The Hour of Judgment

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UpLift Him Up The Hour of Judgment
part 1
Lift Him Up
Him Up Lift
Up Lift Him
Lift Him Up
As we move through the everlasting
gospel message given in Revelation 14,
we arrive at another Biblical theme: the
judgment. John declares to the end-
the judgment at one point or another,
for the judgment in its simplest form is
our response to the gospel (see John
3:16-21). In other words, the judgment
time inhabitants of earth, “Fear God is not so much what God decides as it is
and give glory to Him; for the hour of what we decide. The judgment is
His judgment is come” (Revelation basically a revelation of our decision to
14:7). At first glance the hour of God’s accept or reject the Lamb slain for our
judgment may seem to be out of place sins. This is one reason why Jesus says:
in a gospel setting. Not so, as we are “That every idle word that men
about to find out. The truth of the shall speak, they shall give account
judgment is a most wonderful message. thereof in the day of judgment. For by
It is good news of the highest order thy words thou shalt be justified, and
and an essential report for all to hear. by thy words thou shalt be con-
Any misapprehensions we may have demned” (Matthew 12:36, 37).
about the idea of a judgment can be
categorically wiped away by under- Three Biblical Reasons
standing the everlasting gospel. This is for the Judgment
because the judgment is a crucial Why will we have to give an
Lift Him Up
Him Up Lift
Up Lift Him
Lift Him Up

component of the gospel. Notice these account of every word? Why, according
words recorded by the apostle Peter: to wise King Solomon, will God “bring
“For the time has come for judg- every work into judgment, with every
ment to begin at the house of God; and secret thing, whether it be good, or
if it begins with us first, what will be the whether it be evil”? (Ecclesiastes
end of those who do not obey the 12:14). Our words and our works
gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17, NKJV). testify to the decision we have made
Yes, the judgment is a solemn concerning the Savior of the world.
event; yet we can see from this verse What have we done with the Lamb
that the issue in the judgment is the slain for our sins from earth’s founda-
gospel. And the gospel is a message of tion? How have we handled the gift of
glad tidings. It is the good news of life that has been given to us in God’s
salvation given by God in the gift of Son? If we have accepted Him, or even
Jesus Christ to the entire world. Jesus is responded to His beckoning voice, it
the Savior of all (see 1 Timothy 4:10). will show in our lives in love to God
He has ransomed the human race (see and to our fellow man.
1 Timothy 2:6). The gospel calls every The Bible gives a number of
individual to respond to that gift, since reasons for the judgment. One of the
all have been impacted by it, experi- most important is that we would
encing temporal life as a result of God’s refrain from passing judgment on our
grace. All are, therefore, included in fellow human beings. We cannot judge
one another because we cannot read name, calling themselves Christians, and Yet, unworthy and unrighteous as we are,
the heart—only God can. This is why even do wonderful works. Yet they are we have One who speaks in our defense:
judgment is His alone. workers of iniquity, violators of God’s “My dear children, I write this to
“But why do you judge your law of love. Now remember, we are not you so that you will not sin. But if
brother? Or why do you show contempt to judge. God has a day of accounts. No anybody does sin, we have One who
for your brother? For we shall all stand one who may seem to be getting away speaks to the Father in our defense—
before the judgment seat of Christ. For with falsehood now, will then (see Jesus Christ, the Righteous One” (1
it is written: ‘As I live, says the Lord, Galatians 6:7). Yet these people offer John 2:1, NIV).
Every knee shall bow to Me, And every their works rather than the righteousness Note this point with care. Christ
tongue shall confess to God.’ So then of Jesus as a reason they should be saved. speaks to the Father in our defense not
each of us shall give account of himself The bottom line: We are not saved by because the Father is against us and
to God. Therefore let us not judge one our works in the judgment. Christ is for us. Satan is the accuser of
another anymore, but rather resolve A third reason for the judgment, the brethren, not God. The devil is
this, not to put a stumbling block or a and one that is even more important bent on our destruction; God is solely
cause to fall in our brother’s way” than the first two, is found in the book focused on our salvation. “For,” said
(Romans 14:10-13, NKJV). of Revelation: Jesus, “the Father Himself loveth you”
Stop judging one another! That’s “And I heard a loud voice saying in (John 16:27).
the message of these verses. God has a heaven, ‘Now is come salvation, and
record of all good and evil. He is strength, and the kingdom of our God, Satan the Accuser,
