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John Baptist (jbaptist777@gmail.


The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 1)

The Demonic Hierarchy

And some of their challenges When you attempt to unravel the extremely complex dynamics of this total onslaught of humanity by Lucifers army, you begin to discover a lot of new concepts, plans, terminology, and technologies. Over a year ago I began to think that America appeared to be the Great Babylon, because the descriptions of it in Jeremiah 50, 51 and Revelation 18 were so evident. I had already seen what this country was doing on a global level. I read the book by John Perkins, entitled The Economic Hit Man and there was no question the U.S. was conquering the globe under the cloak of humanitarian cause. But then you read Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper. He was a high ranking military officer involved in the U.S. cover-up of this alien / demon phenomena (until theyexecuted him). Cooper, being on the front lines, was tormented spiritually and even began to question his belief in Christianity. Cooper was a highly credible insider who had access to Top Secret military documentation and insider sources and saw these things with his own eyes. He confirmed the unthinkable. He confirmed that, not only had the U.S. government known and consorted with these alien entities, but in FACT had actually signed Treaties with them. Agreements. Or as our Lord, the Most High God, and King Jesus would put it they signed OATHS! Oaths Signed Directly with the DEVIL These oaths of agreement, or treaties, allowed these demonic entities to have a certain amount of freedom and secrecy in exchange for technological know-how. In exchange

for this technology, our government agreed to allow these demons free access to human beings for their own purposes. We agreed, (with some rather pathetic restrictions), to allow them to harvest human beings and perform abominations on their bodies. The U.S. government told LUCIFER he could have the bodies and souls of Gods greatest creations (in his own image) to torment, torture, mutilate, and genetically alter. THINK ABOUT THAT In fact, (while I will try to tackle this most difficult concept in a later article), these demon entities, not only genetically tinker with our bodies and create very human looking versions of themselves BUT they have reportedly perfected this activity referred to as soul scalping. Suffice it to say, soul scalping is the act of using extremely advanced technologies to harvest the human life force from the living body and put it into containers to use in another body-like form for their own purposes. I refer you to the an excerpt from (Part 4). Remember this stuff was happening 2,000 years ago. Another thing these Bacchae were known for is wearing demonic bracelets or bands. The Bacchae are biblically famous as they would wear magic bands called kesatot. These bands would entrap the souls of their victims. Ez. 13:20 Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, Behold I am against your magic bands [kesatot] by which you hunt lives [souls] there as birds, and I will tear them off your arms; and I will let them go, even those lives [souls] whom you hunt as birds NAS Since these Bacchae were able to capture souls of humans with their magic bracelets and demonic rituals, how arrogant must we be to think that Lucifers own demonic alien armies have not technologically perfected this in their alien abduction activities? Now that I have your attention, lets digress to a less sinister concept. Lets investigate the challenges they face with their reporting hierarchy top down. The Question of When? The question I get asked more than any other question is when. When will this all start to happen? Will it really be 2010 that the U.S. is toppled to effect their global control objective? My answer is always the same. Only God knows for sure.

Our Lord draws lines in the sand, and allows these things to happen to OUR GLORY AMEN! We must never forget, as this play unfolds, that WE WIN. Take the time to go back and read about the wonderful period we have awaiting us in the Millennium in the the last article posted here: Heaven on Earth, a Sneak Peak of Our Future

The Demonic Control Hierarchy

Why is Even Their Timeline in Question? There are a lot of fascinating behind the scenes dynamics at work we often overlook. For example, you have this earthy hierarchy taking orders from the demonic. Then you have the earthly manifestation of the demonic in the flesh (e.g. the reptilian / alien entities and many more). The Demons on Earth NEED the Demons in Other Dimensions However I find it MOST INTERESTING, that these earthy demonic manifestations have this NEED to make contact with the other dimensional demons, as evidenced by their Satanic rituals and sacrificial ceremonies. I find that REMARKABLE. This implies that this hierarchy extends into the other dimensions (1st and 2nd Heavens) and there is a requirement for contact into these realms. WHY? This need is further underscored by their hunger to break-through these dimensions with star-gate like technologies such as the CERN Accelerator. There is no question they need a break-through. PUNINTENDED. The Earth-Bound Physical Demons Then below that hierarchy you have the multiple levels of Satanic power structures here on earth. Arguably they are led by the reptilian entities top down. But again, this line gets blurred by the fact that these reptilian entities live inside the energy forces of the human bloodlines they control (in some cases, not all however). These earthly Satanic power structures work in concert with one another through organized and coordinated rituals on a global level and set up their power epicenters along these ley lines. Now amongst these pockets of earthly Satanic power levels (the Brotherhood, the multiple levels of the Masonic Order, the Rosicrucians, the various Orders of this and that, the Committee of 300, the Trilateral Commission, the Royalty etc.) you have some FREE WILL. You always have free will. If it wasnt for this free will dynamic you wouldnt have had the Luciferian Rebellion in the first place. So THAT comes into play.

Oh and just to wet your whistle a bit more. Were you aware the insignia of the Trilateral Commission, is the exact insignia these alien / demon entities display on both their garb and their technological space buggies? Military Commanders, Black Ops, and High Level Insiders THEN you progress downward into the levels of the Military, and Governments. When you consider ALL the people that have been assassinated (from government / military leaders, to scientists and bio-weapons experts, to DUMB workers, to escaped Brotherhood members, to whistle blowers at all levels) you start to see that THEY are threatened by information leaks. Moreover they are infinitely concerned with uncontrolled uprisings. I believe this concern over human uprising is a huge worry of theirs. This is probably because they have got their butts kicked in the past as a result of unexpected consequences in their own orchestrated wars etc. These unexpected uprisings have most likely caused delays which they had to work around through subsequent years of alternative strategies and manipulation. THEY are very careful about how quick they do something. Careful control is paramount to these entities. We ARE a threat to them. Department Heads and Organizational Leaders Now further down the hierarchy you have their commanders or official department heads. These folks are probably not in on the whole deal but are good order takers. How much any of these order takers know is up for grabs. I am utterly fascinated by the book Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper, because they could have killed him long before that book got released. And they actually tried a couple times. The fact is that THEY cannot read our minds. They actually need resources on the ground to do reconnaissance. They depend on earthly technologies to hear and see what we are doing. This level of order takers is a huge threat to them. They know just enough to stir up a world of hurt and they need a LOT OF THEM to do their bidding.

