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Letters in Applied Microbiology 2003, 37, 51–55

Influence of pH drop on both nisin and pediocin production

by Lactococcus lactis and Pediococcus acidilactici

N.P. Guerra and L. Pastrana

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology, Vigo University, Ourense, Spain

2002/362: received 25 November 2002, revised 3 February 2003 and accepted 14 March 2003

N . P . G U E R R A A N D L . P A S T R A N A . 2003.
Aims: To develop a kinetic model for describing the specific effect of pH drop on nisin and pediocin
production in whey.
Methods and Results: The effect of pH drop on both bacteriocin productions was tested in non-buffered
whey and whey buffered at initial pH 6Æ3 with 0Æ03, 0Æ10 and 0Æ25 mol l)1 of potassium hydrogen phthalate-NaOH.
An accurate description of the experimental data of nisin and pediocin obtained at different pH drops is
obtained with the proposed model.
Conclusions: The proposed model was able to typify both bacteriocins as pH-dependent primary metabolites.
Significance and Impact of the Study: The decisive role of pH drop for bacteriocin production on whey was
demonstrated and modelled. This study contributes to a better understanding of underlying metabolic regulatory
mechanisms, which could facilitate the optimization of bacteriocin production for upscaling.

Keywords: Lactococcus lactis, nisin, pediocin, Pediococcus acidilactici, pH drop, whey.

rate), deviations from linearity have been observed for some

bacteriocins (Biswas et al. 1991; Kim et al. 1997). This has
Bacteriocins are proteinaceous antibacterial compounds that been related to the complex interaction of many factors
are produced by lactic acid bacteria commonly present in which affect bacteriocin synthesis, such as media composi-
foods. They are bactericidal to many Gram-positive bacteria tion (carbohydrate, nitrogen and phosphorous sources, etc.)
associated with food spoilage and food-borne illnesses and and fermentation conditions (mainly pH and temperature).
retain their properties after heat treatment. Thus, some In batch fermentations, when the optimal initial culture
bacteriocins, mainly nisin and pediocin, are used as food conditions for cell growth are fixed (pH, temperature and
preservatives (Ray 1992). media composition), bacteriocin production is strongly
Bacteriocins are normally produced in complex media dependent on the pH profiles – the pH drop and the final
under well-controlled conditions of temperature and pH pH reached in the cultures. Therefore the need for a deter-
(Parente and Ricciardi 1994), but cheap raw materials such mined pH drop for high nisin (Cabo et al. 2001) and pediocin
as whey (Goulhen et al. 1999), sugar molasses (Egorov et al. (Yang and Ray 1994) productions have been referred. In
1980) and mussel-processing wastes (Guerra and Pastrana addition, the final pH of the cultures may influence both the
2002a) have also been used as culture media. adsorption of the bacteriocins to the producer cells and the
In general, although bacteriocin synthesis has been found post-translational processing of prebacteriocin to produce
to be growth-associated (a linear relationship was indeed active bacteriocin (Biswas et al. 1991). In fact, the influence of
observed between bacteriocin production rate and growth pH on bacteriocin synthesis is a complex phenomenon, which
Correspondence to: Lorenzo Pastrana, Area de Bioquı´mica e Bioloxı´a Molecular,
makes the metabolic typification of some bacteriocins difficult.
Facultade de Ciencias de Ourense, Universidade de Vigo, 32004 Ourense, Spain In these cases, Luedeking and Piret (1959) model is not always
(e-mail: adequate to describe bacteriocin synthesis.
ª 2003 The Society for Applied Microbiology
52 N . P . G U E R R A A N D L . P A S T R A N A

