AP Isp 3ndQ2012-Spillane

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Name: ______________ Class/Period: ____________________ Due: Fri. March 17th AP Lang.

ISP Choices for 3rd Nine Weeks Tuesday, March 20, 2012 150 points are required for an A; 125 for a B; 110 for a C All events over 150 points will be considered for extra credit. You may not earn extra credit if you have any missing assignments, excessive tardies or absences. Extra credit is limited to +50 points. It is the expectation that all writing is original work completed without assistance from the internet or other students. Plagiarism of any kind will result in a grade of zero for the entire 150 point assignment. In addition you will receive a 3 in conduct for the term and your parents will be notified. All written ISP assignments need to be typedif they are not typed the will only receive credit. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Dates Activity Value My Points

Tuesday, Jan 24 Thursday, Feb. 9 (Owen) Monday, 3/5/12 (Spillane) Thursday, Feb. 9 Portable 29

Celebrate Literacy! Get a small group together and go get a READ poster made of your friends and your favorite books Participate in A.P. Language Movie Afternoon. Watch with us and discuss the film Bowling for Columbine. Parents are welcome. AP Book Club. Read Looking for Alaska by John Green. The author said that he imagined the book as too Christian-y; he did not anticipate the censorship of it. Read the novel with his statement in mind and come prepared to discuss (50 pt). Attend to listen (25 pt) Winter Park Art Festival!- www.wpsaf.org for more specifics. Go, enjoy, take a picture of you with a an inspiring booth. PS. Eat some fair food too. Open-Mic Poetry Community Nights at Barnes & Nobel at FL Mall
Students will have space in the book store to host open-mic, coffee house style poetry hour from 6-7pm. Come and support our poets (50 points) and take a picture of yourself with us there OR come out and take a turn at the microphone (100pts). Either way, post your picture to the Ning.

20 50

50 or 25

Fri. March 16Sun. March 18


Jan. 19 Feb 16 March. 16 post picture to Ning On-Going

50 or 100

On-Going Post picture to Ning Save the ticket!

On-Going ticket or picture proof posted to Ning


Read a Classic. See 101 Great Books titles College Board recommends for college bound students. Schedule a book talk with your teacher before March 15. Bring the book, an AR-C youve created on a social issue the book presents, and this paper. Visit a MuseumIN PERSON, not online. Connect to a specific work of art from the exhibit to 1 of the themes we explore this quarter. Take a picture of yourself at the museum & post to Ningtell me about your visit before class one day. Theater Events: Attend a professional or amateur theater event. Check out the offerings at Bob Carr Performing Arts Center, Valencia Community College, Rollins College, UCF, Orlando Rep, Osceola Performing Arts Center, or other high schools. Bring a ticket or a picture of yourself at the performance. Watch a Documentary. Watch a documentary from the list provided. In a short essay, analyze the filmmakers claim and the types of appeals he or she uses to persuade the audience. Attend a Thursday after school help session 2:30-3:30 and make a plan to share what you learned from the film with the class.





Only 1 film/movie allowed for credit.


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