan
Dean, Universr:Y libra=les
Newman Library

Sent: Thursday, April 26,2007 12:4'1 PM
To: MultiDle recipients
Subiect: Colldge coniacts for questions on grades, completion of work

Thursday, APril 26
' 200'7

lJEcl! I7i -rri r I e Tar-h S:UO€|n:S:
v rr9!!-4s

Thank you so mrr^|r f nr rznrr- r'nnti nued courage and comm::men! as we corl*'inue
to neal anC
move forward. This noce is co =ei:e=ace --he un:versiE),''s commitment Eo be fle>:ibIe :hrough
our "stuoent choice" policies Enar provioe op:ions fo: compi-e;ion of your acaoemic
regul.remenEs f or Ehe i.*"=t"t. please ref er ro the university's homepage (h'v'rw 'v: edu) f or
ihi.rY'rn-i-i^n on grades and completion of academic work.
Any guestions you mighi have sieouio ji=sr be c'::ec;eC --o :he assc':a:e and all colfege
A a=rr a,f rrnr rr

We :eafize ihat you are iaking courses in mulciple colle'es,

deans are wor]:ing in concert wilh one another to respond to your needs
"oif"g.. r^16 =cL fnr rrnrrr-

patience and understanding as we work tso respond to your questions ' I have asked the oeans
io k"ep me informed of lhe tl*)es of questions and issues that arise so 1-;.r- 116 nrn n-ntzi zla

additional advice or support.

The Associate Deans in each college are the most appropriate person for you to contacl
with quesiions:
Agriculture and Life Scj,ences: I4ary MarchanL, l-04 Hulcheson, 231-5503
Architecture and Urban Studies: Wendy Vaughn, 202 Cowgill' 231-6L45
Panplj-n College of Business: Candice Cfemenz, 1030 Panrplin, 23L-6602
En.rirracri ncr: Michael Delsenroth, 302 Whittimore, 231-5072
!rrY rlr!v4 4.-:,

Libez'al Artrs & Human Sciences: Mary A]rn Le\'iis, 260 Wal1ace, 23I-6170
Natural Resources: Richa:d oderwalC, 324 cheatham, 231-5482
Veterinary Medicine: Grant Turnwald, Duckpond Drive, suite 203 ' 23L-5229
craduaLe School: Anne McNabb, 236 Graduare Life Cenler, 231-5545
University Studies: Kim Brown, 1l-7 5'emoyer, 231--8440
we ro*main confident i"n our ability to help you remain engaged in the learning process no
maEler whicn opcions You choose.
Best wishes .

Marli McNamee
Uni\rersity Provost

Sent: Thursday, April 26, 20A7 12:52PM
To: Muttiple recipients
Subject: Letter to students from Dr. Zenobia Hikes

Tilursday, April 26
' 2007

To all Virginia Tech sludents:

T t^,r-i f F fo rhank rhe studenls of Virqinia Tech for alL '-hey have done :o help themselves
and -'heir university rn che clisis of April 1-6.
There are so nany examples of sLudent heroism, sensilivity, and humanity thatown; one could
cite: members of the Rescue Squad who put che safety of others before their persons
in !{okies United., SGA, and GSA whc worked to coordinate supports sevvices for fellow
sludengs; tshose who constructed shrines of remembrance for the fallen; staff on the
Eoif.g.i.t" Times wiro worked to keep the corununi Ey informeC; ind.ividuals who numerous
residEnce ha1ls, clubs, and associations reached oul to assist Ehose who needed a helping
hand, a kind worC, or a f::iendly embrace. These acts of kindness cl-early uderline that
the c:uel deeds oi April 16 re:lect badly on one terribly deluded persor- but do not
reflect at ail on ihe communicy. or to put it another way, these acls of kindness show
thaE .'ut. prosim,, is not jusc an anciqua::ian morto-iE. is parc o: a :i1':ng cooe '
!e! rne ensourage eacb st'udenl to coniinue acls of in-'eniional- kirdness -and to
encourage h:s or her friencs to do tne same. I am probably siating the obvious, but the
nl 1ar.r'l na rami nrie*q matr he trqeftrl :

For pr-ofessional and personal reasons, a fair nuriber of students wil-1 carry a fu11
acadlrnic load until the end of Ehe -,erm, while InErny more wil-I need io cornpleie partial
Ioads. Ouc of respecr for :heir acaoemic obligations, especially in a try:,ng :ime, please
be careful about excessive noise and observe quiet hours '
Exeessive noise also can be painful for persons who are dealing \^7i th grief ' Many times
they neeo a degree of guie-- So again irl" :o be respec:ful oi :ha; ::eed'
Tf \,'.r1r
r! Jvu harre a f rrend r^rh annoars to be in serious emotional distress, please do not
!Y'rv n qtr'!/es-P
hesitate to seek suppor! for him or her at the cook counseling cenEer (located in Mceomas
Hall). If you are not quite Sure how seri,ous his/her crisis is, remember it is berter co
err on the side of caution.
Students from all backgrounds have stated openly that the ethnici'.y of che shooter had qaa s:r:den--S jfOm
-^Ft-,.i-^ r^ An tri rh hi c r-rrrai :rrq ano
$--- i - ;--
11C15 lJCgJ.r ^-5-.i =:.-5.l
9!a-rJ--vrrJ9 r.] reifa:n
biased racial remarks. Please encourage all persons, on- and of5-campus, Lo take Ehe high
and falr road.
Sometimes persons who grieve wil-1 attenpt to sel-f-medicale by us:-ng alcohol j-t ' Since alcohol
is a depre-ssan:, it tends Uo hurt more t.han heip , A:-so :-f used Eo excess can be lif e
l-hrFa-a-1jno so n'l ease be rest.rained and thouglltrfui in :his a:ea, ani encou:age :jie same
in oche:s. pleasE be espec:al:y respecciul in you: behavior when you are d'own:own or in
off-campus areas.
Con:inue to e>.hibir Lhe gualities of a true Hokie--serr.'ing othe!:s, being considerate,
^^1-i na ^rtt- a^r- aa^}r
Il,/rJJ-rrlY n-her =nri nro:-er-'nn anri ho'' n'no ealh o:hgf .

Finatly, know --ira! \,te are proud of you .

Witsh best wishes ,

Zenobia L.,awrence Hikes

Vice Presiden-" for Sludent Affairs
Sent: Thursdair, April 26, 2007 3:25 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: CORRECTED contact iniormation for student cholces


Thursday, APriI 25, 200'7

lJc:clr \t.i -^;
v jr9r:r tr i F Tcah sEudents:
as we conr'inue to heal and
Thank You so much for your conEinued courage and consnicment commilment,to be flexible tilroualh
move forward.. Thj. s note is to reitrerate :hl university.scompleEion of your academic
t\c1-'rrdar: choice" poiicies lhat pro\tide options for
requirement s for the semester. plea-se refer io the university's homepage (www'v--'edu) for
ihF^^rr on grades and completion of academic work'

multiple colleqies, and alf coliege
college. We realize ih.t yo,., are taking courses!o inrespond to your needs ' We ask for your
deans are working in conclrt with one anotrher
patience and understanding as we work :o respond Lo your questions ' I have asked the deans
to keep me informed of trhe El4les of q,t"=ai""'" ano isiues that arise so that we can provide
additional advice or support.
*or=1'ou.-t"o 'gctn'E-ac::
The Associale Deans in each college are t-he.fiTostr approgriaee"'1>erson
wiLi-r questions:
Architecture and urban studies: wendy vauqhn, 202 cowgill , 231-64L5
Famptin College of Business: Candice Clemenz, l-045 Pamplin' 23]--6602
Engineering: Michael Deisenrorh, 2l-2 Hancock HaLL ' 23t-3244
Na:ural Resources: Richard Oderwald, 138 Cheathan'' ' 23!-5482
sc j-ence: sherry1 Batl, l-03 college of Science AOministra-"ion
Building ' 23L-5144

ve-,e!.inary Medicine: Grant Tur"nr,ral d, Duckpond Drive, Phase ITI , Suite 203, 23t-5229
UnLversity Siudies: Kim Broun, Li? Femoye:, 231'-8440
We remain confident in our abil:ty to help you remaln engaged
in the iearning process no
malter wbich op-"ions You choose.
Best wishes.
l"lark McNamee
Universi!y Provost
Sent: Thursdal,, Apri! 26, 2007 3:21 PM
to: MultiDle recipients
Subiect: Lettertrom President Charles W. Steger

Thursday, APr:I 25, 2001

Dear Colleagues,
Although classes are back !n session and all trying very hard Eo move forward, we
are allo coming tso realize :hat it wj-ll take a very long l-me for our university cormunlty

!o recover from the most t::auma-! r c ewenE his:ory. on the su::f ace, -,hrngs-uenmay seem
no:-rna they're not. Even t}:ose
L but jn-crna11y. among us are of
who seem tso be coping well
>Lf ug I r inn

who are
So, I wanE to encourage eve::Yone to pl-ease talk vtith one of lhe counsel-ors
available-if onlv ror a few minules' If vou personallv-d'on'.t feel --h.:.11"1:-tl-":lT::l
;":;il;;i.r-,- vI"'"r-irr may find it heip:ut to spend a f ew rninures rarkins aboura- wavs vou
-an help co-wlrkers, stsudlnrs, and even your family members ' who may be having difficult
.li FF,i

ii*". iirro!'*ation about :he counselingthat services are available can be found at lhe bottom
."he counseling sesslons are completely
of Ehis notse' Most of all, be assured
^^r { i Aar.ri- i a l

We a:e the Virginia Tech fanilY, and we-ilewi-i prevail' But aiong --he way, each of us wil-I
have good daYs and bad daYS. So, 1et's sensitive to each other's :}egds and t.ake cate of
one another. I'm Proud of all of you . i/te wi 11 Prevai 1 .
c i h-61.6 1\t
Charles W. steger

Counseling Inf ormat j-on

For con!idential access io Lel-ephone counsel-inqt or referral !o a loca1 cor:nselor for

a \zi ci 1-q facullyandscaffcanconlactvalueoptionsat]--856_125-0602anytime,24
|'arrre a A:r;

Resources has compiled a numbe:' of informational and support resources which

available to our entire c onmuni ty at www. hr ' vt ' edu/ supporlresources
Human Resources wil-f continue tso coordinate cor:nselor availability for department or
workgroup meeiings, Contact 23L-77'12 for more information'
awailable for wal-k-in
counselors and Human Resources representratives wil-I continue tso be (April
visits on the 3rd floor of sguires sEudent cen:er - p'n' saturday 28) from l-0 a'm'
to 3 p.m.. and l4onday through Friday from 8 a'm' ;o 5
Virginia Tech News Page 1oi?

Owczarski. Mark

Froml Virginia Tech News []

Sent: Friday, April 27,2OO7 5:55 AM
Owczarski, Mark
Subject: Virginia Tech News

Virginia Tech Neurs MI \nrdrdafecii

ry *lntienf {t}eFufurE
Friday, April 27,2007
Blacksburg forecast tor Apr 27: Likely moderate rain showers, Hi: 67"F, Low'.47'F


April 16 tribute website I Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund
Detailed list of resources for taculty, students, statf, and families
information line - Dean of Students Office: 540/231-3787

l^l I OGaV S I OD )T.Ory

l--'l |

History professor discusses his "Gradle of America" book and

tour centuries ot Virginia history
Peter Wallenstein, prolessor of history, is the author of the newly
released Cndle of America: Four Centuries of Virginia History. Hear a
podcast of Wallenstein discussing the first modern history of Virginia
authored by a historian.
Reao Full Story

Campus Notices
Latest News I

Civil and Environmental E ngineering invites

04.27.2007 university community to n nemorial service
Protessor's Arbor Day speech will Friday
celebrate Marion Va. "Crying Tree"
Power plant steam tunnel upgrade proiect to
04.27.2007 cause traff ic interruptions on campus
Creehan named director of the Center for
High Pertormance Manufacturing Human Resources offers ' tips for talking to
children about the tragedt 1 at Virginia Tech
Engineering students provide $105,000 Graduate Ombudsperson appointed
endowment for design teams
University Libraries seeks ; cooperation in
04.26.2007 archiving tributes and me morials
Deet's Place awarded prestigious Golden
Cup award ' Notice regarding unautho rized memorial
apparel/memorabilia and' iraudulent
u.26.2007 tundraising
lnstitute tor Cultural Policy 6p6 Practice
continues partnership with Arts Council More Notices Submit t l Noiice
of New Orleans
04.25.20A7 Upcoming Events
Mefford. Artis named 2007 Graduate Man

Vrgima Tech Nows Page2 of 2

and Woman of the Year

Fnday April 27, 8:00 am- 6:00 pm
04.24.2007 PLANT SALE
Two honorcd as 2007 Undergraduate Man
and Ylloman of the Year Friday Mdy 4, 6:00 pm- 7:00 pn
Virginia Tech Roanoke Center Research
More News Forum
Friday May 1 1 , Ail day- 1 1:30 pm
University Commencement Geremony
More Events Submit an Event


For questions or feedback about Virginia Tech News, please contact, or call (540)
231-5224. For technical questions about this e-mait, please contact


Virginia Tech News is a service of Univsrsity Relations. For breaking news, and the rest of today's
nevs, notices, and events, please visit the Virginia Tech News website. A complgte list ot News and
Intormation contacts is also available for members of the media.
@ 2007 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Maiiing List Poweredby Dada Mail

5t16/2007 @ vt'edu
Sent: F:'ilay, APril 27 ,2007 5:21 PM
To: Multiole reciPients
Subiect: Memorials to relurn to Drillfield on Saturday

Friday, APriI 21 ' 2001

To: Virgj-nia Tech Commu:riEy
OId Dorninion BalLroom in Sq'uiresZUl Studenl CenLer on
The memorials Ehat were noved to the the Drillfield on Saturday' APfll zuul' n r - .i -^..^
r'rr tLErtLS
Apr!! 24,2007 will 1"-tt*-"tnta tso
40 foor enelosed !en! trhat :-s focated in tshe cenLer o!
iiii-U=-*"_ed rnto a-iZo foot by for remainder of Ehe semester
will remain on the Drillfield
the Dr-illfield. The Eentcommunity
cnroughou: che
;i";i;;-;;rnbers of ihe rhe opportunity to wiew the memorials
If you have any guesEions, please e-mail at hokiesunited@vE 'edu'
Hokies United
Sent: FriCay, A.Pril 2A,2007 5:33 PM
To: Multiple reciPients
Subiect: Letter for James A. HYatt

Dear Facuicy and Scaff Coiieagues:

I would like to join Presioent steser'"9
LH:13"i:.3'!3,'.! a-rlo rrulicnrt
: ::il;,'3'i'ffi i' ;;
ucrD Dsg-si:-:-
:':Y:::-Y::T::,:: ::yi:::":.X3l"i"l"I3l'""""
;::"'El :r ::ir::, :n;.1":1"";::l3l, t{: .i:
! ::: ir- i ry,:;::^":
:; ;ff ii"H:"i
dedicatlon, LJ ;':i : =:?:I 3:,'5"F:i3";,li'-5li
spirit, ,.;;-;;o ,==l-,t.-d everyone will
AS we
wolrlo. As l'rL-,/ v s tro restore
wc move ,if"ha!
wo::}d. "" - -.----: -:-:--_^_*:.-.i r,- i _h6 :__,1a cn-.-i:r ! oj
!r= 5vt! i]T pros:n..
i'Tl Prosrm.
air.ii U.=a throughout the campus corununiEy ln- Erre L-!
senio: Fellow for Resource Deveiopment
smooth rransitlon. i-;";; asked Minni" nia.-"""=,
;;;;;;; .t a crri"r . cperating of f icer ' - :o will
and f ormer virginia Tech Execurive vj-ce to chair this corunigtee and trhat
tshe Emergency nesponse-co**irau.. Minni;-;;;-ugi".a
iistoration of campus services
coordl-nare che activiiies related to *r"-f,-,:-l
r-,,, - j nn il\i q to assist you' Whethe:: you.have
process of restoratio-, mY ofiice is awailableinformation
It i"gltit.a concerning sez-vices'
guestions, reed assisrance resolv:ng problems
please do not hesitatse to contact us' Vie are here for You.
to lzou 'arro' your familie+--
Grief counselors and other support -services a:-e availab}e

Please con"Lact
vlrginiaTechHumanResourcesiscoordinatingservicesforemployees.a!ter: hours, contact Vaiueop!ions
540/23L_g33t to' *or"- irriormauion during business hours;
aE L-866-725-0602.
counselors are awailable at squires student center (Brush Mountain Rootn) . ^sout-h9l1fe
avaiiable !o
from 8 a'm' !o 5 p'm' Counselors are
CenLer, and The ,r.r, t!-vitginia rech at loca'"rons'
meet wilh deparlmen.-s and workgi:oups their offices or other conveni-ent
counselors wilt be also available for Faculty and siaff in.:he Brush ]r'lountain room at
Squires student cettcei ihis weekend durinq Ehe followlng
Saturday, April 00 a 'm' unt j-l 3 : 00 p 'm'
21- f rom 10 :
s;Ary,- xptlt zz from 2:00 p'm' un-uil 5:00 p'm'
Flnaliy, P-ease cake care of yourself. You are imPortsant to us'
James A. Hyatt
Execuiive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

.i. @
Sent: Friiay, A.pril 20,2OO7 5;59 PM
Tcr Muliiple recipients
Subiect: C".ortt". for Faculty, Stafi, Students, Families, Friends

Friday, APril 20 ' 2007

services for
the cenlral location for a variety ofwbatever
squires studeni center is currently below for needs
faculty, s*'aff and "t,,ra"rrt=. please t""" the information
you may hawe .
Faculty and Staff
On campus : this weekend at Squires
Counsefors and Human Resources represenLatives are available
ScuoenE CenEer (Brusi1 l4ounEain Room) Saturday, April
21 - 10:00 a'm' to 3:00 p'm' and
hours - faculty, slaff and their families
Sunoay, ?.PttI 22'2:00 P'n' to 5:00 p.m. Afier 1-800-725-0502
can access Valueoplrons at any time by calling
Counselors and Human Resources representatives wj.Il remain available Monoay through Friday
irom 8:00 a'm' ;o
at sguires student center (Brush Mouniain Room) and the souEhgate cenleJ
5;00 p.m. - no appoin"ment is necessary
Counselors and Human Resources representatiwes -are available
to meet ltitb depa:'"ments and
-wor-irg:.oups- at r-tleir offices or-other c onveni-errf locations - contac! 54Al23a'1ii2 :or more
inf o-nat i on
Off camPus: be accessed by faculty and
ValueOpcions, our Employee Assistance Program provider may
staif from anY iocation bY callins ]--8 66-125-0602
and frienos are
Additional resources and information for faculty' staff, parenr-s, families
avallable ac www. hr vt . edu/ supportresources

Studenls and Families coordinators, will be

The Campus Assisiance Center, which includes the Family Assistance
tocated- a! Squires ln the Corunonwealih Ball!'oom
Represenlatives i::om virginia Tech s!uden-, Affairs and Human Resources offices ' Red c:oss'
New Riwer coffnunity servlces, and other organi zations be available to provj-de
-wifl *-o 5 : 00 p 'm' Sa-:u::dalz '
inf o=r,a-.ion ano access t,o counseiing serviles l{ours : 9 : 00 a'm'
Ap::il 21 through lridaY, April 27
student Affairs will- have old 24 hours a day for student aci:vi:ies
Dominion Ballroom open Fri
1^^-i-n;-* t
errrr-ria.rr ln-i
f|lJ!rr l dt.rt A9TLI 21
and r:onri n":--
evrr--'lt.r.Lrrg -;-^'r-1'
srr!vsvll '
!-vv ,

There is atrso a Student Affai-rs Resource center in Conunonwe3ltit Btll:::i'-1*::^-

representatives f::om Students Affairs offices will be available !o answer quesiions and
provide information: iaturday, April 21 - l-;00 p *' 5:00^p'm' and Sundalr ' Ap::il 22 -
2 : 00 p.m. t'o 9 : 00 p.m. lvionday - Friday, April 23 - 2':- - 8:00 a'm' to 9;00 p'm'
cook cor:Isel-j-ng center is providing counseling support senrices for vT students for walk-
in appoinEmenis :-n ltccomu=- Ha11: Slcuraav, epiir 2r - 1:00 p.m. :o 6:00 p.m. and Sunday '
for studenis -
April 22 - 2:00 p'm. to 9:00 p'm' Counselors are also on call 24 hours
cook counsel-ing center is also coordinating the dissemina--ion of informa'-ion regarding
on their website: www ' r']cc ' vt ' edu
orher communi t1r counseling ::esources
cranweltlnternat].onalcenter!savailabletoprovidesuppor-"andresources!oour php
interna!ionaf conmuni!uy * 540/23!-652'7 - www'uusa 'vt ' edu/ cl:anwel1/ c::anwe11 '
For more informa:ron www'hr'vt'edu'
Human Resources and Beneiits' 540 /23I.9331-'
p*pi"v." Reia:ions , s40 /23)'-77'12 ' www
work/Life Resources ,- iialzlt-1213 ' 'wor:kli"f e ' vt ' edu '
ADA Serwices. 540/231-4638
Eil:."E'"""=.; i";
lo 12.1! : 6 2i I :'Y- ."!l :'l; "*1,
s+o rzzt-1'91;.*'dos'vt'edu'
;:il :;Hffi;;=-;;;;1,
inf o-Iine, 1-800-533 -!!44'
eolice :j-P 1ine, 540 / 231-64LL '
From: Unirel@
c'^+r,r^a' ?1| ,
odllul \ld'] Anrilr' 4 2OO7 t'26 PM
Sent: ' ^Pr
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Remarks from President Oharles W. Steger

April 21,200?
Deax Fellow Members of the university Cormnunity:
manner in which our facu1 EY, staff, ra and students have united this
f am very proud of thehave demonstratred that we are -^l-
rru e v r..:, co allow --he cragic even:s
r""" "a a ta:ri:-fv. we ^ai

of tfti" last week to divide or define us '

that we take care of one anocher, and -'oge--he:
In this time of healing, it is :mportant now r-o reflect on our
forward to " Iivent the Futsure'' Let us take a moment !o reject aI1 forms of
Principles of C ommun i cy-and reaffinn our commilment Eo strive
;;;j;4i"" and discrimination in our cornnumitv'

,noito, ut Prosim (ThaE r MaY serve)'
We will Prevail' we are Hokies!

Charies W. S:eger
Dr6c i i'lanf
Sent: Saiurday, APril 21 , 2OO7 9t27 PM
To: Multiple reciPients
Subject: Thoughts on resPonding io interview requests

AprIl 2L, 2007

Dear colleagues
when we reassemble on Mondav' April 23' discussion:.t:::".i^t"?-::]}.i=t'y"i:':":ti3::
H:l=:""::":::yi: il!;;"";";";-;;;i-:!:*::".:::
evenr--S afe sure LU i'j*'J"iiil"..
LdrlE }Jreue luewve" 5-- -
p:?:t":-Yn:1-.- -::,,i: 'i: :i:'"*:'
ClaSSeS resume. At the Same
Ih!".-.o"""::sations wili facilitate the healing ^. .,^,. hr.rra how to
:l;:: ;:":i::":;'i:'-# ffi;;*;;'1n;; il'-'"o1i?1:
il;l=; "';; ;;;;.;; iE" r
^ekcd o""
'"i'p"": ii?^T:il.:: T:",1:':":::::"1?:":"
;lTi;"H"l' "il:;.=;;';;i"-J.i.r.r
= "o*r r^'r;*^F^:'::::
-r sEidelines 1"::
abou! rhe:"3":1.'n:.;"I;;:ff
j-hc media. and
media, and infOrmatiOn on
ffi:l':f,"::.'i:\-;:, -.,r
our own communications Poiicies '
First, concerning rhe continuing media presence on our campus:
1-.. i l Ai n.rc
Mediaareneveraflowedin.,heclassroomswl.thoutfacultyperrnission.Academic been nact- orl nn
normally open ro be off-limirs ro rhe nedia- Noti-ces hawe
sratring this ruIe. rn addiLion, the big sateil-ite rrucks
all academic buildings
l-ast week will no longer be aliowed'
-press_wilI stitl lre-gresezrt: RT:=ET..GLca4us
Howewer, ours j-S an open campus and'tbe
*Thanks - b;i ;; thanks ' " Bu-L kelp :-n mind that -'he maj oriiy
speak -Lhem. Feel iree' io "w,' ' '
ttt" Virginia Tech community and \^Iant to lec ou::
of lhe media are genuinely concerned. "Uo"i
*V ttppotle:s know how we are coping with last week's events '
Nex!, r wan. :o share wii.h you the messages we think are importan! to convelt ' These
messages are part of vrr.ginla Tech, s conlinuing efforts to support one another as our
corn nrii-ty regroups tro grieve, heal and
move forward:

1. l,ie w!11 not be oeiined by this even-- '

a. Fi]:st. as an academic family we will endeavor to anafyze, learn and, ultimately,
to some understanding of -rhe event. our prrnciples of corununity remain our values'

b, virginia Tech - ou:: traditions, communitry, his--ory, and promising future-will prevair
Our moELo Ut Prosl-m itt"t f May Serve) unde::scores our
spirit '

-individuals af f ected by this tragic event '
2 . Inven! the !'uture
role and Spirit aS a world-renowned research institution.
'or last our
"fnvent 5uhe Fulure' captures week will alcer who we are and whaL we represent. When
rqoliri"s in the events the and talent of our s-"udenLs, and
classes resume, our academic excellence' commitment
will again be apparent. liokles
-""a- role inwill,-
our clear =n"pi"s i posiuive future for lhe worl-d
ir", embody learninE, discowery and engagement '
3. Ernbrace Ehe Virginia Tech Family
u -jvrvE-
un:vers:--y commun:ty.
b. Assisting rhe lamities and friends of those injured and bereaved is our focus'
co the assis--ance and suppot:r of one anocher.
"rso-com*itled we los! ' The VirgI-ni-a
c. We will nurture lhe legacy of *-be 32 Virginia Tech iamily memlcers
acc omP 1: sirm=:': s Our memorials
to them' botn
Tech famj-1y w:11 celeb:a:e their l-ives and
p"uii" and P::ivatse, will reflect those seniimen:g '
process tiahit,,:1).1_-^
intenEion to do whaLever we can Eo promo*!_e ihe healing that process ' we are
It is also our to be a irlfi""r elementbelj-eveof
^^**.,n i :-rr l^le cons:-o;r our communica:ions rtri r.s""v, and these messages
;#;;; of the Virsinia rech repulatron
to accomplishing that goal '
are crucial"onttor
have ' We want You to have
any quesr-ions or concerns You malr
Please contacts us v"'i*'h ptt*otu hea-:ng Loi.ters.tions among all
everything You need Eo comnunitY.consiruc;lve,
consti*'uencies ot our
We are Vlrginia Tech' We will prevail'
Lawrence u.
^ rl.t- -ut-r'E,.
-1. ^v
Associa-.e Vice Presrdent ' Universily

aii;e,.tu-.* ;;.;at.
Sent: SuiOay, APril 22,2007 5:51 PM
To: MultiPle reciPients
Subiect: ;;;i;"* il'th Yellow and Purple Arm Bands Are Here to Help

Sunday, APril 22 200'7

To the Virginia ?ech CoIrtrnurllEy:

PurPle or Yei)'ow
members of our conununrEy wearing eii'herwilL
As classes resume on Monoay, on hand Eo
I help?" These PeoPle
arm bands, as weil as some- with badges saying "May
helP '
bands are mental health professionals who are here to Provide
Those with PUP.PLE arm
may need it as we continue on the
ev .""- =1"4."a, faculty, or s:aff member
Anvone who desj-res their assislance should
f eel

chal l eng i-ng T;";-;;;;"ritts recoverv'

wiEh ""b
free tro stop and speak
rhose with YELi,olv arm t h:1tt:..?ii?::-'::
bands and. "Mav *iill-o:"it+5L":1"":t:::l:
a:*"'*iii":"to assist
*i::,:::: If;:TT'iT""3lEl.ffi"t""li""=i""il r";i;i;;=mh^66
. ---^r^r
on Mondav
a'^lrrr.rt- wil-1 carry
cFr-s will carrV
members of the communicy in whaiever *?Y ,t: needeC. These
and off carnpus/ as welf as imporiant
ffiHH:.::".5.::T$;51r"j.Iil"E:='";iiJ;"--;;;; ""
conLac-L '
.or ':conc el:og '':!F@11.rnay ha:'zg ''
Please conLact trhese people wil*l-qrest-ijsns
We are Virglnia Tech' We w!L1 prevail'

Seni: SundaY, APril22,2007 7:54 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subiect: Letter from Provost Mark McNamee

SundaY, ?!?rj-]- 22' 2001

Dear FacuIcY Colleagrues;
very Proud of 1'our ongoinS :f:?*: !o welcome our students back- to the "1"::t?:*:.T"
f am
# ::J::
"J'.i'i: ii""l"t"ia".i- "l.i I' r- have. c?mpi :.:-u :i: iluosl1'='"n
:Pq::'=:: :::*:::'.53,'lI; Hi."?.#!'ftI:'ii1#l-ii.i="-"=I i'i iiu *P^f""::":"T3 s'''ppo't aJ1d uni'-v
:**:: oPen io of f e=:s :?'=ffi;:;:'"::'::m;.'i:;-;J-;;;;*iii"'-io""'
please be of
tan helP us treal '
If you nole *.-hat sEudentss who normally attend class are not Present or if
You are
!o nake sure
please le! your e.p"it.""t know' we will
.on-..tttua about any
-ofstudenEs '
;;;-;;-;=; -t.t" Lhe special needs of anv s tudent .

We will learnalotaboutou::selvesandours*-udentsoverlhenextfewdaysint'hisearly
the recovex-y process ' Let's learn as mueh as we can '
tri"nas who are drawn to ihis special place is
Ehousands of students;";;Ji;;; ' embrace
r hope all of )tou can '
v,le are Virginia Tech ' we will
prevail '
Best wishes and thank You'
Mark McNamee
Seni: Sunday, APril22,2C07 8:C3 PM
To: Multiple reciPients
Subiect: A letter to students from the students of Hokies United

Sunday, APril 22 200'7

Fe1low Studen;s,
As classes resume Eomorro\t, we are all- reminded of the horrible tragedy lhat changei is
i n^ lrai harre realized in the past rareel", it the
campus forever. li cnere is one 1L
u1rrr19 srrs r.
! r^re
nnrnmrrr'i+ frz
enou::ing sirength of our Hokie !urrurL4f ei T^lh'i I e we will never f orget Ap:ii 1-6, 2007, we
FrrFn^ri- + .\nE
can only begin to heal with the r.

To remenber those los! and Eo honor everl'rone that has been affectsed' there will be a
untversity-wide moment of siience on lhe Drillfield rhe beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Monday, Ap::il 23'
200?. The first rrnging of the beLl will signify of the momen: of silence'
Af Eerrr;ards, *-he::e wili'be 32 additional to1ls of th. be1l,
accompanied by Eire reiease of a
white balloon for each victin. Following the last toll-, marocn and orangie balloons wi-i be
released to sigmify liokie unity. Please remaj-n silent for the duraiion of this ceremony '

On your behalf, we have requested that afl media leave canpus,

but we cannot force '-hem to
do so. Media are never ailowed in your cl-assrooms without faculty permission' if you do
noi \lian: to speak with -uhe media, kindly decline their requests. The media itiil be as
presen! as we allow them to be' Please be -^^*^-rrr.1
,i- t! u4 ^! i
vr I'.'1r+
vsr fellow
l Hories as you make
lhese decislons '
'^.1- .rt-i'l v f!v:rv
.'.rprhcr can hle beg:n :o move
Tnere is a long healing process ahead of us, !s s vr.rj v..v- -5-

fo:ward.. As a colrulunily, we hawe -'he strengEh

If you have any quesLions or concerns, please contact Hokies United. More informatsion
avatlable at www . hokiesunited. org . vt ' edu '
The S-"udent L.,eadership of Hokj-es United!{.de?,.11...
Paee 1 of2
Virg:nia Tech liews

Owczarski, Mark

From: Virginia Tech News [websupport@vt'edu]

Sent: Monday, APril 23, 2007 B:03 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subiect: Virginia Tech News

Vireinia Tech News
Monday, A?til23,2007
il;;k;6;;di;"-ast for Apr 23: Mostlv Sunnv, Hi: 80"F' Low: 52oF


> Detailed list of resources tor faculty, students' stafl' and
> Facully resouroes tor resumption of classes
> lnformaiion line - Dean of Students OtItce 5401231-3787

Today's Top Story

Board of Visltors names 2007-08 studerit reps
The Virginia Tech Board oi Visitors named Brennan Shepard
ur itt gi"Ou"t. student representative and Flyan 9'-Smith
representative for the 2Ao7 -2oOB
iti und"ergraduate student
academic Year.