In the present work, the kinetics of nisin and pediocin were harvested by centrifugation (3000 g for 15 min at 4C)
production are studied in whey buffered to initial pH 6Æ3 of culture samples and washed twice with saline (0Æ8% NaCl).
using different concentrations of the buffering agent. The Total sugars, phosphorous, nitrogen and protein content
experiments were set up to assess the quantitative effect of were determined as described by Murado et al. (1993).
pH drop on bacteriocin production. A kinetic model was set
up and fitted to the data obtained from the fermentations.
Bacteriocin activity determination
Aliquots from cultures were adjusted to pH 3Æ5 with 5 N
M A T E R I A LS A N D M E T H O D S HCl to prevent the adsorption of bacteriocin onto the
producer cell surfaces, and then heated for 10 min to kill the
Bacterial cultures and media
cells (Guerra and Pastrana 2002a). The heat-killed cells were
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CECT 539 (producer of nisin) removed by centrifugation (27 200 g for 15 min at 4C) and
and Carnobacterium piscicola CECT 4020 (which was used as the supernatant was used to measure bacteriocin activity in
indicator strain) were obtained from the Spanish Type culture tubes (Cabo et al. 1999) against C. piscicola.
Culture Collection (CECT, Valencia, Spain). Pediococcus
acidilactici NRRL B-5627 (producer of pediocin), was
obtained from the National Center for Agricultural Utiliza-
tion Research (NCAUR, Peoria, IL, USA). The three bacteria Fig. 1a shows the time course of pH, biomass and
were grown in MRS broth and maintained as frozen stock held bacteriocin production by L. lactis subsp. lactis and
at )40C in nutrient broth plus 15% (v/v) glycerol. The P. acidilactici in a non-buffered culture and in three
working cultures were maintained as slants on de Man Rogosa buffered cultures. As expected, the increase in buffer
Sharpe (MRS) agar at 4C, and propagated twice in liquid concentration leads to an increase of the final pH, which
cultures in the same medium at 30C before use. provoked a decrease in pH drop (DpH, defined as the
Whey, which was obtained from a local dairy plant as the difference between initial and final pH). However,
liquid remaining after the first cheese pressing was proc- although biomass production by both strains was practi-
essed in the following conditions. After adjusting the pH to cally unaffected, both nisin and pediocin titres decreased
4Æ5 with 5 N HCl, whey was heated at 121C for 15 min to as pH drop decreased. As all fermentations were started
denature the proteins and the precipitates were removed by in the same initial conditions (composition and pH 6Æ3),
centrifugation (27 200 g for 15 min at 4C). This treatment the pH drop generated in each culture seems to account
only affected the protein content, which was reduced from for both nisin and pediocin synthesis. This indicates that
8Æ2 to 5 g l)1. The resulting medium contained (g l)1): total biomass produced by L. lactis and P. acidilactici was more
sugar, 48Æ51; total nitrogen, 1Æ05; total phosphorus, 0Æ43 and productive in the non-buffered cultures.
soluble proteins, 5. On the contrary, both bacteriocins were produced during
To study the influence of pH drop rate on nisin and the exponential growth phase in all cultures supporting the
pediocin production, four series of batch cultures were proposal that both bacteriocins display primary metabolite
performed on whey buffered at initial pH 6Æ3 with 0 (non- kinetics (Guerra and Pastrana 2002b). This was confirmed
buffered medium), 0Æ03, 0Æ10 and 0Æ25 mol l)1 potassium by using the Luedeking and Piret (1959) equation:
hydrogen phthalate-NaOH. This buffering agent was used to
avoid alterations in the culture media. Then the media were rBT ¼ arX þ bX ð1Þ
sterilized at 121C for 15 min and used as culture medium.
All fermentations were carried out in 250-ml Erlenmeyer where rX and rBT are respectively, the biomass (X) and
flasks containing 50 ml of whey, in a rotary shaker bacteriocin production (BT) rates, a is a growth-associated
(200 rev min)1). The media were inoculated with 2% constant (BU mg)1) and b is the non-growth-associated
(v/v) of a 12 h culture of the appropriate producing-strain constant (BU mg)1 h)1). Before using this model, the
and incubated for 18 h at 30C. experimental data for cell growth and bacteriocin production
The samples were withdrawn at intervals during incuba- were smoothed with a generalized logistic equation
tion periods to determine cell dry mass, pH, residual total (Edwards and Wilke 1968). Then, the experimental values
sugar and antibacterial activity. of l and qBT were calculated using the smoothed data and
adjusted to eqn (1). The numeric integration of eqn (1) with
respect to time provided the estimate values of BT:
Analytical methods
The growth was monitored by optical density at 700 nm and BT ¼ ðarX þ bX Þ ð2Þ
converted to dry cell mass using a standard curve. The cells t¼0

