Expected Questions

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Expected questions 1. 2. 3. 4.

a quality measure of a specific desirable attribute of software- metric whos not the internal stake holder of project- end user which of the following is example for peer review-code review goal for schedule variance is 6%,while project is delivered at 2%-1%,wat does this indicate- baseline needs to be reviewed because capability has improved 5. a large project with fixed requirement needs to follow- incremental model 6. which of the following is not part of deliverable management- analysis 7. duration of project is 4 months and effort is 45 persons month- medium project 8. in which doc team structure is mentioned- SPP 9. Minimize of schedule variance lead to on time delivery, reduction of duration variance, reduction of cost. 10. total no. of defects found during review and testing- review efficiency 11. You are required to perform the coding and testing of a very small module entirely on your own. From where will you find task and activitiy associated with coding and testing- Qview and PSPH 12. metric goal mass- delivery quality 13. project is executed,applying by knowledge skills team and tools 14. in incremental model which stages are incremented-?????????? 15. which of the following is not a security criteria in cognizant- CO 16. delivery management runs ||el to-SDLC 17. if theres lot of volatile bus requirement and the s/w prone to change,which model is applicable if change very enough to rehaul of certain system- iterative 18. the following is not a SDLC model practice in cognizant- ???????????(some O model)doubt dont know the question properly 19. at initial, CMMi level process is chaotic 20. which is quality assurance actually- process audit 21. which does not result in CMMI- new coding language 22. A project A produce 2,20,3,253 defects in 4 tasks of same size project B produces 18,19,18 & 18 defects.which project is controlled- project B 23. which SDLC model have separate and distinct phase of specification and deviation waterfall 24. which of the following shows proper sequence of events in the quality journey of an organization- framework model certification 25. which is concern of project manager- schedule,business deviation, profitability 26. where does one control limits for a metric- OLBM 27. SDLC to be followed for deviation project must be one from waterfall,iterative, incremental(question not clear)- answer is false 28. security certification of cognizant is currently- BS7799 29. product metric is defect density 30. why security is critical- information should be protected from an unauthorized access 31. software metric is process and product

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