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No.23 November 2002

w w w. s a p s . o r g . u k

Farming futures:

science and schools liaison at Rothamsted Research

Public interest in food production and British agriculture has never been greater than it is today. People want safe, affordable and nutritious food. They are also increasingly interested in the methods by which it is produced. In particular, agrochemicals are unpopular because of perceived risks to human health and the environment. Genetic manipulation (GM) is a potential path to reduced agrochemical inputs but has also raised concern. Around three quarters of British land is farmland so we depend heavily on agriculture to support British wildlife. Changes in farming practice have been blamed for the recent decline of many species such as skylarks and bumblebees. Rothamsted Research (formerly IACR Rothamsted) thus works in many areas of interest to school pupils and of direct relevance to the national curriculum. The aim of the institute is to provide plant-based agriculture in the UK with the research it needs to ensure consistent production of good quality food, in an environmentally sustainable way. To this end the institute researches diverse approaches, ranging from the "high-tech" to the low. An example of a high-tech approach is spatially selective weed control techniques, which use global positioning satellites (GPS) to map weed patches. Programmable sprayers can then selectively spray these discrete patches with the appropriate weedkiller, rather than blanket spraying the whole field. GM is another high-tech approach and attracts more public interest and concern than any of our other research. At Rothamsted Research, scientists are investigating the potential of GM techniques to improve British crop quality through improved nutritional quality and the reduction of allergens, amongst other aspects. We investigate only "proof of concept" and do not develop products to commercialisation. The institute also plays a key role in the critical assessment of this technology. For example, we are part of the research consortium devising and executing the government's farm-scale trials of herbicide resistant GM crops. Low-tech approaches include the "push-pull" system of inter-cropping that Rothamsted Research helped Kenyan researchers to develop, to protect maize and sorghum on African small holdings. In this system, repellent plants sown between crop rows, and attractive "trap" plants around the field edge, draw stem-borer pests away from the crop, protecting it from damage. Even in a low-tech system such as this, a thorough understanding of the plant chemistry and insect ecology involved was found to be essential to prevent drifts from effectiveness due, for example, to a change of seed source. The researchers are now adapting this approach for British agriculture. As well as researching production methods the institute also works on many aspects of agro-ecology such as soil pollution, insect conservation and the contribution of agriculture to global warming. Elevation of public confidence in science related to agriculture is one of the institute's overarching scientific goals and our outreach activities target a number of audiences, including schools. Pupils seem to get a kick out of talking about cutting edge research directly with the scientists involved, and those scientists that have become involved with schools work thoroughly enjoy talking to them. Rothamsted Research science also provides the cross-curricular links that teachers like.
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Miscanthus grass being harvested at Rothamsted. Miscanthus is being investigated as a possible energy crop for British agriculture that can be burnt to provide energy without contributing to global warming. Rothamstead Research

Rothamstead Research, formerly known as IACR (Institute of Arable Crops Research) is the largest agricultural research station in the country, conducting world-class research in the plant and environmental sciences. The institute enjoys a great deal of interaction with the general public and engages with schools on both a local and national level.

SAPS. Any part of this document (OSMOSIS) may be photocopied for educational purposes within an educational institution. Permission
for use in any other context must be obtained from SAPS. OSMOSIS is edited by Erica Clark. Design and artwork by Donna Andrews. Science and Plants for Schools, Homerton College, Cambridge CB2 2PH Tel: 01223 507168 SAPS Biotechnology Scotland Project, ICMB, University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JR. Tel: 0131 650 7124