This explains why their strategy is to kill or eliminate the x-military veterans and trained forces in the first round as a threat. When these things manifest in the flesh, they are vulnerable to our technological weaponry.
They are vulnerable to us, just as

we were vulnerable to the American Indians arrows even though we had guns. A lot of pissed off people with rocks in their hands can overtake battalions of soldiers by sheer numbers alone. Law Enforcement, Government Workers, The Good Ones The next level down you have the people in law enforcement, government workers (FEMA / Homeland Security), regular military and x-military, and other people with limited powers of authority. During Katrina, they actually called in Blackwater mercenaries. This is because there were military and regular law enforcement personnel that were extremely reluctant to do door to door gun confiscation. Just like with the lying situation at Waco, Texas, nobody in New Orleans shot guns at the helicopters as they claimed. It was a setup orchestrated to execute a plan of attack and to practice the drill. The misinformation perpetuated by these lying news reports spreads like a fire throughout this level of much needed law enforcement workers to make them think they are threatened by the general populous. These lies are further amplified by additional military and law enforcement drills happening every month across the country. These lying drills and exercises have been going on for more than 15 years. If you have any doubt, watch the Police State series documentaries from Alex Jones on YouTube. Or better yet, forfeit a 12 pack, and buy one of the DVDs.

The Common Man and the Armed Citizenry And then further down this people control pyramid, you have the armed citizens of this country. As proven by their orchestrated practice drill called The War of the Worlds radio broadcast on Sunday October 30th, 1938, the citizens of the United States grabbed their guns and went out to kill these demon / aliens. This was arguably one of the most important proof of concept drills these entities have ever executed. They needed to know what the impact might be should they be announced on a large scale. The actions of the citizens of this country at that time, almost certainly delayed their plans to manifest themselves even earlier than today. The Importance of Martial Law to Their Objective This is why martial law and the help of foreign troops is utterly key to the upset of this country. The hierarchy of the United States government structure is a major stumbling block for their control timeline. This idea of the individual states having veto powers over their central command in D.C. is throwing rocks into their gear box all the time. This is why the Federal Government continues to usurp the States powers at an alarming rate. This is also why you see the Federal government commandeering the National Guard and getting them out of the way as much as possible (or using them in other contrived emergency situations). All things considered, it seems to me, they know they must have some type of martial law in place and they MUST have the vast majority of the country under their militaristic control BEFORE they spring their alien DELUSION upon us. Otherwise, through their own proof of concept testing, they know as a fact they are in for a huge hill of crap. When the good old boy citizenry of the USoA sees these creatures with their own eyes, they know ALL BETS ARE OFF.

THE GREATEST POWER & THREAT TO THEM ALL And indeed, the greatest threat to their cause is THE HOLY SPIRIT. While it is not up to us to question Gods authority, it is in FACT up to us to use the power of His Holy Spirit to assist in the fighting of this war. It blows my mind to think of how utterly ineffective we all feel amongst all this military might. We all need to take the time to read about Elijah again. We need to REMIND OURSELVES that Gods army of fiery chariots can stomp out armies of nations, guns, flying saucers, laser beams and atomic weaponry LIKE NO OTHER.

I believe our Lord is WAITING FOR US to WAKE UP and start focusing our prayer power on the objectives of the LORD. We need to pray to TRIP UP the enemys plans. We need to COMMAND IN JESUS NAME these DEMONS are rendered to no effect and cast INTO THE ABYSS. While there is no question the Bible says that in the end, God will have to step in and dump down his Mighty Wrath to wipe out this Earth, we MUST NOT assume our contribution has anything less than the GREATEST POWER. WE CONTROL the amount of horror we will face! WE CONTROL the amount of power the enemy has against us!


They might win here on the earth for a short period of time.




The Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Thoughts 1-2)

The Perfect Storm

Unfolding the Unthinkable In multiple times throughout the Bible, God told his prophets to hide away certain critical information. One time is in Isaiah (I forgot the verse Loren would you add it to the comments section below this article?) and the other time is in Revelation where Jesus tells John NOT to record that which he saw and keep it secret. What this means to us is that we have to walk in FAITH and use our SPIRITUAL knowhow to discern what is right and trust that God will reveal these things when His time has

