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Chapter I

Maps for Modern Magellans: Charts for Captains of Commerce

By Roger Anderson Ph.D.

Copyright © 2007, Modern Magellans Media

4502 Granada Drive

Yorba Linda, CA 92886

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction of any portion of this

publication or transmission in any from or means without the expressed written

permission of the author or copyright holder. Brief quotations and extracts may be

used for review or editorial purposes without written permission.

Quotations without attribution are by Roger Anderson

All brand names and Trademarks mentioned in this publication are the property of

their respective owners. All trademark names and designations were capitalized to

assist in the recognition of such. No endorsements were received for inclusion in this

work nor are any endorsements of other products or publications are to be inferred

from their inclusion in this publication.

Cover Design: Brett Anderson

Book Layout and Illustrations: Brett Anderson

Editors: Becky Clines, Liz Kylin, Lorrie Winter, & Lloyd Porter

Special corporate editions can be made available which can include a foreword

by a company executive or selected individual. Special editions for distribution to

employees or customers can also have the corporate logo on the cover.

For information regarding special corporate editions or bulk sales discounts please

contact Modern Magellans Media directly by:


Phone: 714-779-1095

FAX: 309-418-6304

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication information available upon request.

ISBN 13; 978-0-9794789-0-1 (For the full paperback book)

There are so many people to thank and I will undoubtedly omit
important names. Fortunately, there will be other editions and books
in this series.

I need to thank, in no particular order Alan Stanford, John Halff,

David Landsberger, Paul Seliskar, Dan Rime, and John Baldeschweiler
for mentoring through the development of my first company.
To my friends and colleagues at Anderson Unicom Group, I thank
you for your patience while an eager but inexperienced entrepreneur
learned the ropes. I am better for it and much of what I know, I know
because we all learned it together. It was not always easy but it was a
great time to ride the wave.
Over 30 people read or listened to all or parts of this book as
it developed. I thank them for their input, understanding, and
encouragement. The list of readers includes: Larry Daines, Chris
Kendig, Dane Shank, Drew Hansen, Jack Cassidy, Mark Prebe, Kevin
Weigler, Tiana Fatutalia, Ken “KC” Clement, Craig Winter, Stan Klein,
Bart Greenburg, Matt Holt, J. “Jay” Brown, Louise Dalton, Sally van
Haitsma, Ron Ralston, Steve Clark, Dan Rime, James Obermeyer,
Tersia d’Elgin, John Halff, and Alan Stanford.
A special thanks to those who read with the intent to fix the
grammar, flow, and clarity: Chris Anderson, Phyllis Helton, Ryan
Anderson, Lorrie Winter, Becky Clines, Lloyd Porter, and Liz Kylin.
An extra special thanks goes to my son Brett who took my scribbled
drawings or amateur diagrams and made them into the works of art
you see in this book and on the website.
One final thank you to my great friend Charlie Graham. He was
always there for me when I needed anything. We had many late nights
bowling and talking. He left this world much too soon for everyone
who ever met him, including me.
Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

Chapter I

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

The focus for this chapter is the value and potential to communicate
information with a great map. By the end of this chapter you should understand
the value of useful designs, how to make them, and how to make them more
effective. You will know the steps to make great diagrams, advertisements,
and announcements. You will also be able to create uncomplicated messages
that stay true to the original intent.

T here may not be a more complex subway illustration than the official
map of the Tokyo Metro. First-time visitors are inclined to look for
a geographically correct map but that would be a mistake. Having little
knowledge of the geography of the city, such a layout adds no value.
Simplified subway maps are easy to find in the stations, on the trains, and
in guidebooks. The compact subway maps are more useful because they
do not complicate the matter with unnecessary information, like parks,
harbors, sights, and the coastline. The important task for the traveler is
figuring out what line stops where and how can they get to the desired
station, not how much the system overlaps or winds around. Thanks to
skilled cartographers, we can make sense of the colored lines and various
fonts found on maps. We are able to find where we are and where we
want to go in any situation with a good map.

Charts for Captains of Commerce

We first learned about maps, diagrams, and charts in grade school.

