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TECHNIQUES OF COUNSELING COUNSELlING : It is a process which takes place in a one-to-one relationship between an individual troubled by problems with which

he cannot cope alone and a professional worker whose training and experience have qualified him to help others reach solutions to various type of personal problems.

major elements of counseling


Counseling involves two individuals-one seeking help and the other, a professionally trained person who can help the first. There should be a relationship of mutual respect between the two individuals. The counselor should be friendly and co-operative and the counselee should have trust and confidence in counselor. The aim of counseling is to help an individual to form a decision, make a choice or find a direction.

It helps the counselee acquire independence and develop a sense of responsibility. o It is more than advice giving. Progress comes through thinking o Its function is to produce change s in the individual rather than solution to the immediate problem. o It concerns it self with attitudes as well as action. o Emotional rather than purely intellectual attitudes are the raw material of the counseling process. To summarize, counselling is aimed at: o Bringing about desired changes in the individual for self realization. o Providing help to solve problems through an intimate relationship. o Personality development. o Prevention of serious emotional difficulties. o Helping an individual to gain self-understanding, self acceptance and self realization. o Achieving positive mental health. o Improving personal effectiveness. o Resolving the problem. What counselling is not
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Giving advice Giving information

Influencing the clients values, attitudes, beliefs, interests and decisions. Psychoanalytical Approach to counseling

Process: Freud looks upon an individual as an biological entity gratification of instinctual urge.The changing of the personality and character structure of the individual involves unconscious conflicts working through unresolved developmental issues and developing skills to cope with particular societal relationship demands. The highly emotionally charged ideas are called complexes ,when this comes to consciousness and interpreted the problem ceases. Intervention:

Free association

Analysis of dreams Analysis of transference Analysis of resistance

Interpretation Adlerian Approach:


According to Alfred Adler, the basic desire in all human being is the desire to belong Major Constructs: o Socio Striving to feel belongingness and serve human kind o Teleo Striving to achieve a goal o Analytic Striving to understand behavior that is based on what is not conscious Process: Adlerian psychotherapy believes that the lifestyle of the individual is a unique, unconscious, cognitive map that facilitates ones movement through life. Lifestyle is a unifying set of conviction that permits individuals to evaluate, manage and predict events within their experience. Intervention: It includes encouragement parent and teacher education and lifestyle assessment with individuals and couples. Humanistic approach: In contrast to psychoanalysis, Carl Rogers client- centered approach to counseling is more directly related to the field of psychological counseling. Here relationship is emphasized and not techniques Unconditioned acceptance o Genuineness o o Empathetic understanding Intervention: Here the counselor are asked to be Genuine in a relationship rather than to perform a rigid set of action. Interacting in the immediacy of the situation and then evaluating the result with the use of active listening, reflection of content and feelings, appropriate self disclosure

and other personally, professionally, situationally responsive interactions are essential. Cognitive Behavioural Approach: Behavioral Intervention: o The most important central principle of behavioral counseling is reinforcement are: o Principle of RAOP:R- Reward A- Aversion O- Omission P- Punishment o Extinction o Shaping o Stimulus control o Behavioristic approach: It employs the DCRR principles of learning D - drive, C - cues R - response & R reinforcement It consist of several steps 1. Identifying the unwanted behavior 2. Analysis of the behavior into small units 3. Each step is eliminated by appropriate techniques based on learning theory Cognitive Intervention: Identifying Cognitive distortion o Thought stopping o Use of positive self-statement o Cognitive restructuring o Empathetic therapeutic relationship o Role playing o Modeling o Desensetization o Shame attacking exercise o Self instructional training o Stress inoculation training Common factors in counseling:

All counselors accept the importance of ideal counseling relationship. o Interveiw is the basic tool. o Relationship is built during interviews. o Counsellor realizes the importance of acceptance of the respect for the counselle. o Honesty, sincerity or openness of the counselor is common. Different Counselling techniques
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Directive or Prescriptive or counsellor-centered counseling Non-Directive or permissive or Client Centered counseling

Eclectic counseling Directive or Prescriptive or counsellor-centered counseling


Here the counselor Plays the major role .He directs the thinking of the counselee by informing, explaining, interpreting and advising. According to E.G. Williamson it involves 6 essential steps: o Analysis o Synthesis o Diagnosis o Prognosis o Counselling o Follow-up Non-Directive or permissive or Client Centered counseling Carl R Roger exponent of this type of counseling. Here the client , the counselee who takes an active part in the process. He gains insight into his problem with the help of the counsellor .Principal function of the councellor is not to cultivate self understanding in the client but instead to create an atmosphere in which the client can work out his own understanding. Eclectic counseling According to F.C.Thorne it is possible for a counselor to alternate between directive and non- directive method. When a counselor deliberately tries to incorporate in his practices both directive and nondirective techniques, the result is eclecticism.

Process Of Eclectic Counselling


Interview Establishes rapport and does structuring . Tentative diagnosis is made Information about him and his back ground is gathered to enhance clients self-understanding. Educational, occupational and social information may be supplied to him if needed. The client achieves emotional release and insight, alters his perceptions and attitudes about himself and his situations. During the closing phase ,the client makes decisions and plans ,modifies behavior solves his problem

There may be follow-up contact, if needed. Types of counseling


Individual : Interview : Informal discussion o Group Group Reports Lectures Dramatics Question box The case conference Thank you Mrs. Rinku Gaine Vice Principal, School Dept. Manovikas Kendra

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