Campus Notices

u.23.2007 Open Enrollment for Health Benefits and

Two university innovators bridge the gap fLxible Reimbursement Accounts is April
between web and librarY resources 16-May 16

04.23.2007 Workshop wlll locus on proper slorage and

Dairy Challenge team returns from South disposition of electronic records
Dakota with toP honors Spring 2007 CommonHealth Program Flyer
04.16.2007 available online
Federal Highway Administration names More Notices Subm!! q Ne!j99
hvdraulicJlab in honor of Virginia Teoh
riumnus Sterling Jones tTpcoming Events
Hilton executives to visit hospitality and Monday Aprit 23, AI daY
tourism management classes Summer Session Registration
Saturday Apil 28,8:00 Pn
New River ValleY SYmPhonY SPring
Sunday A7ril 29, 1:00 Pm- 3:00 Pn
Viroinia Tech Police host Breast Cancer
Awireness/Special Olympics tundraiser
More Events Submit an Event

Page 2 of 1
Vireinia Techr }.Iews


For questions or feedback about Virginia Tech News, please contact
Wnews@vt edu' or call (540)
ZB1-iZZ4. For iechnical questions a-bout this e-mail, please contact webmaster@vt


the rest of today's
Virginia Tech News is a service of University Relations' For breaking. news, and
piease visit the Virginia Tech News website' A complete list of News and
nefis, notices, and events,
lnformation contacts is also avaiiable for members of the media'
@ 2007 Virginia Poiytechnic Institute and State University

Mailing List Powered bY Dada Mail

Sent: Mo-nda'y', APril 23, 2007 1'1:34 AM
To: Multiple reciPients
Subiect: Message to the Virginia Tech Community

Monday, April 23 ' 200'l

to Our Com$nrnrty
Ilessage from Ehe University Relations Department
reiurning today -r-o campus '
Vie know you have all received-a-larse tt:IY: :l-:"T::t:::::*:.?:""H:t;::
y:"f,3YJ'ih'i-;;.;i; IIl
i"""i="Jt-r;;!-y':1,"y:-h:::^:::= i:t?'H'::l"ni:"T:l
::3i:til3 lti
ffii";:"3"?il"3'"; by an even! *,.t truppu""i
'..1=.: ,H"=:::
but #i,n#'*;.'u'
bv w'o and wriAr wE

me i-o remind all' of you thai the investigation

The police auihori-iies have askedany- that could be uselul Please con:ac! the
ongoing and interrse'-iivo" have23l- I'77 0ormalion
or The Virginia Tech Po:ice Depa:Emen: ' aE
central .lnvesliga-u1""-of f it" at .
231-641L as wel-l as your supen'lsor'
f-nq-r' terrn- security issues, aqain, please
wort_bawe_ a]]y questiorr"-,"g;rai"g tlr.
ihe virgfir'ia Tech Poiice DeparLment '
We are Hokies. We will Prevall- '
La=ry liincker - - .r ^- ^
vice President for University Rela--ions

Page 1 of2
Virginia Tech News

Owczarski, Mark

From: Virginia Tech News [websupport@W'edu]

Sent: TuesdaY, APril 24' 2007 8:02 AM
Owczarski, Mark
Subject: Virginia Tech News

Vireinia Tech News Ini/efif tbe Fuiure

Tuesd7v, Altil 24,2OO7
ela"kibJtg'tot"cast ior Apr 24: Chance none thunderstorms'


> Detailed list of resources fol faculty, students' statf ' and
> Faculty resources for resumpiion o{ classes
> lnformaiion line - Dean of Students Otfice' 5401231-3787

Today's Top Story

Two honored as 2007 Undergraduatell/lan and'Wmnan-riif"
the Year
Alison A. Smith of Monroeville, Penn" and Gregory.J'.
as vlrglnla
Saostetter oi Reston, Va" have been selected
i"Er'{iooz Undergiacluate Woman ot the Year
Unoergraduate Mai of the Year' respectively'

Latest News Campus Notices

04.24.2007 Summer and Fall 2007 course registation

Global Perspectives Forum to focus intormation
on international trade initiatives IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding unauthorized.
04.23.2007 memorial apparel/memorabilia and fraudulent
Board of Visitors names 2007-08 fundraising
student rePresentatives Message trom the University Relations
04.23.2007 Department to our community
Two university innovators bridge the Assistance available for those planning memorial
gap between web and librarY services
More Notices Submit a Notice
Dairy Challenge team returns from
South Dakota with top bonors Upcoming Events
Tuesday APri! 24, AII daY
Summer Session Reg istration
Saturday Aqril 28, 8:00 Pm
New River Valley Symphony Spring Concert

Sundav APrit 29, 1:00 Pn- 3:00 Pn

Vlrqinla Tech Police host Breast Cancer
Aw-areness/Special Olympics fundraiser

Page? ofZ
Virgnia Tech News

More Events Submit an Event

ieedback about virsiniar?'! Y1Y':-P]lil""::*:i:5lTl?ff.1?r:'carr
questions or reeuudr't\
For quesrons "ii;rJ'"'oir?ffi;;ii, Prseee contact webmaster@vt'edu'
r'rrrs e-rrrarr' bE;ie
231'5224 For technical quesllons aoout

VirginiaTechNeWsisaserviceofUniversityRe|ations'Forbreakingnews,and.therestoftoday.s News and
iiirginia Tech ru"*. *"oiit.. A complete list of
news, notices, and even$, pi;;.; ;;iiih;
ot the media'
iniottilutlon contacts is also available tor members
@ 2007 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

Mailing List Powered bY Dada Mail

From: @ vt'edu
Sent: Tu6sday, April 24, 20A7 12:17 PM
Tol Multiple reciPients
Subiect: Due io the weather, memorials io be moved inside

Tuesday, t+Pr--i 24 , 2047

To: Virginia Tech ConrnunirY

!'rom: Hokies United
proLeci :he tribules left at the D:illfieid
The universi.-} conmunily wants !o prese]:r'e a]1d
memoriais f o:: our s:udenis and faculty'

*rai would be damaged or destroyed' we will

car.efully and respecti,,rf iv *o.r:-ng Ehose it"in =
t.*oriai t;"^= ?ot salekeeping squires s:udent center-
The memorial white boards wirl be displayed temporarily in the Jower leve1 of ord Dominion
the li;kie Stones and flowers wifl remain on theof
Ballroom in Squares-i!"J.t" Cenier. inn if-.,bi-lnt -
iu:-" will be locaied in zhe uppe:: level
Drlilfield, items tnal would be affected
;;-o1A Dominion Ballroom of squires stsudent center'
If .you have any queslions, please e-mail hokiesunj'tedevi ' edu '
Sent: TuesCay, APril 24, 2007 6:54 PM
To: Multiple reciPients
Subiectl Acknowledgment of condolences and gifts ot support

Tl-resday, APrtt. 24 ' 200'7

To tiie Virglnia Tech Connunity:
of condolences, support ' a:ro l ove following the
As we alf have wiEnessed, the e>q>ressions undeniable strength of our Hokies
evenis of last week has rrulY U"-." i"*"tXable. Tire
Spirit has touched lhe world'
e>q:ressions of- eondolence come to our colEnunity,
As the many notres, rributes and other o;her units acknowledge
rttaividual departments ' colleges'
r:.niversity suggests iital .,o
tnose made spe"iricaiiJ their r'rni;' -rtems receiwed an Burruss Hall to the universitY
conrnuniEy will be ackn-owledged by tbe Office
of the Pi'esident'
intended for the families of the victims should be
Notes, tributes and other messagfes L.,ife,
direcied to the Office of Sluoent 501 Draper Road, 540-231-3787 '

Donaiions to the Hokie Spiri! Memorial -Fund may be made by vlsrtlng

i.tlp'7ztt-.vt.eou/tral.;;7;;;t;i;1-fund'php' oi bv carling 800-533-1144'

{ cla::ks@v!. edu, 540-231--2813 )

asked to save and record all names and addresses of

A11 in -.he Virqiinia Tech comnrni:y are and archived, and at an appropriate tl-me
well wishers. This inior:*-,-ion wilt le .oii."a.a
response will be sent to the thousands upon
in -.he fuEure, .na o!ii.i-l universiry
Lhorrs.rrd" who liave supported us durlng this time '
S incerelY ,

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice Presl-dent for Univelsity Rel-ations
Sent: Tuesday, April 24,2007 1C:00 PM
To: Muliiole recipients
Subiect: Stayrng informed through Virginia Tech News

Tuesoay, APril- 24, 2007

'I6^O -L^ r7i--;ri= .Fanh

I Egar a.fim1rriiv:
vv!sr$r'. er I
-J- I rrr.-La.

As continue io move f orr,v-ard in the faCe of last week' S tragic evenls ' Virginia Tech
News (www.vEne\^/ i will continue tso be a central source of news anc information for
Llle \7.i *^i r i > T16..11 ..lrql,n
V f:9-r--cl vr4lrLurrt -1t

homePage and lzi r.ri 1,1i F

Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to visit the universitsy oailY e-mail
Tech News websi-,-e da;ly, and to sign up f or the Virginia Tech News
news. To receLve the daily e-mail, please go to
injormed of che lacest campus HTML vers:-on (see example:
http: //'php and srgn up for either Ehg
h-,- tp : / /www. vtrnews v! . edu/ emai 1/ HTMI,-emai-
. 1-s ample ' html) o:: text only (see:
hcEp : / /www. vLnev/s vi . edu/.email/ text-email-sample ' :xt ) '

In aod:tion, the conmunl ty is encouraged to post all event s open to the universlty
-\., i-n f he Univers:iy EvenE
-shar.ed Ca-endar, iound a! h:;p: / / wwvr ' calendar ' r'-- ' eduzmain 'php
;;H;';'.";!a-irJt"--*.v be and highlighted on the virginra Tech News website' onlv
evenls sponsored by u-nrversity departmenls, clubs, and organizations may be posEed to the
Univei's:r1r Erzent Calendar '
SEnt: Monday, April 16,2007 9:50 AM
lo: Multiple reciPients
Subiect: PLease stay Put

A gunman is loose on calnpus. S-,-ay in builCings un-'i] furgher no--ice. ScaY away
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 1Q:17 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subiect: All Classes Canceled; Stay where you are

Virginia Tech has canceled all- classes. Tbose on ca$pus are asked to remain where there
are, lock their ooo:s and sray away from windows. Person's off campus are asked not
r- c
^ ^.rnfrrr
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:53 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Second Shooting ReDorted; Police have one gunman in custody

west anbler Johnston' F-here has been a

In add::lon r-o an eariier shoo:ing "odayinin Norris
r"flipi. shooting with mul-r-iple viclims Haii'

Police and EMS are on the scene'

police have one shooter in custody and as parE of rouElne police procedure, they
t'o search for a second shooter'
unEil' further
All people in unrversity buildings are requ-:ed Eo slay inside
All en;rances to campus are cLosec'

Sent: Monday, April 16,2007 12:16 PM
To: Multiple recipients
SubleqJ: Counseling support available

coulseling ts available in the Bowman Room in tbe Merriman center (par:

co6plex) for empioyees wiro seek assistaace following today's events '
Sent: Monday. April 16, 2OO7 12:42 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subiect: Staiement by President Charles W' Steger

Shooij-ng at VlLginla Tech / Staiement by

President Charles W' Sieger

The-univer=i:Y t:..::::ked and
shoo-r_ings on campus.-in each c-ase, rhere-;;;;'faialities.
most profouna to *r. tamrlies-Ji tftese victims which include sludents There are
22 confirmed deaths '
of vicEims' The virginj-a Tech Police
we currenLly are in the proeess of notifying fa:nilies
-eotice, iden-'ify ---he vic'-l-ms
r-he !,Br, universl-ty and strate poii"". vie continue Eo \',/ork to
covey my own personal sense of lcss over this
impac*-ed by ',his -.t";;at ' r canno: begin to -lrra-
H"i"oi= act- Tbe gniversity w1:-l immedia"ely
senselessne== ot srr"i-ri irr"oo'pr"rr.rr= iri. rru.r. l".r identified in Ambler Johnson and :he
set up counseling centers. so far ".rrr.i=
Here are some of ',-he f acts we know:
fbere were multiple shootr-ng viciims '
concerrrr=,g an ewe:rE in 'West +nnl:er .lolmsion H"f:-'
tro hours laier ;he univers i ty rece:ved
!{hile in the process of investigating, d9-r;11!3
reporLs of a shoolr-ig-i"-No'=is-Itatl' ry:1'll'l{.'ill?li"t; !su=rvs :i::rffi:}
rn lne regr'o' L'e Y::;iT: s'L'le+Ysr'vr
titsportea to various hospi:als in Uhe ifi'nediate area
the remainder f or the -Lodav '
Al-1 cl-asses are canceLled and the r:'niversiEy" is "]o::g-f:-L
poli-ce are curren.'rv-l-,tg:-"; ;he release of people from canpus
Famiiies wishing to reunite with t,he students are suggested to meet at the rnn at v:rgania
;; ituesdayl a-L noon at cassell coliseum
Tech. we are making plans ior u "onrro"ulf to begin to deal v"lEh r-he tragedy '
f or *,he university corTununi ty Eo come a.g"t;"t
From: Viroinia Tech News [websupport@vt.eou1
Sent: Mo-ndav. April 16, 2007 9:52 PM
To: Owczaiski, Marr
Subiect: Virginia Tech News

Irue to the tragedy on :he Virg!'nia Tech campus that occurred on Monday, APril 16, there
roiif U. no vT News Daily E-Mail for Tr:esday' April 17 '

For updated informalion relating Eo the shooting incidenEs' the canpus operating schedule,
please visit- -'ire <a href = "hEtp: / / wr,vw . vt . edu/ "
>Vlrginia Tech
and other unlverslEy events,
homepage< / a> .

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Mailing List by Dada MaiI

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Sent: Monday, APril '16,2007'10:00 PM
To: MultiDle recipients
Subieci: Pianned Faculty / Staff Evacuation

Drillfield are asked to Leave

Faculty and staff located on ';he Burruss Hall side of the ott:..e and go !:ome immedia:ely'
MemoriaL / Eggleston HaII side oi che )r:lffield
Faculty and staff located on i-he viarhome at i2:30 p'm'
;;il4-i.-1;ave iheir ofrices and so
Sent: Monday, APril 16,2007 10:00 PM
To: Multiole recipients
Subiect: University closed today; classes canceled TuesdaY

rt] has closed :oday Monday, ApriL 16, 2OO'7 ' On Tuesday'
= 'l'a-h
Apr:1 1?' ciasses will
v !! -^.ini 4!e-_

be canceled. The uniwersity will r-emain open for adniinistrative opera-"lons '
9 41:rs

There will be an additional univers ily stsatement presented today

a! noon'
sEaff are requlred to stay where they a::e un";il
_pi..sua police execute
All stsudents, facultY, and in effect today; further ln:ormation wilL
a planned evacuatrion. A policeclosing tiff fe
be for:hcoming as soon as secure the caflttrrus.
.F^n^r,er.x,r rh-*e wilf be a university convocaiion,/ cez'emony at noon at Cassell Coliseum' The
*-i h; rna.--h }l= e been desigiated as che site for pa:ents !o gather and oblain
aL r7.i
-L,lul vr!Ytlrfq ^
Owczarski. Mark
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:00 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subiect: Planned Faculty / Staff Evacuaiion

are asked :o
Facully and staff localed on the Burruss Ha]l side of ;he Dril].field

thel,r affice and go home irmnediately '

io leave cheir oflices and go home at 12:30 p'm'

... .:.
From; @ vt'edu
Sent: Tu6sday, APril 17, 2007 9:24 AM
To: Multiple reciPients
Subiect: ffifi;ftt fiitrsitv Communitv Regarding Campus Tragedy

TuesdaY, APril 1?

ioti,.ta, we share the f oli'ohtj-ng inf ormation:
u:xiversitv will re-open
assisr;;;-";-;;.ded. The
Eime -uhey need ro sr;;;-";;-seek aoroitor, wednesday, - April 18' understanding that some
adrniniscrative operalions beginnirrg
rake-additi;;;i;il" off-thil week to grieve the loss of
sraff r*;-;;;h;;
faculty and -we
feLlow col-leasnres ""i ;;;;";; ' for"srt i"ait'ia"-r employees !o comrnunicate with their
superuisors of ttrerr sl;;A;i;" the balance of the vreek '

faculty offices '
to arrange al:ernatrve*i o"ttio" for classrooms and
aii-Io.,i".i"i" wj'Il be -vtiIable for extended
may receive counselinl'.i la"co*.= narr An'rer 'Johnston for residentss
hours. counselors ,iii ;i=;-;."r".ii"ur"-i"-il;i
Bnorovees may receive needed support by arolnq
to ttle Br{l'sb 'Moustain Roon in sqtdles
saia."a cen:Lr -.hroughout Ehe day'
wlll be holding a convoca:ion ceremony at 2 p.m. at casserl coliseum'
lragedy to
Tbe universiEy r""i-""*"""ity tifr come togeEher since the
wiII be Ehe firsr tGe crre viiginiattrat time, presidlnt Georgre eush' first Lady Laura Bush'
share our collecctvJ "ortor. eLmembers;'";;-;;;;a of visitors, members of the clers1''
Gov. Timorhy Kaine,-ui". ratne of condolence to the f arnily and
our studenl--s, and p""i-sitti Gi ovanni will shareof us as '!'te move forward past Lhis
friends of r-he t'ri.tli" uta tota" of hope io all
on campus cable stations'
coliseum be full, ai't-""""i will be broadiast
-'-o struggle with these
at iarge. coniinues process
The virginia Tech colununicy, and the vro:rc
horrible eventss. we hope t.nese sEeps will her-p in
thac healing '

ttl;&r:.arErrril;jli4-4ad*rl,icA*..l i..r ':


From: Viroinia Tech News lwebsupport@vt'edu]

Sent: Tu5sday, April 17, 2OO7 1A:27 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subiect: Virginia Tech News

llr. the tragedy on the virginia Tech campus April that occurred on Monday' April 16' *-here
be no VT Netrs Daily E-Mail for Wednesday,
will- "o 18.
i nr:'i dents, the ca.flpus operaling schedule,
i- L'a ch^,.\f i r'rr rr'v4ee'
For updated information relating to tlf l; Dlrev u4rf!,Virginia Tech homepage a'r hitp : / /www ' vt ' edu/
and ouher university evenEs, please visit the

The f oilowj-ng information is a rera'j-nder of your current rnailing

list subscription:
You are subscribed to -'he folfowing ::st:
Virginia Tech News
using tshe following email:
maowczar@vc . eou

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<http : / ,i v'-news . unirel ' vt . edu/mail ' cgi /u /wtnewsHfMl / >

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Sent: Wednesday, APril 18, 2007 8:29 AM
Tol Muftiple reciPients
Subiect: Threat at Burruss

hatl . Po1ice reponded ' The

It was repor*-ed that suspicious,actrvity was :n burssuss
itr"i. a"ttt w-as determined to be unf ounded '
Sent: Thursday, APril 19, 2OA7 i:12PM
To: Multiole reciPients
Subiect: Letter from Provost Mark McNamee

ThursdaY, APril 19, 2007

Dear Facul-,-y and Staff Colleagues:
to EnanK
Ehank you for rhe
vou ril! ri! s''s4'u
e1!s Eremendous suppor! v?: -t::-l:::i*":"::
I vtani to
aurin-g this crisis. we lost frve f acul:y members-.. :.n i'is :::-?:*":;:":?:rt'
horrific shooting
33!l'l'li'"EEiil3""i;".i.'iil""o"';;;; -6n1.\6r :nd ? ? siudents

i::5;i;Tti'Enl""IiJ;""" ;:-.;;";;i;;:- in" :::":g::i
3: ::ffi?ffi:"i':
:^n* ::yi:ment
or our
5::l:':3##'il="?"iii"i# ;;; "'i"'s"ii"u1-' q3 ^:'::"fl
vigil: ::^h:::'::-:::"?":l
;::iffi"Hffi"li'.;:#illlii"li='ii'Ili"J"il;n' irierhe T1.'ll ;3;"";:"::
l,:::?:?: rech'
|!';:$flil!;'#"";;',;i'"=Eiiiii,.i;;;;;v"bors'or 1o.'"'-hat is virginia we are
v f!
r n'onh
!, irr*e 4ee'_'

I am sitLins aE mv computer for the first tj-me "il:".,Y:i3Y.'t:T:??-=u^]oT"i?5t "o

lnil.=li'il3n"i"t"".-iliTl"=*rii-v""-";-;;;";i9: *I i"ti:i"l^::::::":: :l: *:1i:"
;:H;";:,':::.iti:;"::';;.";;:";; Tu"6:l'-tylll::,
3!i5l3i3: ?;;:t:'#Jirii='i.'il'"i ;-';;;;;eJ aeatr's..t:.TTI-:T:::-T'q";i,*":":;";
riie' =d-:::"?::?,:"*:H"?:uii
untir il1at moment' a slinmer of lrope
i3l'3xl'3r'iil";"ii=i|$:"$; ";"';;";;;-;i."q/
j-n one plece '
w"s tfr. on1y thing holding tarnj'lies
I am distressed that so many of the consounications come ehrouqh the media iirst' ofEen
make the lnformation available ' our
media reveals information before vre calr t""p"""iurv
in their inEeractions with the medj'a'
students have been :-""i.aftrv sophisticated
breaking news, e-,-c'
information as poss ible-i.garai"g funeraLs, memorial services,
ti: devefop
I have been working wlth "he coll-ege deans and ehe dean-of-:h:.?::::":: ;::::l
:d :il""?"::'Xliiiill :id'p;;.;;;;-i; ild;
:n:-'::yl"l:: ::^:+::'::^":":':P:uu;J: and we
3.i ;;-;;;Iipi"=-'iir ".".::.-=:y:^::: ::::::".:":',::: :::":ff:
:,EL vr -

:"::: H":':-:Hfi;

:flffi ;::"i :;;H:"=;'";":;;'';;;-;;';-;;'-y;r:-:' g:i:n^;ll::".::-:':":":":u':::

;:i::'::: o,ji'niii'I"";;;;;';;:'"!-*i"[-ii:!{":i::l^-
;1"";::l:=ni!irl."iiii"t'"J'"'"a'"iJ+:::*=':^:l:::: T:":,,i :::"::.::':::i'
:?.ffiH,:Ii fl:":;:,1:":;;';;.-i."Hi"n :::::::',:':.':}:.::lT:ii:
and recovery.process in dj.fferen! v,ays. we fi3'*'il"
- --^ -'t -^ aainzr i-.r hr.'\tide
Xlit'Xl':":="iy;:i;'jiil:=","= ;";;;;;;';-::ry41"1":::l
i.3i.::??:"ilIi"'iiu'iiiEi#;""F; -yi ?::.:::: Y,?lln.:: :::::::
ffi;;;j ::.::l-.*:",'.^:l'^i:::?:::,:i"1.:n:"=:u:l;"
:f i*".3"::$ ;il:.$:;*i:;n1;*;""i"el-'v
il:u$I"':.:::l"H'i!]i-" '."'il'ii*I;;;; 'iti"'
yiii.Y?'I":t:::1o-:'1l :::"?:il: ""u
o',e wirr all need to be sensi.ive'
f1exible. creaEive, I

and fair.
A1l, of the studen--s whose liwes were taken wili be awarded degrees posthumousLy by
be .r.ra"a a"iir-tg the coll-ege, depar--mentaL, or graduate
Vrrgi.nia Tech. The degrees wilr majors
sch6ol cerernonies baEEd on che of the sludenis '
rhe:'e wil-I be several revlews of the
""1.9i :Y:"-t-:.i"::":.?::1J::?-:n""::":3iTt?;
;f':J:;i"i"lil!i''iti;";.;i"";= ana,w:lt-la'i::-Tillll3;one"soar :s
ii';iliE-lJi; ;;;;.;-;;";;:;-";;
neeaea *'Jt tl.'l:-:P::-:.:T^-:"1:"?;:i3;,fr
rv-viisi"i; approwed bv
and a'preveqr
tech ano
VirgJ.nla Tecn G?verl:r Y:l: yiil^::?lrt"u
,,v \'rrvslllvt
indepLndent reVieW t'-helr
- €.,r
a futlyr' objecc:ve analwsis of the sltuar-!;n. Fanilie; members, despite
^1.\ia^f i\* anaLYsis preveni or :espond tc
qrief, hawe exPressed a des:re fo ,.r". what we learn :o help others
Siiii; :?;:":H;=;;-;ril'ii'v,-';;h;;;' rh' r'*i'i'"
we can to provide as much detaii as:::l:''::"
of how their loved ones died' We ;ii*;;-;";ititit'g

. .: r
from friends and colLe3s"""-t::T:^
received an ovel:Tthelming nurbe: of messages and correasn:es' rhe outpour:'ns
"i-Ji-""i" You are."1"" !:=Tg f;;"'';;;";i-lends
support and condolences
is reassurfng l" cn-i " rime of r::ageoy '
we can be strong,
care of yourselvt"-Td lool< out for orre ano:her' Togeiher
P l ease take
resilient, and successtur '
We are Virginia Tech'
Mark G. l4cNamee
UniversitY Provost c Affails
Vice President lor Acaderni

ThursdaY, APril 19, 2OO7 1:24PM
To: MultiPle recipients
Subiect: lett.t to Students irom Provost Mark McNamee

ThursdaY, AP:rI 19, 2007

Dear virginia Tech Studeot s :

support' c9u1]99' tlld this tragedy:'19"t

we are very proud or vour gtriet- for our failen
sEudents and faculty members atld -ellel-r
e>mressions of fove ana
;;i1;;; and frienc's are rnspirins'
of cfasses on
On a practical ievel, we have developed-p:rnciples :: ry19:j 1:hetoresunrption
make choices from
ptot'iiits you' the stud;nts' titi' tht ability
April 23. lie a::e class '
multiple options *o"l it"it ]'ou wane uo handle each
I am keepinJ"iiti=-tt==tg"- =ltotl ' t
will-prov1de additional
avoid overloading th.- =ysl"*,
itrior*"t:'ot ghrough lhe web'
Wesincerelyhopeyouwi}lremainengagedinthelearningprocessnomatterwhichoptionsDtssertacion and
apply-to rtl],llrrit "i*"ii-.ipi"-io"'-ti"tts'
vou choose. The p:r!-ciples *o'aii:-ta
lhesis deadlines h";;-;;; bv the Graduate school-'

Bes: wishes.
Mark McNamee
Unive:'siEY Provos: @
Sent: Tnirsday, April19, 2007 2:49PM
To: Multiple recipients
6J,iii;i"s,"srpport Resources Available to Faculty and Staff

To Virginia Tech Faculty and S'"aij:

around campus to Suppor! our conununity in
There are a number of resources avaifable on and
contacting any of the resources Delohr'
p"t""a" and teachers, a: w!'tw'hr'vt' edu/ supporEresources '
Faculty and Slaff support resources:
center, and The Inn at Virginia Tech lrom I a'm' to 5
and workgroups at their offices or olher
counselors are avaifable io meet with deparlments
convenient ioca:ions
hours; after hours' confact
con-'act 540/23!-9331 for more information du:rng business
valueoptioDs at 1-866-125-0602 '
Faculty and staff in.lhe Brush Mountaln room a-r
counselors w:_11 be also available forduring
Sguires student c"ttJ.i-t"i" weekend the foliowing times:
from 10:00 a'rn' until 3:00 p'm'
;;;;;A;y, April 21
!"ra"v,'aptil z2 ftot 2:00 p'm' until 5:00
Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 9:25 AM
To: Multiple reciPients
Sublect: Shooting on camPus.

th:-s morning. Pofice are on

A shoo-'lng inclden: occu::ed at West Amber Johnslon earlier
Ehe scene and are investiga:lng'
The unlversity co[filunity is urqed to be cautious and
are asked to contact virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Police aE 23I-64L1
soon as we have more information.
s:ay af-tsuned to the www.v!.edu' we will post as

, .-
\zirginia Tech News Page 1ofZ

Owczarski, Mark

From: Virginia Tech News []

Sent: MondaY, APril 16, 2007 5:55 AM
To: Owczarski, Mark
Subject: Virginia Tech News

Monday, April 16,2007
News WfireiniaTee
Blacks6urg forecastfor Apr 16: Chance Rain/Snow, Hi: 50'F, Low: 33oF

Today's Top Story

Torgersen, Durham, Whittemore halls to open 7 a.m. Monday; $5'000 reward ofiered
Three university buildings, Torgersen, Durham, and whittemore, have been closed since
Friday because of a bomb threlt. Police have swept the buildings with -search teams and
deemed the building suitable for use beginning 7 a.m. Monday' April 16.

Campus Notices

04.16.2007 Open Enroltment for Health Benetits and

Federal Highway Administration names Flexible Reimbursement Accourits is April
hydraulics lab in honor of Vlrginia Tech 16-May 16
alumnus Sterling Jones
Students invited to a World Cafe Forum
04.16.2007 on April 19
Hilton executives to visit hospltality and
tourism management classes Spring 2007 CommonHealth Program
Flyer available online
Statement by Virginia Tech President
More Notices Submit a Notice
Charles W. Steger regarding Girls Gone Wild
Upcoming Events
Blacksburg, Roanoke, and Vlrglnia Tech to Wednesday Apil 18, 7:30 Pn
use of biodiesel fuel in vehicles and power Rat Pack Encore: BroadwaY Review
Thursday Apil 19, 10:00 am- 4:00 Pm
04.12.2007 Earth Day Fair
Latest resource on biodiesel fuel available
from Virglnia Gooperative Extension Saturday Apil 21, 10:00 am'2:00 Pm
Fourth Annual Dog Walk Against Cancer
More News
More Events Submit an Event


For questions or teedback about Virginia Tech News, please contact, or call (540)
81-b224. For technical questions about this e-mail, please contact


Virginia Tech News is a service of University Belaiions. For breaking news, and the rest of today's
neirs, notices, and events, please visit the Virginia Tech News website. A complete list of News and

Page 2 of 2
\trginia Tech Nevrs

lnformation contacts is also avaiiable for members of the
@ 2007 Virginia Polytechnic lnstitute and State University

Mailine List Powered bY Dada Mail

Monday, April 16, 200i 10:53 AM
Multiple recipients
Subj,ect: Second Shooting Repc,rted; police have one gunman in custody

In a.dCition Lo an earlier shootins L.oc:av in WesE Ambler Johnsion, the::e has been a
mrrltinlc chnnrina ,,*ch mulriple vi cc inrs in Norris lial-l.

Police and EI\IS are on the scene,

Police hawe one shooter in custody anc. as part of routine police p:ocedure, they
continue to siearch for a second shooter.
All neonl e ir-r rr itrarsitv buildinds rrF rF..r.,,i ?a.q i^
su: ru_rJu D o.J.e ___*_+-y ev si-arr i7laiA6 _*rcher notice.
trFl- il
-_,-__ f',.
AlL entrances to campus are cl_osed...
Sent: Monday, April 16, 20A',' 12:16 pM
To: Muliiple recipients
Subject: Counseiing support avrilable

surrrD=r-!r.r9 .t
r5 - avaj-lable in tbe Bo\,rman Room in the Merriman center (part. or the aihl..i L:i.{:
nnmrr'1 ov\ f nr employees r.{ho seek assisl:ance following today,"
Sent: Monciay, April 16, 2AO',, 12:42 pM
Multiole reciDients
Subject: Staiement by presidert Charles W. Sieoer

Sico=t-ng at ',--::g:-n:a lec'n / S:atemen: b1, p:esiden-_

Cha:_:s !i- S:ege:
The univer:si;y was s!:uc]: -'oiia' wirh ;r :raged-u-
:\to shootl-Dgs on campus rn eath case. :heie r.t= of monumenr,ar. proportioD.s. There wer.::
and horrii jed :hat :his ' would bef al-L ()ui- :.J-iiar"" . rn. urriversi:y j-s shcr:: !:tr:l
camDus. T vrant ;o exienc my deeDesi, s!nc€:.I
s1'rnparhjes :o :he irrmlries or ri:=se-vi!-.rms :.s;1:
:a ur:rr.:_ _ rlT:3d iea:hs. wbich inciude siud.:nr.j:
Lie surreD:ly a::e in lhe Drccess of
Fo] j-ce a::s bl:ing asslstsed by numerous famrl-ies of victims. ?he vr::grnia ?ecl.
:nvestiga;ed br' rh:_F=, other ju=sdrcrions. scenes a::e being
:-i::-r::f1' rhe viclirns. J-mpac:ed-bl.
-universi;v-1,,r.r.", ;;-;t;;;-;;;i... "rrrn=
r4re co:rr:.nue !o vrorl: r(:,
sense of tos.:; over ihj-s senser-=i"o""" i:-agecJ,. f cannot b€
;;-:;:i=: i::::-::?t" :: correv. mv own persc)..riJ
un:-vers:-:y *::-r immea:.ateiy set up-;;::.;l;l ::"iff:y;:":::':*.:::'**:;j:.:;;-;j;;-
a"a iu.-iroo:. coio".rio;-i.;;., ro wcrk w:.:b
:*ffiii.;";:i *l;i=:ohason our campus

Iiere ar€ sotn:; ci tne :acts we know:

-L^-.- -/ ; -r-:'
a ' m. :his morning a g1-1 .cal-r.
came io the univess:_ly porice De'ar:ment
conce::ning arr event ir west Arnf,er Jolu:sion
!{hr-re :he process-oi iSvesgigaring, alout :wo ;;;; IIa1r.. Tixere were mu:--,ipJ-e shoo:iag vic:i.n.:;.
repo:ts of a shooting in Norrj-s-Iialll rhe porice i;;., Erle universiry receiveci
h";pi;;i; in che immediate i.". :.esponded- \zic:ims have
*::r;;$ che resion i.o rBC€aV€,
we wil] D:'o:e el :o coni-act the f amilies
oi rri. ctims as identrEles are ar,-airabLe.
Al'1 classes are cancel-Led and t-he university
The un:'1'ersity w111 open E omorror,r at g is crosed ior ti:e ::emainder io:: lhe :c:Li:,.,,.
?he poi"'ce are cu:tenlly sragrng riJ.l=ru-"";i "i.""u=-rrtl bui be cancerled on ru"sa";.,
p".pi"-rrJi..*p..r" burldugs.
!am:-li-es wishing io reunite wiah ihe stucienis
vargrnj'a Tech ' v'ie a:e mairing pJ.ans f or are. suggested co meet at the rrux a!
a ccnvocaii on - iornorrc, (Tuesday)
:f,:=:;:r;fiseum ror the unlw-ersitl'-"lo'rrr,..y ;;-;;;.-I.J"in=, io besin io dear. v.,r::_.
aa nccn aE

Seni: unrfelrayi a^,,
To: APriJ 16 )^^.,' a ^
Subject: M_ujtiore ,u",oi"n]. ", 4:31 pM
campus u;;;;; ;, V_- shccrrnss

_. r,useDEial
3' :*1 ffi 'ln^u=' ji, a:
Jr',,,;, i; l;i:J.X d: y, Ao' i i . _
studenrs u t'*' g".r."iinJi"se1l coLlseum
"1 .r. ,rrj=, ;o
arA .-^-ged
rnajv:ouail-J:="ji3:o .""a_^-- l rhej:. '';:;.J;=;Lcassell
a. coniasc a: a2 p.m. (a r.i.nrc:
"='= paients as sooE ;.s
pcss-ble to
-strudents, iacu r r.,
==rro "a_-., ,,,*^ -- reL ihem i:nc:
'EL Enem :

wi:h ,concen
wi.:h :onee:": .:"
' "r ud1'r sno-r:r jiii"iririi, ,,elr.-.c
rndividuarb ,",;;::;::J::'.rr :F:;,;T;;i;i;*l:,ai1l;g"r,;;i"n;"i.==
tr,u Dean or
have been ta,ren ".:r;hir*";l;;i"";"i1.
o'=iice at 540-:31-3787.
!osarea hospi:a.Ls.
Thu,Jun t4,2OO7 6:12 PM

Subject: RE: Cho's medical/counseling records

Date: Thursday, June 14, 2007 3:21 PM
From: Hincker, Larry <>
To: < >
Conversation: Cho's medicaUcounseling records

Contents will not be divulged. They are still protected by the custodian under HIPAA. The
release was specific for us to provide to Mrginia Tech Review Panelfor use in its

Larry Hincker
Associate Vce President
University Relations
Mrginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5396

- - lnwnt thcFuErn

From: [mailto:]

Senfi Thursday, June 14, 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: Cho's medical/counseling records

Lar:y -- I understand Tech has obtained a waiver to release Cho's medical and
counseling records. Can you tell me when you got the waiver? Who you got it ftom
(mother)? \[hen you'll turn them over to the panel? And can you divulge their
contents to me/

Eagerly, eagerly waiting to hear fiom you,

Page 1 of 2
Unlversity Relau ,ns
WVlrglniaTech 105-C Media Building (0109)
Blacksburg, Virginia 2406'l \
iir l r";,";;
' l-'

540/23 1 -9054 F ax: 5401231

E-mail: i
www.vt.eclu nr'" 1 L;
". ",,*.-""- -,-lrj

Iuly 12,2007

To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

(1 v
From: Clara B. Cox -
Director, University Publications

Subj.: Thank you cards

Larry Hincker, associate vice president for University Relations, has requested that individual
departments, centers, institutes, and colleges acknowledge the gifts received as a result of the April 16
events. To make it easier to acknowledge these gifts, University Relations has produced thank-you cards
that we encourage you to use.

