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Form No.


Course Outline
SUBJECT (3 Units): COURSE TITLE: ITC 44 Software Engineering

CONSULTATION DAY/HOURS: __________________________ Course Outline TIME TOPICS ALLOTMENT PRELIM Software and Software Engineering Week 1 1.1 Why does it take so long to get software finished? 1.2 Why are development costs so high? 1.3 Why cant we find all errors before we give the software to our customers? 1.4 Why do we spend so much time and effort maintaining existing programs? 1.5 Why do we continue to have difficulty in measuring progress as software is being developed? Week 2 - 3 2. Software Process 2.1 Framework for the activities, actions, and tasks required to build high quality software 2.2 Defines approach taken as software is engineered 2.3 Adapted by creative, knowledgeable software engineers so that it is appropriate for the products they build and the demands of the marketplace Week 4-5 Agile Development I.1 Agile Processes I.2 Agile Principles I.3 Agile Process Models I.3.1 Extreme Programming (XP) I.3.2 Adaptive Software Development (ASD) I.3.3 Scrum I.3.4 Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) I.3.5 Crystal I.3.6 FDD, LSD,AM,AUP Week 6 4. Design Concepts 4.1 Software Design 4.2 Software Engineering Design
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4.3 Software Quality Attributes 4.4 Design Quality Guidelines 4.5 FURPS Quality Factors 5. Presentation and Approval of case study topics (Software Requirements to be provided by the instructor) MIDTERM Week 7 - 8 6. Architectural Design 6.1 Importance of Architecture 6.2 Architectural Descriptions 6.3 Architectural Decision Template 6.4 Architectural Genres 6.5 Architectural Style Elements 6.6 Comparing Architectural Styles and Patterns 7. User Interface Design 7.1 Place User in Control 7.2 Reduce User Memory Load 7.3 Make User Interface Consistent 7.4 User Interface Design Models 7.5 Use Categories 7.6 User Interface Design Process (Spiral Model) Week 9 - 11 8. Quality Concepts 8.1 Software Quality 8.2 Garvins Quality Dimensions 8.3 McCalls Quality Factors 8.4 ISO 9126 Quality Factors 9. Review Techniques 9.1 Software Defect Cost Impact 9.2 Review Cost Effectiveness 9.3 Review Formality 9.4 Informal Reviews 9.5 Formal Technical Review (FTR) Objectives Week 12 10. Software Quality Assurance 10.1 SQA Questions 10.2 Quality Assurance Elements 10.3 SQA Tasks 10.4 SQL Goals 10.5 Six Sigma Software Engineering
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FINAL TERM Week 13 - 14

11. Software Testing Strategies 11.1 Strategic Approach to Software Testing 11.2 Verification and Validation 11.3 Organizing for Software Testing 11.4 Software Testing Strategy 11.5 Strategic Testing Issues 11.6 Unit Testing 11.7 Integration Testing 12. Testing Conventional Applications 12.1 Software Testability Checklist 12.2 Good Test Attributes 12.3 Test Case Design Strategies 12.4 White-Box Testing Questions

Week 15 -16

13. Testing Object Oriented Applications 13.1 OO Testing 13.2 OOA and OOD Model Review 13.3 OO Model Consistency 13.4 Software Testing Strategy for Object-Oriented Architectures 13.5 Comparison Testing 13.6 OO Test Case Design 13.7 OO Fault-Based Testing

Week 17

14. Formal Modeling and Verification 14.1 Cleanroom Strategy 14.2 Functional(Box) Specification 14.3 Design Refinement 14.4 Design Verification 14.5 Statistical Use Testing 14.6 Certification Steps 14.7 Cleanroom Certification Models 14.8 Formal Methods 14.9 Writing Formal Specifications

Week 18

15.Software Configuration Management 15.1 Fundamental Sources of Change 15.2 Configuration Management System Elements 15.3 SCM Repository Functions 15.4 SCM Content 15.5 SCM Tool Features 15.6 SCM Process Objectives
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16. Risk Management 16.1 Risk Strategies 16.2 Software Risks 16.3 Risk Identification 17. Maintenance and Reengineering Case Study Defense

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