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Murray Edwards College Boat Club Minutes for Committee Meeting 4 21st January 2012; 17:30; ME Bar

Present: Holly Smith (HS), Marina Steketee (MS), Reana Maier (RM), Sally-Anne Bennett (SB), Chloe Wallis (CW), Owen Saxton (OS), Eleanor Dickinson (ED), Jenny Tollmann (JT), Jeny Oates (JO), Amy Crow (AC), Wing Ying Chow (YC), Liz Gorton (LG) 1. Apologies Gina Dalgleish (GD), 2. Crews MS said she has a rough idea of who will be in W2, and all crews will be decided by Sunday. W2 will race Pembroke Regatta and the Getting On Race, W3 will race Newnham Short Course and Getting on Race and W4 will either race none or in the Getting on Race. The Boat Club has 2 permanent coxes, and Ying, Ola and Chloe will cox lower boats until something else can be sorted. 3. Safety Audit Update YC reported that the Safety Audit has been handed in. Our main problem is that we have no risk assessments so writing risk assessments. LG is currently writing them and will try to finish by the end of term. LG said that we need a safety notice area: we have the cork board. List of emergency numbers is done but needs to be put up. 4. Budget Update SB said that in general we are doing well with the budget; equipment budget is already over because of buying spare riggers for the new boat, so SB will buy one set of new lights but will not buy trestles. SB asked what Watson is doing about payment: he would like to be paid for Michaelmas but is not cashing the Easter term cheque. The committee decided that this term s subs will be 25 for W1, 20 for W2 and W3 and 12 for W4. MS will email the members list to tell them this. 5. History Update NS has looked around other boat clubs to find when bumps may have begun etc., but little information was found. There is an alumna researching women s boating history; NS will email her. In the archives, there were some scrap books, with similar information to the website. NS wondered whether we should start these again. There used to be an official photo done each year. JT may be able to organise for us to join with JCR photograph.

Someone (Ola Janusz?) should make sure photos are taken at events. JO will email asking for people with interest in photography. 6. Neptunes Update ED brought a draft copy. The boat club needs to find someone to replace her, and this should be someone who can also to choose articles and design the layout. The suggestion was for HS to decide on articles and for Molly Jones to edit, with YC and ED to advise. Molly Jones needs asking about this. 7. BarCap Update The meeting was postponed to the end of January. HS requests that people like the facebook page. YC would like someone else to come since neither YC nor HS will be doing a lot with the committee next year; the relationship has been suggested to last 3-5 years. 8. Boat Naming Update OS and AC have discussed naming the boat Octopussy. OS thinks it is brilliant and clever, as does David Jarvis and several other fellows. OS has not spoken to the development officer but thinks she will be happy with it. We have therefore confirmed the name, and Ying will get it painted. 9. Neptunes Dinner a. Day Plan YC explained the plan is for an outing in the afternoon, which will include Alumnae. SB will phone insurance and confirm this is The boat will then be derigged and brought up to college (SB s dad may be able to drive it): MS to contact Queens/ask Bomber where to get a trailer. The boat will be rerigged, then there will be a champagne reception including naming the boat; it would be best if this happens in the indoor walkway. HS will ask whether the boat can be locked in the Council Room overnight. b. Invitations HS went to the development office and invitations are being sent to boat club alumnae where college has their email addresses. The club needs to send invitations to parents. HS will try to contact the ex-porters through Sarah Greaves; OS said that Harald often comes back, but Winston has died. We may be able to invite Winston s family. HS will add to the invitations, telling people to pay cheques to SB by 3rd February.

c. Raffle HS has not had time yet. HS ought to ask for help from committee and other members. It is a case of going round shops and asking whether they can provide anything. d. Other GD says college need more information by 22nd January. We decided that we would like a projector, but will have rectangular tables without tablecloths. We need to know from college how much linen napkins would cost, and from GD how much money we re making per head at the moment. GD needs to organise the champagne reception in the indoor walkway, and ask college whether we can provide cava or whether college has to be the ones to provide it. Champagne will be poured over the bow. 10. Blades Update AC still needs to speak to Tim about blades: she will have an update by the next committee meeting. 11. Boat Selling Update YC said that we have sold Harald; Bomber let the person (from University of Essex) take the parts. Bomber will chase up the person to try to get a donation for the parts. YC is also trying to sell Dolphin someone was interested in Michaelmas but YC is not sure what the situation is now: he did not come to get the boat when expected. 12. Cheshire Training Camp Update YC wanted to check that everyone still planning to do the training camp who said they would like to. It includes an Off-Cam race. YC will book accommodation in the next couple of weeks. 13. Beer Party On 21st January, MCR has been booked for the boat club, with flexible timing. YC suggested 6pm. If we can organise to get the free beer, then RM will invite Peterhouse. 14. Socials Update Lent Bumps dinner needs to be organised. If space is limited due to being in the Long Room, MECBC should be given first choice of tickets. There was a suggestion that tickets should be open to MECBC first.

15. AOB HS mentioned that with elections coming up, she had thought about splitting Secretary and Treasurer roles. Treasurer would have expected roles as well as organising kit orders. Secretary would do minutes and organise elections, but could also edit Neptunes, keep hold of the archives and keep track of the history of the boat club. YC said that she would prefer to keep it as it is but tell potential committee members that they can basically create their own role and call it __ officer. SB has taken the job of reviewing the constitution from YC.

Minutes written by Sally-Anne Bennett Treasurer and Secretary 2011-12 Murray Edwards College Boat Club

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