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Demonstrate the development of your nal project idea by completing this form.

The feedback on your idea here is to help you work towards the completion of the nal proposal form at the end of 360MC module.




A clear, brief title - which can be modied at a later date if necessary - but which gives clear idea of the nature of the project. The title of my nal media project is Gelato, which means ice cream in Italian.

Sum up your idea in 2 lines. Include the genre, format, duration, USP (unique selling point) and intended audience. A young religious boy is praying to God for ice cream, but an old woman is disgusted at his request. The tables are turned when it is the Italian woman who is in need of a gelato. Genre: The genre is children's lm, which is primarily marketed at children and can also be classed as a family lm. Format: The format is short lm, which will be a high denition digital video. Duration The duration will be around six to seven minutes long. Unique Selling Point: It looks at religion in a sweet, innocent way through the eyes of a child. There isnt many short lms out there that Ive seen that looks at similar themes that this short lm will be exploring. It will be a beautiful and cinematic children's lm. Intended Audience: The intended audience is children and families. It will also appeal to lmmakers who have an interest in cinematography and digital colouring.

A brief description of the main issue/subject which your project will examine and the approach you intend to take. The project will examine the religious views of a little boy to the conicting views of two elderly Italian people. When an elderly woman overhears him praying, she is disgusted at his request and the little boy thinks that God is angry at him. An elderly man approaches the little boy and he nds out that gelato is more special than he thinks it is. It will have a child actor and will focus on children-related themes of teaching a lesson and morals. It will be shot on a Canon 5D Mark II because of its stunning capability to capture fullframe 35mm high denition video, which produces cinematic looking images. The visual style will be cinematic. It will be carefully planned in terms of lighting, shot composition, framing, camera angle / focus and colouring in addition to the scene selection. I will be shooting the lm in Sorrento, Italy on March 7, 2012 until March 10, 2012.

Demonstrate the development of your nal project idea by completing this form. The feedback on your idea here is to help you work towards the completion of the nal proposal form at the end of 360MC module.



The locations are: L'Abate Restaurante, which is an authentic Italian restaurant, Corso Italia, Marina Piccola, Piazza Tasso, around the streets of Municipale Sorrento and an overlooking view of the whole of Sorrento.

What question/s does your PROJECT answer or what new idea does it offer? Where does your PROJECT t in the current Media environment? Give evidence of the research and opinion that support your claims. This project looks at how a little boy sees the world in his eyes. Hes quite religious, and even though he hasnt been taught how to pray (if there even is a way) he feels close to God. When the old woman comments about how he prays, its quite interesting how she believes that the little boy is not praying how he should be praying. Is there a correct way to pray? Will God be angry at us if we pray for something that we desire? This short lm will have some binary opposition (Levi-Strauss) such as the old vs. young. The old is much more wiser, compared to the young. As the story develops, we see the young person as the wiser one. I think that this project looks at religion in a very sweet and innocent way, compared to what is currently out there. Religion in some lms can be dark and dramatic. If there are two edits of the lm, with a shortened version under 3 minutes, it could also be used as a commercial lm to advertise ice cream or gelato (which could be potentially sold for an advert).

Where do you think your PROJECT is going to play/reach an audience? Show evidence of your research into LIKELY sources of distribution.

Online Distribution

Future Shorts - Future Shorts is the largest short lm network in the world. Since 2003, it has built a new audience for lm across the globe and has developed a platform for lmmakers that allows millions of people worldwide to engage in their work. They operate online, in live events and through commercial distribution, as they strongly believe in the social experience of lm. Vimeo - From their website From the beginning, Vimeo was created by lmmakers and video creators who wanted to share their creative work, along with intimate personal moments of their everyday life. As time went on, like-minded people came to the site and built a community of positive, encouraging individuals with a wide range of video interests. We hope that you feel inspired to show us both your creative side as well as your friendly side. I have been using Vimeo for a few years now, and I feel that it is a great platform to distribute your work around the world. People can also give you feedback through comments on the comments bar. You can also join certain channels and groups to push out for a bigger audience.

