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16 theSun | MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 2008

news without borders

Emotions run high as Bali Week Ending November 7

Drought ghost towns

THE United Nations’ environment chief

bombers buried
warned that some parts of the world
On a may have to be abandoned because
climate change and overuse of water
high resources will leave them far too dry to
& low be inhabited. Achim Steiner, executive
pg 22 director of the UN Environment Pro-
gram, said “economic deserts,” unfit
TENGGULUN, (Indonesia): Grief and for people or agriculture, could develop
religious fervour boiled over into calls for in the poorest nations in the world as
revenge here yesterday as two brothers well as some of the most prosperous.
executed for their role in the 2002 Bali attacks Steinerwarns fighting global warming
were prepared for burial amid tight security. and poverty could prevent the creation
A crowd of about 500 supporters drove of untold numbers of climate refugees.
police off the road leading to the family home
of 47-year-old Amrozi – dubbed the “smiling Roadway prisons
assassin” for his disturbing grin – and
Mukhlas, 48, as their bodies arrived. A NEW study says that forest
The men had been executed by firing elephants in Central Africa are
squad along with fellow bomber Imam under siege from road construction,
Samudra shortly after midnight on a prison The body which has frightened them from
island off southern Java, claiming to want of Bali roaming the woods that have been
to die as “martyrs” and having shown no bomber is their home for thousands of years.
remorse for the attacks. carried into Researchers from the Wildlife Con-
The crowd burst into tears and shouts of a mosque servation Society say the elephants
“Allahu Akbar!” (God is great) at the sight of for prayers have learned to associate roads
two black crows over the east Java village as before his with poaching and other dangers,
the helicopter bearing the bodies landed in a burial in and now avoid crossing them at all
nearby field. Serang, costs. Only one of 28 pachyderms
“God is great, God is great! God is showing Bantan tagged with a GPS collar crossed a
his greatness. I’m so happy,” shouted a province road outside a protected area.
supporter who sobbed uncontrollably at the yesterday.
sight of the birds. Ethiopian eruption
“This is God’s grace. The mujahedeen family home, the crowd thronged around scenes as his body was paraded through the A VOLCANO in Ethiopia’s northeastern
(holy warriors) will fight on!” shouted ambulances bearing the bodies from the streets shrouded in a black cloth bearing a Afar region was awakened by a swarm
someone else in the crowd, crying and helicopter and jostled with heavily armed Koranic inscription in Arabic. of tremors, then soon produced a lava
holding his hands to the sky in religious awe. paramilitary police. Members of a radical group headed by flow that covered a record 115 square
“Of course they are martyrs. They fought The bodies were eventually delivered to hardline cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, who was miles. Addis Ababa University’s Institute
hard in the name of Islam but they died. But the local mosque for prayers ahead of the jailed on a conspiracy charge related to the of Geophysics, Space Sciences and
dying doesn’t mean they lost – they still won,” burials. bombings before being released in 2006, Astronomy said the eruption occurred
said one supporter, refusing to give his name. In the west Java town of Serang, Imam pushed people aside to make way for the at Erta Ale, which is the country’s only
Packed into narrow streets outside the Samudra was buried quickly after similar body. known active volcano. It is located in the
“There’ll probably be retaliation. What is Danakil Depression, one of the lowest
clear is that no drop of Muslim blood is free. and hottest places on the planet.
It has consequences,” said Ganna, 26, who
travelled 90km from the capital Jakarta to
show his support. Tropical cyclones
The bombers said they launched the TROPICAL Storm Polo formed briefly
attacks against packed nightclubs on the off Mexico’s Pacific coast. Maximum
resort island of Bali – killing 202 people, sustained winds briefly reached only
mostly foreign tourists – to defend Islam from 64kph. Tropical storm Paloma formed
Western aggression and avenge US action in off the Caribbean coast of Honduras,
Afghanistan and Iraq. and threatened to strike Cuba as a
They were members of the Jemaah Category 2 storm the following week.
Islamiyah regional terror group blamed for
a series of attacks around the region, part of
a “holy war” to create an Islamic caliphate
spanning much of Southeast Asia. PARTS of the Dallas-Fort Worth met-
Most Indonesians practise a moderate ropolitan area were gently shaken by
form of Islam, and head of the country’s an unprecedented series of 10 minor
leading Islamic body, the Indonesian Council tremors over a two-day period. There
of Ulamas, said yesterday the bombers could are no significant faults or seismic fea-
not be considered “martyrs”. tures that could produce a major quake
“Someone who killed others will not die in northern Texas, and the US Geological
as martyrs unless they waged a war in the Survey believes the swarm could have
name of religion. They were not fighting for been due to temperature changes or
religion,” Umar Shihab was quoted as saying the “settling” of the ground. – Universal
by the Detikcom news website. – AFP Press Syndicate

Thai press speculates on new

home for Thaksin
BANGKOK: Britain’s decision to in September 2006. and said the pair had been
revoke the visas of ousted Thai “We don’t have to be offered honorary citizenship
premier Thaksin Shinawatra and concerned about Thaksin and there.
his wife provoked speculation his family,” the Thai-language The Bangkok Post’s Sunday
in local press yesterday over Matichon newspaper quoted edition quoted a source as say-
where the self-exiled leader Pracha Prosobdee, a member ing that the couple were cur-
might set up home next. of the ruling pro-Thaksin People rently in China. Last week, the
Thailand’s foreign ministry Power Party (PPP), as saying. paper reported that Bolivia was
on Saturday confirmed that Brit- “There are the Bahamas and considering offering Thaksin a
ain had slapped an entry ban on several countries in Africa and post as an economic adviser.
Thaksin and his wife Pojaman. around the world that will gladly Thailand’s Prime Minister
It comes after Thaksin was welcome high-quality people Somchai Wongsawat – Thak-
last month sentenced in absen- like him.” sin’s brother-in-law – remained
tia to two years in jail for conflict The Nation newspaper tight-lipped about his relative’s
of interest after helping his wife quoted an unnamed source plans.
buy state-owned land when he from the PPP saying Thaksin “The revoking of the visas is
was prime minister. was building a 300-million-baht the decision by the government
The reasons for the British (RM1 billion) mansion in China, of Great Britain – we cannot
government’s decision remain where he and his wife might criticise,” he told reporters,
unclear, but there appear to be take up residence if Britain is but refused to say whether
a number of countries willing indeed off the cards. he planned to meet up with
to take in the multi-millionaire, The English-language paper Thaksin on his trip today to the
who was overthrown in a coup also mentioned the Bahamas, Philippines. – AFP

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