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DMS Users Guide

Issued: 05/25/2000
AIG Educational Technologies 160 Water Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10038

DMS Users Guide - Glossary of Terms May 25, 2000 AIG Information Services Group produced this manual for the DMS System. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the content of this manual, please send an electronic mail message to ISG Educational Technologies.

AIG Information Services Group 160 Water Street, 7th Floor New York, NY 10038

Field Definitions ....................................................................................... 1
A......................................................................................................................................... 1 B......................................................................................................................................... 8 C....................................................................................................................................... 11 D....................................................................................................................................... 18 E ....................................................................................................................................... 21 F ....................................................................................................................................... 28 G....................................................................................................................................... 30 H....................................................................................................................................... 32 I ........................................................................................................................................ 32 L ....................................................................................................................................... 35 M ...................................................................................................................................... 41 N....................................................................................................................................... 43 O....................................................................................................................................... 45 P ....................................................................................................................................... 46 Q....................................................................................................................................... 55 R....................................................................................................................................... 56 S ....................................................................................................................................... 61 T ....................................................................................................................................... 67 U....................................................................................................................................... 72 V....................................................................................................................................... 75 W...................................................................................................................................... 76 Y....................................................................................................................................... 78

Button Definitions .................................................................................. 79

A....................................................................................................................................... 79 B....................................................................................................................................... 81 C....................................................................................................................................... 82 D....................................................................................................................................... 84 E ....................................................................................................................................... 87 F ....................................................................................................................................... 88 G....................................................................................................................................... 88 H....................................................................................................................................... 89 I ........................................................................................................................................ 89 M ...................................................................................................................................... 89 N....................................................................................................................................... 90 O....................................................................................................................................... 91 P ....................................................................................................................................... 91 R....................................................................................................................................... 93 S ....................................................................................................................................... 95 U....................................................................................................................................... 96 V....................................................................................................................................... 96 Y....................................................................................................................................... 97 Z ....................................................................................................................................... 97

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Contents i

General Definitions ................................................................................ 98

A....................................................................................................................................... 98 B....................................................................................................................................... 98 C....................................................................................................................................... 99 D....................................................................................................................................... 99 E ..................................................................................................................................... 100 F ..................................................................................................................................... 101 G..................................................................................................................................... 101 H..................................................................................................................................... 101 I ...................................................................................................................................... 102 L ..................................................................................................................................... 102 N..................................................................................................................................... 103 O..................................................................................................................................... 103 P ..................................................................................................................................... 103 R..................................................................................................................................... 104 S ..................................................................................................................................... 104 T ..................................................................................................................................... 105 U..................................................................................................................................... 105 V..................................................................................................................................... 105 W.................................................................................................................................... 106

Index...................................................................................................... 107

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Contents ii

Field Definitions

Accident Date
Located in: Loss and Exposure Details window (ULF toolkit) This is an optional field. It helps identify losses if questions arise. The algorithm will work if the field is left blank.

Accident Description
Located in: Loss and Exposure Details window (ULF toolkit) This is an optional field. However, accident descriptions help give others reviewing the loss rating insight into the types of large losses to which the client is exposed.

Account Checks
Located in: Security Determination Summary Screen (Financial Review toolkit) Check boxes that represent the client's financial status. More than one check box may be selected.

Account Name
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) The name of the insured.

Account Number
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) A nine-digit number assigned by AI-Start for AIG accounts.

Account Type
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 (Deal Sheet module) Seen by Divisions 3, 54, and 59. Division 59 can choose between Public Entities or Commercial Risk; the other divisions should select Mining, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Fuel and Energy or Other as appropriate.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Actuary Approval
Located in: Security Log window (Security Calculation module) A status field showing whether or not the Actuary has approved the Security Calculation. The statuses are Approval Requested, Approval Given, Approval Denied.

Actuarial Approval Date

Located in: Security Log window (Security Calculation module) Date Actuary approved the Security Calculation module.

Additional Adjustment in Month(s)

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 7 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The frequency of subsequent adjustments by the number of months.

Additional Security Required

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) (Calculated) The Deal Sheet calculates and shows the difference between the Total Security Required and the Security on Hand for unpaid loss provision premium (not deductible losses). If the Total Security Required is greater than the Security on Hand, then the difference is known as Additional Security Required.

Adj. Basis Type

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs window (LRRP toolkit) The exposure base on which the estimated amount is adjusted.

Adjusted Allocation %
Located in: Major Class Allocation window (ULF/LPS module) The actual allocation of the loss pick among Major Class Codes required for this policy.

Adjusted Expected Loss Ratio

Located in: LSS Subject Limit Premium window (LSRT toolkit) Percentage of overall premium for expected losses.

Adjusted Need
Located in: The Amount of Security Required window (Financial Review toolkit) The amount to collect from the insured.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Adjustment Per
Located in: Max Pricing, Aggregate Stop windows (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) A multiple of 10, used to set the decimal point in the adjustment rate.

Adjustment Type
Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) Denotes how Claims Administration fees are adjusted (Fee Per Claims, Included in Premium, or LCF).

Adjustment of Security Need (Expiring Year)

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Actuary's adjustment of expiring loss pick downloaded from LRRP.

Admin, Audit, LC, Profit

Located in: Premium Expense Analysis window (LSRT toolkit) This is the ratio of administration, auditing, Loss Control, and profit expenses to subject premiums, as a percentage.

Admiralty, FELA
Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) Admiralty - Maritime Law, Maintenance Wages & Cure, FELA (Federal Employers Liability Act - protect employees interstate railroad) if either of these items are present then a user applies a surcharge. If a "Balance to Minimum Premium" amount appears for these items in WCPC or AIWCS, you should enter the same amount in this DMS field.

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) and Paid Loss Credit worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) The number of days elapsed from the contract effective date.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Agg Amount Index

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) This is the basis for adjusting the initial estimate of the "Agg Stop Attach Point" cap, based on an audit of a valid selected index. Options are: Payroll Sales Standard Premium Headcount Receipts Square Footage Powered Vehicle

Agg Stop
Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) & LRRP toolkit The Aggregate Stop is the maximum amount of loses (subject losses and deductible losses) to be reimbursed to us by the insured. These losses are subject to additional losses to be reimbursed as paid premium if the "Aggregate Coverage Limit" is exceeded by our payments of deductible or subject losses.

Agg Stop Applies

Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) This means if the insured has Aggregate Coverage with the Aggregate Stop option.

Agg Stop Doesn't Apply

Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) This means if the insured lacks Aggregate Coverage with the Aggregate Stop option.

Aggregate Attachment Point

Located in: Aggregate Stop window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) This is the Attachment Point for the Aggregate Stop coverage. The insurer bears the risk of losses that fall between the Aggregate Attachment Point and the Aggregate Coverage Limit. (Only if the Aggregate Stop option has been selected.)

Aggregate Coverage Limit / Aggregate Stop Cover Limit

Located in: Aggregate Stop window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount of coverage that the client has in excess of the aggregate for a specific attachment point, no matter how many separate losses may occur.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Aggregate Reimbursement Limit

Located in: Individual Risk Premium Modifiers window (WCD toolkit) The maximum amount of deductible reimbursements that the client has to pay under the policy (including ALAE), regardless of how many separate accidents occur. This does not apply to multi-line products when an aggregate stop is negotiated.

Aggregate Stop Premium

Located in: Aggregate Stop window (LRRP toolkit) and National Level Information window (WCD toolkit) This is the premium for the Aggregate Stop coverage.

Aggregate Limits Premium

Located in: Individual Risk Premium Modifiers and National Level Information windows (WCD toolkit) This is the premium charged for the risk of loss in excess of the aggregate limit on the insured's obligation to pay deductibles.

AIG Account # / Account

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) This number is an internal identification number assigned by AI-START.

AIG Takeback %
Located in: Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance toolkit) Percentage of AIG's participation in the specific treaty.

AI-Start Number
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) This submission number is an internal identification number assigned by AI-START.

AL Excess Non-Sub Prem

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Premium for Auto Liability insurance in excess of deductible, S.I.R., retro loss limit or captives limit per accident.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

ALAE / ALAE Option

Located in: Workup Information and Add/Edit Workup window (ULF toolkit); WCD Summary and National Level Information windows (WCD toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) Allocated Loss Adjusting Expense. The client must elect, with the acceptance of the carrier; one of the following options for reimbursing part or all of the ALAE paid by the carrier: A = Loss and ALAE, up to deductible, is paid by the client. (This option must be used if the risks are less than $500,000 in the estimated annual Standard Workers' Compensation Premium.) B = ALAE is paid 100% by the client in addition to deductible loss. C = The ALAE is prorated between the insured and insurer in the same proportions as the loss. (This option is used as the default if the client fails to select an option and the risks are more than $500,000 in the estimated annual Standard Workers' Compensation Premium.) D = The ALAE is paid 100% by the insurer.

ALAE, Custom
Located in: Request Actuary Review Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Client-specific ALAE formula created by an Actuary for the previous contract. This formula must be approved for re-use in the contract renewal.

ALAE Incurred
Located in: Loss and Exposure Details window (ULF toolkit) Equals ALAE Paid plus known ALAE Reserves. ALAE refers to expenses associated with the settling of specific claims and includes legal fees, expert testimony, etc. Excluded are expenses not allocated to specific claims, such as general overhead expenses.

Located in: Loss and Exposure Details window (ULF toolkit) ALAE includes all expenses associated with the settling of specific claims (e.g. legal fees, expert testimony, etc). Excluded are expenses not allocated to specific claims, such as general overhead expenses.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) In Deal Sheet: (System generated) The amount due for the installment. You can override this field.

Analyst Phone #
Located in: Financial Review & Security Log window (Financial Review toolkit) The phone number of the Financial Analyst.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Analytical Limit
Located in: Large Deductible Premium Calculation Option window (LSRT toolkit) This dollar amount represents the amount at which individual losses in the insured's history are copied for analytical purposes such as forecasting next year's losses within that cap.

Approval Date
Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) The date when the reference and tax tables for LRRP were last updated.

Located in: LRRP Summary window (LRRP toolkit) Sums that the carrier must collect for a regulatory agency which is collectible as part of the premium. The Assessments are based on either full-coverage Standard premium or on Expected losses, not on the final premium.

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The amount of the aggregate limit of liability for a specific line of business. This is the Attachment Point for the Aggregate Stop coverage. The insurer bears the risk of losses that fall between the Aggregate Attachment Point and the Aggregate Coverage Limit. (Only if the Aggregate Stop option has been selected.)

Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The amount of the aggregate limit of liability for a specific line of business. This is the Attachment Point for the Aggregate Stop coverage. The insurer bears the risk of losses that fall between the Aggregate Attachment Point and the Aggregate Coverage Limit. (Only if the Aggregate Stop option has been selected.)

Attachment Point
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount of the captive's aggregate limit of liability for a specific line of business.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Attach Point Index

Located in: Aggregate Stop window (LRRP toolkit) This is the basis for determining the amount of the Aggregate Stop Attachment Point. Options are: Payroll Sales Standard Premium

Available Workups
Located in: Add/Edit Version window (UL/LPS module) If the origin of the Loss Pick is ULF, then select the workup version that contains the loss pick information you need here.

Average Monthly Losses

Located in: Security & Receivables Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Average of four months of paid losses.

Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) BPR (Brokerage Premium Receivable)

Balance Premium
Located in: Various windows (Reinsurance toolkit) The remaining contract premium after applying the pro-rata factor.

Basis Type
Located in: Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit) This is the basis for determining a rate for each individual hard cost. Options are: Contract Sales Payroll Units

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Basket Aggregate Applies

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 5 (Deal Sheet) click an option button for each question to indicate whether or not the Special Rating Procedures apply for this deal. If you select "Y," you must complete the Comment window.

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) This is used as a guide to the underwriter when setting the Insurance Charge Amount, Aggregate Stop Premium, Maximum Insurance Cost and /or the Excess amount.

Bind Date
Located in: Active Accounts, Account Selection, and Bound window (Shell module) This column displays the date the account was bound. In the Bound window (formerly the Intend to Book window) you must enter a date in this column once you've bound it.

Binder Bill
Located in: Reports window (Deal Sheet module) This report is restricted to Home Office users. This is the bill we send to the insured to cover payments of premium, surcharges and security for a given contract year. It is a 2-page document that is populated with the information that you entered on Forms: 1, 2, and 3.

Board and Bureau

Located in: LRRP Summary window (LRRP toolkit) Provision for assessments by the state Workers Compensation Boards and for services that the insurance bureaus and organizations provide the insurance carrier.

Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Bonds left by a client on deposit as security for their retention.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module), and Accounts Selection window (DMS Shell) (Mandatory) The Branch Office to which premium and loss credit is given for a deal. Note: The available choices are dependent upon the region selected.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module

Broker City
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The broker's city.

Broker Contact Name

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The name of the person who is the contact for the broker.

Broker Contact Phone

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The broker's contact phone number. Include the three-digit area code first.

Broker Fax
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The broker's fax number. Include the three-digit area code first.

Broker Name
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The broker's name.

Broker State
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The broker's state. (A two character alpha abbreviation)

Broker Street
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The broker's street address.

Broker Zip
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The broker's 9-digit zip code.

Broker's Commission
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs window (LRRP toolkit) Expense provision payable to the Broker to administer program.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module


Buffer Adjustment
Located in: The Amount of Security Required window (Financial Review toolkit) A reduction from a Security requirement of greater than 100% to 100% or something less than the initial requirement. Any reduction below 100% is defined as credit for paid losses.

Bureau Forms
Located in: Policy Details - LOB Specific window (Deal Sheet module) These are standard ISO (Insurance Services Office) or NCCI (National Council on Compensation Insurance) policy forms.

Business Description
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) A written description of the SIC code. This description is system generated.

California Class Code
Located in: California Special Excess Loss Factor Development window (WCD toolkit) All the statistical class codes used for rating WC premium in California.

California Unmodified Premium

Located in: California Special Excess Loss Factor Development window (WCD toolkit) California's premium for the ratable portion only, to which experience modifiers are applied.

Capped Incurred Loss

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Sum of all loss or parts of loss within insured's retention that the insurer must pay.

Capped Paid Loss

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Sum of all loss or parts of loss within insured's retention that the insurer has actually paid.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module


Located in: Basic LRRP and Financial Review & Security Log windows (LRRP and Financial Review toolkits) A reinsurer owned in whole or in part by the insured. Valid values are: Y = Use "Y" if the reinsurance for the line of business/state is to be purchased from the insured's captive. N = Use "N" if the reinsurance for the line of business/state is not to be purchased from the insured's captive. Always use "N" if the coverage type is "D" (Deductible).


Captive Mgmt Fee \ Captive Management Fee

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs and LRRP Summary windows (LRRP toolkit) Part of the premium ceded to the captive and not paid back to the insurer as part of the ceding commission. This amount is retained by the captive to pay captive management fees.

Cashflow Workup
Located in: Reports window (Deal Sheet module) A cash flow spreadsheet with a schedule of installments for all program components that you entered in the Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7, Deal Sheet 4a of 7 or Deal Sheet Form 4 of 5 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5.

Cash Premium
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Total ultimate premium minus Loss Provision-Note.

Cash Security
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Monies due from the client's captive or from the client itself in one of the following forms: Money Market Fund, Mutual Fund, Claims Payment Fund, Global Investors, Cash Collateral-Interest Bearing or Deductible Loss Provision.

Ceded Premium
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount of the ceded premium we pay the captive for reinsurance.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module


Ceding Comm. %
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 and Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Deal Sheet and Reinsurance toolkits) The ceding commission percentage that is the ceding commission dollars (all expense components except excess premium) divided by ceded premium dollars.

Ceded Premium Net of Takeback

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 and Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Deal Sheet and Reinsurance toolkits) The amount of ceded commission minus the commission amount corresponding to AIG's takeback commission as a percentage.

Ceding Comm. $ Net of Takeback

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 and Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Deal Sheet and Reinsurance toolkits) The amount of ceded commission minus the commission amount corresponding to AIG's takeback commission in dollars.

Ceding Commissions $
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 and Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Deal Sheet and Reinsurance toolkits) Ceding Commission is the amount payable by the Reinsurer or Treaty out of the Gross Ceded Premium for its share of the Insurer's expenses in producing, underwriting, adjusting losses in the layer, and paying taxes and assessments on the Gross Layer Premium.

Claim Supervision \ Claims Supervision

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and LRRP Summary and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs windows (LRRP toolkit) Provision for AIGVS (American International Group Vendor Services) to supervise the claims adjusting organization-administering claims and to handle serious losses taken over from TPAs. Part of the Unallocated Loss Adjusting Expense Provision (ULAE).