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Demonstrate the development of your nal project idea by completing this form. The feedback on your idea here is to help you work towards the completion of the nal proposal form at the end of 360MC module.

Film Festivals Future Shorts Festival - The Future Shorts Festival is the biggest pop up lm festival of its kind, showcasing the most exciting short lms around the world. Anyone, anywhere can set p a screening and be part of a massive screening network and a powerful global community. Download the pack here: http:// Raindance Film Festival. Deadline is May 6, 2012. The festival aims to reect the cultural, visual and narrative diversity of the international independent lmmaking community and specialises in lms by rst-time directors. Young Director Award, Cannes. Deadline is May 2012. The Young Director Award has supported and promoted debuting international creative talent in commercial lm production since 1998. Salento International Film Festival, Italy. Deadline is April 15, 2012. A celebration of independent cinema from all over the world. Little Big Shots International Film Festival For Kids. Deadline is January 1, 2013. Perfect for families and children aged 2 to 15, Little Big Shots is Australias major international childrens lm festival, showcasing the worlds best local and international lms for kids and teens. London Short Film Festival. Deadline for 2012 has passed, but will apply for 2013. The LSFF is a Mecca for the UKs young creative talent and a signicant date in the UK lm calendar. I have also looked out other local and international lm festivals that could potentially screen my nal piece. Zero Film Festival Venice Film Festival Swansea Bay Film Festival Strawberry Shorts (lm festival) Spectre Film Festival Stockholm International Film Festival Sarajevo Film Festival New Horizons International Film Festival London Film Festival Locarno International Film Festival Leeds International Film Festival IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival



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Demonstrate the development of your nal project idea by completing this form. The feedback on your idea here is to help you work towards the completion of the nal proposal form at the end of 360MC module.




Give a realistic budget breakdown of your project and make sure you can afford to make it. Also explain here why you are the right person to be making this project what skills, knowledge and experience will you be capitalizing on? Budget The budget breakdown sheet is attached as a separate page (This is a rough budget breakdown) Skills Audit Strengths Organisation, Communication, Time-Management, Story-boarding [TECHNICAL] Cinematography, Camera Operating, Editing, Colouring, Motion Graphics, Graphics Design Weaknesses Script Writing, Casting [TECHNICAL] Sound, Lighting I am the right person for this project because I am very passionate to make this story come to life. I want to make this a visually beautiful lm as well as making the story memorable and exciting. By doing this short lm, it will denately challenge my production skills. This will be my rst international lm, however I am condent that I will be able to achieve a high standard of work. This lm could also be a gateway to potential employers, as well as my stepping stone to future applications of lm schools for lmmaking and cinematography. I am condent with doing the cinematography, as I nd that I am good with my composition and framing, and nding the most beautiful shot to really get the story across to my audience. I have watched numerous award-winning feature lms, in order to soak in the shots that they have used. This has allowed me to gain inspiration of the shots that I will be doing in terms of framing, shot movement, composition, colouring and inspirations for how to light my subjects properly. My biggest inspirations from cinematography are Dion Beebe (Memoirs of A Geisha), Don Burgess (Forrest Gump) and Danny Cohen (King's Speech, This Is England).

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Demonstrate the development of your nal project idea by completing this form. The feedback on your idea here is to help you work towards the completion of the nal proposal form at the end of 360MC module.



