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700/850/1100 Precision-chopforageharvester

BiG X 1100
ew:Open-spacecomfortcab N Newjoystickforultimateoperatorcomfort Newupto1,078hpMANengines S pring-loadedVariStreamcropflowwithoptional B iogascutterhead asyCollect1053theworldswidestheadercuts E 14rowsofmaizeinonepass


BiG X The new dimension of strength and comfort

Cab Engines Crop flow Cutterhead Corn head Pick-up Direct Cut Head Operator Assist Systems User comments Facts & Figures

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22


The cab
Extremelyspaciousandquiet Highestseatingcomfort,easiestoperation Bestall-roundvision

Wider, quieter, brighter: The wide and slim posted cab offers plenty of space andbestviewonwidecornheadersandthankstoits doublefloor,itisquietertoo.16H9lightsgiveperfect illuminationandXenonlightsareoptions.

Everything under control: Highsidewindowsandtheslimpostsgiveoperatorsan unobstructedviewonthespoutevenwhenunloading height is as high as 6 m. So, filling the trucks is safer andmoreeffective.

|VarioPack10/04 |BiGX10/10

A milestone in advanced ergonomics

Long working days, sometimes extending long into the night, require a working environment that offers appropriate comfort. The new and open-plan Silent Space cab was developed to the latest ergonomic standards. Providing generous space and an extra buddy seat, it offers a fully air-conditioned and absolutely functional working place, where the operator feels at home and has full command of all controls.

Well laid out: The switches for lights, windshield wiper, heating and air c onditioning are locateddirectlyinfrontofthe driverabovethe window.TheFollowHomeFunctionletsyougetdownfromthe cabsafely.Afteryoukeyoffatnight,twoworklightsfollowyou homeforthreeminutes.

User friendly and good: The new and ergonomic joystick with user riendly f d ecalsallowsoperatorstocontrolthismonster achine m atthetipofafinger.Theslimsticksitscomfortablyin the hand and is a special development for the BiG X 700,850and1100models.Withmorethan20functions programmedtoit,itnotonlycontrolsgroundspeedand directionoftravelbutalsoheaderandspout.

Everything within insight: TheKRONEEasyTouchinfoterminalwithhigh efinition d color display, records all operating data which is r etrievedbyoperatingthedial.Theoperatoralso nters e a number of settings here, including the chopping length. The well laid out control panel next to the air seatstoresandcontrolsallmachinefunctionsincluding grounddriveandchoppingcylinderdrive.


The new engines

Highfueleconomy Quietrunning Lessmaintenance

Logical and meaningful: The V engine is mounted transversely above the rear axle,apositionthatleadstoabetterbalanceinterms of weight distribution. The drive power flows down poly V-belts and directly to the cutterhead and crop a ccelerator.

Cooling to requirements: For the engine to operate within the optimum t emperaturerange,theradiatoronBiGXiscontrolled hydraulically and relative to the current temperature. Slowfanspeedsreducefuelratesandnoiselevels.

|VarioPack10/04 |BiGX10/10

How much power do you need?

Cutting-edge engine technology from MAN takes power and economy to a new dimension. Common Rail injection and the single engine concept lead to quiet running, low fuel consumption, high efciency and lowest maintenance. The innovative KRONE Power Management system allows operators to switch from Eco Power mode to X Power mode and vice versa and adjust engine output to current requirements.

Eco Power X Power EcoPowerisusedinsituationswhereitisnot ecessary n tooperatetheforageratfullpower.Whenthesituation changesandtheenginepowerrequirementincreases, simplyselectXPowerbyflickingabutton.Thesystem gives you the flexibility to respond to the job at hand and helps you reduce fuel consumption and save the environment.

100 %

70 % KW

X Power: Heavy crop (e.g. corn) Eco Power: (e.g. grass)

V 8, 16.16 l engine
BiG X 700 Engine output to ECE R120: Constant X Power during chopping: Constant Eco Power during chopping: 570 kW / 775 hp 492 kW / 669 hp 374 kW / 509 hp













rpm U/min

Innitely variable drive power: Thewheelmotors,thesixpre-compressionrollersand theheadersaredrivenbyhydraulicpumps.Thesystem offers infinitely variable adjustment of cutting lengths andcornheadspeed.