Claims Adjusting Services

Located in: Premium Expense Analysis window (LSRT toolkit) This is the percentage of claims adjusting services expense to subject premiums.

Claims Service Fee \ Claim Service

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and LRRP Summary and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs windows (LRRP toolkit) Expense provision payable to a vendor, AIGCS, or another TPA to administer claims and included as part of the premium. Also known as Unallocated Loss Adjusting Expense Provision (ULAE).

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module


Claim's Fee/LCF
Located in: Loss Program Expenses (Security Needs) Screen (Sec. Calc. module) A rating factor made up of claims payments and loss adjustment expenses. Claims Administration fees.

Claims Vendor
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The claims vendor is the organization charged with claims adjustment services. Click in the field to open the Claim Vendor Selection window (TPA). For Short Form, this defaults to AIGCS and is not editable.

Class Code \ Class

Located in: National Level Information and WCD Summary windows (WCD toolkit) The statistical class code selected as the "governing class" for the risk in a state.

Located in: Reserve Needs Screen (Sec. Calc. module) To Be Defined.

Code Premium Group B

Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) The statistical number is a flat value corresponding to a "Stat Code Premium" in WCPC.

Code Premium Group C

Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) The statistical number is a flat value corresponding to a "Stat Code Premium" in WCPC.

Code Premium Group D

Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) The statistical number is a flat value corresponding to a "Stat Code Premium" in WCPC.

Commission / Commission Ratio

Located in: Individual Risk Premium Modifiers window and Premium Expense Analysis window (WCD and LSRT toolkits) This is the percentage of commission expense to premiums. Standard - These are the standard rates and are only used as a guide. Adjusted - These are input by the user to override the standard rate.

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module


Companion Non-Ratable Premium

Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) This is the premium for the portion of premiums that are not subject to Experience Schedule Rating, deductible discount or retrospective adjustment. See Non-ratable Premium.

Composite Rate
Located in: LSRT Summary and LSS Subject Limit Premium windows (LSRT toolkit) A single rate applied to a special exposure base that may be different from the manual exposure base for this class. This rate is computed based on an exposure base specifically selected for convenience and its presumed relationship to loss potential. (i.e., units, sales or payrolls)

Located in: Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance toolkit) Concurrent means that the reinsurance provided by the Reinsurer to the Insurer (also called the "Cedant" or the "Direct Insurer") covers all the same losses as the direct insurance provided by the Insurer to the Insured. Conversely, "non-concurrent" means that the reinsurance has exclusions or limitations that do not appear in the direct insurance - and thus the Insurer remains unreinsured under that reinsurance for some potential losses.

Located in: Reserve Needs Screen (Sec. Calc. module) To Be Defined.

Contract / Contract Number / Contract #

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) (Mandatory) AIGs six-digit identification number for the specific account. The account can include multiple policies.

Contract Name
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) Name of the insured as it appears on this contract. It can sometimes differ from the actual official name of the insured itself.

Contract Term Prem.

Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) The size of the contract premium.

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Corridor Deductible Applies

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 5 (Deal Sheet) click an option button for each question to indicate whether or not the Special Rating Procedures apply for this deal. If you select "Y," you must complete the Comment window.

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) Options are: D = Deductible Coverage F = Full Coverage (i.e. not Deductible Coverage)

Coverage Type
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) Coverage type is an identification of how the policy responds to coverage of a loss from zero up. Valid Values: Full Coverage (first dollar, no deductible) Deductible Coverage (first dollar, with deductible) Excess of S.I.R. (Self Insured Retention) Excess of Primary Underlying Insurance Only one coverage can be chosen for each policy.


Coverage Trigger
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) A mechanism that determines whether a policy covers a particular claim or loss. If a loss occurs during the policy period, select Occurrence from the list; if a claim is made during the policy period, select Claims Made.

CPI Increase
Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) The allowable cost of living increase in the Claims Fees.

CRS Premium
Located in: (Reinsurance module) The full premium for the contract as it appears in CRS. This must match the DMS premium exactly or you cannot Finalize your reinsurance.

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CRS Ceded Premium

Located in: (Reinsurance module) The ceded premium for the contract as it appears in CRS. This must match the DMS ceded premium exactly or you cannot Finalize your reinsurance.

Credited Division
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) A two-digit number that represents the division that is credited with the premium.

Credit Fees
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 and LRRP Summary window (Deal Sheet and LRRP toolkits) Charges for credit for paid losses or other credit extensions.

Credit for Overage

Located in: Amount of Security Required window (Financial Review toolkit) The amount of excess security from the prior year's security overage the Underwriter is recommending to return to the insured.

Creation Date
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) The date the version was originally created.

Cumulative Adjustment
Located in: LPS Add/Edit Version window (ULF/LPS toolkit) The difference between the initial primary/subject loss provision for the version and the final adjusted primary/subject loss provision expressed as a percentage.

Current Loss Pick > $10M

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) A red check here flags the fact that the loss pick for this contract exceeds $10,000,000.

Located in: Reserve Needs Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Custodial account posted as security.

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D & B Account
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) (Mandatory) The nine-digit Dun & Bradstreet number associated with this account.

Data Document for AIGRM Publishing

Located in: Reports window (Deal Sheet module) This is an AIGRM Publishing document. It is a 2-page document that is populated with all relevant information that you entered into any form in the Deal Sheet.

Located in: Various modules Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7: (System generated) The installment due date. You can override this field. You can type the date or double-click in the field to access the pop-up calendar. Accounts Selection window: (System generated) The date that this account was last updated in the DMS Shell. Security & Receivables window: (As of) Date client placed the security amount with us.

Date Financial's Received

Located in: Financial Review & Security Log window (Financial Review toolkit) The date the Financial Statements are marked in DMS as complete.

DBB Premium / DBP Premium

Located in: LRRP Result Summary window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 or Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) This is the Deductible Buyback (DBB) Premium for a Deductible Buyback Policy (DBP) calculated from the information that you entered in the Deductible Buyback window.

Deal Sheet Document

Located in: Reports window (Deal Sheet module) This is a "Confirmation of Insurance Agreement" report. It can be used to provide basic deal documentation to the internal AIG service team. It is a 21-page document that is populated with the information that you entered on Forms: 1, 2, 4, and 7. Some of the columns and paragraphs of this report will not be populated by the application because we do not capture that information in Deal Sheet. The user can always complete the blank fields, columns, and paragraphs in MS Word 97 and then, save it.

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Deductible \ Deductibles
Located in: WCD Summary, National Level Information and Large Deductible Premium Calculation Option windows (WCD and LSRT toolkits) An amount of loss due to a single accident, claim, or illness for which policyholder agrees to reimburse the insurer. Insurance is written on this basis at reduced rates.

Deductible Amount
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount of the escrow used to cover the payments of deductible losses until payment of the first loss invoice.

Deductible Discount
Located in: National Level Information window (WCD toolkit) The discount from the premium for Full Coverage for accepting the Deductible Coverage.

Deductible Escrow
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Monies used to cover payments of deductible and non-deductible losses until payment of the loss invoice.

Deductible Losses
Located in: Deal Sheet module and LRRP Summary window (LRRP toolkit) Losses expected within the Insured's deductible layer of loss. The sum total of the insured's expected loss reimbursement obligation.

Deductible Premium
Located in: LSRT Summary and National Level Information windows (LSRT and WCD toolkits) The premium after reduction by the Deductible Discount when deductible coverage is provided.

Deductible Subject Premium

Located in: Exposure Allocation at State Level window (LSRT toolkit) The premium for Deductible Coverage, subject to retrospective adjustment.

Deferred Premium
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount not included in the premium payment schedule.

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Def Surcharge
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The part of the surcharge that is deferred.

Located in: Reserve Needs Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Losses are being paid out of security.

Located in: LPS window(ULF/LPS toolkit) The deviation of the underwriter loss pick from the ULF loss pick.

Deviation From Expiring Loss Pick

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) The deviation of the underwriter loss pick from the expiring loss pick.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module), and Accounts Selection window (DMS Shell) (Mandatory) The two-digit number assigned to the division that is associated with this contract.

DMS Premium
Located in: (Reinsurance module) The full premium for the contract as it appears in DMS in Deal Sheet. This must match the CRS premium exactly or you cannot Finalize your reinsurance.

DMS Ceded Premium

Located in: (Reinsurance module) The ceded premium for the contract as it appears in DMS. This must match the CRS ceded premium exactly or you cannot Finalize your reinsurance.

Downloaded Workups
Located in: Add/Edit Version window (UL/LPS module) If ULF is not the origin of the Loss Pick, then click the Download button to download the workup version you need from the source you chose in Specify Source. Select your downloaded workup version here.

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Due Date
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The date on which the Promissory Note is to be paid in full. You can type the date or double-click in the field to access the pop-up calendar.

Effective Date/Eff. Date
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module), and Accounts Selection window (DMS Shell) The effective date of the contract or policy.

Employer's Liability
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Limit on a Workers' Compensation policy for Employer's Liability Insurance.

Entity Description
Located in: Basic LRRP and Entity Assignment windows (LRRP toolkit) A written phrase briefly describing a specific entity to differentiate one version from another. Note: Do not use apostrophes or special characters in the description.

Entity ID
Located in: Various windows (Various toolkits) A number assigned to the entity by the system.

Escrow Balance
Located in: Security & Receivables Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Current amount left in an escrow account with us by the insured.

Escrow Held
Located in: Security & Receivables Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Escrow collected from previous year's contracts.

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Escrow Overage/Shortfall
Located in: Security & Receivables Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Difference between Escrow and Total Escrow required.

Est. Difference
Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) The difference between AIG and TPA claims fees.

Est. Ultimate Premium

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The total estimated ultimate premium, after all expected premium adjustments. This is the premium initially booked for the deal.

Estimate Amount Index

Located in: Max Pricing window (LRRP toolkit) This is the amount of the basis for determining the amount of the Maximum Cost of the insurance program to the insured.

Estimate Index Amount

Located in: Aggregate Stop window (LRRP toolkit) This is the amount of the basis for determining the Aggregate Stop Attachment Point.

Estimated Amount \ Est. Amount from Toolkits

Located in: Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The amount paid at the inception of a contract which provides for future premium adjustments. It is based on an estimate of what the final premium will be.

Estimated Basis Amount

Located in: Aggregate Stop window and Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit) The numeric estimated ultimate amount of the basis type.

Estimated Deductible Subject Premium

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) The estimated premium for Deductible Coverage, subject to retrospective adjustment.

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Estimated Exposure / Estimated Adjustment Amount

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The estimated base amount used to adjust the program components.

Estimated Full Coverage Subject Premiums

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) The estimated premium for Full Coverage, excluding non-subject excess premiums.

Estimated Guaranteed Cost Premium

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) An estimated premium calculated on a prospective basis, fixed or adjustable, or on a specified rating basis, but not on the basis of loss experience. In addition, losses incurred under the insurance to which guaranteed cost premium applies will not be reflected in adjustments to other premiums.

Estimated Premium
Located in: Account Selection window and Active Account Log (DMS Shell) This column displays the Estimated Ultimate Premium. Upon account creation, this figure is the AI-Start Estimated Premium, which you can override. Once the account is Deal Complete or Booked, then the figure is the Estimated Premium obtained from Deal Sheet Form 2 (Sum of Premium + Surcharge from Deal Sheet Form 2).

Est. Renewal Loss Pick

Located in: Paid Loss Credit Worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) The estimated loss pick for the future (renewal) contract. .The amount entered here must be allocated across all applicable LOBS in the Paid Loss Credit window.

Located in: (Various windows) A three-digit number assigned to each transaction. They are assigned sequentially.

Event Description
Located in: (Various windows) Brief text describing the event.

Event Type
Located in: Transaction Log (DMS Shell) A business transaction such as: new business, renewal, endorsement (change), cancellation, re-issue, premium audit, and retro adjustment.

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Event Owner
Located in: Transaction Log (DMS Shell) ID of person creating event.

Event No.
Located in: Account Selection window (DMS Shell) A three-digit number assigned to each transaction. They are assigned sequentially.

Excess Commission
Located in: LRRP Summary window (LRRP toolkit) The portion of Excess (non-subject) Premiums payable as broker commissions.

Excess Expenses
Located in: LRRP Summary window (LRRP toolkit) The portion of Excess (non-subject) Premiums available for defense costs, taxes, and other expenses.

Excess Incurred Loss

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Amount of loss greater than insured's retention but less than policy limit that insurer must pay.

Excess Layer Premium

Located in: Excess Pricing Summary window (Excess Pricing toolkit) A total premium for a particular line of business across all layers above the subject layer.

Excess Loss Provision

Located in: LRRP Summary window (LRRP toolkit) The portion of Excess (non-subject) Premiums available for the expected excess losses.

Excess Loss Pure Premium Factor for California

Located in: California Special Excess Loss Factor Development window (WCD toolkit) The proportion of total Expected California Losses expected to exceed the deductible amount. The Expected Excess Losses as a percentage of Expected Total Losses on California.

Excess Paid Loss

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Amount of loss greater than insured's retention but less than policy limit that insurer actually paid.

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Excess Percentage
Located in: Policy Details window (Deal Sheet module) If you select ALAE Option C, the Excess % field appears. You must enter a percentage figure here to represent the excess amount.

Excess Premium
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) The amount of premium charged for the layers above the subject layer.

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Excluding ALAE. ALAE refers to expenses associated with the settling of specific claims and includes legal fees, expert testimony, etc.

Exp. Date
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The expiration date of the policy.

Expected Deductible Losses

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) The deductible portion of the Loss forecast for all lines of business in the deal.

Expected Loss at Subject Limit

Located in: LSS Subject Limit Premium window (LSRT toolkit) This is the loss pick or loss provision used in LRRP for all non-deductible and deductible losses.

Expected Losses Not Eliminated

Located in: California Special Excess Loss Factor Development window (WCD toolkit) The dollar amount of the expected losses in excess of the deductible amount.

Expected Loss Ratio

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) This is the percentage of expected ultimate losses to expected ultimate premiums.

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Expected Non Deductible Losses

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and LRRP Summary window (LRRP toolkit) The expected subject losses not reimbursable as deductibles by the insured. Also known as Non-deductible Loss Provision.

Expected Subject Losses

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and CMS Pop-Up window (LRRP toolkit) The expected non-deductible losses not reimbursable as deductibles by the insured. Also known as Non-deductible Loss Provision.

Expected Ultimate Subject Premium

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) The sum of the Expected Subject (Non-Deductible) Losses, Claim Administration Expenses, Broker Commission, Underwriting Expenses, WC Excess Premium and Taxes.

Expected Unlimited Losses

Located in: California Special Excess Loss Factor Development window (WCD toolkit) The total expected California losses, both deductible and excess of deductible.

Expense Constant
Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) A flat charge added to the premium of small accounts where the premium is so low that the cost of issuing and servicing the policy cannot be recovered. Used only with Workers' Compensation policies.

Located in: National Level Information window (WCD toolkit) The cost of conducting an insurance operation aside from the amount paid for losses.

Experience Mod
Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) Experience Modifications decrease or increase premiums resulting from the application of an experience-rating plan usually expressed as a percentage.

Expiration Date
Located in: (Various modules) Date the contract or policy expires. Example: 01/01/1999.

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Expiring Contract Number

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The contract number assigned to the current year's (expiring contract).

Expiring Eff. Date

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) Effective date of the expiring contract. This field shows a past date; for example, a yearlong contract from 05/30/1998 to 05/30/1999 gives 05/30/1998 here.

Expiring Loss Pick > $10M

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) A red check here flags the fact that the expiring loss pick for this contract exceeds $10,000,000.

Expiring Term
Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Policy term of the expiring contract.

Expiring Year Loss Pick

Located in: Paid Loss Credit Worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) The loss pick of the current (expiring) contract. The system calculates this field automatically.

Located in: Exposure Allocation at State Level window (LSRT toolkit) Measurement of Insured's risk allocated between states.

Exposure Basis
Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit) This is the unit in which an exposure is measured (such as payroll, cars, sales, etc.). The unit selected determines whether or not historical exposures will be trended in the loss rating calculation. As stated before, exposures that are measured in dollars such as payrolls and sales will be trended since they are inflation sensitive. In contrast, exposures that are measured in headcount, miles, square feet, or other non-dollar units are not inflation-sensitive and will not be trended.

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Located in: Basic LRRP and LRRP Summary windows (LRRP toolkit) Federal Excise Tax (FET) payable by the carrier on reinsurance premiums ceded to certain offshore reinsurers.

Located in: Various Modules Type the name or part of the name of the account you want. The system will display all accounts that start with the information typed.

