Life of Christ

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Kevin W. Woodruff

BACKGROUND I. GEOGRAPHY II. HISTORY III. POLITICS IV. INTELLECTUAL WORLD V. RELIGIOUS WORLD VI. MORAL AND SOCIAL VII. SOURCES A. Non-Christian Sources 1. Pagan a. Roman i. Tacitus ii. Suetonius iii. Pliny the Younger iv. Lucian of Samosata b. Greek i. Mara bar Serapion ii. Thallus iii. Celsus 2. Jewish a. Flavius Josephus b. Rabbinic Writings B. Christian Sources 1. Extra-biblical sources 2. Biblical sources a. Acts-Revelation a. Luke-Acts b. Paul of Tarsus e. The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews f. James g. Peter h. Jude i. John b. The Agrapha c. The Four Canonical Gospels i. Matthew ii. Mark iii. Luke iv. John VIII. CHRONOLOGY A. Year of Christ's Birth B. Beginning of Christ's Public Ministry C. Length of Christ's Public Ministry D. Year of Death E. Day of Death

IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY Andrews, Samuel J., and Wilbur M. Smith. The Life of Our Lord Upon the Earth: Considered in Its Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Relations. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1954. Blomberg, Craig. Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey. 2nd ed.Nashville, Tenn: B & H Academic, 2009. Bock, Darrell L. Jesus According to Scripture: Restoring the Portrait from the Gospels. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Academic, 2002. Culver, Robert Duncan. The Earthly Life of Jesus, the Christ: A Life in Chronological, Geographical and Social Context. Fearn, Scotland: Mentor, 2002. Culver, Robert Duncan. The Life of Christ. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1984. Daniel-Rops, Henri. The Life of Our Lord. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1964. Edersheim, Alfred. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 1971. Farrar, Frederic. W. The Life of Christ. New York: E.P. Dutton & company, 1874. Guthrie, Donald. A Shorter Life of Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub. House, 1970. Harrison, Everett F. Short Life of Christ. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001. Lange, Johann Peter, Marcus Dods, Sophia Taylor, J. E. Ryland, M. G. Huxtable, Robert Ernest Wallis, Sinclair Manson, and Robert Smith. The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan, 1958. Pentecost, J. Dwight, and John Danilson. The Words and Works of Jesus Christ: A Study of the Life of Christ. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan Pub. House, 1981. Roney, Charles P. Commentary on the Harmony of the Gospels. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, 1948. Shepard, J. W. The Christ of the Gospels: An Exegetical Study. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1983. Smith, David. The Days of His Flesh: The Earthly Life of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. New York: Harper, 1910 Stalker, James. The Life of Jesus Christ. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan Pub. House,

1983. Stein, Robert H. Jesus the Messiah: A Survey of the Life of Christ. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1996. Vollmer, Philip. The Modern Student's Life of Christ, A Textbook for Higher Institutions of Learning and Advanced Bible Classes. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co, 1912. Aland Gundry Gundry Robertson

PRE-INCARNATE MINISTRY OF CHRIST I. CREATION II. THE ANGEL OF THE LORD PART ONE: THE PROLOGUE I. Titles of the Gospels Matthew 1:1 Mark 1:1 II. Sources of the Gospel Accounts Luke 1:1-4 III. The Preexistence of Christ John 1:1-18 PART TWO: THE INTRODUCTION OF THE KING I. The Genealogies A. Matthew: Genealogy of the Line of Joseph Matthew 1:2-17 B. Luke: Genealogy of the Line of Mary Luke 3:23-38 II. The Advent of the King and His Herald A. The Annunciations of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ 1. The Annunciation of John the Baptist Luke 1:5-25 2. The Annunciation of Jesus Christ Luke 1:26-38 B. The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth 1. The Journey Luke 1:39-45 2. The Magnificat Luke 1:46-56 C. The Birth of the King's Herald Luke 1:57-80 E. The Annunciation to Joseph Matthew 1:18-25 F. The Advent of Christ 1. The Birth of Jesus Luke 2:1-7 2. The Adoration of the Shepherds Luke 2:8-20 III. The Infancy and Childhood of Christ A. The Presentation 1. The Circumcision Luke 2:21 2. The Presentation