,078 hp ders 1 12 cylin league n in its hampio The c



V 12, 24.24 l engine

BiG X 850 Engine output to ECE R120: Constant X Power during chopping: Constant Eco Power during chopping: BiG X 1100 Engine output to ECE R120: Constant X Power during chopping: Constant Eco Power during chopping:

625 kW / 850 hp 607 kW / 825 hp 469 kW / 638 hp 793 kW / 1,078 hp 760 kW / 1,034 hp 469 kW / 638 hp


estqualityofchopthanksto B 6pre-compressionrollers orethroughput,lessfuelconsumption: M Optimizedcropflow niformperformanceeveninvaryingcropmasses U

Safe and convenient: Sixpre-compressionrollersanda820mmclearancebetween theleadingrollerwithmetaldetectorandtheopposite nife k not only enhance the pre-compression effect but also the degreeofprotectionfrommetalobjects.Thehydraulicdrive systemallowsoperatorstovarythelengthofchop anually m or automatically relative to the maturity of the crop via the p atentedKRONEAutoScansystem.

Large throat volume: ThismassivethroatopeningensuresBiGXputs through largest masses. With over 4.6 tons of compression force on the six rollers the quality ofchopisbetterandfuelconsumptionpertonof cropislower.

820 mm

|VarioPack10/04 |BiGX10/10

VariStream Utilization is up, consumption is down

Highest throughputs and a superior quality of chop require a technology to match. This in turn requires many innovative details such as the six hydraulic-drive pre-compression rollers, the large cutterhead with up to 40 knives and the award winning VariStream crop flow. Consisting of a spring-loaded floor beneath the chopping cylinder and a spring-loaded back plate in the crop accelerator housing, VariStream ensures blockage-free and smooth operation, even when the flow of crop is not uniform. Forager utilization is maximized to its limit and fuel consumption drops per ton of crop harvested.

Best quality of chop even though the flow of crop is not uniform: Thefloorbeneaththechoppingcylinderislinkedtothe anviloftheoppositeknife.Thisway,theclearancebetweenanyoneknifeonthecutterheadandtheopposite knifeisalwaysconstant.Althoughthefloorbeneaththe choppingcylindermovesawayfromthecylinderascrop massesincrease,itdoesnotaffectthequalityofchop. BiGX10/10|

A consistent throw and a tight stream: The spring-loaded back plate of the crop a cceleratorhousingensuresthebest nloading u efficiency in all conditions, filling the trailer to precision.

The core


660mmand800mmcuttingwidth L owfuelconsumptionthankstoahighmomentum andcropbeingpulledpassedtheknives he40-knifeBiogascutterheaddeliversanultimate T cuttingfrequencyandanamazingefficiency

Standard cylinder versus Biogas cylinder Choplength:5mm Consumption (l/t fresh mass)
1,00 0,90 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0 *Standard = 28 knives 10 0 *Biogas = 40 knives 50
*resultsfromthe2006Kroneworkshopthatwas coveredbyinternationalagriculturalmagazines

Throughput (t of fresh mass/h)


- 16

,4 %

200 150 100

+ 24

,6 %

More output, lower costs: Choppingthecroptoshortlengths, the use of the KRONE Biogas cylinder with 40 knives increases the throughput by nearly 25 % over what is achieved by a standard 28-knifecylinder.Atthesametime, fuelconsumptiondropsbyuptoca. 16%perchoppedcrop.*

|VarioPack10/04 |BiGX10/10

Three suit all needs

Choose between the 20 knife crop chopping cylinder for longer chop length, the standard 28 knife cylinder or the 40 knife Biogas cylinder. The 660 mm diameter and 800 mm wide cylinders with knives arranged in a chevron pattern deliver a top-level quality of chop, a consistent flow of material while requiring a low power input. Additionally, 40 knives increase the chopping frequency so that the machine can travel faster even though the Biogas cutterhead is chopping short lengths.
40-knife cylinder: TheBiogascutterheadisthespecialistforshortcuts. Theunitpaysofffastasitmakesforhigherthroughputs and reduced fuel consumption. Also, this chopping c ylinder minimizes the number of coarse chops and increasestheefficiencyofthefermenteratthebiogas plant.

