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guess I have to start from the bottom and work up.

Here goes the Idiots Guide to Developing Game: A. Confidence: Before you EVER go out and talk to a woman, before you even leave your house, you have to be confident. I cannot emphasize this enough. You do not have to be Tucker Max, but you must have some minimal level of self-assuredness and selfawareness. If you are weak or unsure, the woman will see it almost immediately and will almost always be put off by it. Nothing smells worse to a woman than desperation. How can you be confident? Thats like asking how you can be creative. There is no definitive answer. Confidence comes from within, comes from an understanding and acceptance of who you are and a belief in yourself and your abilities. If you have nothing good about yourself to believe in, then find something or do something that can give you that belief. Seriouslydevelop a skill or talent that you are proud of. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING flows from your inner self. It is the foundation that all game is built upon. Some guys have good things about them, but they cant find the courage to believe in themselves. I can understand this, it happened to me when I was playing high school basketball. I was good, but I grew up playing unorganized playground ball until high school, and never really played to the level I should have during varsity practice because I was never comfortable. I didnt have confidence in my game. That all changed one day. We were having a shitty shitty practice, everything was fucked up, and the coach decided to scrimmage, but instead of a normal scrimmage, each one of us would imitate another player on the team. We would be someone else, the point being to show people how they play, so people could look at themselves and see their weaknesses displayed in another player. I was assigned to be Brian Meeney, our star and an eventual D1 player at Long Island University. I pretended I was him. I lost my inhibitions, I forgot what I was supposed to be good at and what my weaknesses were supposed to be, and played completely out of my fucking mindbecause thats how he played. The best game Id ever had, EVER, to that point in my life in an organized setting. I dominated the scrimmage. Everyone was shocked, the coach included, and he told me that if that was what it took, I should pretend to be Brian all the time. I didnt have to keep pretending, because that one practice was all it took and I eventually started playing. The lesson: Develop confidence in yourself. If you cannot develop confidence on your own, if you dont know what to do, then the next time you find yourself in a situation where you would normally back down or puss out or whatever, pretend you are someone else you respect. Pretend you are me. What would Tucker do? Then go ahead and do it. Go talk to that girl, drink that drink, etc. I am the single greatest example of how confidence conquers. Do I have talent? Yes, but its not that great, there are plenty more with greater talent than me. Am I good looking? Im alright, but again, nothing special. So what is it that separates me from everyone else? What makes me me? Why am I going to be rich and famous, and so many others that have more talent and looks wont be?

Complete, utter, unshakable confidence in myself, confidence that is so high it borders on delusional hubris. Everything starts there. All of my other attributes have their foundation in my supreme egotism. Mark Twain, probably the greatest American writer ever, said it best, With ignorance and arrogance, success is assured. If you sit down and always consider all the possibilities, if you waste your time worrying what others will think, if you ponder whether or not you are good enough, then you never will be. You know how many times in my life I have gotten something or achieved something because I tried where others begged off, because I threw my hat in the ring when others kept theirs on their head? You know how many hot girls I have gotten because I went up and talked to them, while everyone else was scared of them? Yes I have game, but my game is worthless sitting alone at a table. It takes balls to approach a hot girl or to put your life on the internet, and friends, I have two huge ones, and this is why I am a winner and will always be a winner. It doesnt take huge balls, but achievement does require a belief in yourself and a willingness to take risks. There is no way to cheat that part of the system. ONE IMPORTANT THING: Confidence without ability is little more than arrogant pomposity. I am not advocating that you go out and try and do what I do, unless you have my game. It is important that you be yourself, that you do what comes natural for you, that you dont step onto a court that you dont have the game to play on. I used to play b-ball at these outdoor courts, where there were like four courts lined up in a row. Court 1 was the best players, Court 4 were the complete scrubs, and 2 and 3 there were somewhere in between. I started on Court 4, because I wasnt good enough for 1, 2, or 3. Even though I was confident in myself, I knew my limits and I understood who I was, which at that point was a crappy basketball player. I eventually became a regular on Court 1, but it took time and dedication. At its core, confidence comes from the internal belief that you can accomplish the task at hand, so in some ways, this is a Catch 22 for guys without game. How can you get confidence with having game? Trial and error. Follow my instructions below, and go out and talk to women and you will get better, believe in yourself more, and thereby get even better. Nothing helps you improve like a positive feedback loop. OK, so now you have confidence, but confidence by itself means nothing if you are sitting at home alone. Where do you go from there? B. Make yourself presentable: You do not have to be some idiotic guido who is vain beyond Naomi Campbell levels, but at least have a minimal level of cleanliness, hygiene, and fashion. If you do not have a good sense of style, thats fine, just wear the same nondescript things that every other guy does. I dress as non-descript as possible, and it works fine. This is pretty easy to accomplish, but youd be surprised how many guys fuck it up. Well, girls wouldnt, because they see it. You dont need to win girls with your looks or style, but your goal should be to at least not lose anyone because of how you are