Maps were used to show us geography and the paths of explorers like
Magellan. We were taught that charts are a graphical representation
of the underlying numbers, usually in the context of some math
problem or survey result. Charts, graphs, and other figures enhance
a presentation because they convey a large amount of information
in a more interesting fashion than raw data. They can also make a
presentation more confusing.
Maps, diagrams, and tables can be intimidating. Diagrams can
over-simplify the truth. . It is also important that analogies not be taken
too far. Illustrations can be used to hide critical data by adjusting the
presentation. Good charts add perspective to raw numbers, they focus
attention on selected points, and they can support an argument.
A good map can be like having an agenda for a meeting that
reduces tangents during a discussion. An agenda gives you a place to
put those things of least importance last, or if they do not belong, they
can be set aside for discussion some other time. Having an agenda for
a meeting lets everyone know when various topics will come up and
attendees can save comments for the appropriate time.
A good navigation chart, or GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver,
provides a means of determining a position or location and gives us a
better idea of what we need to do to move to that position. In other words,
understanding where you are going is a required part of navigation. You
cannot get there if you do not know where there is and what is in between.
For the purposes of this book, a map is defined very loosely as any
diagram or illustration that shows the lay of the land and indicates
various routes that can be taken.

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

Many illustrations fit the Modern Magellans map definition:

1— Road map

2— Delivery route

3— Table of contents

4— Sewing pattern1

5— Flowchart

6— Billboard

7— Sign

8— Class schedule

9— Retirement plan

10— Floor plan

11— Business plan

12— Chemical reaction

13— Biological signaling pathway2

14— Biochemical pathway3

15— Minard’s depiction of Napoleon’s march into Russia4 1810-12

To the untrained, these can be more complicated than any subway map.
To those who know the key they are very plain and clear. They are a good
example of maps that require training.
Visit to see hundreds of examples
In 1861, French engineer Charles Joseph Minard created one of the most
complicated and yet visually informative diagrams of a single two-year
period. There are many online copies. An example that was found in January
2007 is at

Charts for Captains of Commerce

Map 1 - Figure 1.1 – The Seven Steps of Mapmaking

These steps are essential to follow when making quality maps for advertising,
leadership training, or any form of communication where an illustration or text
will be used to convey a message.

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

Map 1 – Seven Steps of Mapmaking

This map (figure 1.1) is to be used to help you make better maps. The
steps outlined are also useful in any design process. Great writers
and artists are able to put feelings, emotions, and events into forms,
words, or pictures that the rest of us are then able to understand with
more depth. A good mapmaker does not draw everything exactly as
it is, but as it is best understood. Most artistic creations take several
attempts to craft the final product. We see the finished result but
do not always know how many tries it took to create the work we
see. For whatever you are creating, the number of revision cycles
should be based on the size of the audience. If the composition is to
be viewed by nine people or less, then one revision draft is needed.
Material to be presented to an audience of 10,000 should go through
at least five cycles.
The seven major steps that are used in making a quality map,
diagram, or graphic are illustrated in Map 1 (figure 1.1). Use these
steps when creating messages for:

• Internal memos • Change initiatives

• Advertising • Policies and procedures

• Packaging • Contracts

• Leadership training • Teaching

• Business plans • Parenting

The return arrows indicate that if the audience to which the

message is displayed does not grasp the meaning as it was intended
to be understood, then the mapmaker has to return to the point where
clarity was lost to make changes.

Charts for Captains of Commerce

The most important point of this chapter, and one that too many
businesses miss, is that Perception is reality, and perception is more
significant than intention. What you meant to say or mean to do does
not matter. It is what you say or do and how it is received that matters.

Step One – Choose the Subject

The subject for this chapter: How to make better maps

While this is obvious, it is the first step and every journey has to start
somewhere. It is important that the subject message be small enough,
or concise, to fit on one map whenever possible. One of the reasons
the most complicated Tokyo transportation map is large and hard to
understand is that it has the bus system, other rail systems, geographical
information, key buildings, and shrine locations included.
When too many subjects are mixed together, some will be lost.
Use the e-mail rule of; one message: one subject. If you send someone
an e-mail with two or more questions, they inevitably answer the least
important question and often fail to respond to the rest. If you send
an e-mail addressed to multiple people, then they will all assume that
the other recipients will answer it.