28-knife cylinder: This cylinder is standard specification on all BiG X models. Use half this number of knives and this u niversalcylindercutsgrasstoproperlengths.

Cracking effectively for best digestibility TheKRONECorn-Conditionercrackseverykernel.The250mm diameter rollers have a larger friction surface area than smaller diametertoothedrollers.Thetworollerscanoperateatalarger gap,afactthatincreasestheoverallefficiencyandreducesfuel consumptionwhileintensifyingthetreatmentoflongercrops.The two rollers revolve at two different speeds, the difference being 20%and40%asanoptionwhenharvestingwholecropsilage. Fitting/removingtheCorn-Conditionertakesonlyafewminutes.

20-knife cylinder: This is the cylinder to cut long lengths, which are desiredinsomecountries.



pto10.50mworkingwidth U aKRONEexclusive estqualityofchop,lowerrateofover-length B fractionsasstalksarefedinlongitudinally traightforwarddesignlesswearandinputpower S


Unique width strong output: The row-independent header with the worlds widest workingwidthof10.50misavailableasanoptionfor BiG X. The endless collector feeds the stalks to the

middleofthemachine,wheretheyperforma90turn tobepulledinlongitudinally.Thisistheidealsystemto achievebestqualityofchopatfeweroverlengths.

Ingeniously simple simply ingenious EasyCollect stands out for its modular and straightforward design with endlessly moving collectors. The design leads to a substantial reduction in weight, less maintenanceandenhancedlongevity.


|VarioPack10/04 |BiGX10/10

EasyCollect Quality of chop starts at the header

The row-independent EasyCollect header is a versatile unit that impresses by feeding the stalks longitudinally into the machine, which leads to an unsurpassed quality of chop, because coarse chops are not desired in livestock farming and biogas production. The unique collector principle stands for low system costs and has proven fantastically well the world over.
Compact transport position: The triple-fold EasyCollect header

Model 6000FP 6000 7500 753

Pulling the crop over the cutting edges: Rigidmulti-sectionknivesandendlesslymoving knivescutthestalkslikescissors.Theknivesare self-sharpeningandeasytoreplace.

Work width 6.00m 6.00m 7.50m 7.50m 9.00m 10.50m

Fold-up Double Double Double Triple Triple Triple

Comments SuitsJD,CNH, Claas

903 1053

Small corn head versus big corn head Choplength:12mm Consumption (l/t fresh mass)
1,00 0,90 0,80 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0 EC 6000* = 6.00 m work width 0 EC 1053* = 10.50 m work width
* esultsfromthe2006Kroneworkshopthatwascovered r byinternationalagriculturalmagazines

Throughput (t of fresh mass/h)


- 17,9


+ 5,7


250 200 150 100

Wider is better: Using the 10.50 m EasyCollect 1053 corn head increases throughput approx. 5.7 % overusingthe6mEasyCollect6000header. Atthesametimefuelconsumptiondropsby upto18%pertonofchoppedcorn.Notonly are wider headers more economically but haveaquietingeffectontheharvestchain.*





oreoutput,quietrunning,lesswear M H ighestcomfortaspick-upspeedis matchedtogroundspeed

Two work widths: Workingatwidthsof3.00mor3.80mandusingsixrows of tines that are spaced 55 mm apart, these RONE K pick-ups take up everything even when icking up p high-volumeswathsathighgroundspeed.Thependulumframeontheintakesystemgivestheunitflexibility

toadjusttransverselytoground ndulations.Therobust u designhasprovenexceptionallywellinthemostdifficult conditionsandisanotherdetailin ptimizingutilization o ofthispowerfulmachine.


|VarioPack10/04 |BiGX10/10

EasyFlow another KRONE exclusive

EasyFlow 3001 and 3801: The KRONE EasyFlow pick-up operates without guide rollers and cam tracks. This leads to 58 % reduction in moving parts over traditional pick-ups and hence much quieter running. Fewer parts mean less wear and this in turn means reduced service and maintenance costs. EasyFlow operates at a 30 % higher speed for cleaner gathering and higher productivity.