come. This also helps us to understand that there are hidden mysteries of the Lord that we are not READY to understand YET! The next thing to understand is VERY TRICKY BUSINESS. The mystery religions have a very large amount of their information that is CORRECT. This is going to TRIP UP a LOT of people. This means that the Masons (Luciferians) know things that are CORRECT. And they will USE this knowledge to convince us that JESUS has been demoted and is not OUR KING any more. Listen to me carefully. The key words that Jesus used was do not be deceived. DONT BE! Jesus is God. Jesus is OUR KING. That is the PERPETUAL KEY to overcoming what we face in the very near future. Challenges Presenting this Material I am both humbled and even a bit cautious about trying to tackle this subject matter. Im feeling this way because I realize that Tribulation-Nows readership has reached an all time high. And except for the help of a few very strong contributors from our email list, I am depending on the Holy Spirit to guide my words as much as possible. But this does not make it easy I assure you. This subject matter is EXTREMELY twisted, involved, and challenging to unravel with any certainty. Believe me when I say you have to anchor yourself in JESUS as your KING. It is the only way to wade through these forthcoming lies and come out still cleansed with the Blood of the Lamb. All I can do is ask for your patience as I work through this vast information. We face a deception of such immense proportions that I am not sure I can capture it adequately. This attack on Jesus is going to be absolutely remarkable. Jesus is their arch enemy and for them to be successful they must dethrone him and do it in a manner that isutterly impeccable. If you are hearing what I am trying to say to you, then believe you ME, we are in for some SHOCKING stuff. Please be patient while I work behind the scenes to unfold this for you through research. The Lord has led me to some new material (books, etc.) that when correlated and woven together should give us some awesome insight to this forthcoming deception. I want to do everything I can to help you discover the events with some level of accuracy. But remember. God has everything under his complete control. His Holy Spirit, has many functions. One of the Holy Spirits functions is restraining. As this God at War paradigm unfolds, the Holy Spirit of God restrains events and keeps them in line with Gods will. If this were not true, I can assure you the entire human race would have already been destroyed by these THINGS. The Bible is an UNDERSTATEMENT. Jesus wasnt kidding when he said:

Running Hear and There to See Jesus

Matt 24:22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved NKJV

Remember how in Matthew 24 Jesus warns that people will be saying that Jesus is here and Jesus is there? Do you also remember how when Christ rose from the dead and walked among this disciples they DID NOT RECOGNIZE HIM? People, this is the KEY to what is coming. God Speaks to You through Feelings When God speaks to you through your spirit it is almost ALWAYS very subtle. Unless you are one of the extremely few people who received a vivid vision or dream at one time or another, you DO NOT hear God speak in an audible clear voice. In FACT when he speaks to you through your spirit you do not hear it in the 2nd or 3rd person. For example God does not tell you to do something. Instead you get a FEELING and that feeling comes to you in the FIRST PERSON. You think you feel something. You feel like you should do something. God doesnt tell you to come here and go there. You feel it and you think it is coming from your heart. This is how the Lord communicates to his sheep. This is spiritual communication. It does not come in loud and clear. It comes into your spirit through your heart. Please remember this. There are technologies that will be used against us that will make you absolutely SURE you have heard the voice of the Lord. THEY ARE LIES! You need to prepare yourself spiritually RIGHT NOW. This means you MUST set aside some special time to be alone with the Lord. Start with sincere praise. Praise is the key. Open up your force field of praise and then SHUT UP. BE QUIET. You cannot feel the words of the Lord when you are thinking about stuff. Praise and then LISTEN to your heart. Practice this regularly. Lift your hands in intense praise, and lower your head and be silent. Be STILL and know that HE IS LORD! This is not easy. The more you do it the more positive you will become that the Lord is speaking to you through your spirit. You will eventually feel very strongly that He is moving your heart in the right direction. Spiritual communications is similar to supernatural telepathy. You feel the other persons feelings. It is a form of EMPATHY. God speaks to you in subtle empathy. Learn to trust those feelings. Practice makes perfect.

Too many Jesuses, Which Jesus Do I Follow?

Here as some things for you to consider. I do NOT know if these ideas are correct so dont bombard me with scripture trying to make a point. I am only sharing some feelings that have occurred to me recently.

Remnant? Which Remnant? Did it ever occur to you that if Jesus had to cut short the forthcoming attack on the human race to prevent our complete destruction, that maybe there wont be hardly any of us left? Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the REMNANT that survives and returns to Israel is going to be made up of many different nationalities? Could it be that this remnant are a small subset of people who survived this onslaught by some miracle of God, and happened to have a relatively pure bloodline back to Abraham but are not long bearded orthodox Jews? Check out Jude 14: Jude 14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. NKJV WOW Who is the Judge? The Lord comes with TEN THOUSANDS note the plural of thousands. Thats tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, possibly more than that. This number is indeterminable. It is a crap load of saints. And GUESS WHAT? These saints are likely to be US! And what do these saints do? They execute judgement. WE yes you and I, will be assisting our KING Jesus in the execution of Judgement. That is a very scary and amazing responsibility. But I digress from the point. Is it possible, even highly likely, that NONE of the JESUSES, that present themselves to us are the REAL Jesus? After all, think for a moment. If I am correct about the rapture (which I do not claim to be certain about), then maybe the rapture will happen JUST PRIOR to the WRATH. When God unleashes his wrath, forgive the pun but ALL HELL will break loose. Remember that God is taking NO PRISONERS on this deal. When his wrath gets dumped out, THIS TIME, he is going to completely destroy the entire earth. This would mean that the few that are left alive would have to be taken out of the way while God KICKS SOME SERIOUS KAZOO.

Jesus Jesus Everywhere a Jesus Now if this is only partially correct, then doesnt it make sense that NONE of the Jesuses that these alien-demon freaks are going to present will be the real one? If the pre-trib rapture is part of the great delusion and Satanic lie as many of us believe, then there is absolutely no point in worrying about missing Jesus because he isnt coming until all these LYING WONDERS have already pissed God off to the point where he pulls out his Holy Spirit (the restrainer) and the cosmic forces of the Universe start destroying the earth with a fervor that has NEVER EVER HAPPENED before in the millions of years of the Universe(s) existence. All the fake Jesuses, will be running for the hills long before our KING appears. And do you think your eyes will recognize him? THINK! Do you believe the pictures you have seen of Jesus are accurate. DONT BE DECEIVED! Dont buy the illusion for a minute. If the apostles themselves could not recognize Jesus when he walked along side of them, then NEITHER WILL YOU! Any entity that looks anything like any of the pictures or paintings of Jesus that you see hanging in your church or on a wall in a cathedral are LIES! If you live that long, and I pray for your sake you are with the Lord long before then, ONLY your heart will tell you that what you are seeing is JESUS. (and I just broke into tears typing that last sentence so take it to heart please) Interim Summary As long as you HOLD FIRM to the promise of Jesus Christ as YOUR Savior and King NO MATTER WHAT they unfold or reveal in their lying wonders then you will be just fine. Remember that the very best lie is a lie that is 99% truth and 1% lie. It is nearly impossible to detect a lie that is mixed with so much verifiable truth. The main difference between what our enemy believes and what we believe is that JESUS IS KING.


