Anthro Essay 12-12 Daniel

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Daniel Molina B-1

An Essay

In todays modern context genocide has become justifiable. For the purposes of this argument justified is defined as to prove or show to be just, right or reasonable. The idea to justify ones actions has led to mass killings, and a promotion of false ideologies. These actions both stem from people believing they are better than others. Under the belief of manifest destiny violence to Native inhabitants to America became justifiable. Manifest Destiny Provided Justification for the killing of thousands of natives. The best example of this mass death would be the battle of wound knee. Many natives were killed because the United States felt that they had the right to take the land they wanted. The idea of Manifest destiny not only applies to the United States but all countries of the world in the concept of space exploration. It is a human drive to seek and control all object. The concept of Manifest Destiny promotes the singular human beliefs. Meaning that killing and destruction of nature becomes just when manifest destiny is presented as the reason for cause. The simple fact is that Manifest Destiny promotes an anthropocentric paradigm, by allowing human centered beliefs to come first. Anthropocentrism has been the key factor in the promotion of anti-environmental ideals. Antienvironmentalism not in the context of a literal wanton destruction of the earth but in a careless mindset of how we preserve the earth. Through anthropocentrism humans have become blinded by what is best to prosper all forms of life. Anthropocentrism only promotes the human condition. We shall define the human condition as: the norms rules and standards that humans and as society structure conceptual frameworks. People tend to live by a mutual agreement of the world by what is told to us from generation to

Daniel Molina B-1

generation, much like the way religion is spread. The human condition we present is best presented in the context of Platos Allegory of the cave. Human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den. Here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets. How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?"" Anthropocentrism becomes the shadow that influences the thinking of the prisoners of the cave. Human beings have come to the conclusion that humans are the focal point of the entire structure of the universe. This mind set has surely come to have negative backlash. Examples of this would be the theories that humans have proposed to be proven false. Linda Williams who is a space ecology activist explains this concept best, First there was the Big Ocean Theory, which basically meant that the ocean is so big that humans could dump any amount of waste into it without environmental consequence. Of course, that theory has proven to be false as ocean ecosystems today suffer from dying coral reefs and fish populations poisoned with mercury and other pollutants. Next came the Big Atmosphere Theory, which assumed that we could belch out billions of tons of air pollution and carbon dioxide from our smoke stacks and tail pipes without environmental repercussions. We all know how that idea has impacted the planet: air pollution, acid rain, ozone depletion and global warming.

Daniel Molina B-1

The focal point of this essay is to show exactly how by the justification of mass genocide this only allows a cycle of violence to promote a flawed system of belief. One is able to see this trend in the examples that I have provided. Genocide causes destruction, false beliefs launch cataclysms.

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