Luke 2:22-38 B. The Infancy of Christ 1. At Bethlehem Matthew 2:12 2. The Flight to Egypt Matthew 2:13-18 3. At Nazareth Matthew 2:19-23 Luke 2:39 C. The Childhood of Christ 1. His Growth Luke 2:40 2. Visit to Jerusalem Luke 2:41-50 3. His Development Luke 2:51,52 PART THREE: THE PREPARATION OF THE KING I. The King's Herald A. His Person Matthew 3:1-6 Mark 1:2-6 Luke 3:1-6 B. His Message 1. Repentance Matthew 3:7-10 Luke 3:7-14 2. Questions Luke 3:10-14 John 1:19-23 C. His Mission Matthew 3:11,12 Mark 1:7,8 Luke 3:15-18 John 1:29-34 II. The Baptism of Christ A. The Baptism Matthew 3:13-17 Mark 1:9-11 Luke 3:21,22 B. The Testimony 1. John 1:29-31 2. John 1:32-34 III. The Temptation Matthew 4:1-11

Mark 1:12,13 Luke 4:1-13 A. The First Temptation B. The Second Temptation C. The Third Temptation PART FOUR: THE MINISTRY OF THE KING I. The Early Days A. The First Disciples John 1:35-51 B. The First Miracle John 2:1-11 C. The Sojourn in Capernaum John 2:12 D. The Ministry in Jerusalem 1. First Cleansing of the Temple John 2:13-22 2. Discussion with Nicodemus John 3:1-21 3. John 3:22 4. John 3:23-36 5. John 4:1-4 6. Matthew 4:12 Mark 1:41 Luke 3:19,20 E. The Ministry in Samaria John 4:5-42 II. The Galilean Ministry A. Initial preaching and healings 1. The Return to Galilee John 4:43-45 2. Summary of the Ministry Matthew 4:13-17 Mark 1:15 Luke 4:14,15 3. At Capernaum John 4:46-54 4. The Rejection at Nazareth Luke 4:16-30 5. At Capernaum Matthew 4:13-16 6. Call of the First Disciple Matthew 4:18-22

Mark 1:16-20 Luke 5:1-11 7. Healing of the Demoniac Mark 1:21-28 Luke 4:31-37 8. Healing of Peter's Mother-in-Law Matthew 8:14-17 Mark 1:29-34 Luke 4:38-41 B. First tour 1. The first preaching tour Matthew 4:23-25 Mark 1:40-45 Luke 4:42-44 2. Healing of the leper Matthew 8:2-4 Mark 1:40-45 Luke 5:12-16 3. Healing of a paralytic Matthew 9:1-8 Mark 2:1-12 Luke 5:17-26 4. The Call of Matthew Matthew 9:9-13 Mark 2:13-17 Luke 5:27-32 5. The Question of Fasting Matthew 9:14-14 Mark 2:18-22 Luke 5:33-39 C. Ministry in Jerusalem 1. Healing of Impotent Man John 5:1-47 2. Teaching D. Second Tour 1. The Sabbath controversies a. The grain controversy Matthew 12:1-8 Mark 2:23-28 Luke 6:1-5 b. The healing of man with the withered hand Matthew 12:9-14 Mark 3:1-6

Luke 6:6-11 2. Jesus heals Matthew 12:15-21 Mark 3:7-12 3. Jesus commissions the apostles Mark 3:12-19 Luke 6:12-16 4. The Sermon on the Mount/Plain Matthew 5:1-8:1 Luke 6:17-29 E. Third Tour 1. Healing of the centurion's servant Matthew 8:5-13 Luke 7:1-10 2. The raising of the Widow of Nain's son Luke 7:11-17 3. The imprisonment of John the Baptist Matthew 11:1-19 Luke 7:18-35 4. Woes upon the Galilean cities Matthew 11:20-30 5. Anointed by the sinful woman at Simon's house Luke 7:36-50 6. The women help Jesus Luke 8:1-3 7. Answers charges Matthew 12:22-37 Mark 3:20-30 8. Request for a sign Matthew 12:38-45 9. Opposition by relatives Matthew 12:46-50 Mark 3:31-35 Luke 8:19-21 10. Parabolic Teaching a. To the crowds by the sea i. Parable of the soils Matthew 13:1-23 Mark 4:1-25 Luke 8:4-18 ii. Parable of the growing seed Mark 4:26-29 iii. Parable of the wheat and tares Matthew 13:24-30 iv. Parable of the mustard seed Matthew 13:31,32