Please contact Phyllis Olinger at or call her between the hours of 8 a.m. and noon Monday
through Friday if you would like to receive thank-you cards for this purpose. Please tell Phyllis how
many you need. We will distribute the cards on a first-come, first-served basis until the supply has been

I nanK vou.

Invent the Future

An equal opportunity, aflirmative action institution

. .? a.j.&ijiai;b,&\-
Page I of2

From: Sarah Thompson [Sarah,] Sene Mon 2007-05-07 19t57

To:; Osborne, Mary (Beth)
Cc Kaufmann, Rachel; Joyce Nelson
subid! Tuesday, May I

Here is the schedule for Tuesday. Please change as needed.


9:00a-5:00p Susan Owen: 540-91 5-6472

8:45a€:00p Wanda Osbum: 540-355-1720

7.45a4'.15p Bill Gamble: 5404214408


8:00a{:00p Bill Gamble - Bumrss All dav

8:30a-10:30a Bill Gamble - Burruss Housekeeping Staff

9:00a-12:00p Wanda Osbum - Service Leaming Center - 201 Major Williams Hall

11:00a-1:00p Bill Gamble - Office of Senior Fellow for Resources Development - 400a Burruss


9:00a-5:00p Susan Owen (She will go directly to Squires)

12:30p€:00p Wanda Osbum

Sarah J. Thomoson

Response Center Supervisor

Crisis Care Network
2855 44th Street, SW
Suite 360
Grandville, Ml 49418
p.1.888 736,0911 x 1
f. 1.616.257.3515
sai'air ll rompson@ci-j5isr.::ie.r.(:)!'rr

https://weboutlook.r.t.edr.r/exchange/aroszak/Inbox/Tuesday,o/o20MayYo208.EML?Cmd=open 51812007

',:i.,hi.i4ri.. i;rajr.
From: Woodard, Linda
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 11:41 PM
To: Woodard, Linda; Reilly, Virginia; Jacobs, Cathy; Higdon, Rosie; Richardson, James; Ridinger,
Judy; Gambill, Tony; Martin, Douglas; Poeriner, Stacey; Adams, Amy; Burton, Patricia
Subject: RE: Tuesdav

Here are my telephone numbers in case you need to try to reach me tomorrow'
Home 540-552-341-5
Work cell 540-357-0249
Personal ceI1 540-392-24Ls
Sene from my Goodl,lnk synchronized handheld (

-- ---original Message-----
Woodard, Linda
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 l-l-:12 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Rei1ly, Virginia; Jacobs, Cathy; Higdon, Rosie; Richardson, .fames; Ridinger, Judy;
cambil-1, Tony; Martin, Douglas; Poertner, stacey, Adams, Amy; Burcon, Patricia
Subj ect: Tuesday

I-.,isa wilkes jusE caIled. The campus will still have police barriers at all entrances. I
will go in to campus around 7 a.m. And will give a list of your names he officers on the
southgate enErance and hope Chat this wj-l-l work. It's not known wheLher with pres. Bush
coming if this will prevent all of us from getting on campus. In case we have to identify
another place to work, we may need computer access so if you have access to a laptop bring
it with you. L,j-nda
Sent from my Goodlink synchronized handheld (
From: Hincker, Larry []
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 7:05 PM


7:l-5 A.M. - Virginia Tech Police Departmenl (VT PD) receives a 911 cal] to respond to a
dormj-tory room at West Amb1er Johnston Residence Hall.
Within mj-nutes, Virginia Tech Police and Virginia Tech Rescue Squad responci to find two
gunshot victims, a male and a female, inside a dormitory room within the Hal1. The
iesidence hall was imrnediately secured by VT PD and students within the hall were notified
and asked to remain in thej-r rooms for their safety. VT PD innediately secured the room
for evidence col.Lection and began questioning dorm residents and identifying potential
witnesses. In the prelirninary stages of the investigation, it was believed the deaths were
an isol-ated incident, domestic in nature'
Blacksburg Police Department were also on scene assisting VT PD with
establishins a safetv perimeter around the residence hall and securing Washington Str'eet.

7:30 AM - Investigators were following up on leads concerning a Person of interest in

re.Iation to the double homicide. Investigators from VT PD and Blacksburg PD were
following up on various leads.

g:25 AM - Virginia Tech Leadership Tean, which includes the universj-ty presicient,
executive vice president, and provost, assembl-ed to begin assessing the developing
situation at the residence hall and determining a means of notj-fying students of the

9:00 AM - Leadership Team was briefed on the situation by VT PD Chief W.R. Flechum on the
latest developments in the ongoing investigation at the residence hall-.

9:26 AtI - Virginia Tech cornmunity - all faculty and students - were notified by e-mail of
the homicide investigation and scene at West Arnbl-er Johnston Residence Hall, and asked to
report any suspicious activity to. The Virginia Tech Emergency/Weather Line recordings
were al-so transmitted and a broadcast telephone message was made to campus phones' A press
release was drafted and posted on the Virginia Tech t{ebsite.

-945 - Notice in leadership command center via our police rep of a shooting in Norris.

Of fi-cers on the scene in minutes. Doors chained shut. Officers breached lhe doors r,"irh

There was no engagement. When offj-cers on ihe scene the shooting had stopPed.

From: Unirel@vLedu
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 9:26 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Shooting on campus.

A shooting incident occurred at west Amber Johnscon earlier this morning ' Police a
the scene and are investigating.
The university community is urged to be cautious and are asked to contact virginia
Pofice if you observe anything suspicious or with information on the case' Coniact
Virginia Tech Police aE 231-5411
SEav attuned to the We will posts as soon as we hawe more information'

; :!.-'.
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 9:50 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: PLease stay put

A gunman is l-oose oD campuE. Stay in buildings unliI further notice. Stay away from
all windows
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:17 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: All Classes Canceled; Stay where you are

Virginia Tech has canceled all classes. Those on campus are asked tso remain where there
are, lock their doors and stay away from windows. Persons off canpus are asked not Lo
come Eo campua.

. : .+ ,i;t-;-.tet^;:.," .... .:*i"

Hoyle, Theresa
Sent: Monday, April '16, 2007 10:53 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Second Shooting Reported; Police have one gunman in custody

In addition to an earlier shooting today in Wegt Ambler Johnston, there has been a
multiple shooting with multip1e victims in Norris ltall",
Police and EMS are on the scene.
Police have one shooter in cuEEody and aE part of routine police procedure, they
conlinue to search for a second shooter.
A11 people in university buililings are required to stay inside until further notice.
A11 entrances Co campuE are closed.
Sent: Monday, Aprif 16, 2007 12:'16 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Counseling support available

Counseling is available in tshe Bowman Room in lhe Merriman Center (Part of tshe athl-etic
complex) for employees who seek assiEtance following today's events.
WEF ftT > /I:?O

Owczarski. Mark
Sent: Monday, April 16,200710:00 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Sublect: Planned Faculty / Stalf Evacuation

Faculty and staff locaEed on the Burruss HaII side of the Drillfield are asked to
their office and go home imnediately.
Faculty and staff located on lhe War Memorial / Eggleston Hall side of the Drillfield
asked to leave Eheir offices and go home at 12:30 p.m.

_..:,- .:
vl-fnk '2 / L:r,i- rz'*a

Sent: Monday, April 16,2007 10:00 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: University closed today; classes canceled Tuesday

Virginia Tech has closed today Monday, April l-6, 20A1 . On Tuesday, April 17, classes will-
be canceled. The university will remain open for adminisErative operations.
There will be an addit.iona] university staEement presented Eoday at noon.
A11 sEudents, faculty, and staff are reguired to st.ay where they are unEil police execute
a planned evacuation. A phased closing will be in effect Eoday; further information will
be forthcoming as soon as police secure the campus.
Tomorrow, there will be a university convocation/ceremony at noon at Casseii coliseum. The
Inn at Virginia Tech has been designated as lhe site for parents to gaEher and obtaj-n
information .
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 12:42PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Stiatement by President Charles W. Steger

Shooting at Virginia Tecb / Statement by President Charles w' Steger

The university was struck today with a tragedy of monumenlal- proportionE. There were
two Ehootj.ngs on canpus. In each caBe, there were fatalities. The university is shocked
and horrified that this would befall our canq)us. I want to extend my deepest, Bincerest
and most profound sympathies to tshe families of theEe victimE which include students
There are 22 confirmed deathE.
We currently are in the process of notifying families of victimE. The Virginia Teeh
police are Leing assisted by numerous otsher jurj.sdictions. Crime scenes are being
investigated by the FBI, Uniwersity eolice, and Slate Police. We continue to t ork to
identify the victims impacted by this tragedy. I cannot begin to covey my own personal
senee oi loss over this senselessness of such an incomprehensibfe and heinous act The
university will immediately set up counseJ-ing centers. So far center6 have been
identified in Ambler Johnson aDd the Cook Counseling Center to work with our campus
community and families.
Iiere are some of the facts we know:
At abouE 7:15 a.m. this morning a 911 cal-l came to the University Police Department
concerning an event in west Amber ,Johnston HaI1. There were multiple shooting vj-ctims
while in the process of investigating, about two hours 1a!er the university received
reporEs of a shooting in Norris Hal-l. The police immediatsely responded. Victims have
been transported to various hospitals in the immediate area in the region to receive
emergency treaEment .

We will proceed to contact the families of victims ae identities are avail-able.

A11 classes are cancell-ed and the uniwersity is closed for Ehe remainder for the today.
The university will open tomorrow at 8 a.m. but cfasses will be cancelled on Tuesday.
The police are currently staging the release of people from campus buildings.
Families wishing to reunite wieh the students are suggesEed to meet at the Inn a!
Virginia Tech. we are making plans for a convocalion tomorrow (tuesday) a! noon at
Cassell Coliseum for the university cornmunj-ty to come togetstrer to begin t,o deal v"ith
the Eragedy.
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 4:31 PM
To: MultiDle recipients
Subject: Campus Update on VT Shootings

Virginia Tech remains closed on Monday, April l-5, 200? ' -Vehicular entrances to canPus
are severely restricted to essential personnel on1y. Additional security remains on
campus as the investigatj-on contj-nues.

Counseling asEistance for studenls in available at Weet Ambl-er ,fohnston and McComaE
HalI until 9 p.m. tonight. Students are encouraged to utilize theae services.
CounseJ-ing for faculty and Btaff i-s available at the Bowman Room in the Merriman center
(ath]etsic complex) . Student may also be tsogether at the OLd Dominion Ballroom at
Squires Stsudent Center.
The university will al,so close on Tuesday, April 1?. EsEential personal are to report
for hrork. classes will be canceled.
A public gathering will be held Tuesday, April 17 at CaaEell Coliseum at 2 P.m. (a time
change from the originally scheduled 10 a.m. gathering).
All students are urged to contact their parentE as soon as possible to l"et lhem knor,t
individuals are safe.
Students, f acul-ty, and staff who may have any information relaled to the incident at
West Amjcer Johnston Hal1 and Norris Ha1l are encouraged to go to the Blacksburg Police
Department to make statemenEs, or call 540-231-TIPP (8477) , or 23!-64!!
parents wit.h concerns are agked to call the Dean of Students Office at 540-231-3787.
Indj.viduals injured in the lwo shootings have been taken to area hospitals.

:-t 4. .. .. .. . - .,i.;. i*,5n?i

Smith, Patricia

From: Trackin gU pdates@fedex. com

Sent: Monday, October29,2007 1:45 PM
To: Smith, Patricia
Subject: FedEx Shipment Notifi cation

This tracking uPdate has been rEquEr Lcs !J.

Company Name : office of Univ Lega] counsel

Name: Patri-cia Smith
E-mai 1: cn i i h^a G \rf a,,lrt

patricia smith of office of univ Legal counse], sent IISELIJE VEGA-CORTES l- FedEx
International Priority package (s) .

This shipment is scheduled to be sent on L0/29/2007 '

Tracking nunber: 1 99212390 412

To track the latest status of your sr-prrrent, click on the tracking number abover
or visit us at

To learn more about FedEx Express, please vrsit oul website at,

This tracking update has been sent to you by FedEx on the behalfofof the
Requestor nofed- above. FedEx does not validate the authenticity
t",j1r""tor and does not validate, guarantee or warrant the authenticlty of the
reqrrest, the requestor's message' or the-accuracy of this tracking uPdate' Jor
trdcking results and's terms of use, go to'
Thank you for Your br.---ness.

Page I of I

Your Shipment Details:

Ship to: LISELLE VEGA.CORTES Package typ€: FedEx Envelope

PickupiDrop Offi contact fedex for courier pickup
3 J. CRESPO STREET 0x0x0in
Declared value:
Shipper account number: 372407603
Bill transportation to: 372407603
Patricia Smith Bill duty/taxes to: 372407603
Office of Univ Legal Courtesy rate quote:* JU
Counsel Discounted variable %
327 Burruss Hall (0121) Cod amount
VPI&SU Residential delivery
Blacksburg, VA 24061 Special services:
US Shipment Purpose:
u02316293 Shipment type: Express
Gommercial/Residential Status: Residential
Tracking no: 799212390412
Ship date: od 29 2007
Service type: Intemational Priority

Please note
*The courtesy rate shown here may be different than the actual charges for yourshipmerrt _Differences may occNlr based on actual weig
aimensioni, ind other factors. Consult the applicable FedEx Service Guide or the FedEx Rate Sheets for details on how shipping
FedEx will not be responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per package, whether the result of, damag-e, delay,
nondelivery, misdr
miJntormation, unless you declare 6 higher value, pay an add'itional charge, document yol{ aciual loss and file a timely claim.
Liriirtions tori1O in the:cunent FedEx Service Guide ipply. Your right to iecover from FedEx for any loss, including intrinsic value of
ind damage whether dired, incidental, consequential, or special is I
oi iaf"i, in"ome interest, profit, attorney's fees, costs, other forins of
;.-Jr-;i $iOO; ifre declaied value. Recovery cannot exceed aclual documented loss. Maximum for items of extraordinary
be filed within stric
e.q.. iewelry, precious metats, negotiable instruments and bther items listed in our service Guide. written claims must
Cdniult the abplicable FedEx Service Guide for details. t0t29t2007
Office ur the President
UVrginiaTech I
210 Burruss Hall (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
$O 123 1 -623 1 F a\: U0 I 231 4ZO 5

October 29.2007

Ms. Liselle Vega-Cortes

Urb. Luchetti3 J. Crespo St.
Manati, PR 00674

Dear Ms. Vega-Cortes:

Virginia Tech and its extended university community will be forever

changed by the tragic events of April 16. While we continue to hurt, we
know that you have suffered more than anyone. You have lost that which
is most precious - a loved one - a member of your own family.

Please again accept my most sincere condolences and sorrow for your
loss, a loss that is hard for anyone to imagine or understand. Counselors
tell us that recovery differs for everyone. I know not your current state, but
I wish for you wisdom and peace for your personal situation.

Today, we distribute the proceeds of the memorial contributions. I know

that no amount of monies will bring back a loved one and that no dollars
can relieve your loss. But, please know that these funds were given to
Mrginia Tech by alumni, friends, and even strangers who care deeply for
all of us. People have entrusted us to do what is right and appropriate.

\Nhile there are many needs by many people, and will continue to be for
some time, we felt that the best way to help the healing process, to
continue down the road of recovery, is to distribute these monies to you.
We leave to you how best to use them for your needs.

We thank you for sharing with us your thoughts and ideas about the Hokie
Spirit Memorial Fund while you struggled to cope. We trust the process is
better because of that. On behalf of the Virginia Tech community, I extend
to you our very best wishes.

Very sjpcerply yours,

Charles W. Steger

lnvent the Futu re

An equal oppottunity, aftirmative action institution
Virginia Tech Victim
Assistance program
Hokie Spirit Memorial
Fund Revised Disbursemenrc

October 29,2007

1,i,,il131'liJf;.i3ll;i[,)#ff"';Iyf:il *:'i:y:".1:?.T:r ,,:,protoco, estab,ished the process

by. :ffiH"#:#il::ti"JFl"ti:il"*'ffr:ffi
the Virs
ia recn ro unaao;; ;;:
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t?:::;ffi il*::jlxln:rl[:yij";::;:Ti^,1il;:H';f :i?H:?,::

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resutr i:r,*1:1ilir.::rqq;1".;fi::[:"iii"jfi:T5H';1,,
Decembe r 31, 20oz woutd ,::lf
in erim in"iioil;# H;:|;
Between August 13' 2007,and
october 15,2oo7,additionar monies
claims have been finalized' As have been contributed to the fund
a result, ;;;;
disbursement i. n"ing ,.a"
to each quarified craimant
estabrisheo in *'" protocorro," cr"r.ini"iions
;n'Jfl:il:x[:.1'j:?:lffiratio A throush E. Revised

Disbursement Revised
Classification per the Final protocol
per Protocol
A. Death Claims
$180,000 $208,000
Physical lnjury claims with Hospitalization
$90,000 $104,000
of 10 days and nights (or more)

C. Physical Injury Claims with Hospitalization

$40,000 $46,000
of 3-9 days and nights

D. Other Physical Injury Claims Not $10,000 $11,500

Addressed in A, B, or C Above OR OR
Tuition and Tuition and Mandatory
Mandatory Fees Fees + $1,500

E. Other Claims $10,000 $1 1,500

Tuition and Tuition and Mandatory
Mandatory Fees Fees + $1,500

Revised disbursements have been processed in accordance

with the process selected in each claim, i.e.
electronic funds transfer or check. For those claimahts in
classifications D and E who selected ruition
and Mandatory Fees instead of cash payment, additionally
a cash disbursement of $1,500 has been made
by check. All checks have been sent to the address provided
on the craim form.
Attached is an accounting of all contributions to the Fund
as of october 15,2007 and the revised
* Authorizatron for Mrginia Tech to disburse these funds has
been granted by the Governo/s Executive order 56 (2007):
Hokie Spirit Memorial and Scholarship Funds Disbursement.

TO: Deans, Directors and Department Heads

FROM: Ken Miller, University Controller

SUBJECT: Costs Related to Events of April 16,2007

As the University community endeavors to respond and recover from the tragic events
of nprif f et, many of your uhits have and will be taking on additional expenses
iesponsiUifiiies aisoci"ted with these recovery efforts. The Univers.ity would like to
the additional costs centrally, including costs which may.ultimately be covered
UV?unJs nefd in the Virginia Tech Fbundation. As a result, the University
has identified
, to fund thesJexpenses and procedures to help your units process these

In order to facilitate this process, we have established a new fund, Banner fund 116973'
in the Risk Managemeni area within Banner organization number.052545 to accumulate
all expenditures, iegardless of source of funds. This funding can be accessed through
the Office of Risk Management using the following procedures:

. lf your department or unit has already incurred costs related to or in response to

the incident, please contact Ellen Douglas in Risk Management to transfer these
costs to this new fund.

. lf your department or unit is getting ready to incur costs-related to this incident,

please work with Ellen Dougias or Alene Harris in Risk Management to have
ihose costs charged directly to this new fund. We have developed a new
procedure allowiig these costs to be charged to this new fund using the "Shared
Departmenf' feature in HokieMart.

We will have detailed information about this new HokieMart process on the Risk
[l|"n"g"t"nt and Controller's Office websites located atEp:/v''ec!-u/' Our
go;f i;to make this process very responsive to the needs of the campus in processing
ihese financial transactions. lf you have questions regarding the use of the HokieMart
for these transactions, or if you need othei assistance to enable the requisition of goods
and services or transfer of iosts, the Offices of Risk Management, Purchasing, and the
University Controller are ready to provide detailed assistance as needed.

please know that we are here to assist you and help deal with your concerns. ln order
to make these processes work efficiently, it would be helpful if each area identiff one
contact person for this work and have that person communicate with Risk Management.
lf you have questions or concerns about the handling of costs related to these events'
please contact the following individuals:

.. :-:r.', .i
Office of Risk Manaoement:
Abn Oougtas 231-7439 or 231-9194 or
Fred Weaver 231-7439 or weaverf@vt'edu
AleneHarris 231-7439 or

Controller's Office:
Ganie Quesenberry 231-2544 or
Nancy Gruber 231-8554 or

HokieMart Help Desk 23 1 -2020 or hokiemart@vt.ed u
Smith, Patricia

From: Trackin gU pdates@fedex. com

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F|!m: Sarah Thompson [Sarah.Thompson@crisiscare,com] Senh Wed 2007-05-09 05:53

To:; Osborne, Mary (Beth)
Cc: carol.;
subFct Wednesday Schedule

Here is the schedule for Wednesday. Please change as needed and call Rachel or me with any questions on
this schedule. Rachel or Carol will send out schedules br the following days and will be handling requests
directly. Thank you very much for the opportunity to work with you during this time, it was an honor.


9:30a-5:00p Marilyn Hutchin s: 540-357 -21 57

8:45aS:00p Wanda Osbum: 540-355-1720

7:45a4:15p Bill Gamble: 5404214008


8:00a4:00p Bill Gamble - Burruss All day

10:00a-12:00p Marilyn Hutchins - Alumni Staff - Inn at VT

1 1:00a-1:00p Bill Gamble - Budget Office - 325 Burruss


9:00a€:00p Wanda Osbum

12:30p€:00p Marilyn Hutchins

Sarah J. Thompson

Response Center Supervisor

Crisis Care Network
2855 44th Street, SW
Suite 360
Grandville, Ml 49418
o.1 888.736.0911 x 1
t. 1.616.257.3515
sarah.thonps,:,n @t r:',-i :.:l'e 11'"-' 51912007
Page 1 of 1

Adams, Amy
From: Sarah Thompson lsarah.Thompson@crisiscare,com] Sent: Sun 2007-05-06 20:26
To:; Osbome, Mary (Beth)
C.r:; Joyce Nelson
Subiccft Monday, May 7

Here is Monday's schedule. I was unable to be on the conference call last week Friday to receive an update,
but Jeff assurcd me that all information was on target with previous calls and that some HR staff were present
as well.

Ruth Fielder: 540-5806300

Susan Owen: 540-915-6472
Wanda Osburn: 540-355-1720

Susan Owen 8-5
Wanda Osburn 9-6

Burruss: (Neither Charlene, nor Bill were available for Monday)

Ruth Fielder 8-5

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admissions Office - Ruth .

2:00 PM - 4:00 P14 Business Administrative Management Group - Ruth 3 :)-, Vcnt }V",*^r..
Sarah J. Thomoson
Response Center Supervisor
Crisis Care Network
2855 44th Street, SW
Suite 360
Grandville, Ml 49418 t< ".
1 f kciLt,"
sarah thnmnsnn/,4. ricis.are.c!l n
tP t, ,./
The infr:rrration conlairr*d in thrs comrnunication is iniended s
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,, .-C_t^

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Page I of I

This message was sent with high importance.

Adams, Amy
FtDm: Kaufmann,Rachel[] Sent: Wed 2007 -05-09 22i52
Cc: Gagnon, carol
Subject: W Shmng for Thursday. May 10

Here is the schedule forThursday, May 10. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 800/444-9559 ext
292560 or on my cell at 919/305-0418. Thanksl

7:45-4:L4 p.m. Charlene Easter 4341262-2450 CCN
9a.m. -5 p.m. Kim Montgomery 540/353-6116 CCN
8:30-5:00 p.m. Wanda Osburn 540/355-1720 REACH
9-5:00 p.m, GH Vaughn REACH


8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Charlene Easter - Burruss all day

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Kim Montgomery - Squires all day
8:30-12 :00 p.m. Wanda Osburn - OIRED Pack Building, Information sesssion, International Office
12:30-5:00 p.m. Wanda Osburn - Squires rest of afternoon
9-11; 1-3; 3-5 p.m. GH Vaughan, Andrews Information Systems Building, Information Systems Enterprise

Again, if you see anything on this list that needs to be adjusted, please call in the moming and I will make the
needed adjustments. Thanks for your help and patiene with me as I attempt to respond to all the service

Rachel Kaufmann.

** *x**x*x***t<** **x* * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x x x****** * ****** ***t<** ***** *****

fiis email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notiff
the sender by email, delete and destroy this message and its

******* r<************ ************** * ** * ** ** ** * ** *** ********* * ** ** * *** * *,... 5ll0/2007
Page 2 of6

From: Adams, Amy]

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:34 PM
To: Kaufmann, Rachel
Cc: Gagnon, Carol; Burton, Patricia; Osborne, Mary (Beth)
Subject RE: Updates/check-in
Importance: High

Rachel, thanks for the update on Squires availability until 6 today.

We will also need to conflrm someone for the Engineering meeting tomorrow
moming (to report here at 8, for 8:30-10:30mtg in Engineering).

from you of the counselors assigned for commencement;

I also still need names
and we will have parking passes available for them at Squires tomorrow morning.

We will confirm specifics on needs/plans for next week's coverage of Burruss


I also have some further detail about the police dept needs, which would probably be easier to talk
ahruf ir i3:;.ri. Thtl.: wan't h.1'.* fl\,'al'ilthinq finalized until ilr:::r;w ihauth.
Page I of I

Evans, Susan

From: Norton, Bianca

Sent: TuesdaY,August2S, 2007 4:44PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: Press conference Phone Bridge


f have orranged a phone bridge for your pness conference. At this time. it will be set up os hoving 20 incoming lines where
listeners con coll, listen ond osk guestions. Just os lost time, the collers will hqve o number to diol, os well os o poss code.
All calls will be on mute os they coll in ond when your group deternines it is time to open up for guestions, we will diol for
on operotor. The operotor will monitor oll the incoming colls, osk eqch to identify themselves however you choose ( Iosked
tempororily for o nome ond offiliotion but thot can be chonged) ond then come on the line to tell you thot Coller # l. nome
ondoffiliotionhosoguestion. Thotcoll wouldthenbeunmutedwhileoskingtheguestion. Eachothercallerwill still hove
the copocity to listen but nof interrupt ond the operotor will be oble to nonitor oll the incoming calls.

Suson. pleose let me know if this is whot your group hos in mind. It will rernoin os f hove stoted obove unless you otherwise
instruct me.

fom here in fhe office the rest of the ofternoon should you wish to reoch me with ony guestions or if f con be of
odditionol ossistonce.

Hope you hove hod o great doyl


Bianca Norton
Conference Planning Manager
The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center
901 Prices Fork Road, MC: 0104
Blacksburg, V A24061
540-23 l -8-000 - main hotel phone
540-231-0143 - direct line
540-231-0117 -fax
www. innatvirgin


There will be another press conference to be held next Thursday Aug 30s. lt will be held in the
Holtzman Assy. Hatl again from 2:30pm - 4:00 pm. Please mark calendars accordingly dt'c//.4/-/4;
-4t= 4214 co7/t-u--'/*%.*'
t r
-* V ,/--- n /
f, L'arrv Hincker kf 6't
--l .. 1/ .,
;r*e.//.fL ?a-V/V,/L%-
. ,t-

,*/4*{/ F /.*- ti"- dt^n

)charles steger -Sr, n tS''t {
Sha d*
) ri. nv"tt -
/1 ''1

|"r0 jEn--BryG ' r&.e+-+ 1'1ot'1
N) (p
- A'e'"t!'16*
narpr, Byers

1 Kay Heidbreder - Ja. t,-t' <4-

$wenaelt Flinchum (L/'to"t|O#C
{ zenobia,nikes '+ o0c
uarr owczarski n@fury1
[\ Jay Poole - 'r1 d

\1,t<im o'nourke -- ------:

ltnelal Mccoy .,-"
\ **********f,tr4t*** ***********************************t**********t******
t/L4'€1* Lt +*-*'-
Thank you.
Susan Evans \
Executive Secretary Senior
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Buruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396

>{ fttc Qar\r-i

virginia Tech Review Panel Report. Governor Kaine will accept the report of the
independent Virginia Tech Review Panel.
When 11:OO a.m.
Where East Reading Room (former House Chamber)
Patrick Henry Building
Richmond, Virginia
Page I ofl

Evans, Susan


Norton, Bianca
Sent: TuesdaY,August2S, 2007 4:44PM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: Press Conference Phone Bridge


f hove orronged o phone bridgefor your press conference. At this time, it will be set up os hoving 20 incoming lineswhere
listeners con coll, listen ond osk guestions. Just os lost time, the collers will hove o number to diol, os well qs o poss code.
All colls will be on mute os they coll in ond when your group determines it is time lo open up for questions, we will diol for
on operofor. The operotor will monitor oll the inconing colls, osk eoch to identify themselves however you choose ( I osked
temporarily for o nome ond offiliation but thot con be chonged) ond then come on the line to tell you thot Coller # 1, nome
ond offiliotion hos o guestion. Thot coll would then be unmuted while osking the guestion. Eoch other coller will still hove
the copocity to listen but not interrupt ond the operotor will be oble to monitor oll the incoming colls.

Suson. pleose let me know if this is whot your group hos in rnind. It will remoin os I hove stoted obove unless you otherwise
instruct me.

f om here in the oflice the rest of the ofternoon should you wish to reoch me with ony guestions or if f con be of
odditionol ossistonce.

Hope you hove hod o great doy!

Bionco ,tnocfu- t<-.-t cut '9'z
Bianca Norton
Conference Planning Managei
The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center
STz. fi" ,
901 Prices Fork Road, MC: 0104
Blacksburg, VA2406l
540-231-8000 - main hotel phone 1/t, ".1''^'-. [h kb
540-231-0143 - direct line
540-231-01 17 - fax fu-t c lJ.r,^-^, +Lt,.r*_
www. innatvirgin

e^a-g;111; Nart'o,'t
The Inn at gorvirginia Tecn and $Kelton uonlerence uenler
Rd vA 24061{00l
e,io"JFor,t ' $0'231{117
Btacksburg, Page 1 of 2
Phons: 540-231-8000 Fax:

POP UP Event Order: 50706 Printed 2518/2007

Account: Virginia Tech Development & University Relations

Post As:
Press Conlerence Contaot: Mr. Larry Hincker
PurDose: Press Con{eronce Phone/Fax: 540-231-5396 / 1'4040
Addressi 31 5 Burruss Hall On-Slte:
Va. Tech Sales Mgr; Ms, Bianca C. Norton
Blacksburg, VA 0229 Planning Mgr: Ms. Bianca C. Norton

2:00 PM -4:00 PM Pr6ss Confe16nce

Evenl: 2:00 PM to
Theater style selup
Lectorn with standing microPhone
Two draped and skirted tables on either side of the lectern with two
chairs at each
Two mics on each table beside loctern
Multi box in rear center of room

Pl€ase have water on both tabias and lectertr for speaker

Plsase hav€ a stand up sign in ths Front Lobby to rsad 'Press

Conterence Augwt 30, 2007' with a diredlonal anow lowards
Alumnl Centor
Please have second sign at elevalor directing guesls lo Alumni

Pleare chsck all equlpmeflt Prlor to event

Please plac€ lwo (2) stand up slgns in tront of glass doors to Alurnnl
. to lead 'No Media Access'
Pleaae have Virginta T€ch logo on front of Lectem
Conference Phono O $85.00 plus any applicable long dislance

Clienls will have media call in to pre-designated phone number- 20

lines will be noeded

Draoed and skirted table with two chalrs oulside Assembly Hall fot

Please have Engineering cool loom at leasl ono hour prior to

conter€nco start time

The room rental has been waiv€d for this event

Hot6l Representatlve Signature

Event Order: 50706
Account: Virginia Tech Development & University Relations
Post As: Press Conference
Contact Mr. Larry Hincker
Phon€/Fax: 540-231'5396/1'4040
Purpose: Press Conference
Address: 315 Burruss Hall
Va. Tech
Salos Mgn Ms. Bianca C. Norton
Ptannlng Mgr: Ms. Bianca C. Norton
Blacksburg, VA 0229

Method of Fayment:
Departmenl Acct No: nla
Speclal Acct No: n/a

PartlclDantList: Not Applioable

Univergity Relaied Non Package

Hotel Represonlative Signatur€

From: Finney, Jack
Sent: Thursday, May 24,2007 2:48 PM
Tol McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: FW: W Book Project

lmportance: High

Attachments: Book Project family letter.doc

Book Project family
Please see the Planet Bfacksburq reguest below.
Jac k

Jack W. Finney
Associate Dean
College of Science (04 05 )
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 2446I
Pt 540/231-66'70
-----Original Message-----
From: Plummer, Ef l-en
Sent: Thursday, May I'7, 2AC i 12:48 PM
To: Finney, Jack
Subject: FW: VT Book Projecc
Importance: High
vof :n.Jlhar ltnrnicr-f rr

Sent from my Goodlink synchronj.zed handheld (www.good. con)

-----1]ri ai nr'l Moccr

From: DePauw, Karen [mailto: kpdepauw@VT. EDU]
SenL: Thursday, May 11 , 2001 L2:!2 PM Eastern Standard TLme
Subject: Re: VT Book Project
I think we should proceed cautiously on these types of projects and not just forward the
letter to the families without an opinion from the university. While this might be a fine
project, we need more intormation abour the project and a greater understanding of the
Iimits of the responsibilities of the liaisons. I would suggest that we not forward
anything to the f arnilies untif we receive word from the VT leadership. They are copied on
this email-.

Karen P. DePauw, Ph. D.

Vice Provost for Graduate Studies & Dean of the Graduate School Virginia Tech Graduate
Life Center Dean's Suite Bl-acksburg, vA 24061 ph. 540-231-7581" fax 540-231,-1570
http: / /www. grads . vt. edu/

From: SA fami lv conl-acts Di c-, '.rct- rrnar' o:SA FAMILY CONTACTSGListserv.vt. edul
On BehaIf Of Crosson, Tammy

.,*..:i, , .. i. ,r'ata^' .- . . :s'*r';i n'i

Sent: Thursday, May t1 , 2007 11:59 AM
Subject: VT Book Proj ect


I was asked if f could forward this letter to all family Liaisons j-n an effort to
info to the families. I have spoken with Suzanne Higgs, one of the students
working on the project, and their intent is to offer all- families an opportuni-ty to add
anything they wish that would represent their famify member. They are not focusing on
anything negative regarding the events or towards Virginia Tech. They want this to be a
posltive representation from those lnside our own conmunity.


T arnm\r A ar.\ e q.\n

Director of DeveJ-opnent for Student Affairs & Parents Support
University Development
\/i rni ni. Ta..h

(mc 0336)

Blacksburg, VA 2406L
(s40) 231-s1r.1
e-mail- tcrossoncvt . edu
Planet Blacksburg I Community News at a College Level I Virginia Tech Page I of5

Home About Sports News Entertainment Photos

Opinions Video Blog

%uwnas"r Y"#q-;ffi. M.anner]\/f; F*tr ?r{H, &**m: APfr.{A-

ir:f f-i
W* arc auking *lurl*nt$ and other participants ls wrile a narrative of th*;r *xperiences on Apf;! ?fi]
an* in ths days 1'ollar*ing fo Lr* pr-rt in * new ho*k, More at pla ne tblac*e **r**rg "acm:,{ bc*8<.

