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Czeslaw Mesjasz

Cracow University oI Economics

Cracow, Poland
Risk, Threat, Danger, Vulnerability, etc.: Prediction and Anticipation of Systemic
Disturbances in Security Theory
Paper presented at the ISA 49
Annual Convention,
San Francisco, March 26th-29th, 2008 (draIt version, work in progress)
1. Introduction

Contemporary discourse on security has been dominated by general considerations in
which attention is paid to consequences oI deepening and broadening oI meaning oI the term
security. Critical approaches, assessment oI the sense oI human security or extension oI the
sense oI security to provision oI public goods are dominating the discourse on security. Only
in some cases a question is being asked: What security is about?
Usually security is dealt with such concepts as threat, danger, risk, vulnerability,
resilience, etc. In the present discussions we can even observe replacement oI the term threat
with the concept oI risk ('risk society) (Beck 1986, 1992, 1999).
As to make the discussion on security more relevant to the needs oI policy making, it
is necessary to identiIy attributes oI security in a systemic sense. It has been already
accomplished by this author in the research project oI AFES-PRESS
. Other members oI
AFES-PRESS and associated authors also have conducted research on the role oI prediction
in security theory, or on the role oI time and space in theoretical considerations on security.
Results oI research have been published in a book edited by an international team oI scholars
under auspices oI AFES-PRESS (Hexagon Series published by Springer Verlag). In the book
this author has proposed a core concept oI security including basic components oI any
discourse on security threat, risk, securitization, reIerent object, disturbance, vulnerability,
Prediction and anticipation can be regarded as important (if not the most
important!) factors in any application of the utterance of security. ThereIore it is
necessary to study how attributes (characteristics) oI the concepts used in every discourse on
security can be identiIied and interpreted. In the contemporary considerations such terms as
The paper partly draws on the previous works oI the author (Mesjasz 2008. 2008a) and is also based upon the
Iragments which will be included in Iurther books published in the Hexagon Series.
risk, threat, vulnerability, resilience and similar ones are more Irequently applied in studies on
broadened and deepened ideas oI security.
It is obviously not possible the deIine those terms unequivocally but at the same time
it is not acceptable that in too many instances they are used as Ireely interpreted notions,
almost 'buzzwords. It is thus necessary to elaborate more detailed and precise deIinitions oI
those terms along with identiIication oI the links between their interpretations and
applications in policy making.
The aim oI this draIt paper is to provide a deepened interpretation oI such terms as
threat, risk, vulnerability in relation to security-oriented considerations based upon systems
thinking. The limits oI prediction and anticipation in identiIication oI threats, risks and
vulnerabilities is the second topic oI analysis.
The basic epistemological assumptions oI research on the role oI prediction and
anticipation in analysis oI risk and similar concepts will stem both Irom mathematical
modeling, including the so-called complexity approach (complex systems approach) ('hard
complexity) and qualitative complex systems discourse ('soIt complexity).
2. Prediction, forecast and anticipation in social sciences
Leaving Ior Iurther analysis the sense oI causality and explanation, it may be initially
stated that prediction is the key element oI scientiIic reasoning (Popper 1974). Prediction is
associated with such terms as Iorecasting, predictability and prophecy. In the basic meaning
prediction is a statement or claim that a particular event will occur in the Iuture. Narrowing
the sense oI prediction, it may be added that the place and time oI event are known as well.
Relations between the terms prediction and Iorecast are not clearly explained. In
linguistic terms to predict make known beIorehand, to Ioretell the Iuture. To
Iorecast is deIined predict on the basis oI scientiIic observation and applied
experience (e.g. in meteorology), or by simple estimate oI probability (New Webster`s
Dictionary 1992). According to some interpretations Iorecast is a prediction based on
knowledge oI past behavior (Doran 1999, p. 11). In other scholarly texts a diIIerence is made
between prediction and Iorecast with the latter being closer connected with scientiIic base,
namely probability calculus. In general, the term prediction has a broader meaning and it will
be the main Iocus oI interest in the paper.
A diIIerence can be made between inIormal, or common sense prediction and
scientiIic prediction
. ScientiIic prediction is a rigorous (oIten quantitative) statement about
what will happen under speciIic conditions, typically expressed in the Iorm If A is true, then B
will be also true. The scientiIic method is built on testing predictions which are logical
consequences oI scientiIic theories. Theories, in turn, are designed to allow Ior prediction oI
phenomena Irom underlying principles.
In the social sciences a complete prediction allows Ior answering to three questions:
'what is likely to occur?; 'when it will occur?; and 'how it will occur?. Most oI
predictions are only partial ones.
A distinction can be made between the contingent and non-contingent prediction or
Iorecast. Contingent prediction, or conditional prediction is based upon 'iI, then assumption.
In the non-contingent prediction the Iuture events are depicted in a straightIorward manner
(Singer 1999).
Another typology allows to distinguish two types oI prediction, an 'intentional
prediction and an 'outcome prediction. The Iormer concerns actions oI an actor while the
latter relates to the states independent Irom the actions oI the predicting subject, so it is closer
to Iorecasting.
Prediction can be interpreted as a selection oI one world Irom inIinite number oI
'potential worlds which can emerge Irom any given set oI circumstances. This interpretation
immediately brings about a question oI causality. First oI all it must be underlined that
causality may be interpreted as objective when proved with logical on empirical evidence. At
the same time causality has also an intersubjective character. Observers (participants) agree
that a speciIic course oI events has led to a speciIic outcome although it is not certain whether
both cause and eIIect are unique and cannot be replaced.
Prediction is also associated with anticipation, i.e. expectation or making decision
upon the predicted states oI the Iuture, belieIs, etc.
Predictive power oI a scientiIic theory is its ability to generate testable predictions.
Theories with strong predictive power are heavily valued, because these predictions can oIten
encourage the IalsiIication oI the theory. It is diIIerent Irom explanatory or descriptive power,
by which already-known phenomena are explained by a given theory, in that it presents a new
and novel test oI theoretical understanding.
The deIinitions oI prediction and associate notions were collected Irom Internet encyclopedic sources, e.g.
( and the similar. They will be critically evaluated in the Iurther editing process.
ScientiIic ideas without anv predictive power are known as "conjectures", or, at worst,
"pseudoscience". Because they cannot be tested or IalsiIied in any way, there is no way to
determine whether they are true or Ialse, and so they are not aIIorded the label oI "scientiIic
theory". What is even more important, theories without any predictive power have not any
explanative power oI causal relations as well.
Predictability is enhanced by existence oI structural constraints. They could be oI a
static character (conditions, barriers) or they can take shape oI patterns in dynamics oI a
system (individual). It is especially valid Ior cyclical behavior - assuming that the cause Ior
circularity is known, evolutionary behavio assuming that the mechanisms oI evolution are
identiIiable, which is not Irequently the case and path dependency assuming that the impact
oI the past events on the Iuture is known.
Prediction is associated with explanation oI the links between phenomena. Being
aware oI the diIIerences between causal links and correlations it must be emphasized that
causality is not necessarily associated with prediction. Causality may be also identiIied ex
post and in such case two situation may be identiIied:
- retrospection, i.e. explanation oI the links between the past events which not necessarily
would be repeated in the Iuture,
- retrodiction, i.e. prediction based upon an assumption, 'what, iI in which the present
knowledge oI the developments in the past and oI the actual state are used Ior predictions oI
diIIerent courses oI events.
Predictability meaning a capability oI predicting reIers to the links between the
observer and the observed. Making predictions depends on the capabilities oI an observer to
describe the phenomenon with the variables which can be observed and given appropriate
meaning, including measurement. Any disturbance oI this cognitive interaction, dependent on
an observer or not leads to occurrence oI uncertainty and risk.
Predictability is also related to contingency, especially in social sciences and policy. In
contingency thinking it is assumed that we cannot plan since all is dependent on present,
sometimes very small causes. However, it must be also recalled that even iI the events are
contingent, the humans must plan. Actions cannot be completely spontaneous (contingent).
'We could not live and remain sane in a world that was totally composed oI contingent
Iactors ..and while we adapt and modiIy our behavior when contingency does occur, on a
day-to-day basis we work on the (correct) assumption that all is not contingent (Webb 1995).
II Iull knowledge regarding options, outcomes and the various states oI the world is
available, the task oI making a decision becomes straightIorward process oI selecting the
action whose outcome maximizes the decision criteria 'decision making under certainty
conditions (Luce and RaiIIa 1957, p. 13).
Certainty and predictability are Irequently conIused with determinism. As it was put
by Sokal and Bricmont (1998, p. 140): 'Determinism depends on what Nature does
(independently oI us), while predictability depends in part on Nature and in part on us. So
certainty oI the observers may mean determinism but not always. By the same token,
deterministic phenomena are not always certain to the observers. The point is that we simply
may not know the diIIerence iI it is not visible in a given moment oI inquiry.
While prediction can be associated with an observer (predictor) it is also necessary to
reIer to the state oI environment, or oI himselI/herselI he/she is relating in the cognitive
processes. Here it is worthwhile to recall a well-known typology taken Irom decision theory
and economics. According to already mentioned ideas oI Knight (1921) uncertainty is
randomness with unknowable probabilities and risk is randomness with knowable
Prediction may include various patterns oI Iuture behavior oI objects under study.
According to Bhaskar (1986, p. 217) (Patomki, 2006, p. 10) in Iuture scenarios, signiIicant
events are transIormative in one way or another in the nodal points. Such nodal points
include: (1) connector points, which interpose one into another type oI process; (2) branch
points, Ioreclosing certain possible lines oI development; (3) jump points, creating a new
horizon oI possibilities; (4) saddle points, inducing stasis or even regression; (5) break points,
actually consisting in or substantively contributing to a rupture oI social structures and/or
their constellation in a totality; (6) trigger points, initiating or powerIully augmenting such a
transIormative process; (7) predisposing points, securing the satisIaction oI the enabling
conditions Ior such a process, e.g. the inception oI a (tendentially) auto-subversive tendency.
Another challenge oI prediction comes Irom the character oI changes, no matter
whether positive or negative. The simplest are known and predictable, then known but not
predictable and the last ones, unknown, sometimes even unthinkable.
