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KOREATOWN OAKLAND Koreatown Northgate Community Benefit District Board of Directors Meeting Office, 2633 Telegraph Avenue # 107

Aug 10, 2011- 4:30 p.m. Present: Phil Porter, Keun Bae Yoo, Jack Beallo, Sheila Katz, Byoug Joo Yu, Alex Hahn (6) Absent: Neelam Lata, Jonathan Bae, Mohsin Sharif, Monrelle Williams, (4) Staff: Marco Li Mandri, Shari Godinez Guest: Karen Peters, Lathan Hodge, Cheol Woo-Kim, Warren Morey, Marvin Clark, Bich Nguyen Minutes: by Shari Godinez Subject 1. Introductions Call to Order Subject 2. Public Comments Announcements Call to order 4:38 pm Discussion Action

Discussion Cheol from South Korea is working at Community Rejuvenation Project here in Koreatown to promote the organization. He passed out a brochure on the Community Rejuvenation Project. He is working as a match maker on an important project to get permission from the property owners for a mural. He wants to make murals of Korean Culture to make the district more attractive. He said to let Shari know if you are interested in allowing a mural on your property. Warren Morey: Center Point. Wanted to report on how they are doing. They recently went before the planning commission and they are in line to receive a Mayoral award. They are transposing lives from tax takers to tax payers. They have an agreement with Caltrans to employ their guys. They are trying to seek other businesses to employ their guys since they can work with programs that will pay half their salary. They have been an asset to the community by picking up the litter. He thanked Keun Bae for his donations from the Bakery. He extend an invitation to anyone to come down and see what they are doing and said the government is looking to make their model standard throughout the state. Phil: asked how many people are in the program? Warren: Stated that they have 60 participants. They have a partnership with PIC and other organizations. Warren tells his 1


guy to follow the ABC; A. just get a job, B get a better job, and C work on a career. Karen Peters: Talked about her security concerns for the neighborhood. She is concerned that the security teams hours have been cut back. She lives on 30th St. and even though the security team has not come down 30th St. their work has impacted 30th St. She said that since their hours have been cut she doesnt feel so secure about walking to Oasis or Common Wealth. She said that the security guys have been wonderful with wonderful smiles. Phil: Explained that it is a budget question but he is interested in hearing from people about when they think the security teams time here is most affective. Subject 3. Approval of Minutes for: June 8, 2011 and July 13, 2011. 4. Reaffirm Officers for 2011 Minutes approved. Discussion Action

Marco said that the Board never went through a formal process and would therefore like to reaffirm the officers: Phil as President; Keun Bae Yoo as Vice President; Sheila Katz as Secretary; and Jack Beallo as Treasurer. All affirmed Phil read the proposed wording change to the bylaws and stated that this new proposal would start in January 2012. He stated that since this is a recommendation from a committee, it does not need a 2nd. Alex suggested that if some Board members cant make it they need to be excused. Marco stated that the Board can always have the flexibility to waive the policy. And that this makes it more of a mechanical approach. After much discussion it was decided that we would notify a Board member after the 3rd absence and let Board members who are not here today know about this. Jack: proposed that this amendment start today. Executive Committee has been active and doing most of the work. Phil: problem, we dont have a poll of people to draw from to replace them on the Board. Also, requirement that they need to be available on the 2nd Wed. of the month. Jack: We have the resources (Marco and Shari) to find new Board members. The executive committee can have a personal conversation with the Board members that are consistently inactive. Marco: The Board can elect themselves. 2

All officers affirmed.

5. Executive Committee Report: a) Amending the bylaws to ensure we do not have a lack of quorum (see pg.2) b) Need for every Board member to work on a Committee c) Revising monthly financial report

Action: Shari will send out new bylaw to Board members. Send bylaws to Marco that is not in pdf. Action: Amendment to Bylaws Passed with an amendment to start on September 1, 2011. Action: Shari set up SO Committee meeting. Shari set up a phone conference with Tuula, Jack, and Marco on Monday.

If a Board member cant make the commitment they should send a letter of resignation. Motion made to Amend the proposal to start on September 1, 2011. Motion 2nd and approved. b) Committees: BJ got pictures from a crime that happened. Jack sent Shari an article showing that redevelopment funds were spent for cameras in the Fruitvale Ave. district. It was suggested that we need to have more communication with Nancy Nadels office. BJ: Asked if we could try to get some kind of matching funds to cover cameras? Marco: Warren, Center Point has guys for cleaning, and suggested that we make Marcus Clark use them. Marco asked if we have any current stay away orders. Tree Maintenance is also under the S&O committee. c) Marco discussed the financial report. He estimated that the CBD budget would be at 260k or 265k this year. He said the categories need to be modified. Jack, Shari, Marco, and Tuula will have a conference call. Marco thinks the carry forward will be 60 or 65k. The consulting and tree planting should be under one-time expenses. Marco wants permission to work on this budget and suggested we set up a call for Monday with the accountant and Treasurer and ED. Nguyen, Bich: Discussed a concern he had with trash and security? Phil: Advised Mr. Nguyen if he sees something he should contact our security. He said that Kyle was helping him clean up that day he is talking about. Phil said we will take up your issue with our maintenance company.

6. Marketing Committee: a) Self-sustaining special events as of 2013 b) Concept of new major event(s) for 2012 to take the place of the CultureFest c) Tree type on the street, recommendations:

a) This item was postponed due to lack of time. b) This item was postponed due to lack of time. c) Tree species: approved d) Authorize the marketing committee to approve choosing a contractor for the tree planting project and provide an allowance of up to 5k from the CBD to supplement the grant funding for the project. Jack second, approved. e) New website by LocalOn approved f) This item was postponed due to lack of time. 3

Action: The recommended tree species was approved. Action: Marketing Committee can choose a contractor for the tree project. Action: Marketing committee can spend up to 5k on

Crape Myrtle, Red Oak, Chinese Pistache, Red HoresChestnut, and Ginko d) Authorize Marketing Committee to choose contractor e) Update new website host LocalOn f) Working with DOALMUDA DISI Committee g) Next meeting: 7. Safety and Operations Committee a) Report on Maintenance b) Report on Security c) Quote on maintenance of trees (water). 8. Sponsorship request from Alta Bates Summit for Korean Cancer Conference on Sept 10th for $500.00

g) This item was postponed due to lack of time.

the tree planting project to supplement the grant funding if needed. Action: Approved to change the KTNG website to be hosted and created by LocalOn.

This item was postponed due to lack of time.

Sheila asked if we had money in the Marketing Committee budget. Marco said there is some money left. It was suggested that we add a misc. line for sponsorships and maybe have a table at the event. Phil motioned to sponsor the breakfast. Sheila seconded Keun Bae ask how many people will be there. Shari read the email from the requester that stated the number of people expected was 150 to 200. It was suggested that people that ask for Sponsorships should present at the Board meetings so we can ask them questions. Sheila suggested that we create a one page form for people requesting sponsorship money. BJ said he will provide Kimchee and ba? (Noodle) and drinks as a Donation. All Approved a $500.00 sponsorship for the Korean Cancer Conference on September 10th.

Action: forward the email from Arlene to the Board. Action: The CBD will Sponsor the Alta Bates Summit Korean Cancer Conference on September 10 in the amount of $500.00.

9. Staff and Contractor Updates:

This item was postponed due to lack of time. 4

a) Report from Executive Director 10. Other 11. Next Board Meeting: Meeting Adjourned: September 14, 2011

Meeting adjourned 6:00 pm

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