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L SPEECHIS.........GOLD! GROUP WORI( A. Read followingcontrasring the opinions. cive rasons your choice. for a) Consumers' needs v,/ants and fiom differenr countries vary widely.Thisis onethingthatmarketing depmrrnents usuallyignore. b) People wantthesame products matrer no where theycomeftom. Therefore prcducts markered thesame are in way all overtheworld. PAIR WORK wllich of themdo youagree with?cive arleastrhree reasons yourchoice. for B. Hereis the imageof an Airline. Togerher with your parmerdesign your ownadvertising campaign thinkingof: . objectives reasons whichtheproducvservice designed) (tlE for was . taryet(thecategory pople it addresses) of o media(mediasupport promote producvservice: advenisement, to the p.int TV cornmercials) . approach. Whenyou havefinishedyour assigffnent present your ideasto your feltow studenls.

for md*eling


F X:?F

i;i;iii ::iiifE


Entrcpreneurs Coler od JrryGerJield nixed . dasl of itgcM@ with a pinch Ben of oPtinim ed a dolop of social activism pmduce bDsiness scoops to a $ar morcrhe S167 nillior a yed in ice crcam. Their attitudews that businqs snouldbe ftn andrha!they shoulddwelop a hos!of fun-and very successtul-prmotions. Afier their firsr succesnrl suffi in bD;iress, andJerryd@ided rhow a partyfor 6eir custoncs to celebrate Ben to theup.oming !.i!on. Theyworkedwith otherbusin$snento cFatea sreetfair includfall ilg lols of contesb lotsof ic cFm. It wa tbecompny's promorion mdked md fusr ed theiruique btud of venthuketing. Whatir mostirnportaftis thatrheyapplied sver.l rulestheyconsidqd nos! important youcnnIeamfrom thm: a[d prcnorbr. As rbeirbushe$ wd ice ctm theybadto find . l. Otretspecialoff+eason solution sell their!rcdlcrs in winrer,16. Tbeir invntiod POPCDBZW? to wd sale, stdding for "lemies of prCelsius degr@ blowEro vinrer errraragana'.Theyalso re "white sales" with sp.iallypricedvdilla i@ clem ed whippd cr3m trcals. 2. Give awy pnduct sai,ples. Theyued to drive a converted re.rstioml vehicledd doll out ftEesoops of ice crealn. 3. Bn@Mge yorr ctsromq to ,akeI@t ir /ou busress.Sonerinesrhyallwed their cutoDd ro .me up eirh names onof theirnewflavos. for 4.Throw a p&E Tod^yBendd Jerrylporsor a big Fstival ed, of @urc, theyoffer 5. Bdild a Elatiotsbip with your crr$omeB. The two otreproe$ ePptoachable fiiedly. ald havealwaysbeen

6. RD yot butiness a wially nspoisiblefashih anl bt ctrsromels in kaow yN e doirAit Thismeans theyopenlysupport vdiety of socialcauses crcate that a prod" and uctsto berefit fiose causs. Businss owlm cd tlke a le$o! ftom BenandJerry\ succes.

loop = l- A ladleor ladlelikeutensil,esp.a sma! deep*ided with a shorthonshovel zonlalh.ndle,for t king up aou. $gr etc. (lopare); To ea6erup (s adun4n srtnge): 2. to s.oopa brge pmfit dAh = a smal quantity tnylhinC of lkown d mixedwith smlh.elset dash salta dath a of pincb = a mal q@dry of sy|Jliiq: a pinch wil of do op = a san qwdb,' , dol.lop 6od. w"rer of = a multitude grEdnumbr prcff or things:a ,osr ofdelailt hosl or of


Englhhfor na*etng FOLLOWUP TASKS

questions: I. Answerthese
l Reading qpldarion for ihe word tcoop frcm ihe vGabularynoles,howdo rhe you interyret ddeof therexl? rhe did adopt? 2. wlar attitude fie two businessnen 3. what nles did ll)eyapplyin dder to be succesful? Explainin English. 4. \1t8r is fte naninsof eventmarketing?

form whether theyfunctionasnouns II. Manybusiness termshavethe same The of using or verbs. list belowconsists suchtems. Makeup sentences thefollowingtems asnouns verbs: and


3. fud (!erbt

5. prcfil

6. st!fr

7 . rtlil

8. sopply


(verbt 10.Prv

I 1 . inpon


m. Resbrethe following sentences your own word! for the substituting underlined Dhrars:
L AFdican orpqEljqN Dusrpar rdes &d pass aiongprofih in thefom of dividends. z, Ine oaflrs su-ate6r strucMe mdified a. resultof changing ad w4 sial cotrdi3 .&qi48 !! e as!!q in $ar rceDnoi Lhe counEyis a nessiry now.d.ys. 1E-es!9I4 4!!!str ha be4nnyirS ro work olr rheFobtemof rhcnw mlerials. 5 .Tnefinal producr whata compdy slls ro irs customeF, is 6 .Custmer bgI ou products bc.use haveth lowesr re D.ices.