Lstcst Stnries Ti:ursday, May te.';"t3*7 .,

Yankees Make Larqest Scott Tarcy: A Golfing

Donation to Tech's Inspiration
by Michael Trelease
Memorial Fund Planet Blacksburg Staff
by Anthony Della Calce May 9, 2OO7
Alumni Liaison
May 24,2OA7 Just recently, Planet Blackburg talked with and
documented a day in the life of one truly
The New York Yankees presented Virginia Tech dedicated Virginia Tech athlete, Scott Tarcy. This
with a $1 million donation to the Hokie Spirit is an individual who is beyond a doubt devoted to
Memorial fund before their game against the becoming the next big thing in professional golf,
Red Sox at Yankee Stadium on Wednesday But the road to the pros is not an easy task for
night. It was the largest single donation the this golfer.
university has received for the memorial fund,

Derek Jeter, captain of the Yankees, presented

Virginia Tech president Dr" Charles Steger with
the check in a pre-game ceremony, Steger was
accompanied on the field by Vince Houston,
captain of the Virginia Tech Police Depaftment;
Jason Dominczak and Matthew Johnson,
members of the of the Virginia Tech Rescue
Squad; and Jim Weaver, director of Virginia
Tech athletics.

Read more I Comments (0)

Read more I Comments (7)

http /iwww.planetblacksburg. com./

Planet Blacksburg I Community News at a College Level I Virginia Tech Page2 of 5

Interview: Local Band,

DecembeRadio, Gaining Invitation To Submit Your
National Attention Narrative for the Book APRIL
by Tony Upari
Contributing Writer 16th
Vlay 1,3,2OO7 May 3,2007

With a Grammy nomination, a Dove award, and Tired of being interviewed by reporters? Then
named one of the top 10 artists to watch in interview yourself.
2005 by Billboard magazine, the band
DecembeRadio from Blackburg is causing a A group of Virginia Tech students and their
buzz in the music industry with its self-titled instructor are preparing a book about the events
debut album. However, this success has not of April 16th. This book will feature the voices of
gone to the heads of the band members. Eric numerous students, faculty and others involved in
Miker, Josh Reedy, Brian Bunn and Boone the event,
Daughdrill are still just four friends who love to
rock out together in their garage, which is
Read mor€ | Comments (1)
where they sat down with Planet Blacksburg
recently for an interview.

Read more I Comments (1)

Hokies United to host "Hokie
Comm u nity Appreciation
Local author writes book Night"
by Tricia Sangalang
about big dreams in News Staff Writer
May 1, 2OO7
by Suzanne Higgs
Planet Blacksburg Staff Due to inclement weather, this event has
Y,ay 7,2oO7 been canceled, There has been no word on
a rescheduling.
pages of
essays are After a foftnight of
carefully heartbreak, Virginia
crafted Tech's students
stories that have decided to take
bring to life an evening to toast
the feeling of the good people of
the Blacksburg who
community that is Blacksburg. Krisha Chachra have offered an Allo lc. Cl! .6t
has written a collection of essays in the book, outpouring of
"Homecoming Journals: Dreaming Big in a Small support and
Town." kindness to a
grieving university,
The book consists of essays Chachra wrote for
the Roanoke Times about experiences in "Hokie Community Appreciation Night" will feature
Blacksburg. Other essays in the book include free ice cream and entertainment from various
stories about growing up as a second music and step groups. Sponsored by Hokies
United, the event will take place Wednesday May

http ://www. planetblacksburg. com./ 5/24/2007

Planet Blacksburg I Community News at a College Level I Virginia Tech Page 3 of 5

generation Indian American, as well as coming 2 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on the Drillfield.
home to Blacksburg. The book also features
photognphy. Read mor€ I Comments (3)

Read more I Comments (1)

Three Hokies Drafted;

Inside Info on Hokie School Supported
by Justin Cates
Football: Interuiew with Sports Writer
April 30, 2007
Frank Beamer
by Dave Ruffo This past weekend's NFL Draft saw only three
Sports Writer players from Virginia Tech drafted, but once again
May 2,2OO7
in the wake of the terrible events of April 16th the
entire university was supported.
When you think of Virginia Tech, the first thing
that pops into your head is football. Every fall, Former Hokie players and first-round draft picks
56,233 maroon and orange clad fans filter into
Michael Vick, Bruce Smith and DeAngelo Hall
Lane Stadium to cheer on their beloved Hokies
along with Tech head coach Frank Beamer were
led by head coach Frank Beamer. Beamer
in atbendance at Radio City Music Hall this
currently ranks third among active Division I-A
weekend as guests of the NFL.
coaches in victories with 198 and has led the
Hokies to 14 straight bowl appearances. Coach
All of the ESPN anchors and the top players in
Beamer recently found time in his busy spring
practice schedule to sit down with Planet attendance wore W lapel pins, as they became
the latest to support the Hokie Nation.
Blacksburg and talk football.

Read more I Comments (1)

Read more I Comments (2)

Study Abroad Memories: Hokies Win Series With

Colosseo - One Colossal Eagles; Clinch Regular
Landmark Season ACC Title
by Brittney Asbury
by Anthony Della Calce
Sports Writer
Executive Editor
Photos by Neal Turnage and Dave Ruffo
tiay 2,2OO7
April 3O,2OO7
A nearly
structu re
never looked
as beautifully

http ://www.planetblacksburg. com/ 5n4/2007

Pianet Blacksburg I Community News at a College Level I Virginia Tech Page 4 of5

Yes, the Colosseum still manages to stand in a The Virginia Tech softball team took on Boston
radiant glowing glory unrivaled by any College in a three game series this past weekend.
landmark in the world. The Hokies won both games on Saturday, as well
as clinched the regular season ACC title, but they
Read more I Comments (0) fell short in Sunday's game.

In the first game, Tech got out to an early lead,

scoring two runs in the first. The bases were
loaded for Kelsey Hoffman, who was able to put
Concerns Raised Over the ball in play and the second baseman couldn't
hold onto it, scoring Callie Rhodes, Erin Ota then
Future of Norris, Memorials went on to score from third on a wild pitch,
making the score 2-0.
and Potential Benefits
By Tricia Sangalang
News Staff Writer
Read more I Comments (0)
April 30, 2007

erected a
Baseball Ends l4-Game ACC
wire fence skid
around by Dave Ruffo
Tech' Norris Sports Writer
Hall in the April 30, 2007
days after
there April

As if the
building weren't already eerie enough, The front
doors now are closed, the windows are shut,
and the wire fence cas6 a dark shadow over
the symbolic Hokie Stone thafs featured on
many campus buildings,

Planet Blacksburg's staff described the stunned

faces of the police officers and evidence
technicians who came and went from the The Virginia Tech baseball team ended its 14-
building in the grim hours after the brutal game ACC losing streak by taking one of three
events there. It's been hvo weeks, and many games from Boston College over the weekend,
state police cars are still there, parked in and
around the building. The teams were forced to play a doubleheader on
Saturday after Friday's game was rained out.
Read more I Comments (11)
Read more I Comments (0)

"Flex Out Hunger" Makes

Rich Burke Keeps the Flame
Use of Left Over Hokie

http ://www.planetblacksburg. com/ 512412007

' Planet Blacksburg I Community News at a College Level I Virginia Tech Page 5 of5

by Matt Dobbins
Passport Funds Contributing Writer
by Nicole Quirion April29,2OO7
Contributing Writer
April 29, 2007 After 10 years serving as Federal Express's senior
Burke decided he
rhe rrarerniry brothers or sisma Alpha Epsiton ffi?Jf::*XX?:;'$::.
[SAE] will host their annual philanthropy event,
Flex Out Hunger, to raise funds for the needy
After circulating his first r6sum6 in more than a
the New River Valley, on Virginia Tech campus decade, gurkebimbed wen higher up the
from April 30 to May 2' corpoftlte ladder to become the vice president of

Ftex out Hunser [FoH] auows an easy way ror

individuals to put the left over funds on their
Hokie Passports to good use, said this yearb
Read more I comments (1)
FOH director, Dan Sheehan.
Read more I Comments (2)

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To xxxxxxxx

Dear xxxxxx:

We are forwarding a letter from Col. Massengill, Chairman of the Governor's

Virgi"i" iech Rev-iew Panel. ln an effort to continue to protect the privacy of the
fariilies, we have not released the home addresses to the Panel; thus, the need
for us to forward Col. Massengill's letter.

Please let us know if you have questions or need our assistance in contacting the
Review Panel should you desire to provide comments to them'


Name, title
(Kim, I think this could be You)
Message Page I of2

McCoy, Lenwood

From: Schaenman, Phil []

Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2047 1:43 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
SubJecfi FW: Revised draft letter to families of VT shooting.doc

Lenwood, here is the draft letter refened to in my previous email this afternoon. . I thought you should see it so
there are no surprises to the U. lt could I guess be generically addressed but Ms. Ellis wanted it particularized if
possible in the first paragraph. Would "child" work in every case? Any cases where a parent is not the contact?

We exclude Cho here, that family would be contacted separately.

Col. Massengil has not release this yet so make sure you do not run with it, but prepare to do so, please.

Letter to families of VT shootins

Dear family membe.,

Speaking for all of the Virginia Tech panel members appointed by Governor Kaine to review the
tragic incident of April 16fr , we wish to offer our deepest sympathy and condolences in the tragic
death of your child.(insert husband, etc whatever applies depending on who receives the letter).

Our panel members have volunteered their time to investigate the events which transpired at
Virginia Tech on April 16th wlth the expectation of gathering information which will help prevent such
tragedies in the future on campuses across America. We are equally concerned about your specific
needs as survivors of this catastropic experience and we plan to make recommendations regarding the
provision of information and support to not only family members but to the Hokie community, and the
rest ofthe nation.

The panel would like to offer you , as someone so directly impacted by this to event, an opportunity
tospeaktousifyouchoosetodoso. Yourthoughts areessential asweattempttoconducttheworkof
the panel and we hope that you will consider sharing them with us in some context. You may address
the full panel in a public meeting, or meet with one or two panel members in private session.
(State rules are such that meeting with more than two panel members at a time must be done in
public.) Another altemative is to put comments on the website established for this purpose, at

Please understand that there is absolutely no obligation to deal with the panel directly. . . Several
parents have contacted individual panel members or the Governor's office wishing to meet with
the panel, and we are extending this offer to all of the families..

The next public meeting will be Junel l at George Mason University in Fairfax County, Virginia..

If you wish to address the panel during the public meeting or meet with panel members or our
support team in private, please contact Teresa Copping by phone at 703-351-881 I or by email at

ge PageZof2 (She is part of the panel's support team.)

Also, there may arise questions as to the panel's course of action or other issues regarding the
panel that you might wish to talk about. I would be glad to answer your questions should you
have the need. Just ask for me through the above number and I will be in touch.


Col Gerald Massengill

Chairman, Governor's Virginia Tech Review Panel

Re: MariaHixon Page 1 of3
, , i. r, l

\r I r..lvit-
\ "/'- |

Nash, Mary Beth

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Monday, December 03,2OO7 4:39 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim; Poole, Jay; Heidbreder, Kay; Nash, Mary Beth
Gc: Steger, Charles; Wilkes, Lisa; Smoot, Ray
Subjec* RE: Maria Hixon
Attachments: Hokie Memorial Fund PDF


We have an issue. Based on this email discussion, I did a little research. I can find no instances where we nave
spoken of a second distribution. We have articulated what will happen with monies collected from Nov 1 to Dec
31. We say that the fund will remain open until Dec 31 and any monies left in the Memorial fund will be
transferred to the Scholarship fund. However, we are silent on whether there would be a second distribution after
Oct. 31. The timeline in the protocol clearly states that we distribute funds on Oct 31 , but both the timeline and
the protocols are silent on the uses of the monies collected from Nov 1 to Dec 31 , EXCEPT to say that the
balance on Dec 31 will be transferred to the scholarship fund. All this is prelude to a piece written by Feinberg in
the Virginia Law Review.

He says,

It is clearly more efricient; it is anticipated that the Hokle Fund will distribute all available proceeds to eligible
claimants no later than the end of the October 2007 (the 9/11 Fund took 33 months to complete all
distributions). Any additional funds which may be contributed by yearc'end will result in a second
dishibution on flte s€,me basrls as the fir*. [my italics]
htto://www.viroinialawreview,org/inbrief.pho?s=inbrief&o= 20-07/08/27lfeinbero pdf also attached

This is consistent with comments Jay heard from families...we don't know for a fact, but it's entirely possible
that Ken told people that there would be a second distribution. I realize that none of our correspondence,
news releases or protocols says that there will be another distribution, But IF the protocol is silent and IF
Feinberg mentioned this in his meetings, I can see how some families have gotten the idea of another


Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
Universig Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Buruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396


From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent Monday, December 03,2007 3;42 PM
To: Poole, Jay; Heidbreder, Kay; Hincker, Larry; Owczarski, Mark
Subjecil RE: Maria Hixon

l'll answer your questions in reverse order. Yes, the Hokie Spirit Scholarship Fund will remain open after

' Rs: Maria Hixon Page2 of 3
I .,
12131t07; there are no plans to close it. And, yes, it will be available to any student who applies and meets the

DO NOT SHARE THE FOLLOWNG INFORMATION - On December 31, 2007 , most of the money remaining in
the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund will be transfened to the Hokie Spirit Scholarship Fund. However, some money
will be held in reserve to cover the cost of the audit and the cost of legal fees directly associated with the tund.
We should have a very good picture of how much will be needed for the audit and legal expenses by December
31 . This will all be transparent in the audit, and we will disclose it at some point prior to that, but not right now.

From: Poole, Jay

SenE Monday, December 03,2W7 2:50 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim; Heidbreder, Kay; Hincker, Larry; Owczarski, Mark

Thanks. Are all the monies being received between now and the end of the month going to the Hokie Spirit
Scholarship Fund? Have we said that publicly yet? Do you have a ball park guess as to how much $ might be
received between now and the end of the month?

Wfl we continue to receive funds for the HSSF after 12131? And I seem to recall that is just a general scholarship
fund available to any student who applies and meets the criteria or is my brain numb?

From: O'Rourke, Kim

Sent: Monday, December 43,2007 2:30 PM
To: Heidbreder, Kay; Poole, Jay; Hincker, Larry; Owczarski, Mark
Subject RE: Maria Hixon

Kay's correct. A second distribution is NOT under consideration.

From: Heidbreder, Kay

Sent: Monday, December 03,2@7 2:27 PM
To: Poole, Jay; O'Rourke, Kim; Hincker, Larry; Owczarski, Mark
Subject Re: Maria Hixon

The parry line is no second distribution. That was the tast word that I heard. Kay

On L2/3/O7 2:15 PM, "Poole, Jay" <> wrote:

Do we have a party line on this?

I can envision this becoming a story at some point in time.

From: Pettry, Pam

Sen* Monday, December 03,2007 2:11 PM
To: Poole, Jay
Subjecil Maria Hixon

Hi Jay. Maria Hixon (wife of student in Norris) called asking if there would be a second disbursement to the
students and victims families before December 31? She questioned what will happen with the money being
donated now until December 31 . She asked that we call her back at 540-808-7056. Thanks - Pam

Pamela H. Peftry
Office of Recovery and Support

' Re: Maria Hixon Page 3 of3

1700 Kraft Drive, Suite 1100

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 240614907
54O -231 -OO62; t ax 540 -23 1 -7 M9

Kay Heidbreder
Virginia Tech 327 Burruss Hall Blacksburg, VA 2406L 540-23L'6293


This electronic message and any attachments contain information from University Legal Counsel at Virginia
Tech that may be confidential and/or protected by an attorney-client, work product or other confidentiality
privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not disclose, copy or distribute this information.
Also, please notifY the sender
immediatety by retu rn electronic e-mail or by telephone at 540-23L-6293 and destroy the message and its
attachments. Thank You

From: Cox, Shawn
Sent: Monday, December A3,2007 4:17 PM
To: Larry
Subject: Hokie Memorial Fund PDF

Attachments: Hokie Fund PDF.pdf

Hokie Fund
)F.pdf (135 K
I attached the PDF. You can also find the story here:
http : / /www . virginialawrevi ew. orql inbrie f . php? s=inbrie f& p=2aA1 / AB / 27 / feinbe rg

lJs L rLr(: 1----. € .,^,. -.eed anything else,

J vu treEv

Shawn .
Virginia Law Review - ln B'ief Page I of5

f- ti va. L. Rev. r

Gompensating the Victims of Catastrophe: ESSAY
The Virginia Tech Victims Assistance AUGUST 27, 2OO7
Program lKenneth R. Feinberg tPDR
Vo!. 93, Novemb(
In the wake of the April 16,
2007 shootings at Virginia Domesticating Sole
Tech, which claimed the lives
by Bradford R. Clar,
of thirty-two victims and
injured scores of faculty and What is Standing G
students, the Virginia Tech by Eugene Kontorol
School Administration The People or the S
announced the creation of Georgla and Popula
"The Hokie Spirit Memorial by Rancly E. Bamet
Fund."1 This Fund of Not-So-Serious Thr
approximately $7.5 million- Independence
the result of unsolicited by Wiiliam H. Pryor,
private donations from some
20,000 individuals around the Democratic Failure
globe-will be distributed to Myth or Reallty?
by James McDonala
the victims and their families
pursuant to a proposed In Bt
Victims Assistance Program Recently Publ
Kenneth R. Feinberg, right, wlth virginia Tech Presldent
Protocol, which delineates the Charles W. Steger at a iuly 5, 2007 press conference Purposes and Effecl
terms and conditions of announcing Mr. Feinberg's appointment as administrator of Response by Samur
victim eligibility and levels of the Hokie Soirit Memorial Fund,
compensation.- The program Deterrence, Retribu
stands in sharp contrast to its well publicized predecessor, The Federal Law of Evidence
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001, enacted into law by Essay by Richard A,
Congress eleven days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center Alo( Stein
and the Pentagon." Although the differences in the two Funds vastly outweigh Criminal Law's "Me(
any similarities, there are important lessons to be drawn in contrasting the two Balancing, Harmoni
compensation regimes. And in two critically important respects-the need for Accident?
transparency in publicizing the programs, and providing eligible claimants Response by Michar
procedural due process and the opportunity to be heard-the contrasting
programs actually track one another. The Perils of Eviden
Response by Edwar
At first glance, there are few similarities in comparing the two programs. True,
the April 16 and September 11 attacks both resulted in traumatic deaths,
physical injuries, and mental trauma. And both fueled public expressions of Compensating the \
grief, anger, and frustration by the families of the dead as well as the wounded; Catastrophe: The v
Victims Assistance I
the emotions surrounding the two incidents fostered a climate in which any
Essay by Kenneth F
discussion of reasonable compensation was guaranteed to receive a hostile
recepticin. The drafters of 'The Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund" quickly learned a The Hurricane Katri
Claims lfeinberg r2/3t2007

Virsinia Law Review - In Brief Page 2 of 5

Essay by Kenneth S

pivotal lesson from those who designed and administered the 9/11 Fund: lMorel
emotion often trumps efforts at providing prompt compensation to eligible
claimants, Email Updater

But it is the differences, rather than the similarities, which highlight any attempt
to comDare the two Funds. loin
First is the difference in the source of the two Funds. The Hokie Fund is a purely
privately funded program, the result of private donor contributions ranging from
a few dollars to approximately $1 million.a No additional contributions were Mailin
received from the University (which is part of the Commonwealth of Virginia's
university system). In contrast, the 9/11 Fund was a publicly funded program
established by Congress without any private contributions from the airlines, the
World Trade Center, or other potential defendant tortfeasors.' The Hokie Fund
currently consists of approximately $7.5 million, amounts received by the Note Workshop Anr
University from private donors up to and including August t5,2007i the 9/11
Fund had no liquidated fixed amount of any type, nor were there any funds September 2007 N(
appropriated by Congress for distribution to eligible claimants. Instead, the Announcement
Special Master of the 9/11 Fund was simply authcirized to spend whatever he
deemed necessary in order to implement the statutory mandate. Ultimately, the New Member Annor
9/11 Fund distributed over $7 billion to some 5,300 eligible claimants;" it is
expected that the Hokie Fund will authorize payment of the $7.5 million to fewer IMore]
than 150 families and individuals who suffered death and injuries on April 16.
(The Fund will remain open until December 3I,2OO7, to receive any additional Quick Links
contributions, which will then be distributed to eligible claimants on the same
basis as the existing funds.) Submft to In Brief

There is also a second critical distinction involved in the establishment of the Forthcoming
two programs. The 9/11 Fund required all eligible claimants, as a condition of
participating in the Fund, to waive their right to litigate against any and all Archive
potential domestic tortfeasors (for example, the airlines, World Trade Center,
Port Authority of New York and New Jers€y, Mass Port, the airline security guard Subscriptions
companies, the manufacturers of the airplanes involved in the attacks, etc.).'
An express purpose of Congress in establishing the 9/11 Fund was to diveft Advertisements
claimants out of the civil justice system and into a legislatively created, no-fault
administrative compensation scheme. The Hokie Fund has no such requirement; Customer Service
because the fund is the result of purely private donations, no terms and
conditions pertaining to access to the cou rts accompany claimant eligibility.
Eligible families and victims can participate without waiving their right to sue .Short-Article
Virginia Tech or any other potential defendant.s

There are also critical differences between the two Funds when it comes to the Contact Informat
rufes governing distribution of Fund proceeds. The 9/11 Fund was a unique
hybrid of both tort and workers compensation no-fault principles.- The Fund's Virginia Law Revieu
Special Master was required by statute to calculate economic loss, pain and 580 Massie Road
€uffering, and emotional distress in processing each individual application, a Charlottesvllle, VA ;

clear reference to basic tort law, At the same time, however, the law required
Phone: 434-924-30
him to deduct collateral sources of income from his final calculations (clearly not Fax: 434-982-2818
a tort concept). In sum, one size did not fit all; each eligible claimant received a E-Mall: lawrev@vir(
different amount ol 9/Ll Fund compensation. And the Special Master had wide-
ranging discretion to adjust final awards as he deemed appropriate. Contact a staff mer

This is not the case with the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund. Distancing itself far
from the tort principles that guide access to our civil justice system, the Fund
avoids the practical and philosophical problems associated with individual

http://www.virginialawreview.orgiinbrief.php?s-inbrief&p=2007 /08/2T lfeinberg r2t3/2007

Virsinia Law Review - In Brief Page 3 of5

calculations. Instead, it calls for flat payments of $180,000 to each of the thirty-
two families who lost a loved one on April 16.10 There is no attempt to make
value distinctions among the dead. And, although there are varying payments
when it comes to the approximately thirty individuals who were physically
injured on April 16, these paymenG are tied directly to the number of days of
hospitalization required by the injured. Hospitalization becomes an objective
measure of payment-students and faculty hospitalized for more than three
days but fewer than ten days receive a flat payment of $40,000, plus free
tuition; the two students hospitalized for more than ten days receive $90,000
each and free tuition. The Fund Administrator has no discretion to vary this
payment schedule,11

The two Funds also differ when it comes to eligibility for psychological trauma
without accompanying traumatic physical injury. The 9/11 Fund made all such
claimants ineligible; the Special Master did not compensate for mental trauma
without accompanying physical injury. The Hokie Fund takes a different tack
when it comes to the approximately thirty-five faculty and students who were in
Norris Hall, the scene of the shootings, on April 16 but managed through luck or
good fortune to escape death or physical injury. These claimants are eligible to
receive free tuition at Virginia Tech until they successfully complete their
planned study or (at the claimant's sole discretion) $10,000, the cash
equivalent of a yeart in-state tuition.12 All other campus observers of the
tragedy who now claim psychological trauma, but who were not physically in
Norris Hall on April 16, will receive free psychological counseling at the Virginia
Tech Counseling Center.

Both the 9/11 Fund and the Hokie Fund are, however, similar in two critically
important respects-the need to promote transparency in the promulgation and
dissemination of the two Funds'terms and conditions, and the right of any
claimant to seek a confidential hearing with Fund Administrators before
submitting a claim. These two principles of transparency and due process lie at
the heart of the two Funds and reflect a recognition that accountability and the
opportunity to be heard are essential features of any successful effort to
compensate blameless victims and families.

As for the issue of transparency, the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund, like the
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, was first governed by a proposed
interim set of terms and conditions, which were not final but sought family and
victim input before the final eligibility and compensation rules were fixed' The
Fund Administrator invited comment concerning proposed Fund regulations and
met with all interested parties to discuss eligibility criteria, the level of funding
for different types of claims, and due process procedures. Following these series
of meetings in Blacksburg, Northern Virginia, Richmond, Washington, and
Trenton, New Jersey, a Final Protocol was issued on August L5,2007.

In addition, the Hokie Fund (like the 9/11 Fund) calls for a private, confidential
hearing for any eligible family or victim who makes such a reguest.t3 Thit
hearing will be conducted under oath and will be transcribed. The claimant can
be accompanied by a lawyer, a tax advisor, an accountant, or anybody else the
claimant deems appropriate. The hearing will permit any claimant to
memorialize on the record thoughts and memories concerning a loved one or
one's attempt to cope with loss or current injuries. It is obvious, however, with
fixed amounts being predetermined and no discretion being afforded the Fund
Administrator in the calculation of individual awards, that requested hearings
will not include any discussion of adjusting compensation (a major purpose of
the 9/11 Fund hearings). Neveftheless, the opportunity to be heard-to vent

http:/ ef&p:2007 /08127 /f€nberg 12/312007

' Virsinia Law Review - In Brief Page 4 of5

about life's unfairness and comment about loss, memory, the future, and any
other topic-should not be underestimated in providing claimants an outlet to
express their thoughts (and, perhaps, discourage lawsuits against the University
and other potential defendants).

What lessons are learned from an analysis of these two Funds? First, the Hokie
Fund-unlike the 9/11 Fund-can correctly be viewed as a rather conventional
attempt to provide prompt and fixed private compensation to eligible victims.
unlike the 9/11 Fund's hybrid tort/workers compensation approach, with its
requirement that all claimants waive their right to litigate against potential
tortfeasors, the Hokie Fund is more mainstream, offering families and victims an
opportunity to participate without any preconditions. Nor are Fund
Administrators of the Hokie Fund permitted to exercise discretion in the
calculation of individual payments; unlike the 9/11 Fund, tort concepts of
economic and noneconomic loss are absent. A published compensation matrix,
grounded in objective variables of loss, hospitalization and location, offer each
individual claimant an advance preview of what compensation can be
anticipated. In this sense, it can be argued that the Hokie Fund is superior to
the 9/11 Fund in providing each individual claimant a clear indication of each
award,14 It is clearly more efficient; it is anticipated that the Hokie Fund will
distribute all available proceeds to eligible claimants no later than the end of the
October 2OO7 (the 9/11 Fund took 33 months to complete all distributions). Any
additional funds which may be contributed by years'end will result in a second
distribution on the same basis as the first.

But the most important aspect of the Hokie Fund is, again, the recognition of
the wisdom of transparency and due process in distributing compensation to
victims of catastrophe. The Hokie Fund is the.latest compensation scheme to
build upon the value of due process in encouraging grieving families and victims
to participate in a purely voluntary prog.urn.15 It remains to be seen how many
eligible claimants will take advantage of this opportunity to be heard, especially
since the hearings will have no impact in the calculation of compensation. Even
if compensation were an issue at the hearings, it is by no means apparent that
all claimants would take advantage of the opportunity to be heard. After all,
approximately half of all 9/11 Fund applicants decided not to reguest a hearing,
even though the calculation of individual awards could be adjusted based upon
testimony at such hearings.16 Many claimants, whether the victims of 9/II or
April 16, grieve in private.

It would also be of interest to analyze whether the establishment and fair

administration of The Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund will short-circuit what might
otherwise be a volume of protracted lawsuits directed at the University and
other potential defendants. Voluntary participation in the 9/11 Fund was
virtually complete; some ninety-seven percent of all eligible claimants decided
to enter the Fund, thereby waiving their right to litigate." Today, there are
fewerthan one hundred 9/11 death claims being litigated in federal court in
New York City. Although the Hokie Fund does not raise the same civil justice
policy issues as the 9,/11 Fund, it will be viewed with great interest concerning
its impact on likely future tort litigation.

Suggested Citation: Kenneth R, Feinberg, Compensating the Victims of

Catastrophe: The Virginia Tech Victims Assistance Program,93 Va. L. Rev. In
Brief 165 (2OO7),
http ://www.virg inialawreview.orglinbrief/20 07 / O8/ 27 lfeinberg. pdf'

lBack to this issuel :2007 108127 /feinberg tzt3/2007

' Virginia Law Review - In Brief Page 5 of5

In this issue:
compensating the victims of catastrophe: The virginia Tech victims Assistance
Program I Essay by Kenneth R. Felnberg

http//wwrM.virginialawreview.orgiinbrief.php?s:inbrief&p1007108/27 lfeinberg r2t3/2007
Page I of2

McCoy, Lenwood

From: McCoY' Lenwood

Sent: ThursdaY, June 21, 2007 11:02 AM
To: Ridgwell, Diana
Subiect: RE: Article for About Campus


From: Ridgwell, Diana

Sen$ ThursdaY, June 21, 2007 10:02 AM
To: McCoY, Lenwood
Subject RE: Afticle for About CamPus
is a "reflections" kind of publication- not a research
Here is my draft. Remember that ABOUR CAMPUS
We were asked to discuss now our omce assisted stuolnii and *h"t *" leained from our work with them' From
ji;il!31; th"t;ine rrts wiiiinlo the relatinq to "focus on what you know"
the information you provioeol feelis questionable,.please let me
and does not hit on any ot tib';si!-ei ci"al' topics. r
know and l will be glad to revise. lf you could prease
givJm; some fe6dback by Friday morning, that would be
great. Thanks. Diana

Diana M. Ridgwell, Ph. D.

Director of Student DeveloPment
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
232 Wallace Hall
Virginia Tech
FFtuoe nJ a p po ntments cal : 540-23'l €54
i | I
Others call: 540-231 -857 7

---Original Message---
From: Mc@Y, Lenwoocl
Senh Wednesday, June 20' ZO07 8:26 AM
To: Ridgwell, Diana
Subject FW: Article for About Campus

Ooops...did not spell your userid correctly

Fromr Mccoy, Lenwood

Sent: Wed 612012007 7:54 AM
Subject Article for About CamPus

Here is the memo that went out to the academic council, deans, and
vp's from lrgrw Hincker' lt is the best
n"lt" before it is submitted and l'll
;;-fu;il il
| otter it tttir p6i.t. tend me a draft of your article
review and give You comments.


In the Wake of Tragedy: Learning from Reactions
By: Diana Ridgwell, Virginia Tech

I was not on campus on April 16,2007, and as I sat glued to the television, all I could
think about were "my students". When I first came to Virginia Tech years ago, I realized
that this was a sentiment shared by administrators, faculty, and staff. There is a sense of
the familial stucture here with a deep caring and sense of responsibility for the well-
being of our students at every corner you turn. As a member of an Undergraduate
Academic Affairs Ofifrce at Virginia Tech and an instructor, I had the unique opportunity
to be a part of an administrative unit working to help students get through the weeks
following 4-16. When tragedies such as this happen, we hope that we can leam as much
as possible to inform us for the future.

This process began for me just hours after the news broke as I sat with the television
going in the background and my laptop in front of me. For me, like the students, the
emails from campus and students were my "connection" to what was going on. I began
to get frantic emails from students in the class I was teaching that semester. "How will
we complete the assignments?", "What should we do about the events that were canceled
this week that we needed to do for class?" I was baffled by these emails and quickly sent
a note telling the class that I did not want them to worry about the class right now and
that I would address it later. "For now, you should concentrate on yourselves, your
friends and families," I told them. Then, a young woman sent an email that explained
that she knew she "shouldn't be thinking about classes and assignments at this time", but
that was'all she knew how to do at this point". She "needed to get her mind offof what
happened and away from the television".

What I learned from all of this conespondence with students by email, and in person as
we retumed to campus later that week, was that the concep that everyone handles grief
and tragedy differently is a gross understatement. The University did exactly what it
should, gave students choices in terms of academics, gave them numerous outlets for
their grief, provided counseling services, and more, but when it came down to it, there
was nothing that would handle all of the situations that we would face as we returned.
During the weeks after April 16, in working with students and listening to comnents
from colleagues, a few issues came to my attention regarding the decision making
process students were going through relating to academics. This information did not
come from any structured data but is based on my reflections of the interactions and
conversations I had durins that time.

Student level or class makes a difference in their reactions and how they approach
academic matters after a tragedy. Providing numerous choices for students comoleting
the academic year was necessary. For many, it provided the sense of control over their
environment and their lives; control that they had lost followins April 16. For others, it
gave them that something else to think about that they needed as they pondered &q many
options and what was best for them. For_others, the choices were overwhelming. For
instance freshmen and sophomore level students seemed to make much faster decisions
regarding their choices. Being so early in their academic experiences, they may have felt
that the impactofa wrong decision would not be great and therefore thgl did not need to
put as much time into the process. They were also the most likely to have obeyed parent's
wishes to retum home and thus made choices more on a whim rather than by talking to
professors and advisors in more depth. These will most likely be the students who return
in the fall and come to us realizing that their decision-making skills during this time were
not good. Balanced by the realitv of policies about deadlines and procedures, we will
have to consider that some students may not have been able to make good decisions at
this time.

well established support system of

For juniors, the decisions seemed easier. Having a
friends and professors, and more general knowledge ofthe outcomes oftheir choices,
they seemed to be making clearer decisions.

For many seniors however, the choices were painstaking. One young man came to my
office and said "I don't want to just take the grade. I want to finish the work. I worked
hard for four years and I am not going to quit now." Another student asked me "How
will graduate schools look upon these choices? Will they think we took the easy way out?
I don't want to hurt my chances of getting into a top school because of this so I will take
the exams and hope for the best". Seniors were also dealing with another burden, the fact
that these were their last memories of an institution they had grown to love. "The younger
students still have time to make new memories but we don't- this is it for us" one student
expressed. I encouraged those expressing this sentiment to come back as alums and
make new memories or to focus on all the great ones before this event and hopefully they

Although I work in Undergraduate Academic Affairs, I want to be sure and mention

graduate students. For me, m.y teaching assistant, a graduate student, was key to helping
enter grades and making the class run smoothly. As I contemplated how I was going to
figure out tentative grades as of April I 6 based on the percentage of work completed by
each individual student at that time (I had assignments that students could turn in at
varying times), I realized that my teaching assistant was a student as well and should be
afforded the same accommodations that others were being given. On top of that, she was
a trained counselor, and I knew that the Universitv needed her at this time. Although she
wanted to continue her responsibilities for me, I told her to do what she needed to do and
I would handle the class. It was not easy without her and I stayed up long nights getting it
all done but it was very important that I recognize her_gga student also and that she had
her own grieving to do. I knew that for her, helping others would be her therapy just as it
was for me.

