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John Baptist (jbaptist777@gmail.


Inter-Galactic God

The Bear Nebula Dances

All the Angels in Heaven Sing The Bear Nebula which is a small portion of the Carina Nebula, is evidently located in the same Bootes star system as Arcturus, and is reportedly a colossal birthing place of new stars in our galaxy. Imagine that. The birthing place for new stars. WOW. How BIG is Gods Universe(s)? How small is our vision in comparison to our Heavenly Father? Some folks dont feel comfortable allowing their imaginations to soar and expand their understanding of our Glorious Victory through Jesus Christ. It crosses their comfort zone. They would rather stay anchored in a vision placed there from elsewhere. Thats perfectly okay. But I cant help it. I see Jesus in everything. I look at the Hubble Space Telescope pictures and know we have only been told a tiny part of the story. God created all of this. Most of us cannot even look at a flower and see the depths of Gods glory. Expanding the reach of our imagination into the Heavens is powerful. I am so excited I cant see straight. That says a lot from an old Pentecostal guy that didnt believe in technological cosmic transport devices only a couple years ago. Now I am mesmerized by it all. I really think we have underestimated God. Contact Revelation

The discoveries and revelations as of late, concerning who the Bride of Jesus Christ is, have been powerful. The scope of this reaches into the Heavens. There is little doubt our tiny minds have compressed God into our little planet earth. Its written in the scripture but we cant easily embrace it. It is clear in Matthew 24:30 that Gods elect are scattered all over the heavens. But we just dont see it.

Yesterday I decided to take a little time off from thinking and let my spirit swim in possibilities. I watched several movies to take a break. In the movie Star Man, you see an alien vessel come to earth and crash, because we shot it down after inviting them here. Ok. Then you see this alien move out of the crashed UFO into an energy Orb transport. Is anyone seeing orbs out there? Then this alien creates a host body from a sample of DNA found in the house and creates a humanhost body to live in as it finds its way back to the rescue mission. Oh Im sure its all someones wild imagination. Surely there are no such things as energy Orb transport technologies. Im sure theres no way they can create host bodies from DNA and dwell inside of them. Naaah. And all this reptilian stuff is a bunch of poppycock too. WOW. Then you have the fingerprint of God and the Holy Spirit that shows up POWERFULLY in the movie Contact with Jodie Foster. They nailed so many things down tight in that movie its unreal. You have this scene in that movie where thousands were gathering together in large groups, (like in Roswell each year), to sing praises to the aliens and all sorts of astonishing horrible realities that some will surely see with their own eyes soon enough. Very sobering indeed. It even includes a zealous radical (supposedly God loving freak) strapping bombs to himself to destroy the Electromagnetic Wormhole Generation Device at Cape Canaveral. Boy did that hit the nail on the head. The world is going to go APE over all this stuff when it unravels soon. But the single most astonishing revelation in the movie Contact, was that GODs existence was a repeating theme throughout. In fact Ms. Fosters character was voted out of taking the electro-magnetic wormhole journey because of her lack of faith in God. There was an insistence that the person who went on this journey have an open mind to the existence of the Almighty Creator, prior to taking the journey. However due to some unexpected happenings, she eventually went anyway.

And when she did, HER MIND WAS BLOWN. As she travelled across the Galaxy and saw through the electromagnetic wormhole portal, she saw the MAGNIFICENCE OF GOD in his most BRILLIANT ART WORK. It was breath-taking to see her utterly speechless as she looked in awe and realized how words could not describe it, while gasping for breath hardly able to talk. Do you think that might be how we feel when we see the Glory of Gods Universe? Do you think thats how we might feel when we see how AWESOME the Heavens really are? I do. Inter-Galactic Yahweh God The Lord of Lords, the God of gods, the great El Elyon, the Almighty Creator. God of gods translated back to the Hebrew is Ya va El or Ja va El (depending on how you want to do it). God is so utterly fabulous. So beyond the scope of the far reaches of our imagination. You have Lord God, or YWHW Elohim and you have Yea sayeth the Lord of Hosts. WOW The Bible is utterly full of references to the powerful manifestation of God and Jesus the Word and the Truth that has been here since before the foundations of the world. AMAZING. The truly sincere Rabbis in the Hebrew faith, will only refer to GOD as Ha-Shem which means, The One, out of utter reverence. Humbling indeed. They will not even press a button on an elevator in Israel on the Sabbath to prevent offending GOD. They have special Sabbath elevators that dont have buttons. Amazing. For anyone out there that wants to begin understanding how inter-galactic and amazing our GOD is and how utterly privileged we are to be Sons of the Almighty Father, I recommend you expand your context to include all of Gods creations in every part of your understanding. Otherwise I believe you are almost certainly not seeing the big picture. I, for one, hope I never compress my understanding of our Awesome God, and Heavenly Father, into a peanut brain sized container. He deserves us to reach out to our wildest imaginations and try to grasp how awesome our salvation through Jesus Christ truly is.

