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Product Design and Architecture


Name Nancy A. Lanning

Position Sr. Technical Analyst, Fixed Assets Support, Orlando

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ii Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1 Objective.................................................................................................................................. 1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Background.............................................................................................................................. 1 THE BIG PICTURE ......................................................................................................................... 2 CREATE MASS ADDITIONS (FAMACR)......................................................................................... 3 EXTERNAL SOURCES .................................................................................................................... 4 PREPARE MASS ADDITIONS (FAXMADDS) .................................................................................. 5 POST MASS ADDITIONS (FAMAPT).............................................................................................. 6 Behind The Scenes ................................................................................................................... 6 DELETE MASS ADDITIONS (FAXMADEL).................................................................................... 7 PURGE MASS ADDITIONS (FAXMAPUR)...................................................................................... 8 MASS ADDITIONS REPORTS .......................................................................................................... 9 INFORMATION SOURCES ............................................................................................................. 10

White paper Mass

iii Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only



To provide an overview of the Mass Additions Process in Fixed Assets with the hopes of giving the reader a good understanding of the different steps involved in Mass Additions.


This paper will cover the functional and technical side of Mass Additions. It will describe the steps of Create Mass Additions, Prepare Mass Additions, Post Mass Additions, Delete Mass Additions and Purge Mass Additions. It will show you the reports that are available within Oracle Assets to help you in these processes.

Background Mass Additions consists of five separate programs. Three of these programs (Create, Prepare, and Post) were all designed for inputting the data and then massaging the data to get it in the correct format so that it can be posted in Oracle Assets to become an Asset. The Delete and Purge Mass Additions programs were designed as a cleanup mechanism for the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table.

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Introduction Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

The Big Picture

Data can come into Oracle Assets via the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table from the following sources: external sources (i.e. legacy systems), Project Accounting (PA), Accounts Payable (AP). Once the data is in the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table, the user must then perform Prepare Mass Additions on the data to add additional information such as the expense account, location, etc., After the Prepare Mass Additions has been performed, the data can then be posted in Oracle Assets. After Post Mass Additions has completed, the data is then considered to be a true asset. There are Delete and Purge Mass Additions programs that can be used to cleanup the data from the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table

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The Big Picture 2 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

Create Mass Additions (FAMACR)

The Mass Additions Create Program (FAMACR) is submitted from Accounts Payable (AP). From Project Accounting (PA), the Interface Assets process (PAXCPCAL) calls the Mass Additions Create Program. When assets are created from AP they are created from invoice distribution lines and associated discounts. You can enter purchase orders in Oracle Purchasing and receive invoices in Oracle Payables. When you want to import invoice lines from a new invoice entered in Oracle Payables, you must charge the distribution to a clearing account that is already assigned to an asset category. You can also easily integrate Oracle Assets with other Payables systems. The assets created from PA are created from capitalized project lines. You can track all expenses during construction and capitalize completed projects. You process construction-in-process (CIP) assets by adding, building and capitalizing them. CIP assets are not ready for use because they are still being built and are non-depreciable. CIP assets can only be added to Corporate books. The data is inserted into the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table. This table acts as an interface for the Oracle Assets product. The asset lines that are sent to Oracle Assets are inserted as one mass addition line. Once the data resides in this table, the Post component can then be used to move the asset information from the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table to Oracle Assets. You can then use the Post Mass Additions program to perform the data import. In 10.7, the FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS table was introduced to support multi-distributed assets. Four database triggers maintain this table. The triggers are: FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_INSERT_DIST - Inserts a row into FA_MASSADD_DISTIBUTIONS when a row has been inserted with distribution information into FA_MASS_ADDITIONS. FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_UPDATE_DIST - Updates FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS when distribution information has been updated in FA_MASS_ADDITIONS. FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_DELETE_DIST - Deletes rows in FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS when the corresponding FA_MASS_ADDITIONS row has been deleted. FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_INSERT_NAME - Inserts into FA_MASSADD_DISTRIBUTIONS when you manually insert FA_MASS_ADDITIONS rows with distribution sets.
White paper Mass Create Mass Additions (FAMACR) 3 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

External Sources
It is possible to load data into Oracle Assets via External Systems such as Legacy subledgers. This can be done in two different ways. 1) SQL*Loader Use the SQL*Loader utility to upload your data into the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table. For more information on this, see Oracle Applications Open Interfaces Manual (available on MetaLink). 2) Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) This is an Oracle Applications product that is Excel based and allows you to enter and validate your data in an Excel spreadsheet and upload it to Oracle Assets. It will load your data into the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table.