Another thing that I learned was that we should look to the ways that we ourselves cope
with crisis in order to help students. What we can learn from our own behavior just
might help us understand how students reactto academics after a crisis. For instance, as I
contemplated how to continue with class, I realized that I could not concentrate on any
one task and found myselfjumping from emails, to meeting with students, to talking with
colleagues. I thought to myself, "l can't even focus, how can I expect my students ro
come to class and focus?" From other administrators, faculty, and staff, I heard many

' .'.
things like "I haven't been able to eat. I haven't slept much in days. I can't concentate
on anything. I don't know where to start when I come to work." If we take a look at our
own reactions to crisis, even as hained professional!, we can get a good idea of some of
the things that students are experiencing as well. While we want to stand true to academic
rigor, we must know tlat if we could not handle taking a test at this time, our students
cannot either. For me, a coping stategy was to get involved and work with my students
on a memorial project. Students have told me that these are the things that helped them
to cope. In addition, for me, I wanted to come to come back to campus immediately and
be around those who could relate to what I was going through. Many students told me the
same thing; "My parents wanted me to come home and it was okay for a day or two, but
then I just really wanted to get back here and be with people that understood how I felt."

Just a few weeks later, at graduation, I had the proud honor of leading students from my
college into the stadium and sitting with them. I could tell that they wanted to smile and
they wanted to be excited but it was hard. A young man said to me "I want to be happy
about graduating but I feel guilty." I told him that it was okay to be happy and that he
should be proud of his accomplishments, but that I understood what he meant. I too felt
myself tom between the elation that I usually have seeing students I have worked with in
their caps and gowns and the sadness that I felt as I looked to where the families of the
victims were seated. At the end, wheir the speakers were done, the families of the victims
walked right past the side where we sat and I watched in pride as all my students rose,
clapped and wept as the families walked by. I could not have been more proud at that
moment. They had put aside their wants and needs for tlte ceremony and realized that for
them, there would be other accomplishments in life, but for these families, the memory of
this ceremony was what they would have.

As an office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, we helped students to cope with the

tragedy by listening to them when they wanted to talk, by serving as a source gf
informatioq by staying in close communication with Department Heads and assisting our
faculty, staff, students and parents in anyway that we could. What I think we should take
away from this is that even with the best intentions, we have to predict and know that the
choices we give students dwing tragedies will be handled in different ways depending on
their own coping strategies, their level of previous engagement with the university, their
academic level, and many other factors. For some things, there are no policies,
procedwes or deadlines to follow which is hard for educational institutions where these
same managerial strategies are what make things run effectively and efficiently. We will
have to continue to problem solve in terms of academic issues relating to this event for
many semesters and perhaps years to come and we have to know that and expect it. We
should look to ourselves and how we react to situations and apply that to how we decide
to run things administratively and in the classroom. If we have not been eating, sleeping,
and cannot concentrate, most likely our students are experiencing the same things. We
rely heavily on our graduate assistants to help with classroom management activities, but
have to remember that they are students too.

As scholars and educational administrators we have a mission and duty to educate

students. We are accustomed to policies and procedures that help to guide our work and
foregoing them is hard but necessary in these situations. We realize.d that this experience,
in all its horor, was a tremendous leaming experience for all of us. Our students will
sraduate having dealt with something that most people never have to think about. Not
just in times like these; but in general, these events should lead us to reconsider the
classroom approach to learning as we continue to explore the educational value oflife
experiences. Facultv. administrators, and staff, have learned and used crisis management
skills that will forever be a part of our work Eglmeaningfrrl learning to occur, there has
to be reflection, so in the coming months and years, whether on their own, with student
organizations, or in a class environment we should make opportunities for students,
faculty, staff, and administrators to connect the feelings, emotions, coping skills, and
lessonslearnedjglhig-Egggdy, with the functions of our daily lives. This is how we will
continue our work and honor those lives lost on April 16, 2007.
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 15:36:51 -0400
Subject: Policy Memorandum from President Charles Steger
To: Multiple recipients <LISTSERV@LISTSERV.VT,EDU>

Presidential Policy Memorandum No. 241

TO: All Virginia Tech Employees

FROM: Charles W. Steger

DATE: May 16, 2007

SI-IBJECT: Handling Information Requests About Events of April 16,2007

Approvedby the President: May 16,2007

Effective Date: Immediately
Expiration Date: Indefinite - to be determined

As you know, Govemor Kaine has appointed an independent Virginia Tech Review Panel ("the
Massengill Panel") to review the events of April 16 and the surrounding circumstances. The
Panel has retained the assistance of a private consulting company, TriData Corporation, in
conducting the review.

As I stated in my comments to the Panel last week in Richmond, the university will provide all
information requested to assure a comprehensive review. To accomplish this, your assistance is

In order to ensure an orderly and complete response to requests for itormationfrom the Panel,
I hatte appointed Lenwood McCoy to serve as the university's liaisonwith the Panel.Mr. McCoy
is a very experienced retired employee who is highly respected and very knowledgeable about
the university. Mr. McCoy will clear and coordinate all responses to requests for information
relative to the events of April 16, including those that originate from individuals or groups other
than the Panel.

Most requests to you or your unit for information about the events of April 16 will come from
Mr. McCoy, and you should respond fully to his requests. However, if you receive a requ€st
from elsewhere, do not respond directly rather, forward the request to Mr. McCoy. You may
contact Mr. McCoy at or 540-231-0066. There are to be no exceptions to this

As you can well appreciate, there are a numb€r of federal and state laws, as well as other legal
considerations, associated with what information the university can provide and under what
circumstances. Regrettably, we expect that there will also be individuals pretending to be
associated with the review who may attempt to get information from you. Mr. McCoy can ensure
that the university complies with applicable laws relative to the release of information and can
also veriff the identities of those making legitimate requests.

Finally, I want to advise you of three internal working groups that I have established to help us
determine what steps the university can take to lessen the risk of such tragedies in the future.
They are:


Infrastructure - locking systems, surveillance, etc'

Interface between Counseling, Judicial Affairs, Academic Affairs, and the legal system.

Let me reiterate that Mr. McCoy will clear and coordinate all responses to requests for
information relative to the events of April 16, including those that originate from these working
groups, the Panel, or any other individuals or groups.

Further, let me also take this opportunity to remind you that:

All requests for information made under the Freedom of Information laws should be referred
immediately to University Legal Counsel: Kay Heidbreder,,23l-6293 .

As standard practice, all media requests for information should continue to be referred to
University Relations: Larry Hincker (Hincker@vt. edu,23l-5396) or Mark Owczarski
(maaw czar @vt. edu, 23 1 - 5 223).

Most importantly, thank you for your assistance and support during these difficult times.
Page I of2

McGoy, Lenwood

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:19 AM
To: McOoy, Lenwood
Cc: Flinchum, Wendell; Stith, Randall
Subject RE: June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech


Here's the rundown. Randy Stith will provide to you images of:

Campus aerials
Ambler Johnston Dorm
Norris Hall Exterior including the second floor of the west wing. Randy, have photogs take pictures showing
second floor windows.
Loudspeakers - randy, you'll need to capture one of those also. I have no idea where they are.
Photos of Harper Hall, exterior

The police will need to provide, if they are willing, images of :

Cho's room
The Norris Hall classroom

We have no images of Cho.

I will send to you thefloor plans of Norris. Please ensure w Mr Hyatt his approval. I don't think he'll have a
problem, but just in case, I'd clear that one. lndeed, my current plan is to provide to the media, if requested.

l'd recommend against images of the victims. We've memorialized them in several publications. I don't know if
we have blanket permission to reproduce. I got permission from each family for our remembrance publications. I

don't plan on going back and asking again.

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396


From: McCoy, Lenwood [mailto: mccoy@vt.ed u]

Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 9:51 AM
Subject FW: June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech

Larry see note from Phil Schaenman below.

Please respond directly to Phil (with a copy to me) regarding photos for the final report. I've got a personal opinion
about some of the pictures, but l'll leave the university's response to you. Thanks.

Page2 of?

From: Schaenman, Phil]

Sene Saturday, June 02, 2007 11:52 AM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Cc: Stambaugh, Hollis; Gerald Massengill
Subject: June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech

Hi Lenwood,

For the meetings on security and messaging systems, two panel members, Dr. Davies and Dr. Depue will be

For the police, two panel members, Dr. Depue and Col Massengill will attend.

lwill be at both.

We need two hours at least for the first meting and one and half hours for the second. Perhaps before and after
lunch... Dr. Depue will come the evening before and stay overnight. Dr. Davies and Col. Massengill probably will

Please arrange the specific times and places, and let us know. You know my llight schedute These are private
meetings, not panel meetings and not open.

Photos-Thinking ahead, we need some photos for the final report. An aerial view to show the size of the campus,
e)derior pictures of the dormitory and Nonis Hall, outdoor loudspeakers in place, a schematic of the relevant
buildings including where Cho lived, and at least schematics of the classrooms and dormitory room where the
incidents took place. Pictures of the actual rooms or rooms the same size as the actual incident rooms would be
useful if not considered still sensitive to the parents. A picture of the windows from which students escaped from
the outside would also be good.

Addf any other pictures you think useful.

We also should have a picture of Cho. Might use the one that has been in the media with the gun.

\Mat do you think about including or not including pictures of the deceased victims, which we have?

Page 1 of 1

McGoy, Lenwood

From: Schaenman,Phil[]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05,2007 3:34 PM
To: McGoy, Lenwood
Subject: RE: MeeUngs for June 20th

Lenwood- We will also be meeting at 3:45Pm on June 20 with Lynn Nystrom, Media Director, School of
Engineering in her office 225 Durham Hall, and possibly one or two others who were on the third floor at the time
of the shootings. I spoke to her by phone today and she is worth hearing. We received a letter from her that cc'ed


From: McCoy, Lenwood]

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 11:48 AM
Tor Schaenman, Phil
Cc: Hyatt, James; Blythe, Eru; Flinchum, Wendell; Stump, Shannon
Subject: Meetings for June 20th

The meetings for June 20th are set:

1. Meeting with Exec VP Jim Hyatt and VP Erv Blythe will be at 10:15 in the President's Board
Room, 210 Burruss Hall

2. Meeting with Chief Wendell Flinchum will be at 1:30 also in the President's Board Room,
210 Burruss Hall

l'll send you detailed instructions later on how to find the building, parking, etc.

Page I of3

McGoy, Lenwood

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:25 AM
Tol McCoy, Lenwood
Subject RE: June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech

Cripes. .. I got all the news I can handle..

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
Universig Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA.24061
540 231 5396

From: Mccoy, Lenwood
Sent Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:21 AM
To: Hincker, Larry
Subjecil RE: June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech

Sounds good........|'m going to give you a call with some more "news."

From: Hincker, Larry

Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:19 AM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Cc: Flinchurn, Wendell; SUth, Randall
Subject: RE: June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech


Here's the rundown. Randy Stith will provide to you images of:

Camous aerials
Ambler Johnston Dorm
Norris Hall Exterior including the second floor of the west wing. Randy, have photogs take pictures showing
second floor windows.
Loudspeakers - randy, you'll need to capture one of those also. I have no idea where they are.
Photos of Harper Hall, exterior

The police will need to provide, if they are willing, images of :

Cho's room
The Norris Hall classrooms

We have no images of Cho.

Iwill send to you the floor plans of Norris. Please ensure w Mr Hyatt his approval. I don't think he'll have a
problem, but just in case, l'd clear that one. Indeed, my current plan is to provide to the media, if requested.

Page 2 of3

I'd recommend against images of the victims. We've memorialized them in several publications. I don't knoiv if
we have blanket permission to reproduce. I got permission from each family for our remembrance publications. I

don't plan on going back and asking again.

Larry Hincker
Associate Vice President
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Burruss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5396


From: McCoy, Lenwood []

Sent: Monday, June 04,2007 9:51 AM
Subject FW: June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech

Larry see note from Phil Schaenman below.

Please respond directly to Phil (with a copy to me) regarding photos for the final report. I've got a personal opinion
about some of the pictures, but l'll leave the university's response to you. Thanks.

From: Schaenman, Phil]

Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 11:52 AM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Cc Stambaugh, Hollis; Gerald Massengill
Subject June 20 interviews meeting at VA Tech
Hi Lenwood,

For the meetings on security and messaging systems, two panel members, Dr. Davies and Dr. Depue will be

For the police, two panel members, Dr. Depue and Col Massengill will attend.

I will be at both.

We need two hours at least for the first meting and one and half hours for the second. Perhaps before and after
lunch... Dr. Depue will come the evening before and stiay ovemight. Dr. Davies and Col. Massengill probably will

Please anange the specific times and places, and let us know. You know my flight schedule These are private
meetings, not panel meetings and not open.

Photos-Thinking ahead, we need some photos for the final report. An aerial view to show the size of the campus,
exterior pictures of the dormitory and Norris Hall, outdoor loudspeakers in place, a schematic of the relevant
buildings including where Cho lived, and at least schematics of the classrooms and dormitory room where the
incidents took place. Pictures of the actual rooms or rooms the same size as the actual incident rooms would be
useful if not considered still sensitive to the parents. A picture of the windows from which students escaped from
the outside would also be good.

Addf any other pictures you think useful.

!7 Paee 3 of3

We also should have a picture of Cho. Might use the one that has been in the media with the gun.

What do you think about including or not including pictures of the deceased victims, which we have?


Page I of2

Mccoy, Lenwood

From: Wilkes, Lisa

Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 9:20 AM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Cc: Hincker, Larry; O'Rourke, Kim
Subject: FW: Information for the Panel

Lenwood, PleaEe see my comments listed below. I hope this clarifies.

Thanks, Lisa

From: Mcf.oy, Lenwood

Senb Wednesday, June 06,2007 11:34 AM
To: Wilkes, Usa
Subject: Information for the Panel

Dr. Cohen, TriData staff person, called this morning. He and Dr. Marcus head up the subgroup
for reviewing the EMS response. He has a few questions and I need help to know how to
respond...or who I should refer him to for answers. Here are the questions:

1. What components of our Emergency Plan were implemented during the emergency?
(was there an Emergency Operations Center established, etc.) I've already told him that the
Board room was the central location where all decisions were made, but he still has a vision of
a "centef'where the lncident Commander would operate from. I'm not that familiar with the
Plan but you probably know all the components he is talking about???? The lncident
Commander, the Chief of Police, was in the President's Board Room, as a member of the
President's Policy Group afier the initial crisis. During the actual Norris activity, he remained
with his unit. Along with the Chief of Police, Col Flaretty was also present for the briefings that
occurred with the President's Policy Group. The President's Board Room really was the
Center of Operations with communications via cell phone, land line, e-mail, and web for the
first 36 hours.

2. lf no EOC was opened, is there a spot on campus that would permit should a center? For
example, does the Police Station provide space where an EOC could be located? Our
Emergency Plan does specifu places on campus for EOCs. Please see page 11 of the plan.
One of those listed is Burruss Hall, where the President convened the Policy Group on April

3, He understand the Policy Group made the decisions, but he would like to know how the
decisions (especially EMS and Police) got communicated to the proper people. I told him my
understanding was that it was through the Resource Group, but he needs an explanation on
how that was handled. He is not as much interested in the PR announcements as he is in how
emergency-related messages were conveyed to the proper individuals. Since the Chief of
Police was a part of the President's Policy Group, he received his direction directly as part of
the group. During the actual event, the established protocols for the EMS and Police were

I have an email address and a phone # if you would like to talk with him. He implied he would

4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 11
Policy Group Meeting
Location: President's Board Room
From: Hyatt, James
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 10:1 3 AM
To: McCoy, Heidi
Gc: Stump, Shannon
Subject: FW: Worksheetfor Ranking Recommendations - RESPONSE NEEDED OCTOBER 11

lmportance: High

From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Friday, October 05,2007 10:00 AM
To: Benson, Richard; 'Gerhardt Schurig'; Hitchingham, Eileen; Davis, Jack; O , ---l ,s.,,y, InlKe; Chang, LaY
Nam; Quisenberry, Sharron; Sorensen, Richard; Blythe, Erv; Bohland, Jim; DePauw, Karen; Dooley, John; Flanagan,
elizabeih; Ford, David; Hikes, Zenobia; Hyatt, James; McDonald, Kevin; McNamee, Mark; O'Rourke, Kim; Shelton' M.
Dwight; 'bhenyood Wilson'; 'Tom Tllar'; Walters, Robert; Heidbreder, Kay; Byers, Ralph; Hincker, Larry; Wilkes, Lisa;
Flinchum, Wendell; Smoot Ray; Redican, Kerry; Poole, Jay
Cc: Stewart, Jeb; Corvin, Thim; C-ohen, Alicia; Harness, J. Michael; Daniel, Maftin
Subject WorKheet for Ranking Recommendations - RESPONSE NEEDED OCTOBER 11
Impotancet High

TO: Members of the Policy Group and/or Academic Council

A packet of materials was distributed at yesterday's Academic Council meeting consisting of the W Action
plin (Open Session), which included a summary of all recommendations from the Virginia Tech Review Panel
Repoit and the three intemal review reports. These recommendations were grouped by category; the
categories are refened to as "Action ltems." (NOTE: The packet of materials is being sent to those Policy
Group members who are not on Academic Council.)

INSTRUCTIONS: Please review all of the recommendations and then complete the simple worksheet that is
attached. For each recommendation, you are asked to check ONE box either Priority One, Priority Two, or
lower priority. The recommendations are listed on the worksheet in exactly the same order as they appear in
your packet"of materials. The recommendation numbers on the worksheet correspond to the "source location'
numbers in your packet of materials.

lf you p a member of the Policy Group, please brlng your completed worksheet to the next meeting'
wtrlctr witl occur on Thursay, October 11, at 4:00 p.m. in the President's Board Room'

lf you ryla member of the Policy Group, please sond your completed worksheet to Jeb Stewart
leiectr6-nlcatly or hard copy) so that he receives it by the morning of October 11. Jeb has agreed to
serve as Project Coordinator for this review process'

Jeb's contact information is:

1700 Kraft Drive, Suite 2000
Mail Code 0169
231-2134 or 231-4227

NOTE: lf you did not attend aRd did not send a substitute, your packet is being sent to you.

please pass the packet of materials on to
lf vou attended the Academic council meeting in place of someone,
thit oerson so he/she can complete the worksheet'
input to this process is very
lf you have any questions about the worksheet, please contact me. Your
important. Think you for your prompt response and cooperation'


Priority Ranking
; RE: Information for Tri-Data (the company supporting the VT Review Panel) Page I of2

Mccoy, Lenwood

From: McCoy, Lenwood

Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 7:36 AM
To: Hyatt, James
Subject: RE: Information for Tri-Data (the company supporting the W Review Panel)

Thanks, Jim, l'll be talking to him today and l'll explain where we are in the process. l'll also get the info from Judy
on the text messaging system. l'll copy you on everything so you will know what l've shared with them.

Keep both hands on the wheel!!!!!

From: Hyatt, James

Sent: Wed 512312007 5:15 AM
To: Mdoy, Lenwood
Cc: Mdoy, Heidi; Steger, Charles; McNamee, Mark
Subject: RE: Information for Tri-Data (the company supporting the W Review Panel)

As a follow-up to our conversation while I am the lead administrator on security initiatives the subject matter experts on item
a and b of Phil's inquiry are Judy Lilly and Larry Hinker. On item c it. Is probably Jim McCoy.

If Philis inteested in an overview of immediate steps and actions we are considering then I can certainly provide a briefing
on these topics.


James A. Hyatt
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

---Original Message-----
Frorn: McCoy, Lenwood
Sent: Tuesday, May 22,2007 03:56 PM Eastem Standard Time
To: Hyaft, James
Cc: Wilkes, Lisa
Subject: Information for Tri-Data (the company supporting the VT Review Panel)

I have a request from Phil Schaenman at Tri-Data to identi! for them the person(s) who can provide them information about
the university's plans regarding:

a. technology for getting emergency messages out to the university community.

b. content ofmessages and the wording used to ensure the appropriate response,
c. building/classroom security.

As you know, the university gave presentations yesterday about the systems that were in place prior to April 16, and we
mentioned that we were working on making improvements. Phil would like to speak with the person who knows about our
future plans. I assume that is you. If I have assumed incorrectly, please let me know who I should contact.

< lal la^Al

. RE: Information for Tri-Data (the company supporting the VT Review Panel) Page2 of 2

Phil can be reached at (703) 35t-8300.

Thanks for your help.....and please confirm when contact has been made.


From: Schaenman, Phil [PSchaenman@sysplan.coml

Sent: Tuesday, May 22,2007 12'.OS PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Gerald Massengill
RE: Input for the Governor's Review Panel p
W, 6'
Hi Lenwood,
Thrnlc r., -ne<in.r fhis i.lca ;l on.r l-lere is an inif ial resDor l>c
---r- Lv Pa-r - ^t- t^'r rhg
chain to Dean Stephenson. ,

As we understand it/ in Virginia, aIi }egal gun purchases are nade after a forn is
out by the intended purchaser who is given the forn by the gun dealer. The form is t hen
sent electronically to the police who check the intended purchaser against over l-0
and federal data bases to see if he viofates any of the ruLes barring purchase. So the
police do review the purchase.
Howeverf there is no central regiscry of who has guns, and the campus police cannot tap a
data base to run a llst of students against gun purchases, nor are they informed of the
gun purchase by a student any more than your local police would if you were buy a gun
(they don't ) .
Even if the campus police knew the students who owned guns, or a new purchase was made, so
long as they do not carry them on campus there would be nothing they could do under the
current l-aws unl-ess thev were used to pose a threat.
So, the suggestion would require changing the law. 1r will be passed on to the pane].
Thank Dean Stephenson for taking the time to write.

1 r\t^---da-----
Frorn: Mc6oy, Lenwoo6 [mailto : mccoyGvt . edu]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 11:34 AM
To: Schaenman, Phi I
Subject: FW: Input for tne Governor's Revj-ew Panel

For your accion, per our discuss.on. Bil-I is a retired College of Enqineering Dean h-re at
Tech. Let me know if you need more information about him.

-----alri ai nr'l Moc<.en

E *an. ArDarrrLo Iti m
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 20A- 10:56
rv. rM^a^r,
rv!v l
T anrrnaA
arrh-iani-. FI^i. Tnnrrf f or the Governor's Review Panel
Lenwood: Dr. Steger meant to send this to you.
---- -nr i ai n:1 Mo<<rn
Fr^n. qf6dar
ergYs Charl oc
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 200'7 10:51 AM
'ta . I mmnnrrt? rrj- orlrr t

Cc: O'Rourke, Kim

Subject: EW: Input for the Governor's Review Panel-

-----nr i ai n: l Mocc.:cr
Fron: Bil-I Stephenson lmailto: freqyGvt. edu]
Sent: Tuesdayf May 22, 200'7 10:44 AM
T^. ct- 6.rar Ch:rlae
Subject: Input for the Governor's Review Panef

I do not know how to send this suggestion to the Governorrs Review Panel'
Can you please route it to the appropriate Person. Here is my idea.
I believe gun dealers should be required to subrnit information on aLI gun purchases to a
central police data base. The information would include the name and address of the
nrrrahrear ah.l 1-ha i f am< nrrrr-ha<ad
Po]ice departments, inctuding the Virgrnia Tech police' would have access to the data base
and be expected to check it on a regular basis.
Had the data base existed when the Tech gunman made his purchase, Tech police would have
spotted the purchase by a student residing on campus.
Approprj-ate action could then have been taken.
Best wishes. Bill Stephenson.
Page 1 of I

Mccoy, Lenwood
From: McCoy, Jim
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:55 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: RE: Information for Review Panel

Lenwood, as we discussed, there are no campus building modifications ongoing at this time that are solely
responsive to the events of 4116107. Over the past month, Facilities has focused their resources on the
reconstruction of multiple interior spaces within Norris Hall. That work is now nearing completion and future
Facilities activities are contingent upon the recommendations of the Security Infrastructure Committee.

This commitiee, comprised of various university personnel and outside security consultants, met for the second
time on 5122107. In addition to these meetings, Mr. Hyatt, the Committee Chair, has visited the campuses of the
University of Maryland, UC Berkeley and a private Biotechnology firm in the San Francisco area (Heidi can give
you the exact name) to learn about their security measures and assess which ones may be appropriate for
consideration by W. Additional site visits are planned for the coming weeks. At this early stage of the process,
the committee is focusing on gathering information about the "best practices" of similar institutions. While no
specific modifications have been identified for implementiation, everything is on the table for consideration and
the group is committed to conduct a thorough review of the all possibilities before reporting it's recommendations
sometime in August.


From: McCoy, Lenwood lmailto:mccoy@vt,edu]

Sent: Wednesday, May 23,2007 11:21 AM
Subject Information for Review Panel

Jim, the Panel has asked for information about our planned security improvements. That would like more
information on building/classroom security, locks, etc, Are we ready to share our plans with them? Jim Hyatt told
me to contact you as you would be the best person to provide that information to the Panel.

Send me the info and l'll pass it along.


From: Judy Lilly $illy@vt.edul
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:18 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: Fwd: To DDDH: Message from Dr. Steger: Internal Review of April 16, 2007 Events

>Let me know if f can provide other information,

>Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 17:08:50 -0400

>From: "Sanders, Kathy" <sandersk@vt. edu>
>Subject: To DDDH: Message from Dr. Steger: fnternal Review of April 1-6,
> 2Q01 Events
>Cc: "Smith, Sandra" <s snith0 exchange . vt . edu>
rvyf vr-.
! Tn
r v nnnH: Mpssaoo from f)r. Sfadar. *^fArnA' pcrrieW Of
>ApriJ- 16,
> 2001 Events
>Thread-index: AceS fgGgTt 0Kfgc3QC2agZBH6ZTU0AAAA3 j g
>X-Junkmail--Status: score:10/50.
>X- Junkmai l- -SD-Raw: score=unknown,
> refid=str=O001.0A090209.46423812.00E9,ss=1,fgs=0,
> ip=198. 82. 160. 18,
> so=2006-09-22 03248:54, dnn=5.2.I27/2006-09-21
>X-OriginaJ-ArrivalTime : 09 May 2007 21,: OB:51.0999 (UTC)
> FILET IME = I3EC522F0 : 01"C7 92-1El

'!-----nr i nr'l Maea!

)From: President of Vj-rginia Tech
>Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 5:07 PM


>TO: Deans, Directors, Department Heads


>DATE: Mrrr Q ,0,,]'T

>SUBJECT: Internal Review of April L6, 200? Events

>Recent weeks have been devoted to providing support to those families

>who Iost Loved ones and chose who were injured during the tragedy of
>April 16th. We have also focused considerabfe effort on preparing the
>University Community for Cornmencement on May 11th and 12th'
>Now we must afso give attention to examining what occurred and sharinq
>what we learn with others so that we can do what is possible to avoid
>such incidents in the future. My purpose in wricing is to adv.ise you
>as to what is already underway, as well as what wil-l be initj-ated to
>insure a compfete and thorough review.
>As outl,ined j-n our Energency Response Pl,an, two groups have been
>operating. The first is the Emergency Policy Group. It was convened
>as soon as we were noti-fied of the incident in Ambler Johnston Hall-.
>It continues to meet on almost a daily basis to consider policy
)questions from tuition refunds to support for fanifies, etc.
>The second is the Emergency Response Resources Group. This group
>provides support for emergency operations, addresses the safety and
>welf ar:e of students, employees, and vj-sitors and assures, as best
>",ossible, the continuity and timely resumption of university operations
>It, too, continues to neet on a regular basis,
>The fol-l-owing reports are being generated:
>As is outfined in our p.Ian, two Incident Review Reports are being
>prepared. One for the events in Ambler Johnston Hall- and one for the
>events in Norris HalI. Mr. Hyatt is coordinating the preparation of
>these documents. Each of these reports examines how the university
>responded to the events and what Lessons can be learned for the future.
>The Corunissions establi-shed by President Bush and Governor Kaine wiIl
>consider many of these issues from a State and National policy
>perspective. Certainly we recognize that there are many other aspects
>of university policies, operations and infrastructure, which must be
>examined carefull-y. As we refl-ect on the ]-essons of the Morva
>incident, there was a substantiaf amount of misinformation in
>circulation. This misinformation resul-ted in emergency evacuation of
>buildings that could have placed people in harm's way. Our efforts
>wilI focus on ninimizing panic while rapidly providing accurate
>information to the universitv communitv.
>As a result, we have established the followj-ng working groups who will
>exanine these issues from the perspectj-ve of the university. The
>purpose is to look at strengths and weaknesses of our existing
>systems / infrast ructure and how they may be improved or augmented to
>address emersencv situations that miqht arise in the future.
>1. Tel ecomrnunicacionsInfrastructure (Erv Blythe, Chair)
>2. Interface between Counselinq Services, Academic Affairs,
>Judic-j.aI Affairs and the LegaI System (Jerry Nil-es, Chair)
>3. Ser:r:ri f v Tnfras1-rrr-j-rra' qi renc. tai lnrpd rrarha l moqca.tinn. and
>automated locking of building or zones within buildings, etc. (James
>Hyatt, Chair )
>Where appropriate, the university wilI retain the assistance of experLS
>to assist in carrying out the review and recommendations .
>These three working groups wilI begin no later than Tuesday, May 15,
>and provide preliminary reports no IaEer than August 15th, prior to the
>beqinning of school . It is our hope to l-earn about the strengths and
>areas for improvement of our existing systems. From this, we can take
>steps to make our campus safer in the future,
>Your cooperaL-on and input to this effort would be much appreciated.
>,..., \/i rni -'i: Tag[ Board of Vr-si-tors
> President's Academic Counci I
Press Advisory Page I of2

McCoy, Lenwood

From: Copping, Teresa []

Sent: Thursday, May 17,2007 11:09AM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject FW: Final Agenda Release for 2nd Meeting.doc

Mr. McCoy, wE sent you this one yesterdoy to reploce the previous one. Can you pleose hove someone chonge
in lhe Virginio Tech website? Thonks

From: Copping, Teresa

Senh Wednesday, May 16,2007 4:15 PM
To:'McCoy, Lenwood'
Subjectl Final Agenda Release for 2nd Meeting.doc

Please disregard previous agenda, this is the correct one. Thanks

Press Advisory
May 16, 2007

Panel Media Contact up to May 28,2007

Shania Flagg 703-351-830 I

Second Public Meeting of Governor Kaine's Independent Virginia

Tech Incident Review Panel
May 21. 2007
The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center
Latham BallroomA&B
901 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-8000 or 877-200-3360: Fax: 540-231-01 46

?:30 a.m. Vote to be taken in accordance with Virsinia Code Section 2.2- 3712 to so into a closed
meeting to review and
discuss matters related to the on-going criminal investigation and public safety.

10:30 a.m. Re-opening of Public Meeting

Remarks by Colonel Gerald Massengill, Panel Chair

10:35 a.m. Virginia Tech University Presentation:

Dr. Charles,Sleger, President
Mr. Jim McCoy, Capital Design & Construction
Ms. Kary Heidbreder, University Counsel
Dr. Dauid. Ford, Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Dr. Zenobia Hikes,Yice President, Student Affairs

11:50 a.m. Law Enforcernent Presentation:

Press Advisory Page2 of2

Chi,ef Wend.ell F'Iinchum,Virginia Tech Police DepartmentColonel W. Steuen

Flaherty, Superintendent, Virginia
State Police

12:30 p.m. Lunch

1:30 p.m. Emergency Response Presentation:

Richord. Ferraro, Assistant Vice President, Student A-{fairs
Matth.ew Johnson, Captain, Virginia Tech Rescue Squad
Colin Whitmore, Lieutenant, Virginia Tech Rescue Squad

Hospital Presentation:
Dauid Linhous, RN, BSN, MS Ed. Director of Staff Development and Emergency
Management, Montgomery Regional Hospital
Michael Hirr, RN, BS, Director of Emergency Department,
Montgomery Regional Hospital

3:00 p.m. Public Comments

4:00 p.m. Adjourn

Note: This meeting is open for media coverage, but the panel will not be taking questions while
in session. Media Logistics at Virginia Tech in advance of May 21:
Larry Hincker or Mark Owczarski (540) 231-5396

From: Hincker, Larry
Sent: Tuesday, MaY 22,2007 7"22 AM
To: Nystrom, Lynn; McCoY, Lenwood
Subject: RE: Position as Liaison

Per our discussion, here is contact information for the
Review PaneL

Virqinia Tech Review Panel-

Col . GeraId Massengill, Chaj-r
P. O. Box 1233?
Arfington, VA 22219-2337
Wendefl's mail code: 0523
Steger's Mail code: 0131
constructing the timeline and I was in the meeting
Hyatt,s Maif Code: 0148 (.]im is you

Ei N recounted the same concern have' )

Thanks much for your help and understandlng'

-----Original- Mes sage----- tansyGv!
Erom: Lynn Nystrom lmailto: ' edu]
Sent: Monday, MaY 2I, 2007 5:35 AM
To: McCoY' Lenwood
Cc: hinckerGvt . edu
Subject: RE: Position as Liaison
Dear Lenwood:
I thought about your email- a lot over the weekend'
Since I was in Norris HalI that day, I have sone viewpoints about how things were handled
ir *y tot. as Director of News, t have been very careful abotrt what I have said PubliclY.
But in my "citizen" to the Panel because I think theY
ro1e, I have some concerns that I woufd like to express
night be ilRportant consj-derations in any future incidents.
I truly thought this woul-d be abl-e to be done in private discussion with the paneJ-' tsut
it sounds ]ike it cannot' and an email doesn't seLm adequate in a situation of this
rnagnitude. I arn copying Larry on this because he and I have spoken about some of my

Best, Lynn

>At thls time, the onl-y interviews that are being scheduled for next
>week are wj-th the police, rescue squads, and hospitals '
)There al:e two ways you can have input to the Review Pane-L:
>1 . Appear at the public hearing on Monday at The Inn' There
wiLI be a
>time tor comments beginning around 2:30 p'n'
>2. Go to the PaneL's website and send j-n your conment ' The link is
>http: / /www. vtreviewPanel. orgl
>Feel Tree to use either (or both) of these access points to ensure your
j >corrunents are heard by the Review Panel,.
>Le n wood

il M6 c e.^
)From: Lynn Nystrom Imailto: tansyGvt. edu]
\q6hf -l
. Thrrrc^:rr
r rr gr ruqJ
q? M:rr
rrql/ I ? ?nn? ?. DM
>To: Mccoy, Lenwood
)Srrl.ri er-f : Posi I i .)rr aS LiaiSon

>Dear Linwood:
>I received the email that said you would now be serving as the
>University's liaison with the Investigative PaneL.
>M\r .irocti o- rq. wi- I rhew or an\/onF he infprrriawinc fhosp of uS who
>were in Norris Hal-f on April 16?
>If not, how can one make certain concerns known?
>Thank you. Sorry you had to come out of retirement for this job.
>Best, Lynn
\T rrhn \l\'<+ r^n
>DirecLor of News and External- Rel-ations CoIlege of Engineering
>225 Durham Hal f
/vr!9!r,ro rF^-l^
r crri
)Blacksburg, Va. 2406'J-
>Phone: 540-231,-4311 Fax: 540-231-303f
>The ComnonwealLh's Leading College of Engineering is at Virginia Tech

T Uhh t{r'e+r^m

Director of News and External Relations

aal I oao nf Fnni rra6ri r
225 Durham HafI
Virginla Tech
Blacksburg, Va. 2406L
Phone: 544-23L-431L Fax: 540-231-3031
The Comnonwealth's Leading C^ | I coe of F,noi nee*i no i s ai- Vi r.ri ni a Tech
From: Lynn Nystrom []
Sent: Monday, May 21,2007 8:35 AM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: RE: Position as Liaison

Dear Lenwood:
I thought about your email a lot over the weekend.
Since I was in Norris HaIl that day, I have some vj-ewpoints about how things were hand.l-ed.
In my role as Director of News, I have been very careful about what I have said publicly.
But in my "citizen"
role, I have some concerns that I would Iike to express ro the panel because I think they
rr i .:hf he i mno-j- arr rrons i deret i ons in env f uture incidentS .