The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 2)

UFOs over Washington D.C, July 26, 1952 - History Channel

Deception and Truth

Which is Which Tonight I am scheduled for a multi-hour interview to place another Holy Spirit influenced take on this Luciferian Rebellion paradigm. My intention was to wait until this interview was completed and then take that data and interlace it into the next several Alien Demon Agenda articles. I still have every intention of doing so, but sometimes I wake up and realize my writers block has subsided and feel driven to move forward. This is one such morning and I hope I do a good job. Brief Scriptural Considerations Many advanced Bible scholars and even Rabbis have determined supernatural information in Genesis. Pastor Chuck Missler has an extremely advanced study on Genesis and shows indisputable pointers to intentional pauses in the flow of the text that indicate God has intentionally left out parts of this historical account. (I hope I said that right because this is hard to explain) In fact, after the fall of Adam, there is a high level of likeliness that entropy began. Entropy is the starting point of decay (in a sense). This is very complex science and my intention is to plant seeds of thought to help you begin to unravel the hidden mysteries that God has woven into the text. A taste of these amazing and supernatural hidden riddles in Genesis can be found in one of the most boring chapters in all the Bible. Remember not one jot or tittle will be left unanswered. This means that even the PUNCTUATION has meaning. Think about that! The Genealogy in Genesis 5 includes ten names. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. The Kenan name has some interpretational

issues that can be cleared up through more advanced Bible study and some references in Leviticus. I can point you to this study should you elect to go there. Thought Example Number One Now here is where you REALLY start to see the fingerprint of the Holy Spirit laced throughout this extraterrestrial text. These are the interpretations of the names in sequence. ADAM = Man (is) SETH = Appointed ENOSH = Mortal KENAN = Sorrow; (but) MAHALALEL = The Blessed God JARED = Shall come down ENOCH = Teaching METHUSALEH = His death shall bring LAMECH = The despairing NOAH = Comfort, Rest When you take those meanings in order, and make a supernatural statement out of them you get this sentence.

Man is appointed mortal with sorrow, but the blessed God shall come down, teaching his death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest.

So here, even in the very first book of the Pentateuch, you see supernatural evidence of JESUS CHRIST as our savior. If this doesnt get your scriptural juices flowing then nothing will. Thought Example Number Two Here is Genesis 18:1-5 Gen 18:1-5

18 Then the Lord appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. 2 So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran

from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground, 3 and said, My Lord, if I have now found favor in Your sight, do not pass on by Your servant. 4 Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. 5 And I will bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh your hearts. After that you may pass by, inasmuch as you have come to your servant.

They said, Do as you have said.

NKJV Remember the size of the audience of the Bible. The Bibles text had to speak to people who have lived over thousands of years of history. We have no problem suggesting the the visions of Ezekiel might represent helicopters of today, but what about the OPPOSITE effect. What about the fact that God had to write text that could be understood to relatively primitive civilizations? Have you considered that? Also please dont forget that God has hidden mysteries throughout the Bible text. Some of them he uncovers (to those who have eyes to see, etc.) but some he intentionally keeps hidden away until the proper time. THINK. Why do you believe he had to keep certain things hidden? Could the information be simply too fabulous for us to accept? You BET! Also please do not forget that in the end times knowledge increases. There is NO QUESTION the Bible is an understatement. It is laced with hidden mysteries and intel that only the most open minded people could perceive. ANY earthy hindrance to your interpretation can prevent even the most Holy Spirit Filled pastor to miss these things. This is why we are all so frustrated with our church leadership today. Angels and Demons are Ambiguous Terms How many of you are frustrated that you cannot reach your fellow Christians with the New World Order information? May I see a show of hands please? Wow now thats A LOT! So we all collectively agree that WE have discovered information on world events that has a POWERFUL message BUT we cannot get that message across to our fellow Christians and church leadership. Now thats FRUSTRATING! By now you should realize that, for the sake of simplicity and reaching a diverse audience over thousands of years, God has had to DUMB DOWN his text. So to be helpful he has used terms to describe certain entities and objects so our tiny little brains can grasp the

concept. For example, any entity that has rebelled against God cosmically he has given the name of DEMON. These are also often referred to as fallen angels. But WAIT! What about THAT TERM? Angel? Bene Ha Elohim? That has got to be the MOST underestimated term YHWH has ever used. The term Angel is so generic. It is like asking for a Klennex when you would be happy with any tissue. If you do even a brief study on Angels, you will see a multi-dimensional dynamic. You will find that there are angels of all kinds. You will even discover eventually that there are angels that are NOT ANGELS. In fact the Bible is extremely clear that you might actually entertain angels that are basically just regular human looking folks like you and I. The term angel is very generic. You can even argue that the term angel is used to describe many of Gods Bene Ha Elohim that have stayed loyal to his team. You even have specialized inter-dimensional angels that travel across time continuums such as Gabriel and Michael. Possible Considerations for Genesis 18 So here as some things to think about regarding Genesis 18. I am not drawing conclusions I am trying to help you see the possibilities. Remember I could very well be WRONG. So you best put on your Berean hats and open your own Bibles to see if it is so. Abraham is hanging out in the door of his tent on a hot day He senses a presence and looks up to see YHWH God and 3 men He goes to his knees and bows in front of them He offers them food and drink and suggests they are probably tired and could use a break They accept his offer and tell him to have at it He has his associate(s) prepare dinner for these visitors They eat and discuss various things, particularly the future birth of Isaac Now here are some questions to ponder. 1.YHWH God was present at this event along with the 3 men, what form was YHWH God in at the time? 2.Abraham bows down to the accompanying men and offers them food, why do you think he did that; after all nobody ever offered Gabriel and Michael food did they?

