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KOREATOWN OAKLAND Koreatown Northgate Community Benefit District Marketing & Identity Committee Meeting Koreatown Northgate Office,

2633 Telegraph Avenue # 107 October 25, 2011-5:30 pm.

Present: Staff: MINUTES: Subject

Phil Porter, Sheila Katz, Katherine of Rock Paper Scissors, Matt Inglehart, Keun Bae Marco Li Mandri, Shari Godinez

Discussion Discussion to open up the logo design to the art community and choose a design in the December Marketing Committee meeting at the beginning of December and then present that design to the full Board then post to our website and ask community for feedback. There was a discussion of the elements of what the rfp should include. Time line: Release Call for Artist the first week of November, due December 1st, review at the December Marketing committee and send to the December Board meeting, open up for public review. Goal to have a decision by the 1st week of January and have the banners up by the middle of January 2012. Decided to offer a $500.00 incentive for the winner.

Action Marco will create a call for artist for a new logo design. Shari will send the final call for artist to local art groups in Oakland and to Rock Paper Scissors. Shari will check into getting a Master Encroachment permit from the City of Oakland.

1. District Identity Logo KONO

2. Update on Tree Project

3. New Website going live

Shari provided an update on the tree project and that the city is concerned with multiple species on one block since this can cause difficulty when they do their tree trimming plans. The city waived the liability increase. Discussion about having a tree planting ceremony and inviting the Mayor and Nadel. Shari announced that the website is live and as soon as she reviews it and makes sure everything is ok she will switch the url address. 1

Action: Shari will provide Christine LeBrone and Robert Zahns email to Phil.

4. Art in Koreatown Storefront Art Program Success Pop up Art Gallery at 2633 Telegraph Ave Holiday Banner idea

Shari announced that the Storefront Art program was successful, artist sold her work, Storefront was rented to an art gallery. Shari provided all the release of liability forms to John Protopopus for the Pop up Art gallery and announced that he wants to have mobile food vendors on First Friday to draw people up to the site. Keun Bae has a basement with 10k sq ft. that he is willing to open up for artists. Shari shared the Palm Springs Christmas banners idea that she learned about at the California Downtown Association conference that solicited the local school kids to submit drawings, chose the designs and asked the kids to paint them directly on raw canvas that was made into banners (cost $20.00 each). Marco shared a holiday idea from Little Italy where they provided the local school kids with posters to color and then hung them in the merchants windows. Matt announced that the mobile food vendors are being moved off of 23rd St and into a warehouse on Valley and 24th for the next two months for First Friday. 6:30 pm

5. Open Discussion

Meeting Adjourned

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