dressed. If you are unsure how to dress, go out, look at what the successful guys are wearing, and copy them until you develop your own style. Alright, you are confident, dressed reasonably well, so what now? C. Talk to women: Seems basic doesnt itbut guess what? Most guys just go out and sip beers with their friends and dont do shit. You cant get big without lifting weight, you cant get fast without running sprints, and you cant have game without talking to women. This of course begs the question, How? I am going to assume that you know the woman. This is a thread on beginning game, and I never ask beginners to go out and pick up women on their own. How to approach and pick up women is medium level game, and well cover that another time, here we are going to assume that you know the woman or have been introduced in some way or another, and are past the introductory phases. You are a relatively confident, decently dressed guy, and you have the attention of the woman. Guess whatyou are at least half way there. The problem is that from this point forward, you are kinda on your own. I cannot script a conversation for you, and I cannot tell you what to talk about. A conversation is a dynamic, organic thing. What I can do is tell you how to talk to a woman, but not necessarily what to talk about. 1. Be attentive: When you are talking to a woman, pay attention to her. Listen to what they say, dont just wait for your turn to speak. Engage them on the topic, do not just blabber on about what you want to talk about. BUTdo not take this too far. DO NOT fawn over her, and DO NOT act like she is your universe. On the other hand, you can play it nonchalant and cool, but even if you do that, make it clear you are interested in the conversation and you enjoy talking to her (If you dont enjoy talking to her, then dont talk to her. If you are just talking to her to get laid, then fake it). 2. Do not focus on yourself, unless its natural: Most people, especially guys, do this; they continually talk about themselves and always relate the topic at hand back to themselves. This is because most people are blindly self-centered, and dont even realize what they are doing. Avoid doing this. Women generally HATE guys who just drone on about themselves. Focus on her or on mutually interesting topics, and talk about yourself only if it is natural to the conversation. Make the conversation about a topic, not about yourself. 3. Be funny/witty/perceptive/intelligent/etc: There are few things worse than a boring person. If you are that guy, you are not getting laid without a credit card. Make funny observations, say smart things, have witty comebacks, etc. Im not even sure how to explain anymore here, you either know what Im talking about or you dont. If you dont know how to be funny or witty, then hang out with people who are and imitate them until you develop your own style. Thats basically how I learned. One legitimate question you could have here though is not How do I be funny, but something like, I am funny around my friends, but I just get nervous around women, I freeze up and Im just not as funny.