Science and history - Rothamsted has field experiments and soil archives that are over 150 years old (the oldest in the world). These go back before the days of mechanisation and intensification when agriculture was very different to today. Science and geography - we nurture research links with more than 40 countries throughout the world, and particularly strive to work with developing countries through the work of our charitable fellowship scheme. Science and art - many of the images produced by scientists during research have their own intrinsic beauty. We recently hosted Tina Bolyos as our artist-in-residence. Tina found inspiration for her artwork through the infection structures of fungal pathogens.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). Past activities include: an in-school talk on farming in Nigeria by a visiting worker from Africa, a bee-observation activity in one of our laboratories and a mini-beast safari on the Rothamsted farm. Science week is usually a spur to numerous school activities. This year, amongst other things, we hosted a GM debate for local sixth formers, with scientific experts on tap for the pupils to grill. A report incorporating the pupils' comments is currently being produced for interested parties in schools and the research community. Rothamsted Research is also a regular project provider for Nuffield bursary students and last year all four of our bursary students were awarded gold CREST awards by the Science and Technology Regional Organisation (SATRO). Our science also reaches schools on a national level, usually through school science programmes or exhibitions. This summer, for example, an exhibit on using radar to understand the behaviour of airborne insects was displayed at both the Royal Society's Summer Science exhibition and the Tomorrow's World road show. Our latest venture is a series of comic strips, based on institute science called "Science Stories". These will feature in a local paper before being distributed free to schools. In commissioning these strips, we asked the artist to visit each of the scientists involved for a chat. This was because the science in the strips will be explained in the first person by a cartoon version of the relevant scientist - even in cartoonland we like the direct approach.

Fatima Jafun, a Rothamsted visiting worker, discusses Nigerian agriculture with local primary school children. She spoke to around 300 pupils in visits organised by the Rothamsted primary science group. Rothamstead Research

We run the Rothamsted Primary Science Group, which aims to provide science resources and activities for local school children, with the help of funding from the

Dr Elspeth Bartlet Scientific Liaison Officer Rothamsted Research

Technicians notes (for Photosynthesis . . . using algae wrapped in jelly balls - see page 3 )
A. 3-4 weeks before the investigation - Instructions for the culture of the algae Obtain a culture of Scenedesmus. Make up a solution of algal enrichment medium (see page 5) and subculture the alga into this medium. Aerate gently and keep at temperatures between 18 to 22 C and under constant illumination. (Constant illumination is not essential but growth is faster if this is available.) After 3 to 4 weeks the solution should be a dark pea soup colour at which point you should subculture the algae again to maintain a healthy population. B. 1 day before the investigation - Making up the alginate and buffer solutions Make up a 3% solution of sodium alginate. 100 cm3 should be enough for a class of 30 students. This needs to be dissolved slowly on a warm hotplate and takes several hours to mix fully but lasts for several days in the refrigerator once made up. Different brands of sodium alginate have different consistencies when made up but this is not crucial as long as a fairly viscous mixture is obtained to drip steadily through the syringe.

If access to a colorimeter is not realistic then the colour change can be semi-quantified by comparing it to a series of coloured buffered solutions. Solutions ranging from pH 7.6 pH 9.2 can be made up using borax/boric acid buffers. If 9 cm3 of buffer solution is placed in a series of vials and 1 cm3 of concentrated (i.e. off the shelf) hydrogencarbonate indicator is added to this just prior to the lesson it gives a lovely spread of colours and students can then compare their test solution with the buffer. The buffers can be kept for weeks but the colour of the indicator deteriorates so it is best to add the indicator just before the lesson. Each student will need 50 cm3 of algal culture solution and it is best if this can be poured out and left to stand for at least 30 minutes so that the algae begin to sediment out. This avoids wasting time waiting for this is in the lesson. SAPS 2002
C. 1 hour before the practical

HEAD OFFICE Homerton College Cambridge CB2 2PH Tel: 01223 507168


Photosynthesis . . . using algae wrapped in jelly balls

Algae can be considered as one-celled plants, and they usually live in water. You are going to use algae to look at the rate of photosynthesis. The algae are tiny and are difficult to work with directly in the water so the first part of the practical involves immobilising the algae. This effectively traps large numbers of algal cells in jelly like balls so that we can keep them in one place and not lose them. We use sodium alginate to help make the jelly. Sodium alginate is not harmful to the algae. When these algae are wrapped up in the jelly balls they are excellent to use in experiments on photosynthesis. These algal balls are: cheap to grow and easy to make you will be able to make hundreds in a very short time easy to get a standard quantity of plant material because each of the balls is approximately the same volume easy to keep alive for several weeks so you can keep them for future experiments

Making the algal balls

1. First you need to obtain a concentrated

suspension of algae. Do this by removing some of the liquid medium in which they are growing in one of two ways.

2. Now you have millions of algal cells in

a small volume of liquid. Its time to mix them into your jelly. . .