Once your data resides in the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table, you can move onto the next step, Prepare Mass Additions.

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External Sources 4 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS)

Once the data resides in FA_MASS_ADDITIONS, you must go into the Prepare Mass Additions form in Oracle Assets to enter additional information to each line in preparation for it to become an asset. You can do the following in the Prepare Mass Additions form: Enter additional source, descriptive and depreciation information.

Assign the mass addition to one or more distributions, or change existing distributions in the Assignments window. Adjust the cost of a mass addition Merge a mass addition into another mass addition.

Split a multiple-unit mass addition into several single-unit mass additions. Add mass addition lines to existing assets such as a cost adjustment.

After adding and/or updating your information, you then assign a mass addition queue to specify whether it is ready for posting. Only mass addition lines in the POST or COST ADJUSTMENT queue can be posted. For further explanation of the mass addition's queues, see the Oracle Assets User's Guide - Mass Additions Process (available on MetaLink).

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Prepare Mass Additions (FAXMADDS) 5 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

Post Mass Additions (FAMAPT)

The posting process creates assets from mass addition lines in the POST queue using the data you entered. It also adds mass additions in the COST ADJUSTMENT queue to existing assets. You can run this program as often as you want during a period. Behind The Scenes When you run Post Mass Additions, Oracle Assets creates rows in the following tables: FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS A '(CIP) ADDITION' row and a 'TRANSFER IN' row FA_ADDITIONS Descriptive information about the asset FA_ASSET_HISTORY Descriptive information about the asset FA_ASSET_INVOICES Information about the mass addition FA_INVOICE_TRANSACTIONS A 'MASS ADDITION' row FA_BOOKS Financial Information (defaulted from category) FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY Assignment information FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY A single 'Books' row FA_DEPRN_DETAIL - A 'B' row for each distribution line

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Post Mass Additions (FAMAPT) 6 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

Delete Mass Additions (FAXMADEL)

Delete Mass Additions is part of the Clean Up process that is supplied by Oracle Assets. When reviewing your mass additions lines, you can place lines that should not become assets in the DELETE queue. The Delete Mass Additions program will take the following mass additions and place them in the interim table FA_DELETED_MASS_ADDITIONS and delete them from the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS table. Mass additions in the SPLIT queue for which you have already posted the child mass addition lines created by the split. Mass additions in the POSTED queue that have already become assets. Mass additions in the DELETE queue.

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Delete Mass Additions (FAXMADEL) 7 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

Purge Mass Additions (FAXMAPUR)

The Purge Mass Additions from Oracle Assets program removes mass additions from the interim table FA_DELETED_MASS_ADDITIONS. The items in the interim table are the audit trail from the mass addition lines that you marked DELETE and removed using Delete Mass Additions. When you purge the interim table, you lose your audit trail. For security, the Purge Mass Additions from Oracle Assets program can only be accessed through the Fixed Assets Administrator standard responsibility.

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Purge Mass Additions (FAXMAPUR) 8 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

Mass Additions Reports

See the Oracle Assets Reference Manual, available on MetaLink, for more details on these reports.

Report Name Mass Additions Create Report Mass Additions Delete Reports Mass Additions Invoice Merge Report Mass Additions Invoice Split Report Mass Additions Posting Report Delete Mass Additions Preview Report Mass Additions Purge Report Mass Additions Status Report Unposted Mass Additions Report

Report Executable FAS822 FAS829 FASMAIMR FASMAISP FAS824 FAS828 FAS826 FAS823 FAS833

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Mass Additions Reports 9 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

Information Sources
Information from this paper came from the following sources: Oracle Assets Reference Manual, Release 10 Oracle Assets Users Guide, Release 11 FA For Support Manual

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Information Sources 10 Oracle/Client Confidential - For internal use only

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