I truly thought this would be able to be done in privace discussion with the panel. But
it sounds fike it cannot, and an email doesn'L seem adequate in a situation of this
magnicude, I am copying Larry on this because he and I have spoken abour some of my
-! 'ime/'rrne
T rr"dg-rrE T r"ri I I .r^
9\J f--o thc hcarinn thi e :ft- ornnnn Th:nL rrnrr :n.ain far rrarr a"in.
---- :,**-Jnce.

Best, Lynn

>At this time, the only interviews that are being scheduLed for next
>week are with the police, rescue squads, and hospitals.
>There are two ways you can have input to the Review Panel:
>1 - Annear at f hp ntthlic hFarinct on Monrl:.' :r- Tha Tnn 'r'\6re wif f be a
>time for comments beginning around 2:30 p.rn.
>2, Go to the Panelrs website and send in vour conment. The link is
>hrtp: / /www, vtreviewpanel. orq/
>FeeI free to use either (or both) of these access points to ensure your
>comments are heard by the Review Pane1.


>-----Ari ni nr'l Maccr

>From: Lynn Nystrom Inailto: tansyGvt. edul
)Sent: Thursday, May 17, 20Ol 3:52 PM
>To: Mccoy, Lenwood
>Subt ect: Position as Liaison
>Dear Linwood:
>I received the-'^i<.\n
email that said you would now be servJ-ng as the
>'ni rra-ei -\/r< wi -h fhe Tnvesfioative PaneI.

\Vr' ^,16e!i a- io. .'iII j-herr 1.5r ,an\rnnF tro inrerrri cwi rrr fhnca Of US WhO
>were in Norris HafI on Apri} 16?
>If not, how can one make certain concerns known?

>Thank you. Sorry you had to come out of retirement for this job.
>Best, Lynn
>Lynn Nystrom
>Director of News and External Relations College of Engineering
>225 Durham Ha11
>Virginia Tech
>Blacksburg , Va. 2406I
>Phone: 54 0-231-4 3? L Fax: 54 0-231-3031
>The Commonweafth's Leading collcne ^' F,noi necrinn is af Viroinia Tech

!yrrrr rry J L!L^tr

Director of News and External Relations
aa l I ona n€
-- trnrri naori
-- -ng
225 Durham Hal-I
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Va. 2406I
Phone: 540-23I- 43'11 Fax: 5 4 0-2 31-30 31
The Comrnonwea] th I s Leading aa'l 'l aaa af E nai naori
-.--.:-..----n9 ic il- \Ii rrrinir Tanh
Page 1 of2

McCoy, Lenwood

From: Walt Wierwiile []

Sent: Monday, May21,2007 3:11pM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subiect Suggestion related to Noris Hall

Mr. McCoy,

I have a suggestion that I believe should be considered in regard to Norris Hall. It is

one that might
work well, considering the recent tragedy there.

I believe the building should be retained and should continue to be used for its normal purposes,
that is,
tgaching classrooms, faculty offtces, and administrative functions. I personally
have tauglit classes in
that building. I found the classrooms to be clean, well designed, and containing
good auiio-uisuut

However, I also believe that Norris Hall should be used for research
on academic security. I am not an
expert in these matters, but there seem to be several obvious countermeasures
that could be instituted.
These countermeasures could be tried in Nonis Hall and if found
effective used elsewhere.
Examples of approaches that I think could be tried would include the
1' Use of interior doors with sandwiched armor that would stop gunshots. possible
use of walls facing
hallways that are similarly armored.

2' Use of video surveillance of all classrooms during class hours, including alarm panels
for the faculty
and students to use.

3' Emergency second exits for all classrooms and offices, so that there is no way
of trapping occupants.
4' Entrance and exit doors to the building that cannot be chained shut from either the
inside or outside.
5. Possible metal monitors at the exterior doors.

Security measures should be tested in mock situations. There will of

course be tradeoffs befween
personal freedoms and security. As of today, however, it
is clear that lack of security in the future will
only lead to more of the same types tagediis, either here at virgin; iech or elsewhere.

lT t*: the19-are many other possible remedies to help prevent a repeat of the tragedy that occurred.
These should be considered using approach. i can think of no *or. fitting use
of the building
than to make it a model for preventing- a tepeatiituation. And in addition, the
appro-acher a.""rop"a
could then be copied campus wide and elsewhere.

I believe that a memorial placed outside the building.w-ould be the most appropriate
way of honoring
those w-ho were victims, along with the use of the biitamg for its nor-uiiitrposes,
as well as the
research on countermeasures as I have suggested.

Page2 of2

It is unfortunate that our society requires such stringent measures, however, I do not believe that future
threats can be ignored. Therefore, I believe it is important to begin work on improved security for
buildings like Norris Hall, and that work might as well beginwith Nonis Hall.

I am therefore requestiag that you forward this memo to the appropriate group of individuals who will
have responsibility for deciding what should be done with that building. It does not matter who makes
the suggestion; it only matters that the suggestion gets made and is considered.

Thank you.
Walter W. Wierwille
Paul T. Norton Professor Emeritus
As soc i ate
"'T:nblff ilf ;:;tL,"

Page I of 2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 9:26 AM
To: Sparks, Rick; Brown, Tom; Stone, Shirley; Falls, Debbie; Lowe, Kimberly; Whitenack, Judy
Cc: Hincker, Larry; Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Media Reportfor July 10,2007

In case you missed some of the covemge related to orientation yesterday.

Can thank you all enough for working through the media rush yesterday. I hope and pray the next 1 1 sessions are a bit more
normal for you all.


Susan-for our orientation file. Thanks.

From: VT News
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:03 AM
To! VT News
Subject Media Report for July 10, 2007

Welcome to the Virginia Tech Media Report.

Produced by the Office of University Relations, the Media Report provides an awareness of media coverage about
Virginia Tech, higher education issues, and notable developments in the state and nation. If you experience problems
accessing articles, please copy and paste the URLs into your browser.

Out of the Darkness: Va. colleges can't expel suicidal students
When it comes to colleges and suicide, Virginia made news this spring in two very different ways. In March, the state
became the first to pass a law prohibiting colleges from kicking suicidal students off campus. In April, an obviously
suicidal Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and himself at Virginia Tech in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. 28 1 28&ran:l 7892 I

New year signaled at Tech

During orientation, freshmen ask about classes, not tagedy


Tech freshmen are getting a jump on college life this summer
The Virginia Tech Hokies don't open practice until next month, but already the freshman class for this fall is on campus
and enrolled in classes.


Cramped Dorms
With so many incoming freshman and returning students, the dormsVirginia Tech are over booked.
http ://www.wsls. com/servleVS atellite?pagename-WSlS%2FMGAnicle%o

Page 2 of2
2FSLS:BasicArticle&c:MGArticle&cid:1 173351939797&path:!newsllocalnews


Freshman Orientation Begins At Virginia Tech
It's one of the biggest freshman classes to enter Virginia Tech. Beginning today and continuing for the next few weeks,
more than 52-hundred incoming students will be on campus.
http //www.wset. com/news/stories/0707l43 7967.html

Thousands sign up for Va. Tech alerts
More than 4,300 students and employees at Virginia Tech have signed up for a new emergency alert system, several
months after a student gunman killed 32 people and himself on campus.
[Reported in multiple media]

Handling information requests-President's memo--URGENT
Page I of3

McCoy, Lenwood

From: McCoY, Lenwood

Sent: Tuesday, MaY 22,2007 9:59 AM
To: Hikes, Zenobia
Subject: RE: Handling information requests-President's memo-URGENT

First let me compliment you on your excellent presentation to the Panel yesterday' You had a
wonderful story to
tell, and you told it suPerblY

I believe the best way to ensure authenticate requests is for me to confirm all email requests
with a personal
person. I
phone call. Further, the person providing the information should deliver the requested materials to me in
providing information to the
fietieve ttrese additional'steps *itt ensur! that the proper channels are f,ollowed when
Panel and others.

Call me at 231-0066 if I you have questions.


From: Hikes, Zenobia

SenB Saturday, May 19, 2007 9:58 AM
To: Mc€oy, Lenwood
Subject FW : Ha ndling information requests-Presidenf s memo-URGENT
Hello Lenwood

One of the members of my team has posed the following guestion as to how they authenticate that the
information is being requested from you. ls there a safety ieature to ensure someone is not impersonating you?

From: Angert, Ron

Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 12:03 AM
To: Hikes, Zenobia
Su bject RE : Hand ling information requests-Presidenf s memo-URGENT

Dr. Hikes,

I have a question about how we authenticate that a call or inquiry is actually from Mr. McQoy.
In other words, how easy would it be for someone to impersonate him? Should we not have some
protocol regarding requests from him?


From: dsa-staff Discussion List on behalf of Hikes, Zenobia

Sent Thu 51t712007 10:40 PM
Subject Handling information requests-Presidents memo-URGENT

Dear All-

You have recently received the following memorandum from President

Steger regarding information requests surrounding the events of4116.

Handling information requests-President's memo--URGENT Page 2 of3

In his memo, the hesident uses the following language: "Most requests
to you or your unit for information about the events of April l6 will
come from Mr. McCoy, and you should respond fully to his requests.
However, ifyou receive a request from elsewhere, do not respond
directly; rather, forward the request to Mr. McCoy. You may contact IvIr.
McCoy at or 540-231-0066. There are to be no exceptions to
this process."

I would like to reiterate that this is the protocol that will be used
for the entire Division without exception. It is vital that we as a
team recognize the serious nature of handling these requests
appropriately. When requests are received, the appropriate supervisor
should be contacted immediately and I should personally be notified that
a request has been made.

Thank you in advance for your complete cooperation.*ZlH

---Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 17,200'7 3:37 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Policy Memorandum from President Charles Steger

Presidential Policy Memorandum No. 241

TO: All Virginia Tech Employees

FROM: Charles W. Steger

DATE: May 16,2007

SUBJECT: Handling Information Requests About Events of April 16,2007

Approved by the President: May 16,2001

Effective Date: Immediately
Expiration Date: Indefinite - to be determined

As you know, Governor Kaine has appointed an independent Virginia Tech

Review Panel ("the Massengill Panel") to review the events of April 16
and the surrounding circumstances. The Panel has retained the assistance
of a private consulting company, TriData Corporation, in conducting the

As I stated in my comments to the Panel last week in Richmond, the

university will provide all information requested to assure a
comprehensive review. To accomplish this, your assistance is needed.

In order to ensure an orderly and complete response to requests for

information from the Panel, I have appointed Lenwood McCoy to serve as
the university's liaison with the Panel. Mr. McCoy is a very experienced
retired employee who is highly respected and very knowledgeable about
tle university. Mr. McCoy will clear and coordinate all responses to
requests for information relative to the events of April 16, including
those that originate from individuals or groups other than the Panel.

Most requests to you or your unit for information about the events of
April 16 will come from Mr. McCoy, and you should respond fully to his
requests. However, ifyou receive a request from elsewhere, do not
respond directly; rather, forward the request to Mr. McCoy. You may
contact Mr. Mccoy at or 540-231-0066. There are to be no
exceptions to this process.

Hardting information requests-President's memo--URGENT

As you can well appreciate, there are a number of federal and state
Iaws, as well as other legal considerations, associated with what
information the university can provide and under what circumstances.
Regrettably, we expect that there will also be individuals pretending to
be associated with the review who may attempt to get information from
you. Mr. McCoy can ensure ttrat the university complies with applicable
laws relative to the release of information and can also veri& the
identities of those making legitimate requests.

Finally, I want to advise you of three intemal working groups that I

have established to help us determine what steps the university can take
to lessen the risk ofsuch tragedies in the future. They are:

Infrastructure -locking systems, surveillance, etc.
Interface between Counseling, Judicial Affairs, Academic Affairs, and
the legal system.

Let me reiterate that Mr. McCoy will clear and coordinate all responses
to requests for information relative to the events of April 16,
including those that originate from these working groups, the Panel, or
any other individuals or groups.

Further, let me also take this opportunity to remind you that:

All requests for information made under the Freedom of Information laws
should be refened immediately to University Legal Counsel: Kay
Heidbreder,, 23 | -6293.

As standard practice, all media requests for information should continue

to be referred to University Relations: Larry Hincker (,
23 l- 539 6) or Mark Owczarski (maowczar@vt. edo, 23 1 -5223).

Most importantly, thank you for your assistance and support during these
difficult times.

Larry Hincker / Mark Owczarski
540 231 5396, maow czar@.vt.edtt

Background on Norris Hall

Formerly knows as Engineering Building, Norris Hall is named for Earle Bertam Norris (see below).
Southwest wing (adjacent to Bumrss Hall) conrpleted in spring 1960; cost $377,983. North wing,

Holden Hall, conpleted sunmer 1962; cost $529, 100. Total building contains 72,375 square feet.

The building will be dedicated to offices and laboratories for the Engineering Science and Mechanics and
Civil and Environmental Engineering deparinents'

Among the laboratories cunently housed in Norris Hall:

* Concrete Testing LaboratorY
* Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
* Towing Tank Facility (few labs like it in the United States)
* Mechanical Behavior of Meterial Laboratory
t Four biomechanics laboratories related to a variety biomechanics, biomechanici ancl human stability

and locomotion.
* Three composite materials laboratories used the developmcnt of coryosite matenals (few labs like it in
the United States)
* Fuel Cell Laboratory
t Multiphysics Research Group Laboratory, focusing on nanoscale and microscale transport phenomena
(few labs like it in the United States)
* Adhesion Science Laboratory (few labs like it in the world)

Earle Bertram Norris (1882-1966); Dean, School of fngineering 1928-1952; Director, Engineering
Experiment Station 1932-1952
An engineer, educator, administrator, and author, Earle Berham Norris worked professionally in tlre
industrial field, taught mechanical engineering, and sewed as an engineering dean before becoming dean of
engineering at VPI. His service as a lieutenant colonel in World War I drew praise from Gen. John J.

Pershing. At VPI, the president considered him indispensable. He chaired the Administrative Council,

doubled the curricula in engineering, and co-wrote tbree textbooks.

Page I ofl

Smith, Patricia

From: Sanders, Kathy

Sent: Tuesday, November06, 2007 8:31 AM
To: 'Amira Farid'
Cc: Smith, Patricia
Subject RE: Hokie Spirit Memorial Funds

We are very glad. Thank you for letting us know.


From: Amira Farid []

Senh Monday, November 05,2007 1:41 PM
Tor Sanders, Kathy
Subject Hokie Spirit Memorial Funds

i received the money

thank you very much

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From: Camille Biros [cbiros@thefeinberggroup'com]
Sent: iu"saay, oa6ber 02:2007 3:03 PM
To: Kathv M. Sanders to Enslish
i\fi,'th#tib. ftequestfor FEINBERG claim.Form Arabic
Subject: of Translation-FEINBERG
Aftachments: Deceased Ctaim Form-Endilil;-di-"Jtorv.OociCertmcate


E Camille S. Biros
The Feinberg GtouP, LLP
1455 PennsYlvania Ave, NW
Suite 390
Washington, DC 20004
a 202/962-9282
u)9/ 1.4/2AA7 i.2: E5 5ABZ?L3AAA cRAt[rELL INTL CENTER PAffi ALIAS

From: Amira Faid [amiraamff@]rahoq.coml. - -

Sent: Thursday, Siptember 1i, 2oO7 8:22 Nl
To: Beisecker, Kim
Subject: from waleed'shalaan familY
isazitiei+t.JPG; 2887d1 3ffi5-a-JPG; 1}78574236-3'JPG; 81 548528+2'JPG

iam arrrira ahmed (waleed's wife) i recievedlouf email about thc information for€ceiving funds from &e
Holcie spirit Frma. i r*ua it-*i fft" nu it . iow i seirdbg it for you if there is any mistake in it ploase tcll me
tit*t yo" fot helping me and i will conect with you'

Building a website is apicce of cake'

Yshoo!-Snall Business gives you all the tools to get online'

University Response to Complaint from Security on Campus, Inc.

RE: Campus notification on APril 16

The Cleary Act requires timely wamings €ls soon as pertinent information is available.
The act does not define timely. Wamings were issued to residents in the dormitories in
which the murders took place. Campus and town police secured the building. A person
of interest was taken into custody within an hour. Upon discovery that this person may
not have been the shooter, the university issued a statement at9:26 a.m.
Mccoy, Lenwood

From: Steger, Charles

Sent: Thursday, May 17,2007 5:26 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: FW May 21 request

Lenwood, this seems like a decision for the Panel not VT,
---Original Message----
From: Christina Nuckols]
Sent: Thursday,May 17,2007 5:11 PM
To: Steger, Charles
Cc: Owczarski, Mark
Subject May 21 request

President Charles Steger

Virginia Tech
May 17,2007

President Steger:

The Virginian-Pilot respectfully requests that the May 21 tour of West Ambler Johnston Hall
and Norris Hall for members of the Independent Virginia Tech Incident Review Panel be open
to the public.

The Pilot intends to have a reporter present to cover the panel's meeting and to publish reports
about its work.

State law is based on a presumption that government bodies will be accessible to the public.
There has been a justifiably high degree of interest in the panel's review of the fatal shootings
at Virginia Tech. An open process will increase public confidence that the review has been fair
and just.

Thank you for your consideration. lf you have any questions you may contact me at 804-221-
Sincerely, *tu
h It

Christina Nuckols
The Virginian-Pilot

' f" '!

Page 1 of I

Smith, Patricia
From: Smith, Patricia
Sen* FridaY, November 02, 2007 7:54 AM
To: 'Amira Farid'
Subject: RE: Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund

Thank you so much.

Potricia A. Smith (Potfi)

Office of University Legal Counsel
327 Burruss Holl (0121)
Blocksbung, VA 24061
540-23r-6474 (fax)

From: Amira Farid [mailto:amiraamff@yahoo'com]

Sent: Thursday, November OL' 2007 5:28 PM
To: Smith, Patricia
Subject Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund

M. Elsayed is father of waleed shaalan he received the package.. and i take the package from M.
i received it closed do not worry
thankyouvery much

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Page 1 of I

Smith, Patricia
Smith, Patricia
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 3:45 PM
To: 'Amira Farid'
Subject: Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund


We received confirmation thatyour FedEx package was delivered today, November 1,2007, at 9:30 a.m' The
package was signed for by M. Elsayed. Please confirm you have personally received the package.

Thank you.

Patricio A. smith (Potti)

Office of University Legal Counsel
327 Burruss Holl (0121)
Blocksburg, VA 24061
540-23t-6474 (fax)

FedEx I Track Page 1 of2

Track Shipments/FedEx Kinko's Orders O or,.* ,",o

Detailed Results

Tracking number 791789663178 Destinatlon AL.ZAQMEEQ,

Ship date Oct 29, 2007 Delivered to ReceptionisvFront Desk
Delivery date Nov 1, 2007 9:30 AM Service type Priority Envelope
Weight 0.5 lbs.

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Nov {, 2007 9:30 AM Delivered AL-ZAQAZEEQ,
7:53 AM ln transit CAIRO EG
5:31 AM Infl shipment release CAIRO EG
1:21 AM ln transit CAIRO EG Package available for
Oct 31,2007 9:21 AM At dest sort facility POYLE GB
Oct 30, 2007 9:51 PM ln transit POYLE GB
4:38 AM Departed FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
12:59 AM Departed FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
Oct29,2OO7 10:59 PM Arrived at FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
7:02 PM Lefi origin CHRISTIANSBURG, VA
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Smith, Patricia

Sent: Thursday, November 01,2007 3:34 PM
To: Smith, Patricia
Subject: FedEx Shipment 791789663178 Delivered

This tracking update has been reguested by:

Company Name: Office of Univ Legal Counsel

Name: Patricia Sm.ith
qhi fh-.Avf l

Our records indicate that the following shipment has been delivered:

ship (P/u) date: OcE 29 , 200'7

Delivery date: Nov 1, 2007 9:30 AM

Sign for by: M. ELSAYED

Delivered to: Ra.anr r nri sf /Fro- - nesk
Service type: SedEx InLernational PrioritY
Packaging type: FedEx Envelope
r of pieces:
Nunrbe I
Weight: 0.50 rb.
Special handl i ngl Services : Ai- rbi I I Automation
Deliver Weekday

rrd(-^rrr9 / v.i- / ovooJf /o

c].'i nna. Tnf^rm^f i .n Dani ni oni Tnf^r./r:l-i nn


327 BURRUSS HALL (0121) rvPI SU

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tracking results and's terms of use, go to
rrralr^ luu !vr lvu!

Page I ofl

Smith, Patricia

From: Sanders, KathY

Sent: Wednesday, October 31 ,2007 8:41 AM
To: 'Amira Farid'
Subject: RE: Hokie Spirit Memorial Funds

Wonderful, thank You.


From : Amira Farid [mailto:am iraamff@yahoo'com]

SenH TuesdaY, October 30,2007 5:51 PM
To: Sanders, KathY
Subject: Hokie Spirit Memorial Funds

Thank you when the money received to me lsend you an email

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahool Mail has the best spam protection around com
Page I of I

Gamille Birob

From: AmiraFarid[]
Sent: T

. sedki riad is doctor at

d iwant tell you thq!
VT co
ithi number 180 thousand at the page it that mean i will pay to Real
icity you under
6tarization my signed about 90 thousand dollar for Real Estate publici
stand me so that please not write any mony at the page

Yahoo! onesearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

S r; Vl, e$,
( qqc) 73t - 1115

73 o- {?yt


Camille Biros

From: AmiraFarid[]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16,2007 4:41 PM
To: Camille Biros
Subiect: amira fathi

i am sorry i want take the mony not get it to consular

i talk to Dr. sedki riad about some thing i canot translate it to you by english and he will talk with you
thank you very much

Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV.

-ji;*":,. . ,":.-,
Page I of I

Camille Biros

From: Amira Farid []

Sent: Tuesday, October 16,2007 6:28 PM
To: Camille Biros
Subject: amira

Dr. sedki riad is doctor at VT college

and iwant tell you that you write the number 180 thousand at the page it that mean i will pay to Real
Estate publicity for Notarization my signed about 90 thousand dollar for Real Estate publicity you under
stand me so that please not write any mony at the page

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

Page I ofl

Camille Biros

From: AmiraFarid[]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16,2007 3:05 PM
To: Camille Biros
Subjecfi amira fathi

thank you Ms. Camlle Biros

iwant translate this letter to under stand it
CaaiCNil Eieia 180
Ca iEa EleiA
qaaiENIT ga_iEa QaY tqgigNAX
19q.Aey I6gei
leaQNQai loQb,i Yi gatsa6 €69 gNjI
gaEaa @aV rLrtraa Vaa
VNII Va Qe3lQai
iFthi ncacbNcN caEiEe cN6c6a
qZaEab Q6fQq eQaEueio ua oeii ?? eetF. aalsi pQ_qAJN_A_I-431 .119ry_o993 ej.Yi eiYi
6IcEa ab-c'Oe aiO eiupa Yi eaOart eeuFQNi aii iil ea oBN-QepieE Q.aa?_aieui
cacpNcfi Veoae 6eY iEa EiOia
gegFNg ia N6ad aOY FiaE galeuqiO
N6ae eai FTNaQ aOV QdEUaio YQNIa 60{
5o6 cal-OaU iir Ouare EaEip QeQnNCN iie
aoc c6cpNcN
Eib aDQ ivalOjr
iiE iuel uaiEcaiocNEYQDQ
Rca Onani
aog C6FNQN uta aou qipla€qaaQaie
e$u q6>iai gaaqaie Yi QaQpNQNENiarsa
and thank you
please tell me any new

Be a better Heartthrob. Get betterfelaliOUsh:ip insn/elr from someone who knows.

Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

,Jt" r

t0/17 t2007
Page I of3

Camille Biros

From: Maria Colella []

Sent: Wednesday, October 17'2007 12:00 PM
To: Camille Biros
Cc: 'Debbie Warren'
Subject: RE: amira fathi


It looks like the text is comrpted on your end. The text is just letters/errors - not Arabic. lt probably was sent from an Arabic
operating system to your email and all the fonts are blown out.

She might have to send you the text in a Word document, which should support the fonts. I'm not sure what your system seftangs
are, so l'm not sure where the text is getting corrupted --from her computer or on your system.
get it started for you.
I'll be out this afternoon, so if you get the text, please forward it to Debbie Warren (copied above) so she can


Maria Colella
Marketing Director
ASET International Services Corp.
2009 N. 14th Street, Suite 100
Arlington, VA22201
703 516-9266 tel.
703 516-9269 fax

information. lfyou are not th€

This electronic message, including rls anachments, is COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL and may conrain PROPRIETARY or LEGALLY PRIViLEGED

From: Camille Biros]

SenB Wednesday, October t7,2007 11:45 AM
To: Maria @lella
Subject RE: amira fathi

Yes here it is

L=l Camille S. Biros
The Feinbetg Group, IIP
1455 P ennsylvania Avq Nu0
Suite 390
Washington, DC 20004
a 202/962-9282
t=tl 202/962-9290

Page 2 of 3

From : Maria Colella [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, October L7,2007 11:47 AM
To: Camille Biros
Subject RE: amira fathi

The texi did not display properly below. lt was corrupted in the email. Do you think you can paste it into a Word doc and send it?

Maria Colella
Marketing Director
ASET Intemational Services CorP.
2009 N. 14th Street, Suite 100
Arlington, VA22201
703 516-9266 tel.
703 516-9269 fax

PRIVILEGED information. If you are not the

This clcctronic messagc, including its attachments, is coMpANY CoNFIDENTIAL and may contain PRoPRIETARY or LEGALLY

From: C:mille Biros]

Sent Wednesday, October t7,2007 11:31 AM
Subjeck FW: amira fathi

E Camille S. Biros
The Feinberg Group, LLP
1455 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Suite 390
I7ashington, DC 20004
A 202/962-9282
ts 202/962-e290

From : Amira Farid [mailto amiraamff]


Sent: Tuesday, October L6,2007 3:05 PM

To: Camille Biros
Subject amira fathi

thank vou Ms. Camlle Biros

iwant translate this letter to under stand it
AetiqNii ga iEaEieia 180 QaY TaaqNgai iogeiYigaEar @aE gNii Qa ioEea QeeiQei
Page 3 of3

CaaE60 eeiQO egaEueiO Ua Jeii ae eell AeBi eQ6QFNgN-9eEi Ea QN6Qaa aiYi

tacaiaab c5Esij EaEipa Yi CaOaN eeuFeNi eiiii| Ea sBN QePiaEQaaQeiEYi
&d;NCfi fe-oiB 6*V iea eioia Noad aai FINaQ aoY piae ga'Euaio VE\tie a6gulEi Yi
joQ Cai-OaU iiE 6uaer EeEiF aDQ QaQFN9N liE.iueiuai Egaig.gNEYQDq
Rer1 ON@N1 aDg 96FNqN uia aOu qaoiaE qaaqaiE Yi S6SFNQNQNIeRa
and thank you
please tell me any new

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better lelationship anrW9rs from someone who knows.
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.


Camille Biros

From: Amira Farid [amiraamff@yahoo'com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 16,2007 4:41 PM
To: Camille Biros
Subject: amira fathi

i am sorry i want take the mony not get it to consular

you by english and he will talk with you
i talk to Dr. sedki tiua utoJ some th-ing i canot translate it to
thank you very much

shows on Yahoo! TV'

Tonight,s top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest

r0tr6/2007 ,:. ,:.

Memo to lhe Woleed Shoolon File

October 17,2007

Spoke with Sedki Riod (o professor of W ond Friend of Amiro Forid - ) he

exploined thof if Ms. Forid uses the services of o nolory thot they will ossess her o
chorge which is o % of her lolol compensotion ond could be os much os

We hove her emoil doted October 162Cf.7 in which she stotes thot she wonls
the money ond does nol wont it to go to the Consulote of the Egyption

. .' :'t .. -r
Page I of I

Smith, Patricia

From: Smith, Patricia

Sent Tuesday, October 02,2007 4:03 PM
To: 'Camille Biros'
Subject: Transmittal Form for Shaalan


Please find attached the revised transmiftal form for Waleed Shaalan.

Potricio A. Smith (Potti)

Office ol University Legol Counsel
327 Burruss Holl (0121)
Blocksburg, VA 24061
540-23r-6474 (tax)

Smith, Patricia

From: Tracking U

Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 1:45 PM
To: Smith, Patricia
Subject: Fed Ex Shipment Notification

This tracking update ras been requested by:

company Name : Office of Univ Legal Counsel

Name: Patri-cia smlth
E-maiL: SmithpaGvt. edu

parricia Snith of office of Univ Legal- Counsel sent AMIRA AHMAD MOHAMMAD FATHI I
fnternational Priority package (s ) .
,Fhi c ehihm6nr ic c.haduled to be sent on L0/29/200'l .

4'r.^Li n^ n,rml.\a '1 903698"t7 37 6

To track the .latest status of your shipment, cljck on ti.o tracking number above,
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FedEx lTrack Page 1 ofl

Track Shipments/FedEx Kinko's Orders O ou,"* ,",0

Detailed Results

Tracklng number 790369877376 Ds6tln.ton AL.ZAQAZEEQ,

Ship date Od.29,2OO7 SHARQIYA EG
Service qpe Priority Envelope
Weight 0.5 lbs.

Status Package data

transmifted to FedEx

Dtr/Tlme ActiW Locdion D€tails

Oct29,2007 12:21 PM Package data transmitted to FedEx

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Track Shipments/FedEx Kinko's Orders Onu,* r"'o

Detailed Results

Tracking number 791789663178 Destination AL-ZAQAZEEO,

Ship date od2q2007 Delivered to ReceptionisyFront Desk
Delivery date Nov 1, 2007 9:30 AM Service type Pdority Envelope
Weight 0.5 lbs.

Status Delivered

Signature image No

Date/fime Adivity location

Nov l, 2007 9:30 AM Delivered AL-ZAQAZEEO,
7:53 AM In transit CAIRO EG
5:31 AM Int'l shipment release CAIRO EG
1:21 AM In transit CAIRO EG Package available for
Oct 31, 2007 9:21 AM At dest sort facility POYLE GB
Oct 30, 2007 9:51 PM ln transit POYLE GB
4:38 AM Departed FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
12:59 AM Departed FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
Oct 29,2007 10:59 PM Arrived at FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
7:02 PM Left origin CHRISTIANSBURG, VA
12:23PM Package data transmitted
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Page I ofl

Smith, Patrieia

From: Smith, Patricia

Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 9:25 AM
'Amira Farid'
Subject: Additional Funds have been wired

I just received a notice from our Controlleis Office that additional funds have been wired to your account. You
should be receiving $1099.52 by Tuesday. This was for monies due Waleed S haalan.

Hope you are okay.

Potricio A. Smith (Potti)

Office of University Legal Counsel
327 Burruss Holl (0121)
Blocksburg, VA 24061
540-231-6474 (fdx)

A9/74/2A87 L2:85 54S231388S CRAI.T4ELL INTL CENTER PAGE 6LI6A

Beisecker Kim
From: Arfl ire Ferid
Seni: Thuredry, September 13,2007 8:22 AM
To: Beisecker, Kim
$ubied: ftom ualeed'ahalean family
1U241752+1.JPG; 2SAZ{ir $3Sa.JPG; 107857423&3.JPG; 81 ${8528+2-JPG

am amira abmcd (waleed's wife) i recieved ]lour €mail about the inform*io1 fot ryrvln- fimdstom ftc
ff*iu Spi* f*4. i r*a it and ty to fill it . now i scuding it for yop iftherc is any mistake in it ploaao tall mo
thnnt po for helping me and i will coacct with you

BuilditrE a website is apiccc of cake.

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gglL4/2AA7 12265 540231380S CRANWELL INTL CENTER


+tt fri.,itS trf

;d;;,r$$r! g.Jsd-f tf-r*g " tJ,t*fl'oJaS#Cn \"&C- dS'It-#
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?,'a qlAln - Kt
aslI4l?867 I2265 5482313848 CRAhIbELL CENTER


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ir" , ,,; ffi t4+r'*"pt- ;'js r't'il"t qitJfi '5t ;r!t Ut# r:
lJuJ; .T , *Y **--**-"- .r,3

5462313888 CRAI*ELL INTL CENTER PAGE g2/85
89/L4/2@87 1,2iA5


Ll*.ls rt , . tr .-,-*..,.."..-,.---- *.:.** . *.,-,,-. gftl .-,.l;*l

'- r'h rtl obl* li$$ il enlq e$ill C
. ,. ., ,

lv|S $'tir*t)APMINil$TI
" */o l{:rthy llnndqrtq Tiry$it Tesrr-ltlltrllv
ttrl Hiirnr$ t{*l! (0.ltltl
S.l*ckrSurg"l-A !{0nr
From: Charoensiri, Kanitta
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 5:47 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: RE: Meeting with W Review Panel Team

Frr fl i nnar rrl i < nn I r'rnrrar Schiffert Health Center s l_nce

omrr'l nrrari : r
December 2006. I'm not sure i-f he is sti-]l in town but _L l-alr +rrr
u!-v +n €inA
;rrr+ fnr r.'nrr

Sent from my Goodl,ink synchronized handheld (

-----Ori ni n: I Maqq:r-re-----
From: McCoy, Lenwood
Sent: trri A:r, rllna 1 c 2001 02:05 PM Eastern Standard Time
To:,' Charoensiri, Kanitta
Subiect: Meetinq with VT Review Panel Team
Here is a note from Holl-1s Stambaugh, a staff person at TriData
Corporation, consultants to the VT Revi-ew Panel-. Hol-l-is and some of the
panel- mernbers wil-l be here in Blacksburg on Monday and Tuesday and would
like to talk with doctors who had contact with Cho. Listed below are the
doctors they would like to interview.
Chris, since you have the most, could you check and see if all- or some of
the doctors are avail-able, and if they are, coul-d they meet at 4:00 on
Monday or one of the tj-mes listed for Tuesday.
Kanita, couLd you please determine if Dr. Hippeard is avail-able during on
the ti-me sl-ots on Tuesdav?
After hofh of vott rcqnnnd- Tr'l l .tet back in touch with Hollis and confirm
the actual ti-mes for the interviews. Chris, my assumption is that the
doctors could use a group interview unless that is prohibited under some
l-aw or regulation.
Thanks for checking on this for me on such short notice. I think the
meetinq in Northern Virqinia has invisorated the panel.