3. Finally were going to make the balls ...

either Leave 50 cm3 of dark green algal suspension to sediment out and gently pour off the supernatant to leave approximately 5 cm3 at the bottom. or Place 50 cm3 of dark green algal suspension in a centrifuge and spin gently for 5 minutes. Pour off the supernatant leaving approximately 5 cm3.

Pour about 2.5 cm3 of jelly (sodium alginate solution) into a very small beaker.
3 Add approximately 5 cm of concentrated algal cells.

Pour the green mixture through an openended syringe into a 2% solution of calcium chloride. Swirl the calcium chloride gently as the drops fall through the syringe to form small balls of algae. Leave for 10-15 minutes in the calcium chloride and then wash the balls with distilled water. (A plastic tea strainer is useful to separate the algal balls from the solution.)

Stir the mixture with a clean cocktail stick until you have an even distribution of algae in your jelly.

Your algal balls are now ready to use in experiments. They will remain alive for several weeks as long as they are kept in the light and not allowed to dry out.

When you have made your algal balls you can use them to determine the rate of carbon dioxide absorption - which indicates how fast photosynthesis is taking place. You can detect carbon dioxide absorption using hydrogencarbonate P indicator. Hydrogencarbonate indicator is very sensitive to changes in carbon dioxide level. The indicator is orange/red in colour when equilibrated with atmospheric air. It changes to yellow when more carbon dioxide is added and changes through red to a deep purple colour when carbon dioxide is removed. The diagram below shows these colours. YELLOW
Increasing carbon dioxide concentration in indicator


0.03% CO 2 Atmospheric air

Decreasing carbon dioxide concentration in indicator


SAPS 2002

Doing investigations with algal balls

When you place the algal balls in hydrogencarbonate indicator solution, the colour of the indicator changes from orange / red to purple. This is because the algae are taking carbon dioxide out of the indicator thereby lowering the concentration in the indicator as they use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. Here is an outline of how you could investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. You will need to decide on details of quantities and how to vary the light intensity.
4. 5.

Take several small glass containers with lids and rinse all of them with a small volume of hydrogencarbonate indicator. Add equal numbers of algal balls to each container. Add a standard volume of indicator to each container. Replace the lid.

Place the containers at different light intensities Leave them until there is a visible colour change in some of the containers. (This may take 1-2 hours.)

either 6a Compare your colour changes with the standard buffer solutions. Hold each container to the light and match it to the buffer nearest in colour to your sample.

or 6b Use a colorimeter to measure the absorbance of your solution. Fill a cuvette 3/4 full with distilled water and place in the colorimeter. Press the zero or reset button. Fill a second cuvette 3/4 full with the indicator from one of our test solutions. Place in the colorimeter. Press the test button and take the reading. Repeat with each of your test solutions.

pH 7.6

0.19 A R
550 nm

Fig 4

A colorimeter can be used to measure the amount of light absorbed by the coloured solution. Different colours absorb different wavelengths of light to a different extent, so we shine light of a single wavelength through the mixture. It is best to use green light (wavelength 550 nm), because the colours of the indicator (purples, reds and yellows) absorb green light quite well.

SAPS 2002

Notes for teachers

(see Technicians notes on page 2 )

Photosynthesis is such a vital biological process that it inevitably appears, in a variety of forms, throughout the National Curriculum. By the time it crops up at Key Stage 4, students may be very turned off by the word photosynthesis and cries of not again can be heard in classrooms throughout the land. Many teachers consider the traditional experimental work to be slow, laborious and unexciting. Additionally there is some evidence to suggest that the emphasis on starch testing does little to improve students understanding of the topic. The experiments described here have several aims: To introduce students to algae as organisms with a fast rate of photosynthesis and which can be cultured easily in large quantities To focus on carbon dioxide as a raw material which is vital for photosynthesis To provide students with techniques which are reliable enough for them to get lots of data for a full investigation To stimulate and interest students The experiments make use of the technique of immobilisation so that the algae can be contained within balls of sodium alginate. The advantage of using algal balls is that it is very easy to standardise the amount of photosynthetic tissue present. In each batch the balls are remarkably uniform in size and chlorophyll concentration as long as they have been produced with the same syringe. The experiments can be carried out with any green algae but one of the best is the unicellular alga Scenedesmus quadricauda *. It is easy to culture and photosynthesises well. Starting with a 50 cm 3 culture, you can get 2 to 3 litres of dark green soup in about 4 weeks. This would be enough for several groups of students. Students can determine the rate at which the algae absorb carbon dioxide, using hydrogencarbonate indicator. The colour changes can be quantified either by measuring the absorbance of the indicator at 550 nm with a colorimeter or by comparing the colours with a set of standard buffer solutions made up beforehand.

