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The David O.

McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

Student Field Guide

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

Table of Contents
Letter from the Director....3 Prophecy and Mission4-5 Intercultural Peacebuilding Certificate....6 About.7 Requirements.8 Outcomes...9 FAQ10 Graduate Schools.....11-12 Peer Mentoring Program.13 About..14-16 Areas...17-25 Contact Info.26 Position Descriptions...27 Org Charts..28-29 How Tos.30 FAQ.31

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

Aloha, A few years ago (OK, a lot of years ago) I sat where you sit a BYU-Hawaii student trying to find my place in the world. Toward the end of my junior year I heard a talk by Elder Neal A. Maxwell that forever changed my life. During the talk he spoke about President David O. McKays dedicatory prayer at the groundbreaking of this University. One line in particular stood out to me Mark my words I tell you, from this place will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good toward the establishment of peace internationally. I remember feeling the spirit strongly and pondering the quote for some time. I looked around at my classmates. Some of them came from important families. Others came from areas of the world that desperately needed peace. Maybe these elect few, I thought, were the ones President McKay was speaking of. As I continued to pray and ponder, a different understanding started to sink in. As I read the words more carefully and more prayerfully, I came to see that President McKay didnt qualify his statement by saying some men and women or an elect few. Perhaps he was talking about everyone here including me. But in a world fraught with disconnection, hatred and blood shed, how could I, or a small group of BYU-Hawaii graduates, really make a difference? In 2005, the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding was founded as way of helping BYUH students like you and me gain the knowledge and practical tools necessary to be those influences for peace that President McKay foresaw. Since those humble beginnings, the Center has grown rapidly. We now have over 150 students participating in our innovative Intercultural Peacebuilding Certificate program. Hundreds more participate in dozens of peacebuilding projects on campus, in the community and internationally. Every year we are graduating more and more students determined to establish peace in their homes, their communities and in the world. I believe you can be one of those influences for peace too. Mahalo, Chad Ford Director, McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

"from this school will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good toward the establishment of peace internationally."

President David O. McKay, when founding BYU Hawaii, had a vision that "from this school will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good toward the establishment of peace internationally." That vision has become BYUH's vision. BYUH exists to "assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life and in their efforts to promote world peace and international brotherhood."
On February 12, 1955, David O. McKay, President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints stood in the middle of a sugar cane field in the tiny village of Laie, on the north shore of Oahu. With a shovel in his hand, he broke ground on what was then called The Church College of Hawaii a culmination of a vision he had in 1921 when visiting the island of Hawaii as an apostle. In the dedicatory remarks, McKay invoked a grand vision for the school and this tiny village This is the beginning of the realization of a vision I saw 34 years ago when one morning President Hugh J. Cannon, President E. Wesley Smith, others and I witnessed a flag raising ceremony by students of the Church school here in Hawaii in Laie. In that little group of students were Hawaiians, what do you call themHaoles, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Filipinos. We listened to each one, a representative from each of these groups, pay tribute to the stars and stripes as the flag was pulled up there on the flagpole and all vowed allegiance. That ceremony brought tears to my eyes You mark that word, and from this school, Ill tell you, will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good towards the establishment of peace internationally.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

To prepare students, alumni, staff, faculty, and community members to fulfill President McKays prophecy.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding helps BYUH students, faculty, staff and alumni fulfill that prophecy by functioning as a cross-cultural peacebuilding laboratory that: 1. Educates BYUH students, faculty, staff and alumni with the theoretical and practical tools they need to be leaders and peacebuilders 2. Sponsors practical community building and cross cultural leadership opportunities in the university, community and the world The McKay Center is engaged in a number of projects at the University, in the community and internationally in its efforts to further intercultural understanding. They include: Intercultural Peacebuilding Certificate Anatomy of Peace Workshops Peace in the Home Workshops Kawaihiola (Edible School Yard) BYU-Hawaii Peer Mediation Program Community Service Projects Forums and Special Events Peer Mentoring Program Student Internships

Our Mission

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

The Intercultural Peacebuilding certificate, administered through the David O. McKay Center, seeks to refine and mold the divine potential of BYU-Hawaii graduates to be an influence for good toward peace at home, in the workplace, in communities, and throughout the world.