3.These men appears to be in need of refreshment, why do you think that could be true? 4.Later two of these fellows go to Sodom to hang out with Lot, some nasty people in Soddom try to break into Lots house and do bad things to these angel-men. Why do you think these angel-men didnt just vaporize and escape into another dimension like Gabriel and Michael always did? 5.Why do you think Lot had to offer up his concubine for rape and death to save these angel-men? FAST FORWARD TO TODAYS ONSLAUGHT Research Weirdness So in preparation for these next articles, I have been digging through some old and new material and taking notes. This means hours of study and lectures. The other day I was listening to a lecture / audio book on the Billy Meier Story. Billy Meiers information cannot be discredited because he has multiple witnesses, tons of video and photographs, and only one arm. This one armed poor country man in Switzerland could not have forged all this data. And to make matters worse, he has written letters to heads of state warning them of forthcoming wars and other events long before they occurred. They are referred to as the Billy Meier prophecies. About one hour into the audio book Mr. Meier was discussing how these visitors from Pleiades (or Pleiadeans), had told him about an ancient hidden sealed scroll. Remember God confirms the significance of Pleiades and Orion in the books of Job and Amos. In fact when God mentions Pleiades and Orion he is INDIGNANT and emphatically explains that how dare anyone question his greatness, because after all HE CREATED those planets! So Mr. Meier gets with an associate and they travel to the Israel region and uncover this hidden scroll. Inside the scroll is ancient text. The text is today referred to as the Talmud Emmanuel. It is loaded with LIES about Jesus and says that Jesus and Mohammed were both great prophets and that WE have misinterpreted the intent of the scripture. THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT WILL ATTEMPT TO DO (through created earthquakes and the discovery of surprise archaeological findings) Suddenly my entire house goes dark! A power outage occurs. All my computer systems drop dark. Silence .. even if for a few moments. It was pretty weird that right after the story of the Talmud Emmanuel my office / house / computer systems go completely silent and dark. When the power came back up my main computer would not fully reboot. I have the fastest hard drive on the planet so this system comes back up extremely fast. After 4

attempts to bring it up, I realized the system was in a recovery state and got bored waiting for it. I reached back and riffled through some books I was thinking about looking through. I opened up a book by Maximillien De Lafayette. In the first 10 or so pages of this book I find this high level description of alien demon entities as described by tens of thousands of interviewees including abductees, and leading experts from over 30 + years of time. THE ALIEN DEMON REPORTING HIERARCHY These entities are given in the order of their reporting hierarchy. 1.Reptilian / Draconians Highly advanced, hate humans, eat humans, drink blood, believe earth belongs to them, reportedly 30 million of them are coming to earth (think Revelation 9:11 and the Locusts) 2.Greys Types A, B and C Militaristic, highly scientific, used for conquering planets, reproduced through genetics, used for genetically creating hybrid humans and other entities, some 4-5 feet, some 8 feet, in 1993 it was estimated that 1 in 40 humans that walked among us then were genetically created by the Greys, today it is likely many times that number 3.Humanoid Aliens, similar to human genetics, fair skinned, benevolent, reportedly from same star system, REPORT TO THE GREYS I call your attention to number 3 above. Those are the PLEIADIANS! The Pleiadians that were visiting Billy Meier report to the Greys. The Greys report to the Reptilian / Dracs. The Draconians / Reptilians are referred to as the fallen angel variety by the experts, abductees, and witnesses of more than 50 years of study and testimony. I TOLD YOU THIS IS CREEPY The Type C Human Alien-Demon This discovery utterly blew my mind as if the above isnt weird enough. Evidently there is a little known group of Aliens of the fallen angel variety and also from the same star system (or close by) as the others. These are from the SIRIUS star system. Have you heard this part before? Do you know why the DOG STAR SIRIUS is so important to the Masonic Order?? According to Masonic Lodge of Education the dog star Sirius has the following important characteristics: First and most exalted object that appears in the Lodge

Heavily used and very important (13 of these stars were on the first American flag, 13 is a Satanic number) Great antiquity, derived from older systems The star of Bethlehem Represents the sacred name of their god Sirius Possibilities Through all this forthcoming chaos and lies / deception many things are going to unfold. But remember, many of them will be hidden from our view. Most of us have heard of this new age god Maitreya. Evidently this Maitreya fellow has shown up all over the place for many years. Benjamin Creme is pushing his agenda and this entity is very well known. This Maitreya entity evidently walks through walls and mysteriously materializes in front of your eyes. Now is it possible this is all a bunch of balderdash. Sure I suppose. But all this information becomes hard to dismiss when there are thousands of different sources all reporting the same story. Its the same problem one has dismissing the alien abduction claims. It the SAME PROBLEM anyone has dismissing the New World Order claims. Could this Maitreya fellow be from somewhere else? Summary This is hard stuff to keep up with. Our Jesus army of intelligence is growing. I wish Tribulation-Now could be guaranteed to grow and continue to have electronic connectivity to millions of people with an Alex Jones sized staff that could MUSTER US and our prayer power as a formidable force against them. God is amazing you never know what might happen. Although I think that our electronic intel will eventually be taken away some day. Thats why I torture myself (drive myself) hard to get as much information out to you as possible so when the electronic intel is gone, we understand the nature of the threat and the hidden cosmic forces we are dealing with. I know this stuff is extremely hard to accept. And is it important for your salvation NO! But is it going to be important for OTHER PEOPLES SALVATION! YES! We must be able to speak intelligently to the lies that others will be told. This is not going to be easy and you will need the power of Jesus and the grace of the Holy Spirit to address this UFO business sooner than you think. People are basically pretty intelligent these days. They know about 10,000 year old

carvings. They know about dinosaurs. They know about UFOs. Our enemy has Gods most precious creations fooled on a level that we could only imagine in a science fiction dream.

