aPLaNet ICT Tools Factsheets - 21 - Audioboo

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Resource Number 21

URL http://audioboo.fm Keywords podcasting, phone casting, listening, productive skills, mp3, voice messaging

Category VIII Audio Resources Rationale

The importance of listening in communication is huge. L2 learners often focus on speaking ability believing that good speaking equals good communication. Nevertheless, the ability to listen is equally important for successful communication. Audioboo provides opportunity to share thoughts online but offers one more output sharing them using your own voice. This means that users practice and need to make use of various language skills speaking and listening at once. It is clear that the more time a student can be immersed in the language the more they learn. Audio format might be also seen as an alternative to traditional written assignments and written reflections. Description Audioboo is a free social platform which can be used for recording audio messages up to 5 minutes long, called boos which can be displayed directly in the Audioboo platform and/or shared on-line on Social networks like Facebbok and Twitter or via mobile devices. Smartphones users are allowed to record and playback their boos. Uploading an Audioboo can be done with an iPhone, a Google Android Phone, directly through the website or via email. Boos are automatically saved in users' accounts as mp3 files and joined to the same RSS feed meaning they can be subscribed to in iTunes or Google Reader. Boos are posted online along with an image and your location on a Google Map. Audioboo caught educators' attention especially due to its ease of use, solid sound quality and social networking credibility. Resources required To ensure a smooth and high quality voice transmission through Audioboo only a basic functional Internet connection is needed. Audioboo is a user-friendly and quite uncomplicated platform that does not require high levelled technical skills. Obligatory resources desktop computer or laptop reliable and stable Internet connection (preferably broadband) microphones or webcam Cost Completely free Setup and Configuration Audioboo is a great free platform with easy orientation and well-arranged navigation for publishing audio online. To be able to operate Audioboo there are two options: 1. Going directly to the main page, set up a free account by choosing a username and password and start recording straightaway. 2. Downloading the Audioboo Application to an Apple device or Android smart phone. The site is very simple and once the registration has been effectuated, it enables almost single click publishing of audio messages.

The project Autonomous Personal Learning Networks for Language Teachers has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Styling The page is very comprehensively organized and all the necessary operations are clearly marked. On the top right hand section you can find the registration and log in button to get an account or accede your existing account. By clicking on My profile on the left bar you can start composing your first boo. You can either: Select recording a new message using a microphone or webcam. Upload an existing file from your PC. Most sound formats (mp3, aif, wav, etc.) are supported. Navigation and operation All operation required are intuitive and easy enough. To make a recording with Audioboo, press the record button to start, then press the pause button to stop recording. You can then choose to add more or press Publish to upload your audio to the web. When you press the Publish button, you can label your recording with a description and add tags. After clicking on Upload your audio will be published to Audioboo. In Settings you might like to click on 'Post to other sites'. You can decide which services (Twitter, Facebook, Posterous, Tumblr or FriendFeed) you want to synchronise your Audioboo with. Then you just start recording and publishing.

The project Autonomous Personal Learning Networks for Language Teachers has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Implementation methodology The recording of the Podcast should be planned as any other classroom or teaching activity. It means that it should state objectives, contents, expected output and evaluation process. Teachers can setup their own account which means that they can post under their own name to a specialised place. The possibility to instantly record and publish someones oral production can be very powerful, especially when using a task based approach. For students, this practice offers a very interesting feedback on their own speaking and pronunciation. Notion that they will be recorded and the result published provides extra motivation to repeat tasks, focus on what has been learn and concentration on pursuing more advanced level of accuracy. Teaching/Learning ideas: Share life experience with others. Connect with educators all over the world sharing teaching tips. Pronunciation practice: students can practice pronunciation and share with other students for feedback. Students can interview some interesting person and then share their impressions with the class, and the world. Reflect on news in the world or local news. Express opinions about some gripping issue (fashion, lifestyle, culture, nature, environment, ...): students can add their points of view. Practice digital storytelling (oral production of creative stories). Example of implementation Type of lesson: General English course Level: C1 of CEFR Lesson content: Spring/summer fashion trends Age group: Teenagers (aged 15 19) Number of students involved: 10 Duration: 90 min research + 90 min recording and commenting others messages Introduction: T presents the content and aim of today lesson to discuss via voice messages fashion trends for spring and summer season in the following term of year. At the end of the lesson, SS will 1.) have gained a range of new vocabulary connected with fashion and likes/dislikes, 2.) be able to express their opinion in a number of different ways, 3.) be familiarized with characteristics and typical expression of journalese style of fashion magazines. Lead-in: T asks SS if they follow fashion trends, what their shopping habits are, whether they wear specific articles of clothing, traditional clothing in their countries of origin and what fashion magazine written in the studied target language they know. Research: T divides the class into groups of two or, if the class is small, individuals. Each group have to conduct a small online research on trends for oncoming season in websites of popular fashion magazine and compile a list of vocabulary and expressions related with the topic. Lesson flow: T opens a space in the Website for students to place their comments. Students are now ready to use Audioboo in this Speech Making class as a device for practicing their speeches and giving opinion. Each student has to record a three to five minute message explaining what the trends are and what their opinion and satisfaction is with. After making their record, they can listen to their pronunciation, phrasing, and fluidity. Since Audioboo is a social network, the students within the same news group can share their news boos prior to their real Audioboo presentation. Evaluation: SS can then comment on the speeches by following each other in Audioboo listening to each others speech boo sending their critiques in message boos, also affording them speaking and listening practice T can award homework credit for these message exchanges as well. 3
The project Autonomous Personal Learning Networks for Language Teachers has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Other issues You can sync your Audioboo account with link to Twitter, Facebook, Posterous, Tumblr or blogging platform where you also have a user account so that any materials you record could be directly displayed in your network, too. Boos can be tagged for easier searching. Useful tips The platform supports people with disabilities. Audio messaging system benefits visually impaired L2 learners or educators to listen without assistance but the recording tool is not currently appropriately designed. It is recommended to use the comments fields to post a transcript of the content of the audio message for hearing impaired. .

This Factsheet is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 2.0 License. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk/

The project Autonomous Personal Learning Networks for Language Teachers has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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