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Architecture Programme 2012/13

(RIBA Part 2 accredited since 1983) Our missions in Architecture are to take a broad view and to make the most of the RCAs art and design context. At MA level we prepare students for an effective, ideas-driven approach to architecture. London is always our testing ground. We are both inspired by, and apply our ideas to, the city combining experiment with plausibility. We tune into its social, economic and cultural wavelength, prise open real lives and load our proposals with narrative and personality. We are not interested in designing spaces that simply evolve the norms of style but rather those that work in a dynamic way with what happens in them. Our medium is about making space itself; we consider the work of the architect as spanning between the hard materiality of building and the reprogramming of existing space. The pursuit of these aims makes particular sense in the broader context of the College, where the proximity of sophisticated practice across the art and design spectrum underpins a multidisciplinary view of design. Not only do we want our students to develop original design skills, but we want them to know how to communicate them. MA students work in the context of our five Architectural Design Studios, each of which develops an urban theme over the course of each year; MPhil and PhD students belong to our dedicated Research Studio.

At the Royal College of Art, programme staff consist of highly regarded practitioners who ensure that practical application is relevant, and who are academically qualified to provide a critical context for the discipline. We also attract some of the most eminent artists, designers, intellectuals and business people working in their fields to give seminars, lectures, masterclasses, crits and individual tutorials. Acting Head of Programme Clive Sall Cross-ADS Support Tom Teatum; Will Hunter ADS1 Tutors Roberto Bottazzi; Alex Haw ADS2 Tutors Kevin Carmody; Andrew Groarke; Lewis Kinneir ADS3 Tutors Marc Frohn; Fernando Rihl; Charlotte Skene Catling ADS4 Tutors Tom Greenall; Rosy Head; Nicola Koller ADS5 Tutors Jon Goodbun; Kenny Kinugasa-Tsui; Justin Lau One2one and CDP2 Chris Procter Professional Practice Adviser Malcolm McGowan External Examiners Frederic Migayrou, Farshid Moussavi Visiting Professor Amanda Levete Research Leader Susannah Hagan Student Research Supervisor Roberto Bottazzi Computer Technician Simon Bird

Administrator Boris Cesnik For further information on staff, including research interests, exhibitions and publications, please visit

The Royal College of Art is rightly proud of its graduates achievements. Alumni from the RCA form part of an international network of creative individuals who have shaped and continue to shape the culture surrounding all of us from the landscape of our cities to the furniture and appliances in our homes, and from the clothes we wear and the films we watch to the work we experience in galleries. A few of our well-known Architecture alumni are listed below: David Adjaye AOC Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby David Connor Ben Kelly Kirsten MacKay Urban Salon DRMM Tonkin Liu Theis & Khan Gollifer Langston Architects For more information please contact

Image: Paniz Peivandi, Eyes Wide Shut, Concept model, 2011

Royal College of Art Kensington Gore London SW7 2EU +44 (0)20 7590 4444

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