Final Adjusted Loss Provision

Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkit) Final adjusted dollar value of the loss provision.

Finalized Date
Located in: Security Log window (Security Calculation module) Date underwriter Finalized the Security Calculation module.

Financial Analyst
Located in: Financial Review & Security Log window (Financial Review toolkit) The name of the Financial Analyst.

Financial Complete Y/N ?

Located in: Financial Review & Security Log window (Financial Review toolkit) The Financial Analyst enters a "Y" when the Financial Statements are complete and the status becomes Complete FS. If the Financial Analyst types a "N" in the column the status becomes Incomplete FS.

Financial Rating
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The financial rating assigned to the insured. The Financial Analyst determines this rating. Valid Values: 1 through 9

First Adjustment Valuation Date

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 7 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The loss valuation date on the first retrospective adjustment of the premium or the first adjustment of the security.

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First Dollar Reinsurance

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module); Reinsurance module When AIG has no exposure because all layers have been reinsured. These accounts use the First Dollar Treaty in the Reinsurance module.

Fixed Cost per Claimant

Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) Fixed cost to handle claims.

Forecast Period Expiration

Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit) The date on which the policy is expected to expire.

Forecast Period Inception

Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit) The date on which the policy is expected to take effect. It is important as it is used to determine the loss and exposure trend factors, law amendment factors, and loss development factors.

Forecasted Subject / Deductible Losses

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) This value is calculated for each line of business and state by multiplying the applicable Loss Forecast for the line of business by the Estimated Full Coverage Subject Premium for the state, and dividing by the Estimated Full Coverage Subject Premium for the line of business.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The type of security to be delivered, such as: Letter of Credit, Cash Withheld from Cede, Parental Guarantee, etc.

Located in: Loss Details (Sec.Calc. module) The beginning date of the policy term in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Full Coverage Subject Premium / Full Cover Premium

Located in: Exposure Allocation at State Level, CMS Pop-Up and National Level Information windows (LSRT, WCD and LRRP toolkits) Subject Premium prior to deductible discount.

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Full Coverage WC Premium

Located in: CMS Pop-Up window (LRRP toolkit) WC Premium subject to deductible discount.

GC Commission AL
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Commission payable for the premium for Auto Liability policies not subject to retrospective adjustment and not affecting other premium.

GC Commission GL
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Commission payable for the premium for General Liability policies not subject to retrospective adjustment and not affecting other premium.

GC Commission WC
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Commission payable for the premium for Workers Compensation policies not subject to retrospective adjustment and not affecting other premium.

Gen/Product Agg
Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) To Be Defined

General Aggregate Limit \ General Agg. Limit

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The maximum amount of deductible reimbursements that the client has to pay under the policy (including ALAE), regardless of how many separate accidents occur. This does not apply when a multi-policy Aggregate Stop is negotiated.

GL Excess Non-Sub Prem \ GL Excess Prem

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs window (LRRP window) Premium for General Liability Insurance for insurance above the deductible, or S.I.R. layer, retro loss limit or captive's limit, per occurrence.

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Gross Ceded Premium

Located in: Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance toolkit) Gross Ceded Premium is a portion (up to 100%) of the Gross Layer Premium. It is the amount of reinsurance premium payable by the Insurer to the Reinsurer or Treaty for the reinsurance provided by the Reinsurer or Treaty on losses in the specified layer under the specified policy(ies). It is often adjustable in proportion to any adjustments in the Gross Layer Premium. Gross Ceded Premium includes a provision for reinsured losses as well as a provision for the reinsurer's or Treaty Participants' expenses. One of the principal expenses of the Reinsurer is the Ceding Commission.

Gross Layer Premium

Located in: Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance toolkit) Gross Layer Premium is the premium payable by the Insured to the Insurer for insurance ("direct insurance") in the specified layer for the specified policy(ies). At coverage inception, it is usually only the estimated final full amount of premium payable. Gross Layer Premium includes a provision for losses in the layer and (for Auto, General Liability and WC Excess of Qualified Self-Insurance - but NOT for other Worker's Compensation) an expense provision that includes Broker Commission if Broker Commission is payable. The estimated amount may be subsequently adjustable to reflect audited exposures or application of a "Swing Plan" (a retrospective rating plan for excess layers).

Guaranteed Cost
Located in: LRRP Summary and Basic LRRP windows (LRRP toolkit) More accurately termed fixed rate premium. Guaranteed Cost premiums are not retrospectively adjustable on the basis of losses or expense incurred under the insurance to which the Guaranteed Cost premium applies.

Guaranteed Cost - AL
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Premium for Auto Liability policies not subject to retrospective adjustment and not affecting other premium.

Guaranteed Cost - GL
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Premium for General Liability policies not subject to retrospective adjustment and not affecting other premium.

Guaranteed Cost - WC
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Premium for Workers' Compensation policies not subject to retrospective adjustment and not affecting other premium.

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Hard Costs
Located in: Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit) Actual costs such as: claim service, claim supervision, loss control, broker's commission, underwriting expenses, non-subject premiums, etc.

Hazard Classes
Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkit) Indicates a level of severity associated with the exposures. The hazard group specified for a ULF workup.

Hazard Groups Converted

Located in: California Special Excess Loss Factor Development window (WCD toolkit) The applicable Hazard Group letter code for a class, converted to a number.

Located in: LSS Subject Limit Premium and Large Deductible Premium Calculation Option windows (LSRT toolkit) Increased Limits Factor is the factor used for increasing the premium for increased limits of insurance. The basic limits rate is multiplied by an Increased Limits Factor.

ILF Method Loss Pick, 3 Yr.

Located in: Loss Pick Selection window (ULF toolkit) Equals the three year LDF Method Loss Pick at the basic layer times the increased limits factor from the basic layer to the given layer. This method is appropriate when there is not enough credible client loss experience to price the layers above the basic layer.

ILF Method Loss Pick, 4 Yr.

Located in: Loss Pick Selection window (ULF toolkit) Equals the four year LDF Method Loss Pick at the basic layer times the increased limits factor from the basic layer to the given layer. This method is appropriate when there is not enough credible client loss experience to price the layers above the basic layer.

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ILF Method Loss Pick, 5 Yr.

Located in: Loss Pick Selection window (ULF toolkit) Equals the five year LDF Method Loss Pick at the basic layer times the increased limits factor from the basic layer to the given layer. This method is appropriate when there is not enough credible client loss experience to price the layers above the basic layer.

Include in Max \ Inc. In Max

Located in: Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) A check box that indicates which program components are included in the Maximum Insurance Cost. Valid values are: Y = This hard cost is included in the maximum. N = This hard cost is excluded from the maximum.

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) This field equals paid losses plus known loss reserves. Here, loss refers to all dollars of indemnification, which includes indemnity plus medical losses for WC and Bodily Injury plus Property Damage losses for GL, PL and AL. This field excludes all expenses, including expenses associated with the settling of claims (see ALAE).

Incurred Loss Excl ALAE

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) This field equals paid losses plus known loss reserves. Here, loss refers to all dollars of indemnification, which includes indemnity plus medical losses for WC and Bodily Injury plus Property Damage losses for GL, PL and AL. This field excludes all expenses, including expenses associated with the settling of claims (see ALAE).

Indicated Reserve Need

Located in: Loss Details and Reserve Need screens (Sec. Calc. module) The amount of collateral required to cover losses within the insured's retention.

Input Source
Located in: Add/Edit Version window (ULF module) Select the source or origin of the loss pick information. Your choices are ULF, Manually Rated, or Other.

Insurance Charge / Agg Stop

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Max Pricing, Adjustment Basis Hard Costs, LRRP Summary windows (LRRP toolkit) Premium for providing insurance over insureds aggregate retention or a maximum premium.

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Insured City
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The insured's city.

Insured Retention
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module); Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The portion of loss arising from a single accident, occurrence, or claim that is retained in any of the following ways by the insureds retrospective rating, loss limit, deductible, self-insured retention, or captives limit of liability.

Insured Retention Waived

Located in: Security Calculation module The amount of S.I.R the Manager chooses to waive.

Insured State
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The insured's state abbreviation.

Insured Street
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The insured's street address.

Insured Zip
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The insured's nine-digit zip code.

Interim Billing
Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) Period of billing.

Issuing Company-Deal Sheet

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Click in the column to open the Issuing Company window, which is designed to help you take advantage of tax savings offered by states if designated issuing companies are used.

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Issuing Company-LRRP
Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) The company issuing the policy. This is designed to help you take advantage of tax savings offered by states if designated issuing companies are used.

Issuing Company Comments

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) If there are tax advantaged states on the policy AND the Issuing Company chosen and downloaded from LRRP is not tax advantaged, you must write a reason for not choosing a tax advantaged company.

Item Count
Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) Estimated number of claims handled.

LRRP Endorsement Required
Located in: Deal Sheet Page 5 (Deal Sheet module) You must select Y or N before Deal Complete or Booking. Note that if Plan A exists on any state, the sytem defaults to Y and cannot be changed.

Large Loss Minimum Amount

Located in: (ULF toolkit) The minimum large loss count for which the record is applicable. (Large Loss Count is the number of large losses recorded for a layer.)

Last Calculated
Located in: (ULF toolkit) The date the ULF was last calculated.

Layer Attachment Point

Located in: Excess Pricing Screen and Reinsurance (Excess Pricing toolkit) The point where a layer begins.

Layer Limit
Located in: Excess Pricing Screen (Excess Pricing toolkit) The size of layer above the Layer Attachment Point.

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Layer Limit XS of Subject/Primary Layer

Located in: Excess Pricing Summary window (Excess Pricing toolkit) The sum of layers above the retention.

Method Loss Pick, 3 Yr.

Located in: Loss Pick Selection window (ULF toolkit) Equals projected exposures times the weighted average loss rate over the latest three policy periods (excluding the current policy period). This method is used when there is enough client experience to price all of the layers up to the given layer. This is also the default loss pick at the basic layer for Auto Liability.

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Loss Development Factor. Used in retrospective rating plans to allow for the additional money it takes to reimburse claims that are reported late, that take a long time to develop or that are subsequently developed.

LDF Required
Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) A red check here indicates an underwriter has requested a client-specific LDF.

LDF Method Loss Pick, 4 Yr.

Located in: Loss Pick Selection window (ULF toolkit) Equals projected exposures times the weighted average loss rate over the latest three policy periods (excluding the current policy period). This method is used when there is enough client experience to price all of the layers up to the given layer. This is also the default loss pick at the basic layer for Workers' Compensation.

LDF Method Loss Pick, 5 Yr.

Located in: Loss Pick Selection window (ULF toolkit) Equals projected exposures times the weighted average loss rate over the latest three policy periods (excluding the current policy period). This method is used when there is enough client experience to price all of the layers up to the given layer. This is also the default loss pick at the basic layer for General Liability and Products Liability.

LDF Method Losses Total

Located in: Excess Pricing Screen (Excess Pricing toolkit)
This is the amount of ultimate losses based on the insureds incurred losses times an applicable LDF factor and adjusted for trends of exposures. It assumes that no increased limit factors were used for the calculation of an excess layer and only the insureds own experience is weighted for calculation of expected losses.

LER for Selected Losses

Located in: California Special Excess Loss Factor Development window (WCD toolkit) Loss Elimination Ratio which is the proportion of the total expected California losses that are expected to fall within the deductible layer.

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Less Insured Retention Waived

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Loading for highest historical insured retention used in any LOB.

Less Losses Paid to Date

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Loss entered as paid for most recent year entered.

Less Security on Hand

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Security AIG is already holding from previous years as recorded by AST in the Security & Receivables window.

Located in: Program Expenses (Security Needs) Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The amount of coverage that the client has in excess of the aggregate for a specific attachment point, no matter how many separate losses may occur.

Limit of Liability
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount of the captive's limit of liability per occurrence to us under the Reinsurance contract.

Line of Business
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) Types of insurance. Examples are General Liability, Workers Compensation, and Auto Liability.

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Located in: Various modules (Mandatory) Line of Business Note: Only one can be chosen for each policy.

Valid Values: AL = Auto Liability GL = General Liability WC = Workers' Compensation DBP = Deductible Buy Back Policy

Located in: Various windows (ULF toolkit) This information is used by ULF to pull the appropriate LDFs, ILFs, trend factors and default selected loss rates. It also prompts for the appropriate input for the loss Severity Distribution field. There are four acceptable choices for this field: WC Workers Compensation AL Automobile Liability GL General Liability PL Products Liability

Sublines of GL and hazard distributions for PL should be addressed in the Severity Distribution field. Lines of business such as USL&H, FELA, Garagekeepers Liability, etc. should be rated in cooperation with the Actuarial Department.

LOB Type
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) Option buttons used to display line of business versions. Valid Values: AL = Auto Liability GL = General Liability PL = Product Liability ALL = All lines of business

Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Lines of Credit, bank guarantee letters used as security by an insured.

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Loss Control Adjustment

Located in: (ULF toolkit) A positive (credit) or negative (debit) adjustment applied to the initial loss provision amount expressed as a percentage.

Loss Control Service / Loss Control

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs and LRRP Summary windows (LRRP toolkit) Expense provision for Loss Control services.

Loss Details
Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The figures that make up the insured's loss history. Double-clicking on this field opens the Loss Details window.

Loss Details Status

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) A status field showing whether the Loss Details Status window in Security Calculation has been finalized or not. The statuses are Complete and Incomplete.

Loss Pick Segment

Located in: Various windows (ULF toolkit) Indicates the percentage of the ULF Workup to include in the Loss provision.

Loss Provision
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The expected subject losses not reimbursable as deductibles by the insured.

Loss Provision - Note

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The expected subject losses subject to a Paid Loss Billing.

Loss Valuation Date

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) & Amount of Security window (Fin. Rev. module) This is the date on which the most recent estimate of the total losses was made. Security Calc and ULF use this information to pull the LDFs of the correct age for each policy years losses.

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Losses in Maximum Cost

Located in: Max Pricing window (LRRP toolkit) This is the maximum amount of subject and deductible losses that the Maximum Cost cap can contain.

Losses Incurred Excl. ALAE

Located in: window (ULF/LPS toolkit) This field equals paid losses plus known loss reserves. Here, loss refers to all dollars of indemnification, which includes indemnity plus medical losses for WC and Bodily Injury plus Property Damage losses for GL, PL and AL. This field excludes all expenses, including expenses associated with the settling of claims (see ALAE).

Losses Receivable
Located in: Security & Receivables Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The insured's deductible; how much they must pay the insurer for the loss.

Losses Within Insured's Retn

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) For Loss Sensitive Accounts only. Select the payment plan according to which the insured is to fund for losses within the insured's retention or the Loss Provision or Deductible Losses using the down-arrow. Valid Values Prepaid Example: Captives often have pre-paid loss provision Equal Installments Example: Incurred Loss Retros and Cash Collateral programs (even when the installments are not equal) where all loss provision is paid within the policy year. Monthly Loss Billing Example: (not valid for Short Form) Paid loss billings on a monthly basis until all losses are closed P-note or Paid Loss programs. Budgeted Loss Billing Example: (not valid for Short Form) This is when the insured is not expected to pay their entire loss provision within the policy year, and payment is based on a budgeted schedule (monthly or quarterly) that may be subject to adjustment based on actual loss experience. Direct Bill: You can use this choice for all coverage types except Guaranteed Cost.

LRRP Retro
Located in: WCD Summary and National Level Information windows (WCD toolkit) This is any method of rating where the final premium is determined after the policy period and is based on the loss experience or expenses incurred for insurance during that period. Minimum and maximum premium limitations maybe established prior to the inception date. A premium discount applies to Full Coverage Premium when you type an "N." in this field.

LSS Subject Limit

Located in: LSS Subject Limit Premium window (LSRT toolkit) Limit in which loss-forecasting analysis is done to derive expected losses used in loss rating.

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Major Class
Located in: (ULF/LPS and Reinsurance toolkits) Indicates the type of product, coverage, endorsement, deductible and claims. It is the lowest level of coverage detail within a line of business.

Major Class Desc

Located in: Major Class Allocation window (ULF/LPS module) The system offers a list of the possible Major Class Codes with brief descriptions for you to allocate according to the LOB selected for the policy. Note that you cannot finalize LPS until you have completed this window. The Major Class Code indicates the type of product, coverage, endorsement, deductible and claims. It is the lowest level of coverage detail within a line of business.

Manager Approval
Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) A status field showing whether or not the Manager has approved the Security Calculation. The statuses are Approval Requested, Approval Given, Approval Denied.

Manager Approval Date

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) Date manager approved the Security Calculation.

Manual Premium
Located in: Excess Pricing Screen (Excess Pricing toolkit) This amount must be entered when manual rating is calculated by UPS or AIWCS for use in Excess Pricing.