Prediction with mathematical models must IulIill a basic condition - a proper
identiIication/understanding oI a system, whose Iunctioning/behavior is to be predicted. It
means that in mathematical models the parameters oI description and oI Ior prediction are
adequately selected, then a relevant model is built, and subsequently the parameters are
correctly measured.
This step reminds building a 'central metaphor guiding the cognition process. In the
Iollowing steps, the metaphor can be decompose and subsequently parameters can be
operationalized as to enable Iurther research description, prediction, etc. For example using
the central metaphors social system as machine/chaotic system/beehive/learning system, etc.
may lead to various understandings and to diIIerent patterns oI control.
3. Methodology of research and limits of prediction of social phenomena
The characteristics oI prediction, Iorecasting, predictability and anticipation lead to the
Iundamental questions how prediction and anticipation in social science are accomplished
made or, what are the methods oI achieving descriptions oI possible Iuture courses oI events
in a society at macro, mezzo and micro levels?
Prediction oI changes in nature, society and in their interactions, are the point oI
interest oI the Iuture studies. The subjects and methods oI Iutures studies include possible,
probable, and desirable variations or alternative transIormations oI the present, both social
and 'natural (i.e. independent oI human impact)
. Futures studies oIten examines not only
possible but also probable, preIerable, and wildcard Iutures, which are low probability but
high impact events, should they occur.
Usually the objects oI interest oI Iuture studies are multidimensional. Future studies is
also an interdisciplinary exercise deriving Irom mathematics, economics, physics, sociology,
psychology, history, geography, engineering. ThereIore in a natural way Iuture studies is
closely associated with systems thinking/approach/complexity studies, or whatever we may
call it. There are dozens oI methods applied in Iutures studies such as, Ior example, Delphi
method, environmental scanning, morphological analysis, scenario planning, Iuture history,
simulation, trend analysis, path dependency models, social network analysis and many others.
In the broadest sense they can be divided into quantitative and qualitative. The basic
and most 'scientiIic source oI methods in Iutures studies is science, especially physics and
chemistry, where predictions are based upon various kinds oI mathematical models, which
can be reduced to three types. First deterministic models in which regularities in space and
time are captured by mechanistic models. Second, where it is possible to grasp irregular
patterns with the use oI stochastic models. Three, models oI broadly deIined complexity,
'deterministic chaos.
Wherever possible mathematical models can be applied in social sciences, either in
studying the relations between society and nature, or when it is possible to elaborate more or
Similarly as in the case oI complexity studies, where the term ,complexity science would be too Iar-reaching
to apply the term 'Iuturology also seems somehow conIusing. The Iuture as such does not exist so the area oI
research is just the state oI minds oI researchers thinking about the Iuture.
less reality-relevant mathematical models oI social phenomena, e.g. econometrics, simulation
Although mathematical modeling seems an appropriate instrument oI
prediction/Iorecasting/anticipation but in social sciences its applications are not undisputable.
First and Ioremost, applications oI mathematical models in social sciences are also exposed to
the Iundamental limitations. In the case oI classical, Newtonian models it is a mechanistic
reduction. In the case oI stochastic processes additional limits are coming to the Iore. The
random character oI phenomena is an eIIect oI perception and development oI science may
discover other patterns oI regularities or a new kind oI irregularity. In the case oI the Iormer,
non-linearity, complexity, emerging properties and chaotic behavior can be recalled.
. Limitations oI prediction oI stochastic processes also lie in the Ioundations oI
mathematical modeling. Computational complexity, computational (algorithmic intractability)
determine the limits oI application oI mathematical models and computer simulation in those
processes (Biggiero 2001), (Chaitin 2001)
Since social systems are 'complexities oI complexities understanding the barriers oI
prediction oI behavior oI social systems requires a broader survey, including obviously the
barriers oI mathematical modeling.
In the most Iundamental sense, in which the impact oI post-modernism/post-
structuralism is not incidental, social phenomena (social systems) are a mixture oI a tangible
component - physical and biological processes with an intangible intersubjective component
emerging in the discourse. In a linguistically-oriented approach the discourse on social
systems includes metaphors, analogies and mathematical models. In such an approach barriers
oI prediction begin not only at the epistemological level (the Iuture is unknown) but also at
the ontological level. There are multiple possible Iutures created in the social discourse and
they are shaped by various subjective Iactors determined by independent, 'natural processes
as well as actions and utterances oI the conscious individuals participants/observers.
II a social system is a product oI discourse oI participants/observers then prediction,
which is based upon identiIication oI regularities acquires a speciIic character. On the one
hand, it must be drawn upon physical, or tangible regularities associated with social system,
e.g. geography, demography, biology, industrial activities. On the other, it must relate to the
processes oI creating regularities in intangible components oI social systems emerging thanks
communication and coordination oI actions. It is thus easy to conclude that prediction oI
Limitations oI prediction oI non-deterministic phenomena result also Irom probability theory paradoxes, which
partly reIlect the Iundamental (, 12 June
behavior oI social systems is based upon the regularities resulting Irom learning process, and
at the same time can be also viewed as a part oI learning process. In addition, prediction and
anticipation oI social phenomena can be distorted by a normative bias. Instead oI asking what
is possible and plausible, a question may by asked what is necessary or needed?
ReIerence to social learning brings about the main source oI complexity oI social
systems i.e. reIlexivity and selI-reIlexivity. Regularities generated by social systems can be
brought about by homeostatic causal loops, selI-regulation through Ieedback and reIlexive
The above interpretation oI prediction oI behavior oI social systems is very
preliminary but should be suIIicient Ior Iurther considerations. In more advanced sociological
inquiry into the nature oI social systems and prediction more attention is usually paid to the
deIinitions oI social systems, open systems and already mentioned 'soIt complexity
(Luhmann 1991, 1993), (Patomki 2006, 2008).
Without delving into ontological discussions on possible Iutures, the barriers oI
prediction oI behavior oI social systems can be reduced to two interrelated groups
epistemological limitations at the levels oI individuals (observers and actors) and social
limitations resulting in interactions oI those individuals.
Typology oI epistemological barriers include:
- limitations oI mathematical models, which in some cases, e.g. non-linearity and
indeterminism, computational complexity, computational (algorithmic intractability)
can be treated as an ontological limitation, i.e. it`s is not only limited cognition but
existence oI such entities,
- natural cognitive limitations oI observer limited physiological capability to identiIy
and process variables (inIormation) depicting phenomenon (phenomena) under
scrutiny; they are also causes oI 'bounded rationality (Simon 1997) and Iraming and
prospect theory (Kahneman and Tversky 1979),
- scope and time horizon broad long-term predictions are more susceptible Ior
emergence oI other unpredicted (unpredictable changes),
- zebra principle the reasons are known aIterwards, but could not have been predicted
beIorehand; it particularly concerns the cognitive and decision making processes oI
political leaders (Webb 1995),
Social barriers oI prediction oI social processes include:
- sociopolitical inIluence (external pressure, conIormism, political correctness),
- normative distortions in prediction and anticipation,
- socio-cultural Iactors culturally-determined interpretations oI risk, cultural bias in
prediction and anticipation,
- selI-deIeating and selI-IulIilling prophecies the impact oI an
- inherent limitations oI intersubjectivity exposed in post-modernist and constructivist
approaches, e.g. disturbance in communication, deIiciencies in transIer oI meaning.

5. Prediction in security theory and policy
5.1.Systemic interpretation of security
The Iollowing questions should be a point oI departure in any considerations on
contemporary interpretations oI security:
1. What are the characteristics oI a social collectivity (or system) which can be depicted as
2. How can those characteristics be speciIied in a more detailed Iorm, not only with a broad
but superIicial and sometimes contradictory meaning?
Presence or absence oI security oI any social system or an individual, i.e. oI
circumstances threatening their existence and compelling to undertake extraordinary
activities, can be translated into a collection oI simple systemic characteristics. This collection
can be called the ,core concept oI security since all its elements can be identiIied in any
attempt to deIine security both objectively and stemming Irom various securitization
The expectation Ior the continued existence oI any social system is the key element oI
the assessment oI its security. OI course, Ior living systems and some social systems, the
predicted termination oI its existence is also a part oI its set oI norms. II survival or the
predicted decay are the aims oI existence, a kind oI desired state, then any disturbance
negatively aIIecting that process requires countermeasures. Thus a normative notion distur-
bance (disruption) actual or potential could be associated with such terms as danger, threat,
challenge, vulnerability and risk who`s meaning also requires Iurther elucidation. To
guarantee clarity oI considerations several ideas Irom systems thinking such as stability,
instability, discontinuity, complexity and several others are not applicable at this level oI
general considerations. But a closer look at their meaning may identiIy numerous
simpliIications and contradictions (Mesjasz 1999, 2006, 2008).
'Disturbance reIers to any object and can be caused by internal and external Iactors,
or by a mixture oI both. The disturbance should be identiIied by any observer-participant
(internal, external), and iI securitized regarded as threatening an actual status (existence?) oI
the system (individual), should lead to appropriate actions.
The control theory is used irrespective its deIiciencies due to constructivist limitations.
Social systems are treated as constructs made by observers or participants initially in their
cognitive processes and later in the social discourse. The term social systems is used
interchangeably with collectivities since in a constructivist approach the systems are created
by observers or participants Irom any social collectivities, e.g. a system constructed solely Ior
the purpose oI the study. This approach does not allow responding unequivocally what social
systems are but permits to circumvent the search Ior a universal deIinition oI those systems.

Similarly, in order to limit the too general character oI the core concept oI security, a
neutral concept oI an impulse inIluencing a system is replaced with a negatively valued notion
oI disturbance. Thus, the core concept oI security is a kind oI Iramework Ior all normative
discussions on existence and survival oI any social collectivities and individuals. Although it
is designed Ior ordering the discourse on relatively well-deIined, 'technical aspects oI
security, it can also be helpIul to introduce an additional rigour in the discussions on security
based on broadly deIined terms, like identity, or ,Ireedom Irom Iear. To discuss such ideas it
is necessary to understand the sense oI the words ,game. The ,core scheme oI security can
be extended in various directions by a combination oI these attributes:
1. Reference obfect: state, region, alliance, society, various social groups, nations, minorities,
ethnic groups, individuals, global system;
2. Areas where existential disturbances (threats) are emerging (sectors): political, military,
economic, ecological, societal, inIormational.