Step Two – Choose the Objective

The objective of this chapter: To make you a better mapmaker

Why is this message being sent out? What is a person to do after

receiving the information? Is there an action item? The intent of a
message is often lost during the steps of the design process. It is
easy to forget the objective and at times the subject, when the use
and capabilities of the drawing tools becomes the focus of the effort.
You can have too much fun using a new program or tool creating an
artistically profound design while obliterating the message.

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

Writers, speakers, and leaders fall in love with their words and
become fixated on keeping them intact instead of concentrating on
the intent of the message. The objective is not met by what you want
to say but by what is heard and understood. It is not what you meant;
it is what the audience infers. Television commercials can be so
engaging and yet not achieve an increase in sales because the viewers
do not know, or remember, what the company is selling. Spending
millions of dollars on advertising that does not get the proper message
across is wasteful and career damaging. You do not want to hear in a
job interview; “Are you the one who did the …ad campaign and cost that
company millions?”

Step Three – Choose a Style

The style for this chapter: An analogy with steps to show the process

The presentation style is as important as any other part of the process.

Analogies can be very powerful and add deeper meaning but they
can also be confusing. Images can convey more than just words but
they can be distracting. Clarity is also difficult when there are too
many colors, words, or images. If it is important enough to be said,
then it is important enough to say it in the right way.
• Is the subject something that can be divided into pieces?

• Is it a list? With steps?

• What kind of graph could be used? (Pie, Line, Bar, Scatter, 3-D)

• Is it like a group of dissimilar items or eclectic?

• Is it like an object, a square, a pyramid, a road, or an animal?

• Is it like two or more items in contrast?

• Will it need bullets, numbered points, or both?

Charts for Captains of Commerce

Step Four – The Method of Display

The method of display for this chapter: A map with an explanation

Artwork for a business card is quite different in most cases from

artwork intended for a poster. The amount of detail is dictated by
the space allowed. Handouts and Power Point slides do not function
in the same way, even though the same software can generate them.
A picture for a wide screen display will not look as nice on a mobile
phone. Post cards and letters can have the same exact text but have
different response rates. A note from a friend can have the same
words as an advertisement but it carries more weight.

Step Five – Medium of Creation

The medium for this chapter: Computer graphics and word processing

Having a large meeting to announce a change in coffee suppliers is

probably only appropriate for companies that sell coffee. Such largess
may communicate the wrong message. The company wanted to show
the employees how much they are appreciated. What the employees
saw was that they were not going to be getting any raises soon.
The artist has to know the medium to make the best use of it. A
map made of cheap paper will not last long and does not suggest
importance. A map made by someone who does not know how to
make maps will also look inferior and suggest that the company that
produced it is possibly inferior. Colors, font styles, and text sizes can
convey emotion, but the correct emotion will only be there if the artist
knows how to use colors, fonts, and text properly. As the old saying
goes, “you get what you pay for.”
Simple maps can be made with a pencil and paper or markers
and a whiteboard. Sophisticated instruments like compasses
and drafting tools can be used. Computers have replaced many

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

of these mechanical devices and they enable us to make easily

improved creations. Cutting and pasting, as well as dragging and
dropping make editing much easier. They also make copyright
infringement easier.

Step Six – Creating

The creation for this chapter: Almost one year to create this book

Changes in the message can be introduced by unforeseen problems

in the creation process. This is why the subject and the objective have
to be kept clearly in mind. The quality of the creation is important,
but not as important as effectively communicating the subject and the
Many aspiring writers believe that their creativity is best
demonstrated by the words that first flow from their brains to their
page. They incorrectly believe that their genius will shine through
when they express their thoughts as the impressions occur to them.
The accomplished writer knows that true skill is demonstrated when
the text is crafted to be understood by others in a way that moves or
elevates understanding. Writing is not just saying what you think.
With many projects, what seemed like a good idea at the beginning
can often become a nightmare once the creative work begins. The
cost may be greater than expected. Perhaps a desired effect cannot
be created in the medium or material chosen. The skill level of the
creator can be pushed over its limits. Programmers who said they
could make a webpage sing and dance have to admit they can only
make it sing. The picture that was used in the mock-up for an ad is not
available or is now prohibitively expensive. Learning new software is
so much fun that you forget what you were working on and now the

Charts for Captains of Commerce

project has to be finished in five minutes. When you do not have what
you need, you have to do the best you can with what you have.