Mark 4:30-32 v. Parable of the leaven Matthew 13:33 vi. Summary Matthew 13:34,35 Mark 4:33,34 b. To the disciples in the house i. Explanation of the parable of the tares Matthew 13:36-43 ii. Parable of the hid treasure Matthew 13:44 iii. Parable of the pearl of great price Matthew 13:45,46 iv. Parable of the dragnet Matthew 13:47-50 v. Parable of the householder Matthew 13:51-53 11. Teaching on discipleship Matthew 8:18-22 Luke 9:57-62 12. Stilling the storm Matthew 8:23-27 Mark 4:35-41 Luke 8:22-25 13. The maniac of Gadara Matthew 8:28-34 Mark 5:1-20 Luke 8:26-29 14. The raising of Jairus's daughter and the healing of woman with issue of blood Matthew 9:18-26 Mark 5:21-43 Luke 8:40-56 15. Healing of blind Matthew 9:27-34 16. Last visit to Nazareth Matthew 13:54-58 Mark 6:1-6a 17. Summary of third preaching tour Matthew 9:35-38 Mark 6:6b F. Ministry in Galilee 1. Apostles sent forth Matthew 10:1-42 Mark 6:7-11 Luke 9:1-5

2. Results Mark 6:12,13 Luke 9:6 3. Flashback to John's death Matthew 14:1-12 Mark 6:14-29 Luke 9:7-9 4. Retirement Matthew 14:13,14 Mark 6:30-34 Luke 9:10,11 John 6:1-4 5. Feeding of the Five Thousand Matthew 14:15-21 Mark 6:35-44 Luke 9:12-17 John 6:5-13 6. Departure of Jesus Matthew 14:22,23 Mark 6:45,46 John 6:14,15 7. Jesus calms the storm Matthew 14:24-33 Mark 6:47-52 John 6:16-21 8. Reception at Genesee Matthew 14L34-36 Mark 6:53-56 9. Bread of life discourse John 6:22-71 G. First Northern Journey to Tyre and Sidon 1. Healing of Syrophonecian woman's daughter Matthew 15:21-28 Mark 7:24-30 2. Decapolis ministry a. Healing Matthew 15:29-31 Mark 7:31-37 b. Feeding Matthew 15:32-38 Mark 8:1-9 3. At Magadan Matthew 15:39-16:4 Mark 8:10-12 4. At Bethsaida a. Teaching

Matthew 16:5-12 Mark 8:13-21 b. Healing Mark 8:22-26 H. Second Northern Journey 1. At Caesarea Philippi a. Peter's confession Matthew 16:13-20 Mark 8:27-30 Luke 9:18-21 b. Prediction of the crucifixion Matthew 16:21-23 Mark 8:31-33 Luke 9:22 c. Prediction of the kingdom Matthew 16:24-28 Mark 8:34-9:1 Luke 9:23-27 2. At the Mount of Transfiguration (Mount Hermon?) a. The transfiguration Matthew 17:1-8 Mark 9:2-8 Luke 9:28-36a b. Elijah Matthew 17:9-13 Mark 9:9-13 Luke 9:36b c. Healing of the demoniac boy Matthew 17:14-21 Mark 9:14-29 Luke 9:37-43a I. Fourth tour of Galilee 1. Second prediction of His death Matthew 17:22,23 Mark 9:30-32 Luke 9:43b-45 2. The tribute money Matthew 17:24-27 3. Humility Matthew 18:1-5 Mark 9:33-37 Luke 9:46-48 4. Warning Matthew 18:6-14 Mark 9:38-50 Luke 9:49,50

5. Forgiveness Matthew 8:15-35 J. Journey to Jerusalem 1. Ridicule by his brothers John 7:2-9 2. The trip to Jerusalem Luke 9:51-56 John 7:10 3. Teaching on commitment Matthew 8:19-22 Luke 9:57-62 III. The Judean Ministry A. Teaching in the Temple John 7:11-52 B. The Adulterous Woman (The Pericope Adulterae) [John 7:53-8:11] C. Conflict over light John 8:12-20 D. Conflict over his person 1. John 8:21-30 2. John 8:31-59 a. John 8:32,32 b. John 8:33-47 c. John 8:48-59 E. Healing of the man born blind 1. John 9:1-12 a. John 9:1-7 b. John 9:8-12 2. John 9:13-34 3. John 9:35-38 4. John 9:39-41 F. The good Shepherd 1. John 10:1-18 a.