3. Methods of prediction (identification) of disruptions: Irom search Ior ,objective threats
to subjectively perceived threats, also resulting Irom social discourse (,securitization).
4. Methods of planning and performing extraordinarv actions (anticipation) aimed at
monitoring, preventing or eliminating existential threats (Fig.1).
An epistemological and ontological background Ior this application oI the systems approach can be Iound in
Midgley (2003).
(present, predicted,
Figure 1: The Core Concept oI Security.
Source: Mesjasz (2008)
Additional attention must be paid to changing interpretations oI the scheme in
,widening and ,deepening the meaning oI security. In classical, state-oriented
interpretations oI security, the disturbance (threat) could be resulting Irom purposive actions
by a clearly deIined ,threatener undermining actual or potential existence oI a threatened
object (system). In the widened and deepened interpretations oI security, the disturbances are
not so easily identiIied. II security is understood as the absence oI unusual disturbances
requiring extraordinary measures, then the questions are arising what is unusual (threatening)
disturbance, how it can be identiIied (predicted), and what does extraordinary mean?
In systemic terms an idea oI securitization is equivalent to the identiIication oI
external and internal changes perceived as actually or potentially disturbing a given state
(equilibrium?) and in an ultimate resort terminating the existence oI a social system and oI its
elements (individuals). Here it can only cursorily be mentioned that prediction oI disturbances
in the process oI securitization also requires more precise considerations. Securitization
allows deIining the extraordinary character oI actions which are to be undertaken in response
to the disturbances.

Figure 2. Systemic Framework oI Security.
The core concept oI security (Fig.1) is a point oI departure Ior developing a broader
Iramework idea oI security which can be used Ior studying the links between security treated
as attributes oI social systems and various concepts deIined as systems thinking, systems


monitoring complacency
prevention, negligence
monitoring complacency
protection negligence
approach or complex systems studies (Fig.2). This scheme cannot capture all aspects oI
security but oIIers a Ioundation Ior more rigorous considerations on security and its attributes,
and Ior the discourse on all concepts associated with security.
5.2. Definitions of risk
Since risk is deIined subjectively then deIinitions oI risk depend on speciIic
applications and situational contexts. In each area oI application, the term risk as 'qualiIied
aspect oI uncertainty has its own characteristics. In a common sense interpretation risk is
related to the expected losses which can be caused by a risky event and to the probability oI
this event. The harsher the loss and the more likely the event, the worse the risk.
It is diIIicult to prepare a homogeneous typology oI deIinitions oI risk. They can diIIer
according to their objective and subjective character. ThereIore the typology presented herein
includes but several representative deIinitions.
Obfective (positivist, quantifiable, probabilistic) definitions of risk
Risk as a measurable category is deIined several ways. In the simplest, 'pseudo-
mathematical way, risk is usually presented as a product oI hazard, value, vulnerability,
capacity, etc. The deIinitions presented in the table are obviously not always
operationalizable, but in many instances they are used Ior quantiIications oI diIIerently
understood risk.
Table. 1. QuantiIiable interpretations oI risk
Total risk Impact oI hazard x Elements at risk x Vulnerability oI elements at risk
(Blong, 1996, citing UNESCO)
'Risk` is the probability oI a loss, and this depends on three elements, hazard, vulnerability
and exposure. II any oI these three elements in risk increases or decreases, then risk
increases or decreases respectively.
(Crichton 1999)
Risk Hazard x Vulnerability x Value (oI the threatened area) x Preparedness
(De La Cruz-Reyna 1996)
'Risk (i.e. total risk`) means the expected number oI lives lost, persons injured, damage to
property and disruption oI economic activity due to a particular natural phenomenon, and
consequently the product oI speciIic risk and elements at risk. 'Total risk can be expressed in
pseudo-mathematical Iorm as:
Risk(total) Hazard x Elements at Risk x Vulnerability
(Granger et al. 1999)
Risk Probability x Consequences
(Helm 1996)
'Risk is a combination oI the chance oI a particular event, with the impact that the event
would cause iI it occurred. Risk thereIore has two components the chance (or probability)
oI an event occurring and the impact (or consequence)associated with that event. The
consequence oI an event may be either desirable or undesirable.In some, but not all cases,
thereIore a convenient single measure oI the importance oI a risk is given by:
Risk Probability Consequence.
(Sayers et al. 2002)
'Risk is the actual exposure oI something oI human value to a hazard and is oIten regarded as
the combination oI probability and loss.
(Smith 1996)
'Risk might be deIined simply as the probability oI the occurrence oI an undesired event
|but| be better described as the probability oI a hazard contributing to a potential disaster.
importantly, it involves consideration oI vulnerability to the hazard.
(Stenchion 1997)
Risk is 'Expected losses (oI lives, persons injured, property damaged, and economic activity
disrupted) due to a particular hazard Ior a given area and reIerence period. Based on
mathematical calculations, risk is the product oI hazard and vulnerability.
(UN DHA 1992)
Risk as a probability oI damages is closely related to hazards occurrence and severity, but at
least as signiIicantly to numerous other components: the vulnerabilitv oI the exposed unit, its
capacitv to anticipate, resist (resistance or robustness), Iace the adverse consequences oI the
impact (coping), and adapt to come back to an acceptable state (resilience). It can be said
thereIore, that risk is a Iunction oI hazard, vulnerability, resistance and resilience, the Iirst
two being multiplicators oI risk, and the last ones divisors: R I (H, V / Rtce, Rlce) (Nathan
'Pseudo Iormalizations oI risk have been begun with R H V (Blaikie and al. 1994),
replaced by R V x H in order to show the combination between hazards and vulnerabilities
that shape risk. As some scholars have argued that societies also have capacities to lessen
risk, the variable C appeared, as in UN/ISDR (2002), p 24: R H x V /C. Others (ZEF Bonn
(2002), p 11) have tried V H - C (coping) (Nathan 2007).
Business Continuity / Disaster Planning Iormulation oI Risk Threat x Vulnerability x
Source: (Kelman 2003), (Nathan 2007)

Other quantitative deIinitions oI risk represent but various interpretations oI
uncertainty and/or losses. It must be underlined that in some cases risk is not always deIined
as a negative category. Risk in Iinance is oIten deIined as the unexpected variability or
volatility oI returns, and thus includes both potential worse than expected as well as better
than expected returns. ReIerences to negative risk below should be read as applying to
positive impacts or opportunity (e.g. Ior loss read "loss or gain") unless the context precludes.
This interpretation can be called 'teleological (Irom 'telos) as expressing the
relation to goal achievement.
The deIinition:
Risk Hazard x Vulnerability x Potential Loss
is similar to the Business Continuity / Disaster Planning Iormulation oI
Risk Threat x Vulnerability x Impact
which is also used in some types oI security risk analysis.
In statistics risk is oIten mapped to the probability oI some event which is seen as
undesirable. Usually the probability oI that event and some assessment oI its expected harm
must be combined into a believable scenario (an outcome) which combines the set oI risk,
regret and reward probabilities into an expected value Ior that outcome. This deIinition can be
related to expected utility in economics.
In statistical decision theory, the risk Iunction oI an estimator o(x) Ior a parameter 0,
calculated Irom some observables x; is deIined as the expectation value oI the loss Iunction

o(x) estimator
0 the parameter oI the estimator
Means oI assessing risk vary widely between proIessions. Indeed, they may deIine
these proIessions; Ior example, a doctor manages medical risk, while a civil engineer manages
risk oI structural Iailure. A proIessional code oI ethics is usually Iocused on risk assessment
and mitigation (by the proIessional on behalI oI client, public, society or liIe in general).
Some industries manage risk in a highly quantiIied and numerate way. These include
the nuclear power and aircraIt industries, where the possible Iailure oI a complex series oI
engineered systems could result in highly undesirable outcomes. The usual measure oI risk Ior
a class oI events is then, where P is probability and C is consequence. The total risk is then
the sum oI the individual class-risks.
A speciIic deIinition oI risk which cannot be assigned to any oI the above groups was
proposed by Holton (2004). In his proposal deIinition oI risk is built upon the concept oI
exposure. Risk entails two essential components: exposure and uncertainty and can be treated
as an exposure to an uncertain proposition.
5.3.Dealing with risk, hazard, threat and vulnerability
This Iormula is drawn Irom the entry ,risk in Wikipedia (, 5 March 2007.
Since negotiating with exposure to risk may occur under diIIerent conditions natural
disasters, military, political, economic and social threats, thereIore it is necessary to she the
relations between deIinitions oI risk and other negatively assessed circumstances.
The basic vocabulary oI risk-associated concepts embodies the Iollowing terms: threat,
danger, hazard, resilience, robustness, vulnerability,
Detailed analysis oI the links between interpretations oI those terms and oI risk goes
beyond the scope oI this paper. A scheme oI interdependence between some oI them and a
speciIic quasi-mathematical Iormula has been proposed by Crichton (1999) as the 'Risk
Figure 3. Risk Triangle
Source: Crichton (1999, p.102).
The links between elements oI the triangle can be represented by the quasi-
mathematical equation:
Risk (Total) Hazard x Elements at Risk |Exposure| x Vulnerability
Changing society creates a new environment Ior negotiating. According to some
interpretations, understanding risk requires new theories extending the concept oI risk society
to a general theory oI risk in reIlexive modernity. The literature on governmentality and risk
reIers to Foucault (1991) and his concept oI a new style oI governance in modernity. In this
approach (regularly rather understood as a method than a theory), risk is mainly understood as
a concept produced entirely socially. There is no outer world, which Iorces society to respond
to risk. Instead risk is understood as a speciIic way how to shape and control populations and
to govern societies - Irom governmentality oI risk to the governance oI uncertainty (Zinn
More precisely deIined ways oI governing uncertainty and risk include such
approaches as risk management, risk assessment. Usually Iive steps in the risk management
process can be distinguished:
- identiIication oI exposure to loss,
- evaluation oI the loss exposure and available risk management techniques,
- selection oI risk management techniques,
- implementation oI a risk management program, and
- monitor the risk management program.
Risk assessment is a step in the risk management process. Risk assessment is
measuring two quantities oI the risk R, the magnitude oI the potential loss L, and the
probability p that the loss will occur.