Ar inporlar tnl, ir rheproducr/wicr labching prcce$ is rheprcces pesenlatim. ro tuma prcsenrarion a m&kering inro lces pfsentes shod .penda torof rheirrime, td ,ttet wiI energy imaginatiotr rheprepdarory ud with stage rhevenr of have consids: ro - Whatd@stheprseriation aim to achieve? inforn, persuade enFain lhrenTo or tle

+ *

Who Pill thepresenteN sp.t lo? Whardo thelisreneN alftadyknow (about prcduci/sewi@)? fie WhatcoDld thevrced ro know? Wlat cotrldlheirexpectations in rer6 of theprsration coDte ? be It/

lor English norkenng

lte preseraels pe6pective: it let you lis!e!e6 krow vhat you aregoingto say,sayil dd rpat oncetnore; accuateandcolerenl; orgdize you idea: be@ncise, (@chshould brief.uF ananecbe ed lbn with e htroducnon endwitll a conclusion dolefor a freshslan) gEphs,etc.) (.lrawings, diaelms, chans, . usethevisualsupport adquately to o ch@kthe technical slateof tl|eequipnent beused: . . . . + overhead prcjeclor 4 overhead ttusp@trcy { blackb@ded chalk(or mayb whiteboard fellpen) .nd

(if . mindyou om behavior you @ a prase et - thelFsnratioD should plainedcmfully b. - ptrtice yourpFsenration homein fronrof you ftieidly miEorandcheese at - accuatepronuciation

GROUPWORK (or whichproduces baleryproducts anyother Choose invent company or a

to kind of food products). Makea presentation a mthersmall audience Ghop should coverthesteps keepers couldse yourproducts)who Your presentation You mentionedthedescription thepresenlation. mayinventanyinformation i of you wish. Delivertheprsentation front of yoorfellow students, in considering main the The audienc studnts shouldassess presentation the will students be invitedto fiake an itemsof FesentatiorlOneor two audience olal assessment thepresentation. of




1.e,enrs happeniaiidiiihi uat

Themployer rookLhese measules aJrer theenployees aoaeon srike. nad 2, vith I wisb,il onIX,I'it ntheE She wishes rad rada bener she iob. r onlyhe,ad se, Lh.advenn;eir I'd ratherhe,ad roidmebefore rating 3, ia twe 3 conalitituatsao exprest 2n iDzgine.l con lition Themin ctrtsee..resres tn insgine.I out@ne: If I rrd rad dy ense,I wouldn'i


4 eve[ts thst haplEneit betore otber

ercnts,It emph6iz$ the.I@tjo| of the

+ adverbials as:for e torr sbce such Before rheylook these neasures, rad they ,e$ losirg money ye6. for 5. frnished atut Mfinished aciim a) meD I lasrmether sherad be, desifr_ t g a newmodeiof $e prcducl.(thedesign n8 nay or maynot haveb@nconpieEd) b) when I lasrner hershe,ad deerred a newnodelofrheproducr. cledthar (itis fie dessn'ng bed finished) had 6, aoenphwize the @t naturc tuayo,

Theyhadbe.t pnnotine theVodrcr tol months beforctheysoldil ro foejgn pan

IV. Put the verb in brackets;n rbe correcttense fPasr Perfecr Simpte pasr or PerfetContinuous):
e herool, In Lhe pan ,ho.orFhty ,epon. neerins ,wnre, he r-e I Pero / tJeioR losenng price\ dehdd ot rlc p.otu l, in-.edG/ our rhe L He,Uinl. ot lqvme rhe compayro-a tonsrine bebre.eav.nc spain. io, a I q r h h er 8 . v e r eo d o t h e \ h r e . o , t h e o a p m j m r 5. Theywishrhey lpanKipare) rhennke ar 6. whenwemerrhem,l]rey lwork)onLhe srEreey nes V. W.ite whar would you havedone jn rhe following situations: 1 if thenanaSer Sivenyou a badpieceof news had 2. rt youtrd hfi Jdr paie.rarhome;1rheprernurion da) I ifrhedoor lour ofncehadrmned of 4. if youbadbeen offereda beft; iob 5. .t youtad rcr gora pomolon;hen youthouehr de..nedil )ou o. rl vou rddto.rmaker.he wtenyouexpe-ted ie(. ir