Of all the educational experiences I have ever had, this one really has truly been life changing.
-Ambree Dawn

Think of Peacebuilding as a long-term transformative process that gets at the how, when, and why of conflict and then reconciles relationships between people and reimagines structures between groups in a way that creates sustainable harmony and brotherhood. Taking advantage of the unique learning laboratory that BYUHawaii bringswhere spiritual principles are celebrated along with intellectual onesthe Intercultural Peacebuilding certificate not only emphasizes theories of harmony, cross cultural leadership, and conflict resolution but also highlights the spiritual components of these areas such as forgiveness and reconciliation. Lab work, along with the service learning component, provide students with a toolbox of practical skills and experience that not only allows them to practice and test theories, but also to give back to the community, train others and prepare themselves for future employment.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

Certificate Intercultural Peacebuilding (19 Hours)
In addition to completing the certificates core and elective requirements, each student will complete 20 hours of service learning through the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding. No grade lower than C- will be accepted in fulfilling certificate requirements.

Core Requirements (10 hours)

IPB 300 Intercultural Peacebuilding (3) IPB 400 Cultural Mediation and Facilitation (3) IPB 450 Advanced Cultural Mediation and Facilitation (3) IPB 499 Peacebuilding Colloquium (1)

Group Peacebuilding and Leadership CHOOSE ONE (3 hours)

BUSM 300 Leadership Principles (3) COMM 252 Groups, Leadership and Culture (3) COMM 353 Organizational Communication (3) IPB 390R Special Topics in Peacebuilding (3) PSYC 321 Organizational Behavior (3) PSYC 350 Social Psychology (3)

Culture and ConflictCHOOSE ONE (3 hours)

ANTH 445 Issues in Current Anthropology (3) COMM 280 Gender and Culture (3) COMM 454 Conflict and Culture (3) HIS 301 O Hawaii (3) IPB 390R Special Topics in Peacebuilding (3) WHC 391 Narrative, Culture and Identity (3) WHC 440 Post Colonial Literature and Film (3)

International Peacebuilding and DevelopmentCHOOSE ONE (3 hours)

ANTH 447 Applied and Developmental Anthropology (3) COMM 326 International Communication (3) ECON 350 Economic Development (3) ENTR 380 Social Entrepreneurship (3) HIST 423 Nationalism and Globalization (3) IPB 390R Special Topics in Peacebuilding (3) PMGT 300 Public Policy (3) POSC 470 International Relations Theory (3)

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

Upon completing a certificate in Intercultural Peacebuilding, students will:

Relate their faith and the knowledge that theyve obtained through their majors at BYUHawaii to President McKays prophecy. Learn foundational theories about cultural interaction, community building, cross cultural leadership and conflict resolution. Develop and demonstrate a practical skill set to effectively manage, resolve and transform intercultural interaction and conflict. Obtain a set of leadership theories and skills that can be employed in the international church as well as in secular areas like the community, country and internationally. Become exposed to what staff, faculty, alumni and community members are doing to fulfill President McKays philosophy both here in Laie and in the world. Give meaningful, high impact service back to the community with an eye toward creating and preserving intercultural understanding. Create a personal plan of action that will give them concrete steps toward fulfilling President McKays prophecy upon their return to their home countries and communities.

Students who earn a certificate will acquire an understanding of the theories of conflict and sustainable community building and development. They will also receive the skills and experience necessary to navigate the intricacies of intercultural communication and negotiation in whatever their chosen profession may be.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


How do I sign up for the Certificate? - To sign up for the Certificate, see your Academic Advisor. She will put the courses into your map. How long does it typically take to complete the Certificate? - The certificate can be completed with a total of 19 credit hours. This can be done in one academic year. Do I have to be a full-time BYUH student to be in the program? - No. The IPB program is open to non-degree seeking students and entry-level classes can be taken online. If I'm interested in doing this for a living, is there a specific major I should choose? - Peacebuilding is an interdisciplinary field. A variety of majors found at BYUH can help you gain the relevant academic background to practice peacebuilding. Students in the IPB program come from many different majors including: Anthropology, Political Science, Communications, Social Work, Psychology, Economics, Business, etc. What sorts of practical training do I get in the IPB program? - The IPB program uses theory, as well as practice, to provide a well-rounded academic experience. Students who complete the program will be able to certify as mediators in virtually every state in the U.S. In addition to mediation, students will get experience in large group facilitation, organizing and community projects development. What does it mean to be a certified mediator? - As a certified mediator, you can operate in many professional and domestic spheres. Certification means that you can legally market yourself as a mediator in a given state. How does the David O McKay Center Peer Mentoring Program (PMP) work with the IPB program? -The PMP offers IPB students to find application of theory in various fields. How do I apply to go on a McKay Center field trip? - Field trip applicants are chosen by the Director of the Center. Apply at

