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November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Josh

Tonight as I’m writing this I’m staring at the edge The photos wouldn’t be very easy to see on my
of the front door and down the center of a baby- laptop’s screen, so I’m going to connect it to our TV
blue colored lamp. As we were getting ready for my via its video out port. This will make my slideshows
son’s sixth birthday today, I decided to dismantle my far more visible.
cool computer center, where I normally do all of my
writing and surfing, so there would be more room for I’ve had limited success with the slideshows I’ve
our relatives to hang out and eat. offered during our kids’ birthday parties. During the
first few years of our daughter’s life, I always tried to
The narrow desk that I usually use for my laptop put together some kind of video presentation in time
has been moved to my side of the bedroom, where for her birthday. The only problem was that I would
I’m guaranteed to bump into it as I am getting up in be so busy with so many other things—not least of
the morning. My laptop has a temporary home on top all, taking care of Kayla—that I would run out of time,
of our entertainment center. Tomorrow it will deliver or end up slapping together at the last minute and
several layers of eye candy starting with the official staying up late at night until the dang video compiled.
Pokémon website, and later I’ll be using it to stream It was pretty stressful.
a series of photo slideshows from the Internet.
These days, I’m a little more relaxed about
things. First of all, I’ve steered away from video and themselves so that I am guaranteed to step on one.
focused more on photos. Secondly, now that I own a
laptop and a few other devices I’m better equipped I’m mystified by the whole cake baking process.
to give a presentation. Nothing to compile, no DVDs I know from observation and a certain childhood
to burn, and less chance of running into problem just rhyme that it require eggs, flour, mixing, and
two hours before the birthday party begins. period of time spent cooking inside an oven set at
something like 500 degrees.
Nowadays, we’ve amassed so many photos
of Kayla, 8, and Josh, 6, that it’s tough to narrow Kayla and I baked cookies once when she
down the photos that I want to show. I usually try to was two years old. I let her stay up way past her
create a good blend of photos from big moments in bedtime and, since she needed a bath anyhow,
their lives. I’ve also backed off from trying to build made sure to splash copious amounts of flour on
slideshows that are “Kayla only” or “Josh only.” her face so it looked like the cookies had been a
When I consider my audience, I can better guess lot of work. In truth, they were “easy bake” cookies.
what kind of photos they are interested in seeing. The instructions called for eggs but also stated that
Kayla and Josh are obviously a given, but then I they were optional, so I left them out. As a result,
know they’d also enjoy my photos of the nieces and my chocolate chip cookies turned out looking more
nephew. like oatmeal cookies. But, Theresa appreciated them
anyways when we surprised her with them on her
birthday (the very next day).
Family Birthday Party
That was my first attempt at cookies, and I
Our family birthday parties routinely involve
haven’t baked since. This is probably a good thing.
pizza, a cake, opening gifts, and a chance for all of
the cousins to play together. I won’t claim that we’ve
gotten things down to a science, but by the sixth
birthday we’ve done enough to work out a routine
with Kayla’s eighth birthday party being the rare
exception. We happened to be in Marlette a few
days after Kayla’s actual birthday, so we just delayed
her party until then to save our family the long drive.

Although it might sound like our parties are all

the same, they really don’t turn out that way. We can
never know for sure which of our family members
will make it for the party, or what the kids will do.
Even Josh can be unpredictable while he is opening
up his gifts.

Cake Maker at Work

As I am writing this, my wife is waiting for the
cake to cool so that she can add frosting. I don’t
know much more about that, except that it is shaped
like Pikachu, Josh’s favorite Pokémon of all time.
I base this assumption on the number of Pikachus
that I typically find laying around on Josh’s bedroom
floor. They wait until its dark before scattering

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