Camless is better: Theunitstandsoutforitsgalvanizedscrapers ofaspecialdesignthatensuresacontinuous flowofcropasthetinesretract. Perfect Operators adjust the EasyFlow pick-up from the cab to match its speed to current swath volumes and ground speeds. If equipped with the automatic adjustment system, the m achinewillvarypick-upspeedto onditions c without interference from the operator. One or two gauge wheels at the rear and the p endulumframeontheintakesystemprovide extragroundcontourfollowing. Comfort that takes the hard side out of work: Reversing automatically raises the cross auger and the large roller crop guard for easy removal of foreign objectsdetectedbythemetaldetector.Astheforager

resumestravel,thecropguardandaugerreturnautomaticallytotheirpreviousworkingposition.Thegauge wheelsswinghydraulicallyintotransportposition.





ighthroughput,lowinput H RONEEasyCutdiscmowertechnology K proventheworldover KRONESafeCutformaximumsafety

Cutting and chopping in one pass: KRONE XDisc is the versatile specialist mowing unit for whole crop silage. XDisc cuts the crop cleanly and free of loss. The huge 900 mm diameter auger adds more

c apacity to BiG X and picks up long and bulky crop w ithoutanyproblem.


|VarioPack10/04 |BiGX10/10

XDisc: Your cutting edge

Whole crop silage is gaining more and more importance in agriculture, both as animal feed and raw material in the bio-energy industry. The 6.20 m wide XDisc cuts and chops the crop in one operation. XDisc 6200 is powerful and harvests without losses and with outstanding cutting quality.

1. Safe road travel at 40 km/h: Placing the XDisc unit on the transport trailer is easy andquickaspecialdevelopment.Theintegralbrake systemgivesyoutruepeaceofmind. 2. SafeCut inside a KRONE exclusive: Theuniqueprotectionsystemprotectsdiscsandtheir drivesfromdamagebyforeignobjects.Arollpininthe sprocket driveshaft breaks when there is a momentaryoverload.Thiscutsthedrivelineandstopsthedisc, whichjacksupathread,eliminatinganyriskofcolliding withtheneighbouringdisc. 3. Clean cuts, safe and convenient: The welded cutterbar boasts massive spur gears for heavy-duty operation and quiet running. Blades are quick-change to save time and money. With blades overlappinggenerously,XDiscleavesacleancut.

4. Massive throughput: Thepowerfulaugerboastsa900mmdiameteranddeliverstrouble-freeoperationinmassiveandhighcrops. The pivoting unit has a reversing mechanism and the augerflightshavereplaceableHardoxsteelwearliners.



Simply more BiG X

Ican is KRONEs electronic system that optimizes machine utilization even further and provides a substantial relief to the operator. Ican gives peace of mind in arduous conditions plus it reads outs all relevant harvest information.
AutoScan: Adjusting chop length automatically to crop maturity Thephoto-opticsensorinthemiddleofthecornhead measures the maturity of the plant and automatically a djusts the length of cut to achieve a uniform chop q uality and reduce silage effluent in the clamp by l eadingtoongercutsingreencorn.Viceversa,when l harvestingdrycornthematerialiscuttoshorterchops formoreeffectivecompactionintheclamp.AutoScan reducesdrivereffortandsavesfuel,becausethestalks arecutonlyasshortasnecessaryandnotasshortas possible. AutoScan is a KRONE standard and not an expensiveextra. ConstantPower: Automatic engine top speed control ConstantPower automatically adjusts the machines groundspeedtotheengineloading.Selectthedesired engine loading at a touch of a button. The machine adjustsfullyautomaticallyforwardspeedtomatchthe currentcropconditionsandyieldevels.Thisstandard l feature reduces operator stress and nsures highest e throughputs at lowest fuel rates. In combination with AutoScan the system adds another dimension to the overallqualityofchopandmachineperformance


RockProtect: Stone detector The6pre-compressionrollersarepowerfulandsoftat thesametime.TheyhaltfullyautomaticallywithinmillisecondsaftertheRockProtectsystemdetectsastone. The optional system provides intelligent protection from damage by stones, with the operator setting its s ensitivity.Moreprotectionmorepeaceofmind.