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

American University** School International Studies, International Peace & Conflict Resolution Arcadia University M.A. Program. Program in International Peace and Conflict and Management Resolution Arizona State MS & PhD in Justice Studies and Cultural Transformation Ball State University Center for Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution Brandeis University** MA in Coexistence and Conflict Colgate University B.A. Center for Global Peace Studies Columbia University School for Intern.& Public Affairs, Ctr. For International Cooperation & Conflict Resolution Columbia College (S. Carolina) M.A. in Human Behavior & Conflict Management Cornell University Peace Studies and Peace Science Duke University M.A. in International Development Policy Duquesne University Grad. Ctr. For Social & Public Policy, spec. in C.R. and Peace Studies Fresno Pacific U. MA in Conflict Management and Peacemaking Georgetown** M.A. in Conflict Resolution, M.A. and PhD in Security Studies or PhD in Diplomacy George Washington Master's Internationalist Program in the Peace Corps Johns Hopkins U.** Paul Nitze School of Administration and International Studies, spec. In Conflict Management Kent State University Political Science, Ctr. Of Applied Conflict Management Kennesaw State U. Program in Conflict Management Lesley University M.A Ed. spec. Conflict Resolution and Peaceable Schools Salisbury U. Center for Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies St. Johns University Peace Studies Department Stanford University** MA and PhD in International Security and Arms Control Tufts University PhD in International Affairs University Baltimore MS in Negotiation and Conflict Management University of California** Center for Peace & Conflict University Cincinnati College of Ed. Urban Center for Peace Research University of Idaho Martin Institute for Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution University San Diego** M.A. Institute for Peace and Justice Utah State


CONFLICT ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION Conflict Analysis and Resolution is an academic field that explores the causes of conflict at all levels -- intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational and international. It is heavily interdisciplinary drawing on traditions such as psychology, economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, religious studies, history, etc. It also explores a variety of techniques that go beyond management of conflict toward sustainable resolution and transformation. Lately, the world peacebuilding has taken on a more prominent role in describing these programs. Antioch University M.A. in Conflict Resolution Eastern Mennonite U. M.A. Conflict Transformation Program George Mason U.** M.A. & PhD., Institute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution (ICAR) Indiana University MS Sociology, Conflict Resolution Program John F. Kennedy U. Program in Conflict Resolution Nova Southeastern University (Florida) PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution Portland State U. School of Philosophy, Conflict Resolution Graduate Program Southern Methodist University (Texas) MA in Dispute Resolution Syracuse University Maxwell School, Prog. On the Analysis and Resolution of Conflict University of Colorado** Conflict Research Consortium and UC at Denver. University of Denver** M.A. Conflict Resolution Program University of Hawaii Political Science, spec. in Conflict Resolution University N. Carolina School of Government, Public Dispute Resolution Program University of N. Carolina Greensboro Conflict Studies and Dispute Resolution, MA University Notre Dame** The Joan Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution and International Peace Studies University of San Diego** MA in Peace and Justice Studies Wayne State University College of Labor & Metropolitan Affairs, M.A. in Dispute Resolution Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution PEACE STUDIES Peace studies is an academic field which identifies and analyzes the violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as the structural mechanisms attending social conflicts with a view towards understanding those processes which lead to a more desirable human condition. It typically focuses on managing conflict between large groups. It is usually an interdisciplinary effort aiming at the prevention, de-escalation, and management of conflicts, in contrast to war studies which has as its aim the efficient attainment of victory in conflicts. Disciplines involved usually rely heavily on political science and international relations.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

