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KOREATOWN OAKLAND Koreatown Northgate Community Benefit District Board of Directors Meeting Office, 2633 Telegraph Avenue # 107

July 13, 2011- 4:30 p.m. Present: Phil Porter, Keun Bae Yoo, Neelam Lata, , Monrelle Williams, Jack Beallo (5) Absent: Sheila Katz, Byoug Joo Yu, Alex Hahn, Jonathan Bae, Mohsin Sharif (5) Staff: Marco Li Mandri, Shari Godinez Guest: Marcus Clark, Kyle Franklin, Lathan Hodge, Rose Pratt, Linnea Graff Minutes: by Shari Godinez Subject 1. Call to Order & establishment of a quorum Subject Discussion Meeting was called to order at 4:48 pm. There was no quorum due to the absence of Mohsin Sharif who had confirmed that he would attend todays meeting. Discussion Action Action

2. Agenda Adjustments Item 5. Shari announced that TOLA would not be doing a presentation because Daniel was not able to make it but she included in the Board packet the printed Power Point that Daniel had prepared. Item 4. Approval of minutes will be skipped due to lack of quorum. Subject 3. Announcements and Public Comments Discussion Shari announced that the City Planning Commission will have a compliance review of Center Point on July 20 at 6 pm and it is item 7 on the agenda if anyone is interested in speaking they should attend this meeting. Shari also included a Neighborhood Code of Conduct letter in the Board packet that Linnea sent. Action

Subject 4. Approval of June 8, 2011 Board of Directors minutes.

Discussion Due to lack of quorum this item was extended to the next Board meeting.

Action Item 4 carried forward to next Board meeting.

Subject 5. Discussion of TOLA fellowship program to work in Koreatown.

Discussion Shari presented her case to the Board on utilizing the TOLA organization in assisting with a community survey to help determine which businesses the community would like to have in the district. She also mentioned that they will not be available until the end of the year. The idea was discussed. One concern was whether we can afford the minimum stipend and how it fits with our priorities. Neelam said it could be help with things like the CultureFest. Rev. Williams said he felt there was nothing pressing that we need them for right now. Phil said there was no consensus on a strategy for this and he is not convinced that a survey is the correct strategy. Phil likes idea to use them for CultureFest and he suggested that we continue this discussion in the Marketing Committee. Discussion Shari reviewed the Brown Act summery that she included in the Board packet.


Subject 6. Brown Act

Subject 7. Report from Budget Task Force Executive Committee a. Reduction in Safety1st as of July 1. 2011, report on proposed allocation of safety services for the balance of the year, not to exceed $60,000 from July 1st Dec 31st, 2011. b. Reduction in 1st Bldg.

Discussion The Executive Committee talked about reducing the two major line items, security and maintenance. Also about reducing the CultureFest budget to 11k and to try to get Korea Times to work on that event. And looked at how we are using the reserves over the next couple of years. a. Security contract: Has been reduced to 10k per month commencing July 1, 2011 through the remainder of the year. Marco 2 asked if they were going to look at whether they would need more coverage in Nov. and

Action Shari will look into purchasing audio recording equipment to comply with the Brown Act. Action

Maintenance to $5,000 per month commencing in July, then to $4,000 per month commencing in October. c. Marketing Committee to look at how to expend balance of funds for balance of 2011

Dec or during the summer etc. Lathan said that is what Kyle is looking at now. Marco said that discussion can go to the SO Comm. b. 1st. Bldg. Maintenance from $5,000 to $4,000 monthly for remainder of the year. Linnea how many parts of our neighborhood participate in National Night Out? Can the Board promote or can you tap into if that is happening.

8. Monthly Financial Report

Marco suggested that the financial reports show Dec. to Dec in order to show the disbursement so it is more reflective of the annual budget. Marco asked Shari to bring the CultureFest financial reports with details to the Marketing Committee (both 2010 and 2011). Marco will meet with Korea Times to discuss the CultureFest. Art Murmur sponsorship is 6k for the year. Phil said that he is looking for two things in the budget report; one, the pieces that are in place, two, the discretionary funds in order to see what we have left to draw from. Phil would like to get a narrative from the budget form Jack. a. Kyle said that as of July 1st their hours have been reduced and they are trying to figure out how to maintain a balance with the new hours and maintain safety in the district. He feels like they have a good handle in the district. b. Shari reported on the tree project and stated that she walked with the City of Oaklands tr ee department and identified 95 locations where we could plant a tree between 20th to 35th Streets. We currently have permission to plant 52 trees. There are still 22 property owners that have not replied which means we have 30 trees with no permission forms. There are 13 trees that were pulled off due to the property owner not wanting a tree. Shari said she has been in dialogue with the City of Oakland regarding planting in some locations without permission if we are unable to get a response from the property 3

Shari will bring the CultureFest report with details to the Marketing Committee both 2010 and 2011. Marco will meet with Korea Times to discuss the CultureFest. Jack will provide a narrative financial report for August 2011.

