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Establecimiento: UPLA, Sede San Felipe. Carrera: Pedagoga en Ingls. Profesora: Norma Prez. Alumna: Francisca Valencia Lufin.

Asignatura: VISE 2.

Approaching to Educational Institution

A. Establishing and Including the Following Data:

Date of the first visit to Educational Establishment:

Name of School: Portaliano School.

Location: Bernardo O'Higgins Avenue N 169, San Felipe.

Contacted People:

- Principal: Mario Seplveda Tapia.

- Assistant director: Javiera Maldonado Figueroa

- Head of U.T.P:

Elementary: Alexis Vergara Grand

Secondary: Ricardo Castro Pinto

The school`s faculty is integrated by 30 teachers, who work with preschool, elementary and secondary students, and there is also a psychopedagogist. Besides, there are working 3 minor services auxiliaries.

- Guide Teacher: - Fernando Braganza Francke (Teacher of Ingls International University of London, Universidad Alberto Hurtado Traductor e Intrprete)

Time to stay in the Educational Establishment:

From : 14:00 (Thursday) - 09:30 (Wednesday)

Until : 17:30 (Thursday) 11:30 (Wednesday)

Assigned Courses: First and Second year A of Highschool

(English class VIP).

Assigned Timetable: Wednesday, Thursday.

B. Information about assigned courses:

Number of students: Second year A 12 students and First year A

12 students.

Available resources in the Establishment that the English Teacher has:

Home teathre. Audio Equipment. English books. Television set. Dictionaries. Dvd player.

Motivation of the Students: I am in the VIP English course, that

means that, I am working with the best students, they have a high level of dominio of the lenguage, so they are really motivated, the entire class is. Most of them like English a lot so they are always trying to learn more. Even whhen I gave them a class the were really enthusiastic, wich was sorprising.

Participation of the Students: They like participating, but is

also a need in the profesor Braganza classes, because he is always creating activities so the entire class participate, he uses oral activities very often and the students are willing to give it a try, eventhough they make mistakes.

Behavior of the Students: The Second Year is very quiet and

calm, they talk a lot, but they do it in English so it works as a really good input to them. The First Yera is quite more messy, they stand up a lot and they are really noisy, but they work hard on the activities and they always fulfil the teacher and my expectations.

Attitude of the Students: The Second Yaer students are really

nice and friendly, they are always including me in their activities, it is not ahrd to get to them, it is a real pleasure going to that class, it is really fun and som etimes I feel that I am learning too through them.

C. Final Reflection:

I think I have learned a lot through this VISE, my practice in Portaliano School its been really nice, the teacher is excellent, I have learned a bunch of things from him; the way he manages situations and also the way he treats students, he is such a fun profesor, And I really look forward to be a good teacher like him. The teacher, the students and the school in general, gave me a really nice welcome, the teacher even ask me if I was going to come back next semester. And I would be happy if I could do that. Even though Miss Thompson assigned me late the school, they were really nice and understandable.

I once had to managed a class, with the First year, it was a bit hard at the beginning, I was really nervous, but at the end, I did it and I enjoy it. Almost all the students speak good English, they love the subject so it is easier to teach in this conditions, there are always challenges but if your students are motivted, you can do almost everything. The school has useful resources, the teacher is always using the dvd and the radio, so thanks to the technology they have in the school, he can create different and funnier activities. And he can also make the students practice the four skills: listening, writing, speaking and reading. This has been a beautiful experience for me, and I would be very thankful if I could come back there, because I have created a strong bond with some students and I feel my job is not complete yet. I want to do more for them, I want them learn more from me and back.

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