Manuscript Forms
Located in: Policy Details - LOB Specific window (Deal Sheet module) These are individually drafted insurance policy or endorsement forms.

Market Segment
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Five major divisions of the AIG Risk Management Group. You choose the one that is handling the account.

Max Credit Exposure

Located in: Security Determination Summary Screen (Financial Review toolkit) The largest dollar amount of credit risk that may be taken on this insured.

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Maximum Amount Index

Located in: Max Pricing window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) This is the basis for adjusting the initial estimate of the "Maximum Cost" cap, based on an audit of a valid selected index. Options are: Payroll Sales Standard Premium Headcount Receipts Square Footage Powered Vehicle

Maximum Costs / Maximum Cost

Located in: Max Pricing window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet) Maximum amount of Insurance Costs paid by Insured for applicable program cost components.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Minimum and Deposit) Indicates if the Estimated Amount can be adjusted downward to not less than the % of the estimated amount shown next to it.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs window (LRRP toolkit) (Minimum %) The % of the Minimum and Deposit (MD) amount that is the minimum.

Min. Amt
Located in: Adjustment Basis Hard Costs window (LRRP toolkit) This field accepts a "Y" or "N" to indicate whether or not a minimum is included.

Money Market
Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Money Market account, set aside by an insured for the deposit of the security amount.

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Name Insured
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The name of the insured company.

Net Cash Payable

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) (System-generated) The ceded premium totals, less the ceding commission equal the net cash payable totals for all lines of business.

Net Ceded Premium After Takeback

Located in: Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance toolkit) Gross Layer Premium for Hazard x (1minus Ceding Commission %) x (1 minus AIG Share in Treaty Percentage).

Net Retained Premium Including Takeback

Located in: Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance toolkit) The Gross Ceded Premium minus the Net Ceded Premium After Takeback.

Net Written Premium

Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) The premium not reinsured in the Layoff screen.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module), and Accounts Selection window (DMS Shell) Indicates whether this deal is new or a renewal account. Options are: New Renewal

Various modules An insurer or reinsurer not owned by the insured or outside the insured's corporate structure. Also, portion of risk not reinsured by Captive.

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Located in: Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance toolkit) "Non-concurrent" means that the reinsurance has exclusions or limitations that do not appear in the direct insurance - and thus the Insurer remains unreinsured under that reinsurance for some potential losses.

Non-Deductible Amount
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) This is the amount of the Premium Outside of Payment Plan. The difference between the total premium and the sum of the installments.

Non-Deductible Escrow
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Monies used to cover payments of deductible and non-deductible losses until payment of the loss invoice.

Non Deductible Losses

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Optional) The expected subject losses in premium dollars. The non-deductible dollars for all or part of the Loss Provision in premium for all lines of business in the deal.

Located in: ReserveNeed Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Security as it applies to non-captives.

No. of Installments
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The total number of payments.

Notification form
Located in: Reports window (Deal Sheet module) This report can be used for AIGCS and AIGVS to provide information about an account for setting up claim service. It is a 3-page document that is populated with the information that you entered on Forms: 1, and 2.

Number of Months Required

Located in: ReserveNeed Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Amount of Months of Average used to calculate total.

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NPV Credit
Located in: (ULF toolkit) The percentage of the discount applied to a loss pick to compensate for the investment value of a cash deposit

NY Second Injury
Located in: Program Expenses (Security Needs) Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Fund created by New York State to pay all or part of compensation required when a partially disabled employee suffers a second injury on the job.

Open Claims
Located in: ULF toolkit The number of claims that are still open as of the valuation date. This is an optional field, but it helps give insight to the loss rating. This field has no effect on the algorithm.

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) Usually a text box or option button to indicate additional information.

Other Deferred
Located in: Security & Receivables Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Any program component not listed above that is deferred for collection after contract period.

Outstanding Receivables
Located in: The Amount of Security Required window (Financial Review toolkit) and Summary window (Sec. Calc. Module) This includes BPR (Brokerage Premium Receivable), Note losses, Note T & E (Time and Expenses), Captive losses, and Captive T & E. These amounts are received via e-mail from the ASTs (Account Service Team). For Sec. Calc., Amount owed from previous contract years to AIG. This does not affect the Security Overage/Shortfall in this security calculation.

Override Post Renewal Amount

Located in: Override window (Fin. Rev. module) The figure you round off here is used by the system in the security determination calculation and affects the final result as seen in the Adjusted Need. After you enter your figure here in the Override window, it appears in the Amount of Security Required window in the Post Renewal Credit (Home Office) field.

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Override Valuation to Renewal Amount

Located in: Security Override window (Fin. Rev. module) The figure you round off here is used by the system in the security determination calculation and affects the final result as seen in the Adjusted Need. After you enter your figure here in the Override window, it appears in the Amount of Security Required window in the Valuation to Renewal Amount field.

Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Paid Losses. For this field, loss refers to all dollars of indemnification, which includes indemnity plus medical losses for WC and Bodily Injury plus Property Damage losses for GL, PL and AL. This field excludes all expenses, including expenses associated with the settling of claims (see ALAE).

Paid Claims
Located in: Loss and Exposures Detail window (ULF/LPS toolkit) The number of claims that are completely paid as of the valuation date.

Paid Losses Excl ALAE

Located in: Loss and Exposures Detail window(ULF/LPS toolkit) Paid Losses. For this field, loss refers to all dollars of indemnification, which includes indemnity plus medical losses for WC and Bodily Injury plus Property Damage losses for GL, PL and AL. This field excludes all expenses, including expenses associated with the settling of claims (see ALAE).

Pay No.
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) (System generated) The number is generated by the system depending on the number of installments you selected in the previous field.

Payment Date
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The date that the payment of the deferred premium is due, if such a date is specified in the deal.

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Payment Method
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The frequency of planned invoicing for paid losses. Valid Values: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual Variable Customized

Payout Factor
Located in: Paid Loss Credit worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) A figure generated by the system and used to modify the loss data in the system's calculations.

Payout Pattern Required

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) A red check here indicates that an underwriter has requested a client-specific payout factor.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 and Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit) The divisor by which the decimal is placed in the estimated exposure.

Per (ULF)
Located in: window (ULF/LPS toolkit) The number of units in which the exposure inputs are expressed. Payroll is generally entered in hundreds of dollars and sales is generally entered in thousands of dollars, but you may select a different exposure per. Each exposure input should be entered in units which is consistent with this input: if 100 is selected, each exposure input should be in hundreds. Per determines how the calculated loss rates are expressed, but does not affect the selected loss picks.

Per Occ. / Acc Limit

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The insurers limit of liability for damages arising out of a single accident or occurrence.

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Percentage of Layer Ceded

Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) Percentage of coverage for a given layer that is reinsured.

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) Options are: A = States which allow us, and the underwriter chooses, to base premium adjustments on the LRRP retrospective rating plan. B = Guaranteed Cost premium, but Plan A states' premium will adjust to offset inadequacy or redundancy in Plan B state premium. R = Retro Premium calculated under a non-LRRP retro plan. An extended retrospective premium must be directly input. G = Guaranteed Cost Premium, but any redundancy or inadequacy in a Plan G premium will not be offset by adjustments to any other state or line of business premium.

Plan Type
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Choose One, Two, Three or Four Year; Construction Project; or Short or Long Term, as appropriate. If this is a wrap-up, then the default is Construction Project. If the contract term is less than a year, the default is Short Term; more than one year, Long Term.

Policy Details
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Policy Details - LOB Specific window.

Policy Effective Date

Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit) The date on which the historical policy period started. For consecutive twelve-month policies, the inception dates will be the same except for the year. You should enter the policy inception dates that match the loss information, even if this results in policy periods that are not of even lengths. Note: Remember to pro-rate exposures when policy periods are not in full years! It is VITAL that accurate policy inception dates be entered because they are used in several critical calculations including: Calculation of loss maturity and selection of appropriate LDFs Calculation of loss and exposure trend factors Allocation of large losses to the proper policy period for capping Calculation of Law Amendment Factors (LAF) for Workers Compensation

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Policy Expiration Date

Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit) The date on which the historical policy period expires.

Policy Incept Date

Located in: Add/Edit Version window (ULF/LPS toolkit) The date the policy begins. You must type this in manually only if you've selected Manual Rating or Other as the Input Source.

Policy Limit
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) Type the company's limit of liability for this policy.

Policy Number
Located in: Basic LRRP and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (LRRP and Deal Sheet modules) A seven-digit identification number assigned for a policy.

Policy Term
Located in: Sec. Calc. module The length of time the policy is in force, from its starting date (effective date) to when it ends (expiration date).

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Policy Type
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) Policy type is a description to identify the specific use of a policy and how a policy relates to other policies within a line of business. Valid Values for AL: Commercial Truckers Garage Non-Simplified Commercial Non-Simplified Truckers Non-Simplified Garage Physical Damage Only

Valid Values for GL: Simplified Non-Simplified OCP Railroad Protective Products Only Agg Stop Only Other

Valid Values for WC: AOS = All other states CA = California only DAS = Oregon, Maryland, Idaho, Virginia, Arizona IL = Illinois LA = Louisiana TX = Texas Other QSI = Excess of Qualified Self Insurance

Valid Values for DBP: AIG Policies = Applies to deductibles under AIG Policies only. Outside Policies = Outside policies only Both

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Post Renewal Credit (Home Office)

Located in: Amount of Security Required window (Financial Review toolkit) An amount calculated by the sytem from the Paid Loss Credit window.

Premium at Subject Layer

Located in: LSS Subject Limit Premium window (LSRT toolkit) The subject premium generated by LSRT for use in LRRP to generate accruals and use on the policy as initial policy premium.

Premium Discount
Located in: National Level Information window (WCD toolkit) Discount to modify WC premiums. This feature is applicable when LRRP is marked "N".

Premium Outside of Payment Plan / POPP Amount

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 4 of 5, and Premium Outside of Payment Plan window (Deal Sheet module) The difference between the total premium and the sum of the installments.

Premium Payment Agreement Required

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 5 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 5 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) You must select Y or N before Deal Complete or Booking. If the contract has full coverage retention; Deductible without a DBP; a Deductible bought back with a retro, deductible or captive policy; or a deferred premium or surcharge; then the system defaults to Y and cannot be changed.

Prepaid Note Interest

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Amount of interest collected within the policy period to satisfy all P-Note interest requirements.

Located in: Paid Loss Credit Worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) The amount of projected paid losses occuring before the renewal date.

Located in: Paid Loss Credit Worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) The amount of projected paid losses occuring after the renewal date.

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Primary Layer Reinsurance

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The primary layer reinsurance describes the use of reinsurance within the insureds retention. Valid Values: Captive: When a captive cession is made. Richmond: Rent - A - Captive programs, Net Present Value programs. Other N/A: When reinsurance applies only to excess layers.

Primary/Subject Layer
Located in: LPS Add/Edit Version window (ULF/LPS toolkit) The maximum dollar amount of a layer. For ULF this is the maximum paid on an individual claim (within the specified layer). The capping level selected by the underwriter as the subject layer.

Primary/Subject Layer Limit

Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit and Excess Pricing toolkit) The maximum dollar amount of a layer. For ULF this is the maximum paid on an individual claim (within the specified layer). The capping level selected by the underwriter as the subject layer.

Primary/Subject Loss Provision for Version

Located in: LPS Add/Edit Version window (ULF/LPS toolkit) The maximum dollar amount of a layer. For ULF this is the maximum paid on an individual claim (within the specified layer). The capping level selected by the underwriter as the subject layer.

Principal Amount
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount of the Promissory Note.

Prior Years Return

Located in: The Amount of Security Required window (Financial Review toolkit) The amount of excess security from the prior years security overage, the Underwriter is recommending to return to the insured.

Prior Years Overage/Shortfall

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Amount of security needed or in surplus from Total Prior Year's Reserve Need - Security on Hand.

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Prior Years Reserve Need (Excl. Exp. Yr.)

Located in: Reserve Need Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Sum of Reserve Need for all years shown in window.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) An AIG internal number issued by AI-START.

Profit & Admin / Profit and Administration

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Cost and LRRP Summary windows (LRRP toolkit) Expense provision to administer program, provide underwriting services and profit.

Proforma Credit
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Required) The regional company code required for Premium Booking.

Prog. Eff Date

Located in: Account Selection window (Various modules) and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The contract effective date. This date should be equal to the earliest policy effective date.

Prog. Exp. Date

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) This is the contract expiration date. This date should be equal to the latest policy expiration date.

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Program Type
Located in: Security Determination Summary Screen (Financial Review toolkit); Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module); and Security & Receivable Details (Sec. Calc. module) Select the type that best describes the major character of the program. Valid Types: Cash Collateral Note Program Retro Guaranteed Costs Deductible Buy Back Deductible Program Captive S.I.R.

Projected Exposures
Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit) You should enter the number of exposure units projected for the policy period. If the exposure base is number of cars, square feet, or some other non-dollar measure and the policy will be for some term other than twelve months, you should pro-rate the exposures by the number of months in the projected policy term. If the exposure base is expressed in dollar amounts, be certain that the exposures match the policy period, even if it is less than twelve months! ULF CANNOT DO THIS CALCULATION AUTOMATICALLY!

Promise to Pay
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The check box indicates if the Promissory Note must be delivered to us by the insured.

Proposal Document
Located in: Reports window (Deal Sheet module) This is a document that can be presented to the client. It is an 18-page document that is populated with all relevant information that you entered into any form in the Deal Sheet.

Proposal form
Located in: Reports window (Deal Sheet module) This is a financial document. It is a 2-page document that is populated with all relevant information that you entered into any form in the Deal Sheet.

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Pro Rata
Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) Proportional value of the effective period of reinsurance.

Pro Rated Hazard Premium

Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) Premium allocated to a specific hazard.

Pro Rated Premium

Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) The contract premium after the application of the pro-rata factor.

PUC Number
Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) Profit Unit Code. When premium is put on "the books," it is assigned a PUC depending on what kind of deal it relates to. Also, premium from a given insurance program can have portions of its premium booked to several PUCs. Common codes are: Number 931 932 933 934 Description Excess Loss Provision Fees Captive Number 935 936 937 130 Description Guaranteed Aggregate Stop Net Present Value Guaranteed Cost Guaranteed Cost

If you see a 4-digit code like 1935 or 2937, the last three digits are what is referred to in the list above.

PUC Description
Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) Brief desription of the Profit Unit Code. When premium is put on "the books," it is assigned a PUC depending on what kind of deal it relates to. Also, premium from a given insurance program can have portions of its premium booked to several PUCs.

QSI/SIR Retained Losses
Located in: Max Pricing, Aggregate Stop windows (LRRP toolkit) Qualified Self Insurance expected retained losses. The insured may have the option to include these losses as a part of the Maximum Cost or Aggregate Stop.

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Quote Date
Located in: Financial Review & Security Log window (Financial Review toolkit) The date the Financial Analyst should have the Risk Rating completed.

Located in: Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit), New Adjustment Type window, Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance module) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The rate multiplied by the number of units of the rating basis, to produce the rate for the premium audit adjustment.

Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) Rate charged by the TPA (or AIG) per claim.

Rate to Adjust Attachment Point

Located in: Aggregate Stop window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) This is the rate for calculating the final Aggregate Attachment Point.

Rate to Adjust Maximum

Located in: Max Pricing window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) This is the rate for calculating the final Maximum Cost.

Rating Basis
Located in: LSRT Summary window (LSRT toolkit) The cost of insurance per unit of exposure used in the rating. The first field is the item to rate; such as payroll, headcount, sales, receipts, etc. The second field is the per rate cost; such as per 1, 10, 100, etc.

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Rating Basis Type

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Reinsurance Layoff Sheet (Reinsurance module) The exposure base you selected in LRRP on which the estimated amount is adjusted. The types available are:

40 99


Rating Plan/Excess Layer

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) For Loss Sensitive Accounts Only. The rating plan for the portion of premium excess of insureds retention. Valid Values: Guaranteed Cost: Excess premiums based on fixed rates applied to auditable exposures. Swing Plan: Excess premium subject to loss sensitive adjustment. This should be chosen if any excess layers premium is on a swing plan. Corridor Ded: Excess coverage that is subject to a deductible plan. Dividend: Excess premium that is subject to a policy holder dividend.

Reason for Segment

Located in: window (ULF/LPS toolkit) Identifies a reason for segmenting a loss pick when preparing a loss provision.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7, Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module), and Accounts Selection window (DMS Shell) (Mandatory) The corporate region where the deal is located. These regions match the region in AI-Start.

