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Luke 17 Biblestudy Q. What does Jesus say about sin? Temptation will come.

Due to our human nature, it is inevitable that we will sin. Q. What two circumstances does Jesus address in regards to sin that he warns/ teaches his disciples? What does Jesus say? What hyperbole does he use? Why does he use this example? What does it show us? You causing others to sin Dont be the one to cause others to sin. Better to be thrown into the sea To emphasize the seriousness If someone sins against you To rebuke Matthew 18: 15-17 Being sinned against many times Our unforgiving hearts The need to forgive, no matter how often this may be necessary. Q. Why do we struggle in forgiving others? -1st time fine, we might still be able to tolerate the 2nd time, but when it becomes more than that, we often say in our hearts But he isnt sincere in his apology! Look, he did it again! - seems forgiveness doesnt come naturally or us FORGIVE -to be humble to forgive at cost of loss

What then does Jesus instruct?

Watch yourselves Q. What are some ways that you might have been a stumbling block? - tempting them -being a bad example etc

-repent when you sin against someone -forgive when others sin against you Q. To this, how do the disciples reply (verse 5) Why do they say this? What does it acknowledge? - INCREASE OUR FAITH

i.e. this is too much for us. youll have to give us the ability to do this. It is beyond human ability.

Q. How does Jesus respond? What does Jesus example bring up? -Were probably not much of a gardener, but if we were, we would see the ABSURDITY of Jesus example. Jesus didnt pick any old plant for his example. 1. MULBERRY TREES HAVE DEEP ROOT SYSTEMS makes it insanely hard to move/ uproot 2. MULBERRY TREES LIKE GOOD FIRM SOIL does NOT like water- but then it grows where it cannot go!

What Jesus is saying, is that though the disciples say they dont have enough faith to forgive, Jesus says they have more than enough faith to do it. Q. Read Vs 7-10. What is a definition of a servant? Whats the job description of a servant?

Q. What lesson are we to learn here? Why is the idea of servant so foreign to our world/ society today? -PRIDE -necessary lesson to all those who are tempted to feel proud about their faith. Q. Paraphrase the point Jesus is making here. Servants who have completed their duty have no right to expect nothing more. They have nothing which to boast.

Read 17;11-19

Q. What were the similarities between the 10? Q. What was different about the one?

Similarities All were lepers All showed faith All obeyed All were healed Q. What lesson can we learn here?

Differences Turned back Praised and thanked God

READ 17:20-37 Q. What things do the days of Noah have common with the Days of Lot? Why point/s is Jesus making by comparing His coming to these events?

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