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Socio Economic condition in

Uppalada & Ranipeta

Submitted By: GROUP-4 Madhu Parna Sen(s1005) Sanjit Dal Behera(s10) Karunakar Panda(s10) Submitted To: Dr.Anita Patro

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We Madhu Parna Sen, Sanjit Dal Behera & Karunakar Panda do here by declare that the project submitted by us entitled SocioEconomic condition in Uppalada & Ranipeta to Centurion School Rural Enterprise Management, Paralakhemundi in Partial Fulfillment Of The requirement for the 2nd trimester of PGDM is of our own and it has not been submitted earlier to any other institution including this college or published elsewhere.

DATE: ___/___/______ PLACE: PARALAKHEMUNDI Signature

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Every successful event on earth bears the signature of not only the man who has the man achieved it but also those who have been instrumental in letting it accomplish it. And we believe due credit for this report must go to the people who knowingly or unknowingly have supported us during our project work. We would like to thank Dr G C Patro (Director of CSREM) who has given us such opportunity to undertake this project. We wish to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr.Anita Patro for her valuable guidance help in completing this project. Last but not the least we also sincerely acknowledge of all our friends who supported us towards the successful completion of the project.

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In India most of the people are living in rural villages. Though India is developing but its villages are still not developed It is may be due to fail of different schemes of State and Central government. The mind set of people are also not changed due to illiteracy and lack of proper education. So we the students of C.S.R.E.M conducted a study on the topic Income level of villagers of Uppalada and Ranipenta villages which is situated in Gajapati district of the state Odisha. The study it was also want to find some information about the different income and saving pattern of villagers.


1. To know education level in the villages. 2. To know the source of income in villages. 3. To determine monthly family income level of the villagers. 4. To study the loan taking habit of the villagers. 5. To know the saving habit of the villagers. 6. To determine the amount of expenditure of the family of the villagers. 7. To understand the socio economic condition of the villagers. 8. To know whether the villagers are related with any self help groups or not

It is well known fact that the most important step in social research process is to define the problem. Choose for investigation because a problem well defined is half solved. That was the reason that at most care was taken while defining various parameters of the problem. After giving through brain storming session, objectives were selected and the set on the base of these objectives. A questionnaire was designed major emphasis of which was gathering new ideas or insight so as to determine and bind out solution to the problems. DATA SOURCE Research included gathering primary data. Primary data is the first hand data, which are selected a fresh and thus happen to be original in character. Primary Data was crucial to know various information about the villagers.

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The research approach was used survey method which is a widely used method for data collection and best suited for descriptive type of research survey includes research instrument like questionnaire which can be structured and unstructured. Target population is well identified and personal interview method was used in the study. SAMPLING UNIT It gives the target population that will be sampled. This research was conducted in Uppalada and Ranipenta villages (Gajapati District). Out of 500 households the sample size was 40 households. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE In the study simple random sampling was used for taking the sample. . DATA COMPLETION AND ANALYSIS After the data has been collected, it was tabulated and findings of the project were presented followed by analysis and interpretation to reach certain conclusions.

Our project was based on the income level of villagers of Uppalada and Ranipenta village.

1. Research work was carried out in two villages only. The finding may not be applicable to the other parts of the country because of social and cultural differences. 2. The sample was collected using simple random sampling techniques. As such result may not give an exact representation of the population. 3. Shortage of time is also reason for incomprehensiveness. 4. The views of the people are biased therefore it doesnt reflect true picture.

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Q2) Gender of the respondents:Table-1
gender of the respondent Frequency 27 13 40 Percent 67.5 32.5 100.0 Valid Percent 67.5 32.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 67.5 100.0


male female Total


Findings: From table- 1 it was found that among all the 40 respondents 67.5% people were male and 32.5% people were female.

Q3) Age of the respondents

Table -2

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age of the respondent Frequency 1 8 31 40 Percent 2.5 20.0 77.5 100.0 Valid Percent 2.5 20.0 77.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 2.5 22.5 100.0


18-25 25-30 above 30 Total

Findings: From the table-2 it was found that among all the 40 respondents 2.5% people belong to age group of 18-25 years,20% People belong to 25-30year and 77.5% people above 30 years old.