Possible investigations
These instructions to students for making the algal balls are quite prescriptive but the way that the pupil takes this forward into investigations of photosynthesis has been presented in a deliberately open ended way. This is so that students have the opportunity to plan and carry out their own investigation. There are a number of variables that they can consider and different ways that the method can be adapted to investigate each variable. Here are some suggestions: 1. Light intensity - either vary the distance from the lamp. (Students can achieve high marks for planning if they have researched the relationship between light intensity and distance.) - or cover the containers with neutral stop filters (available from photographic shops) in various combinations 2. Wavelength of light - use coloured filters from photographic shops or gels from theatre lighting companies. (If students are to analyse the results well they will need to be aware of different light sources producing light of different wavelengths and they will need to know what wavelengths of light each of the filters lets through.) 3. Temperature - set up water baths under a bank of lights and float the sealed containers in the water with light shining from above. 4. Number of algal cells - make several sets of algal balls with different numbers of algae in them. This can be achieved by shaking the algal culture initially and then using different volumes of culture to obtain the sediment.

A few more comments

For the best results, the lights used in these experiments need to be stronger than the standard 40 W bench lamp. 150 W is ideal but these lamps give out a lot of heat so it is important to use a heat filter. Medical flats filled with water are useful as heat filters. It is also important to keep the room as dark as possible apart from the experimental light source. Use of the colorimeter - The best colorimeter I have found for students at Key Stage 4 to use is one by WPA (Walden Precision Apparatus), The Old Station, Linton, Cambridge CB1 6NW. This colorimeter has a digital readout and is simple to use. It is reliable, robust and the results are repeatable. It also remains standardised for 10 minutes at a time. It is important to measure absorbance (not transmission) in these experiments since there is a linear response between absorbance and pH of the indicator over the range studied. * Algal enrichment medium can be purchased from Sciento. They are offering 20% discount to schools purchasing a culture of Scenedesmus and 25 g of algal enrichment medium at the same time. Sciento are at: 61, Bury Old Road, Whitefield, Manchester M45 6TB Tel: 0161 773 633 An article, which describes in more detail experiments that were carried out with Scenedesmus algal balls, is being prepared for publication.
Dr Deborah Eldridge is Head of Science at King Ecgbert School, Sheffield Dr Eldridge carried out this work during her SAPS-Robinson College Schoolteacher Fellowship in Plant Science. SAPS is very grateful to King Ecgbert School, Sheffield for releasing her.

SAPS 2002

Using plants to solve crime . . . a glimpse into forensic palynology

Palynology is the study of the microscopic, decay resistant parts of animals and plants, so forensic palynology is its use in solving crime and catching criminals. Probably the commonest type of forensic palynology and one that is slowly gaining in importance in police work worldwide, is pollen analysis. The first conviction that used pollen analysis as one of the main pieces of evidence was in Austria in 1959. A man disappeared whilst on holiday near Vienna. A suspect was identified who had a motive for killing the man, but without a body and a confession, the police were stuck. The suspects house was searched and a muddy pair of boots was found. These were sent off for pollen analysis of the mud. Pollen from spruce, alder and willow were found, as well as a fossil pollen from a 20 million year old hickory tree! This evidence was enough to pinpoint the area where the suspect had been walking. When confronted with this information, the surprised suspect confessed to the crime and located where he had buried the body. Since then, pollen analysis has been used in cases of rape, murder, theft, smuggling, food misrepresentation, even sheep rustling! It is in the area of food misrepresentation that school students can gain experience of this type of forensic work. Whilst gathering nectar and honeydew from plants, bees pick up large amounts of pollen on their legs. Back at the hive, the bees process these substances into honey (by adding enzymes and removing water), so a large number of pollen grains end up in the finished product, which they store in wax cells.