The Alien Demon Agenda (Part3) Apotheosis

Nibiru - the Hollow Planet May Actually Be for Real

The Ascended Masters Cometh

But they Come to Ascend! Praise Jesus. For he alone is worthy. And might I even add a hallelujah! There is absolutely NO QUESTION just how important each member of the body of Christ and every one of us are. As Ive said over and over again, each and every one of your contributions is PARAMOUNT in helping stitch together this total onslaught coming our way. Im not kidding you when I tell you that right now I am extremely tired. Ive only had about 4 hours of sleep. But never mind that. This article is really important. For many of you this might be the first time you heard any of this stuff. For me it was AMAZING. Right in the middle of the most amazing Skype call with a great contributor to Tribulation-Now (Loren), I get another email from Angela regarding a You Tube video she thought was pertinent. Im telling you, between the two of them, many questions have been answered. I am satisfied this article, while not capturing everything by any stretch,

will finally stitch together the ultimate PROOF that this delusion we face is coming to us from outside of this Solar System. And thanks to Loren, and his remarkable patience and years of research, we might even know more about the WHY part. PLEASE NOTE: If I make more editorial mistakes than normal in this article, its because Im exhausted. But please bear with me. This is huge. Important Disclaimer: Remember Im doing my best to present a TON of information on short notice. After all, an oil tsunami might wash over my house any second now right? Well it might and many of us know it. God is in utter control and I am only a humble pie-eating messenger. Im not a prophet (as far as I know), and I dont necessarily have any divine knowledge (as far as I know for sure). What I can tell you is that I find it utterly amazing that between Loren and Angela, last night the metaphorical slot machine dumped out a world record jackpot! And once again, I could be wrong about some of this stuff. But I really dont think so. At least not at this point. Only God knows for certain.


Folks, this is complicated and I dont know how well I will do presenting it. You are going to have to do some homework on your own in order to completely grasp these concepts. But here goes my best shot. Oceans of Information When you study the fine Christian works of Dr. Luginbill and the Satanic Rebellion here: and you combine that information with the 30 years of controversial study of our contributor Loren, and stitch in the findings of Wayne Herschel (submitted by Angela), the dots get connected on a level that Ive never experienced before. For years I have been studying the Satanic symbolism our enemy has been hiding right in front of our eyes. I have books galore by Texe Marrs, and subscribe to his Power of Prophecy news letter. I have the book series entitled Occult Theocracy which is a Christian based book that explains in extreme details all of the false religions and their roots throughout history. I have hundreds of works, DVDs, lectures, and compilations and finally it all is making sense. But the sense that it makes is weird and complex and I still have many unanswered questions.

The Complexities of Restoration and Creation While I have not been able to confirm all these concepts Biblically yet, I have studied enough material from highly credible Christian researchers to strongly indicate that the Bible is a snap-shot in time and we suffer heavily from a time compression problem in our understanding. This indicates that there are periods of millions of years that God has chosen to strategically leave out of the historical accounts. There is no doubt this was done because the complexities of this information are so vast that the intended audience over thousands of years, would not have understood it. When you understand the fundamentals of the Luciferian Rebellion, and you do multiple studies of the Book of Isaiah (and others), you begin to see that God has woven in information that indicates that the creation of the Universe(s) as we understand them, included the earth, but later was part of a restoration process as well. Sound complex? You BET! Evidently, when the God created the Heavens and the earth, Lucifer rebelled. As we know when this happened he kicked 1/3 of his then fallen angels out of Heaven. He not only kicked them out of heaven, but he kicked them all over the place. Some into our dimension, and some into other dimensions. Some onto other planets and some inside of other planets. In the deep, under the ground, and all over the place. This happened as an act of WRATH. He was really not a happy camper. And in this wrath period, he wreaked havoc. And evidently, the earth took a serious beating. Where this gets really complicated, is that Adam and Eve and the original Garden of Eden, were created not too long after the Heavens and the earth. But arguably there were millions of years of time that occurred before they were created. (I know this is not easy to confirm scripturally, but bear with me). So the basic chronological theory goes something like this in order: 1.God creates the heavens and the earth 2.God creates Lucifer and other angels and beings 3.God then creates Adam and Eve in HIS image with HIS unique characteristics 4.Lucifer realizes that Adam and Eve are special and realizes he is going to be replaced because these Adam and Eve man creations are the real deal and God intends to have them rule and reign under his Son Jesus 5.Lucifer Rebels, this is a big deal, God gets really angry, wrath happens, planets are destroyed, cosmic destruction occurs, the earth becomes a casualty, life forms and various dinosaur type species become casualties, it is a huge mess 6.God restores the earth and his most precious creation mankind starts to populate the earth