Q4) Number of family members Table-3

number of family members Frequency 14 26 40 Percent 35.0 65.0 100.0 Valid Percent 35.0 65.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 35.0 100.0


2-4 more than4 Total


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2 8 2 6 2 4 2 2 2 0 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 24 m eh n o t a4 r


n me o f m m b r u br f a i ly e es m

Findings: From table -3 it was found that among all the respondent 35% house hold 2-4 person & 65% house hold more than 4 person. Q5)Number of male members in the family ?

no of male in family Frequency 1 28 11 40 Percent 2.5 70.0 27.5 100.0 Valid Percent 2.5 70.0 27.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 2.5 72.5 100.0


0-1 1-2 above 2 Total


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3 0

2 0

1 0


0 0 -1 1 -2 ao 2 b ve

n o m le in fa ily o f a m

Finding: From table-4 it was found that no of male in family 2.5% Q6) No. of female members in the family Table-5
no of the female in family Frequency 1 24 15 40 Percent 2.5 60.0 37.5 100.0 Valid Percent 2.5 60.0 37.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 2.5 62.5 100.0


0-1 1-2 above2 Total


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3 0

2 0

1 0


0 0 -1 1 -2 aoe bv2

n o th fe a infa ily o f e m le m

Finding: From the table-5 it was found that there are more number of families belong to no of females 1-2

Q7)No of earning member of the family? Table -6

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No of members 1 2 3 Above then 3 Total

Earning member 18 15 2 5 40

Finding: From the table-6 we fond that there are most of the family have one earning member. Q8) No of dependent members in the family (Table-7)
no of dependent Frequency 6 7 27 40 Percent 15.0 17.5 67.5 100.0 Valid Percent 15.0 17.5 67.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 15.0 32.5 100.0


1 2 above2 Total





0 1 2 above2

no of dependent

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Finding: This table says about the dependency rate of the households on the earned person i.e 15% on one earned person,17.5 % on 2 earned persons and the rest 67.5 % on more than 2 earned person. Q9) loan taking habit of the respondents (Table-8)
taken any lone Frequency 4 36 40 Percent 10.0 90.0 100.0 Valid Percent 10.0 90.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 10.0 100.0


yes no Total




Finding: The above graph says about the loan taken by households i.e. 10% out of the whole population. Q10) Have you repaid the loan? Table-9 No Partially 0 2 Page 13 of 36

Fully Not taking loan Total Graph-9

2 38 40

Finding: From this table-9 we found that every person whose are taking loan they tried to repay it in fully, partially manner. Q11) Saving habit of the respondents (Table-10)

regular habit of saving Frequency 16 24 40 Percent 40.0 60.0 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 60.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 40.0 100.0


yes no Total




Finding: From table-12 it was found that 40% people habit regular saving. Amount of saving 200-300 300-500 Above 500 Total No of members 10 20 10 40 Q12)What is your monthly saving? Table-11 Graph-11 Page 14 of 36

Finding: From this table -11 we found that most of the people monthly savings in between 300-500 rs.. Q13) Educational qualification of the respondents (Table-12)
eduction of the respomdent Frequency 17 11 10 2 40 Percent 42.5 27.5 25.0 5.0 100.0 Valid Percent 42.5 27.5 25.0 5.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 42.5 70.0 95.0 100.0


uneducated metric intermediate above Total


ao b ve

in rm d te te e ia u e u te n d ca d

m tric e

Finding: From table-12 it was found that 42.5% people uneducated,27.5% people metric , 25% people intermediate and 2% people above the intermediate.

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Q14) Income source of the respondents (Table-13)

source of income Frequency 16 11 2 11 40 Percent 40.0 27.5 5.0 27.5 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 27.5 5.0 27.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 40.0 67.5 72.5 100.0


agriculture pvt.service gvot service other Total


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0 agriculture pvt.service gvot service other

source of incom e

Finding- From table-13 it was found that 40% people depend upon agriculture,27.5% people depend upon private service ,5% people depend upon Govt. service and 27.5% people depend upon other.

Q15)Monthly family income level of the respondent (Table-14)

monthly family income level Frequency 8 15 11 6 40 Percent 20.0 37.5 27.5 15.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 37.5 27.5 15.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 20.0 57.5 85.0 100.0


less than 3000 3000-5000 5000-8000 above Total


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4 less than 3000 3000-500 0 5000-8000 above

m onthly fam incom level ily e

Finding: from table-14 it was found that 20% people less than 3000 income,37.5% people there income 3000-5000,27.5% people there income 5000-8000,15% people there income more than 8000.

Q16)Monthly expenditure of respondents households (Table-15)

monthly expenditure Frequency 7 17 16 40 Percent 17.5 42.5 40.0 100.0 Valid Percent 17.5 42.5 40.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 17.5 60.0 100.0


below 2000 2000-3000 above 3000 Total


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6 4 below 2000 2000-3000 above 3000

monthly expenditure

Finding: From table -13 it was found that 17.5% people expenditure below 2000,42.5% people expenditure 2000-3000 and 42% people above 3000 expenditure.