Region Submitted Date

Located in: Financial Review & Security Log window (Financial Review toolkit) (System generated) The date the Underwriter initiates the request for Financial Review through DMS Deal Sheet.

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Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7 an3d Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The box has a red checkmark if there is booked reinsurance associated with the deal.

Reins Booked
Located in: Accounts Selection window (DMS Shell) A check mark in this column indicates that the reinsurance for this account has been booked.

Reinsurance Certificate Number

Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) A number used to identify the coverage document used by facultative reinsurers.

Reinsurer Name
Located in: Various windows (Excess Pricing and Reinsurance toolkits) The name of the reinsurer that assumes all or a part of the risk under a policy or written by another insurer.

Reinsurance Net Layer Premium

Located in: Excess Pricing toolkit Net layer premium provided by reinsurers. (This is not the same as Net ceded premium.)

Reinsurance Status
Located in: Accounts Selection window (Shell module) "Net," Pending," or "Booked." Net means that AIG is not reinsuring the contract; Pending, that reinsurance is in process; Booked, that reinsurance is complete.

Renewal Contract Number

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen & Security Calculation Log (Sec. Calc. module) The contract number assigned to the renewal contract. This is usually, but not always, the expiring contract number plus 1. This field remains empty until the renewal is complete in the DMS Shell.

Renewal Eff. Date

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) Effective date of the renewal contract. This field remains empty until the renewal is completed in the DMS Shell. The field then shows a future date; for example, a renewal for a yearlong contract from 05/30/1999 to 05/30/2000 gives 05/30/199 here.

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Renewal Term
Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Policy term of the renewal contract.

Reservation Number / Reservation #

Located in: Accounts Selection (DMS Shell) The nine-digit AI-Start submission number.

Residual Market Load

Located in: LRRP Summary (LRRP toolkit) RML The provision for our share of an assigned risk pool's operating deficit.

Retro Adjustment Required

Located in: Deal Sheet Page 5 (Deal Sheet) The system sets this field to Y or N for you based on the contract details. You cannot change it. If any policy on the contract has full coverage retention, a deductible buy-back policy, a Plan A state, or a Special Rating Type, then the system sets the field to Y. Otherwise, the system sets this field to N.

Risk Manager's Fax

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Optional) The risk manager's fax number. Include the three-digit area code first.

Risk Manager's Name

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Optional) The name of the insured's risk manager.

Risk Manager's Phone

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Optional) The risk manager's phone number. Include the three-digit area code first.

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Risk Rating
Located in: Security Determination Summary Screen (Financial Review toolkit) The Financial Reviewer assigns the AIG Risk Rating. Valid values: = Excellent = Strong = Good = Satisfactory = Acceptable = Marginal = Unsatisfactory = Sub-Standard = Doubtful = Loss/Liquidation

RMG Addn. Fee

Located in: RMG Quote Details window (Deal Sheet module) Service fees beyond Fee per Claim.

RMG Benchmark Loss Provision

Located in: Excess Pricing Screen (Excess Pricing toolkit) This figure is based on the RMG ILF tables modified by SIC modifiers.

RMG Fee Total

Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) Total Claims Fee paid to AIG.

RMG Tail Fee

Located in: RMG Quote Details window (Deal Sheet module) Fee to handle claims after program expiration.

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) Provision for Residual Market Load, i.e., our share of an assigned risk pool's operating deficit.

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Schedule Mod
Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) Schedule Modification is a factor that is applied to the premium after the expense modification, to reflect recent changes in certain individual account characteristics in those states where approved.

Search By
Located in: Account/Deal Selection window The method to search the DMS System for an account. Valid Values: Account Number Account Name Contract Number Submission Number Deal Effective Date

Security & Receivables

Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) A status field showing whether the Security & Receivables window in Security Calculation has been finalized or not. The statuses are Complete and Incomplete.

Security Inc. in Premium Inst.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) If any of the required security for deferred premium (not deductible losses) is in the form of cash, all of it may be included in the Premium Installments Schedule. This is known as cash collateral.

Security on Hand
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The amount of security we have on-hand from the insured.

Security Need (Expiring Yr. Loss Pick)

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Loss Pick used in Bound LRRP.

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Security Need (Program Expenses)

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Expenses not collected in 12 months.

Security Overage
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) (Calculated) The Deal Sheet calculates and shows the difference between the Total Security Required and the Security on Hand for unpaid loss provision premium (not Deductible Losses). If the Security on Hand is greater than the Total Security Required, then the difference is known as Security Overage.

Security to %
Located in: Security Determination Summary Screen (Financial Review toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The financial rating percentage that is used to determine the security amount required. The Financial Analyst determines this percentage.

Security Type
Located in: Various modules For Loss Sensitive Accounts Only. The type of security used in loss sensitive programs to secure losses within the Insured's retention. Valid Values: LOC (Line of Credit) Cash Collateral-Interest Bearing Incurred Loss Pay In (Cash Collateral - Non-Interest Bearing) Security Trust Money Market Escrow Custodial Nonstatutory (Non-Captive) Statutory (Captive) Other N/A

Selected Hazard
Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit) The specific type of reinsurance.

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Selected XS Premium
Located in: Excess Pricing Screen (Excess Pricing toolkit)
Excess premium charged for a given layer of coverage.

Selected XS Layer Premium

Located in: (Reinsurance toolkit)
Excess premium charged for a given layer of coverage.

Severity Distribution
Located in: ULF Add/Edit Workup (ULF/LPS toolkit) The information in this cell reflects the expected severity (that is, the likelihood of large losses to be suffered by the client). It is used by ULF to calculate appropriate LDFs and ILFs. For WC: enter percentage of projected payroll in each hazard group as determined by the NCCI class codes. For AL: there is only one selection, based on the RMG book of business. For GL: enter the percentage of projected exposures subject to OL&T, Prem/Ops, and M&C type losses. For PL: enter the percentage of projected exposures subject to low and high probability of large loss. The total percentages of exposures should add up to 100%. ULF will prompt you to re-enter the percentage if the total is something other than 100%.

SIC Code
Located in: Data Download Function Picklist window, Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Excess Pricing and Deal Sheet modules) The Standard Industry Code is a coding system which assigns separate codes for different types of industries.

Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkit) Indicates the applicable type of Self Insured Retention.

Special Adjustment Features

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 5 (Deal Sheet) Click an option button for each question to indicate whether or not the Special Rating Procedures apply for this deal. If you select "Y," you must complete the Comment window.

Special Tax/Assess/Surch
Located in: National Level Information and WCD Summary windows (WCD toolkit) Special Tax, Assessment, Surcharge: Taxes or assessments that the carrier must collect for a state fund or regulatory agency which is in addition to the premium, not a component of the premium.

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Specify Source
Located in: ULF The origin of the Loss Pick if not ULF. You must do this only if you've selected Manual Rating or Other as the Input Source.

Standard Allocation %
Located in: Major Class Allocation window (ULF/LPS module) The allocation of the loss pick among Major Class Codes for an "ideal" policy.

Standard Premium
Located in: Various modules The Full Coverage premium calculated by applying filed an approved rates and rating factor to an insured's payroll or other premium basis, and modified by Experience and Schedule Rating. Most often in connection with retrospective rating. Equivalent to "Full Cover Subject Premium" in LRRP.

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) Two-letter abbreviation representing a United States state.

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Status / DMS Status / Financial Status

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) The status of the version. There are different statuses for some of the different toolkits. Valid values: A = Active B = Deal Complete and Booked (Deal Sheet only) C = Deal Complete (Deal Sheet only) D = Deal Complete/Billed (Deal Sheet only) D = Deleted (Toolkits) E = Deal Complete, Booked and Bill Printed (Deal Sheet only) F = Finalized (Toolkits) X = Canceled (Deal Sheet only) Pending (Financial Review only) Incomplete FS (Financial Review only) Complete FS (Financial Review only) Rated (Financial Review only) Approval Requested (Financial Review only) Approval Given (Financial Review only) All (Financial Review only)

Status Date
Located in: Financial Review & Security Log window (Financial Review toolkit) The date that the financial status changed from one status to another.

Located in: Security & Receivables Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Security as it applies to captives.

Subject Layer Indicator

Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkit) Indicates whether or not the record represents the selected subject layer.

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Subject Limits Full Coverage Premium

Located in: LSRT Summary window (LSRT toolkit) The premium for Full Coverage, excluding non-subject excess premiums.

Subject to Min
Located in: Adjustment Basis Hard Cost window (LRRP toolkit) Valid Values: Y = This hard cost is individually subject to a minimum amount. N = This hard cost is not individually subject to a minimum amount.

Subject Premium
Located in: Premium Expense Analysis window (LSRT toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The totals of the following program components: expected subject losses, claims service fees, claim supervision, profit & admin, loss control services, broker's commission, captive mgmt fee, insurance charge/agg stop, WC XS in Subject Premium, WC XS USLH in Subject Premium, Taxes/RMLs/Bs & Bs/FETs.

Subject Program Fees

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The totals of the following program components: claims service fees, claim supervision, profit & admin, loss control services, broker's commission, captive mgmt fee, insurance charge/agg stop, WC XS in Subject Premium, WC XS USLH in Subject Premium, Taxes/RMLs/Bs & Bs/FETs.

Submission #
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) AI-Start submission number Note: You must obtain a submission number from AI-START if you don't know the number.

Sub-Policy Numbers
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 2 of 7, and Deal Sheet Form 2 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Allows you to select a block of policy numbers for the sub-contractors. The policy type must be Master Policy for this field to be active.

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Surcharge / Surcharges
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) Surcharges that the insurer will collect for the state agency that is in addition to the premium, not a component of the premium, and is reimbursable by the client.

Swing Plan Applies

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 5 (Deal Sheet) Click an option button for each question to indicate whether or not the Special Rating Procedures apply for this deal. If you select "Y," you must complete the Comment window.

T & E Billing
Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) The time and expense to handle a claim outside of Term.

T & E Receivable
Located in: Security & Receivables Screen (Sec. Calc. module) T & E (Time and Expenses) Receivable, amount owed for policy handling outside of the term.

Takeback Percentage
Located in: Security & Receivables Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The amount of coverage AIG "takes back" from the reinsurance layer.

Tax Multiplier
Located in: Program Expenses (Security Needs) Screen (Sec. Calc. module) A factor applied in retrospective rating to an insurance premium to increase it to cover state premium taxes.

Taxes / Tax
Located in: Basic LRRP and LRRP Summary windows (LRRP toolkit) Provision for taxes and assessments that the insurer must pay as a function of direct written premiums, losses paid or incurred, standard premiums, or other statutory or regulatory basis. Excludes: "Special Taxes/Assessments/Surcharges".

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Taxes / RMLs / Bs & Bs / FETs

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Provision for taxes and assessments that the insurer must pay as a function of direct written premiums, losses paid or incurred, standard premiums, or other statutory or regulatory basis. Excludes: "Special Taxes/Assessments/Surcharges". Federal Excise Tax (FET) applies only to premium to be paid as reinsurance premiums to certain offshore reinsurers.

Taxes and Assessments

Located in: Premium Expense Analysis and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs windows (LSRT and LRRP toolkits) Taxes and Assessments that the insurer must pay as a function of direct written premiums, losses paid or incurred, standard premiums, or other statutory or regulatory basis. A provision for this expense is a part of the premium. Excludes: "Special Taxes/Assessments/Surcharges".

Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) & Amount of Security Required window (Fin. Rev. module) The period of time the Rate per Claim is applicable. In Financial Review, the number of months you want credit on for the pre-renewal. These months are the difference between the Lossed Valued Date and the effective date of the contract.

Term (Months)
Located in: The Amount of Security Required window (Financial Review toolkit) The term of credit extended is measured by the projected number of months of paid losses provided for your post renewal credit..

Located in: Loss Details (Sec.Calc. module) The end date of the policy term in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Total Amount Due

Located in: National Level Information window (WCD toolkit) This is the total premium dollar amount to be paid.

Total Billed
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) (System generated) This is the amount owed by the insured included in the premium payment schedule.

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Total Cash Due

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) Cash premium plus deductible escrow, plus surcharges, plus cash security.

Total Claims
Located in: Loss and Exposures Detail window (ULF/LPS toolkits) The sum of paid claims and closed claims. This number helps give insight to the loss rating, but is not a part of the loss selection algorithm.

Total Est. Ultimate Prem

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The totals of the following program components: Total Estimated Ultimate Subject Premium, WC XS QSI, GL Excess Non-Subject Prem, AL Excess Non-Subject Prem: Guaranteed Cost - WC, Guaranteed Cost - GL, and Guaranteed Cost - AL.

Total Est Annual Premium

Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) The totals of the following program components: Total Estimated Ultimate Subject Premium, WC XS QSI, GL Excess Non-Subject Prem, AL Excess Non-Subject Prem: Guaranteed Cost - WC, Guaranteed Cost - GL, and Guaranteed Cost - AL.

Total Estimated Ultimate Premium

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The totals of the following program components: Total Estimated Ultimate Subject Premium, WC XS QSI, WC XS in Non-Subject Premium, GL Excess Non-Subject Premium, AL Excess Non-Subject Premium, Guaranteed Cost WC, Guaranteed Cost - GL, and Guaranteed Cost - AL.

Total Exposures
Located in: Loss and Exposures Details (ULF/LPS toolkits) This field represents the exposures relating to the losses entered in the Loss and Exposure Details window. The exposures should correspond to the time period covered by the losses. For example, if the WC losses were reported on a calendar year basis, the exposures shown should be the payroll paid during the same calendar year. You should pay special attention if the corresponding policy is not twelve months long. In this case, exposures that are based on units need to be adjusted to reflect the non-standard policy term.

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Total Incurred Losses

Located in: Loss and Exposure Details window (ULF/LPS toolkits) Equals incurred losses plus paid ALAE. ULF totals losses in this fashion because the LDFs it uses were generated based on data made up of incurred losses plus paid ALAE.

Total Installments
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 4 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (System generated) This is the sum of the installments.

Total Insurance Cost

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The totals of the following program components: Total Est. Ultimate Prem., Surcharges, Expected Deductible Losses, and Credit Fees.

Total Paid Loss Credit

Located in: Paid Loss Credit Worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) The system calculates this field automatically based on payout factors and historical loss experiences.

Total Premium Due

Located in: WCD Summary window (WCD toolkit) and Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) This is the total premium dollar amount to be paid.

Total Ratio
Located in: Premium Expense Analysis window (LSRT toolkit) Portion of Subject Premium in LSRT allocated for losses and expenses.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The ceded premium totals, ceding commission dollars, and the net cash payable totals for all lines of business.

Total Security Required

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The total amount of security required by the insured.

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Total Subject Premium

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The totals of the following program components: expected subject losses, claims service fees, claim supervision, profit & admin, loss control services, broker's commission, captive mgmt fee, insurance charge / agg stop, WC XS in Subject Premium., WC XS USLH in Subject Premium, Taxes / RMLs / Bs & Bs / FETs.

Total Surcharge
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) (System generated) This is the total amount of the surcharge.

Total Ultimate Premium

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 4a of 7 and Deal Sheet 4a of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (System generated) The totals of the following program components: Total Subject Premium, WC XS QSI, WC XS in Non-Subject Premium, GL Excess Non-Subject Prem, AL Excess Non-Subject Prem: Guaranteed Cost - WC, Guaranteed Cost - GL, and Guaranteed Cost - AL.

Total Prior Years Reserve Need

Located in: Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) A calculated field based on the figures in the fields above in the Summary section of the window .

Located in: Various Windows (ULF/LPS toolkits and Sec. Calc. module) Third Party Administrator. You should use this field to enter the name of the entity that adjusted the clients claims. ULF uses this information to select the appropriate LDFs. As with loss valuation dates, each policy year can have only one TPA entry. If several TPAs adjusted losses for a year, you should select the TPA that adjusted most of the losses. However, each policy year can have a different TPA selection. You should contact the Actuarial Department with any questions regarding TPA selection.

TPA Addn. Fee

Located in: TPA Quote Details window (Deal Sheet module) Service fees beyond Fee per Claim.

TPA Adjustment
Located in: Various Windows (ULF/LPS toolkits) A positive (credit) or negative (debit) adjustment applied to the initial loss provision amount expressed as a percentage.

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TPA Fee Total

Located in: TPA Quote Details and RMG Quote Details windows (Deal Sheet module) Total Claims Fee paid by AIG to the TPA.

TPA Tail Fee

Located in: TPA Quote Details window (Deal Sheet module) Fee to handle claims after program expiration.

Transaction Created Date

Located in: Transaction Log (Shell module) The date the Endorsement was created.