John 10:1-6 b. John 10:7-10 c. John 10:11-18 2. G. The mission of the Seventy 1. Luke 10:1-16 2. Luke 10:17-24 H. The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 I. Fellowship Luke 10:38-42 J. Prayer Luke 11:1-13 K. Healing of Dumb man 1. Luke 11:14-28 2. Luke 11:29-36 L. Rebuke of ritualism Luke 11:37-54 M. Hypocrisy Luke 12:1-12 N. Greed 1. Luke 12:13-21 2. Luke 12:22-34 O. Watchfulness 1. Luke 12:35-41 2 Luke 12:42-48 P. Division Luke 12:49-53 Q. Times Luke 12:54-59 R Repentance 1. Luke 13:1-5 2. Luke 13:6-9

S. Healing in the Synagogue Luke 13:10-17 T. Growth of the Kingdom Luke 13:18-21 U. Conflict at the Feast of Dedication John 10:22-39 IV. The Peraean Ministry A. From Jerusalem to Perea John 10:40-42 B. Warning Luke 13:22-30 C. Message to Herod Luke 13:31-35 D. Healing of dropsied man 1. Healing Luke 14:1-6 2. Humility Luke 14:7-14 E. Cost of discipleship Luke 14:25-35 F. Parables on God's love for sinners 1. Lost sheep Luke 15:1-7 2. Lost coin Luke 15:8-10 3. Lost son Luke 15:11-32 G. Parable of the unjust steward Luke 16:1-13 H. Story of rich man and Lazarus Luke 16:14-31 I. Sundry teachings 1. Luke 17:1-6 2. Luke 17:7-10 J. Raising of Lazarus 1. John 11:1-44 2. John 11:45-54 K. Healing of ten lepers Luke 17:11-19 L. Instructions concerning his coming Luke 17:20-37 M. Instructions concerning prayer

1. Luke 18:1-8 2. Luke 18:9-14 N. Instructions concerning divorce Matthew 19:1-12 Mark 10:1-12 O. Jesus blesses the children Matthew 19:13-15 Mark 10:13-16 Luke 18:15-17 P. Riches and the Kingdom of God Matthew 19:16-30 Mark 10:17-32 Luke 18:18-30 R. Parable of Laborers in the vineyard Matthew 20:1-16 S. Third prediction of His death Matthew 20:17-19 Mark 10:32-34 Luke 18:31-34 T. Warning concerning ambition Matthew 20:20-28 Mark 10:35-45 U. Healing of Bartimaeus Matthew 20:29-34 Mark 10:46-52 Luke 18:35-43 V. Salvation of Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 W. Parable of the pounds Luke 19:11-28 X. Arrival in Bethany John 11:55-12:1 PART FIVE: THE TRIUMPH OF THE KING I. The Final Week A. The Triumphal Entry Matthew 21:1-11 Mark 11:1-10 Luke 19:29-44 John 12:19 B. Return to Bethany Mark 11:11 C. Cursing of fig tree Matthew 21:18,19a Mark 11:12-14

D. Second cleansing of the Temple Matthew 21:12 Mark 11:15-18 Luke 19:45-48 E. Reaction by the Crowd Matthew 21:14-16 F. Return to Bethany Matthew 21:17 Mark 11:19 G. Greeks seek Jesus John 12:20-36 H. Rejection by Israel John 12:37-50 I. Reaction to the Fig Tree Matthew 21:20-22 Mark 11:19-26 J. Accusations by various opponents 1. Chief priests, Scribes and Elders Matthew 21:23-27 Mark 11:27-33 Luke 20:1-8 2. Parable of the two sons Matthew 21:28-32 3. Parable of the Wicked Husbandman Matthew 21:33-46 Mark 12:1-12 Luke 20:1-8 4. Parable of Marriage Feast Matthew 22:1-14 5. Questioning by Pharisees and Herodians Matthew 22:15-22 Mark 12:13-17 Luke 20:20-26 6. By Sadducees Matthew 22:23-33 Mark 12:18-22 Luke 20:27-40 7. By a scribe Matthew 22:34-40 Mark 12:28-34 8. The question on David's Son Matthew 22:41-46 Mark 12:35-37 Luke 20:41-44 9. The Woes