Step Seven – Test

The test for this chapter: Over thirty readers, reviewers, and editors

Showing the piece of work to someone else can be a traumatic

experience. The best intentions are often undone by the realities
of life. If the project was reviewed during the process, this
step can be much less difficult. It is important to involve new
reviewers in each cycle of the process. Fresh eyes and perspective
can catch things that went undetected even by people with the
best intentions or experience. Last minute changes often miss the
review process. At least one pair of fresh eyes should be reserved
for a final check.
Step seven, and the four that preceded it, should be repeated
several times. It is important to determine at this point or possibly
before if the subject is clearly communicated to those viewing
the map or receiving the message. It is then possible to see if
the objective was met. The greater the resources spent preparing
the message, the more important the audience, or the larger the
expected audience the more care that should be taken to do the
job correctly. On the other hand, small meetings and one-on-one
situations may not require multiple rounds of editing to create an
adequate product. Consider the audience and the importance of
the message. A certificate of appreciation from the local teachers
supply store may not be appropriate to hand a person who is
retiring after 40 years with the company. Such an act can send
many negative messages beyond the moment.

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

The Worst Maps

There is little to be gained by going over too many bad map examples.
We have all seen plenty of them. Almost every Monday evening on
the Tonight Show with Jay Leno there is a segment titled Headlines.
For ten minutes Mr. Leno displays newspaper clippings, menus, and
other printed material with humorous errors confirming the fact that
skilled editors are being underutilized.
Mass-market advertisements provide extreme examples of
message development issues. Everyone has seen messages that
worked and those that did not. We usually know why they did not
work and yet we make the same mistakes in our own communications.
A mixed message is often the result of not deciding on the objective
or staying true to it.
In personal communications, it helps to clarify the objective of
the interaction so that the other person is not left to guess at motives
or possible meanings. We know what we meant to say, but do they
know? The look on their face should help us understand if we missed
the mark. The potential for miscommunication is why e-mails and
text messages can create more confusion than a phone call or face-
to-face meeting. When we cannot see the recipient’s reaction or hear
the inflection in their voice, we cannot correct the situation before
trouble starts. In addition, e-mail and text messages are rarely edited
for content or quality.

The Best Maps - A map must be usable to be useful

The best maps are easy to describe. They are clear, accurate,
uncluttered, and understandable. They accomplish the objective they
were designed to achieve. People do not have to work hard to use

Charts for Captains of Commerce

not take people much time to get it. The obvious is not assumed but
is also not overstated. Cultural conventions are often bent but not too
far. A good map says more than was intended but not excessively. If
it requires an explanation, it should have one that is easy to grasp
without assistance. The best maps are the ones people use repeatedly.
They take time, patience, and repeated improvement cycles. A simple
phrase in the right font is often enough, Just Do It, works well.
Not all maps will have the following but most should. A Title
is important. It often conveys the subject and the objective. It sets
expectations. A Legend can reduce the amount of time it takes to
understand a map. A good legend makes it easy to identify roads,
rivers, and railways. Scale and Direction indicators give the viewer
perspective and bearing. A Grid can be handy when there is a lot of
detail to search through. No one wants to search a complicated map
that is difficult to read when they are in a hurry or stressed.
There are analogous items for less traditional maps. On an
advertisement or announcement, the first words of the message
are often the subject (Title). Defining a brand builds recognition for
future messages (Legend). Using standard cultural images, words,
and symbols makes the message intent easier to comprehend (Scale
and Direction indicators). People understand messages more quickly
when they follow an established pattern or method (Grid). Lastly,
great maps are easy to refold.
New England Biolabs (NEB) is a unique company located just
north of Boston. They make a special line of supplies for use in
molecular biology research. Their product catalogs are well made,
filled with useful tables, and loaded with charts. The catalogs of
most companies are tossed each year when new editions arrive.
People keep the old NEB catalogs even though the company makes