7.Lucifers army of alien-demons continue their genetic onslaught and attack over thousands of years Now I am a little foggy on the exact details and havent had time to stitch it all together, but Im really not sure its all that important in the grand scheme of things. What is important is that conceptually you understand that they are still angry about getting kicked out of heaven. They hate mankind because mankind was created to take over and rule and reign with Jesus Christ as the top dogs and Lucifer didnt like that arrangement. The parables of the Rich Young Ruler and the Laborers that were paid differently for the work they did had multiple parallel meanings. Jesus was not only talking to us on a metaphorical level, but he was speaking directly to Lucifer as well. When God decides he is going to pay you so much to do a job or he is going to rearrange the reporting hierarchy you best not rebel against him. Thats the point. Humility is the KEY. Trust and faith are the keys. Getting Back that Which was Taken Away These demoted fallen angel / now demons are not happy with their butt kicked status in the heavens. We humans have been their Nemesis from the start. This is why they hate us. But we have something that NO OTHER life form in the Universe has ever had. We have the magic of Gods life force. We have his SPIRIT breathed into us. We have a unique DNA that no other life form has ever received AND THEY KNOW IT! Their attack on our DNA had many purposes. It was not just to corrupt the blood line of Jesus and destroy the master plan of us ruling and reigning over all things in the heavens, but it was also a tool for them to restore themselves to a god like status and to reach the heavens that God kicked them out of in the first place. Did you ever notice that THEY are using the Bible as a play book to orchestrate their onslaught? Take notice of the Tower of Babel. The story of the Tower of Babel comes from Genesis 11, which is made up of 9 verses. Did you notice what I just said? NINE VERSES FROM GENESIS ELEVEN.

Also take note of the wording God uses in Genesis 11:6 regarding what they were trying to accomplish. Gen 11:6 ;now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. NKJV Are you getting chills down your spine yet? Well brace yourselves it gets worse.

DNA and The God Particle In order for them to get back what God took away, they started to mess around and experiment with Gods technologies. But the KEY to them accomplishing their ultimate goals is mankind and physics which have some characteristics that are unique for them to leverage. Mankind has genetics that are extremely unique and there are supernatural energies that exist in man that exist in NO OTHER CREATION. Moreover they must find and leverage the physics of this Higgs boson or God particle. They believe that by tinkering with bodies of entities, and snatching the souls and life force energy of man that they can combine this with the characteristics of the God particle and open Star Gates back to HEAVEN. They believe that once they accomplish this amazing and unbelievable feat, they can continue their war with God on HIS GROUND. They are wrong, and God will NOT let that happen but they do not accept this. They HATE us BUT They NEED us So have you ever wondered why Alex Jones says the Elite intend to enslave mankind? Well you are about to find out why they want to do it. To these entities we are indeed goyim or cattle. What do you do with cattle? You do whatever you want with them. You make furniture and clothing. You make them do work for you. You eat them. But in their case, you also use them to tinker with DNA that has special God-like characteristics while you are messing with the physics of creating a Star Gate with the God particle. Suddenly the FEMA Camps are more than just death camps. Suddenly the mind control experiments and weird and horrible genetics they are messing with. have a new meaning. And BLOOD is the Key. The blood of MAN, Gods most awesome creation EVER, has energy characteristics that no other life form has ever had. They NEED this life force to get power. They need to create fear in humans so our adrenal glands pump this life-force energy into the blood stream. This life force energy is KEY. This life force energy gives them the ability to talk with their buddies in other dimensions. This is WHY they perform sacrificial rituals that always include human blood. This is WHY Jesus gave us HIS BLOOD as a SACRIFICE to PROTECT US, to SAVE US Jesus blood, is the Blood of the Lamb. This Blood is the Key to giving us the POWER to OVERCOME their onslaught. Passover Protection

The stories in the Old Testament are NOT to be overlooked and have lessons that will help us survive this really weird period of Tribulation. Remember that God told the Hebrews to put the Blood of the Lamb on their door posts and STAY IN THE HOUSE! I warn you that this is the key to keep you from chasing after their fake Jesuses and surviving their fake rapture. Do not run after their fake Jesuses, and stay inside. Do not be tempted to look outside at the commotion. Keep your doors shut and stay PRAISING JESUS WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT.
They need your blood with

life force properties that come from the fear that they cause. This is the reason for the Noahide Laws, death camps, and the guillotines. When you praise Jesus it is a supernatural repellent to these things. Cover yourself with the Armor of God and stay in PRAISE continuously. This introduces God like energies into your blood stream that they cannot tolerate. When I wrote the articles (many) which suggested praise was like a force field and a bug repellent unto these things, I had not yet made this connection. NO WAY. This all came to me within the last 6 hours. Is this from the Holy Spirit or have I lost my mind? Go ahead . take your best shot IN JESUS NAME!

Proof Positive The Ultimate Key to 2012

So you want to see some evidence to some of this stuff? Okay. Here is the ultimate key to unlock the mysteries associated with all these supernatural and unbelievable allegations. Symbolism Revealed! Have you heard of the Talisman? Have you heard of the Ascended Masters? Have you heard of the anticipation of Apotheosis (restoration to god status)? Have you heard of The Key of Solomon? Have you heard of the matching symbolism in the Egyptian pyramids on the Gila plateau? Have you seen the symbol of the Chi Ro (wikipedia that term)? Do you know that the Chi Ro symbol is the double cross? Do you realized this symbol is all over the Vatican and on the British flag? Have you heard of the 7 Hills of Rome? Do you know that Washington D.C. has Satanic symbolism that matches perfectly with all the other ancient Egyptian mysteries? Have you heard they eventually plan to have UFOs land in Washington D.C? Do you realized that Washington D.C. is a LANDING STRIP? Do you know they are coming? Enter Wayne Herschel I present to you the work of Wayne Herschel (thanks Angela). Waynes research is entitled The Lost Symbol of Ra and is in two parts on You Tube right now. I present to you Part Two only. If you want to see the origins and speculation of Mr. Herschel in part one, then

you can find it on the same page. But the real meat and potatoes is all in part two and it leaves out some confusing connections to the cross that are unnecessary to make the Jesus point in all this data. Without even realizing it, Wayne has basically proven all the allegations Tribulation-Now has made over the last year. With the help of the Holy Spirit, and some dedicated research and the works of awesome email list subscribers (too numerous to mention special kudos to ALL OF YOU IN JESUS NAME), Mr. Herschel, has connected all the dots. These dots even explain why Constantine adopted the cross into his pagan version of Christianity. Constantine didnt see the cross, he saw the CHI RO! The Chi Ro is a symbolic depiction of the double cross and the double cross (which is in the symbolism of Washington D.C and the Vatican) is THE STAR SYSTEM OF ORION and PLEIADES! They are coming. They are coming for us. And WE ARE ALREADY SAVED BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB!! PRAISE JESUS HE IS KING!