CropControl: Yield metering The optional yield metering system from KRONE m easures the volume of crop currently harvested. R etrievethedatafromatouchofabuttonandprintit outattheendofthedaybothindividualfieldcounts andtotalcount.CropControlallowsyoutodocumentall yieldinformationonthefieldsharvestedbyyou.

Moisture Measurement: Crop moisture sensing system OuroptionalmoisturesensingsystemonBiGXallows operators to determine the crops moisture easily and fastinthefield.Thesedatagiveinsightonthecondition ofthecropandassistyouinproducingqualitysilage.



User comments
Excellent running and low on fuel IamverypleasedwiththeperformanceofmynewBiGX700.The powerfulenginedeliversanexcellenttorqueyetrunsveryquietlyand economically.Infact,thankstothespring-loadedcropflow ystem, s the forager operates particularly smoothly and quietly. inally, F V ariStreamfillsthetrailersinapowerfulthrowandwithoutspilling anything.Thenewmodelisindeedabrilliantpieceofengineering. BillRose,England

VariStream - the recipe for top results Afterusinga780hpBiGXV12formanyyears,weinvestedagain in a KRONE BiG X 700 forage harvester. We found that KRONE had addressed those issues we had pointed out earlier. So, now wefindsixpre-compressionrollers,AutoScan,VariStreamandEco Powertechnologythatisnotavailableelsewhereatthemoment. The asyCollectcornheadimpressedusfromtheverybeginning. E Our nitial experience in the field is excellent. The new BiG X 700 i is not less powerful than the higher-powered BiG X V 12. We had not xpected that and assume this is down to the spring-loaded e V ariStream crop flow system. Eco Power is definitely a boon in grass.Weharvested95%ofourgrasscropinEcoPowermode,i.e. ateconomical1,750rpmto1,800rpm.So,wesavealotoffueland gainontimeforcompactingtheclampreallywell.Ascontractorswe needtosetourselvesapartfromourcompetitorsandBiGXhelps ustodoso,becauseithelpsusexpandourrangeofservicetoour clients. FransPloegmakersfromDeRips,TheNetherlands



Reduced consumption at boosted throughput SinceIhavebeenacommittedBiGXuserformanyyears,itwasa logicalconsequencetobuythebrandnewBiGX700.Thesuperior powerofthenewandfuel-efficientMANengineimpressedusfrom theveryfirstday.Thenewcablooksgreatandisveryspaciousand comfortablewhileVariStreammakesthemachineworkmorequietly and economically although it actually puts through more material. IamreallyhappywiththenewBiGX700. JeffKroskobfromBrush,Colorado,USA

Best quality of chop and variable engine output I opted for the new BiG X 700 with larger and more convenient cabplusnewMANengine,becauseIappreciatedthehighquality of chop that we got from our existing BiG X 650. Besides, the six p re-compressionrollersandtheBiogascylinderareveryimportant, too.ThisgivesmethebestqualityofchopformyBiogasplantand Icangofaster,too.Then,adetailIreallyappreciateisthefactthat IcansettheMANenginetoahigherorloweroutput.WhenItravel onpublicroadsorchopthesecond,third,fourthandpossiblyfifth cutofgrassIcertainlydonotneedthefullenginepowerbutcando with500hp.Theoptionofselectingalowerpowermodedefinitely savesonfuel.Viceversa,Ineedthefullenginepowerinthefirstcut, inwholecropsilageandcorn.TheMANengineimpressesinperformanceandrefinement.Thenewandunclutteredjoystickiseasyto useandthewidercabandslimmerpostsgivemethebestpossible all-roundvisibility. MichaelRuhland fromNeukirchenBalbini,Bavaria,Germany