This goes back to the confidence question. You are nervous because you are not experienced with women, and thus you have no basis for confidence. There IS a solution to this problem. Actually, there are two ways to get over your nervousness around women: The Tucker Solution: Remember when you had a girlfriend? Talk to girls as if you are talking to your girlfriends friends. When you talk to your girlfriends friends, you are funny and witty and charming because you are loose and there is no pressure. There is always that underlying sexual tension, barely felt, because you know that deep down they are evaluating you as a potential mate, but you dont approach them in a sexual manner, which drives them nuts. When you are talking to the girl, just tell yourself that you have no desire to sleep with her and you could less what comes of the interaction, but you still want to be nice. This approach to the conversation will make you loose and natural, and very attractive. Think about it: How many times have you found yourself doing great flirting with some old woman, because it was completely harmless and you had nothing to lose? Be that way with all women by pretending they are that old woman, or that woman that you have no real desire to sleep with. The DrunkRex Solution: Stop CARING what the woman thinks about every word that comes out of your mouth. You care because you do not want to get rejected or look like a chump when they dont buy your game or call BS. Whatever. Who cares? At the end of the night, the handful of girls you talked to that evening will have their lips WRAPPED around somebodys cock and it might as well be yours. Being confident in what you are saying and not caring about the outcome of neither your conversation nor the evening as a whole will make you more attractive most women. In reality, the solutions are just different mental approaches to the same endYou are releasing your desire, and as a result you are not invested in the outcome and are not putting any pressure on yourself. You are reducing your stress level, and humans almost always perform better in a relaxed non-stressful environment. Just ask yourselfhow many times have you been more successful with a girl you didnt even think you were hitting on, than one you did? 4. Display your strengths: I cannot emphasize this enough. Whatever you are, whatever it is you are good at, accentuate it. Women are naturally attracted to males who display some sort of quantifiable talent, some skill or ability that is valued in society. Have you ever wondered how dumbass professional athletes or shit bag rockstars get pussy? It has NOTHING to do with them as people; most of them suck horribly. Women are attracted to the fact that they have highly valued skills or talents, things that translate to power. For you, being Joe Anonymous, it means that you need to give the woman something to admire or find attractive, and it usually doesnt take much. My god, even professional Golden Tee players have groupies. I cant tell you how many times in my life Ive been spitting good game at a girl and she has given me no love, but once she finds out I have a JD, or I wrote two books, or any number of other cool things about me, she does a 180 and is completely into me. Many times it has nothing to do with your gamesometimes its all about what you have to offer, so display it.

One noteBe somewhat humble about talking about your achievements. Unless you are a douche bag jamook, and all you have to offer is your coco-butter soaked body, dont just go around talking about how great you are. It always plays better if she finds out your achievements indirectly. It is a difficult dance, but that is what good wingmen are forto tell her about you, so you dont have too.

This is an awesome question. Listen to me very carefully. I am going to answer this, and my answer will probably go against everything youve been taught or heard. I am going to impart a lesson on you that took me years to learn, and is probably the single greatest principle that I can pass on to another male (or female): Tell the truth. There is no greater freedom, there is no more potent weapon, there is nothing more conducive to mental health and stable relationships than being honest about who you are and what you want. Lets back up and evaluate the situation. You have a female that you are in a semirelationship with, that you see/fuck on a semi-regular basis. You want the relationship to stay exactly where it is, but you are afraid she will start asking the where is this going question. First off, if she doesnt ask, then you dont really have an obligation to bring it up, b/c if she doesnt ask then you can legitimately assume that she likes everything the way it is, just like you. But lets assume that she does one day ask you, Sweetie, where do you see this relationship going? At that point, you have two options: 1. Lie and tell her anything that you think you can to keep everything in the status quo. 2. Tell her the truth, that you like the relationship the way it is, that this is exactly the type of relationship that you want, and you do not want it to change. Now lets evaluate the consequences of each decision: 1. You lie and tell her what you think she wants to hear. She may not buy it, and then you are fucked and its over. But if you have gotten to this point, you can probably say something that will satisfy herat the time. But the fact is, you have now deceived her in order to get laid, and let me tell youfrom my VAST experience doing thatit NEVER turns out well. I am not making a general moral argument against lying or trying to persuade you to adopt my valuesfar from it. This is only the voice of experience you are hearing, and it is telling you that while lying to get laid (or keep getting laid) may work temporarily, it never lasts and it never ends well. All lying does is delay the day you wil have to deal with that question, and in the intervening time it allows the woman to emotionally attach to you b/c she thinks your intentions are comparable to hers. Now it is a few months later, she thinks you two are dating because you have had to continually feed