Matthew 23:1-36 Mark 12:38-40 Luke 20:45-47 10. Lament Matthew 23:37-39 K. The Widow's Mite Mark 12:41-44 Luke 21:1-4 L. The Olivet Discourse Matthew 24:1-25:46 Mark 13:1-37 Luke 21:5-36 M. N. Prediction of His death Matthew 26:1,2 O. Plot by the Sanhedrin Matthew 26:3-5 Mark 14:1,2 Luke 22:1,2 II. The Death of Christ A. The Arrest in Gethsemane Matthew 26:47-56 Mark 14:43-52 Luke 22:47-53 John 18:1-12 B. The Trials 1. The Jewish Trial a. Preliminary hearing before Annas John 18:13-24 i. Led to Annass house John 18:13,14 ii. Peter's first denial John 18:15-18 iii. Preliminary questioning John 18:19-24 b. Trial at Caiphas's house Matthew 26:57-68 Mark 14: 53-65 Luke 22:54 c. Peter's subsequent denials Matthew 26:69-79 Mark 14:66-72 Luke 22:55-65

John 18:25-27 d. Trial before the Sanhedrin Matthew 27:1 Mark 15:1a Luke 22:66-71 e. The suicide of Judas Iscariot Matthew 27:3-10 2. The Roman Trial a. First phase, before Pontius Pilate Matthew 27:11-14 Mark 15:1b-5 Luke 23:1-5 John 18:28-38 b. Second phase, before Herod Antipas Luke 23:6-12 c. Third phase, before Pontius Pilate Matthew 27:15-26 Mark 15:6-15 Luke 23:13-25 John 18:35-19:16 C. The Mockery Matthew 27:27-30 Mark 15:16,17 1. The stripping of Christ 2. The scarlet robe 3. The crown of thorns 4. The beating of his head with a reed 5. The mock adoration D. The Journey to Golgotha Matthew 27:31-34 Mark 15:20-23 Luke 23:26-33a John 19:17 1. The clothing of Christ 2. The Impressment of Simon of Cyrene 3. The warning to the daughters of Jerusalem 4. Accompanied by thieves 5. Arrival at Golgotha E. The Crucifixion 1. First Three Hours Matthew 27:35-55 Mark 15:24-32 Luke 23:33b-43 a. The crucifixion proper

b. Casting lots for garments c. The first saying- forgive them Father, they know no what they do d. The title i. The writing ii. The controversy e. The mocking i. By the people ii. By the chief priests iii. By the soldiers iv. By the thieves f. The second saying-Today you shall be be with me in Paradise g. The third saying- Woman behold `your son ` 2. Second Three Hours Matthew 27:45-50 Mark 15:33-37 Luke 23:44-46 John 19:28-30 a. The darkness b. The fourth sayingc. The reaction by the crowd d. The fourth saying - My God, My God , Why have you forsaken me? e. The fifth saying- I thirst f. The giving of wine g. Comment about Elijah h. The sixth saying- It is finished i. The seventh saying- Into your hands I commend my Spirit j. His death 3. Witnesses of Jesus's Death Matthew 27:51-56 Mark 15:38-41 Luke 23:47-49 a. Veil of the temple is torn b. The tombs are opened c. The centurion gives witness d. The reaction by the women e. The reaction by the crowd F. The Burial 1. Certification of death and procurement of the body Matthew 27:57,58 Mark 15:42-45 Luke 23:50-52 John 19:31-38 2. Body placed in the Tomb Matthew 27:59,60

Mark 15:46 Luke 23:53,54 John 19:39-42 3. Tomb sealed Matthew 27:62-66 III. The Resurrection of Christ A. Visit to the tomb by the women Matthew 28:1 Mark 16:1 B. The tomb is opened Matthew 28:2-4 C. The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:5-8 Mark 16:2-8 Luke 24:1-8 John 20:1 D. The Visit of Peter and John to the Tomb Luke 24:9-12 John 20:2-10 E. The Appearance to Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9-11 John 20:11-18 F. The Appearance to the Other Women Matthew 28:9-10 G. Report by the Guard Matthew 28:11-15 H. The Appearance to the Two Disciples on the Emmaus Road Mark 16:12-13 Luke 24:13-32 I. Report of Emmaus Road Disciples Luke 24: 13-32 J. Appearance to Peter K. Appearance to the Ten Disciples Mark 16:14 Luke 24:36-43 John 20:19-25 L. Appearance to the Eleven Disciples John 20:26-31 M. Appearance to the Seven Disciples by the Sea of Galilee John 21:1-25 N. Appearance on the Mountain in Galilee Matthew 28:16-20 Mark 16:15-18 O. The Final Commission Luke 24:44-49


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