It is worthwhile to remind that risk cannot be eliminated thereIore such concepts as
risk acceptance level and risk homeostasis can be proposed. The concept oI risk homeostasis
proposed by Wilde`s (1994) suggests that individuals, and by extension communities and
societies, maintain a speciIic level oI risk irrespective oI external inIluences. II we build walls
along rivers and coasts to alter Ilood hazard parameters under certain circumstances, then we
will build more property in Iloodable areas, reduce our preparedness, and behave diIIerently
so as to increase our vulnerability The overall risk does not change. Unless the 'target risk,
the risk we are willing to tolerate or accept, can be altered, external measures do little to
reduce total risk over the long-term (Kelman 2003).
4. Complexity studies and prediction in security studies
4.1. Meanings of complexity
There is no commonly accepted deIinition oI complexity. Although it seems neither
needed nor achievable but it leads to numerous conIusions, trivializations and abuses both in
theory and in practice everybody may have diIIerent associations when reIerring tom
intuitively interpreted complexity. First attempts to study complex entities go back to Weaver
(1948: disorganized and organized complexity), Simon (1962: Architecture oI Complexity)
and Ashby (1963: Law oI Requisite Variety). In explaining complexity Seth Lloyd (1989)
identiIied 31 deIinitions. Later, according to Horgan (1997: 303) this number increased to 45.
Numerous deIinitions oI complexity have been put beIore (Waldrop 1992), (Gell-Mann 1995),
(KauIIman 1993, 1995), (Holland 1995), (Bak 1996), (Bar-Yam 1997), (Biggiero 2001). The
impossibility to decompose this entity and its incomprehensibility are Iacets oI complexity.
According to Gell-Mann (1995) complexity is a Iunction oI the interactions between elements
in a system. Nicolis and Prigogine (1989) preIer measures oI complexity based on system
'behaviour rather than system interactions. Behaviour is also a basis oI analysis and
description oI Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS), (Holland 1995).
To avoid lengthy typological considerations, it is also assumed that complex systems
studies are regarded as a part oI systems thinking (Mesjasz 1988; Midgley 2003). Even more
diIIicult are deIinitions oI 'studies oI complexity and 'complex systems studies. The use oI
the terms 'complexity theory, or 'complexity science seems premature, although an idea oI
the 'emerging sciences oI complexity was proposed (Waldrop 1992). These challenges were
reIerred to by Horgan (1995) in: 'From Complexity to Perplexity.
The basic ideas concepts oI complexity studies are: dynamical system, complexity and
chaos. A dynamical system is a set oI inter-connected elements that change and evolve in
time (Schuster, 1984). A change in each element depends on inIluences Irom other elements.
Due to these mutual inIluences, the system as a whole evolves in time.
Complex systems exhibit non-linear behaviour that is reIerred to as positive Ieedback
where internal or external changes to a system produce ampliIying
. Non-linear
systems can generate a speciIic temporal behaviour which is called chaos. Chaotic behaviour
can be observed in time series as data points that appear random, and devoid oI any pattern
but show a deeper, underlying eIIect. During unstable periods, such as chaos, non-linear sy-
stems are susceptible to shocks (sometimes very small). This phenomenon, called sensitivity
to initial conditions` and popularized as the Edward Lorenz`s butterIly eIIect`, exempliIies
the cases, where a small change may generate a disproportionate change (Gleick 1997). The
major lesson oI nonlinear dynamics is that a dynamical system does not have to be "complex"
or to be described by a large set oI equations, in order Ior the system to exhibit chaos -- all
that is needed is three or more variables and some embedded nonlinearity (Ilachinski 1996, p.
Stanislaw Ulam once remarked that discerning non-linear phenomena and their mathematical models was 'like
deIining the bulk oI zoology by calling it the study oI non-elephant animals`. His point, clearly, was that the
vast majority oI mathematical equations and natural phenomena are nonlinear, with linearity being the
exceptional, but important, case (Campbell 1997, p. 218).
It should be also mentioned that the divide linear is predictable and non-linear is not predictable, is a
simpliIication. For instance, Newton`s equations Ior the two-body Kepler problem (the Sun and one planet) are
non-linear and yet explicitly solvable. It means that non-linearity not always leads to chaos. At the same time the
Iundamental equation oI quantum mechanics, the Schrdinger`s equation is absolutely linear (Sokal & Bricmont
1998, p. 144-145).
Complexity can be also characterized by a multitude oI other ideas such as artiIicial
liIe, attractors, biIurcations, co-evolution, edge oI chaos, spontaneous selI-organization,
learning, Iractals, power law, selI-organized criticality, instability, irreducibility, adaptability,
and Iar-Irom-equilibrium-states. These concepts have been developed predominantly by the
scholars associated with the Santa Fe Institute, and GottIried Mayer-Kress in particular
(Campbell and Mayer-Kress 1989), (Grossman and Mayer-Kress 1989), (Forrest and Mayer-
Kress 1991).
In addition, the works oI Ilya Prigogine on thermodynamics (dissipative structures,
Iar-Irom-equilibrium systems) (1997, 2003) and oI Herman Haken (2004) on synergetics have
also inIluenced the complexity discourse
Among the most recent ideas oI complex research are scale-Iree networks discovered
by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (2003). AIter Iinding that various networks, including social and
biological ones, had heavy-tailed degree distributions, Barabasi and co-workers coined the
term scale-Iree network` to describe the class oI networks that exhibit a power-law degree
distribution, which they presumed to describe all real world networks oI interest.
These ideas based upon mathematical modelling can be called hard` complexity
research in analogy to hard` systems thinking.
There is also another link between 'hard
and 'soIt complexity research. In 1980s the language oI chaos, complexity, non-linearity,
etc., was included, sometimes with criticism to the ideas oI postmodernism. In one oI its
Ioundational texts, 'The Postmodern Condition Jean-Franois Lyotard (1984), leaned
heavily on Iractal geometry as an example oI the "paradoxes" that purported to show how the
rationalism oI science would be its own undoing. Another postmodernist author, N.
Katherine Hayles (1990) noted that the recursive nature oI Iractal algorithms and nonlinear
dynamical systems increased uncertainty in ways that were analogous to the application oI
reIlexive thinking in postmodern philosophy and its undermining oI truth Ioundations
The 'soIt complexity research, or 'soIt systems thinking, includes ideas oI
complexity elaborated in other areas oI cybernetics and systems thinking, social sciences and
in psychology. Initially, 'hard and 'soIt systems thinking were developed almost
independently but aIter the growing impact oI mathematical modelling, the authors oI
qualitative concepts began to treat the 'hard complexity analogies and metaphors as a source
oI new ideas.
All those concepts listed here in alphabetical order are described in detailed in writings quoted in Bibliography
and in a vast literature on chaos, complexity and non-linearity.
The term soIt complexity science is used, among others, by Richardson and Cilliers (2001).
Errors and abuses oI analogies and metaphors drawn Irom complex systems research in postmodernist writings
have been described by Sokal and Bricmont (1998).
Subjectivity is the Iirst aspect oI complexity in the 'soIt approach. Following this
reasoning, Irom the perspective oI the second-order cybernetics, or in a broader approach,
constructivism (GlasersIeld 1995), (Biggiero 2001), complexity is not an intrinsic property oI
an object but rather depends on the observer. Usually it is stated that 'complexity, like beauty
is in the eyes oI the beholder.
To identiIy a meaning oI complexity based on some properties oI the relationships
between observers (human or cognitive systems) and observed systems (all systems) Biggiero
(2001, p. 3) treats predictability oI behaviour oI an entity as the Iundamental criterion Ior
distinguishing various kinds oI complexity. He proposes three classes oI complexity: (a)
deterministically or stochastically unpredictable objects; (b) predictable objects with inIinite
computational capacity; and (c) predictable objects with a transcomputational capacity. From
this typology, he deIined observed irreducible complexity` (OIC) as those states oI
unpredictability, which allow to classiIy an object in one oI these three classes. This deIinition
distinguishes complexity semantically in the new sense.
Biggiero`s typologies lead to two conclusions Ior studying social systems. First, selI-
reIerence characterizes the Iirst class, which relates to many Iorms oI undecidability and inter-
actions among observing systems (Foerster 1982). This property Iavours the subjective inter-
pretations oI complexity. Second, human systems are characterized by the presence oI all
sources and types oI complexity. Thus, human systems are the 'complexities oI complexities
(Biggiero 2001, p. 4-6).
In the social sciences, and particularly in sociology, special attention is given to the
concepts oI complexity oI social systems proposed by Niklas Luhmann. As one oI a Iew
authors, he attempted to provide a comprehensive deIinition oI a social system based solely
on communication and on the concept oI autopoiesis (selI-creation) oI biological systems.
According to Luhmann, a complex system is one where there are more possibilities than can
be actualized. Complexitv of operations means that the number oI possible relations becomes
too large with respect to the capacity oI elements to establish relations. It means that
complexity enIorces selection. The other concept oI complexity is deIined as a problem oI
observation. II a system has to select its relations itselI, it is diIIicult to Ioresee what relations
it will select, Ior even iI a particular selection is known, it is not possible to deduce which
selections would be made (Luhmann 1990, p. 81). The idea oI complexity oI Luhmann is also
used in deIining risk in social systems. The large number oI elements in a given system means
that not all elements can relate to all other elements. Complexity means the need Ior
selectivity, and the need Ior selectivity means contingency, and contingency means risk
(Luhmann 1993).
Complexity oI social system developed by Luhmann is strongly linked to selI-
reIerence since reduction oI complexity is also a property oI the system`s own selI-
observation, because no system can possess total selI-insight. This phenomenon is
representative Ior epistemology oI modern social sciences, where observation and selI-
observation, reIlexivity and selI-reIlexivity, and subsequently, selI-reIerence are playing a
growing role. According to this interpretation, social systems are becoming selI-observing,
selI-reIlexive entities trying to solve arising problems through the processes oI adaptation
(learning). The ideas oI a system containing models oI environment is also developed in
'hard complexity approach. In the CAS (Complex Adaptive Systems) internal models
(mechanisms) are an essential allowing Ior anticipation and prediction (Holland 1995).