MS in International and Comparitive Studies: Conflict and Cooperartion ADR (ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION) While multiple definitions of ADR abound, in essence, ADR is an alternative to the adversarial process that dominates litigation in the U.S. courts and justice systems. ADR uses such techniques as arbitration, mediation and negotiation in an attempt to resolve disputes. In other words, ADR is a non-coercive alternative to the legal system that uses third parties interveners. For many, it was seen as a more humane version of the U.S. legal system. California State M.A. Behavioral Science in Negotiation and Conflict Management Creighton University M.A. in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Georgia State U. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Hofra University Law. Institute of Conflict Transformation Harvard University** School of Law, Ctr. For Negotiation John Jay College Law. Justice & Dispute Resolution Marquette University Grad. Program in Dispute Resolution Ohio State University** International Studies program, Spec. Peace Studies Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, Joint MA of Dispute Resol. & Public Policy Rutgers U. Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Tufts Fletcher School of Diplomacy** MA in Law and Diplomacy University Massachuss. MA Program in Dispute Resolution University of Missouri ** School of Law, LLM in Dispute Resolution University of Oregon** MS in Conflict and Dispute Resolution INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Typically, these schools are Peace Studies schools though there are a few exceptions Alice-Salomon University of Applied Sciences (Germany) MA in Intercultural Conflict Management Bancaja International Centre for Peace and Development (Spain) MA in Peace and Development Studies Bar Ilan University (Israel) MA in Conflict Resolution City University of Hong Kong MA in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Coventry University (England) MA in Peace and Reconciliation Studies Kings College -- Department of War Studies (England) MA in International Conflict Studies European University (Austria) MA in Peace and Conflict Studies Gteborg University (Sweden)** MA in Peace Studies Hebrew University (Israel)** MA in Conflict Resolution Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) MA and PhD in Peace and Security Studies Kyung Hee University (Korea) Graduate Institute of Peace Studies Lancaster University (England) MA in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies Landegg International University (Switzerland) MA in Conflict Resolution London School of Economics (England)** MA and PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies Mindanao State University (Philippines) MS in Peace and Security Studies Tel Aviv University (Israel) MA in Conflict Resolution and Mediation Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japan) MA in Peace and Conflict Studies Trinity College (Ireland)** PhD in Reconciliation Studies University for Peace (Costa Rica)** MA in Peace Education, MA in Media, Conflict and Peace Studies, MA in Gender and Peacebuilding, MA in International Peace Studies; MA in Natural Resources and Peace University of Bradford (England) MA and PhD in Peace Studies University of Kent at Canterbury (England)** MA and PhD in International Conflict Analysis University of London (England) MA in Violence, Conflict and Development University of Natal (South Africa)** MA and PhD in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies University of Otaga (New Zealand)** MA in Peace and Conflict Studies University of Queensland (Australia)** MA in Peace and Conflict Studies University of Sydney (Australia) MA in Peace and Conflict Studies University of Ulster (Northern Ireland)** MA in Peace and Conflict Studies University of Western Cape (South Africa) MA in Conflict Studies Uppsala University (Sweden) MA in Peace and Conflict Studies **= well regarded programs Online Resources link: p user id: password: aloha


The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding Peer Mentoring Program is designed to provide Intercultural Peacebuilding students a living laboratory wherein they can explore the application of peacebuilding theories in realworld ways. IPB students come to the program with a variety of life experiences and academic backgrounds. Through the Peer Mentoring Program, students utilize this diversity experiences by working together to envision, plan, and carryout peacebuilding projects. Through the programs many areas of focus, students gain leadership experience in fields ranging from conflict facilitation and mediation, to research and analysis, to public relations and news media. All of this, while collaborating with peers and faculty to gain a strong understanding of conflict transformation and peacebuilding theory and its relevance in our families, communities, nations and world.


The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


The Peer Mentoring Program is an attempt to help President McKays vision become reality. Students are encouraged to deepen their understanding of the purpose of their presence at BYU-Hawaii and in the IPB program. This deep sense of purpose, when shared by a group of people working in unity, is a powerful influence for good in world. The PMP provides a space in which students can seek that understanding, and collaborate with peers and faculty to find practical applications in their homes, communities and in the world. We are seeking students who are: Hard workers Self-Motivated Committed to making a difference in the world Leaders who cross multicultural barriers Creative problem solvers Analytical and self-reflective Continually seeking progression Engaged in their communities Wise stewards Spiritually in tune to helping our brothers and sisters