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

a new one every year. Just as you can count the age of a tree by the
rings, you can sometimes tell how long a person has been in their
current position by the number of NEB catalogs on their shelf. With
the advent of the World Wide Web, much of the catalog’s value as a
source of useful information was challenged but the ease of use and
immediate availability still makes the catalog a winner. Not many
companies can say that their annual catalogs are collectors’ items as
soon as they arrive.

The value of a good diagram – when you only get 15 seconds

My first company, Anderson Unicom Group provided a multi-
supplier online catalog of over 1 million products and a web-based
order placement service. When we started in 1995, outside of the
major universities, very few people knew what the Internet was, let
alone what a website was. We were frequently asked to illustrate
our business model with a diagram that explained the search and
order process to university administrators and industry suppliers.
An example is shown in figure 1.2. The first attempts to diagram our
concept were not very clear or effective.
The early illustration was better than nothing but the diagram
failed to sufficiently communicate how we would function in the
supply chain. As Internet pioneers, we often had to explain how the
Internet worked so that people could see what it was we did and how
we fit into the grand scheme of things.
We drew that early diagram so many times that we decided to
put it on the back of the first business cards we had professionally
printed. Before this we printed our own business cards using an ink
jet printer to save money. To make the diagram large enough to be
readable, the cards were double sized, and then folded with the

Charts for Captains of Commerce

diagram on the inside. The fold has an unexpected benefit. Not

only were the cards a nice handout, with a blank back for notes, but
they also functioned as a name card since they could stand up.
Unfortunately, this diagram did not really work. We understood
what our business model was, but most others still did not understand
it from the illustration. We had a very clear vision of what we were
trying to build, but it was not so clear to the people that mattered: the
potential customers.
We continued to improve the diagram until we came up with the
final version that was introduced in our third or fourth year. The final
map not only illustrated what we did, but it also included more of the
supply chain we served
(see figure 1.3) With the
new map, people could
tell us what service we
In 1997, I attended
a dinner in Los Angeles
with about 5,000 other
people, including Larry
King and Ross Perot.
Mr. Perot founded EDS
Figure 1.2 – The original Anderson and later Perot Systems,
Unicom Group business card back an early innovator in
the web commerce
arena, and he ran for President of the United States in 1992. The hope
was that I could explain our concept to him and see if he wanted to
invest in the company or form a partnership with us.

Mapmaking, Not Just Cartography

Figure 1.3 – The final diagram inside the Anderson Unicom

Group business card. The card illustrates the two cycles of
the purchasing process. We served the inner loop.

After the dinner concluded it was very difficult to even get near
Perot, let alone talk to him. When I was able to get near him, I only
had seconds before he was whisked away. I handed him my card,
told him I thought he might be interested in our company and asked
him take a look at it so that he could see what we do. Before I could
say anything else, he was gone.
The dinner was on a Friday night. I had to wait all weekend to
see if anything would come of it. On Monday morning, about 10 AM,
the phone rang in our little 900 square foot office in Yorba Linda,
California. The receptionist called out: “There’s a guy on the phone
says he’s Ross Perot. Should I get rid of him?”

Charts for Captains of Commerce

I could see by the way she was holding the phone away from
her ear that she had not put the call on hold. It’s a good thing Ross
Perot has a great sense of humor. When I picked up the phone he was
laughing so hard he could hardly speak. In his thick Texas drawl he
said, “That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. That gal really made
my day.” He then told me he did not recall speaking to me but found
the business card in his pocket and understood what we were trying
to create. He listed the people to contact at Perot Systems in Boston
and wished me luck. The call came because he was able to understand
the map and the message on the inside of that little card.

Never forget the importance of a little card, or a good map!