Ideas originated in systems thinking and complexity studies are used in security-
oriented research as models, analogies and metaphors. According to this distinction, the term
model` is used only Ior mathematical structures. Mathematical models in complexity studies
can be applied in three areas: computing-based experimental mathematics, high precision
measurement made across various disciplines and conIirming universality` oI complexity
properties and rigorous mathematical studies embodying new analytical models, theorems and
Models, analogies and metaphors are instruments oI theories in social sciences and are
applied Ior description, explanatory oI causal relations, prediction, anticipation, normative
approach, prescription, retrospection, retrodiction, control and regulation. It is also
worthwhile to add that models, analogies and metaphors deriving Irom systems
thinking/complexity studies are gaining a special signiIicance in the social sciences. They are
treated as scientiIic` and obtain supplementary political inIluence resulting Irom sound`
normative (precisely prescriptive), legitimacy in any debate on security theory and policy.
It must be mentioned that contrary to physics, chemistry and biology, where only
mathematical models are applied in prediction, in social sciences it is also the qualitative
considerations are used in prediction. ThereIore the role oI analogies and metaphors taken Irom
complexity studies must be taken into account.
4.2. Complexity of social systems, security and prediction
In the early 21
Century the challenge oI predictability has acquired a new
signiIicance in social liIe and social theory. Unpredicted overwhelming changes, e.g. the
collapse oI the Soviet empire, new threats and vulnerabilities, e.g. environmental threats,
terrorism, increasing vulnerability oI technological structure oI modern civilization,
Irequently summarized as growing complexity oI the world (whatever that complexity might
mean), stir a question: Are we living in the 'Risk Society? (Beck 1986, 1992, 1999). Or,
perhaps we have to think about 'Predictable Surprises (Bazerman and Watkins 2004), or
even we have to agree that we have to accept 'ImperIect Knowledge Economics (Frydman
and Godlberg 2007). In such circumstances the term 'complexity used Irequently as a kind
oI mantra, or 'buzzword has gained a speciIic role in the language oI modern science and
social practice.
At the same time 'complexity scholars, i.e. the authors claiming to study complexity
oI nature and society, purposively or not, stimulate expectations oI practice by assigning
marketing-like titles to their works and courses 'Hidden Order, 'Harnessing Complexity,
Order out oI Chaos, 'Understanding Complex Organizations, etc.
The demand Irom practitioners (policy makers, military planners, managers) and
attempts to provide response by scholarly community is nothing unusual by itselI. A new
element in that discourse between practice and 'complexity studies is resulting Irom
awareness oI limited possibility, or even impossibility oI prediction oI social phenomena,
especially at macro and mezo scales. Such an epistemological pessimism can be acceptable in
academic discourse but cannot be transIerred to practice. Security policy, economic policy
and management are most representative examples oI the areas in which prediction is a
Ioundation Ior actions. An 'early warning is sometimes essential. That is why the need Ior
relevant predictions constitutes a Ioundation oI normative social sciences like security theory
and management theory.
A question is thus arising. II unpredictability or low reliability oI prediction is a key
Ieature oI complexity oI social phenomena, so what ideas drawn Irom complexity studies can
help policy-oriented social sciences in better understanding the sense oI prediction and its
This question is oI a special signiIicance in policy-oriented, normative sciences
dealing with social phenomena economics, Iinance, management theory, security-related
areas (international relations, security theory, peace and conIlict studies), which aim not only
at description and explanation, but also at providing guidance Ior action. In such areas
prediction is the one oI main objectives oI research.
Human knowledge is bounded by two limitations oI prediction. The Iirst one is
stemming Irom the very 'objective character oI external reality number oI elements, their
interactions, decomposition, etc. The second one is resulting Irom limitations oI human
cognition. As a matter oI Iact they booth overlap and are composed oI more elementary
Iactors. The latter barrier is a result oI a mixture oI psychological and social constraints. In
any social prediction, and in security theory and policy in particular, a special challenge is
associated with 'unthinkable situations. So perhaps complexity based discourse on
prediction can be helpIul in explaining why 'unthinkable becomes unthinkable.
By its very nature, the need Ior prediction was always an inherent part oI any
considerations on international security, internal security, saIety, etc. In the early writings, in
a kind oI proto-theory oI security in international relations, a successIul prediction oI threats,
or limits oI prediction, and resulting Iorm them possibility oI counteractions, i.e. possibility oI
control oI one`s own actions and potential actions oI an enemy were always the key issues
Hobbes, Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, etc.
In security theory understood as a policy science non-contingent predictability plays
only a limited role and contingent prediction (iI, then) is dominating.
Development oI security theory in a signiIicant extent can be reduced to the
elaboration oI methods oI enhancement oI capabilities oI prediction oI negatively valued
disturbances - threats (risks, dangers), and improvement oI understanding the reasons Ior their
unpredictability. It concerns both warning against emergence oI those threats, including a
long- and short-term predictions (early warning) as well as prediction oI actions (policy
making) and reactions to those actions, etc., etc.
Applications oI ideas taken Irom complexity studies in analysis oI the role oI
prediction in security theory and policy have to reIer to the meaning oI broadened and
deepened interpretations oI security and to the links between new ideas oI security and
deIinitions oI complexity. They are reIlected in epistemological (cognitive) and socio-
political limitations oI prediction in security theory and policy.
Epistemological determinants
Assuming that in a systemic interpretation threats to security can be deIined as
disturbances, both surprising and not surprising, the latter especially important Ior broadened
and deepened sense oI security, e.g human security, it is necessary to enumerate possible
threatening situations.
Firstly the threats (disturbances) may be known and predictable, e.g. pain as a result oI
injury. Secondly, the disturbances may be knows but unpredictable, e.g. when, where and
how a hurricane will strike. Thirdly, unknown threats, sometimes even unthinkable. The last
ones are especially important in security theory and policy. Initially it was a key issue in
military thinking (surprise) but at present growing complexity oI socio-economic systems,
including new threats, e.g. terrorism, makes them even more important in all sectors oI
widened security discourse.
The Iirst epistemological determinant inIluencing prediction not only in security
theory and in social sciences and in virtually entire all human knowledge, are the discoveries
in mathematics, physics and chemistry made in the 1970s and in the 1980s, which were
labeled as science oI complexity, chaos theory, Iar-Irom-equilibrium systems, etc. Although
they are predominantly applicable in rigorous mathematical models which can hardly be
directly transIerred to socials sciences they gave ground Ior emergence a vast collection oI
writings, Irequently trivialized, on chaos, complexity and non-linearity in social sciences,
including obviously IR and security studies. In the discourse on security theory the concepts
drawn Irom 'complexity science, chaos theory, non-linearity were used not only as
mathematical models but they have become a source Iield Ior metaphors and analogies
. The
impact oI those ideas upon security research has been and still is broadly discussed although
numerous simpliIication in their applications oIten require Iurther elucidation
It is also worthwhile to underline that the chaos theory by exposing sensitivity oI
changes to the initial conditions (small cause-big eIIect), the Iamous 'butterIly eIIect, has
allowed to reaIIirm 'scientiIically, a phenomenon which is selI-evident, i.e. that Irequently
big changes are completely dependent on very small initial impulses (the 'Cleopatra's nose'
idea oI history).
The use oI models and metaphors deriving Irom the concepts oI complex systems
allows to observe that non-linear dynamics makes clear that chaotic dynamics ought not be
misinterpreted to mean random dynamics.
According to Ilachinski (1996, p. 56) the most important lesson oI deterministic chaos
is that dynamical behavior that appears to be chaotic or random oIten contains an embedded
regularity. II this embedded regularity can be uncovered and identiIied, it can potentially be
exploited by the decision maker:
- short term predictions; given suIIicient data, time series analysis permits one to make
short-term predictions about a system's behavior, even iI the system is chaotic;
In social sciences it is Irequently Iorgotten that non-linearity may have three interpretations and a non-linear
system is not necessarily chaotic (Sokal and Bricmont 1998, p. 140-145).
For Iurther comprehensive elucidation oI the links between complexity studies and security theory and policy
see Ilachinski (1996, 1996a), (Rosenau 1990, 1997, 2002)
moreover, these prediction can be made even when the underlying dynamics is not
- long-term trends; iI the attractors oI a system are known or can be approximated (say,
Irom available historical time series data), long-term trends can be predicted;
knowledge about visitation Irequencies oI points on an attractor provides insight into
the probabilities oI various possible outcomes; Lyapunov exponents quantiIy the
limits oI predictability.
- qualitative understanding oI a social system
; the inIormation dimension can be used
to estimate the minimum number oI variables needed to describe a system; moreover,
iI a system can be shown to have a small non-integer dimension, it is probable that the
underlying dynamics are due to nonlinearities and are not random.
It must be added that Iar Irom being unmanageable, chaos is in Iact to some extent
predictable and manageable (Hbler, 2005). Hbler states that in the management oI chaos,
the more unstable the causal Iield, the gentler must be the touch in trying to control the
dynamics oI the phenomena in question. Heavy handed control tactics might work with
simpler attractors but Ior more complex ones prediction control eIIorts lose eIIicacy.
When presenting inspiration Irom chaos theory and complexity theory, or better,
complexity theories on prediction-oriented security analyses, it is worthwhile to remember
that already in the 1960s in sociology the Iirst doubts on prediction in social sciences were
cast due to the Heisenberg Principle which was used as to illustrate the impact oI observer
upon the subject oI the study and which was to a large extent Irequently abused aIterwards.
Even at present the works are appearing in which reIerence to the links between security
issues, the Iirst GulI War and quantum mechanics are made at a metaphorical level (Glynn
1995). Validity oI that kind oI metaphors, at least at the level oI policy oriented language
seems rather dubious.
The second barrier oI predictability is associated with the very deIinition and
identiIication oI social systems. Social systems are both cognitive constructs and composition
oI tangible elements. Taking into account the intangible aspects oI social systems any
research soon Iaces the barriers oI selI-reIerence, recurrence, etc., Even assuming a
simpliIication that a social system can described with relevant parameters there is always a
barrier oI their relevance and measurement. Since it is not always possible it can be
concluded that prediction is impaired already at the stage oI system identiIication.
Ilachinski (1996, p. 59) Iocuses solely on battleIield,
The third epistemological obstacle oI prediction in security-related studies has been
already mentioned earlier when the inherent limits oI mathematical modeling going to the
very Ioundations oI mathematics have been described with reIerence to the works by Chaitin
(2001) (Kolmogorov or Chaitin complexity oI the prediction problem the length oI the
shortest programme that generates the prediction (taking the program to include the initial
data as well as the instructions), and WolIram (2002) (Computational Irreducibility).
