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2 theSun | MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 2008

news without borders RUKUN NEGARA: THE PRINCIPLES


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Chairs thrown, fists fly
at Umno meeting
SEREMBAN: The Seremban Umno saw some delegates walking out branch chief to nominate him for
divisional delegates meeting had of the hall. the division chief’s post, also held
to be postponed yesterday when The commotion lasted for a demonstration outside Wisma
a fight broke out, resulting in a almost half an hour, after which Umno three days ago.
chair-throwing incident which left Seremban Umno division chief He has been barred by the
two of its members injured. Datuk Ishak Ismail moved a mo- Umno Supreme Council from
The meeting, which began at tion to postpone the meeting and contesting the post because of
10am at the Taman Tuanku Ja’afar that it be handled by the party the court case.
Golf Club hall, turned ugly with Supreme Council. The chairman of the Umno
members punching and throw- Following the incident, a group monitoring committee for the
ing chairs at each other some 20 led by division’s vice-chief, Mohd Seremban division, Tan Sri Ra-
minutes after it started. Nor Awang, staged a demonstra- him Thamby Chik, who was at
The trouble began after a tion outside the hall. the meeting, declined to meet
member ignored an order by the At a press conference later, reporters.
division deputy permanent chair- Mohd Nor said the group, from Negri Sembilan Umno liaison
man, Othman Senara, to return to several branches, had objected chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad
his seat. to yesterday’s divisional meeting Hasan said he was saddened
A member of the security because their branches had yet to that such an incident should hap- Ugly ... Govt to appeal against court order
committee told the man to sit and hold their respective meetings. pen. “I’m waiting for a report from SEBERANG PERAI: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Fighting breaks
this drew the ire of the man’s sup- Mohd Nor, who is facing a the monitoring committee,” he says the government did not overstep its authority in detaining Raja
out at the
porters, resulting in a fracas which trial for allegedly bribing an Umno told reporters. – Bernama Petra Kamaruddin, editor of Malaysia Today, under the Internal Security
Act (ISA).
Umno divisional
“The government does not just simply use its power. There must be
Shahrizat asks Rafidah to delegates
a reason (for the detention),” he said here yesterday.
Abdullah said that while the government respected the Shah Alam
High Court’s decision to free Raja Petra, it had taken the necessary
consider earlier power transfer consideration before carrying out the detention. He said the Home
Ministry has decided to appeal against the court order.
KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita Umno vice-head Datuk Seri been scheduled for this December while the transfer
Shahrizat Abdul Jalil is asking Wanita head Tan Sri of power from Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Abdullah unopposed in Kepala Batas
Rafidah Aziz to consider bringing forward the date of Ahmad Badawi to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Abdul KEPALA BATAS: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad
power tranfer in the movement to be in line with the Razak was planned for 2010. Badawi was returned unopposed as the Kepala Batas Umno
party elections in March. However, the general assembly was postponed chief at the division delegates meeting yesterday.
She said the request was made based on current to March next year and the transfer of power from Abdullah, who is the Umno president, was unanimously nomi-
developments in Umno. Abdullah to Najib also brought forward to March. nated by all the 85 branches in the division. – Bernama
“I respect the planned transfer of power for Wanita “Tan Sri (Rafidah) had announced the transfer of
Umno as announced by Tan Sri (Rafidah) on Aug 4 for power in Wanita Umno to ensure that the process
me to head Wanita Umno (after Rafidah steps down would be smooth and that stability in the movement ‘Party will fail if leaders insincere’
in June next year). would not be threatened if there were to be contests KEPALA BATAS: Umno will fail in its struggle if its leaders are insincere
“But I am now asking for Tan Sri’s wisdom and co- for the Wanita head and vice-head posts,” Shahrizat and lacked leadership calibre and integrity, Umno president Datuk Seri
operation to consider the transfer of power in Wanita said. Who will be Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said yesterday.
to be at the same time with that for the parent Umno Rafidah has so far received 116 nominations for MCA Umno would not achieve progress or be able to face challenges if
body and the Youth and Puteri wings at the Umno the Wanita chief post and Shahrizat, 73. For the vice- secretary- the leaders’ integrity was suspect, or if they had weak personality and
general assembly in March, that means three months chief post, Shahrizat has obtained 113 nominations. lacked directions in leading the party.
earlier than June as planned,” she said in a statement Based on the nominations received to date and if general? “What we need is a leadership that is responsible and able to steer
here yesterday. there was consensus among all concerned, she said pg 6 and manage the party to make it stronger and successful,” he said at
Shahrizat said when Rafidah announced the power Rafidah’s wish for no contests for the top two posts the opening of the Kepala Batas Umno delegates’ meeting at Pusat
transition plan in August, the general assembly had in Wanita could be achieved. – Bernama Budi Penyayang. – Bernama

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