Otherwise we sell his awesomeness short and we will likely never understand the scriptures that refer to things like Matt 24:31 and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. NKJV Galactic Alignment of the Ley Lines The pyramids are your enemy. This is one of the first things God spoke to my friend in Jesus, Jonathan Kleck. And its no wonder. Scientists and enthusiasts have been speculating forever, that the Pyramids are intergalactic communications systems of some type. Oh sure they point out things like they are aligned to the stars, but as of late there have been statements made by various friends of the Pleiadians that these pyramids are located all over the galaxy. WOW. So evidently this Fifth Dimension vibrational alignment is far worse than any of us even imagined. It appears we are talking about pyramids and demonic ley lines that interconnect across planets all over the Universe. This is so utterly mind blowing that I cannot wrap my own mind around it. To realize that the entire Bible was likely not just written as a roadmap for Gods future Sons to find salvation, but is actually cosmic and intergalactic in scope, is well .
very, very, humbling indeed.

Good Cop Bad Cop Earth Made Galactic Weaponry Its mind numbing to me when I hear wacky things like our military has created antigravity UFOs and they are stored in underground bases. Well not really. Think about it. Since when have we had any original advanced technology? Tesla supposedly had contact with extraterrestrial life. Christopher Columbus was followed by UFOs. The Sumerians were living with these space gods. INCREASE YOUR MIND SCOPE IN JESUS NAME. I dont know for sure, but anyone who says that our military (or Black Ops in particular) engineered any of this stuff without the help of visitors from other planets is in serious need of additional research. That may be what they experienced or saw from their perspective, but this technology did NOT come from earth. There is going to be UFO wars all right. Amen! And some will seem as though they came from earth, thats fine. But they DIDNT. There is a huge good cop / bad cop intergalactic war brewing and it seems clear that the Pleiadian fallen-angel-demon-elohim freaks are going to be leading the charge. I dont doubt for a second this show is going to become just that HUGE. And frankly, I dont want to be here. It is possible there will be

Pleiadians and Draconian ships fighting with what appears to be earth origin ships but NONE of this is truly earth origin. Never forget this is a strategy that Hitler, Stalin and many more used to keep control. They intentionally pit their own Generals against one another in waring factions. Do you think that Lucifer is not as smart as Hitler? Give me a break. Other Intergalactic Takeover Evidence And then yesterday I took a look at this You Tube video of Alfred Webre and Jerry Wills interviewing. You can take a listen here: v=rI8a4oSJ6do&feature=player_embedded.

Now I believe that Jerry Wills is some type of a medical intuitive, teacher and healer. Evidently he has some type of power to heal (or so it is claimed). Mr.Wills maintains that he was not born on this planet and I believe that is highly likely true. He is nearly seven feet tall (6 7) and has eyes that look (lets say) highly suspicious to me. He take 2012 very peacefully and makes no bones about it probably being bad. And he gets regular visitations from his Pleiadian galactic brothers. But I did find it interesting that he did not say the Pleiadians were his forefathers. I suspect thats because his parents are likely draconian. Only a guess though based on his eyes and height. Mr. Wills maintains that there are many earths out there with mankind similar to ours all over the place. NO YOU SAY!! CANT BE! Yep. But surely he must be lying. Matthew 24:30 cannot possibly be referring to other Sons of God elect out there in the heavens. Surely we MUST disregard that possibility. Right? We have a duty to keep our God in a 12 oz. aluminum can, dont we? God cannot be that spectacular. No way! 21st Century Capital Warfare

This section had to have its own subtitle because the data presented here is so utterly unbelievable that I am speechless. In fact it is SO HORRIFIC, that anyone who cannot see the inter-galactic nature of the earth takeover is definitely on an overdose of the Matrix Blue Pills. In this astonishing presentation you will discover Project Wormwood has been established in Australia. Its no secret the US is soon going to be toppled as an example to the rest of the world to usher in the New World Order and the Denver Area is going to be setup as the demonic epicenter. So Project Wormwood, in Australia, (among other things there), is focused on watching for Planet Xs arrival. You dont say!