The Iourth epistemological Iactor inIluencing prediction-oriented discourse in security
studies was associated with development oI post-modernist and post-structuralist approaches.
Taking in a simpliIied way, by putting stress on subjectivity, intersubjectivity and discourse,
post-modernism denies any possibility oI prediction (HopI 1988), (Der Derian and Shapiro
1989), (Webb 1995). This research approach developed in several so-called critical writings
on security rejects possibility oI prediction, even with the use oI mathematical models since
mathematics is also regarded not as an objective instrument oI identiIication oI invariants in
the social phenomena, but as a social construct (Albert and Hilkermeier 2003) (Patomki
2006, 2008).
It should be underlined that in one oI the most inIluential books on security (Buzan et
al., 1998) post-modernism, in not an orthodox Iorm, is the Ioundation oI security as an 'act
oI speech and oI securitization. The authors oI that book do not deny possibilities oI
prediction, they simply do not express openly their views on that topic. The Iact that security
is becoming a subjective (or inter-subjective) category moves attention Irom traditional
approaches to enhance predictability to the investigations into cognitive processes, social
communication, decision-making processes. And this makes prediction even less Ieasible,
since it is becoming dependent on the studies oI mental processes oI individuals, not only key
decision makers but also on all actors involved in the securitization processes.
There are also several attempts to make a kind oI synthesis oI the concepts oI
complexity and chaos with the ideas oI post-modernism. Usually they are built upon
application oI metaphors and analogies oI chaos, non-linearity and other 'Iashionable
utterances drawn Irom the vocabulary oI complexity studies. Some oI them reIer to the limits
oI prediction in non-linear or chaotic discourse and iI well-grounded in security theory they
can provide new insights, predominantly Ior description and explanation although the
language oI security theory and policy enriched with those terms could be also useIul in
predictive, normative and regulatory approaches.
Applications oI the language taken Irom complexity studies may have sometimes a
completely abusive character. On the contrary, in some cases they were based upon
superIicial, simpliIied and scientistic speculations as it was shown in the case oI the (in)
Iamous 'Sokal Hoax (Sokal and Bricmont 1998).
Obviously, the above two epistemological limitations oI predictability cannot be
completely eliminated but at least they negative impact can be compensated iI the researchers
and policy makers in security-related Iields are aware oI the Iollowing rules:
- mathematical models oI social systems based upon complex systems ('hard
complexity studies) should be made with deep understanding oI Iormal sense oI the
models and deep understanding oI social phenomena which are modeled,
- there is not any unique models oI complexity, usually in recent studies they are linked
with Complex Adaptive Systems although in some other writings reIerence is made to
synergetics (Haken 1997), thermodynamics, both classical and non-equilibrium
thermodynamics (Prigogine 1997, 2003), (Prigogine and Stengers 1984).
- models and analogies drawn Irom various areas oI 'hard complexity studies should
be applied only when it is possible to explain their useIulness, not only when they
seem to reIlect the intuitions oI the users.
Associated with the above one is the IiIth Iactor - broadening and deepening oI the
meaning oI security. While Ior a narrowly deIined state military security predictions based
upon more or less advanced mathematical modeling including, Ior example, game theory or
statistical research, seemed legitimate, thus Ior numerous interpretations oI security in
diIIerent sectors any universal methods oI prediction do not seem relevant. In such a case only
speciIic methods applied to more or less precisely deIined issues may help in identiIication oI
the Iuture states oI the world.
It should be taken into account that broadening and deepening oI the sense oI security
is associated with 'securitization. In such case the aIorementioned limitations oI prediction
in intersubjectivity must be taken into consideration.
The sixth epistemological barrier oI prediction is deriving Irom a constructivist
character oI contemporary deIinitions oI security. II the threat is a product oI intersubjective
discourse, or 'securitizing move, thus its prediction can be also viewed as a process in which
objective characteristics oI threats are mixed with subjective interpretations.
Both classical 'subjective and an intersubjective approach to threats brings to the Iore
another, seventh, barrier oI prediction. In the core concept oI security threat is associated with
a disruptive rapid change (disturbance) thus prediction Iocus on possible appearance oI
disruptive negatively assessed change. But in some cases the threats are not unexpected but
may be prolonged like, Ior example, excessive use oI natural resources. ThereIore prediction
oI their occurrence does not concern just events but may be based upon analysis oI processes.
In that case it is necessary to identiIy which gradual processes/phenomena assessed positively
may bring about negative consequences the 'boiling-Irog parable (Senge 1990, p. 22).
The last, eighth epistemological barrier oI prediction in security theory, is stemming
Irom natural limitations oI human reasoning expressed in bounded rationality (Simon 1997)
and prospect theory (Kahneman and Tversky 1997)
The above collection oI epistemological barriers or prediction in security theory and
policy is neither complete nor precise. Threats viewed as results oI discourse may lead to the
situation when prediction cannot solely rely upon mathematical modeling but should also be
supported with a proper psychological, social and political context. i.e. prediction in the right
moment Ior the right people. In such case two kinds oI complexity can be involved. 'Hard
complexity based uniquely on mathematical modeling and 'soIt complexity providing the
context Ior elaboration oI the models and Ior interpretation oI their results. In another
situation, when mathematical modeling is irrelevant or impossible, the language oI analogies
and metaphors provided by 'soIt complexity can be used in creating qualitative predictions.
Sociopolitical determinants
First and Ioremost, it is the increased complexity oI social systems treated as a socio-
political phenomenon characterizing the modern world adds new constraints to the already
well-known epistemological barriers oI predictability. Complexity oI the world signiIicantly
undermine two traditional pillars oI prediction possibility oI reduction the relations to more
or less simple causal and separable links, and possibility oI application oI inductive reasoning
based upon extrapolation oI earlier trends. In the complex world with overwhelming amount
oI inIormation it is becoming less plausible to expect that the past events will be continued
according to the same patterns. This incapability oI humanity to deal not only with prediction,
but with comprehending oI the complex world has received a catchy term 'the ingenuity gap
(Homer-Dixon 2002). By the same token it may be added that modern complex 'risk society
produces risk due to its complexity (Beck 1986, 1992, 1999).
The second sociopolitical Iactor, an unexpected and to a large extent unpredicted
collapse oI the Soviet empire, is putting in doubt prediction capabilities not only oI the
security studies as a scientiIic domain. It also cast shadow on the intellectual qualities oI
people involved in that Iield as well as on social credibility and legitimacy oI institutions
dealing proIessionally with prediction oI security threats. AIter the end oI the Cold War
representatives oI all areas oI security-related disciplines have Iound themselves in a very
discomIorting intellectual position. Thousands oI 'sovietologists and 'kremlinologists were
Iaced by a Iact that their analyses, or better discourse, proved almost useless in making at
least partly successIul long-term and medium-term predictions.
Only a Iew authors, Karl W. Deutsch (1954), a Soviet dissident, Andrei Amalrik
(1970) and a sociologist, Randall Collins (1986) heralded the imminent collapse oI the Soviet
system. Amalrik`s visions were based on intuitions and knowledge oI the Soviet reality.
Deutsch saw the roots oI Iailure oI the Soviet system in inherent contradictions and
pathologies in centralised systems oI governance, while Collins` prediction was more
rigorous, deriving Irom analysis oI geopolitical Iorces standing behind the dynamic oI change
in the USSR.
Majority oI theoreticians and policy planners in economics and in politics, both in the
East and in the West, were not able to make predictions increasing their readiness to
implement new solutions aIter the collapse oI the USSR. The reasons Ior such a course oI
event were assessed by several leading IR scholars (Gaddis 1992), (HopI 1993), (Singer
Obviously, it was not the Iirst time when security theory and policy were conIronted
with surprising course oI events. Predictions oI Norman Angell`s (1910) 'Great Illusion, or
the vision oI the year 2000 elaborated by Kahn and Weiner (1967) did not prove correct.
The case oI unexpected and unpredicted peaceIul demise oI the Soviet Union can be
connected with the third sociopolitical Iactor determining predictability in security theory and
policy which is resulting Irom psychological and social mechanisms distorting the processes
oI prediction by individuals and by institutions. These mechanisms are associated with
psychological, social and political constraints. It Irequently happens that some oI the
predictions are suppressed due to various mechanisms oI inhibition at the level oI individuals,
e.g. routine or excessive selI-conIidence and lack oI selI-criticism. There are also numerous
social mechanisms inhibiting prediction, various Iorms oI more or less open censorship -
political correctness, political and cultural constraints, institutional inertia, selI-delusion, etc.
The above socio-political constraints are perIectly reIlected in a comment made by
HopI in the discussion on the reasons Ior Iailures oI prediction oI an unexpected end oI the
Cold War. 'Can anyone imagine a senior international relations scholar applying to the
Carnegie Endowment in 1972 Ior a research grant to investigate the conditions under which
Moscow would most likely voluntarily relinquish control over Eastern Europe? (HopI 1993,
p. 207).
In an extreme Iorm it may lead to a situation when some security scholars, advisors
and policy makers would reIrain Irom presented all possible scenarios since they might be
aIraid oI preparing 'politically incorrect worst case scenario. Some more recent cases, e.g.
conIusion around existence oI the WMD in Iraq may only raise doubts iI institutions
proIessionally involved in gathering inIormation and providing scenarios and advice are not
subdued to the mechanisms oI political inIluence distorting validity oI their analyses.
In this case a special place is taken by 'unthinkable threats. A Iew questions are
immediately arising. Why are they unthinkable? Is it due to basic epistemological reasons, or
due to some known and not yet known psychological and socio-political limitations? Are
there any socio-political constraints oI selI-blindening?

Emergence oI global terrorism, sometimes on a mass-scale is the Iourth sociopolitical
Iactor having a strong impact on prediction in contemporary security theory and subsequently,
on security policy. Limited predictability or complete unpredictability are the essential parts
oI the methods oI terrorist warIare. Due to scale and increased complexity oI social systems
making them highly vulnerable to unsophisticated yet damaging threats, limits oI
predictability oI terrorist attacks increase their social impact.
