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Canto 9

Chapter 1: King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman

Chapter 2: The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu

(Pr adhra (Prsadhra Protected Cows)

Sukany Chapter 3: Marriage of Sukany and Cyavana Muni

Story of Ravati

Ambars Mahr ja Chapter 4: Ambar sa Mah rja Offended by Durvs Durv s Muni

Durvs Chapter 5: Durv s Muni's Life Spared

Saubhari Chapter 6: The Downfall of Saubhari Muni Iks ku Manus son = Iksvku - Sraddha ceremony (son Vikuks Vikuksi) Vikuksi son Purajaya (Indra as bull) Vikuks

Yuvanva Yuvan va desire for a son ndht Birth of Mndh t ndh ndht Mndh t daughters marry Saubhari Muni ndh

Mndh ndht Chapter 7: The Descendants of King M ndh t Haricandra Hari candra desire for son (Rohita)

Chapter 8: Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva Bhukas wife desired to be sati hukas (one Birth of King Sagara (one who is born with poison)

Chapter 9: The Dynasty of Amsumn

Saudsa, Saud sa, cursed by Vasistha becomes a man eater for 12 yrs Saudasas Amaka Saudasas wife + Vasistha = A maka ["the child born of a stone"]. Chapter 10: The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord Rmacandra

Rmacandra Chapter 11: Lord R macandra Rules the World

Chapter 12: The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord Rmacandra Mahr ja Chapter 13: The Dynasty of Mah rja Nimi Vasistha curses Mahrja Nimi Mah r ja Mahr ja Birth of Maharaj Janak from Mah rja Nimi

Chapter Purrav rav Chapter 14: King Pur rav Enchanted by Urvasi (Dynasty of Moon) Atri Munis son (SOMA) forcibly carried Brhaspatis wife (Tara) Fight between demigods and demons Brahma delivers Tara Tara pregnant both Brhaspati and Soma (Budha) desired the beautiful child (Budha)

Paraur urma, Chapter 15: Para ur ma, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation brhman hman br hmana sage Rcka desired to marry King ka dhis (Satyavat Satyavat) Gdhis daughter (Satyavat ) dhi Story of 1000 horses with one black ear Mother Satyavati and her mother desired son Birth Birth of Parasurama Krtav ryrjuna rtavry Story of K rtav ry rjuna and Jamadagnis Kamadhanu Cow

Paraur urma Chapter 16: Lord Para ur ma Destroys the World's Ruling Class Story of Renuka Jamadagnis wife Krtav ryrjuna rtavry Sons of K rtav ry rjuna take revenge

unah Vishvamitra and his 100 sons and unahepha unah (one selected for animal sacrifice)

Chapter 17: The Dynasties of the Sons of Purrav rav Pur rav Story of King Raji and Indra Yayti Chapter 18: King Yay ti Regains His Youth

Yayti Liberation Chapter 19: King Yay ti Achieves Liberation (He goat and she goat story)

Pru Chapter 20: The Dynasty of P ru Story of King Dusmanta and Sakuntala (daughterof Visvamitra and Menaka) Bharadvja Story of King Bharataa and his son Bharadv ja Brhaspati (born of Brhaspati and delivered by the Marut demigods) Chapter 21: The Dynasty of Bharata

Mahr ja ntanu Story of Mah rja ntanu and Kripa and Krpi Ajamdha Chapter 22: The Descendants of Ajam dha Mahr ja From Mah rja Drupada had many sons, Dhr adyumna-Dhr aketu adyumna (headed by Dhrstadyumna-Dhrstaketu (dynasty cla of Pc la) c la) Samvaran Tapat varan Samvarana+Tapat = Kuru (Brhadrathas Brhadratha Story of birth of Jarasandha (Brhadrathas son) ntanu+Satyavat=Citr gada- Vicitrav rya( ntanu+Satyavat =Citr gada- icitravrya( =Citrgada ntanu Gandharva) killed by a Gandharva) VyasadevaStory of birth of Vyasadeva-Sukhdeva Goswami +Ambik ,Amblik Ambik,Amb lik,maidservant= Vyasadeva +Ambik ,Amb lik ,maidservant= Dhrtars ra, n tar ra Dhrtar stra, Pndu and Vidura

Yayti Chapter 23: The Dynasties of the Sons of Yay ti

Kr Chapter 24: Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Canto 10
Kr a: Chapter 1: The Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction

Chapter 2: Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Kr Krsna in the Womb

Kr Chapter 3: The Birth of Lord Krsna

Kamsa Chapter 4: The Atrocities of King Kamsa Mahr ja Chapter 5: The Meeting of Nanda Mah rja and Vasudeva