Lost Symbol of Ra Video Snap Shots

Here below I am including some video snapshots of the Lost Symbol of Ra video of Mr. Herschel. I will briefly narrate some pointers below each snap-shot.

Here you see the introductory summary slide of The Lost Symbol of Ra video. Here you see the lying stories of Dan Brown that are laced with truths and pointers for the Illuminati Brotherhood to see the symbolism worldwide. You also see what looks like a big orange circle with a fiery star inside. This is actually in the Washington D.C. capital building. It is the ceiling mural of George Washingtons Masonic Apotheosis as an ascended master into the Heavens, thus achieving god status and being restored. Get it? You also see, just to the right, The Key of Solomon. The Key of Solomon has double-cross chi ro symbolism that correlates precisely to the star system ORION. The other star

symbols in the Key of Solomon correlate to the star system Pleiades. To the far right you see the ULTIMATE Satanic obelisk the Washington Monument. This monument, with the appropriate measurements, extends 33 degrees off the horizon. And the star system Orion also extends 33 degrees off the horizon when measured on specific dates from Australia (which is a known location for Star Gate portals).

Here you see the star system Orion. Look closely to see the light colored reddish lines that show the double cross chi ro symbolism associated with this star system. This is a key element in this Luciferian approach.

Here Wayne explains the origins and Satanic symbolism of the obelisk and the x-mas tree with the Star Sirius on the top. Im sorry Jesus for all the Christmas Trees I put in my home (tears in my eyes).

Here Wayne shows three documents. One from ancient Egypt, the center is the Masonic Lodge mural and the right is the Key of Solomon. All three, separated by thousands of years, depict this Star Sirius shining down.

Here Mr. Herschel shows a close up of the Key of Solomon from the British Library. Note the double cross pattern. This is the star system Orion. This is also the Chi Ro worn by the Pope(s) probably without many of their complete understanding. Note the double cross depiction of the Orion star system in the upper left corner of the right symbol. This aligns perfectly with the location of the star system from earth astrologically.

Here Wayne shows the actual Orion star system shown from a telescope and the chi ro symbol worn by the papacy and how they align perfectly. He goes on to show that Roman symbolism also included the Chi Ro symbol.

Here Wayne shows the sign of the double cross / crosses over history and how they correlate to Solomons Key and Orion. He goes on in great detail to demonstrate the Solomons Key diagram and now they align perfectly with the star systems of Orion and

Pleiades. It is utterly horrific. You should watch and SAVE this video as it will save souls for Jesus some day.

He goes on to point out that on September 15th that Orion is located on the Eastern Horizon at the same time as Pleiades is located on the Western Horizon. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS DATE? I dont know other than the alignment. Could it be their arrival date? But what year? Why do the two witnesses lie dead and people give gifts on the pagan x-mas fake holiday on the Winter Solstice? Furthermore, this picture shows the 33 degree alignment with the horizon of the earth on September 15th when seen from Australia the location of a major star gate. Do your homework and email me please.

Here he shows the Dan Brown secrets of St. Peter pointing to the various symbols. Dan Brown released his book The Lost Symbol on Sept. 15th. He also shows the correlation to Orion here.

Here you see the 7 Hills of Rome and how they align perfectly with the Pleiades Star System. This location is a STAR MAP just like the Key of Solomon. He points out that on Sol Invinctus, December 25th, the Pope looks directly down the alignment from the Vatican past the obelisk in the Vatican court yard and waves to the Orion and Pleiades star systems. He further goes on to explain that Mars also has blocks and pyramids that depict the same symbolism. Cydonia Mars! They align perfectly with these star systems. Not a coincidence.

Here you see his demonstration of many symbolic monotliths and geological symbols pointing to the same star systems welcoming their buddies to earth. Stonehenge, Tikal, Mars, Egypt, even in Iran.

And here he shows Washington D.C. correlation as a landing strip for them to arrive. It correlates perfectly to the symbolism in the monoliths on Mars. SUMMARY If you havent seen enough to convince you that Jesus Christ is your only hope of salvation, then you must read more articles here on Tribulation-Now. Read The Escape Route, read Star Gate of Praise, read the Aliens, Demons, Time Travel and God series, read them all and BELIEVE THAT YOUR ONLY HOPE IS JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of the God of all Creation. He is the only way to SALVATION from this total onslaught of humanity. Please understand this is NOT about what happens here on earth for those who are saved by the blood of the Lamb. This is a fight for your SOUL. These things are coming for YOUR BLOOD. These alien demons intend to murder you and take your soul. Do NOT LET THAT HAPPEN. BECOME PROTECTED BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB

PRAISE JESUS ALL DAY LONG IT IS YOUR STAR GATE TO GOD IN HEAVEN ESTABLISH A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS YOUR ETERNAL KING GET THE PROMOTION TO RULE AND REIGN IN HEAVEN THAT YOU DESERVE and most of all BE BLESSED IN JESUS NAME! ===== POST EDITORIAL NOTE ======= THIS JUST IN: You should see all the symbolic and literal references in the Bible to these reptilian things. For example, did you know the Pale horse is actually the word chlorus in Greek which means greenish? And in Rev 13:11 the beast (s) come out of the earth and have two horns and speak like a dragon. John Baptist (

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