A very confusing message: The simplified rules for Cricket

Cricket is played between two teams who each get a chance to bat and bowl.
When they bat a batsman is in until he’s out. When he’s out the next
batsman comes in until he’s out.
When all the batsmen are out, the team is all out, apart from one batsman
who is not out.
The team that were fielding then go into bat until they are all out and it is
a case of the team who scored the most being the winner.

If you’re confused visit


This message does not work because it assumes too much knowledge
on the part of the recipient; at least it does in the United States. In
the UK, this message is probably crystal-clear.

Charts for Captains of Commerce Volume I
Chapter Map
(Table of Contents)

Introduction - What Do You Need to Sail the World? 1

Chapter 1 – Mapmaking; Not Just Cartography

Map 1 - The Seven Steps of Mapmaking - 14

Chapter 2 - Minding Your Own Business

Map 2 - The Question Dice - 29

Chapter 3 - Where Are You On the Curve? (Curves Part I)

Map 3 - Trajectories - 66

Chapter 4 - Which Curve To Follow? (Curves Part II)




Major Inflection Point

Map 4 - The Total Cash Curve - 104

0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84
$(500,000) Point of Profitability


Revenue Cumulative Cash (Retained Earnings)

Chapter 5 - The 5-Fold Way #FTU


Map 5 - The 5-Fold Way - 113


Chapter 6 – Who Wants More?

Map 6 - The More Cycle - 155

Chapter 7 - Diffusion
Map 7 - The Lighthouse - 175

Chapter 8 - Three Steps to a Sale

Map 8 - The Marketing and Sales Compass - 203

Conclusion - Success 221

Charts for Captains of Commerce Volume I

Bibliography – Selected Books cited in this publication

Anderson, Chris “The Long Tail”, Hyperion (July 2006)
Ansoff, I. Strategies for Diversification, ‘Harvard Business Review’ (September-October 1957)
Bossidy, Larry and Charan, Ram “Execution”, Crown Business, (2002)
Bossidy, Larry and Charan, Ram “Confronting Reality”, Crown Business, (2004)
Buckingham, Marcus “The One Thing You Need to Know“, Free Press, (2005)
Christensen, Clayton M. “The Innovator’s Dilemma”, HarperBusiness; May 2000
Collins, Jim and Porras, Jerry I. “Built To Last”, HarperCollins Publishers, (1994)
Collins, Jim “Good to Great”, HarperCollins Publishers, (2001)
Covey, Stephen “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People”, Free Press, (1990)
Covey, Stephen “The 8th Habit; From Effectiveness to Greatness”, Free Press, (2005)
Covey, Merrill, & Merrill, “First Things First ”, New York: Fireside; Simon & Schuster, 1994
Diamond, Jared “Guns, Germs, and Steel”, W. W. Norton & Company (1999)
Gerber, Michael “The E-Myth Revisited”, Collins; Updated edition (1995)
Gladwell, Malcolm “The Tipping Point”, Little, Brown (2000)
Gladwell, Malcolm “Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”, Little, Brown (2005)
Glauser, Michael J. “Glorious Accidents” Deseret Book Company (1998)
Godin, Seth “Purple Cow”, Portfolio Hardcover (2003)
Grove, Andrew “Only the Paranoid Survive” Currency; (1996)
Kaplan, Robert S. & Norton, David P. “The Balanced Scorecard”, Harvard B-School Press, (1996)
Kawasaki, Guy “The Art of the Start”, Portfolio (1995)
Kotter, John P. “Leading Change”, Harvard Business School Press; (1996)
Kotter, John P. &. Cohen, Dan S “The Heart of Change”, Harvard Business School Press; (2002)
Lehrer, Jonah “How We Know”, published in Seed magazine, September 2006
Machiavelli, Nicolò “The Prince“ Written c. 1505, Translated by W. K. Marriott 1908
Maslow, A. & Lowery, R., “Toward a Psychology of Being”, New York, Wiley & Sons, 1998
Moore, G. A. “Crossing the Chasm”, Harper Business, (1991)
Moore, G. A. “Inside the Tornado”, Harper Business, (1995)
Rogers, Everett “Diffusion of Innovations“, The Free Press. New York, 1962
Siebel, Thomas M. & House, Pat “Cyber Rules” Currency; 1st edition (1999)
Stern, Jane and Michael “The Encyclopedia of Pop Culture”, Harper Perennial Press, (1992)
Schwartz, Barry “The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less “ Ecco (2004)
Woolf, & Johnson, PhD, “The Break-Even Point:”, Ann. Fam. Med, Nov 2005; 3: 545 - 552.
Volume II - Chapter Map
(Table of Contents)