Sunflower pollen, as seen with a light microscope using a high power (x400) lens.

The analysis of pollen in honey has become important for several reasons, for example: Beekeepers want to know which plants are being visited by their bees to produce honey. Some nectar may give rise to particular aromas or flavours (heather honey is very distinct). Other nectars may give rise to unpleasant flavours. Government organisations need to know that native honey is not being diluted with cheap imported honey. Regulatory bodies need to check whether generic honey (e.g. sunflower honey) is really what it says it is. You can do some practical detective work yourself with honey. Use the method outlined below to isolate the pollen in the honey, then check the identity of the pollen using reference images.

Isolation of pollen from honey

Add about a teaspoon of honey to about 20 cm 3 of hot water. You can use tap water for this. Stir to dissolve. Centrifuge in two 15 cm 3 centrifuge tubes at about 3000 rpm for 5 to 10 minutes. (This is with a normal bench centrifuge.) Pipette off all but the last drop of liquid above the small, light brown precipitates of pollen. Mix and combine the precipitates. Pipette a sample of this onto a microscope slide, spreading it out to cover an area slightly less than that of a cover slip. Leave to dry. This can be overnight, or can be speeded up in an oven at 50 to 60 C, depending on lesson time available. When dry, add a drop of molten stain. This is easily done with a glass rod. Place a cover slip on top. Press down gently and evenly, then leave for about 10 minutes for the stain to permeate the specimen. If possible, it is better to place the stained, uncovered slide back in an oven for 10 minutes, and then put on the cover slip. Stain which exudes from the edges of the cover slip can be removed with tissue paper. View under low power magnification on a microscope to locate the specimen, and then increase the magnification to identify the pollen grains.

SAPS 2002

Ideas for practical work

1. Obtain some different named types of honey like sunflower, eucalyptus, orange blossom. These are readily available from the major supermarkets. One jar may seem expensive at about 2.50, but there is enough honey for three class sets. Find out whether the major pollen present is what it is supposed to be. (Sunflower is the most obvious it is spherical and very spiky.) What other pollens are present? Is there one type that predominates? 2. Then carry out a simulation of a forensic case. Some pollen has been found at a scene of crime. Samples have taken from several suspects. Identify the criminal. You will need a few pots of individual types of honey to do this, but it works well. It also introduces students to the need for solid scientific research if it is stand up in court. One cursory glance at a slide may well locate one of the minor pollens present and not the major one. (However, what are the chances that the minor one will turn up in both samples? This point is worth discussing.) 3. If you have any beekeepers locally, they are likely to be willing to donate samples at different times of the year, to find out where their bees are foraging in the different seasons. 4. Get hold of some English honey and check there is no foreign, non-indigenous pollen present. This formed part of a court case recently when Yorkshire Honey was found to contain pollen from Eastern Europe.

Preparation of the stain

The stain is based on Basic Fuchsin, which colours pollen pink. Mix 7 g gelatine (that sold for domestic use) in 42 cm 3 cold tap water. Warm gently to dissolve. Add 50 cm 3 glycerine and 10 drops 80% phenol. Dissolve 0.1 g basic fuchsin in 10 cm 3 IMS. Add this drop-wise to the liquefied jelly until a rich pink colour is obtained. This may be stored indefinitely at room temperature, and then warmed to about 50 C to liquefy before use. Acknowledgements The author is very grateful to Dr Norman Carrick at Rothamsted Research (formerly IACR Rothampsted) for bringing this method of pollen analysis to his attention. The author also wishes to thank Dr Julian Hibberd at the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, for the use of a digital camera and microscope. References Sawyer, R. (1988) Honey Identification Cardiff Academic Press. This is the standard work on pollen analysis, and has a wealth of photographs of specimens.

An extract from sunflower honey showing impurities - note the presence of pollen other than sunflower. research_information/pollen/search.html

Useful Websites

This site has a search mechanism to identify unknown specimens. It is primarily a database for the Australian flora, but many families have UK counterparts.

A detailed description of the pollen analysis of honey. An account of the use of palynology in solving a wide variety of crime.