ª 2003 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 37, 51–55

(a) L. lactis Ped. acidilactici

6 6

5 5


X (g l−1)
X (g l−1)


0 0

Ped (BU ml−1)

Nis (BU ml−1)


0 0
0 5 10 15 20

60 10 50

9 40

Ped (10 AU ml−1)

O Ped (BU ml−1)

Nis (BU ml−1)

8 30

7 20
6 10

20 5 0
0 0·3 0·6 0·9 0 1 2 3 4


Fig. 1 (a) Time course of pH, biomass (X) 12 60
and bacteriocin production (Nis and Ped) by
L. lactis and P. acidilactici on non-buffered 9
Ped (BU ml−1)
Nis (BU ml−1)

(J), and on buffered whey at pH 6Æ3 with 0Æ03 40

(É), 0Æ10 (Ñ) and 0Æ25 mol l)1 (S) potassium
hydrogen phthalate-NaOH. (b) Final nisin
and pediocin titres obtained in this study and 20
in TGE (Ç) by Yang and Ray (1994). (c) 3
Experimental (symbols) and calculated (lines)
according to eqn (4) for nisin and pediocin 0 0

production. Non-buffered ( ), 0.03 (s), 0.10
0 5 10 15 0
5 10 15 20
(h), 0.25 (,) in TGE (n)

ª 2003 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 37, 51–55
54 N . P . G U E R R A A N D L . P A S T R A N A