The IiIth sociopolitical Iactor determining prediction in security theory and policy is
resulting Irom a kind oI 'inIormation asymmetry or 'uneven knowledge especially
signiIicant in security-oriented research. It is easy to come to the conclusion when reading the
works in IR that the so-called empirical basis oI research, and alas, theoretical generalizations,
is in most cases based upon openly available sources media, reports, etc. Even in not so
much security sensitive considerations there are always the distortions resulting Irom natural
barriers oI social communication. However, in security discourse the barrier oI secrecy is an
inherent Iactor. ThereIore any critically thinking analyst may Ieel discomIort realizing that
his/her research on security sensitive issues may be put in doubt or even ridiculed when a true
state oI aIIairs is disclosed, say, twenty or more years later.
All the above limitations oI prediction contribute to descriptive uses oI the term
complexity with various metaphorical interpretations in security-related discourse. In terms oI
more precisely deIined ideas the sense oI prediction in security studies can be described with
both 'hard and 'soIt complexity.
As a source oI inspiration Ior analysis oI the links between complexity, prediction and
security, an idea by Fellman and and Wright (2003) can be described. Although the authors
It would be perhaps worthwhile to re-read the book by Barbara Tuchman (1984) ,The March oI Folly with
the use oI concepts taken Irom the discourse on the role oI prediction in politics and security.
use develop their concept Ior assessing prediction oI terrorist activities, their idea seems very
relevant to more general considerations on security.
In most cases threats to security in all sectors Iall into the category oI irreducible
complexity and ambiguity. In terms oI Iormal properties oI the system, security threats Iall
somewhere between the purely chaotic and the Iully deterministic realms, which we represent
as a non-linear dynamical system, characterized by a low-order chaotic attractor.
Such phenomena, which exhibit regularity but not periodicity (i.e., locally random, but
globally deIined), can be predicted and controlled with two approaches applied by Farmer
(2001) to prediction oI terrorist actions. These approaches can be extended to any security
threat (disturbance) in all security sectors. One is to predict the detailed trajectory that the
system will take. To predict the trajectory oI something, you have to understand all the details
and keep track oI every little thing. This is particularly so when it involves a large number oI
independent actors, each oI which is diIIicult to predict. The other road to prediction and
control is to change the system in a more Iundamental way. Change the parameters and get rid
oI the behavior you don't want.
It may be thus concluded that although total predictivity is impossible, in security-
oriented research a limited prediction is possible at several aggregate levels beginning Irom
the global, through inter-state and state, and ending with non state actors and group behavior
mid-range level. Fellman and Wright (2003) link the mid-range level with improving the
perIormance oI those organizations tasked with preventing or combating terrorism. This can
be achieved not at the level oI state leadership, and not at the level oI mapping and predicting
the behavior oI each individual terrorist, but rather at an intermediate or organizational level -
'action at the mid-range.
5. Prediction and critical approaches in security studies
All the above discussion oI the links between complex systems and prediction in
security-oriented considerations were based upon classical, rationalist assumptions.
Mathematical models and analogies, and metaphors deriving Irom them were used according
to neo-positivist, more or less empirically supported studies.
As it was stated previously in contemporary security theory, the idea oI security is
deepened and broadened, threats have lost objective character and are perceived as an
outcome oI intersubjective discourse leading to securitization. This approach can be divided
into two basic trends. The Iirst one developed under inIluence oI postmodernism,
poststructuralism, social constructivism, and the second, inIluenced by critical realism. All
those ideas can be directly linked with 'soIt, verbally described complexity.
Similarly as in other social studies based upon modern ideas oI social sciences
deriving Irom Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault criticism is addressed
against (neo)positivism, rationality, prediction and control oI social phenomena.
Subsequently, limitations oI prediction in critical approaches in security theory can be divided
into two, partly overlapping groups. The Iirst includes limitations stemming Irom subjectivity
and intersubjectivity and the second, resulting Irom critical realism.
DiIIusion oI ideas oI postmodernism, poststructuralism opened the way Ior the-so-
called critical trend in theory oI International Relations, and in security theory (HopI 1998),
(Webb 1995) (Critical Approaches to Security in Europe: A Networked ManiIesto 2006)
(Guzzini & Jung 2004) .
This criticism is becoming somehow discomIorting Ior the mainstream theory oI
deepened and broadened security theory as well as Ior alternative trends, such as peace
research. The simpliIied essence oI the problem results Irom that Iact that in postmodernism
and constructivism, both meaning and reality are socially constructed. Subsequently, any
temporal regularities which could be a basis Ior prediction cannot be treated as true,
'objective regularities used in mathematical modeling. II prediction is impossible, and even
iI technical discussions on the barriers on prediction are purposeless, thus discourse on
security is Iacing a challenge how to deIine threats, risks, etc. Even in the already
mentioned idea oI securitization some assumptions about the Iuture state oI events are
An attempt oI linking critical approach in security theory with constructive proposal
about prediction has been made by Heikki Patomki (2006, 2008). His main assumption is
that 'Notwithstanding the lack oI stable regularities, the whole point behind the peace and
security studies is that they should contribute to the better understanding oI the Iuture
conditions oI peace and security (Patomki 2008, p. 6).
The dilemma between the need Ior prediction in security theory and policy and
impossibilities and limits oI prediction unsolvable in post-modernist and post-structuralist
approaches is dealt with the use oI a speciIic ontological and epistemological approach.
The point oI departure oI discussion is critical realism, a philosophical approach that deIends
the critical and emancipatory potential oI rational (scientiIic and philosophical) enquiry
against both positivist, broadly deIined, and 'postmodern' challenges. Its approach emphasises
the importance oI distinguishing between epistemological and ontological questions and the
signiIicance oI objectivity properly understood Ior a critical project. Its conception oI
philosophy and social science is a socially situated, but not socially determined one, which
maintains the possibility Ior objective critique to motivate social change.
Critical realism is presently most commonly associated with the works oI Roy Bhaskar
(1975/1997, 1978). Bhaskar developed a general philosophy oI science that he described as
transcendental realism, and a special philosophy oI the human sciences that he called critical
naturalism. The two terms were elided by other authors to Iorm the umbrella term critical
Transcendental realism attempts to establish that in order Ior scientiIic investigation to
take place, the object oI that investigation must have real, manipulable, internal mechanisms
that can be actualised to produce particular outcomes. This is what we do when we conduct
experiments. This stands in contrast to empiricist scientists' claim that all scientists can do is
observe the relationship between cause and eIIect. Whilst empiricism, and positivism more
generally, locate causal relationships at the level oI events, Critical Realism locates them at
the level oI the generative mechanism, arguing that causal relationships are irreducible to
empirical constant conjunctions oI David Hume's doctrine. Regularities are not stable and/or
are not perceived as stable. In other words, a constant conjunctive relationship between events
is neither suIIicient nor even necessary to establish a causal relationship.
Critical naturalism argues that the transcendental realist model oI science is equally
applicable to both the physical and the human worlds. However, study oI the human world is
something Iundamentally diIIerent Irom studying the physical world. Critical naturalism
thereIore prescribes social scientiIic method which seeks to identiIy the mechanisms
producing social events, but with a recognition that these are in a much greater state oI Ilux
than they are in the physical world (as human structures change much more readily than those
oI, say, a leaI). In particular, we must understand that human agency is made possible by
social structures that themselves require the reproduction oI certain actions/pre-conditions.
Further, the individuals that inhabit these social structures are capable oI consciously
reIlecting upon, and changing, the actions that produce them.
The concept oI an open system is one oI the Ioundations oI reasoning in critical
realism. Following Bhaskar (1978, p. 76-86), Patomki (2008, p. 4) depicts an open system as
an opposition to a closed system. In a closed system extrinsic and intrinsic conditions remain
Introduction to critical realism is partly based upon the Wikipedia
(, 17 August 2007.
constant. Although external inIluencers exert some impact on a system its structure can be
treated as given or constant, or at least isomorphic in time.
Wherever possible, in laboratory experiments researchers may create artiIicial
extrinsic closures to identiIy the causally powerIul mechanisms which can be also relevant to
open systems. Similar closures are not possible in social systems and due to their reIlective
character they cannot be treated as closed in which any constant regularities (conjunctions)
The distinction which can be made in theoretical discussions is somehow abstract and
it should be agreed that it is not always possible to delineate an open or a closed system.
Patomki`s (2006, p. 5) approach to prediction in security discourse reIers directly and
indirectly to qualitative complexity theory when he reminds that social systems are not only
selI-reIlexive but also selI-producing (autopoietic)
ThereIore in a Ilux oI social processes always exist some not-so-well-structured
patterns. The economist Tony Lawson calls such patterns 'demi-regularities or "demi-regs,"
by which he means "a partial event regularity which prima facie indicates the occasional, but
less than universal, actualization oI a mechanism or tendency, over a deIinite region oI time-
space" (1997, p. 204). In security theory and policy democratization in the last twenty years,
increased number oI people living in urban areas or technology-led arms race can be treated
as exemplary demi-regs.
The general ideas oI demi-regs and their limitations in prediction translate into some speciIic
Ieatures oI those who describe reality and attempt to make predictions. From a broad variety
oI characteristics described by Patomki (2007, p. 7) the Iollowing ones can be mentioned:
- interIerence between a subject`s interest in an object and his/her knowledge
(conscious - lying, semiconscious wishIul thinking, unconscious rationalization oI
motivation; mystiIications or reiIications oI social structures (Bhaskar 1979, p. 74),
- Iailure to see the particular image schemas, categorical structures, prototypes, Irames
or metaphors that give rise to particular Iorms oI reasoning; human thought is mostly
unconscious, abstract concepts are largely metaphorical, and embodied reason is
emotionally engaged (LakoII and Johnson 1999),
- the eIIects oI social processes may be presented as being beyond the reach oI human
inIluence (reiIication oI social systems),
- pathological learning (selI-destructive learning) resulting Irom will and power, which
Patomki`s reIerence to the concept oI social autopoiesis creates a link with 'soIt complexity oI social
systems analyzed by Niklas Luhmann .
may lead to overvaluation oI the past against the present and the Iuture, the
overvaluation oI experiences acquired in a limited environment against the vastness oI
the universe around us; and the overvaluation oI present expectations against all
possibilities oI surprise, discovery and change (Deutsch 1963, p. 248).