her escalating lies to keep her going, and you have a serious fucking problem on your hands. It isnt worth it. You are throwing gas on a fire to keep it from spreading. 2. You tell the truth, and let her know how you want the relationship to be. She could get upset or realize that she wants more and break it off. That is a possibility. But if you are respectful (and a little smooth), you can do this in a way that not only solidifies the relationship the way you want it, but also makes her more into you in a less attached way. I only learned this lesson about 3 years ago, and it opened up a whole new world to me. First off, I learned that there are many women who want basically the same thing I do, and that if Im honest about it I get it much easier. Believe it or not, many women want to fuck almost as much as guys do. The only difference is that they are more selective with whom they fuck, and they generally want more of a defined relationship. They want to know where they stand. When I started being honest, in a cool waynot a I just wanna fuck waya whole new world opened up. Instead of having to seduce and spend money and feign commitment, I just told them what I wanted and the ones that were on the same page were immediately into me. I get so much more pussy for so much less work. Furthermore, it really does free you up emotionally. I dont care what anyone says, lying and concealment take a burden on the soul. When you release that shit, the burden goes with it. Over the last year I have had the two most meaningful romantic relationships of my life; one with a girl who unfortunately died when we were dating, and the one I was in with TheBunny. I have been able to have these because I finally realized what I want from a woman (see the thread about how to pick a mate), I told these girls about it, they had no problems, so we were able to go forward in a positive way. Had I met either of these girls 3 years ago, my mindset would have been What do I have to say to fuck them, instead of what it is now, and I wouldnt have been able to connect with them emotionally because our relationship would start out as a lie and because we would have incompatible goals. Telling the truth and being honest about your intentions is the final step of good midlevel game. But the great man does not stop at mid-level game; he takes it a step farther. Advanced game in this situation is to pre-empt the question; to bring the subject up before she does. This is what I do now, and though the two things overlap somewhat, they are not the same.

When I was about 22-24 (which I would lay lots of money is your age range), I used to have this same problem. I would hook the fish, but fail to reel her more than half the time. It was so aggravating. But it turned out to be one of the things that spurred me to revolutionize my approach. Here is what I was doing wrong, and probably what you are too:

1. You must not care if she comes home with you: Whether you realize it or not, you care if she comes home with you. You WANT to fuck her, youre showing that you want to fuck her, she knows you want to fuck her, and because she knows you want to fuck her, she has all the power. The solution is not to hide your desire, because you cant do that. Women have very sensitive antenna for that shit, they will see through your deception. You legitimately have to release your desire. You have to stop caring if you fuck her or not. I know, I sound like fucking Yoda, but Im being seriouslearning this one lesson increased my ability to close at least 2x. Here is the dynamic: Desire is read subconsciously as a sign of weakness and desperation, and women are not going to immediately fuck a weak or desperate guy. They may cede after he puts in work and commits resources, but not before then. Women are almost always most strongly attracted to power, and powerful men do not show desire because they already have what they want. And god forbid if you show desperation. You might as well staple rotting pork to your nut-sack, because you arent getting anyone but starving rabid wolves in touch your privates. Look at it from the womans perspectiveIf she is even mildly attractive, she gets hit on all the time. She often has her pick of who to fuck. The guy she is going to like, the guy who will stand out, is NOT the one that fawn over her, simply because all guys do that; the one that she has to work a little bit for is the one that will stand out and the one she will want. Whether she realizes it or not, she is looking at the guy thinking something like this, Why is he so unconcerned about fucking me? He was nice to me and seemed to like me, but now hes not pressing at all. He must have lots of other things going for him to be so unconcerned about getting me. I cant immediately have him, so now I want him. I am simplifying to some extent, but you would be shocked at how accurate that paraphrase of the female sub-conscious thought process is. From now on, when you are hitting on a girl, literally tell yourself: I dont care if she comes home with me or not AND BELIEVE IT. THe irony is that once you are getting a lot of pussy it is much easier for you to act like you dont care. Take me for example. When I was 17-24, I would anything to get pussy. I wanted it bad. Then I kinda figured out what I was doing, started getting it more and more, and so I started valuing caring less and less, and as a result of my chage in attitude, I got it even more and more and even though I put in less effort and cared less. Funny how that works. Remember the story about the girl who fought her friends off 3 TIMES and crawled out of a cab away from them to fuck me? It was because I never once sweated her, or even showed much concern one way or the other. For her, it became a challenge to get me (that, and she was pissed at her boyfriend). Had I made an effort to get her, the challenge would have been lost and she probably wouldnt want to fuck me.