Introduction - Volume II

Chapter 9 – Waves, Riding the Waves - Crisis Immunity

Map 9 - The Parts of a Wave

Chapter 10 - Change
Map 10 - The Changing Forms of Water

Chapter 11 - Knowing is Half the Battle or Maybe Less

Map 11 - Knowledge Iceberg

Chapter 12 - Doing is the Other Half and Maybe More

Map 12 - The Project Curve

Chapter 13 - Why Things Don’t Happen As Expected

Map 13 - The Field of Rocks

Chapter 14 – The Bubble Diagram

Map 14 - The Bubble Diagram

Chapter 15 - Leadership Pedigree

Map 15 - Leadership Pedigree Chart

Chapter 16 - Putting the Pieces Together

Map 16 - The Business Pursuit Wheel

Conclusion - Success Part II

Watch for it in Fall 2007

About the Series

About the Author:

Roger Anderson Ph.D.

Dr. Anderson received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Caltech
in 1996. After leaving Caltech, he has been on the business side of
science. He has experience in large corporations and start-ups,
twice serving as CEO. Dr. Anderson has also served as a consultant
to dozens of companies in the laboratory reagents and diagnostics
markets. Dr. Anderson concentrates on the focus of the executive
team, business transformation, industry relationship development,
fund-raising, investor management, and developing collaborations
or acquisitions.

The entrepreneurial urge hit early in his career and has never left.
During graduate school, he compared offerings from various suppliers
to find the best item at the best price for the lab he worked in. That led
to the concept of a database driven website online purchasing system
for life science products and Anderson Unicom Group (AUG). Under
his leadership, AUG grew from a concept to a full-fledged business,
competing with much larger companies.
Maps for Modern Magellans

Maps for Modern Magellans

The Maps for Modern Magellans series is written for people who feel
frustrated after starting a business and realizing that they need help, but
believe they do not have time to read a business book to get that help. The
series is written for everyone that wants to start a business but is afraid they
may not know what to do once they get going. This series is for those people
who feel stuck in their present work situation and want to make a change.

Every chapter of this series stands on its own. Each topic is a vitally important
concept for business leaders to master. The maps, charts, and diagrams are
designed to help business owners, operators, managers, and those who want
to be leaders better grasp and communicate important business principles.

The original illustrations are memorable and easy to use. A reader can
immediately share their new insight with others and enable greater business
communication. Leadership training and management development will
be improved using this series as a key part of your process.

Maps for Modern Magellans books are written by experienced business

leaders. Each volume is a collection of diagrams and information developed
to successfully illustrate and teach business concepts. There are 25 million
businesses in the U.S.; 5.5 million with one or more employees. According
to the 2002 Survey of U.S. Business Owners, 25% had no college training
when they started.

A leader does not want to receive an Idiot’s or Dummies’ Guide. A business

owner is a ship’s captain and deserves respect. They are Modern Magellans
who need good maps and then a clear path to transform their business.

Business Transformation is the key to improving your business success.

For more information about Dr. Roger Anderson, this
book, or other products from Modern Magellans Media
please visit our website at:
On the site you will find:
• Individual book chapter activity pages where you
can download tables, forms, and spreadsheets.

• Access to video and audio presentations

• Links to websites mentioned in the chapters.

• A complete bibliography and links to many of

the books mentioned in this book series.

• Areas for continued discussion and comment.

• News about future releases, book-signings, and

speaking engagements.

• How to purchase additional books, posters,

calendars, and desk ornaments.
For information about speaking engagements, books, online
learning materials or contact Modern Magellan Media at:
4502 Granada Drive
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
W: (714) 779- 1095
F: (309) 418- 6304

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