I want to experiment with the colour grading for this lm. I have a huge interest with the effects of colour grading and I am very excited when it comes to the postproduction of this piece. Colour grading will help sell the shot of the lm. I know that my weaknesses are sound and lighting, however I will book tutorial times with the equipment technician to learn more about the equipment that Im not very competent with. Ive worked with a group last year who did the short lm module, and I was able to assist them with the project. I helped them out by being a production assistant, hair/ make up artist, motion graphics and with the distribution (DVD cover design and lm poster). Also during the 260MC module last year, I directed a few of the short lms that we had produce. (Links below) The Projectionist Part I - The Projectionist Part II - The Last Letter - Precari - Scattering Dust -


An over-view of the stages and process of the project. October 2011 Come up with initial ideas Do budget break down Start writing the rough draft of the script Watch lms that have won Best Cinematography, Best Film, Best Short Film from lm awards and festivals Canon 5D Mark II tutorials November 2011 Finalise script Start looking at potential actors Casting (child actor) Research existing short lms and look at the different styles Read books about cinematography Watch lms that have won Best Cinematography, Best Film, Best Short Film from lm awards and festivals December 2011 Send an email to the the Sorrento Town Council for Film Permit Application Request Plan location scouting (ights & accommodation) Casting (mother actress) Do the actor release forms (child actor, actors over 18, non-speaking actors)
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Demonstrate the development of your nal project idea by completing this form. The feedback on your idea here is to help you work towards the completion of the nal proposal form at the end of 360MC module.



Do the location release forms Research more about Child Filming Licence Book out the equipment needed for the production in the Media Loan Shop Watch lms that have won Best Cinematography, Best Film, Best Short Film from lm awards and festivals

January 2012 January 11-13th - Location scouting (nalise location release forms with the restaurant, gelato shop and the lm permit request for Sorrento) Book out equipment for location scouting in the Media Loan Shop Finalise casting (Italian actors; elderly man, elderly woman and her friend, waiter/ waitress) Copyright script on Raindance Apply for the Child Filming Licence by end of January at the latest Start doing the shooting script Start doing the script break down Start doing the storyboard Plan the lighting set up Plan the sound set up Book tutorials for sound equipment Write letters for sponsorship to companies and send them out Watch lms that have won Best Cinematography, Best Film, Best Short Film from lm awards and festivals Advanced lighting tutorials February 2012 Do schedule plan for the actual lming Buy the shoulder rig with matte box and follow focus for the Canon 5D Mark II Buy the LCD viewnder for the Canon 5D Mark II Buy two soft boxes for the DEDO lighting Sort out catering for the production Look at costume design Hair & Make photo boards March 2012 Filming on Wednesday 7th March - Saturday 10th March Capture the footage and back it up on a hard drive Edit the footage Do the lm soundtrack Colour the footage (colour correction and colour grading) Export the lm Create DVD disc Create the DVD cover design and disc design Design the lm posters Do trailer of the lm Submit to lm festivals April 2012 Submit to lm festivals Final hand-in

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Demonstrate the development of your nal project idea by completing this form. The feedback on your idea here is to help you work towards the completion of the nal proposal form at the end of 360MC module.


To support your proposal you must provide some evidence that your project is viable.This could be an interview with your intended contributor/s or footage of your intended location or evidence of your intended shooting style/ techniques or a sample of your drama script and characters.Duration 1-3mins.



The video that I did for my presentation contained a lot of clips that I lmed during the location scouting. I have also included the script, location release forms and a short video of my child actor.

Summarise the 3 key points that make your FINAL PROJECT viable and the MAIN REASON/S why you are excited by the idea of taking it forward to 361MC.

This project will require a lot of time and effort, but I strongly feel that it will make a very good FMP. Although I have quite a big budget, I am able to self fund it with my own money. However, I plan to send sponsorship letters and apply for grants to gain some money back. I am very excited to direct this project because it proves that I can be a good leader and that I am able to bring a story from page to screen. Filming in Sorrento will be amazing and the cast are crew are also very excited to be a part of it. Since I am a female lmmaker, I have a lot more to prove. This lm is very important to me because I believe that female directors/cinematographers should be recognised more in the lm industry. This project is viable because I have the nal script done along with the majority of the actors has been casted. As for my Italian actors, the Sorrento theatre is next to the location of the restaurant. Even though the budget is around 4000, I am able to self fund it with my own money, as well as sponsorships and grants. I have all the lming permissions, lm insurance, lm equipment that I need booked, the ights and hotels booked. So far this project has been well managed and produced, and will carry on until completion.

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