Facts & Figures

Engine Model No.ofcylinders Displacement Power(toECER120standard) Max.choppingpowerinXPowermode Max.choppingpowerinEcoPowermode Fueltankcapacity/auxiliarytank Ground drive Type Speedinfieldmode Speedinroadmode 4WD&axleseparation Axles Steeringangleonrearaxle Rearaxlesuspension Drivelines Header Pre-compressionrollers Pre-compression rollers Pre-compressionrollerthroatvolume Serviceposition No.ofrollers/metaldetector/no.ofmagnetcoils Metaldetectortoshearbardistance Compressionforce/Throatopeningvolume Choplengthadjustment Cutterhead Cutterheadwidth/diameter Arrangementofknives No.ofknives Choplengthrange Cuts/min. Steplessadjustmentofdrumflow/ s pring-loadeddrumfloor Corn-Conditioner 123teeth: traightteeth/chromedsawteeth/ S toothspacing 144teeth: traightteeth/chromedsawteeth/ S toothspacing 166teeth: awteeth/toothspacing S Rollerspeeddifference In-cabrollergapadjustment&automatic lubrication Rollerdiameter/clearance mm mm mm mm % Option/Option/6.38 Option/Option/5.45 Option/4.72 20 Standard 250/0.5-10 11,870/16,620/23,740 mm 800/660 Chevronarrangedat11toshearbar 20,28,40 5-29/4-21/2.5-15 12,500/17,500/25,000 Standard/Standard mm kg/l Funnelshaped Quickattach(alsowithheadattached) 6/Standard/6 820 4,600/158 Steplesslyfromcab(0.1mmincrements) Infinitevariable Infinitevariable Degrees 53 Standard-Hydraulic km/h km/h Infinitelyvariablehydrostaticdrivewithwheelmotors 0-22 0-40 Standard Litres kW/hp kW/hp kW/hp MANV8D2868 8 16.16 570/775 492/669 374/509

MANV12D2862 12 24.24 625/850 607/825 469/638 960/330

MANV12D2862 12 24.24 793/1.078 758/1,031 469/638



Crop accelerator Rotordiameter/Width/No.ofpaddles Paddlearrangement Speed Steplessadjustmentofthebackplate/ spring-loadedbackplate Spout Rotation Overheadunloadingheight Crosssection Automaticrotation/parkingfunction Steplessspeedadjustment Driveforrotation Spoutfullycoveredwithwearliners Maintenance Auto-lubesystemwithcompressor Selfdiagnosticsystemviaoperatorterminal Cab Airseat&passengerseat Autoclimatewithmobilecoolbox Windscreenwiper/sidewindowwiper Dimensions Length/Width*/Height* Baseunitweight(withoutheader)** WeightdistributionwithEasyFlow3001 P ick-up Weightdistribution/withEasyCollect903 (9.00mw.w.) Tires FrontaxleStandard*** Option Option Option Option Option Option RearaxleStandard*** Option Option Headers EasyFlow:Pick-up EasyCollect:Row-independentheader Autopilot&ActivegroundcontouringforCornHead XDisc:DirectCutHead
* Dependent on tire configuration

560/660/8 Centeredandchevron



2,360 Standard/Standard

Degrees mm mm

210 6,000 340x230 Standard Standard Gearbox Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

mm F/R% F/R% 14,350

7,950-9,450/3,000-3,460/3,940-3,995 14,800 55-45 60-40

650/75R32 710/75R34 800/65R32 900/60R32 710/70R42 800/70R38 900/60R38 540/60R30 600/70R28 710/60R30 3,000-3,800 6,000/7,500/9,000 7,500/9,000/10,500 Option 6,200
***Use depends on header used


** Dependent on level of specification

All specifications, weights and dimensions do not necessarily comply with standard specifications and are therefore not binding. 23


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Your KRONE dealer

Maschinenfabrik Bernard KRONE GmbH Heinrich-Krone-Strae 10 D-48480 Spelle Postfach 1163 D-48478 Spelle

BiG X-10.10-UK

Telefon: +49 (0) 5977.935-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 5977.935-339

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