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


Thoughts on WE: The writer James Ferrell once referred to our time as the age of I. By this he meant that the once commonly held awareness of community interconnectedness is no longer common. In this way, the i as in iPod has become a fitting cultural symbol, even finding use in the campus programs of BYU-Hawaii. The McKay Center Peer Mentoring Program seeks to re-instill this sense of community and stewardship. For this reason, the word we is used at the beginning of each of our Areas of Focus names. The use of we is based on a fundamental understanding that places connection to others at the heart of the human experience. The philosopher Martin Buber wrote, All actual life is encounter. The McKay Center Peer Mentoring Program operates on this fundamental understanding and belief. It is only through cultivating a sense of WE, that we can fully realize President McKays prophecy that lies at the heart of the mission of the McKay Center and of the University. In addition to addressing a general emphasis, each area will incorporate standing and ongoing projects, led and staffed by IPB students, which support the mission of the McKay Center.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



weCommunicate functions as the media outlet for the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding. In this Area, students can gain experience working with online resources, news media, and marketing/advertising to find peacebuilding applications. Projects will include: management of the McKay Centers webpage; social networking and marketing; advertising of McKay Center projects; and multimedia productions.

weCommunicate helps students explore emerging areas of conflict transformation such as peace journalism, online conflict resolution and the use of social media to cultivate peace within communities.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



weBelieve is focused specifically on supporting and expanding peacebuilding initiatives within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and with other people of faith. Projects will include: providing mediation and outreach resources to wards and stakes on-campus; researching and writing on LDS hermeneutics and their application

for peacebuilding; sponsoring interfaith forums on campus; and partnering with other religious communities in intercultural understanding and faith-based peacebuilding activities.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



weLearn supports the development and delivery of the Intercultural Peacebuilding Program by providing Teaching Assistants, peer mentors, and tutors to support IPB courses. It is also focused on supporting and contributing to research of the peacebuilding field and sustaining the academic rigor of the IPB program. This area is well suited for students preparing for a graduate degree in peace or conflict studies. While other Areas of the PMP focus on the how of peacebuilding, weLearn seeks to understand the why. Projects

will include: student and faculty initiated research projects; publication of an academic journal for the David O. McKay Center; designing and supporting research relating to the fields of peace studies; hosting academic forums; and doing annual assessments of the program outcomes. Students working with weLearn will also seek to review, expand and retool existing IPB curriculum; develop and deliver online and distance learning IPB courses; and develop and deliver Educational Outreach courses and workshops for community members and BYUH alumni.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



weFacilitate seeks to support and expand facilitation and mediation training on-campus and in the community through training seminars and weekly labs. Students will also manage our Peer Mediation program on campus, schedule and deliver Arbinger Anatomy of Peace seminars; look to locate ways to increase the McKay Centers influence for good at BYU

Hawaii through peacebuilding training for on campus, local and international organizations, NGOs and schools; and discover opportunities for and provide facilitation and mediation services on campus and in the community.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



weConnect focuses on building and expanding networks of influence within the field of peacebuilding. These networks open doors for IPB students through networking, internships, career opportunities, and graduate school programs. Students working with weConnect will seek to maintain a connection with our alumni as they leave BYUH for graduate school or the job field. Projects will include: alumni outreach,

publication of a McKay Center Newsletter; locating and disseminating information on relevant internships and graduate school opportunities for IPB students.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



weMalama builds relations in the local community, seeks to help BYU-Hawaii students to get more involved in the community and supports communitybased activities. Students working with weMalama will set the example by getting off campus and developing relationships with community members; find opportunities for community service and peacebuilding; plan and carry out events and initiatives involving the community; and support community building efforts.

Project will include: supporting ongoing projects like the Edible Garden and Conflict Resolution classes at Laie Elementary School; supporting the IMPACT awards; organizing and supporting community service projects; partnering with other BYUH entities, local NGOs and local programs to increase influence and foster cooperation.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding



weExperience focuses on the development of experiential learning opportunities for students and for the community that support the IPB curriculum and the mission of the McKay Center. Students working with weExperience will use their creativity to envision learning opportunities outside of the classroom. Potential projects might include: outdoor educational experiences, using sports, dance, music, martial arts, drama, art or other

tools to promote peace; developing personal conflict transformation skills designed to bring peace into the room.

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


weGather functions as the on-campus arm of the McKay Center. Students working with weGather will envision and carry out on campus events and initiatives that invite BYUH students to gain a greater vision of President McKays prophecy and deepen their intercultural understanding. President McKays prophecy speaks of gathering in two senses of the word. First, it references the gathering of students at BYU-Hawaii from all over the world, students who would be leaders and have a vision of peace. Most students have a sense that they were brought here for a higher purpose than to simply gain a degree. Second, the word gather acts as a charge, to go forth from this place to gather others throughout the earth, acting as an influence for peace internationally. The emphasis of this Area of focus is to invite, build, and support the development of a culture of gathering by: providing information about the IPB program, interfacing with international students to explain the emphasis of IPB, IPB orientation packets and training, assigning oneto-one peer mentors upon entering the program and sponsoring oncampus activities (hunger banquets, ARTIMUS etc).