As expected, a null value of b was obtained in all cultures t h

X  i
for both bacteria, however the values of a did not remain Ped ¼ 36226e045ð099DpHÞ rX ð1 þ 282rpHÞ
constant as DpH changed.
By definition, Luedeking and Piret model assumes that ð6Þ
the changes in the rate of product formation only depends
on changes in the biomass production rate. However, when These models enable both nisin and pediocin to be typified
the time course of some variable (like pH evolution) or pH as pH-dependent primary metabolites.
drop produces a specific effect on product formation, it In Fig. 1c are given the predictions of eqns (5) and (6). As
could be impossible to correlate rBT vs rX or obtain a can be seen, the proposed equation yielded good fits and
constant value for coefficient a. higher accuracy of predictions for the experimental data
In this sense, Cabo et al. (2001) proposed a model that than eqn (1). For this, it would be used as a general model to
modifies eqn (1) by including a term for the effect of pH describe bacteriocin production. In the same way, from the
gradient (VpH) on bacteriocin production rate in realkalized values of DpHmax, the minimum pH (pHmin) from which
cultures: bacteriocin production stopped could be determined. So, the
theoretical value of final pHmin for L. lactis and P. acidilactici
rBT ¼ ðarX þ bX Þð1 þ bV pHÞ ð3Þ in whey was calculated as 5Æ30 and 5Æ24, respectively.
where b is a constant of proportionality to be experimentally
determined. DISCUSSION
However, in batch cultures, it has been observed that the
The ability of L. lactis and P. acidilactici to produce
profiles described by the pH produce a specific effect on bac-
bacteriocins was tested in whey buffered at initial pH of 6Æ3
teriocin production kinetic (Biswas et al. 1991; Yang and Ray
with different concentrations of buffering agent. With the
1994; Guerra and Pastrana 2002b). This effect can also be
kinetic model of Luedeking and Piret model, both nisin and
described by using eqn (3), but VpH must be substituted for
pediocin production were typified as primary metabolites
the pH drop rate (rpH ¼ DpH/Dt) (Guerra and Pastrana
in each culture. However, for the two bacteria, the growth-
2002b). So, a better correlation between experimental and fit-
associated coefficients (a) increased exponentially as pH
ted data for nisin and pediocin production would be obtained.
drop increased.
In this study, the plot of the final bacteriocin (nisin and
In these cases, when a limiting factor affects only the
pediocin) titres vs DpH suggests the existence of an exponen-
biosynthesis of metabolites (primary or secondary) without
tial relationship between both variables (left part of Fig. 1b).
affecting biomass production, variable a becomes strongly
The same trend was observed for pediocin AcH production on
dependent on this factor.
tryptine-glucosa-yeast extract (TGE) by Yang and Ray 1994
In this way, the present study has shown that bacteriocin
(right part of Fig. 1b). However, these authors also observed
production can be accurately described by eqn (4), in which
the existence of a maximum DpH beyond which leuconocim
there is the influence of both rpH and DpH.
Lcm1 production declined.
Indeed, the theoretical final pHmin values obtained from
As bacteriocins are usually considered as primary meta-
the proposed model for higher production of pediocin and
bolites (b ¼ 0) and a depends on DpH, all the above
nisin on whey correspond to the final pH obtained in the
observations could be satisfied by modifying of eqn (3)
non-buffered cultures.
including an exponential term for the effect of DpH on
These results agree with those reported by Cabo et al.
bacteriocin production.
(2001) and Yang and Ray (1994), who obtained higher nisin
t h
X  i and pediocin titres in non-buffered TGE than in buffer TGE
BT ¼ amax ed ðDpHmax DpHÞ rX ð1 þ brpHÞ ð4Þ broth. This was related to the need for a low final pH for an
efficient post-translational processing of both prebacteriocins
where d is a constant of proportionality, amax is the to produce active bacteriocins (Yang and Ray 1994).
maximum yield (BU mg)1) that corresponds to the maxi- However, it can be pointed out that higher pH drops
mum value of DpH and DpHmax is the theoretical maximum enhance both nisin and pediocin production until a final pH
difference between initial and final pH from which bacte- inappropriate for survivability and cell growth of L. lactis
riocin production stopped. and P. acidilactici (van Niel and Hahn-Hägerdal 1999) was
The fitted specific bacteriocin models for both nisin (Nis) reached.
and pediocin (Ped) production were as follows: Finally, this study demonstrated the feasibility of the
t h  i production of both bacteriocins on a cheap effluent. Never-
Nis ¼ 2356e033ð093DpHÞ rX ð1 þ 329rpHÞ ð5Þ theless, the nisin and pediocin titres obtained on whey were
t¼0 respectively, 6Æ2 and 9Æ7 times lower than those obtained on

ª 2003 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 37, 51–55

MRS broth (Guerra and Pastrana 2002b). This suggests that Guerra, N.P. and Pastrana, L. (2002a) Nisin and pediocin pro-
whey lack some essential nutrient for growth and bacteriocin duction on mussel-processing waste supplemented with glucose
production, or those whey proteins have an unsuitable and five nitrogen sources. Letters in Applied Microbiology 34,
composition to be used as nitrogen source. Therefore, 114–118.
Guerra, N.P. and Pastrana, L. (2002b) Modelling the influence of pH
further studies based on finding of both cheap nutrient
on the kinetics of both nisin and pediocin production and
sources to supplement whey and other culture techniques
characterization of their functional properties. Process Biochemistry
(fed batch or continue) are needed. 37, 1005–1015.
Kim, W.S., Hall, R.J. and Dunn, N.W. (1997) The effect of nisin
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ª 2003 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 37, 51–55

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