From: Stambaugh, HoIl-rs]

Sent: Eri 6/15/200'7 L2:29 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Cc: Bela Sood; Diane Strickl-and; Schaenman, Phil; GeraId Massengill
Subject: RE: Hokie Fund Rep


There are severaL doctors of partlcul-ar j-nterest:
At Thomas Cook Counseling Center
--M. Smith
- -C . Bet zel-
--S. Lynch
At Schiffert Health Center
--Dr. Scott Hippeard
Df i-he warr. fhcre was a hio omissian frnm fhe n:r'kaoe of health/mental
health records we received, basically, there were no records, other than
the dates of encounter and the name of the practitioner, which I listed
ctrJ\.',vg r rl nrr'l rl
v\J\.lI\J rrnrr
J !/La rr'l oiea
P-j.9qos I at
JsL !rc ,.lrrVW ,,L.,.)
Lro L.n,,^., Wf f y i

Available times woul-d be 4:00 or 5:00 or later...on Mondav or Tuesdav at

8:00,9:00, noon; or 3:30
Thank you !

-----OriginaI Message-----
From: McCoy, Lenwood [ <mai]> l
Sent: Friday, June 1,5, 200'7 9:11 AM
To. Stamh:rrnh.
veqlrvuuYrrt FloIliS
Subject: RE: Hokie Fund Rep

Now that you are at the office (hopefully) you have the names of the
medical doctors you would like to meet with next week? Suggested days and
Page 1 of 1

Smith, Patricia

From: Smith. Patricia

Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 2:41 PM
To: Sanders, Kathy
Subiect FYI-Mary Read Claim

Mrs. Read, the biological mother, called this afternoon. She is living in New Jersey and the father in Northem
Virginia. I explained that both she and her ex-husband could sign separate claim forms, BUT both claim forms
had to contain the same information. She wanted to know if she had to talk to her ex-husband about the options
to be selected on the claim form. My only answer was that if they submitted separate claim forms, the information
must be identical. She said she did not have the birth certificate or death certificate. I told her that only one
parent had to submit the documentation" She was okay with that.

Potricio A. Smith (Patti)

Page 1 of2

Smith, Patricia

Froml Smith, Pakicia

Sent; FridaY, August 31,2007 11:29 AM
To: Sanders, KathY
Subject: FW: Assistance filling out Final Protocol Claim Form


I spoke with Mr. Read and walked him through the cl.aim form. He and Yon Son will be submitting separate
ctaims. He is aware they must be identical forms. Mr. Read will be providing a copy of the Pi[!cejlfi-catg. They
will be choosing Option 2. I requested that he complete the "othe/' section indicating the $109000 for the
scholarship in iltary's name. I provided him with the account number. The remainder of $80,000 is going to.Yon
Son. fyf r. Read's cjaim form witl not have the bank information. Yon Son will be submitting her claim form with the
same information plus the bank inicrmation and a voided check. I told him we would call if there was a
He is a little concerned since Yon Son is in NJ and he is in VA.

I thought you might like to know that he said he knows he and his wife have been critical about VTs
aOmin'istrition in-the press, but he said everyone else has been more than helpful. He said he was very

Potricio A. Smith (Pctti)

From: Peter Read [mailto: peterdr@dni'gov]

Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 11:02 AM
Cc: Smitir, Patricia;;
Subject: Assistance filling out Final Protocol Claim Form


This is Peter Read, Mary Read's father. I just called your office and left you a voicemail.

I spoke with Mary's mother (my ex-wife) Yon Son last night, and we agreed to file a claim for Option 2,
wlitr ttre fully endowed scholarship in Mary's name and the remainder of the cash payout going to Yon
Son. She iniicated she has spoken to you already about getting the form filled out. Given that we have
agreed on the option we will file for, I would just like you to walk me through filling out the form
pioperly to reflect that agreement. Also, we will need guidance on the me_chanics of how we must do
ihe notarized signatures given that Yon Son and I live in separate states (VA and NJ) and will not be
collocated while completing the form.

Thanks for you time, and I hope we can get assistance quickly even though it is on the verge oflabor
Day weekend. My work number is below, and my cell number is (703) 615-517 6 if you are unable to
reach me at work.


Senior Analyst, CENTRA Technology, lnc.
Office of Analytic lntegrity and Standards,
Deputy Director of National lntelligence for Analysis (ADDNI/AlS)

From: Martin, Douglas
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 2'.41 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject: FW Mental Needs Assessment Project Description

Attachments: Needs Assessment STUDY DESCRIPTION.pdf


Received the following Request for informatlon. Thouqhts and thanks.

-----Ari vrrYrrru+r.r i n: l Maqc.ane-----

From: Imai]to:mdhGvt.edul
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 4:03 PM
To: Plummer, El-l-en,' Woodard, Linda; OrRourke, Kim; Hyer, Patricia; Martin,
Douglas; Heidbreder, Kay; Brown, Tom; Finney, Jack; Burton, Patricia
Cc: Jones, Russell
Subject: Mental Needs Assessment Project Description
Af f :r-hecl nlease
vreqsv find: dcqcrini-ior1 Of the Mental Health NeedS ASSeSSment
Survey that 1s part of a research project funded by the JED Foundation. The
Co-PIs are Russell- T. Jones, of the VT Psychology Department and Michael-
Hrrcrhcs .)f f he VT Sor-i nl ocv Den^ rf ment .

If you have any questions about the project, please direct them to me or to
Prrqqal LTnncq lrtinnoqfdrrt odrr\

Best wishes,
Mike Hughes

Michael Hughes
Professor of Sociology
Mail Code 0137
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, vA 24060
ice:. 540-231-896'l
Of f
To leave a messase: 540-231-6878
Third, using the Virginia Tech shootings as a critical case study, we will prepare a manual of
guidelines for college administrators throughout the country to address mental health needs in the
wake of campus mass trauma situations. The manual of guidelines will enumerate critical lessons
leamed from Virginia Tech and other school mass trauma situations and would provide concrete
recommendations for practical actions on the part ofthe school administration.

Fourth, we will increase awareness of the above work in the larger mental health community by
preparing a series of scientific papers for publication. The papers will describe the results of the
surveys regarding pattems and predictors of the onset and speed ofrecovery of trauma-related
mental illness, pattems and correlates ofbarriers to seeking treatment for these disorders, and
lessons leamed from interventions designed to reduce these baniers to treatment. These results
will add irnportantly to a growing body ofevidence about risk factors for stress-related mental
disorders among college students and would help create reliable risk assessment models that
could be used by school administrators to predict individual-level risk for adverse mental health
events from baseline assessments, pinpoint high-risk students for preventive intervention,
evaluate the effectiveness of such interventions, and disseminate information about best practices
interventions to colleges throughout the country.

An invitation to participate in the survey and a link to the survey instrument will be sent by email
to all potential respondents by the Virginia Tech Survey Research Center. Material sent to
potential respondents will emphasize that participation is voluntary and that respondents may
withdraw at any time. Information about mental health refenal sources will be included both in
the cover letter and in the closing section ofthe survey. The survey will include measures of
exposure to potentially haumatic events, standard screening scales for PTSD and the other
anxiety, mood, and impulse-control disorders that typically are found to occur in the wake of
disasters involving interpersonal violence, and indicaton of use of psychological counseling

In addition to this online survey, a subset of student (not faculty or staff) respondents will be
recruited for a telephone interview to validate the diagnostic measures in the survey. This
telephone interview will use the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders
(SCID), an established validation instrument.

Our project includes a number of extemal collaborators who have worked with Professors
Hughes and Jones in the past. One is Ronald Kessler, Professor of Health Care Policy at Haward
Medical School (HMS). Kessler directs one of the major psychiatric epidemiology and services
research programs in the world and has considerable experience coordinating large needs
assessment surveys, most notably the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey
Initiative and the NIMH Hurricane Katrina needs assessment surveys. Professor Hughes has
worked with Kessler on various projects for over fifteen years. Professor Jones has collaborated
with Kessler for the past two years in the implementation of mental health needs assessment
surveys zrmong victims of Hunicane Katrina.

The project would also include tfuee key collaborators from the SAMHSA National Center for
Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS): Center Co-Directors John Fairbank and Robert Pynoos and
Associate Director Alan Steinberg. Fairbanks is an Associate Professor of Medical Psychology in
the Departnent ofPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University Medical Center.
Pynoos is a Professor of Psychiatry and the Director of the Trauma Psychiatry Service at UCLA.
Steinberg is on the faculty at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital, where he directs
the development of a disaster research training curriculum under a grant from the NIMH.
Mentrl Ilealth Needs Assessment in the Aftermath of the April 16 Evena at Virglnia Tech

Co-Principal Investigators:

Michael Hughes Russell T. Jones

Department of Sociology Department of Psychology
Virginia Tech Virginia Tech

The deaths and injuries that occuned as a result ofthe shootings on the Virginia Tech campus on
April 16, 2007 exposed many students and employees to traumatic situations and to grief
experiences. It is widely known that exposures of this kind increase the risk of mental disorder. It
is also known that treatnent ofresulting disorders can reduce their duration and reduce the
likelihood of self-harm among those affected. Research is needed to estimate the need for
psychological services in the aftermath of this tragic event.

At the core of our project is a mental health needs assessment survey that will be administered to
all ofthe students, faculty, and staff (n > 30,000) of Virginia Tech in the wake ofthe April l6th
2007 campus shootings. The survey will be canied out approximately two months after the
events. The aim ofthe survey will be to estimate the prevalence and correlates of clinically
significant disaster-related mental disorders in the population, to assess the magnitude of unmet
need for mental health treatment ofsurvey participants, to assess barriers to receiving treatment,
and to help the VT administration interpret the results and make decisions about the
implementation of clinical outreach and treatment programs for individuals in need of treatment.

Summary survey results will be used:

r To help guide service plans at Virginia Tech to target the counseling needs ofstudents,
staff, and faculty
o To support an application for govemment financial assistance to expand counseling
services at Virginia Teoh for students, staff, and faculty
r For data analysis/use by other Virginia Tech researchers in separate studies

The proposed survey will have four products. First, we will prepare a report to the Virginia Tech
administration that provides information about the prevalence of trauma-related mental illness
among students and staff, patterns oftreatment, prevalence and correlates of unmet need for
treatment, and modifiable barriers to treatment. The report will contain recommendations for
practical actions that the administration could take to provide treatment options that would be
helpful to students and staff. Survey information of this sort is urgently needed to rationalize
service planning activities. The potential benefit ofthe study to the respondents and to the
community are that the results can be used to reduce the likelihood oflong lasting and seriously
consequential mental disorders that might otherwise occur as a result of the April l6t 200'7

Second, we will use this opportunity to develop and make available to universities around the
country through the Jed Foundation a model survey needs assessment protocol that could be used
easily and at low cost either in future college mass trauma situations or more generally as a tool
for assessing needs for mental health services and reaching out to students and staff. US colleges
and universities have been shaken by the Virginia Tech shootings and there is a great deal of
interest in developing plans to prevent future recurrences as well as to develop response plans in
the event some tmumatic event occurs.
From: Sanders, Kathy
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:37 PM
To: 'Read, Catherine M CDR OPNAV NOF12'
Cc: Peter Read; P eter221 ; S m ith, Patricia
Subject: RE: HSMF wire to new fund in memory of Mary Read

Mrs. Read, rec'l r tlurn/rL.f lz/'y'(/.2f

Aa" d.//(
f just neceived the retunned HSMF check in oun afternoon mail delivery. We will begin the
pnocess for the wire transfer to the Northern Virginia Community Foundation fund you have
Thank you, KathY

--- --oniginaI Message-----

From: Reid, Catherine M CDR OPNAV N6F12 []
Sent: Tuesday, Novemben 27' 2007 11 :56 AM
To: Sanders, KathY
cc: Peten Read;
Subject: RE: HSMF wine to new fund in memory of Mary Read

Thanks. We'II get it in the mail to you tomorrow. Appreciate your heIp. Cathy and Peter

- -- --origlnal Message-----
From: Sanders, Kathy []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27' 2OO7 9:1'4
To: Read, Catherine M CDR OPNAV N5F12
Subject: RE: HSMF wire to new fund in memory of Mary Read

Mns. Read,

We are happy to wine transfen the funds to the 501c3 fund you have established. Please
return the check to me at:
32L Burruss HaI1 (0191)
Vinginia Tech
Blacksbung, VA 24061

Once we receive the check, I will make the arrangements for the wire transfer.
If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you, Kathy

Kathy Sanders
Pnognam Managen
321 Burnuss HalI (0L91)
Vinginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 2406L
PH| 540-23t-4142
FX: 540-23t-984L
--- --Origina1 Message-----
Fnom: Reid, Catherine M CDR OPNAV N5F12 []
Sent: Monday, Novemben 26' 2OO7 tO.L7 M
To: Johnson, Scott; Sanders, Kathy; Poole, lay; Armbruster, Megan
Cc: Christopoulos, Kim; Peter2212@ao1 .com; Peten Read
Subject: RE: HSMF wire to new fund in memory of Mary Read
Not to my knowledge either. The check is sitting at our house. Please let us know what needs
to be done to cancel the check then wire the money. Thanks. cathy Read

---- -original Message- ----

From: Johns.on, Scott []
Sent: Monday, Novemben 26, 2OO7 8t36
To: Sandens, Kathy; Poole, Jay; Anmbrusten, Megan
cc: christopoulos, Kim; Read, catherine M cDR oPNAV N6F12;
Subject: RE: HSMF wine to new fund in memory of Mary Read
Not to my knowledge, KathY. Thanks!

Scott lohnson, PhD
Licensed Marriage and Farnily Therapist
Special Assistant, Office of Recoveny & Support Associate Professon & Dinecton Manriage and
Family Therapy Doctoral Pnognam Family Therapy Center of Virginia Tech 840 Univensity City
Blvd Blacksburg VA 24O67-Ost5
54Q-231.-33t1 (voice) 54A -nt-72A9 (f ax)
http : //www . familythenapy. vt . edu
http : //www. recovery. vt . edu

--- --Oniginal Message- --- -

From: Sanders, Kathy
Sent: Monday, November 26' 2007 8:31 AM
To: Johnson, Scott; Poo1e, lay; Armbnusten, Megan
Cc: Christopoulos, Kim
Subject: RE: HSMF wire to new fund in memory of Many Read
Importance: High

Scott, Megan, Kim and JaY,

Has anyone taken care of this check cancellation and wine transfer yet? If not, I will look
into it.
Thanks, Kathy

-----Origina1 Message- ----

From: Johnson, Scott
Sent: Fniday, Novemben 23' 2OO7 9:04 AM
To: Read, Catherine M CDR OPNAV N6F12; Poole, Jay; Armbnusten, Megan
Cc: Peter2212@ao1 .com; Peter Read; Christopoulos, Kim; Sandens, Kathy
Subject: HSMF wine to ne- fund in memony of Mary Read


Don't know who' s responded but we'lL trY to get this done soon. Undenstand entirely not
wanting to handle the money. Makes sense. hle'Il be in touch. If lay or Megan has alneady
nesponded it just shows how discombobulated I can get. I'm copying Kathy Sanders who may be
able to he1p.
Best to you all,
Scott lohnson, PhD
Licensed Manriage and Family Thenapist
Special Assistant, Office of Recovery & Support Associate Pnofessor & Directon Marriage and
Family Therapy Doctonal Pnogram Family Therapy Center of Vinginia Tech 840 University City
Blvd Blacksbung VA 24a61-O5L5
540-449 - 8328 (cell) 54o-23t-7209 (f ax)
http: //www. familythenapy. vt. edu
http : //www. recoverY. vt. edu
---- -Original Message--- - -
Fnom: Re-d, Cathenine M cDR OPNAV N6F12 []
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2OQ7 LO:OQ AJ4
To: Poole, Jay; Johnson, Scott; Annbrusten, megan
Cc:; Peten Read
Subject: HSMF wine to new fund in memory of Many Read
Jay, Scott, Megan and all -
pete got a check fnom the HSMF for $28,OOO (check number 20LO598, date LL/AS/O7). !'le
have been *orting the last two weeks to get a 501c3 fund established through the Nonthenn
Vinginia Community Foundation (NVCF) in Many's honon. What do we need to do to get the check
canlelled and g21,QQO wired to the fund per the attached instnuctions? We'd like to do it
that way if at all possible to avoid the tax consequences of cashing the check then sending
the to the NVCF fund.
intended to set this up aII along but since, aften the $7AO,OAO was set aside for
the scholanship, we thought the remaining HSMF money was going to Many mom, we wenen't in a
hurny. It wasn't until Scott called on Oct 30 that we renewed our efforts to get this fund
set up. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness. Please let us know how to pnoceed.
We received the ne-issued check for $47@.82 and just got a
refund fnom the Bugle yean book. Thanks Megan.
Hope you all have a good thanksgiving. God Bless - Cathy and

-----Onigina1 Message-----
From: DiManco, Cindy (Nonthern Vinginia Community Foundation)
Imaitto:dimanco-cindy@ne. bah. com]
Sent: Tuesday, Novemben 20' 2OO7 LL:.40
To: Read, catherine M cDR oPNAV N6F12
Subject: RE: Signed vension of new fund in memory of Mary Read


Attached you will find NVCF's wire transfer information.

The infonmation instructs you to notify our banking contact pnior to the transfer. This is
especially necessary when the trans'Fer is not cash.
a tash wine without notification wilt not be nejected, but it helps when the bank is
anticipating the funds. An email notifying myself and Dionne Blanks (BBAT) of the wine will
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ca1I.

Cindy DiMarco
Northern Vinginia Community Foundation
8283 Greensboro Drive
Mclean, VA 22L02
Fax 7@3-9O2-3564
ste-crseunG, vA 24061-0312 WVirglnialeclj
(540) 23r-64r8

11020676 28, oo0. oo 0-00 28,000.00

10/?1/07 HStl F-92

TOTALS 28.000.00 0.00 28,000.00

check No. 2010598

Date 11/O5 /O7
Vendor No. 905?56?13 vendor }IR. PETER D. READ

Check No. 2010598

i U105/07 ,,i:'ii.r 'l

Arnounl JZ6,UUU. U U

'1,: ll '

[. ?O I0 598tt' t5E0? e?0 Ir: ZO?qq LOO08r.5lltt'

From: Virgin ia.Tech. news@vt.ed u
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:24 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Update for University Community Regarding Campus Tragedy

Tuesday, April 17

Virginia Tech continues to mourn the loss of 33 members of our community. As we move forward, we share the following

Virginia Tech will cancel all classes for the remainder of the week to allow students the time they need to grieve and seek
ass'istance as needed. The university will re-open administrative operations beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, April 18,
understanding that some faculty and staff may wish to take additional time off this week to grieve the loss of fellow
colleagues arid friends. We asli individual employees to communicate with their supervisors of their schedules for the
balance of the week.

We will close Norris Hall for the remainder of the semester. Staff are cunently working to arrange altemative location for
classrooms and faculty offices.

Counseling and other resources are available for students, faculty, and staff. Students may receive counseling at
McComas-Hall and counselors will be available for extended hours. Counselors will also be available in West Amber
Johnston for residents.

Employees may receive needed support by going to the Brush Mountain Room in Squires Student Center throughout the

The university will be holding a convocation ceremony at 2 p.m. at Cassell Coliseum. This will be the first time the Virginia
Tech commuhity will come together since the tragedy to share our collective sorrow. At that time, President George Bush,
First Lady Lauri Bush, Gov. Timothy Kaine, Mrs. Kaine members of our Board of Visitors, members of the clergy, our
students, and poet Nikki Giovanni will share messages of condolence to the hmily and ftiends of the victims and words of
hope to all of us as we move foruard past this tragedy.

Again we encourage all members of the Virginia Tech community to attend. Should the coliseum be full, the event will be
broadcast on campus cable stations.

The Virginia Tech community, and the world at large, continues to struggle with these honible events. We hope these
steps will help in that healing process.
Page2 of2

From: Weaver, Fred []

Sent: Wednesday, April L8,2007 11:06 AM
To; Rosenzweig, Dana
Cc: Douglas, Ellen
Subject: ShooUng Incident - Property Coverage

This email will confirm our conversation concerning possible coverage under our property insurance program. We
are looking at physical damage, hazardous material cleanup, emergency personnel costs (during the_ imm-ediate
emergenc!;, extra expense for relocation of a portion of the building occupants. and a remote possibility of being
some-business interruption coverage. This is a result of the gunman that shot the campus individuals.
please respond via email as soon as you can that the expenses in general are covered under our plan, assuming
that the normal claims documentation gxis{5.===f1'sd

FrcdWeaver, ARM
Virginia Tech - Risk Management
130 Southgate Center
Blacksburg, Va 24061

oFFtcE 540-231-7439
FAX 540-231-5064
jELL - 540-520-9747

Page I of3

Mccoy. Lenwood Sent: Mon A20B0trl7 7:57 F&l

To: Sdnenman. Phil
Snbt€cb RE: entrance b West Ambler Johnston

Yes, as I stated in my note below, the mail room door opened at 7:30 a.m. each day to allow residents of other
dorms to access their mail boxes.

From: Schaenman, Phil []

Sent: Sun 8lt9l20o7 9:32 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Cc; gmassengill 1
Subject Re: entrance to West Ambler Johnston

But his mailbox was there. So he r,rould have had b wait b aren get to mailboxes befiore 730?

--Original Message----
From: McCoy, Lenwood <>
To: Schaenman, Phil <PSchaenman@sysplan.orn>
CC: Flinchum, Wendell <>
Sent: Sun Aug 19 21:23:25 2007
Subject: FW: entrance to West Ambler Johnston

Phil, here's the ans,wer and the way I had heard the sbry beforc.

Yes, the dorm could have been amssed through the mail room after the outside door was opened at 7:30
a.m. each day to allow strdents frorn other residence halls to come pic* up their mail. Howwer, the shootings
occuned prior to 7:30 a.m. so Cho must have "tailgated" a sfudent b gain acess to the building.

The onstruction Dr. Depue saw last week was to seal off the mail rmm so the dormitory rooms cannot be
resed via the mail entrance in the future. (See Dr. Zenobia's noE below also.)

From: Spencer, Edward

Sent: Sun 8Jt9l2OO7 8:59 PM
To: Hikes, Zenobia; McCoy, Lenwood; Flinchum, Wendell
Cc: Johnson, Rhk; McClinton, Leon
Subjed: RE: enbance to West Ambler Johnston

Zenobia et al,

This is conect. Therc was access in Aprll to the rest of the building once when entered through one of the
exterior doors. Ho/ve\rer, Cho would not have access at that time of the day to Al. In April, one door of the
building (the one nearcst the mailroom) unlocked at 7:30 a.m. to permit those from other buildings who
received their mail in Al to enter to get their mail. Since the homicides occuned before 7:30 a.m., he had to
have "tailgated."

Ed 8129/2007

Page 2 of3

From: Hikes, Zenobia

SenE Sun 811912007 8:00 PM
To: Mcfoy, Lenwood; Flinchum, Wendell
Cr: Spencer, Edward; Johnson, Rich McClinton, Leon
Subject RE: entrance to West Ambler Johnston

Hi Lenruood-

The mall ar@s were open b rcsidents from other buildings (given the unlocked bldgs after 10 am) pre- 4/16
and served students in nearby halls. We are now in the process of restricting a@ess, so that students from
other buildings may @ntinue to get their mail without acess to the residential portion of the building. So in
answer to the quetion, tfie partitions are new and werc not kicfted dotryn.

And given the time of dan we do suspect Cho tailgated as the building would have been locked at the Ume.
And sine he was not a reident of W Al, we vvouldn't have had aess early in the moming.

I am cogyirp Ed, Rkk and lsn b add additional infonnation.-ZLH

From: McCoy, Lenwood

Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2W7 7l4l PM
To: Flinchum, Wendell; Hikes, Zenobia
Subject FW: entrance to West Ambler Johnston
Importane: High

Could one of your please get an answer for me ASAP. The Panel is reriewing their final draft at their meeting in
Charlottesville bmoroyv. Thanks.


From: Schaenman, Phil [nat]to-lPSchaenman@sysplan,san0l

Sent Sun 8lL9l2W7 3:24 PM
To: Mcf.oy, Lenwood
Cc Genld Massengill; Dr. Roger L. Depue'l'1e... 8t29/2007
Page 3 of3

Subject entrance to West Ambler Johnston

Hi lenwood,

Roger Depue investigated Ule WN dormibry himsetf last week and said that there had been open ac€ess from
thjmailbox area to wtrictr Cho had ac6s to the rest of the dorm. He found partitions being built to now close
it off. Had there been paftitions therc, then knoced down and being rebuilt?

The polie had reported to us something quib different, tfiat there was not acess frqn the mallrmm area t
the rest of the dorm, and that Cho probably bilgated som@ne into the building.

Can you qulckly ask Flindtum or whoever knows which is correct?


htps:// 812912007
From: Finney, Jack
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 3:01 PM
To: Jones, Russell
Cc: McCoy, Lenwood; Hincker, Larry
Subject: RE: Special lssue of Traumatology

T rcrri pwed the nrcrnrrq^l for the soecial- issue of Traumatology. It does not
urre I/!
appear to fit a usuaf definltion of research, and therefore Irm not certain
it falls within the purview of the research committee.
[Jnr"rorzar Droqidant
It\JwgVE!, f !g')-!L{slt
qia.rart q o-mei ] of
L \rLE99! v! M:r,r
rrqJ 17 :nnottnr:ino Presiclential Policv
Memorandum No. 241- seems quite relevant for this request. Therefore, I am
vvu n..' t.r T,anwoo,.l M^tnrr :nA r:rr\/
j f rrY HinCkef.

I think Mr. McCoy will contact you to discuss this proposal; rf not, please
do call- or e-mail- him. His tefephone number is 231-0066.
uvv u rarr-a
!uYu!gv rd c t

- taa\ tr. tlt k.ltlhalt
n^^^^i -t^ n^-*

College of Science (0405)

\/r rar] Yt1i l6a-n
al:r-kshrrrcr- VA 2 406I
P: s40 /231-6670
F: 540 / 23r-3380

-----n ri ni nr'l Mocq:na-----

From: Russell- T. Jones f mri I l-n. r1. inna<fdrr1. adrr'l
Sent: Friday, June OB, 2007 12:00 PM
Srrhr cr-r ' Fwd '. Snecial
"r- Issue of Traumatology

Rcfore oirrino
Y f w rrrY Fiolerz ,a rcRnrlnqe- I wanted tO know if there needs tO be an
:r.-\y"\r.\rr.a'l rr\-/r(L
oPlJ!\-'vo-L f rnm \7.rrrr
y\JLrJ- r-.rmmi t1- aa 1- n y!vvLLs.
nrnr-aarj T
t horrr-rhj- r^ro lr:d
fsrrvqYl : rrnnd mcaii nrr
rractarr|:rr . Annroni
"rr- a1- a lra'\rr .al-l- and


)Date: Fri, 08 Jun 200'7 ]-0:51:41 -0400

)From: Charles Figley PhD <>
>Subject: Special Issue of Traumatology
>X-Originating-IP : 69. 254.762. 202
)To : "Russell- T . .lones" (rti onesGvt , edu>
>Cc: Charles Figley (>
/ 9Ren l rr-' n: r-h: rl cs fi crl er;fdce rfh I i n k. net
)X-Mailer: Earthlink MailBox 2005.3.14.0 (Windows)
)DomalnKey-Slgnature: a=rsa-sha1; q:dns,' c=nofws; s=dk20050327 ;
> d=earthli-nk. net,'
> b:RW9u0e SWhq6LYq9CNXT 2xxQ4WHnhqYoI6GVrJ9IWD2 8 nBpZ OTH4 dTxEnUaBq+ Zvt ;

)h=Received: Message- I D: X-Priority: Reply-To : X-Mai 1er : From: To : Cc : Subj ect :D

>ate : MTME-Vers ion: Content -Type : X-ELNK-Trace : X-Origi nat ing- I P;

>db9e590e5 94t 62899leff1 87 22bad33 97 4bf4 35c0eb9d 4'7 8ef9d4 6 f14 f0b0 8b a9b9c126
>f 4 e 1 e 9 f 4 d0 cda fb5 3dc 0 7 4 3 5 9 3 5 0badd9babT 2 f 9c 3 5 Obadd 9bab7 2f 9 c
>X-Junkmail--Status : score=35,/50, host:zi-dane. cc. vt. edu
)X-Junkmail-SD-Raw: score=suspect (0),
> refid=str:0001.0A090209.46696CF6.0071,ss:2,fgs=O,
> :-p=,
> so=2006-09-22 03:48:54, dmn=5.2.I2I/2006-09-27
>Original-recipient : rfcl22; rtjonesGvt. edu

)Hi RusseJ-1,

)Great talking to you this morning. I do, defrnitely understand the

)cofl-ective anxiety and cautionary mode of the University these days.
)I have served as an expert witness on both sides (defense and
/'PIa.LrLc!LL I
'r- --rrv
-LD rtlctrrJ hinh-nrnfita
rr-!uIr nSggg SO
5U I1 knOW
llllUW the
Llr\- uf rmate
r-l -r.Lq f :.i r'l v Well.

>I believe they will recognize that this will be a great way for their
>faculty to convey their story this year through a peer-revj-ewed,
>scholarly journal Please get back to me on the list of potential
>journal- article authors in order to meet our June 10th deadline and
)keep us on schedule. AIso, fet me know if you have any more questions.
)You have my cell phone number.
>Warmest regards,

)Prof. Charles R. FigIey, Ph.D., Editor of Traumatology:

><htrp:. / /tmt. sagepub. com/>http | / /tmL. sagepub. com/
>Fulbright Felfow and Professor, Florida State University Traumatology
>Institute Director, TalIahassee, FL 32306-2570 Email:
)<mailto : CFigleyGFSU. Edu>CFigleyGFSU. Edu Web:
><htcp : / /nai ler. fsu . edu/-cfigley/>http : / /mail-er. fsu . edu/- cfigley /
)Phone: 850-644-9598 Fax: 800-889-0168
)Primum Non Nocere
>This e-mail is confidential- and intended for the addressee on1y. If you
>received this e-mail by mistake, please return to the sender and
)discard lmmediately afterwards. Thank you.
Russell T. Jones, Ph.D.
drnfoqqnr nf
v! Pqrrchn
! e_)' vrrvrvYl l arrrr
nar,\ir.f m6ril- nf P<rrr-hnl nrrrr
137 Willi-ams HaIl-
\/i rni ni: -cr-h llni rrerqi irr
R'l er-Lqlrrr rrl - \/i nia 24060

nEEp: /| /1,,,,,,
www. rF:-L re
-^+ L rauma
- . com
:rom: Provost@vt.ed u
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2O07 1:12PM
To: Multiole recipienis
Subject: Letter from Provost Mark McNamee

Thursday, April ' 2007


Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues:

I want to lhank you for t'he tremendous support you are providing to our students and to
each other during this crisis. We lost five faculty members in this horrific shooting
events, in addition to the twenty seven students. One faculty member and 23 students were
rlrJ q! Eq and are in variorrs sl-aoFs of rcr':nwcrv The families of all Ehe deceased are
receiving all- the support we are extending. The strength, bravery, and commitment of our
engire communitsy of scholars are unforgettable. The Etories of heroism are both
heartwarming and heartbreaking. The convocation, lhe vigi1, and the personal expressions
of grief and hope on tshe drillfield are slnnbols of the love that is Virginia Tech. We are
rr'i rai n i r 'Fonh

I am sitting at my computer for the first time since Monday morning and I am eager !o
share as much information with you as possible. our internal briefings and policy
meetings, attention to the victims and their families, and response to tshe media have kept.
schedules f1uid. Breaking the news of confirmed deaths to many family members in person
was one of the most wrenching experiences of my 1ife. Until- that moment, a glimmer of hope
was tshe only thing holding in one piece.
I am distressed that so many of the communications come through the media first. Often the
media reweals information before vre can responsibly make tlre information available. our
:tudents have been incredibly sophisticated in their interactions with the media.
This note will be the first of a series of notes I wj-Il be sending to provide you with
ongoing updates. The websitse is being used intensively Eo provide as much factual
informatj-on as possible regarding funeraLs, memorial- serrrj-ces, breaking news, etc.
I have been working with the college deans and the dean of the graduate school- eo deve l-op
a set of principles and practices to guide the resumption of classes on Monday. We
agree thaL a common seE of principles will best serve the faculty and the students and we
thank you in advance for accepting some new ways of doing things t.o close out this
semesler. The basic premise will be a student - deEermined choice among a set of specific
options. Our goal- is to provide as much flexibility as possible for our students. each one
of whom will be experiencing the mourning and recovery process in different ways. We wil-l
be sending out the guidelines as a separate communication. We are also going to provide
specific advice and guidance about how best tso talk about the incident with the students
and how to seek whaLever help is needed, My office will work closely with the deans and
academic associate deans to minimize any problems. We will afl need to be sensitive,
ffexible, creatlve, !
and fair.
All of the students whose lives were taken w1l-l be awarded degrees posthumously by
Virginia Tech. The degrees will be awarded during the coIlege, departmental , or graduate
school ceremonj-es based on the majors of the studencs.
There will be several revi-ews of the entire set of events associated with the incidents.
our internal review will begin as soon as possible and wil-l be wj-de-ranging. one goal is
to impLement whatever changes are needed both in the short-term and long-term. An
independent review reguested by Virginia Tech and approved by Governor Kaine will provide
a fully objective analysis of the situatjon. Families members, despite their personal
'rief , have expressed a desire to use what we learn to help others prevent or respond to a
crisis affecting any university, anywhere. The families also wan! to know the whole story
of how their loved ones died. We wifl do ewerythiDg we can to provide as mucb detail as

.4Eld::4i. ..-:t*:..:
I have received an overwhelming number of messages from friende and colleag.ues around the
urarlrl T am elra lvr qls :l cn ho:rir.rn y frnm
!!v,r' rrarrr
t,eu! f!!,e]rs
r.i ande rnd anl1a:rrrrac
4:ruqD. Thc nrrtnarrrin- ^f
support and condolences is reassuring in this time of tragedy,
-)l-ease take care of yourselves and look out for one another. Together \^re can be strong,
rrni Fa.i rFs i 'i i cni- . and successful .

We are Virginia Tech.

Mark G. McNamee
Tlnirrarsi j-v Drrr\/osi- and
Vice President for Academic AffairE

Page I of 1

Mccoy, Lenwood SenU Tue 8l14l2OO7 9':42 PM

Subtectr Fw: Police access to records

The fi nal outstanding question/answer.

Fromr Flinchum, Wendell

Sent: Tue 8lI4|2OO7 7:15 PM
To: Mcfry, Lenwood
Cc: Heidbreder, Kay
Subjecfi RE: Police access to records


I was getting to this one!

It would be helpful if we knew when people we had committed to a mental health facility against their will are
released so we would have the knowledge that they are possibly back on campus. This applies to Cho or
anyone else, This would also be helpful for the university adminishation for the same reason. There is no way
to know if this information would have made any difference and it may not have since he had no further contact
with the police.

Wendell R. Flincium
Chief of Police
Mrginia Tech Police
Stenett Facilities Complex 0523
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231S183

From: Schaenman, Phil]

Sent: Fri BlIOl20O7 12:07 PM
To: McCoy, Lenwood
Subject Police access to records

Could you pass this question to Chef Flinchum?

