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Dear Mr. Jalen Rose, I want to start off by introducing myself.

My name is Aaron Goldstein and I am a freshman at your Alma Mater, the University of Michigan. As a freshman, I decided to help start up a new club that was being brought to Ann Arbor, the Business Careers in Entertainment Club (BCEC). The BCEC is a club that specializes in throwing events across campuses in the U.S. that span from California to Florida to Michigan. As founding members of the BCEC, my very good friend, Adam Ketai, and I are the head directors of the Sports Department, and with that being said, we are looking to begin the process of starting our first event. Along with the premise of helping raise money for certain causes, an essential part of the BCEC is networking, especially with influential and successful University of Michigan alumni. And Mr. Rose, that is where you, and in turn, your academy, come into play. Our initial plans are to throw a campus-wide dodge ball tournament with the help of local sponsors in Ann Arbor and the surrounding areas. After following you on Twitter for the past few months, I have become aware of your leadership academy in Detroit. Over winter break my mom handed me the article that was written about the JRLA in the Wall Street Journal. At that point, Adam and I both agreed that we would love to work in conjunction with your charter school to help raise money. So, we are writing you this email hoping that we could partner up and not only raise a lot of money, but throw the first of what hopefully becomes an annual dodge ball tournament to benefit the JRLA on the University of Michigan campus. We want to help you take the 120 students that cross over the blue line into the academy to another level. We want to help you fill the science labs with the appropriate equipment, but most importantly we want to help the kids who deserve an opportunity to achieve a higher education because we understand the power of a great education. Living near Detroit we hear about the struggles of Detroit Public Schools and the kids having nowhere else to go. We respect that you are taking initiative and we would be honored to work with you and the people representing the JRLA. We look forward to hearing from you soon and Go Blue! Sincerely, Aaron Goldstein University of Michigan Class of 2015 1417 Woodruff Ave Los Angeles, CA 90024 216-246-2921

Adam Ketai University of Michigan Class of 2015 26565 Willogreen Dr. Franklin, MI 48025 248-505-2200

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