Englhhfor narkaing
to ending the followingsentences: VL Find a suitable
dte the ftey-.................. l. Before atrended meelins 2. If otrlydteviceprcsident......... in wouldhaveinvesEd theprcject. 3. .......-.....they 4- Productivity wouldincrcase ii............ 5. I wishthecontret,.,.,...,.,. seveEl hours. 6. -..........for 2000. ?.......-.-.-.since bad raiwd thecapital, ........ E.T}'eywouldhave 9. I eisbsles..,.-....,. wouid have talonanactilepartin thematagenent. l0- If.-...........I if....... I L Theysould havereponed hadn't bn unles............ lale 12. They

TheE is a categoryof coUectile nounsfollowed by of. The* describesolps of popie a or things: d m/ ofsoldie6, a boud of di@ton, a fl@k of birds/sh@P, bMch of flow' of YoDhavein your text examples the kjnd: r da-'/rofireverer@, a Piach of optinin, a d hostof yonotins, a scooPof i@ ueM. .lo op of s@ialactivisn,

VIL Here is a list of fumy collectivenouns.Readit carefully and try to protranslationthat could soundas fumy in Romanian. vide an adequate
. An addilionof malhenaricians . An auditof bekk@prs . A bald@ of accounldts agenrs . A bondof Briish secret . A deficitof .ononists of o A desi8n enginees a A despe.atidoi volers . A disputadon lawyen of of . A fascinalion listeneB . A fdcinadonof onlooke6 . A fmation of geologirrs of . A handtul pa,lnreades . An incisionof sugons . An indecision mmages of . A meeiDeof dictiondies . A mixtw of phmacits of a A ntwork comPute6 o A min of catsdd dogs a A stof narhenaticids a A wisdom gmdp@nls of


VItr. Translate English: into

l l.nainte a adopta dtrel demdsuds-aganditdesrul putin. de o de 2. TaE asfi \aut sAtrufi cumDtuat acele &tinni 3. D.cd u fi rcdizarpldul la rimp,cmpa.ia d fi deschis trour nliatd. o 4. Cendamdiscuidcui trc! inai Iucru la acNuae projectului. 5. Da., colnpeia ar fi ant dertulcapitat, ar maifi fosrnevoie seemir, obtieariui. nD se (!o issue debenNrEs). 6. MAcar nu l-t fi ftzur pe@vanth privida vanzdrilor de

DL Tnnslateinto English:
"By World War I re* Iuds for hoDesteading were pnctically unavailable. Overq!ftivatioranda long priodof soil ercsionhadRducen fenility lf nuch of rlie th; Unittd States' famtard. Forcsts bn or bumd providead<tirional had cut !o cropland. vast lEgiffi of-gassledsof rhecEat Ptains tei depleled overgrtue. ln U; mid 1930s bad by . senes dry yc6 Esultdin exmme sop tosr.sin Midwesr The windsot theqML or Pldft hadcause!huge du$ slom oo oErgrazedlands, (takq trcm At Ottjire of Ansi.a, Ec@Mic' UnitdStates Infomdon Agecy, U.S.A.,p. 100)

Translat o Romaniar i payinganenrion thewordsfi italics.Discuss to your traDslation with your panner and build up sentences illustrate a new ro grammatical functionfor thosewordsin iralics:
a) This!rcgratnn is a big hit, dd Stoddard, AusFdtid enreprcneu,Id built six an idedticalc6 otrq rids cirutr@d by grod prix driv6 .nd by fomer worlit chdpion Nig.l Manel'. b) It tom jusr s well on a posrin Bagatele(a garden BoisdBouloSne). ir (Finmci.l Tines, Tnveler,20Ot) c) The ,ecd for boldd acriofuprnrlf froD the curen! dd prcs?ecrive of th. size budget cif .. <lefi Sovcment's d) BDtoth6 porbt ro theway ftar the cmpany lowered own derb ed inspirio, its st ndar& to save moneyafier ir wd lrivarized h rhe 1980s loir ils qovemetrr dd sub$df. ) Msly in tusines e convhed thatshar! co.sin fimce for industrial & D in Jaoan. R in Espon* ro cur-lhrcarcomperidon rhe dom4rc mdter, 6rE fie sourceof in D SursetEoulevddsrakesaway[ioE rte PacificOctu into rbeldls of rich wesrta (Ihe E ononist,I[elt 4.20c0\


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