Q17) Family members relation with s.h.g (Table-16)

related with any s.h.g Frequency 26 14 40 Percent 65.0 35.0 100.0 Valid Percent 65.0 35.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 65.0 100.0


yes no Total

Graph-16 Page 19 of 36



Finding: from table-16 shows that 65% people related with s.h.g group.

monthly family income level * monthly expenditure Crosstabulation Count monthly expenditure below 2000 2000-3000 above 3000 4 2 2 1 10 4 1 3 7 1 2 3 7 17 16 Case Processing Summary Cases Missing N Percent 0 .0% Total 8 15 11 6 40

monthly family income level

less than 3000 3000-5000 5000-8000 above


N monthly family income level * monthly expenditure

Valid Percent 40 100.0%

Total N 40 Percent 100.0%


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monthly expenditure
below 2000


2000-3000 0 less than 3000 3000-5000 5000-8000 above above 3000

monthly family income level

Case Processing Summary Cases Missing N Percent 0 .0%

N source of income * regular habit of saving

Valid Percent 40 100.0%

Total N 40 Percent 100.0%

source of income * regular habit of saving Crosstabulation Count regular habit of saving yes no 6 10 4 7 2 4 7 16 24 Total 16 11 2 11 40

source of income

agriculture pvt.service gvot service other


(Graph-2) Page 21 of 36



regular habit of sav



yes 0 agriculture pvt.service gvot service other no

source of income

Null hypothesis A socioeconomic survey claims that 30% people depend upon agriculture for their income in Ranipeta and Uppalada village . Alternate hypothesis The people depend up on agriculture us not equal to 30% At 5% level of significance N=200 Check: n p= (200)(.3) = 60 n(1-p) = (200)(.7) = 140 . Solution: H0: p = 0.3 H1: p 0.3 Suppose that = 0.05, n = 200, =0.4, are chosen for this test. ps /2=0.025 Z tabulated: 1.96
Z= ps p p (1 p ) n = 0.4 0.3 0.3(1 0.3) 200 = 3.125


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Income level/saving habit Less than 5000 Above 5000

YES 9.1 4.9 Page 23 of 36

NO 16.9 9.1

Rc e j e c t

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Rc z e j e c t

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Statistical conclusion: There is sufficient evidence not to accept the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the calculated value of Z = 3.125 is comes under the rejection region. Since Z = 3.125>1.96. Managerial Conclusion: Hence it was concluded that there are people who depend up on agriculture for their income is not equal to 30%.


Income level/svg.hvt Less than 5000 Above 5000 Total YES 6 8 14 NO 20 6 26 Total 26 14 40


Solution: The null hypothesis is that there is no association between the saving habit and the income level (These two are independent). The alternative hypothesis is that the saving habit and income level are associated (dependent). H0: There is no association between the saving habit and the income level H1: The saving habit and income level are associated At 5% level of significance Degree of freedom: (m-1) (n-1)=1 Expected Frequency- Row Total*column Total/ Grand Total Income level/saving habit Less than 5000 Above 5000

YES 9.1 4.9

NO 16.9 9.1

(O E) 2 2 = E = 4.641 The upper 2 value at 5% level for 1 d.f =3.841

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Statistical conclusion-There is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. Managerial Decision-The managerial decision is that the saving habit and income level are associated.



Source of income Agriculture Pvt.service Other Total People associated 14 11 15 40

Solution:Null hypothesis H0: All the people are equally associated with the different source of income Alternate hypothesis H1: All the people are not equally associated to the different source of income At 5% level of significance Source of income Observed (O) Expected (E) (O E) 2 (O E) 2 E

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Agriculture Pvt.service Other Total

14 11 15 40

13.33 13.33 13.33 40

.4489 5.42 2.78

.03 .40 .20 .63

(O E) 2 = E d.f=(n-1)=2 , = 0.05 tab=5.991


= .63

Statistical conclusion The critical 2 for 2 d.f at 5% level of significance is 5.99. Since the calculated value is less than critical value at 5% level of significance, accept the null hypothesis. Managerial conclusion The conclusion is that all the people are equally associated with the different source of income.

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Statistical conclusion-There is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. Managerial Decision-The managerial decision is that the saving habit and income level are associated.