Its located near one of the largest VLF HAARP like arrays in the world and watches for incoming cosmic bodies such as G.119. Fascinating that it was established for the purposes of Earths Defense! And evidently the CIA has officially announced support for now deceased author, Zechariah Sitchins position on the history of mankind, Planet X and creation. Nice. Anyone ready for a nice cup of Holy Spirit OIL for their vessels yet? I am! Amen. For more breath-takingly troubling and detailed information on these inter-galactic earthly takeover plans, see the following videos here. 21st Century Capital Warfare (Part 1 through Part 6) here; Revelation 12 Revealed And then through a set of rather unusual Kung Fu Panda Jesus Filled coincidences, the Lord has a wonderful spirit filled Yeshua loving soul named Patricia contact me. God Bless You Patricia. Patricias testimony is so mind shattering that she has not been able to tell

anyone about it thus far. Now she will evidently be doing a show in Zen Garcias web site. Patricia felt powerfully led to call me on the phone after I started to write about The Bride. She told me to make no mistake that the Holy Spirit was using me. (Praise Jesus). She brain dumped on me and told me the most utterly fabulous testimony I have ever heard. Utterly supernatural. I hope to share the radio show program information with you after she records her testimony on Zens show in the next few days. Patricia witnessed to me that Revelation 12 refers to the Bride. I was like NO WAY! I noticed the reference to this woman metaphor being taken out of harms way and fed for 1260 days, but I couldnt easily connect the entire paragraph to the Bride. But thats okay. God has a way of taking me to the information when I get stuck. And so He did Praise Jesus. Yesterday ANOTHER Jesus loving wonderful person sends me their witness. Her name is June. June sends Tribulation-Now a comment under the Arcturus Airlines article. She says that she knows for certain that we are fallen angels because she has done her homework. And PLEASE try in the name of Jesus to understand the term ANGEL and Son of God are one in the same. Its a matter of semantics. June tells me I have to go and take a look at Ok. So this morning I did. And whatdaya know there is the full answer the the Revelation 12 question. Rev 12:1-6 12 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun(symbolic of Eve), with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars (the twelve tribes of Israel). 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. (birth of Jesuss bloodline e.g. Jesus)

3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth (some of these stars are US you and me). And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born (devour Jesus). 5 She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne(Jesus). 6 Then the woman (symbolic offspring) fled into the wilderness(raptured), where she has a place prepared by God, that they

should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days (The Bride escaped and fed for 3.5 Years the Great Trib). NKJV IMPORTANT NOTE: Please understand that I do not agree or support all of the allegations made at the web site. Virtually all of these advanced authors eventually go off the deep end in their speculations. Make sure you are fully anchored in the Bible and measure everything against the curren canon. This is the same case with Apocrypha and Pseuepigrapha, there are gems of truth laced with gnostic lies. Be careful and email me at if you get stuck. Summary in Jesus Name I used to constantly keep myself in check by beating around the bush about whether the Holy Spirit was working through me all the time. But now things are getting really really amazing and the coincidences are . beyond explanation. Its one thing to get an email confirmation now and then, its another thing to look at a couple of verses in Revelation that the entire world of Theology has speculated on seemingly forever, and have only a few hours go by before God leads me to the answer. This is really something. I find myself breaking down in tears regularly throughout the day. No wonder God gives out his AWESOMENESS in tiny little spoon-fulls. He knows we would FREAK OUT if he let us have too much of Yeshua Jesus wonder in a single download. I would be in the corner of my bedroom incapacitated in awe if I got any more than Im getting. And I am CERTAIN I have little more than no clue at all. Praise God for His awesome mercy and GLORY. Please let this be some evidence that witnesses to your spirit on the SIZE of this situation we are being delivered from through the OIL of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, be a WISE VIRGIN and make sure you are filled with the Baptism of FIRE. Please dont be here for all this horrible stuff that is coming upon this tiny little earth. If you havent already done so, please read Oil in Your Lamp: The Plane Ticket Home here: There is still time to get Baptised in the Holy Spirit and make sure you have PLENTY OF OIL.



Be Blessed in Jesus Name John Baptist (

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