Transaction Completed Date

Located in: Transaction Log (Shell module) The date the Endorsement was completed. This date displays for Deal Complete/Booked/Cancelled events. For active events, the field is blank.

Transaction Premium
Located in: Transaction Log (Shell module) Premium amount for this transaction.

Located in: Security & Receivables Screen (Sec. Calc. module) Trust accounts left by the insured to hold the security amount.

Located in: Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet. module) Fac (F) or Treaty (T).

ULF Benchmark Total
Located in: Excess Pricing Screen (Excess Pricing toolkit)
This is the ULF Selected Layer Price from the ULF algorithm. The ULF toolkit prices out each layer of coverage using an algorithm that takes into account the size of the account, credibility of LDF's vs. ILF's and measures the estimate of expected losses in each layer.

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ULF Primary/Subject Layer Loss Pick

Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkits) The Loss Pick Amount determined by the ULF Formula.

ULF Selected Layer Loss Pick

Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkits) Loss Pick Amount selected by ULF based on the selected layer.

Ultimate D & B Account #

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The Dun & Bradstreet number assigned to the parent company.

Ultimate Losses
Located in: Loss Details Screen (Sec. Calc. module) The total sum the insurer must actually pay out, including ALAE.

Unallocated LAE
Located in: Individual Risk Premium Modifiers window Unallocated Loss Adjustment Expense (LAE) represent adjustment costs that are not directly attributable to a specific claim.

Located in: Various windows The particular underwriter that is working with the client on a particular piece of business.

Underwriter Comments
Located in: Layer Information window (ULF/LPS toolkit) Any significant deviation from the ULF-recommended loss pick must be documented here. You can enter information to document the file. Examples include notes on loss valuation, changes in TPAs, changes in insurers, etc.

Underwriter Deviation
Located in: ULF Layer Information and LPS Add/Edit Version window(ULF/LPS toolkit) The deviation of the underwriter loss pick from the ULF loss pick.

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Underwriter Fax
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The underwriter's fax number. Include the three-digit area code first. The Underwriter's fax number must be maintained in AI-START.

Underwriter First Name

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The underwriter's first name. The Underwriter's name must be maintained in AI-START.

Underwriter Last Name

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) (Mandatory) The underwriter's last name. The Underwriter's name must be maintained in AI-START.

Underwriter Layer Limit

Located in: Layer Information window (ULF/LPS toolkit) For ULF, this is the maximum paid on an individual claim (within the specified layer) - the "capping level amount" that defines the upper boundary of a layer.

Underwriter Loss Provision at 250K

Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkit and Excess Pricing toolkit) Underwriter loss pick at the $250,000 layer.

Underwriter Phone
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) The underwriter's phone number. Include the three-digit area code first. The Underwriter's phone number must be maintained in AI-START.

Underwriter Primary/Subject Layer Loss Pick

Located in: LPS windows(ULF/LPS toolkit) Underwriter Selected Loss Pick Amount: Loss Pick Amount selected by the underwriter for a selected layer. (The Loss Pick Amount is the dollar value calculated as a loss pick.)

Underwriter Selected Layer Loss Pick

Located in: Layer Information and Loss Pick Selection window (ULF/LPS toolkit) Loss Pick Amount selected by the underwriter based on the Selected Layer.

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Underwriter Selected Loss Pick

Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkit) Loss Pick Amount selected by the underwriter.

Unmodified Premium
Located in: WCD Summary, and California Special Excess Loss Factor Development windows (WCD toolkit) This is the premium for the ratable portion only, to which experience modifiers are applied.

Use/Discard Remaining Segment

Located in: (ULF/LPS toolkits) Select an option to indicates whether to use or discard the remaining segment of a loss pick after a segment of the loss pick has been used.

User ID
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) The LAN ID of the person that updated the account the last time.

Located in: Various windows (Various modules) Longshoremen & Harbor Workers Compensation Act. This is a federal act that entitles certain workers in shipbuilding and repair, ship loading and unloading and other harbor workers to compensation. If Y is entered, a surcharge is added on a state by state basis to fund the USLH Second Injury Fund maintained by the US Department of Commerce.

Located in: Add/Edit Version window (ULF/LPS module) When the LOB is WC (worker's compensation), you must determine whether it includes USLH, which deals with the Longshoremen & Harbor Workers Compensation Act. If the policy does include USLH, select a Major Class Code indicating this. Otherwise, select a Non ULSH Major Class Code.

Valuation Date
Located in: Loss and Exposure Details (ULF/LPS toolkit) This is the date on which the most recent estimate of the total losses was made. ULF uses this information to pull the LDFs of the correct age for each policy years losses. Note: It is absolutely essential that all losses for a given policy period have the same valuation date, as ULF can only apply one LDF per policy year! However, ULF will allow a different valuation date for each policy year.

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Valuation to Renewal Credit

Located in: Amount of Security Required (Fin. Rev. module) The estimated amount of losses that will be paid from valuation date to renewal date that the Underwriter recommends. (Not available for cash collateral.)

Variable Expense Ratio

Located in: National Level Information window (WCD toolkit) Ratio that represents the premium taxes that are variable on the basis of the direct written premium reported to the state.

Version Description
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) At least 5 characters that represent the specific scenario for which you are creating a version. Note: Do not use apostrophes or special characters in the description.

Version No
Located in: Various windows (Various modules) System assigned number in sequential order representing a particular version created for an event.

Version Number
Located in: Data Download Function Picklist window (LRRP and Excess Pricing toolkits) System assigned number in sequential order representing a particular version created for an event.

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs window (LRRP toolkit) Premium for excess Workers' Compensation in states where the insured is self-insured up to the limit described in the insureds retention.

WC XS Sub / Ded \ WC Excess

Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs and LRRP Summary windows (LRRP Summary) Premium for Workers' Compensation coverage in insured states in excess of deductibles or retro loss limits or captive's limit of liability per accident.

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Located in: Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) and Adjustment Basis Hard Costs window (LRRP toolkit) Premium for USLH Workers' Compensation benefits in insured states in excess of a loss limit, deductible or captive's limit of liability per accident.

Watch List
Located in: Security Calculation Log (Shell module) & Security Calculation Summary Screen (Sec. Calc. module) A red check here flags the fact that the account appears on the Watch List. The Watch List is a database of problem clients with loss picks exceeding $10,000,000 or who are in financial trouble.

When Deliverable
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 6 of 7 (Deal Sheet module) The date on which the security must be delivered.

Workers Comp. Assessments

Located in: Basic LRRP window (LRRP toolkit) These are taxes or assessments based on losses paid, incurred, or on Standard Premium where Deductible Coverage applies and are calculated by individual states.

Workup Name
Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkits) The name of the account. The information in this field will be printed on each output page, so you may want to include other useful information such as self-insured states only or includes discontinued operations.

Workup Number
Located in: Various windows (ULF/LPS toolkits) This number identifies a ULF Workup within an insurance agreement, line of business, and entity.

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Located in: Paid Loss Credit Worksheet (Fin. Rev. module) Displays rows indicating the year-type to which the line item belongs. The three year-types are: Renewal, Expiring, All Prior.

Years Written
Located in: Deal Sheet Form 1 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 1 of 5 (Deal Sheet module) The number of years that AIG has had a deal with this client.

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Button Definitions

Button (Various modules) Adds an item to a list or window.

Add All
Button (Various modules) Adds all items to a list or window.

Add Column
Button (Deal Sheet module) Adds a new column so that the information for a new policy can be added. The Add New Columns window appears. Note: The column will be added after the last column. You can also add columns to this window by clicking Order Policy.

Add Endr
Button (Deal Sheet module) Adds a new endorsement row to the Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5.

Add New
Button (LRRP toolkits) Adds a new entity number.

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Add Policy
Button (Deal Sheet module) Adds a new column so that the information for a new policy can be added.

Add Row
Button (Deal Sheet module) Adds a new row so that more information can be added.

Add State
Button (LRRP toolkit) Adds a new row so that another state with a sub-line of business can be added to the Basic LRRP window.

Add to List
Button (Deal Sheet module) Adds a custom endorsement to the Selected Endorsements section of the Endorsement Selection window.

Add Type
Button (Sec. Calc. module) Adds row to Security Types section of Security Calculation Summary window.

Additional Contact Names

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Additional Contact Names window.

AIG Contact Names

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the AIG Contact Names window.

ALAE Calculation
Button (Sec. Calc. module) Opens ALAE Calculation window so Underwriter can enter previous year's custom ALAE for actuary review.

Button (Various modules) Transfers your entries to the Summary window and perform the calculation(s). The information is temporarily saved, but you must save the information/changes in the Summary window to keep the entries.

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Assign Policy
Button (Deal Sheet module) Click this button to assign an ordered policy number to any line of business column that does not have a policy assigned. Note: In order to assign a policy, you must reserve the numbers first by clicking Order Policy.

Button (Fin. Rev. module) Attaches or removes a Financial Review or Security Calculation version from a deal.

Button (LRRP toolkit) This option is only available if you are viewing a Finalized LRRP Version. Use this button to mark this LRRP Version as Bound. The status of this version will change from F (Finalized) to B (Bound).

Broker List
Button (Reinsurance toolkit) Accesses the Reinsurance Intermediary List window to choose a Reinsurance Intermediary.

By Contract
Button (Shell module) Opens a window displaying Profit Unit Code information with contract figures.

Button (Shell module) Opens a window displaying Profit Unit Code information with Line of Business information.

By Policy
Button (Shell module) Opens a window displaying Profit Unit Code information with policy figures.

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Button (Shell module) Opens a window displaying Profit Unit Code information with Major Class code information.

Button (LRRP toolkit) Enables DMS to recalculate all of your figures using the new entries.

Button (WCD toolkit) Enables DMS to recalculate all of your figures using the new entries.

Button (Various modules) Accesses the Windows Calculator.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Not in current use.

Button (Various modules) Closes a window without saving any newly entered information.

Cancel Deal
Button (Deal Sheet module) Cancels a Booked Deal and changes the status of the Deal Sheet to (C) Deal Complete, and also changes the LRRP version from Bound (B) to Finalized (F). A reversal of the premium amounts is sent to CRS. (Data is reversed in CRS during the nightly batch)

Captive Security
Button (Deal Sheet module) Displays the captive fields.

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Cash Security Button

Button (Deal Sheet module) Click this button to enter any non-premium cash collected to secure deferrals of loss in the Cash Security/Captive window.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Visible only to users with special privileges, this button offers access to the CCT-CRS system.

Change Event
Button (DMS Shell) Accesses the Transaction window, so you can change the event selected.

Change Factor
Button (Sec. Calc. module) Allows an Actuary to modify the LDF field in the window. Only Actuaries can use this button.

Change LDF
Button (Sec. Calc. module) Activates the LDF field for changes. Only Actuaries use this button.

Change Loss Picks

Button (Excess Pricing toolkit) Click to change a loss pick or add or delete a line of business.

Button (Various modules) Exits a window without saving any changes that might have been made.

Button (Various modules) Accesses a comments window to add additional comments in reference to a specific field. Note: Once comments are entered red lines display on the notepad.

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Button (Accounts Selection) Accesses the Configure window so you can customize the columns in the Accounts Selection window.

Button (Various modules) Copies a version and assigns a new version number to the copy.

Data Display
Button (LRRP toolkit) Displays the information you requested.

Data Input
Button (LRRP toolkit) Displays a sub form for you to enter new or change data.

Data Input & Display

Button (LRRP toolkit) Displays a sub form for you to enter new or change data.

Deal Complete or Deal Comp. / Book

Button (Deal Sheet module) Documents the deal if the button is Deal Complete or to books the program i.e., to write the premium to the corporate record as a receivable due if the button is Deal Comp./Book. Note: If all the required fields are not completed when you click this button, an error window appears. Click each error; the cursor appears in the required field. Type the appropriate answer.

Ded. BuyBack
Button (LRRP toolkit) Accesses the Deductible Buy Back window.

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Deferred Premium Button

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Deferred Premium window so you can add a deferred premium payment schedule.

Def Surcharge Button

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Deferred Surcharge window so you can enter a payment schedule for the deferred surcharges.

Button (Various modules) Removes a selected item.

Delete Column
Button (Deal Sheet module) Deletes the column where your cursor is placed. It removes the whole column and renumbers the columns that remain. Note: If the policy was just completed, you delete the policy completely without any confirmation. If the policy was created from the database, you can delete, however, the Delete Column button changes to an Undelete Column. You can undelete the policy until you save the changes by clicking on Done.

Delete Endr
Button (Deal Sheet module) Deletes an endorsement row on the Deal Sheet Form 3 of 7 and Deal Sheet Form 3 of 5. Note: Deletes the row where your cursor is placed. There is no confirmation, so be careful using this button.

Delete Layers
Button (Reinsurance module) Deletes the reinsurance layers from the policy. This button will be visible only for non-DMS booked accounts and only if reinsurance has not been done.

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Delete Policy
Button (Deal Sheet module) Deletes the Policy where your cursor is placed. It removes the whole column and renumbers the columns that remain. Note: If the policy was just completed, you delete the policy completely without any confirmation. If the policy was created from the database, you can delete, however, the Delete Policy button changes to an Undelete Policy. You can undelete the policy until you save the changes by clicking on Done.

Delete Row
Button (Deal Sheet module) Deletes the row of information where your cursor is placed.

Delete State
Button (LRRP toolkit) Deletes a new state with a sub-line of business that you have added to the Basic LRRP window. Note: You cannot delete a state that was system generated.

Button (Financial Review toolkit) Accesses the Detail of Security Held window.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Policy Details - LOB Specific window.

Details Complete
Button (Sec. Calc. module) Click this button to finalize Security & Receivables Details window, making it read-only.

Button (Various modules) After entering information in certain DMS windows, transfers the information to a Summary window and closes the window.

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Button (various modules) Downloads the submission data from AI-Start into Deal Sheet when in Shell. In ULF/LPS, when using the Add/Edit Version window, if ULF is not the origin of the Loss Pick, then click the Download button to download the workup version you need from the source you chose in Specify Source.

Download GC
Button (LRRPToolkit: Basic LRRP window) You can re-associate direct entry GC states from a previous LRRP version. Select a version that has the GC States you want to copy and click Download GC. All information will be copied except for the Entity, which you will need to re-select.

Download LRRP
Button (Deal Sheet module) Downloads the rating data from LRRP into Deal Sheet. This is the information that you have entered into the toolkits and has been processed in LRRP.

Emp. Leasing
Button (Deal Sheet module) Allows you to get a continuous block of policy numbers. This button is only available if Commercial or National were selected as the Market Segment.

Entity Description Button

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Entity Description window to define policy and rating entities.

Entity List
Button (LRRP toolkit) Accesses the Entity Assignment - New Version of LRRP window and add an entity number and description. Note: The Entity List button is enabled only when there are two or more versions with the same business function selected.

Button (Various modules) Closes the current window without saving entries.

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Expense Factors
Button (LRRP toolkit) Accesses the Average Premium Expense Factors window and displays the average premium expense factors.

Financial Rating Request
Button (Deal Sheet module) Produces an indictor that you are requesting a financial rating from the Credit Department.

Finalize Button
Button (Various modules) Freezes a version and allows it to be used in other toolkits. Note: Once a version is finalized, it cannot be changed.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Allows you to search for the name of a specific account. You can type a partial name or even a letter. The system will display all accounts that start with that letter.

Find Previous
Button (Deal Sheet module) Allows you to search for the account you found prior to this one using the Find button.

GC Layering
Button (Reinsurance toolkit) Opens the Guaranteed Cost Layering window. This button is only available when GC LOB is selected for reinsurance.

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Button Deal Sheet Form 2 (Deal Sheet module) Click to perform automated handoff generation.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the DMS On-line Help for this form.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Opens the Reinsurance module from Deal Sheet 6.

Major Class Allocation
Button UL/LPS module Opens the Major Class Code Allocations window. Note that you cannot finalize LPS until you have completed this window. The Major Class Code indicates the type of product, coverage, endorsement, deductible and claims. It is the lowest level of coverage detail within a line of business.

Button (Deal Sheet module) When this button is selected, the system won't assign policy numbers when you press the Order Policy and Assign Policy buttons. You must enter the information manually.

Button (WCD toolkit) Accesses the Individual Risk Premium Modifiers window.

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Button (WCD toolkit) Accesses the National Level Information window.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Click on this button in Deal Sheet to go directly to another form.

Button (Reinsurance toolkit) Click when AIG is not reinsuring the contract.

Button (Various modules) Adds a new version to the toolkit.

New Group
Button (Reinsurance toolkits) Adds a new group for an existing LOB/Entity/Major Class/Date combination.