Ptan tan Chapter 6: The Killing of the Demon P tan

Chapter Tr Chapter 7: The Killing of the Demon Trnvarta

Kr Chapter 8: Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within His Mouth

Yaod od Chapter 9: Mother Ya od Binds Lord Lord Kr Krsna

YamalaChapter 10: Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees

Pastimes Kr Chapter 11: The Childhood Pastimes of Krsna

Aghsura Chapter 12: The Killing of the Demon Agh sura

Chapter 13: The Stealing of the Boys and Calves Brahm by Brahm

Brahm's Kr Chapter 14: Brahm 's Prayers to Lord Krsna

Dhenuka, Chapter 15: The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon

Kr Kliya Chapter 16: Krsna Chastises the Serpent K liya

Kliya Chapter 17: The History of K liya

Balarma Chapter 18: Lord Balar ma Slays the Demon Pralamba

Chapter 19: Swallowing the Forest Fire

Chapter 20: The Rainy Season and Autumn in Vr Vrndvana vana Gops Chapter 21: The Gop s Glorify the Song of Kr a's Krsna's Flute

Kr Chapter 22: Krsna Steals the Garments of the Gops Unmarried Gop s

Brhmanas' hman Chapter 23: The Br hmanas' Wives Blessed

Chapter 24: Worshiping Govardhana Hill

Kr Govardhana Chapter 25: Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill

Kr Chapter 26: Wonderful Krsna

Chapter 27: Lord Indra and Mother Surabhi Offer Prayers

28:Kr Kr Mahr ja Chapter 28:Krsna Rescues Nanda Mah rja Varun from the Abode of Varuna

29: Kr Gops Chapter 29: Krsna and the Gop s Meet for the Rsa Dance sa

30: Gops Kr Chapter 30: The Gop s Search for Krsna

31: Gops' Chapter 31: The Gop s' Songs of Separation

32: Chapter 32: The Reunion

33: Rsa Chapter 33: The R sa Dance

Mahr ja Chapter 34: Nanda Mah rja Saved and akhac da Slain khacd a khac

Gops Kr Chapter 35: The Gop s Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest

Chapter Chapter 36: The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon

Kei Chapter 37: The Killing of the Demons Ke i and Vyoma

Akrra's Vrndvana nd Chapter 38: Akr ra's Arrival in Vrnd vana

Akrra's Chapter 39: Akr ra's vision

Prayers Akrra Chapter 40: The Prayers of Akr ra

Kr Balarma Mathur Chapter 41: Krsna and Balar ma Enter Mathur

Chapter 42: The Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow

Kr Elephant Chapter 43: Krsna Kills the Elephant Kuvalayp d Kuvalay pda

Kamsa Chapter 44: The Killing of Kamsa

Kr Chapter 45: Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son

Vrndvana nd Chapter 46: Uddhava Visits Vrnd vana

of Chapter 47: The Song of the Bee

Kr Chapter 48: Krsna Pleases His Devotees

Akrra's Hastinpura Chapter 49: Akr ra's Mission in Hastin pura

Kr Chapter 50: Krsna Establishes the City of Dvrak rak Dv rak

Chapter 51: The Deliverance of Mucukunda

Chapter 52: Rukmin's Message to Lord Krsna Rukmin Kr kmin

Kr Rukmin Chapter 53: Krsna Kidnaps Rukmin

Kr Chapter 54: The Marriage of Krsna and Rukmin Rukmin Chapter 55: The History of Pradyumna

Chapter 56: The Syamantaka Jewel

Satrjit Chapter 57: Satr jit Murdered, the Jewel Returned Kr Chapter 58: Krsna Marries Five Princesses Chapter 59: The Killing of the Demon Naraka Kr Chapter 60: Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmin Rukmin.

Balarma Rukm Chapter 61: Lord Balar ma Slays Rukm

Chapter Chapter 62: The Meeting of s and Aniruddha s

63:Lord Kr Bn Chapter 63:Lord Krsna Fights with B nsura

Nrga Chapter 64: The Deliverance of King Nrga

Balarma Vrndvana nd Chapter 65: Lord Balar ma Visits Vrnd vana

Paun raka, Chapter 66: Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 67:Lord Balarma Chapter 67:Lord Balar ma Slays Dvivida Gorilla

Smba Chapter 68: The Marriage of S mba

Kr a's Chapter 69: Nrada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's rada Dvrak rak Palaces in Dv rak