While postmodernism and postructuralism do not provide any constructive and
operationalizable recommendation Ior prediction, critical realism provides a background Ior
more productive approaches. Critical realist ontology, Irequently applying the metaphors oI
deriving Irom the discourse on complexity, explains why there are multiple possible Iutures.
The actual is only a part oI the real world, which also consists oI nonactualised possibilities
and unexercised powers oI the already existing structures and mechanisms that are
transIactually eIIicacious in open systems. Furthermore, emergence is also real. It is possible
that new powers, structures and mechanisms emerge and existing ones may disappear.
Patomki (2006, p. 9)
Critical realism also brings about a strong normative load. In an interpretation
presented by Patomki (2006, p. 10-11) Bhaskar is concerned less with the methodology oI
studying multiple possible Iutures than with establishing the ontological and epistemological
grounds Ior emancipatory social transIormations. Rather than theorising Iurther on possible
Iutures, he is mostly interested in establishing an abstract direction Ior emancipatory change
and explicating conditions Ior the possibility and success oI emancipation, emphasising the
role played by the social sciences.
For Bhaskar (1979, p. 43-44), critical social sciences must be involved in making
better Iutures. Society is both the ever-present condition (the material and Iormal cause) and
the continually-reproduced outcome oI human agency.
Like Ricoeur, Bhaskar argues that this ontological condition makes the relationship
between a researcher and his/her object oI knowledge more complicated than in the natural
sciences. Although (also contemporary) social objects usually exist and Iunction
independently oI the researcher, subject and object are nonetheless related both internally and
Normative load oI prediction makes the process even more complex and diminishes
expectations Ior predictions assessed in traditional terms oI plausibility and accuracy. Using
another vantage point it may be stated that prediction is treated as a learning process and
critical realism adds a normative approach to that process
. ThereIore, improving prediction
is equivalent to improvement oI both individual and social learning.
II regularities in social systems are always purely selI-reIlective, or at least are under
partial inIluence oI selI-reIlective human decisions and actions thus in predicting social
phenomena, social, psychological and cultural Iactors must be taken into account. An
orthodox interpretation oI reIlexivity in social systems may lead to the conclusion oI limited
relevance oI application oI mathematical modeling in studying 'reiIied social phenomena.
Due to statistical character oI some social phenomena, e.g. urban dynamics,
exploitation oI natural resources, Iinancial markets, the human Iactor selI-reIlexive decision
and action is not so openly inIluential/visible. Thus in such cases a higher degree oI
objectivization ('reiIication) is acceptable and mathematical modeling/simulation taken Irom
science can be used Ior prediction.
Recommendations Ior prediction in security-oriented sciences which results Irom
critical realists concepts can be summarized as Iollows. The concepts oI open system` and
contrastive demi-regularity` are also essential to Iutures studies. Patomki (2006, p. 29-30)
has argued Ior redeIining an open system in terms oI selI-organising systems and in
accordance with recent developments in the liIe and cognitive sciences. Demi-regs can also
result, perhaps indirectly, Irom homeostatic causal loops, selI-regulation via Ieedback and
reIlexive selI-regulation, i.e. Irom internal restructuring aimed at some kind oI order and
regularity. Regularities are not thereIore necessarily indicative oI any sort oI closure but may
result Irom the active monitoring and regulation oI conditions and processes. Despite the
existence oI selI-producing and -regulating systems, the analysis oI unintended consequences
must be a central Iocus in all contexts. SelI-regulation may be absent, ineIIicient, illusory,
contradictory or selI-deIeating and unintended consequences may in Iact play the main role in
sustaining social mechanisms and structures.
Despite advanced theoretical considerations, the main conclusions about prediction
stemming Irom critical approaches in security studies are relatively simple.
First and Ioremost, any prediction cannot be made 'objective and various trends oI social
sciences methodology diIIer solely in the method oI deIining approaches to subjectivity. In
consequence oI that stress should be put on creating scenarios reIlecting deep cultural and
psychological patterns. Creating scenarios should be viewed as a speciIic case oI story-telling
determined by culture and interests oI the story tellers.
Prediction as a learning process has been widely used in normative, prediction-oriented management theory in
the scenario planning (van der Heijden 1996).
Second, prediction can be viewed as creating scenarios oI possible Iutures in a selI-
reIlexive process oI learning. Scenarios should be thoroughly and deeply analyzed as to
disclose possible deeper meaning. It is not suIIicient to identiIy some relevant demi-regs and
then speciIy the geo-historical conditions Ior their continuation. These empirical Iacts and
their meaning and implications should Iirst be critically examined.
Third, reIlexive monitoring oI temporal action requires that actors themselves tell
stories about the past, the present and the Iuture. They also know that (many) others are
equally concerned about anticipating Iuture developments. Moreover, structured and reIlexive
anticipations may also constitute a part oI the organising rules and principles in a social
system. The case in point is an organisation that plans its Iuture actions on the basis oI various
anticipations and Iorecasts. Actors may also try to shape others` anticipations in a variety oI
ways. For example, modern ideologies and propaganda are oIten based on creating and
repeating particularand Irequently categorically Ialseanticipations oI better Iutures.
Moreover, anticipations oI particular Iutures can sometimes be part oI a strategic game
between actors. When inIormation is asymmetric, actors may also try to manipulate
anticipations made by others.
Fourth, according to the Iundamental idea oI prediction based upon critical
approaches, scenario making is not a value-Iree, objective process. On contrary, it is always
needed to make scenarios a part oI social normative learning. So any manipulation oI others`
anticipations should be avoided. Patomki (2006, p. 28) concludes: Social scientiIic
scenarios should be public and based on criticisable intersubjective truth-judgments...A
study oI possible Iutures also involves maniIold ethico-political choices; the building oI
scenarios Ior possible Iutures always has a moral aspect. For example, iI we have good
reasons to believe in the possibility oI a nuclear war, we should use our story-telling
capacities in making a contribution towards avoiding that outcome. Constructing scenarios
about desirable and Ieasible Iutures is a legitimate task Ior the social sciences.
6. Conclusions
The above survey allows Ior drawing several conclusions stemming Irom applications
oI complex systems models in prediction in security-related research and policy. First and
Ioremost, it has to be emphasized that the aim oI the study was to assess how complex
systems models can help in better understanding limitations oI prediction oI risk, threats etc.,
in security studies, and not to study iI prediction can be directly improved with the use oI
those models. It must be also added that although the conclusions reIer to security-oriented
research they can be extended to other normative domains oI social theories, like Ior example,
Prediction is one oI the aims oI mathematical modeling oI natural phenomena. This
aim is much more limited when related to social systems. 'Traditional mathematical
methods applied in normative social sciences or security studies, aimed predominantly at
increasing predictive capabilities operations research, early versions oI systems analysis.
Broadly deIined complexity models, including the so-called chaos, applied in physics
and biology helped to disclose limitations undermining traditional expectations about
possibilities oI prediction. Those barriers oI predictability, along with other speciIic barriers,
typical Ior social sciences, can be also be reIerred to in the discussions on security theory and
The most important conclusion deriving Irom the use oI complex systems models in
security research relates to some early expectations explicitly and/or tacitly included in
applications oI mathematical modeling in that domain. These expectations expressed in early
versions oI systems analysis and sometimes continued since then were based upon the
assumptions that limits to prediction can be overcome thanks to better mathematical models,
more data, and more eIIicient number crunching hardware. The Iirst limitations oI that way oI
reasoning derived Irom the concept oI bounded rationality by Herbert Simon (1997).
Discovery oI properties oI non-linear models exposing various Iorms oI chaotic behavior
provided Iinal prooIs Ior unavoidable barriers oI prediction in any mathematicized social
The above conclusions are rather well-known and the paper only provides just another
recollection oI the barriers.
Deeper insights stemming Irom applications oI complex systems concepts in security
research are resulting Irom deeper understanding oI dynamics oI social systems achieved with
the use oI those concepts applied both as mathematical models, and analogies and metaphors.
Thanks to more subtle description and explanation oI causal links allowing Ior discovery oI
otherwise concealed phenomena, prediction oI behavior oI social systems can be improved
indirectly, although some ameliorations oI direct predictions are also possible.
Complexity models paradoxically show that stable regularities in observed phenomena
do not exist. So the useIulness oI those models Ior prediction is twoIold. Firstly, help in better
understanding oI the phenomena under study thus in some way enhance predictive
Here some conclusions by Ilachinski (1996, p. 56) can be recalled. The most
important lesson oI deterministic chaos is that dynamical behaviour that appears to be chaotic
or random oIten contains an embedded regularity. II this embedded regularity can be
uncovered and identiIied, it can potentially be exploited by the decision maker Ior short-term
predictions about a system's behaviour. Long-term trends can also predicted iI the attractors oI
a system are known or can be approximated (say, Irom available historical time series data).
The inIormation dimension can be used to estimate the minimum number oI variables needed
to describe a system; moreover, iI a system can be shown to have a small non-integer
dimension, it is probable that the underlying dynamics are due to non-linearity and are not
Secondly, complexity models are helpIul in disclosing new limitations oI prediction that
in consequence leads to better prediction we know better what is not predictable. Such a
situation is to some extent similar to the consequences oI quantum mechanics although a
thorough discussion oI that parallel remains Iar outside oI this study.
It must be also added that the conclusions reIer both to traditional, (objective)
interpretations oI security and broadened and deepened interpretations oI security viewed as a
result oI intersubjective discourse. Mathematical models are closely linked with traditional
understanding oI 'objective security, while models, analogies and metaphors are applied in
qualitative considerations and in constructivist, broadened and deepened ideas oI security
deriving Irom 'securitization proposed by Copenhagen School. .
A speciIic example oI Complex Adaptive Systems can be also recalled. On the one
hand they allow Ior more reality-relevant mathematical models illustrating 'emerging
properties. They do not enhance predictive capabilities directly but in many instances
provide unexpected, non-intuitional heuristically valuable solutions. ;
In the Iield oI 'objective security, most important expectations can be associated with
mathematical modeling. More advanced models and more eIIicient number crunching
undoubtedly will allow to elaborate models simulating various s hIn ireitiolxII xII ll xII el c Q lxII a r e e C xc C go I t n l a exp r doatio
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