Next Arrow
Button (Deal Sheet module) Moves to the next form. Note: This button is only activated after the initial completion of a form.

Non-Captive Security
Button (Deal Sheet module) Displays the non-captive fields.

Various modules Opens a window in which you can enter unlimited notes explaining or describing your window entries, choices, or account situations.

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Button (Various modules) Closes a view only window.

Button (Various modules) After selecting an item, such as an account, an event, or a version, displays a window of information about the item.

Order Policy
Button (Deal Sheet module) Orders one or a block of policy numbers for a specific line of business. The Policy Ordering window appears. For accounts with Deal Complete status, click this button to view a list of previously ordered policies. To order additional policies, you must create an endorsement. Note: You can also use this window to add new columns.

Other Broker Contacts

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Other Broker Contacts window.

Override Payout Factors

Button (Sec. Calc. module) Actuaries click this button to open the Payout Factors screen and create new payout factors for Security Calculation.

Button (Reinsurance module) Click this button when you have incomplete reinsurance information and are unable to complete your work. You will be able to come back to finish at a later time.

Policy and Segment Entities

Button (Deal Sheet module) Click this button to enter or open the Policy and Segment Entities window.

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Policy Copy
Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Copy & Paste window. The Copy & Paste window allows you to copy a line of business column into other columns with the same line of business.

Policy Report
Button (Deal Sheet module) Prints a list of policy numbers by line of business. Note: This report will function to document all policy numbers in connection with the deal and can be documented at any time in the deal documentation process. It can be used as both an internal report or to inform the broker of the policy numbers chosen for the account.

Policy Tree
Button (Deal Sheet module) Opens the Policy Tree window, which displays a relational chart of the entire policy with all its LOBs. In that window, click on any LOB to go its details.

Premium Outside Pay. Plan (POPP)

Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Premium Outside Payment Plan (POPP) window. The Premium Outside Payment Plan (POPP) window allows you to create a deferred premium payment schedule.

Premium Report
Button (Reinsurance module) Verifies the premium amount before Finalizing or Binding. This report is a new feature to reduce the reconciliation errors between Reinsurance and Booking.

Previous Arrow
Button (Deal Sheet module) Moves to the previous form.

Button (Various modules) Sends the form to print.

Print Losses
Button (Security Calculation module) Prints the Loss Details information you've entered.

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Print Large Losses

Button (Security Calculation module) Prints the Large Loss Details information you've entered.

Print Reserve Need

Button (Security Calculation module) Prints the Reserve Need information you've entered.

Program Expenses
Button (Sec. Calc. module) Opens the Program Expenses (Security Needs) window.

PUC Details
Button (Reinsurance module) Opens the Policy PUC Details window.

Purge Contract
Button (Deal Sheet module) (Home Office Only) Deletes an account from the list. Note: Only accounts with a status of Active can be purged.

Red Light
Button (Deal Sheet module) Click this button to see the errors when you are trying to Deal Complete and/or Book a deal.

Rein Layoff
Button (Reinsurance module) Opens the Layoff Sheet.

Rein Report
Button (Reinsurance toolkit) Click this button to generate a Reinsurance Report in MS Excel.

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Reinsurer List
Button (Reinsurance toolkit) Accesses the Treaty Selection window to choose the name of the reinsurer.

Button (Deal Sheet module) Update the list of accounts on the Accounts Selection window.

Button (Various modules) Delete a selected item from a list or window.

Remove All
Button (Various modules) Deletes all items from a list or window.

Renew Policy
Button (Deal Sheet module) Opens the Renewal window to allow easy renewal of policies.

Reports / Report
Button (Various modules) Accesses the Reports window to choose a report to view or print.

Request Actuary Review

Button (Sec. Calc. module) Click this button to open the Request Actuary Review window to ask for special LDFs, Payout Factors, or Final Review.

Reserve Need
Button (Sec. Calc. module) Opens the Reserve Need to calculate a client's reserve need for policy renewal.

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Button (Various modules) Saves the entries you have made both on the current window and any sub forms.

Second Injury
Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the Second Injury window to enter second injury information for any state.

Security & Receivables Details

Button (Sec. Calc. module) Opens the Security & Receivables Details window to enter a client's security information for policy renewal.

SIC List
Button (Excess Pricing toolkit) Accesses the SIC Code Selection window containing a list of SIC codes and a written description of each.

Button (Accounts Selection) Sort the list of accounts using multiple criteria.

Button (Various modules) Accesses the States Selection window.

State Surcharge
Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses the State Surcharge window so you can add the surcharge amount by individual state.

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Status Report
Button (Deal Sheet module) Accesses a report listing an account and each status change that account has had and the date the status was changed. Note: A window displays first for you to choose the region for which you want to view or print the status report. All Regions means that you can view and print status reports for all the regions for which you have authorization.

Button (Deal Sheet module) When this button is selected, the system assigns policy numbers when you press the Order Policy and Assign Policy buttons.

Button (Various modules) Unbinds a Bound version and allows you to copy the finalized version, make your necessary changes, Finalize again, and Bind the Deal.

View Financial Rating
Button (Deal Sheet) Accesses the Financial Rating Request window to view the status of the rating after it has been rated.

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Button (Various modules) The Yes button is usually in a confirmation message box. Agrees with the question being asked.

Button (Reports window) Enlarges or diminishes the view for easier reading.

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General Definitions

Auto Liability Insurance, including Liability, Uninsured Motorist, PIP, and Medical Payments, is a type of insurance that protects the client against losses involving automobiles.

The Financial Review status that shows all financial submissions with all the statuses.

Approval Given
The Financial Review status for when the Financial Analyst has given credit approval for the deal. (This status occurs when the Financial Analyst has gone into a Financial Review Template with the status of Approval Requested and entered and saved the approved amounts in the approved column on the Amount of Security Required window.)

Approval Requested
The Financial Review status for when the Underwriter has requested credit approval from the Financial Analyst. (This status occurs when the Underwriter has completed and finalized a version of the Financial Review Template that needs credit approval.)

When the Deal Sheet status is Bound, the Underwriter has associated this version of the Financial Review with a Bound LRRP.

Bound Change
This status occurs only if a Financial Rating was associated to LRRP in a prior event and then any new version is Finalized in the current Event.

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Cash Collateral
A program usually associated with retrospective rating in which cash is deposited as collateral to secure the payment of deferred premiums.

Casualty Insurance is primarily concerned with the legal liability for losses caused by injury to persons or damage to the property of others.

To transfer to a reinsurer all or part of the risk of loss assumed under a policy written by the ceding company. Along with the risk of loss, premium is also ceded.

Ceding Company
The insurer which cedes to a reinsurer all or part of the risk loss under a policy it has written.

Check Box
A check box indicates whether or not an option is selected. When the check box contains a x, the option is selected. When the check box is empty, the option is not selected.

Click an empty check box to place a x in it. Click a filled-in check box to clear it.

Property or securities pledged by the client to assume payment of premium or deductibles to the insurer.

Complete FS (Financial Statements)

The Financial Review status for when the Financial Analyst has complete financial statements and the account is ready to be rated. (This status occurs when the Financial Analyst types an "Y" in the "Financials Complete Y/N ?" column on the Financial Review & Security Log window.)

Declined Lost
This status occurs on accounts for which business has been declined. It is set in Shell in the Active Accounts Log. Versions will open as read-only in Financial Review.

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Deductible Buy Back

A program that assumes the obligations of a client's deductible liabilities and transfers these obligations to an insurance carrier for a premium.

Deductible Program
A program under which the insurer pays losses up to its limit of liability and the insured reimburses the insurer up to the deductible amount for each loss. The client is required to provide security for outstanding losses.

Deal Management System

Drop-Down List Box

Some fields are designed to allow you to select your entry from a list rather than typing it. These fields contain a down-arrow on the right side. To select your entry, click the down-arrow, then click the appropriate item in the list. If the list has many entries, it will contain a scroll bar, along the right side or at the base of the list, which you can use to locate your selection.

Entities are covered subdivisions of the client: such as its subsidiaries. You must identify each entity or set of entities for which insurance or the rating plan applies in different ways. For example, Subsidiary A has a $250,000 Deductible while Subsidiary B has a $500,000 Deductible. These entity descriptions are used in the Excess Pricing/LSRT toolkit. You must define them before going to the Excess Pricing/LSRT toolkit.

Event/Business Transaction
A business transaction or series of transactions which may or may not result in the creation of a quote. Events include: new business, renewal, endorsement (change), cancellation, re-issue, premium audit, and retro adjustment.

Excess Pricing Toolkit

The DMS Excess Pricing toolkit is used to determine premiums for each individual layer and as an aid in comparing reinsurance quotes.

Exposure Allocation at State Level

This Premium Determination Step calculates the subject, excess premium and deductible premium in proportion exposure by state.

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Facultative (Fac) is negotiated account by account or policy by policy on an ad hoc basis.

Finalize means to freeze a version of a toolkit at a specific point in time. Once a version is finalized, changes can never be made to that particular version. A finalized version can then be used in other DMS toolkits.

Financial Rating Factor

A numerical rating of a client which is used as a factor in determining the amount of collateral required to secure deferred premium or deductible losses.

Freeze means to finalize a version of a toolkit at a specific point in time. Once a version is finalized, changes can never be made to that particular version. A finalized version can then be used in other DMS toolkits.

Front end
The initial windows that connect one or more already existing systems.

General Liability insurance protects owners and operators of businesses from a wide variety of liability exposures. These exposures include liability arising out of accidents resulting from the premises or the operations of the insured, products sold by the insured, operations completed by the insured, and contractual liability assumed by the insured.

Guaranteed Cost Plan

An insurance program more accurately termed fixed rate. Guaranteed Cost premiums are not retrospectively adjustable on the basis of losses or expense incurred under the insurance to which the Guaranteed Cost premium applies.

A condition that effects the probability of the occurrence of loss or extent of the loss.

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A small graphic image that represents a Windows object, e.g., a file or application.

Incomplete FS (Financial Statements)

The Financial Review status for when the Financial Analyst has incomplete financial data for the account. (This status occurs when the Financial Analyst types an "N" in the "Financials Complete Y/N ?" column on the Financial Review & Security Log window.)

Increased Limits Premium

This Premium Determination Step calculates a premium for the increased limits or additional layers of insurance.

Large Deductible Premium Calculation
This Premium Determination Step calculates the premium when a large deductible is chosen.

To allocate the risks of loss into separate layers. The subject layer is the base.

List Box
Some fields are designed so that you can pick your entry from a list rather than typing it. To select your entry, click the appropriate item in the list. If the list has many entries, it will contain a scroll bar. Click the down arrow to locate your selection in the list.

Loss Rating
A way to determine premium. The insureds own losses from prior years are used to forecast its future losses, and those forecast losses are grossed up to premium by adding an Expense Provision and an Excess Premium.

Large Risk Rating Plan

Loss Rating calculator to determine premiums from a Loss Forecast for Auto and General Liability Insurance.

The Loss Sensitive System has been retired and replaced by the Universal Loss Forecasting (ULF) toolkit in DMS

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Net identifies the portion of the risk and premium in a layer that is not ceded to a reinsurer. It is what's left for the primary insurer.

Note Program
A method of financing the payment of premium over an extended time period. A Promissory Note is obtained for the portion of premium that is not subject to specific scheduled installment payments during the policy term.

Option Buttons

Also called "radio buttons," option buttons allow you to select one and only one item from a group. Like the buttons on an old-style car radio, only one can be depressed at a time. When you push a new button, the old one pops out. Likewise, when you click an option button, the system clears any other option button you previously selected.

A Financial Review status for when the Underwriter has requested a Financial Review on a particular account. (This status occurs when the Underwriter requests the Financial Review in DMS.)

Point - and - click

Position the pointer on an area of the screen, and then press and release the left mouse button.

The price of insurance protection for a specific risk for a specified period of time.

Premium Expense Analysis

This Premium Determination Step is used to enter the expected costs for commission, taxes, profit, etc., and calculates the expected loss ratio. This number is then used to arrive at the Full-Coverage Premium, which is the premium for the line of business premium without any deductible discount or Increased Limits.

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The Financial Review status for when the Financial Analyst has rated the account. (This status occurs when the Financial Analyst has completed the review of the financial statements and has saved a completed Financial Review Template indicating the rating and security percentage required.)

Reinsurance toolkit
The DMS Reinsurance toolkit is used to make a record of the following reinsurance data: The names of the reinsurers. The name of the "intermediary" (i.e., reinsurance broker), if any. The part of the risk each reinsurer has assumed. The amount of the premium which is payable to each reinsurer. The amount of the commission ("ceding commission") which is payable by each reinsurer to the direct insurer.

A rating plan uses the client's actual loss and /or expense experience to determine the final premium on a retrospective basis.

A plan for which the final premium is not determined until the end of the coverage period and is based on the client's own loss and /or expense experience for that same period. It may be subject to a maximum and minimum premium.

A self-insured retention program in which the client retains its losses up to a chosen level and is responsible for adjusting and paying losses incurred. An insurance carrier may provide coverage in excess of the retention up to a limit negotiated with the client, but has no responsibility to defend or pay claims that are settled for amounts within the S.I.R.

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Scroll Bar
A scroll bar on a text box indicates that there are more items to view than will fit in the box. A scroll bar can be vertical or horizontal. Vertical

Click the down arrow to scroll to the bottom of the list. Click the up arrow to scroll back to the top. Horizontal

Click the right arrow to scroll to the right of the table. Click the left arrow to scroll back to the left.

To select means to mark an item so that an action can be performed on the item. Usually you click an item to select it, which results in the item being highlighted, and then you execute an action such as Open or Apply. For example, if instructed to select a version in the Version List window, you click the event you want which results in the event being highlighted, and then you can perform an action by clicking, for example, the Open button.

Subject Layer
The base layer used to determine the ceding company's premium.

A Treaty is set up in advance to apply to all policies that fit a general category. You can have a Captive "Treaty", a Facility "Treaty", or another kind of "Treaty".

Ultimate Premium
The total ultimate premium.

One of the most useful attributes of DMS is the ability it gives you to play "what if" games when planning different ways to construct a policy. You may want to try several different hypothetical combinations of deductible amounts, commissions, etc., in order to come up with an optimum proposal. Each of the different scenarios that you define is referred to as a "version" of a particular event. For example, you may want to look at four different ways to perform loss rating in the LSRT toolkit. Each scenario is created as a version of an event.

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Workers' Compensation Deductible rating plan.