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


Contact Information
Chad Ford, Director of the McKay Center Stephanie Catudal, Adjunct Professor Michelle Campbell, Department Secretary General Questions Julie Hawke, Executive Assistant Director Taylor Rippy, Field Director Alayna Lesuma, Field Director Indrajit Gunasekara, Field Director Ryan Hitz, Field Director 808-675-3605 808-238-9685 808-675-3602 208-403-8568 858-692-8350 808-781-7844 808-728-6854 970-420-5460

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


Position Description
Executive Assistant to the Director (EAD) An Executive Assistant will assist the Director in overseeing all aspects of the PMP including administration and training. The EAD will coordinate the overall direction of the PMP program with the day-to-day operations of the McKay Center. The EAD will facilitate long-term calendaring and scheduling with the University. The EAD will work with the Director to coordinate the hiring, training, and collaborating with Assistant Directors, work with the McKay Center Board, maintain the budget and collect accountability reports. The EAD will report directly to the Director. This position will be filled by a qualified student to be hired by the Director of the McKay Center and will be contracted to work 20 hours per week. Field Directors (FD) Project Leads (PL) Project Leads will be selected to oversee on-going projects in each Focus Area. Additional Project Leads will be assigned to specific Be the Change projects as approved by Field Directors. Their specific responsibilities will vary depending upon their Area assignment, however each Lead will be responsible for organizing and administering activities that pertain to that assignment, supervising Project volunteers, managing resources, and reporting weekly on their projects progress. Four student Field Directors will lead the PMP. FDs will supervise, train, coordinate, mentor and assist the Project Leaders. These positions will be filled by student interns who are hired by the Director of the McKay Center with support of the EAD. ADs will be contracted to work 10 hours per week and will report directly to the EAD on a weekly basis and to the Director on a monthly basis.




The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding










The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding

Project Lead (PL) weMalama Field Director weExperience PL PL


weGather Field Director weConnect



weCommunicate Field Director weBelieve



weFacilitate Field Director weLearn



PL weFacilitate Field Director weLearn PL PL PL

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


How To:
Get on Google +
The McKay Center PMP uses Google+ to network within itself. Each student involved in the PMP will create a Google+ account if they have not already done so. This will help in the planning and coordination of Area and Project meetings, as well as reporting. Follow the step below to set up a Google+ account for participation in the PMP. The PMPs use of Google+ is experimental for now. 1) We recommend that you get a Gmail account if you do not already have one. This is not required seeing as you can have a Google+ account using hotmail, and other email servers, but it makes intergroup communication easier. Sign up for a Gmail account at and click create an account, then follow the steps. 2) Follow one of the following links below and register with Google+: 3) Go to http://gpc/l/mckaycenterpmp and add your profile URL to the list and add others from the PMP. The more you get familiar with Google+ the more effective it will be for communicating within the PMP. G+ works by separating your friends into circles. Creating a PMP circle, along with Area and Project circles, will allow you to communicate directly to entire Areas or Projects for purposes of organizing and reporting.

Go to

Stay Connected!/mckaycenter

The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding


How will this connect to my IPB classes? - The PMP will serve to provide application for the peacebuilding theories and class projects. Be the Change projects will all be organized through the PMP, as well as Arbinger practices and facilitations and peer mediations. Will I receive academic credit? - You will receive credit for your involvement in IPB 300 as a part of your Be the Change project. Students wishing to use their involvement for IPB 400 and 450 can also do so for academic credit. Can I use this on my resume? - Yes. The PMP will provide valuable organizational, leadership, and conflict transformation experience. The positions will all work great for a resume and/or a graduate school application. If you have any questions, visit career services for more help. Can I be involved in multiple projects? - Absolutely. Areas and Projects are meant to coordinate peacebuilding efforts and expand the influence of the McKay Center, not limit it. Involvement in multiple and in varying degrees in multiple projects is encouraged. How do I become a Project Lead? - Projects Leads are recruited by the Field Directors on an as needed basis. Please approach the FD supervising the desired project.

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