The home page of the Palynology Unit at Kew Gardens. Reference images and a key will be made available on the SAPS website and on a CD. For further information, please contact SAPS Head Office. Dr Leighton Dann, SAPS Cambridge

News from SAPS

Over the past few months we have been working on the re-design of the SAPS website and we hope that the new site will go live in the next month or so. In the meantime we have been making some new additions to the current website. For example, try out the new area, developed by John Hewitson and Franklyn Perring, devoted to the identification of common trees and shrubs and e-mail us (at your comments on this new feature. Leighton Dann has been working with colleagues at the National Centre for Biotechnology Education and we hope that by the end of the year we will have a new kit for the extraction of chloroplast DNA available for school use. You can access details of the protocol at Details of the new kit will, in due course, be available on both SAPS and NCBE websites. If you are planning to attend the ASE 2003 Annual Meeting Birmingham University do come and see us at the SAPS stand. ASE has recently published the preliminary programme and you will see that we are planning a myriad of workshops and activities. Make sure you book your places early!

SAPS 2002

The NEW SAPS website . . . at a glance

SAPS is preparing a new and "improved" website with the following features:

reorganisation and re-packaging . . . so you have a clearer view of what is on the website improved navigation links . . . to help you move more easily through to the topics or areas that interest you new and revised material . . . to give you more up-to-date support in your teaching and learning about plant science curriculum links . . . so that you can find out quickly what is relevant to your curriculum and the topics you wish to study

Here we give an outline structure of our new website so that you can see what is coming
SAPS Homepage

Whats New Saftey Notice


Publications and Resources Practical Investigations Courses and Kits

What is SAPS?

Search and Ask

Curriculum Links

Supermarket Science

Browsing the Journals Workshop Pracital Kits Descriptions Summer Schools

Curriculum Broaden your horizons Support

Guide to Planning
Student Sheets SAPS Practical Activities

Project Starters

Workshop Calendar

Search the Questions Ask SAPS Links to SAPS and Answers a Question other sites Website

Publications and resources leads you directly into OSMOSIS (the well-established SAPS newsletter). Browing the journals gives you online access to a selection of articles in journals. The new and expanding Curriculum support section offers fresh material that can give direct support to teachers (and students), from primary through to post-16. Here we offer a different perspective or you can fill in those holes not easy to plug from standard textbook material. Broaden your horizons encourages you to extend beyond the immediate curriculum - see things in a broader perspective or update yourself on topics related to your teaching or issues in modern biology.

Practical investigations gives you ideas for investigations and activities with plants. The well-tested SAPS Student sheets are complemented by an expanding series of worksheets that give you step by step guides to a range of practical investigations with plant material. With a new Guide to planning you will feel more secure about how to ensure an appropriate statistical test becomes part of the plan at the outset of your investigation. Project starters is added to Osmoweb as a source of ideas that can be developed for practical investigations - often "low-tech" and a valuable resource for individual investigations. The ever popular Supermarket science offers novel ways of devising simple apparatus with otherwise throw-away materials.

What is SAPS? and Courses and Kits tell you . . . well, about SAPS (who we are, what we do, how to contact us and so on), and information about the SAPS workshop programme and SAPS practical kits we have developed.

Search and ask lets you probe into the depths of the SAPS website and gives you direct access to a panel of "experts" who can help answer your questions about plant science. We get lots of questions from school-aged students as well as teachers and others not directly involved in primary or secondary education. We answer as many as we can! Recent and topical Questions and Answers are available on the website and some answers may lead you to links with other sites for you to explore further.

Curriculum links is the newest area to be added to the SAPS website. With just a few clicks, you can find material on the website that is relevant to your curriculum area . . . England or Scotland; KS1, KS2, KS3 or KS4; AS or A level; Standard Grade, Advanced Highers . . . and you can choose your particular specification for your Awarding body. Either search through the curriculum links and find what is suitable for your teaching programme or find the worksheet or idea for investigation and track back to see where this would fit in your curriculum. Quick and easy to use, it's there to encourage you to find new ideas to brighten your teaching. It will be updated, if and when the curriculum changes.

Watch for the launch in November 2002 . . . then more (and more) will be added in the weeks and months that follow.

SAPS 2002

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