infinite in mercy and, at the same time, and the power of His Christ: for the Not God
He will by no means clear those who accuser of our brethren is cast down, Now back to the reason for the
have not availed themselves of His which accused them before our God judgment. What do the accusations of
mercy (see Exodus 33:5-7). Leave every day and night’” (Revelation 12:10). Satan have to do with the judgment?
soul in the hands of Jesus. He died for The Bible teaches that we have an Everything! Rebellion and sin began in
us. He is our Savior. He has borne our accuser. He opposes the work of Christ heaven (see Revelation 12:7-9). It
sins, paying that terrible price in our and the salvation of the lost. His name began with Lucifer (Satan), once an
place. Instead of judging others, try not is Satan and he is accusing all sinners of anointed, covering cherub (see Ezekiel
to be a stumbling block to your being unworthy of the favor of God. 28:12-19; Isaiah 14:12-14). From the
neighbor. Don’t allow a judgmental The devil is opposing our salvation. very beginning of this war against God,
attitude to spring up in your heart He is defiantly opposing the salvation of Lucifer claimed that God was unfair.
causing others to reject God’s love and every soul for whom Christ died. This is He claimed that obedience to God’s
the gospel. This leads us to a second his full-time occupation. Day and night commandments was a standard that
reason for the judgment: he hurls railing accusations against God’s could not be kept. When Adam and
“Not every one that saith unto ransomed people, twenty-four hours a Eve disobeyed God in the garden of
Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the day, seven days a week. Eden, Satan exulted. His insinuations
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth Here is another look at the work of were seconded by their failure. God
the will of My Father which is in our adversary: must now make one of two choices:
heaven. Many will say to Me in that “And he shewed me Joshua the (1) allow justice to be visited upon man
day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not proph- high priest standing before the angel of for breaking His commandments; or,
esied in Thy name? and in Thy name the Lord, and Satan standing at his (2) forget about His commandments
have cast out devils? and in Thy name right hand to resist him” (Zechariah and His justice and let sin and sinners
done many wonderful works?’ And 3:1). He points to our failures, our sins, live as they please.
then will I profess unto them, ‘I never and defects, to the plain fact that we God chose the first, but immediately
knew you: depart from Me, ye that are sinners. He makes his case that implemented the eternal plan of redemp-
work iniquity’” (Matthew 7:21-23). none deserve to be saved or even tion, pledging to send His only Son, as a
In other words, many who profess protected from the consequences of sin. man, to be the receiver of that justice.
faith in Christ are only professors. And he has a point: “God presented Him as a sacrifice
They do not know the Lamb. He does “As it is written, There is none of atonement, through faith in His
not know them. They may take His righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). blood. He did this to demonstrate His
justice, because in His forbearance He the issues involved in this controversy sins because Jesus has paid the price for
had left the sins committed beforehand over sin. The accusations of the accuser our sins, the price of justice (see 1 John
unpunished—He did it to demonstrate have been cast out of the minds and 1:9). Justice has been served on Jesus
His justice at the present time, so as to hearts of all the heavenly beings by the and the wonderful tidings of pardon
be just and the One who justifies those revelation of Calvary (see John 12:31, have come to the world.
who have faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:25, 32; Revelation 12:10). Yet all do not know this. That is
26, NIV). God is fair. God is just and Yet Satan still has a foothold in the why Satan continues to accuse (see
merciful. In mercy “He had left the sins minds of mankind. This is why He has Revelation 12:10-12). It is neither
committed beforehand unpunished.” come down to earth with great power. He God nor heaven, but every nation,
In justice He gave Christ as a sacrifice is trying to overwhelm us with the idea kindred, tongue and people, who
for our sins. Amazing grace, how sweet that God is vindictive, that He is unwill- need to understand this wonderful
the sound, that saved a wretch like me! ing to save, that we must be punished or truth. Even though they know it not,
In giving His Son to pay the price at least do major penance for our sins. Jesus is defending the entire world
for all sin, God has clearly demon- This is why the hour of judgment from Satan; for if left without a
strated that He is just as well as merci- involves God’s vindication as well as ours. mediator, Satan would take the lives
ful. Sin could not go unpunished; (More on that in our next study.) But of all in a moment (see John 10:10; 1