H0: The average age of the people who lives in uppalada & ranipenta village is 10 H1: The average age of the people who lives in uppalada & ranipenta village is not 10 Assumption At 5% level of significance n=30 =13.33 X =10 =0.9 Z = X n

Z =

X 13 .33 10 3.33 = = = 20 .26 0.16 0.9 / 30 n

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Reject H0 if Z < -1.96 or Z > 1.96; otherwise do not reject H0

Reject H0

Do not reject H0

Reject H0

-Z= -1.96
Statistical conclusion:

+Z= +1.96

There is sufficient evidence not to accept the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the calculated value of Z = 20.26 is comes under the rejection region. Since Z = 20.26>1.96. Managerial Conclusion: Hence it was concluded that the average age of people who lives in uppalada & ranipenta is not equal to 10.

H0:The average monthly expenditure of the respondent household lies between 2000-3000 is 15. H1: The average monthly expenditure of the respondent household lies between 2000-3000 is not 15.

t n -1 =

H0: = 15 H1: 15 1111151 Assumption

At 5% level of significance

X S n

t n 1 =

X 17 15 = = 12 .17 S 0.9/ 30 n

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n=30 s=standard deviation of sample-0.9 =17 X

is unknown, so use a t statistic Critical Value: t29 =



Reject H0

-t n-1,/2

Do not reject H0

Reject +t n-1,/2 H0

Statistical conclusion:
There is sufficient evidence not to accept the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the calculated value of Z = 12.17 is comes under the rejection region. Since Z = 12.17>1.96. Managerial Conclusion: Hence it was concluded that the average age of people who lives in uppalada & ranipenta is not equal to 10.

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1. Most number of people are uneducated in the villages. 2. They mostly depend upon agriculture for their livelihood. 3. Though more number of family members is associated with income generating activities their family income level is between 3000 to 5000 per month only. 4. Most of the people are not taking loans because of higher rate of interest of moneylenders and they are not also taking loans from the banks because of unawareness. 5. Majority of respondents are not involved in the habit of saving due to less income in comparison to expenditure. 6. More number of people are associated with local self help groups but they are not fully aware about the different activities of S.H.G. So association with S.H.Gs is not helping them much.

From the study it was concluded that most of the villagers are depending upon agriculture for their income in the villages Uppalada and Ranipeta. Though they are getting fair amount of return from the agriculture but it is not enough to fulfill their needs and also another thing is that the field like Agriculture is totally depend up on proper supply of water. So in some cases due to inadequate availability of water Agriculture is affected largely. More number of families having more than four members but most of them is not getting proper education. So last but not the list it was concluded that only awareness about different factors like education, saving are required and government should facilitate them to overcome this problems. If it will happen then this two villages have the capacity to become one of the ideal villages in Odisha.

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Government should take some steps for providing more employment opportunities for the villagers. Some awareness activities must be conducted about different S.H.G programs in the village. Proper agriculture facilities must be provided to the villagers. Prominent people from the village should come forward with innovative income generating activities. Government should take strict actions in regard to the money lenders who lend money at higher rate of interest. Different schemes like N.R.E.G.A and SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN must be implemented properly.

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We are students of CSREM doing a survey to know the income level of the rural villagers in Uppalada & Ranipetha ,it will help us to make a project report and to do some analysis .finally we will draw a hypothesis from the data and go for a conclusion

Project on Socio Economic condition in Uppalada & Ranipeta Questionnaire

1) Name of the respondent: .. 2) Gender: a. Male b. Female 3) Age: a. 18-25 b. 25-30 c. Above 30 4) No of Family members: a. 0-1 b. 2-4 c. More than 4 5) No of male members of the family? a. 0-1 b. 1-2 c. Above 2 6) No of female members of the family? a. 0-1 b. 1-2 c. Above 2 7) No of earning members in the family? a. 1 b. 2 Page 34 of 36

c. 3 d. Above 3 1) No of dependent in the family? a. 1 b. 2 c. Above 2 1) Have you take loan? a. Yes b. No 2) Have you repaid the loan? a. No b. Partially c. Fully 3) Do you have a regular habit of saving? a. Yes b. No 4) What is your monthly saving? a. 200-300 b. 300-500 c. Above 500 5) Education of the respondent? a. Uneducated b. Metric c. Government service d. Others 6) Main source of income for your family? a. Agriculture b. Pvt. Service c. Government Service d. Others 7) Monthly family income level? a. Less than 3000 b. 3000-5000 c. 5000-8000 d. Above 8) How much monthly expenditure: a. Below 2000 b. 2000-3000 c. Above 3000 9) If any members of your family related with any S.H.G? Page 35 of 36

a. Yes b. No



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