Kr a's Chapter 70: Lord Krsna's Daily Activities

Chapter 71: The Lord Travels to Indraprastha Chapter 72: The Slaying of the Demon Jarsandha Jar sandha Kr Chapter 73: Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings

upla Chapter 74: The Deliverance of iup la at the i up Rjas ya Sacrifice jasya

Chapter 75: Duryodhana Humiliated

Chapter 76: The Battle Between lva and the lva Vr is Vrsnis

Kr Chapter 77: Lord Krsna Slays the Demon lva lva

Chapter 78: The Killing of Dantavakra, Vidratha Romaharsan an Vid ratha and Romaharsana

Balarma Chapter 79: Lord Balar ma Goes on Pilgrimage Brhman Sudm hman Chapter 80: The Br hmana Sud m Visits Lord Kr Dvrak rak Krsna in Dv rak

Sudm Chapter 81: The Lord Blesses Sud m Brhman hman Br hmana Kr Balarma Chapter 82: Krsna and Balar ma Meet the Inhabitants Vrndvana nd Inhabitants of Vrnd vana

Draupad Chapter 83: Draupad Meets the Queens of Kr Krsna

Kuruksetra Chapter 84: The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra Kr Chapter 85: Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Devak's Retrieves Devak 's Sons

Kidnaps Subhadr, Chapter 86: Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadr , and Kr Krsna Blesses His Devotees

Chapter 87: The Prayers of the Personified Vedas Vr sura Chapter 88: Lord iva Saved from Vrksura iva

Kr Chapter 89: Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brhmana's hman Br hmana's Sons Summary Kr a's Chapter 90: Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories

Canto 11
Chapter 1: The Curse Upon the Yadu Dynasty

Mahr ja Chapter 2: Mah rja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras Vasudeva inquires from Narada Muni

(Conversation between King Videha and the sons of Rsabha--Svyambhuva Manu son named Mahrja abha Mah r ja abha- Sv yambhuva among Priyavrata's gndhra bhiPriyavrata among Priyavrata's sons was gn dhra- Nbhign dhra- bhi abhadeva) Rsabhadeva)

Chapter 3: Liberation from the Illusory Energy

Chapter 4: Drumila Explains the Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi Nrada Chapter 5: N rada Concludes His Teachings to Vasudeva Chapter 6: The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhsa Prabh sa

Kr Chapter 7: Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava

Krsna narrate story of King Yadu meeting Avaduta hunter) brahamana (24 guru - story of bird and hunter)

Pigal gal Chapter 8: The Story of Pi gal

Chapter 9: Detachment from All that Is Material Story of hawk Story of marriageable young girl Chapter 10: The Nature of Fruitive Activity Chapter 11: The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated Living Entities

Chapter 12: Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge

13: Hamsa-avatra sa Chapter 13: The Hamsa-avat ra Answers the Brahm Questions of the Sons of Brahm

14: Kr Chapter 14: Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to r Uddhava r

15: Kr a's Chapter 15: Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections

Chapter 16: The Lord's Opulence

17: Kr Chapter 17: Lord Krsna's Description of the Varn rama Varnrama System

18: Varn rama ramaChapter 18: Description of Varnrama-dharma

Chapter 19: The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge Knowledge

Chapter 20: Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 21: Kr a's Chapter 21: Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path

Chapter 22: Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation

Avant Brhman hman Chapter 23: The Song of the Avant Br hmana

Skhya Chapter 24: The Philosophy of S khya

Chapter 25: The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond

Aila- t Chapter 26: The Aila-gt 27: Kr a's Chapter 27: Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of Deity Worship

Jna naChapter 28: J na-yoga BhaktiChapter 29: Bhakti-yoga

Chapter 30: The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty Chapter 31: The Disappearance of Lord r r Kr Krsna

Canto 12
1: KaliChapter 1: The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga

Chapte KaliChapter 2: The Symptoms of Kali-yuga

Bhmi t miChapter 3: The Bh mi-gt Chapter 4: The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation

Chapter 5: ukadeva Gosv m's Final ukadeva Gosvm 's Mahr ja Parksit ks Instructions to Mah rja Par ksit

Mahr ja Par ksit arks Chapter 6: Mah rja Par ksit Passes Away

Purnic Chapter 7: The Pur nic Literatures rkan NaraChapter 8: Mrkandeya's Prayers to Nararkan eya's yan Nryana Rsi r yan R

rkan Chapter 9: Mrkandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory rkan eya R the Potency of the Lord

Um Chapter 10: Lord iva and Um Glorify iva rkan Mrkandeya Rsi rkan eya R

Chapter Chapter 12: Summary Description of the Mahpurus purus Mah purusa

madChapter 12: The Topics of rmad-Bh gavatam r mad Bhgavatam Summarized

madChapter 13: The Glories of rmad-Bh gavatam r mad Bhgavatam

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