We understood thatthe police did not have all the information on Cho that they would have liked to have known
about, because of information privacy acts. ls that accurate? Did they ask for information they were not allowed
to receive, or did not get sent information sent proactively that they did not know about until after the crimes?

lf they had more inbrmation on cho earlier, was there really anything they could have done, or was is more for
university administration, counseling,etc? | think the only criminal activity known about cho was indeed dealt
with by the police. Knowing you have a problem student--even with all the information we now know_ might not
have made a difference in what the police could do, but we would like to check that.


https://weboutlook.r,' 812912007
Hello and a Question Page I of I

McGoy, Lenwood

From: Peggy]

Sent: Monday, June 18, 2Q07 12:57 PM
McOov. Lenwood
Subject: Hello and a Question

Dear Lenwood:

I understand you are reviewing all material that is written about our tragedy. I am the Assoc. Editor of
About Campus, a Jossey-Bass publication that is distributed widely to college campuses. We have an
issue planned that is dealing with sustaining learning in the face of tragedies rather than rehashing the
situation. I have three writers on campus who are preparing manuscripts for an early July deadline.
Would you be amenable to looking at their in a rather short time frame?

Sorry I missed talking to you today but hope you can get back with me as soon as possible. I am much
easier to reach via computer but can plan to speak by phone today or tomorrow ifthat works better for

Thank you, peggy

Peggy Meszaros, Ph.D.; CFCS

William E. Lavery Professor of Human Development
Director, Center for Information Technology Impacts on Children, Youth, and Families
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Department of Human Development
200 Wallace Hall
Phone: (540)231-9428
Fax: (540) 231-7157
For More Information About the M. S. in Human Development click on:
http ://www.humandevelopment.vt. edu/appliedmastersmain.htm

Wilkes, Lisa
crom: Provost@vt.ed u
/ent: Thursday, April 19,2007 1:12PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Letter from Provost Mark McNamee

Thursday., April 19, 26b7

Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues:

f want to thank you for the tremendous suppor t you are providing to our students and to each
othen during this cnisis, hie lost five faculty membens in this honnific shooting event, in
addition to the twenty seven students. One faculty member and 23 students wene injuned and
ane in vanious stages of recoveny. The families of all the deceased ane receiving all the
support we ane extending. The stnength, braveny, and commitment of our entire community of
scholans are unforgettable, The stories of henoism ane both heartwarming and heartbreaking.
The convocation, the vig11, and the pensonal expnessions of grief and hope on the dril,lfield
:no crrmhnl c n{ +ho lOVe that is Virginia TeCh, hJe ane Virginia TeCh.
I am sitting at my computer for the finst time sj.nce Monday monning and f am eager to share
as much information wj,th you aspossible. Our intennal bniefings and policy meetings.,
attention to the victims and their families, and response to the media have kept schedules
fluid. Breal(ing the news of confinmed deaths to many famj-ly membens in person t^ras. one of the
most wrenching experiences of my life. Until that moment, a glimmer of hope was the only
thing holding families in one pi-ece.
am distnessed that so many of the communications come thnough the media finst. often the
'-media neveals infonmation befone we can responsibly malce the infonmation avail-able. Our
itudents have been incredibly sophisticated in thein j.nteractions with the media.
This note will be the first of a series of notes I will be sending to pnovide you with
ongoing updates. The website is being used intensively to pnovlde as much factual infonmation
as possible regarding funerals, memorial services, breaking news, etc.
fhave been worl<ing with the college deans and the dean of the gnaduate school to develop a
set of pninciples and practices to guide the nesumption of classes on Monday, hle all agree
that a common set of principles will best serve the faculty and the students and we thanl< you
in advance fon accepting some new ways of doing things to close out this semesten. The basic
pnemise will be a student-detenmined choice among a set of specj.fic options. Oun goal is to
provide as much flexibility as possible for oun students, each one of whom will be
expeniencing the mourning and recoveny process j"n different ways. hJe will be sending out the
guidelines as a separate communication. lde are also going to provide specific advice and
guidance about how best to tal-l< about the incident with the students and how to seel< whatever
help is needed. My office wifl wonl< closely with the deans and academic associate oeans ro
minimize any pnoblems. We will all need to be sensitive, flexible, cneative, !
and fai n.

A11 of the students whose l-ives were taken will be awarded degnees posthumously by Vir-ginia
Tech. The degnees will be awanded duning the college, departmental,, on graduate school-
ceremonies based on the maions of the students.

hene will be several nevlews of the entine set of events associated the incidents. Oun
i.nternal neview wili begin as soon as possl-bIe and will be wide-ranging. One goal is to
-mplement whatever changes ane needed both in the shont-term and long-tenm. An independent
neview requested by Virginla Tech and appnoved by Govennor Kaine will provide a fuIly
Wilkes, Lisa
-rom: president-resc@exchan ge.vt.ed u
r€ llti Friday, April 20,2007 7:12 AM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: We Will Prevail

Dean Fe11ow Membens of the Vi.rginia Tech Community:

First, I wish I could speak to each of you individually to thank you for your courage and
dedication and to teI1 you how much your support has meant to oun students, to thein
families, to the membens of our extended community, and to me personafly.
Duning the honror of the last few days, the one bnight light in the darkness has been the
stnength and spj.nit so pnevalent acnoss campus.
As both Pnesident Bush and Governon Kaine noted, and as the wonld has seen, Vinginia Tech is
a community in the truest sense of the wond. I lcnow I speal< for many others when f teI1 you
how pnoud I am of you, and fnom the bottom of my heart, I t han l< you.

After this tnaumatic expenience, it will be dlfficult to resume oun

lives and duties. But start again, we must. By wonl<ing togethen with
the spirit and bond stnengthened by thi.s tnagedy., we will move fonward in a way that will
honor the memory of those we have lost.

In that vein, we believe it best to nesume classes on Monday, Apnil 23.

Commencement will proceed as scheduled on May 11. Our gnaduating seniors and their families
eed and desenve this time to manl( their
' accomplishments and to start the next phase of their lives, A11 of the
deceased student victims will be hononed with posthumous degrees.

For oun studentsr infonmation about course worl< has been posted on the Vinginia Tech home
page. There will be a great deal of flexibility in pnoviding options for completing the

In closing, f can only echo a few of the stinning wonds of Nikki

Giovanni: "Thnough all our sadness we will pnevail. "
I thank you, and again ask that you tal<e cane of yourselves, youn families, and each other.

Mrr<f <i nrp nol rr

Chanles W. Steger
,ent: Thursday, April 19,2007 1:24PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Letter to Students from Provost Mark McNamee

Thunsday, April 19, 2gO7

Dear Vinginia Tech Students:

hje are veny pnoud of youn suppont, courage, and commitment duning this tragedy. youn
expressions of love and grief for oun fa1len students and facultv membens and thein families
and fniends ane inspiring.

0n a practical level, we have developed pninciples to guide the resumption of classes on

April 23. hle are pnoviding you, the students, with the ability to mal<e choices fnom nrultiple
options about how you want to handle each c1ass.
lale have posted details on the Vinginia Tech homepage (
Your welfare is a veny pnionity fon us. Flexlbllity will be the guiding pninciple. To
avoid ovenloading the system, I am keeping this message short. I will pnovide additional
information thnough the web.
hle sincerely hope you will remain engaged in the learning pnocess no matter which options you
choose. The principles apply to students at all campus locations. Dissertatj.on and thesis
'eadl-ines have been modified by the Graduate School ,

lest wishes,

Marl( McNamee
University Provost
objective analysis of the sj.tuation. Fami-Lies membens, despite their pensonal gnief, have
expressed a desire to use what we Learn to help others pnevent or nespond to a crisis
affecting any university, anywhene. The families also want to know the whole story of how
thein loved ones died, laie will do evenything we can to pnovide as much detail as possible,
f have necei-ved an overwhelming number of messages from fniends and colleagues around the
wonld. I am sune you ane also hearing from your fniends and colleagues. The outpour ing of
suppont and condolences is reassuring in this time of tragedy.

Please take care of yourselves and look out for one anothen. Together we can be strong,
united, nesi.lient, and successful .
We are Virginia Tech.
Mark G. McNamee
University Provost and
Vice Pnesident fon Academic Affains
Page I of2

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:44 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: feel warm all over?

From: Smith, Sandn

Sent: Wednesday, August 08,2OO7 6:45 PM
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subject: FW: feel warm all over?


Sandra W. Smith
Administrative Assisfant to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Roger Slayton []

Sent: Tuesday, August 07,2007 6:00 PM
To:; president@vt,edu
Subject: feel warm all over?

httpr// Opinion Journal&ojrss=frontpaqe

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 3:40 p.m. EDT

The Spirit of Virginia Tech

"On September 6, Virginia's own Dave Matthews Band along with John Mayer, PhilVassar, and Nas willjoin
together in A Concert For Virginia Tech' at the university's Lane Stadium," declares a press release from the

"We're extremely grateful for the compassion and generosity of these artists who wished to
create a very special event where our students, faculty, and staff can come together to celebrate
the spirit and resiliency of our university community as we begin a new academic year," said
Charles Steger, President of Virginia Tech. . . .

"While we obviously will never forget those lost or affected by the events of April 16, this concert
will help us to honor Virginia Tech's enduring Hokie Spirit," said Scott Cheatham, president of
Hokies United. Hokies United is a student-driven volunteer effort organized to respond to local,
national and international tragedies that may impact the Virginia Tech community.

"Nas," whose full name is Nasir Jones, is, according to the press release, "hip hop's foremost lyricist and
thinker. And, some would argue, hip hop's conscience." Here is a sample of hip hop's conscience's oeuvre,
a 1999 work called "Shoot 'Em Up" (warning: unredacted obscenities at !!n0:

Pase2 of2

One 44, two 45's

3 loaded clips, 4 niggas roll, one nigga drives
500 Benz, 6 reasons why
This kid should die
We shootin every m----f--er outside
Pulled on his block, jumped out the car, guns in our hand
At the same time everybody ran
There that nigga go, hiding in the crowd
Let the trigger blow, 7 shots now he lying on the ground
Hip hop's conscience is helping the Virginia Tech community come together to celebrate its spirit and
resiliency and ensure that we never forget those lost or affected by the events of April 16. Doesn't that make
vou feel warm all over?

" 8/9t2007
Page 1 of 1

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 9:42 AM
To: Evans, Susan; Cox, Shawn
Subject: FW Va. Tech Monitoring - 0710912007
MONITORING 07 9 07.doc

Susan and Shawn-

Next 4/16 file to make and maintain-freshman orientation.


From : Clark, Casey [mailto:Casey.Clark@]

Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 9:31 AM
To: Clough, Christopher; Owczarski, Mark;
Cc: Kozakos, Penny; Grace, Neil; Lamboley, Genny; Doyne, lGren; Koops, Gary;; Leveton-Psb, Jay; Miller,
Rober! Huhman, Heather
Subject: Va. Tech Monitoring - 0710912007


Please find attiached today's print and broadcast monitoring reports. Four e-mails will follow with broadcast clips.

Most of the stories are about freshman orientation beginning today and participation in the new emergency alert system, and are
all either oositive or neutral.


Casey Clark
Bu rson-Marsteller Washington
p 202.530.4673

Plummer. Ellen 4125/07 5:20 PM -0400, Deans and VPs " points"
Date: wed, 25 APr 2007 I7:20:20 -0400
From: "P1ummer, EIIen" <eplummer€vt. edu> S,^^6,^
Subject: Deans and VPs "talkinq points"
To: "McNamee, Mark" <mmcnameeovt. edu>
Cc: "wil1iams, Gail S." <>, "Plunmer, El1en" <eplummer0vt ' edu>,
"Hanna, Dixon" <dixonh€vt. edu>, "Smith, Ken" <>,
David Ford <fordd€vt. edu>
Thread-topic: Deans and VPs "talking points"
Thread- index : AceH f 4 z Lpuol xrrostmakGtphlv0 l-,9==
X-Junkmail-Status : score=10/50, host=vivi . cc . vt. edu
X-Junknail-SD-Rar^, : score=unknown,
ref id=str=O 0 0 1, 0A09020 5 . 462Fc6 42. 0 059, ss=l, f gs=0, ip=198 ' 82 160.18,
so=2006-09-22 03 z 48 254, omn=5 . z. LzL/ zvuo-v>-z t
Original-recipient: rfc822i
x-original-ArrivalTime: 25 Apr 2007 2L;20 :20.0581- (UrC)
FILETIME= [ B77 9289 0 : 0 1c787 7F ]


Meeting with Dr. McNamee, Deans, VPs, and Others

April 26, 2007
8:00AM - 10:00AM
President's Board Room
210 Burruss Hall

1 April 16, 2007 - Moving Forward

1 David Ford needs consensus on 4 issues related to grades
Jerry Niles and David - grades for rnjured students
1. As soon as Dixon arrives he can updale everyone on Norris and
related space issues
1. The Emergency Response Resouce Group, convened by Minnis is
working closely with Ed Hennecke on details,

1.15% Budget Process in 2007-08

a. Just checking in with Deans, have their proposals, do they want to reconsider anything'i
Do they want to decide on one reinvestnrent priority? Etc.

a- schedule to share with the BOV
1 . MONDAY NOON dcadline - Dixon can discuss
lr refinement of definitions and reporting cycle

Annual Report Process and Format

a. Wc riill provide thern with a template to share rvith their Dept. Lleads by the end ol'the
week next rveek

Printed for David Ford <>

Plummer, Ellen.4l25l07 5:20 PM -0400, Deans and VPs "talking points"

5. 6-year Financial Plan Summary

a. Ken and Dixon - can discuss

Ellen Plummer
Soecial Assistant to the Provost
Director of the Virginia Tech Women's Center
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
206 Washington Street (0270)
Blacksburg, V A 24061 -O27 0

Printed for David Ford>

.:i$a+;-i!..-- --r-'-, 4125107 8:06 AM -0400' REVISED--CORRECTED Fwd: Agenda ite
To: mncnamee€vt. edu
From: David Ford <forddovt. edu>
Subject: REVISED--CORRECTED Fwd: Agenda items for Dean's meeting
Cc : kpdepauwGvt,edu,,, jhess€,
rdaniel0vt . edu

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 A7:45:31 -0400

To: [uncnanee0vt . edu
Froms David Ford <forddevt. edu>
Subject: Agenda items for Dean's meeting
Cc: eplumnerovt. edu, kpdepauwovt. edu, r,/,,


Mark (and EIlen )-----

r know that the two of you are considering items for Thursday morning's Deans
meeting and I respectfully request that the following items be raised for consensus.
!'irst, I am comfortable that in working with the Associate Academic Deans I have an
understanding on the exceptions to our university P,/f' policy at the undergraduate
level. I can handle the extenuating circumstances. GRADUATE COURSES WILL NOT BE

N The issues for consensus are.

1. In cases were tentative grades for graduating seniors can not be determined by
Monday, April 30 (due date for tentative grades) that a grade of " B" Fra nirran +n
ensure graduation with distinction for those students currently in that category and
fr for whom diplornas have been delivered. Where appropriate, an "X" I daf orrad \
should be used instead of an "I" (Incomplete) for the sane reason. The tentative
grades can always be changed at a later date as necessary.

2. AS A DEFAULT for any student with whon the professor has not made contactr award
the grade earned as of April 16 (i.e. Option #1 ) and the grade can always be changed
$L Iater as necessary.
3. Agree that there will be "No Academic Suspensions" for Spring 2007. For
students in academic drfficulty, ttrey will be allowed an additionaf probationary
term, Studenls will not need to submit an academic appeal for FaIL 2007.
4. Authorize that the "NG" (no grade) and "NR" (no reporting) will not be
calculated into the overall GPA as an "F .
---thanks for your consideration, David
David R. Ford
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
330 Burruss Halt (0132)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 / 23t-4167
540/23I*72II rax
forddOvt . edu

Printed for David Ford <>

Dean, Wanda Hankins,4/27107 4:03 PM -0400, Fwd: Academic Standing for Undergradu I
Dates Fri, 27 Apr 2007 L6:03:28 -0400
From: "Dean, Wanda Hankins" <wdean€vt,edu>
Subject: Fw: Academic Standing for Undergraduates - Spring 2007
To: Susanna Rinehart <susannarGvt , edu>, Barry Simmons <simmonsbOvt. edu>,
Candice Clemenz <clemenz @vt . edu>, Chris HeLns <helmsc ovt. edu>,
David Ford <>, Ed Spencer <espencer€vt. edu) r
Evelyn Ratcliff <eratcLif evt. edu>, ,lack Davis <davis aovt. edu>,
Jack Dud1ey <dudleyc Ovt . edu) r Jerry Via <viaj€>,
Karen Sanders <>, Kim Bro\4rn <ksbrownevt, edu>,
Mary Ann Lewis <malewis @vt. edu>, Mary Marchant <mmarchan€vt. edu>,
Mike Deisenroth <npdeis evt. edu>, Spencer <nspencerovt. edu>,
"Randy crockettgvt , edu " <crockettevt. edu> , RaI Van Dyke <rvandyke@vt. edu>,
Rich oder\,/ald <odelwaldevt. edu>, Ron Daniel- <rdaniel @vt . edu>,
Sheryl BaII <sball0vt. edu>
Thread-topic: Acadernic Standing for Undergraduates - Spring 2007
Thread-index : AceJBkaehSWgxYSDRh+vPvrPEO3v2xvrAAMSUg
X-Junkmail-Status: score=10/50, host=steiner . cc . vt. edu
x-Junkmail-sD-Raw: score=unknown,
refid=str=0001 . 0A090 2 0 3 . 463257 41. 002F, ss=1, fgs=0 , ip=rS4.82.!62.213,
so=2006-09-22 03248t54, dmn=5.2.L2I/2006-09-27
X-OriginalArr ivalT.ime : 27 Apr 2007 20:03t29.0671 (UTC)
FILETIME= [ ]"FEC6 170 : 0 1C78907 l

Email below sent to all undergraduates

Thank s

-----original Mes sage-----

From: Imailto:registrarovt.edul
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 3:55 PM
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Academic Standing for Undergraduates - Spring 2007

Subject: Academic Standing for Undergraduates - Spring 2007

PLEASE NOTE: due to the tragic events last week and the ultimate impact
on grading polic ies /options for students in the Spring 2007 semester,
the university has determined that no currently enrolled student wilt be
placed on academic suspension at the end of Spring 2007. If your
overall cPA remains below a 2.0 at the end of Spring 2007 you will not
be placed on suspension but on continued probation. If your overall GpA
fa1Is below 2.0, you will be placed on academic probation but with an
opportunity to raise your GPA Sununer and/or FaII 2007. students who
raise their overall cPA to the 2.0 threshoLd or above at the end of
Spring 2007 will return to good academic standing. Reminder: if you are
a Spring 2007 candidate for degree, you must have an overall cpA of 2.0
as well as a 2.0 in-major in order to meet graduation requirements.

Printed for David Ford>

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 2:59 PM
To: Evans, Susan
Gc: Cox. Shawn
Subject: FW: Pilot concert review on Nas

For the Nas file.

Also, please capture all this o'reilly stuff for the file, too

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540 231 5223

From: Cecelia []

Sent: Wednesday, August L5,2007 t2:44 PM
To: Hincker, Larry
Cc: Clough, Christopher; Owczarski, Mark; Gresham, Hunter
Subject: Pilot concert review on Nas

FYI - Pilot article from Nas's April concert in Norfolk.


The Virginian-Pilot(Norfolk, VA.)

April 7, 2007 Saturday

The Virginian-Pilot Edition



LENGTH: 567 words



Hip-hop is dead, if one uses chart standings, critical opinion and Nas' album title "Hip Hop Is Dead" as i
Yet at the rapper's show Thursday at The NorVa, it seemed to be thriving,

After patrons were patted down and waved with metal detectors, they entered to find hip-hop culture in
preserved cocoon.

Page 2 of2

DJ Bee, from 103 Jamz, held court in The Norva's front lounge. Immediately felt was a relaxed, welcoming vibe
and the kind of academic appreciation one might expect for jazz, The small room symbolized what was in store:
seeing people of all colors peacefully unified by a cultural phenomenon.
In the sold-out Norva's main hall, an impenetrable mass formed long before the show started, Given that Nas
has somewhat of an indie and intellectual appeal, the crowd buzzed with a kind of music-geek, holy anticipation.
Attendees, diverse in age and color, were a veritable who's who of the Hampton Roads "urban" scene.
Nas, whose 1994 album "Illmatic" is considered a masterpiece of the form, emerged after 9 p.m. wearing white
Jordans, a Greco-Roman inspired T-shirt and a massive gold chain featuring a fist-sized gold-and-diamond King
Tutankhamun pendant. Though it is just jewelry, the piece captures Nas: he can be commercial and vulgar, but
he is probably the last chart-topping rapper who makes ancient history, biblical study, politics, philosophy and
sometimes sentimentally uplifting anthems prominent in his work,
As stage shows go, Nas'set will not be remembered as revolutionary, He succumbs to the presentation plight of
many rappers, which is a tendency to simply pace the stage while talking into a microphone. (But, you were
expecting sorcery?)
Besides turning his Dl's stand into a black funeral casket flanked by flower arraignments, Nas offered no
scenery. He began his set with "Carry on Tradition" and "Black Republican," songs from the current album that
hold that America has lost its way culturally, spiritually and intellectually,
Nas really does not need a mesmerizing stage persona. His personality is his performance, and gestures like
raising his fist and saying "Power to all people - black, white, Asian, whatever," only fueled his followers. When
he finally ripped into first album cuts including "Represent," "It Ain't Hard to Tell" and "N.Y. State of Mind," he
worked the mass into a frenzy. They did not mind his tendency to stop a song midway - "I'm done with that,"
he'd say to his DJ - or his medleys of late-'gOs, critically panned hits including "Phone Tap."
Some did question his avoidance of "Ether," his diss record against newly reconciled friend Jay-l, but most
everyone seemed surprised at how many songs they'd remembered over Nas' eight-album career. He began to
wear after an hour, but his stamina was impressive.

Toward the end, Nas announced projects for fall, applauded attendees' self-preservation - "It's planned for us
not to be here," he said - and insulted 50 Cent and Dipset, rap performers who, comparatively, lack Nas'

As he finished, he led the audience in a chant: "1,2,3, Peacel 1, 2, 3, Peacel" That mantra seemed to summon
the original spirit of hip-hop, which is exactly why people love Nas,
n\Reach Malcolm Venable at (757) 446-2662 or

Nas performed Thursday at The NorVa in Norfolk. CONCERT REVIEW

Nas performed Thursday at The Norva in Norfolk.

Cecelia H. Hovis
Brand Marketing Manager
Virginia Tech University Relations
202-A Media Building
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Telephone No. 540/231 -3899
Fax No. 54012314943

We are Virginia Tech.

Page 1 of3

Evans, Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:13 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subjecfi FW: W Concert

Nas file

Mark Owczarski
Director of News & Information
University Relations
Virginia Tech
314 Bunuss Hall
Blacksburg, VA24061
540 231 5223

From: Smith, Sandra

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:29 AM
To: Owczarcki, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subjectr FW: W Conceft


SandraW. Smith
Administrative Asslsfanf to the President
Virginia Tech (0131)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

From: Imailto:]

Sent: Thursday, August 02,2007 10:10 PM
To: President Steger; President of Virginia Tech
Cc: Poole, Jay; Webb, Kenneth;
Subject: Re: W Concert


Are you aware that the following are reportedly the lyrics of a song from one of the bands performing at your concert to boost the
morale of the VT Nation?

Interesting choice in a band to say the least. Lefs all hope they don't sing this one. However, having looked up the lyrics of their
other songs, I would dare say they do not have much better to offer.

Eric Hilscher (Father of Emily Jane Hilscher)

"Shoot'Em Up"

Page2 of3
One 44, two 45's
3 loaded clips, 4 niggas roll, one nigga drives
500 Benz, 6 reasons why
This kid should die
We shootin every motherfucker outside
Pulled on his block, jumped out the car, guns in our hand
At the same time everybody ran
There that nigga go, hiding in the crowd
Let the trigger blow, 7 shots now he lying on the ground
Blood on the floor
Then we shot some more
Niggas he was with
2 niggas hit, one nigga fell
One tryed to run, go get him son
Make sure he's done before we bail, i aint trying to goto jail
Must handle beef, code of the street
Load up the heat, if these nigga think they could fuck around
Real niggas do real things
By all means, niggas knowin how we get down.. It goes......

[Chorus (3X)]
Shoot 'em up, just shoot 'em up, what..
Kill kill kill, murder murder murder

Driving through roads, Suburban Chevrolet
6 tinted windows, and I'm on my way
To get up with my hoes, I pull up to they house
Not a freak to be heard, nobody came out
Ringin the bell, where in the hell
Could they be at, I'm about to leave
Steppin' slow, where my truck was at
Who the fuck is that?
Could it be a jack?
Now pull my strap, it's my man
And we have the same plan
There them bitches go
Civic '94, looking funny though
Open up the car door, funny smile
Fuck 2 already, 3rd ass was heavy
"Nas this is Sherri, Sherri this is Nas, and his man, Ready?"
Walked in the house, snatched off they clothes
Ran through them hoes
Plenty ice, that they all seemed to like
Can't find my man, heard a blam blam
Now I'm wonderin, "In this scam, do I even stand a chance?"
He kllled the hoes, took all they doe
Fire in his eyes, higher than the sky
Comin down the stairs
Now he wantin mine, reachin for my nine
Aiming with our guns at each others face, at the same time
my nine on his lips, his fifth on my chin, I start whispering
"Put your gun down, we can skip town"
Rocked him to sleep, pushed back his meat
Lift off his chain
Took his shit, emptied out close range...

Page 3 of3
[Chorus (4X)J
[3rd time there is no whispering of: "kill kill kill, murder murder muder".]

Get a sneak peek of the all-new

Evans, Susan
From: Owczarski, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:01 AM
To: Evans, Susan
Subject: FW: Re concert

Nas file
Mark Owczarski
Direclor of NewE & Information
University Relations
Virgj-nia Tech
314 Burrus6 HaIl
Blacksburg, VA 24051
540 23t 5223
maowczar@vt . edu

- - ---Original Message-----
From: Clough, Christopher
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 10:0? PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim; Owczarski, Mark
Sub"i ect : RE : Re concert

Kim. I'11 send you whaC I have. I appreciate t.he sensitj_vity. My sense is t.hat this story
doesn't have any more sleam unless somethj-ng else on NaE turns up. Right now we have one
song in question from an artist that has sold 12 million records since 1994 and is very
popular among hip-hop fans and young black audiences. Chris
---- -Original Message---- -
From: O'Rourke, Kim
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 09:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Clough, Christopher,. Owczarski, Mark
Cc: Hovis, Cecel-ia
Subject: RE: Re concer!
Chris: Sandy says Ehere are many more like the one f sent you. I will, ask her to forward
them in the morning. I had a conversation with the Rector this morning, and this is at
lhe forefront of his mind. He is planning to speak with the President in the morning, so
any information, staEistics, etc. you can provide would be helpful . Pl-ease send t'o me and
copy to Sandy Smith ( so she can get them to the President before the phone
call--I'm expecEing it to occur around LO, but. t.hat could chanrrF fhenL< l{im
-- ---Original Message-----
From: Clough, Christopher
Sent: MoDday, August 05, 2OO7 9222 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim; Owczarski, Mark
Cc: Hovis, Cecelia
Subject: RE: Re concert
Thanks for sending, we're tracking this cIosely. I can't defend DMB,s decision Lo incl,ude
Nas, however I believe that this 1999 song has been compfetefy laken out of conEext and
grossly manipulaLed by Bove (in his shameless self promotion prior to his september 4 book
launch). To dat,e we have more lhan 17,000 online ticket requests - that's probably the
besE indicator of sEudents, recent grads, faculty and staff affirmation of the concerr.
Mark I can get you background on this. Chris
--- --Original Message-----
From; O'Rourke, Kim
Sent; Monday, Augms t 05, 2007 08:39 pM Eastern Standard Time
To: Owczarski, Mark; Clough, Christopher
Subj ect. : FW: Re concert
Fromr President of Virginia Tech
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2Q07 6224 PM
To: O'Rourke, Kim
Subject: Fw: Re concert

From: Sandy Young [mailto;]

Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5120 PM
To: president@vt, edu
subject: Re concer!

Dear President Steger,

First, Iet me say how much r have appreciated your leadership over the past several
months. I am a VT alumnus (8.S., Sociology, L973') and a local pastor (Blacksburg
ChrisEian Fellowship) . I am very involved in working for the healing of our campus and

Hovtever, I am dismayed to see that Nas is being featured in the September 6 concert on
campus. His song lyrics (see for example
http : / /www. azlyrics . com/ lyrics /nas / shootenup . html ) are not only indecent according to most
communiey standards, but also clearly violate several points in Tech' s own "Principl"es of

' We afflrm lhe inherent dignity and value of every person and strive to maintain
a clirnate for work and learning based on mutual respect and understanding.
' We affirm the right of each person to expreas thoughts and opinions freely. we
encourage open expressj-on wilhin a climate of civility, sensilivity, and mutuaf respect.
we reject all forms of prejudice and discrimination, including those based on
age, color, disability, gender, national origin, political- affiliation, race, religion,
sexual ori.entation, and veteran status. We take individual and collectiwe responsibility
for helping to eliminate bias and discrimination and for j.ncreasing our own understanding
of these issues through education. training, and interacEion with others

f would think we shouldl't need to invite to our campus a rapper who glorifies violence
and the degradation of women, among olher things .

S i ncerely,

Brian K. (Sandy) Young

Evans. Susan

From: Owczarski, Mark

Sent: Friday, August 17,2007 10:09 AM
To: Roszak, COL Rock
Gc: Evans, Susan; Hincker, Larry
Subject: RE: Controversial concert

Rock- -

Other folks are getting messages as weI1, and we're asking Susan Evans to file those that
we can. (If lhey are truly threatening, they need tso go to VT Police.
The other day wrote up this aa a starting points. In a nutshel1, our position is lhat we
support Dr. Steger, the concert will go on. and that it will focus on healing and
Please paraphrase Ehe below atatement should you resoond to fellow alumni-/friends of the
Corps .


Mark OwczarEki
Director of News & Information
University RelaEions
Iuir^ini. Tadh
314 Burruss Haf I
Blacksburg, vA 24 061
540 23r 5223
maowczar@vts. edu

-----original Message-- - - -
President Steger has worked tirelessly to help those who were victimized by the tragedy
and to help the entire Hokj.e community heal . That is a particularly important. focus as the
university and its 28,000 students prepare t'o start a new academic year. As an academic
institution we respect tshe imporE.ance of public debate, and v/e greatly appreciatse the
owerwhelming support President Steger and the university continue to receive during this
challenging time.
Nearly 70 percenE of all eligible students have reserved tickets to the upcoming .'A
Concert for Virginia Tech" on SepEember 5 in Blacksburg, prior to lheir return to campus
with more expected in the week ahead, as concert organi.zers prepare for a posiEive
celebration for the upcoming academic year.
We are grateful to Lhe Dave Matthews Band for their magnanimous offer of a free concert to
cefebrate the resiliency of the Hokie Spirie and their vrork t'o secure a wide diversity of
altists .
We recognize that not all of the performing artists will appeal to all audi-ence members.
However, this concert is inlended to carry positive messages from all the performers and
we are sure that is whats lhe Dave Matthews Band intended to happen when they invited the
other artists to join them.

Page I of 2

Evans, Susan

From: Gresham, Hunter

Sent: Tuesday, July 31,2007 10:43 PM
To: Gresham, Hunter; Adeel Khan; Albert, Joseph; Armagost, Mark; Beach, John; Bedenbaugh, Laura; Clark,
Steve; Cochrane, Denny; Eichhorn, Lynn; Elvey, William; Flanagan, Elizabeth; Flinchum, Wendell; Gabbard,
Tom; Greene, John; Hayes, Angela; Hincker, Larry; Hovis, Gecelia; Hughes, Teresa; Hunter, Monica; James,
Brian; Kidd, David; Matt Johnson; Maureen Lawrence; McOoy, Richard; Mitchell, Terri Thompson; Mouras,
Steve; Portia Galloway; Scott Cheatham; Smoot, Ray; Steele, Julie; Theodore, Mary Grace; Underuood, Casey;
Walters, Cara; \Mlson, Sheruvood
Subject Final CONFIDENTIAL Email
lmportance: High

Hello all,

I regret the late nature of this email, but have a series of updates since Monday that I wanted to share with you first- prior to the
official announcement tomorrow.

We are expecting the release to be sent to Virginia media, the E-blast to go out from the administration to the university
community, and the website and survey links to go "live" at or around 9:30 a.m. I will do my best to send an email to the task
force at approximately the same time or shortly thereafter; however, I have not doubt that you will quickly know when it becomes
public information.

Iwill do my best to share with you the final press release; however, it will be posted online immediately. Each of you should
receive the E-blast as employees. As well, I will share the Q&A with each of you tomorrow moming. I'm asking that you please
*key. people in your respective areas who,
make it available to the because of their positiaon, might need or require the additional
information. I am enlisting your help to make this distribution happen. lf a question is asked at any time that you or a colleague
doesn't know the answer to or isn't comfortable answering, I strongly encourage you to communicate that information directly to
me and l'll process as expeditiously as possible.

As well, please push people to the website. Address is

I have established an email alias of; however, depending on influx of inquiries or comments, response time will
vary as those will dump into a special folder of my own personal inbox (yes, I'm officially insane... or will be).

Last but not least, the 800 number established post 4.16.07 within University Development remains active. Beth, the receptionist
who handles that and other main development lines, as well as the Special Events straff will be assisting me with incoming calls.
That number is 1 -800-533-1 144.

All media inquiries should be directed to Universig Relations.

As well, please be cautious with sharing the information that you are privy to because of your involvement with the tast force.
\A/hat you know may or may not be relevant or suitable to share with the public.

I know no other way to share the additional updates other than to simply run through them...

There are now 4 confirmed artists-

r Phil Vassar (New as of Monday-country)

r Nas (NEWI- urban)
r John Mayer
r Dave Matthews Band
o Gates will open at 4 p.m.
c Show will beging at 6 p.m.
r On-field seating- as all seating- will be randomly assigned to all ticket requesters (not just students as originally
discussed); there was no "easy" way to distribute tickets and retain field seating for students only; therefore, the decision
was made that the next best alternative was to assign all tickets in a completely random fashion to all concert-goers
r Seats will be assigned to 4 zones- East General Admission, West General Admission, South End Zone General Admission,
and reserved on-field; tickets will provide a relevant gate number for entry as a means to assist with pedestrial traffic flow

Page2 of2
and disbursement of people
r Ticket pickup will occur on September 3-5 from 8 am - 8pm at Squires Student Center, Local students, faculty and staff
must pick-up their tickets during these times; will call pickup day of show will not be available to these groups; additional
details regarding ticketing distribution will be included on the website and in the E-blast once live tomorrow; other
information will be added in the futu re as needed.

Okay, that is all I can think of at this time. Tomorrow will be a very interesting and exciting day*hopefully a very happy, hopeful
and positive one as well! Thank you for all your efforts and hard work to arrive us to this point-- our job should get a bit easier
when we can plan and discuss openly.


(J,/rs.) 3{unter Q. Qresiam

Oireclor of Special Events
Office of Special Events

Virginia Tech
University Development
University Gateway Center
902 Prices Fork Road
Mail Code: 0336
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Phone: 540.231.4853
Fax: 540.231.8329


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