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3 Yr. ILF Method Loss Pick 32 3 Yr. LDF Method Loss Pick 36

4 Yr. ILF Method Loss Pick 32 4 Yr. LDF Method Loss Pick 36

5 Yr. ILF Method Loss Pick 33 5 Yr. LDF Method Loss Pick 36

Accident Date 1 Accident Description 1 Account Checks 1 Account Name 1, 61 Account Number 1, 61 Account Type 1 Actuarial Approval Date 2 Actuary Approval 2 Add All 79 Add Column 79 Add Endr 79 Add New 79 Add Policy 80 Add Row 80 Add State 80 Add to List 80 Add Type 80 Additional Adjustment in Month(s) 2 Additional Contact Names 80 Additional Security Required 2 Adj. Basis Type 2 Adjusted Allocation % 2, 64 Adjusted Expected Loss Ratio 2 Adjusted Need 2 Adjustment of Security Need (Expiring Year) 3 Adjustment Per 3 Adjustment Type 3 Admin, Audit, LC, Profit 3 Admiralty, FELA 3 Age 3 Agg Amount Index 4 Agg Stop 4 Agg Stop Applies 4

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Agg Stop Doesn't Apply 4 Aggregate Attachment Point 4, 7, 56 Aggregate Coverage Limit / Aggregate Stop Cover Limit 4 Aggregate Limits Premium 5 Aggregate Reimbursement Limit 5 Aggregate Stop Premium 5, 9 AIG Account # / Account 5 AIG Contact Names 80 AIG Takeback % 5 AI-Start Number 5 AL Excess Non-Sub Prem 5 ALAE / ALAE Option 6 ALAE Calculation 80 ALAE Incurred 6 ALAE Option C 25 ALAE Paid 6 ALAE, Custom 6 Analyst Phone # 6 Analytical Limit 7 Approval Date 7 Approval Given 65, 98 Approval Requested 65, 98 As of 18 Assessments 7, 67, 68, 77 Assign Policy 81 Associate 81 Attach 7 Attach Point Index 8 Attachment 4, 7, 22 Attachment Point 4, 7, 8, 22 Available Workups 8 Average Monthly Losses 8

Balance Premium 8 Basis Type 8 Basket Aggregate Applies 9 Bind Date 9 Binder Bill 9 Board and Bureau 9 Bonds 9 Bound 81, 82, 96, 98 BPR 8 Broker City 10 Broker Contact Name 10 Broker Contact Phone 10 Broker Fax 10 Broker List 81 Broker Name 10 Broker State 10 Broker Street 10 Broker Zip 10 Buffer Adjustment 11 Bureau Forms 11 Business Description 11 Button Definitions 79 By Contract 81 By LOB 81 By MJC 82 By Policy 81

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Calculate 82 Calculation 48, 82 Calculator 82 California Class Code 11 California Unmodified Premium 11 Canadian 82 Cancel 82 Cancel Deal 82 Capped Incurred Loss 11 Capped Paid Loss 11 Captive Mgmt Fee \ Captive Management Fee 12 Captive Security 82 Cash Collateral 12, 40, 54, 62, 99 Cash Premium 12 Cash Security 12, 83 Cash Security Button 83 Cashflow Workup 12 Casualty 99 CCT CRS 83 Cede 99 Ceded Premium 12, 31 Ceded Premium Net of Takeback 13 Ceding Comm. $ Net of Takeback 13 Ceding Comm. % 13 Ceding Commissions $ 13 Ceding Company 99 Change Event 83 Change Factor 83 Change LDF 83 Change Loss Picks 83 Check Box 99 Claim Supervision \ Claims Supervision 13 Claims Adjusting Services 13 Claim's Fee/LCF 14 Claims Service Fee \ Claim Service 13 Claims Vendor 14 Class Code \ Class 14 Clean 14 Code Premium Group B 14 Code Premium Group C 14 Code Premium Group D 14 Collateral 99 Commission / Commission Ratio 14 Companion Non-Ratable Premium 15 Complete FS (Financial Statements) 99 Composite Rate 15 Concurrent 15 Conforms 15 Contract / Contract Number / Contract # 15 Contract Name 15 Contract Term Prem. 15 Corridor Deductible Applies 16 Coverage 4, 7, 16, 19, 22, 23, 40, 64, 66, 77 Coverage Trigger 16 Coverage Type 16 CPI Increase 16 Creation Date 17 Credit Fees 17, 70 Credited Division 17 CRS Ceded Premium 17

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CRS Premium 16 Cumulative Adjustment 17 Current Loss Pick > $10M 17 Custodial 17 Custom ALAE 6

D & B Account 18 Data Display 84 Data Document for AIGRM Publishing 18 Data Input 84 Data Input & Display 84 Date 18 Date Financial's Received 18 DBB Premium / DBP Premium 18 Deal Complete or Deal Comp. / Book 84 Deal Sheet Document 18 Ded. BuyBack 84 Deductible \ Deductibles 19 Deductible Amount 19 Deductible Buy Back 38, 54, 84, 100 Deductible Discount 19 Deductible Escrow 19 Deductible Losses 19, 40, 44, 62 Deductible Premium 19 Deductible Program 54, 100 Deductible Subject Premium 19 Def Surcharge 20, 85 Def Surcharge Button 85 Deferred Premium 19, 85 Deferred Premium Button 85 Delete Column 85 Delete Endr 85 Delete Layers 85 Delete Policy 86 Delete Row 86 Delete State 86 Depleting 20 Details Complete 86 Deviation 20 Deviation From Expiring Loss Pick 20 Disassociate 81 DMS Ceded Premium 20 DMS Premium 20 Download GC 87 Download LRRP 87 Downloaded Workups 20 Drop-Down List Box 100 Due Date 21

Effective Date/Eff. Date 21 Emp. Leasing 87 Entity Description 21, 87 Entity Description Button 87 Entity ID 21 Entity List 87 Escrow Balance 21 Escrow Held 21 Escrow Overage/Shortfall 22

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Est. Difference 22 Est. Renewal Loss Pick 23 Est. Ultimate Premium 22 Estimate Amount Index 22 Estimate Index Amount 22 Estimated Amount \ Est. Amount from Toolkits 22 Estimated Basis Amount 22 Estimated Deductible Subject Premium 22 Estimated Exposure / Estimated Adjustment Amount 23 Estimated Full Coverage Subject Premiums 23 Estimated Guaranteed Cost Premium 23 Estimated Premium 23 Event Description 23 Event No. 24 Event Owner 24 Event Type 23 Event/Business Transaction 100 Excess % 25 Excess Commission 24 Excess Expenses 24 Excess Incurred Loss 24 Excess Layer Premium 24 Excess Loss Provision 24 Excess Loss Pure Premium Factor for California 24 Excess Paid Loss 24 Excess Percentage 25 Excess Premium 25, 26, 102 Excess Pricing Toolkit 100 Excl ALAE 25 Exp. Date 25 Expected Deductible Losses 25, 70 Expected Loss at Subject Limit 25 Expected Loss Ratio 25 Expected Losses Not Eliminated 25 Expected Non Deductible Losses 26 Expected Subject Losses 26 Expected Ultimate Subject Premium 26 Expected Unlimited Losses 26 Expense Constant 26 Expense Factors 88 Expenses 26, 45, 67 Experience Mod 26 Expiration Date 26 Expiring Contract Number 27 Expiring Eff. Date 27 Expiring Loss Pick > $10M 27 Expiring Term 27 Expiring Year Loss Pick 27 Exposure Allocation at State Level 19, 27, 29, 100 Exposure Basis 27

FET 28, 68 Field Definitions 1 Filter 28 Final Adjusted Loss Provision 28 Finalize 88, 96, 101 Finalize Button 88 Finalized Date 28 Financial Analyst 6, 28, 56, 62, 98, 99, 102, 104 Financial Complete Y/N ? 28

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Financial Rating 28, 88, 98, 101 Financial Rating Factor 101 Financial Rating Request 88, 96 Find Previous 88 First Adjustment Valuation Date 28 First Dollar Reinsurance 29 Fixed Cost per Claimant 29 Forecast Period Expiration 29 Forecast Period Inception 29 Forecasted Subject / Deductible Losses 29 Forms 29 Freeze 101 From 29 Front end 101 Full Coverage Subject Premium / Full Cover Premium 29 Full Coverage WC Premium 30

GC Layering 88 Gen/Product Agg 30 General Aggregate Limit \ General Agg. Limit 30 General Definitions 98 GL Excess Non-Sub Prem \ GL Excess Prem 30 Gross Ceded Premium 13, 31 Gross Layer Premium 13, 31 Guaranteed Cost 31, 48, 54, 57, 69, 71, 88, 101 Guaranteed Cost - AL 31, 69, 71 Guaranteed Cost - GL 31, 69, 71 Guaranteed Cost - WC 31, 69, 71 Guaranteed Cost Plan 101

Hard Costs 2, 10, 12, 13, 30, 32, 33, 39, 42, 68, 76, 77 Hazard Classes 32 Hazard Groups Converted 32 Help 89

ILF 32, 38, 60, 63, 72 ILF Method Loss Pick, 3 Yr. 32 ILF Method Loss Pick, 4 Yr. 32 ILF Method Loss Pick, 5 Yr. 33 Include in Max \ Inc. In Max 33 Incomplete FS (Financial Statements) 102 Increased Limits Premium 102 Incurred 33 Incurred Loss Excl ALAE 33 Indicated Reserve Need 33 Input Source 33 Install 89 Insurance Charge / Agg Stop 33 Insured City 34 Insured Retention 16, 34, 63 Insured Retention Waived 34 Insured State 34 Insured Street 34 Insured Zip 34 Interim Billing 34 Issuing Company Comments 35

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Issuing Company-Deal Sheet 34 Issuing Company-LRRP 35 Item Count 35

Large Deductible Premium Calculation 7, 19, 32, 102 Large Loss Minimum Amount 35 Last Calculated 35 Layer Attachment Point 35 Layer Limit 35, 36 Layer Limit XS of Subject/Primary Layer 36 Layer Premium 31 LDF 36 LDF Method Loss Pick, 3 Yr. 36 LDF Method Loss Pick, 4 Yr. 36 LDF Method Loss Pick, 5 Yr. 36 LDF Method Losses Total 36 LDF Required 36 LER for Selected Losses 36 Less Insured Retention Waived 37 Less Losses Paid to Date 37 Less Security on Hand 37 Limit 37 Limit of Liability 37 Line of Business 37, 38 List Box 102 LOB (ULF) 38 LOB Type 38 LOCs 38 Loss Control Adjustment 39 Loss Control Service / Loss Control 39 Loss Details 39 Loss Details Status 39 Loss Pick Segment 39 Loss Provision 12, 26, 39, 40, 44 Loss Provision - Note 39 Loss Rating 102 Loss Valuation Date 39 Losses in Maximum Cost 40 Losses Incurred Excl. ALAE 40 Losses Receivable 40 Losses Within Insured's Retn 40 LRRP Endorsement Required 35 LRRP Retro 40 LSS Subject Limit 2, 15, 25, 32, 40, 51

Major Class 90 Major Class Allocation 89 Major Class Code 41 Major Class Desc 41 Manager Approval 41 Manager Approval Date 41 Manual 89 Manual Premium 41 Manuscript Forms 41 Market Segment 41, 87 Max Credit Exposure 41 Maximum Amount Index 42 Maximum Costs / Maximum Cost 42

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module


MD 42 Min 42 Min. Amt 42 Modifiers 5, 14, 73, 89 Money Market 42

Name Insured 43 Navigate 90 Net Cash Payable 43 Net Ceded Premium After Takeback 43 Net Retained Premium Including Takeback 43 Net Written Premium 43 New Group 90 New/Renew 43 Next Arrow 90 No. of Installments 44 Non-Captive 43 Non-Captive Security 90 Non-Concurrence 44 Non-Deductible Amount 44 Non-Deductible Escrow 44 Non-Statutory 44 Note Program 54, 103 Notes 90 Notification form 44 Number of Months Required 44 NY Second Injury 45

Open Claims 45 Option Buttons 103 Order Policy 79, 81, 91 Other Broker Contacts 91 Other Deferred 45 Outstanding Receivables 45 Override Payout Factors 91 Override Post Renewal Amount 45 Override Valuation to Renewal Amount 46

Paid 46 Paid Claims 46 Paid Losses Excl ALAE 46 Pay No. 46 Payment Date 46 Payment Method 47 Payout Factor 47 Payout Pattern Required 47 Pending 65, 91, 103 Per (ULF) 47 Per Occ. / Acc Limit 47 Percentage of Layer Ceded 48 Plan Type 48 Point - and - click 103 Policy and Segment Entities 91 Policy Copy 92 Policy Details 11, 41, 48, 86 Policy Effective Date 48

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Policy Expiration Date 49 Policy Incept Date 49 Policy Limit 49 Policy Number 49 Policy Report 92 Policy Term 49 Policy Tree 92 Policy Type 50 Post Renewal Credit (Home Office) 51 Post-Renewal 51 Premium at Subject Layer 51 Premium Discount 51 Premium Expense Analysis 3, 13, 14, 66, 68, 70, 103 Premium Outside of Payment Plan / POPP Amount 51 Premium Outside Pay. Plan (POPP) 92 Premium Payment Agreement Required 51 Premium Report 92 Prepaid Note Interest 51 Pre-Renewal 51 Previous Arrow 92 Primary Layer Reinsurance 52 Primary/Subject Layer 52 Primary/Subject Layer Limit 52 Primary/Subject Loss Provision for Version 52 Principal Amount 52 Print Large Losses 93 Print Losses 92 Print Reserve Need 93 Printer/Print 92 Prior Years Overage/Shortfall 52 Prior Years Reserve Need 53 Prior Years Return 52 Pro Rata 55 Pro Rated Hazard Premium 55 Pro Rated Premium 55 Profit & Admin / Profit and Administration 53 Proforma Credit 53 Prog. Eff Date 53 Prog. Exp. Date 53 Program Expenses 93 Program Type 54 Projected Exposures 54 Promise to Pay 54 Proposal Document 54 Proposal form 54 PUC Description 55 PUC Details 93 PUC Number 55 Purge Contract 93

QSI/SIR Retained Losses 55 Quote Date 56

Rate to Adjust Attachment Point 56 Rate to Adjust Maximum 56 Rate/Item 56 Rated 65, 104 Rating Basis 56, 57

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Rating Basis Type 57 Rating Plan/Excess Layer 57 Reason for Segment 57 Red Light 93 Region Submitted Date 57 Rein Layoff 93 Reins 58 Reins Booked 58 Reinsurance Certificate Number 58 Reinsurance Intermediary 81 Reinsurance Net Layer Premium 58 Reinsurance Status 58 Reinsurer List 94 Reinsurer Name 58 Remove All 94 Renew Policy 94 Renewal Contract Number 58 Renewal Eff. Date 58 Renewal Term 59 Reports / Report 94 Request Actuary Review 94 Reservation Number / Reservation # 59 Reserve Need 94 Residual Market Load 59, 60 Retro 48, 54, 104 Retro Adjustment Required 59 Retrospective 104 Risk Manager's Fax 59 Risk Manager's Name 59 Risk Manager's Phone 59 Risk Rating 56, 60, 102 RMG Addn. Fee 60 RMG Benchmark Loss Provision 60 RMG Fee Total 60 RMG Tail Fee 60 RML 59, 60

Save 95 Schedule Mod 61 Scroll Bar 105 Search By 61 Second Injury 75, 95 Security & Receivables 61 Security & Receivables Details 95 Security Inc. in Premium Inst. 61 Security Need (Expiring Yr. Loss Pick 61 Security Need (Program Expenses) 62 Security on Hand 2, 61, 62 Security Overage 62 Security to % 62 Security Type 62 Selected Hazard 62 Selected XS Layer Premium 63 Selected XS Premium 63 Severity Distribution 38, 63 SIC Code 63, 95 SIC List 95 SIR 63 Special Adjustment Features 63 Special Tax/Assess/Surch 63

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Specify Source 64 Standard Premium 4, 8, 42, 64, 77 State 64, 95 State Surcharge 95 Status / DMS Status / Financial Status 65 Status Date 65 Status Report 96 Statutory 65 Subject Layer 65, 105 Subject Layer Indicator 65 Subject Limits Full Coverage Premium 66 Subject Premium 29, 64, 66, 69, 70, 71 Subject Program Fees 66 Subject to Min 66 Submission # 66 Sub-Policy Numbers 66 Surcharge / Surcharges 67 Swing Plan Applies 67 System 70, 96

T & E Billing 67 T & E Receivable 67 Takeback Percentage 67 Tax Multiplier 67 Taxes / RMLs / Bs & Bs / FETs 68, 71 Taxes / Tax 67 Taxes and Assessments 68 Term 68 Term (Months) 68 To 68 Total Amount Due 68 Total Billed 68 Total Cash Due 69 Total Claims 69 Total Est Annual Premium 69 Total Est. Ultimate Prem 69, 70 Total Estimated Ultimate Premium 69 Total Exposures 69 Total Incurred Losses 70 Total Installments 70 Total Insurance Cost 70 Total Paid Loss Credit 70 Total Premium Due 70 Total Prior Years Reserve Need 71 Total Ratio 70 Total Security Required 2, 62, 70 Total Subject Premium 71 Total Surcharge 71 Total Ultimate Premium 71 TPA 71 TPA Addn. Fee 71 TPA Adjustment 71 TPA Fee Total 72 TPA Tail Fee 72 Transaction Completed Date 72 Transaction Created Date 72 Transaction Premium 72 Trusts 72 Type 72

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ULF Benchmark Total 72 ULF Primary/Subject Layer Loss Pick 73 ULF Selected Layer Loss Pick 73 Ultimate D & B Account # 73 Ultimate Losses 73 Ultimate Premium 105 Unallocated LAE 73 Unbind 96 Underwriter Comments 73 Underwriter Deviation 73 Underwriter Fax 74 Underwriter First Name 74 Underwriter Last Name 74 Underwriter Layer Limit 74 Underwriter Loss Provision 74 Underwriter Phone 74 Underwriter Primary/Subject Layer Loss Pick 74 Underwriter Selected Layer Loss Pick 74 Underwriter Selected Loss Pick 74, 75 Unmodified Premium 75 User ID 75 USLH 75, 77 USLH Ind 75

Valuation Date 75 Valuation to Renewal Credit 76 Variable Expense Ratio 76 Version Description 76 Version No 76 Version Number 76 View Financial Rating 96

Watch List 77 WC XS QSI 69, 71, 76 WC XS Sub / Ded \ WC Excess 76 WC XS USLH 66, 71, 77 When Deliverable 77 Workup Name 77 Workup Number 77

Year 78 Years Written 78 Yes 97

Zoom 97

DMS User Guide - Glossary of Terms Module


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