9. Staff and Contractor Updates: a. Report from Safety 1st b. Tree Project c. First Building Maintenance d. New City America, CBD Plan

Shari will find out the cost of filling the cut cement back in.

owners. The city said that would be our option, but if the property owner complained, we would need to stop the planting process at that location and possibly fill back in the cement cut. There was a discussion on whether to plant in the locations that we have no response. It was decided that Shari would check into the cost of refilling the hole and the Marketing & Identity Committee could review the tree map and decide if we should go forward with the planting project including the trees that we do not have permission for. Shari will continue to try to get permission for the next two weeks. Marco suggested that we do not plant in an area like the Courtyard because they will just remove it during construction. Phil would like to have us approve a contract with someone at the next Board meeting in August. Rose suggested that we do some outreach through the merchants to get the property owners permission. It was decided that if we need to talk more about this we can take it to the Marketing & Identity Committee. c. Marcus Clark of 1st Building Maintenance Co. said they started with new hours and now have an evening service. He said they will get to graffiti within 24 hours. He also said the Art Murmur is generating a tremendous amount of trash that they took photos of but this is putting a huge extra burden on them. Marcus said the Art Murmur is using 1st Bldg. Maintenance to take care of the trash generated at their event. Marco asked if it would help if there were cardboard trash cans at the event. Marcus said yes because now they are sweeping it into piles but they are just leaving it for someone else to pick up. Keun Bae said that we must work together and help each other. Phil asked that Marcus work with Shari and Tina Dillman to see what they should be doing. There was a question as to whether Koreatown had an agreement with Art 4

Shari will set up a meeting with Tina Dillman, Marcus Clark and herself to discuss the issue of trash from the Art Murmur. Marco will review the agreement between DTO and Art Murmur to see if it would be applicable for Koreatown.

Murmur and no one could recall an agreement. Phil doesnt want to over legislate this. Marco said he has an agreement in DTO and will review and see if it would be applicable over here. d. New City America: CBD Plan Marco said he will come up with a conceptual range plan, that talks about building nodes, dealing with vacancy, and answers the question of why someone would want to invest in this area; a long term plan. Phil asked Marco if CBD districts are usually being renewed. Marco said they are if the people believe there has been an impact. Jack asked if there was a lighting project for this area. Marco said no. Shari said that Mike McPherson had sent her a Street Scape plan that was done for this area in 2005. Jack asked if the City has a master plan for this area. Rose said the city is getting ready to redo MLK. They had a meeting on July 6 and they are re-doing Peralta St. also. West St. has been turned into two lanes. Marco suggested that Nancy Nadels office will have information on this. Marco asked if anyone knew if there are requirements for developers in the area. Jack said they had to negotiate with removing trees and replanting trees. Phil said he did street trees through the street tree program. Linnea Graff said that Center Point is going well. They have started the Cal Trans work force. They are sending out a Dear Neighbor letter and a Neighborhood Code of Conduct sheet with contact information for Warren Morey. The 6 month compliance review is next Wed. July 20, item #7. Linnea said it is premature for this Board to do a letter of support. She said they are looking for some work opportunities with 1st Building Maintenance. Phil asked if the Code of Conduct just come out. 5

Shari will send Marco a copy of the Street Scape plan. Marco will email Nancy Nadel and see if she has planning documents for Telegraph Ave.

Announcement / Public Comments

10. Schedule Committee meeting dates

Linnea said no, but it has gone from a 2 page document to a 1 page and nothing was mentioned about loitering around businesses so she asked Warren to add that. Keun Bae said he has had no problems but some of his customers are worried about parking when they see a group there. The guys have been cleaning the parking area and Safety1st is always coming there to check. Marketing Committee: Wed 27, 4:30 pm for Marketing Comm.

Action: Shari invite Tina Dillman to Marketing Comm. meeting. Shari will have CultureFest expenses from 2010 and 2011 at this meeting. Marco: will send agenda for Execu. Comm meeting tomorrow, July 14.

11. Next Board Meeting Meeting Adjourned:

August 10, 2011 6:10 pm

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