Any misapprehensions we may have about the

idea of a judgment can be categorically wiped
away by understanding the everlasting gospel.
therefore, God, in the person of Christ, there is coming a day, a wonderful day, Peter 5:8). Consider this wonderful
took that punishment. Jesus demon- when the accuser of the brethren will be truth of Christ’s global mediation as it
strated on the cross of Calvary both silenced forever, not only in heaven, but is stated in the Bible:
God’s justice and His mercy. In the in our own hearts and minds. “My little children, these things
words of the psalmist: The book of Isaiah communicates write I unto you, that ye sin not. And
“Mercy and truth have met to- this awesome truth with this simple, if any man sin, we have an advocate
gether; righteousness and peace have beautiful promise: with the Father, Jesus Christ the
kissed” (Psalms 85:10, NKJV). “No weapon that is formed against righteous: And he is the propitiation
God has been faithful to the prin- thee shall prosper; and every tongue for our sins: and not for ours only, but
ciples of justice and, at the same time, has that shall rise against thee in judgment also for the sins of the whole world” (1
poured upon the world abundant mercy. thou shalt condemn.This is the heritage John 2:1, 2).
Yet Satan still accuses God of being of the servants of the Lord, and their This is why God asks Christians
unfair. “How can you let them be saved? righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord” to mediate for all men, to pray for
They are sinners. They have broken Your (Isaiah 54:17). those who mistreat them, and to
law. They deserve to die.” These accusa- This is one reason why we have an intercede for those who sin (see 1
tions come against all, for all deserve Advocate with the Father. Jesus is our Timothy 2:1-6; Matthew 5:42-44; 1
immediate death due to sin. defender and our righteousness. He John 5:14-16). God asks His children
God has allowed Satan’s accusations opposes the railing tongue of Satan and to do what He is doing in heaven. He
to be heard, because He is fair. Yet they his cohorts, be they men or demons, by asks those who represent Him in this
no longer have weight in heaven. God the fact that He died for us. God is world to do just that, to carry His
has been as clear as crystal concerning merciful and just in dealing with our example of love, forgiveness and
intercession around the earth. When we in this world. How is Christ? Christ fruits of repentance and obedience
that is accomplished, when the entire is perfect; He is sinless; and He is and will say, “The Lord rebuke you,
world understands this wonderful complete. As He is—perfect, sinless, Satan! Is this not a brand plucked
gospel through the witness of those complete—so are we who know and from the fire?” (Zechariah 3:2). Then
who claim to be followers of God, the believe His love in the world. We are come the prophet Daniel’s own words
end will come (see Matthew 24:14). “complete in Him” (Colossians 2:10). describing his heavenly vision:
With this powerful testimony before Through the righteousness of Jesus “I was watching; and the same
them, everyone makes a decision for Christ, all are destined to be fully horn was making war against the saints,
or against the Lamb. vindicated from the accusations of and prevailing against them, until the
Satan forever. God cannot, however, Ancient of Days came, and a judgment
Boldness in the violate our freedom of choice. Vindica- was made in favor of the saints of the
Judgment tion is my destiny and yours, but God Most High, and the time came for the
Jesus Christ gave His life for the will not force us to accept salvation. saints to possess the kingdom” (Daniel
world (see John 6:51). Knowing and The truth of the judgment calls us to 7:21-22, NKJV). The little horn power
believing that every human being put our faith in Christ for salvation. This is the chief advocate of Satan. He is an
stands as a child of God, a purchase faith in Christ transforms the life, instrument used to accuse us of sin up
of the blood of Jesus, is vital to our producing good works (see James 2:17, until the very end of time. We will
own comprehension of God’s love. 18). Our works testify to the genuineness spend more time on this later. But
Yes, many are “children of wrath” of our faith. Our works tell God and the notice the central message of the verse.
(Ephesians 2:3), but they are chil- devil that we trust in Jesus for salvation. God’s people will be vindicated in the
dren, nonetheless. They may be This is why when the disciples asked judgment. The judgment is, for those
prodigal sons, but they are sons. Jesus, “‘What shall we do, that we may who place their trust in Jesus, a time of
Believing God’s love seals us in the work the works of God?’ Jesus answered favor and final victory over our accuser.
judgment. Once we recognize the and said to them, ‘This is the work of Let’s read this powerful verse again and
value of our souls and the depth of God, that you believe in Him whom He make it an anchor for the soul:
God’s love for the entire human race, sent’” (John 6:28, 29, NKJV). “I kept looking, and that horn was
we will find faith and hope to over- The very first work to be consid- waging war with the saints and
come Satan and sin. Recognizing the ered in the judgment is whether we overpowering them until the Ancient
burning love God holds for us, while have personally believed the gospel. of Days came and judgment was
we are yet in sin, will give us confi- Have we accepted our salvation passed in favor of the saints of the
dence to believe and trust that His through the Lamb slain for all from Highest One, and the time arrived
love is changeless. And to see and earth’s foundation? when the saints took possession of the
understand this quality of love pre- Yes, God has a full account of our kingdom” (Daniel 7:21-22, NAS).
pares us to stand boldly against Satan’s lives; because, for those who trust in
accusations in the day of judgment. Jesus, He is not going to let anything Summary
“And we have seen and do testify be missed (see Psalm 56:8; Malachi Praise God! No one who places his
that the Father sent the Son to be the 3:16). God will not allow even one sin or her trust in the Lamb needs to fear
Savior of the world…. And we have to slip by that Satan can point to as the judgment. The judgment will
known and believed the love that being overlooked. God will respond to bring an end to Satan’s accusations. It
God hath to us. God is love; and he Satan’s accusations by saying, “Yes, I will bring final and complete vindica-
that dwelleth in love dwelleth in know they are sinners. I have a com- tion to undeserving sinners through
God, and God in him. Herein is our plete record of their sins. In fact, I have faith in the righteousness of Jesus
love made perfect, that we may have a few sins listed here that you have not Christ. Amen.
boldness in the day of judgment: brought up. But let’s get one thing
because as He is, so are we in this straight, once and for all. I sent My Son
world” (1 John 4:14, 16, 17). to save these sinners. He paid the price
Did you catch that last line? We for their sins.” Then God will take the Printed in the USA by
whole record of our lives, will point Light Bearers Ministry
can have boldness in the day of
PO Box 1888 • Malo, WA 99150
judgment because as Christ is, so are first to our belief in Jesus, then to our
(509)779-4444 •

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