You took econ right? What drives up cost? Scarcity. The more she cant have you, the more she wants you, and she will read your lack of desire as just that: Scarcity. Now, truly advanced game is once you get past a certain point, just laying it out for the woman: Yeah, I want to fuck you, but if we dont, no big deal. But this is way beyond where you are, and takes a much deeper understanding of mid-level game and the female psyche to work, because if you do that wrong it comes off really badly. Well save that for later. You cant run a play-action pass until you establish the run. NOTE: This does not mean completely ignore the girl. You have to establish that you like her to some extent and have some level of interest in her. What I am talking about is how to close the deal, not create the deal. 2. You must assume she is already coming home with you, and act that way. If any of you are in sales, you know the #1 rule of selling: Act as though the sale is made. Instead of saying, Do you want to buy my product, you say How much of my product are you buying? The difference is subtle, but has a very pronounced affect on the psyche of the buyer. You have planted the subliminal suggestion that they are buying, and framed the question as how many instead of should I buy? [Of course, people can and do back the assumption up, but much less than you would think]. This translates to game in very direct way. Once you have established a rap with the girl and its obvious you both like each other, the question is not Do you want to come to my place, but rather, You ready to get out of here? Let me give you an example from my life that will show better than any explanation: I went to a wedding about a year ago. At that wedding, I was talking to a girl, she was cute and kinda interested in me, but nothing big. This was until her friend pulled her aside and told her to stay away from me, that I had an immoral website and I was a player. So of course, the girl was now totally into me. The problem was that she had come to the wedding with a date. She told me she didnt like him and wanted to hang out with me, so I casually told her she was welcome to come with me, I was going out drinking after the reception and Id enjoy her company, but if not, no big deal. As the night went on the drama increased between her and her friends and her date, and I ignored it completely. The chickens were clucking all around me, her date was sweating her like a piece of cheddar left out in sun, but I totally ignored them all and acted like nothing was happening, talking to the girl when she came over to me and ignoring her when she was at her table with her date. At one point, the girl was sitting with her legs pressed up against me fawning over me, and her date came over and just stood there, basically staring at her and trying to insinuate himself into our conversation. I acted like he didnt even exist. At the end of the reception, she was standing next to her date and a friend, staring at me across the room. I casually sauntered over to the group, looked at her and said, You ready to go?

Guess what she did? Of course she left with me. But thats not all. In the car, she immediately gave me the Im not going to sleep with you speech. I completely ignored it. Didnt even pay an ounce of attention and talked about something else. We went someplace and had a few drinks, and then got in my car. I didnt ask her where she lived, I didnt even ask her if she wanted to come to my place, I just started driving to where I was staying. When we were about a block from my place, it went like this: Girl Are we going to your place? Tucker [In a very casual, relaxed tone]Yeah. I can take you home if you want. Girl Ohno, its OKyou can take me home in the morning. We went to my room, I gave her a shirt and shorts to wear, got ready for bed, and once we where in bed I started kissing her and we fucked all night. Never once did I ask her what she wanted to do. The fact is, she WANTED to do what we did, but if I asked her what she wanted, she would have begged off at any number of places for any number of reasons. By just asserting my will I effectively made the decision for her. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not be an asshole and push this to far. That is called rape, and that makes you a truly disgusting person worthy of a slow painful death. Had the girl said, Yes, take me home, I would have do so without question. At any point, had she stopped me, I would have stopped. She wasnt even drunk when we fucked, not at all. Its not about tricking the girl or making her do something against her will, its about understanding people well enough to get them to do what you want them to do, but voluntarily. There is a HUGE difference between the two means to the end.

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