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Facebook Media Marketing Analysis

Presented By:
Ahmad Wali

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Types of Advertising on Facebook

1. Pay For Impressions (CPM) 2. Pay For Clicks (CPC)

Pay For Impressions (CPM)

In this kind of advertising you pay for Pay Per Impression for example: if 1000 times ad got the impression, then you will get charged.

Pay For Clicks (CPC)

In this kind of advertising you pay when someone clicks your advertisement. Even if the ad has received millions of impressions, but you will be charged when someone click.

Ad Details & Stats

Describe your advertisement details with Title, Body and images:

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More Targeting Options

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Pricing Options
Pay Per Impression Costs according to targeting selected earlier. It will be reduced and increased depending upon selecting various options. Current BID is 0.21 to get 1000 impressions.

CPC Costs
Current suggested bid per click is 0.45

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Facebook User Behaviour For Advertisements

Age Group behaviour

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Facebook users according to education

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Selecting All education option has probability of sales.

CPC Cost Estimation

Daily Spending 20$ (600$/m) 30$ (900$/m) 40$ (1200$/m) 50$ (1500$/m) Clicks Daily Based on current BID proposed by facebook by default which was 0.43 average. Estimated Leads (CTR) Clicks Daily 46.51 69.77 93.02 116.28 Estimated Leads (53.4% CTR) 24.83 37.25 49.67 62.10 Estimated Sales (CTR*0.05) 1.24 1.88 2.48 3.10

8|P a g e It is based on analysis of 2011 advertisement behaviour and Click Through Ratio of users on facebook ads. Estimated Sales These are estimated at 5% of the traffic that will convert into sales. It is estimated method to calculate sales. Note: Sales greatly depend on Landing Pages, Call To Action Content and Advertisements.

Focusing on low budget in start (20$ daily) to test the campaign is recommended because user behaviour greatly changes by location, targeting and age factors.

CPM Cost Estimation

Daily Spending 20$ (600$/m) Daily Impressions 95000 Estimated Leads estimated reach 179 Estimated Sales 0.01 1.79

Daily Impressions It is based on current 0.21 per 1000 impressions bid suggested by facebook. Estimated Leads There are 50,213,500 targeted people from UK, Spain and Italy. It is based on probability because 1st 1000 views on advertisement will be charged. Estimated Sales Estimated sales at 0.01 based on leads.

I recommend choosing the CPM (cost per thousand impressions) option when your goal is to have your name or brand in front of a large number of people, very quickly.

9|P a g e I recommend bidding CPC when conversion is your goal. If youre interested in having people click through to your website or Facebook page, then CPC is most likely going to work out best for you.

I recommend optimizing the landing page so that every lead is probably converted into a sale. It depends how the website is portrayed. For best ROI, it is recommended to run both the cost modules randomly i.e CPC and CPM. References: **Data collected by Web Trends **Based on 2011 Trends

To Your Success!
Ahmad Wali

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