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Air Pacifc Launches Into Hong Kong/China Market
Air Pacifcs new Boeing 747-400
service has been launched into the
Hong Kong/China travel market.
To coincide with the start of the
upgraded Nadi-Hong Kong return
service replacing the smaller Boeing
767-300 aircraft Air Pacifc and
Tourism Fiji jointly launched www.
This website is described as a joint
venture of Air Pacifc and Tourism Fiji
designed to provide an effective and
user-friendly all-inclusive know-how
Hong Kong platform offering about
Cherie Lau, the public relations and
marketing consultant for Air Pacifc
and Tourism Fiji, explained this in
Hong Kong as the Boeing 747-400
service and website were detailed at a
press conference:
-Everything from how to get there,
general country information, travel
tips, places to stay, eat and see,
activities, hotel info and the unique
Fijian experiences can be found on this
-This website is the one-stop
communication tool Chinese visitors
need to plan, book and fnd their way
to Fiji.
-The website consists of a plan your
trip function; suggested itineraries
which will demonstrate how to fully
utilize your holiday to relax and enjoy
true Fiji hospitality, by choosing your
areas of interest, location and type of
-And if youre tempted to share what
you see of paradise with friends and
family, numerous downloadable
options are available for e-postcards
and wallpapers depicting beautifully-
captured Fijian scenery a piece of
paradise right on your fngertip.
-The Fiji Fun feature on the website
provides a platform for ongoing
promotions offering fun and jetso
to Fiji fans. Link to the Discover
Fiji Facebook page, share your
wonderful experiences, exchange
ideas and travel trips and recollect
fne memories.
Air Pacifc upgraded its Fiji to Hong
Kong service to Boeing 747-400
jumbo jet services on Thursdays
and Saturdays in recognition of its
commitment to a growing Hong Kong
and China market.
Air Pacifcs fights will now depart
Nadi, Fiji at 9:30am, arriving into
Hong Kong at 2:50pm. They will
depart Hong Kong at 4:30pm the same
day, returning to Nadi at 7:40am the
next day.
The Boeing 747-400 has 28 Business
(Tabua) class and 430 economy (Pacifc
Voyager) class seats. This means a 22
per cent increase in seats on this route.
Air Pacifc launched its Nadi Hong
Kong direct fight in December 2009.
It had a code-share relationship on
this route with the Hong Kong airline
Cathay Pacifc. To support additional
expansion in China, Air Pacifc has
also set-up a new offce in Hong Kong.
This is to manage strategic marketing
and sales partnerships in Hong Kong,
China and South-east Asia.
Friday, January20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Fiji News
Over 3000 Removed From Welfare
Assistance Program
More than 3000 social welfare recipients
have been removed from the Social
Welfare Assistance Program.
This is following a review and World
Bank Studies report on the Social Welfare
Family Assistance Care and Protection
allowances program which states that 28
percent people under the program may
not be in the poorest of the poor category.
Social Welfare Ministry said they have
Fijis Defence Ministry Launches
The Defence Ministry launched its
hotline call service in a bid to cover
the safety of critical infrastructure and
security threats to Fiji.
Acting Defence Minister Joketani
Cokanasiga said the plan to implement
the hotline service was drawn up more
than a year ago.
The lifting of the Public Emergency
Regulations emphasizes responsibility
from every Fijian, he said.
This is an avenue for the public to voice
their concerns on some issues they feel
will affect the security of the nation.
The use of the hotline is expected to
help offcials look into threats against
national security likely to be faced from
terrorism, political violence, religious
and racial vilifcation, sabotage of
critical infrastructure, transnational
crime and emerging issues such
as climate change, environmental
degradation and resource exploitation.
The hotline numbers for national
security are 5337 and will accommodate
calls regarding suspected threats of
terrorism, sabotage and other threats
against critical infrastructure. The
number 5338 will be for calls regarding
information on policies offered by the
ministry. The hotlines are available
from 8am-4pm on weekdays while
after hours and weekend calls are to be
directed to 9905588.
We have people in the ministry
who will be answering the calls and
helping out in whatever way they can
as well as working together with our
stakeholders like the police and the Fiji
Military Forces, said Defence Ministry
permanent secretary Jale Fotofli.
Through Vodafone Fiji's partnership,
the hotline charges will be billed as on-
net calls. Extra charges will apply for
Digicel and INKK users.
And even for calls after hours and during
the weekend, the mobile number provided
will be switched on 24 hours so the public
can reach us at anytime.
We request, however, that the public use
the hotline on a need basis. Disciplinary
action will be taken against prank callers.
Meanwhile, the e new batch of Fiji
passports will arrive by March confrms
Department of Immigration.
But after arrival those who have
applied from August 23 last year will
be the frst to receive a copy.
The Department of Immigration says
those who need to travel overseas in
the meantime will be issued with a
certifcate of identity.
A certifcate of identity costs $140 and
is a one day process.
The department is also encouraging
those who have expired passports to
apply for a certifcate of identity.
The certifcate of identity is valid for a
year and its acceptance depends on the
concerned embassies.
reviewed their fles and have terminated
3255 fles and the recipients have been
issued with termination notices.
However, the recipients can appeal
through the Appeals Panel.
Meanwhile, the Ministry said they will
continue vetting applications for those
who genuinely deserve it.
Currently 22,000 people receive
assistance under this program.
Resort Staff Wins Trip To Sydney
THEY say the best accolade any
worker can receive is praise from a
customer or guest.
With this in mind, Shangri-La's Fijian
Resort and Spa celebrated the efforts
of exceptional staff with their annual
Customer Delight Program awards on
Mohammed Saiyed, who works in the
resort kitchen, was identifed and awarded
the sought-after prize from a group of 13
potential Diamond Level achievers.
Communications manager Lata
Yaqona explained that staff members
attained Diamond Level status if they
received eight or more commendations
from guests in a 12-month period.
"This is something we have been
doing for many years to recognise the
outstanding efforts of our staff and it
is important to note that many staff
members achieve Diamond Level
status for years in a row like our
winner last year Ronnie Kumar," she
Mr Saiyed received a return ticket to
Sydney, one week's accommodation at
Shangri-La Sydney and $500 spending
Speaking at the awards ceremony,
resort managing director Radike
Qereqeretabua lauded the efforts of
the staff, saying they were exceptional
and contributed to the Fijian's ever-
growing popularity as a holiday escape,
wedding venue and family retreat.
Resort general manager Michael
Monks echoed Mr Qereqeretabua's
sentiment, saying the outstanding
customer service and genuine warmth
of the staff made the Fijian the best
resort in the country.
Woman On $500 Bail
A woman charged with accessing
unauthorized data was released on a
$500 bail bond with strict conditions
by the Nadi Magistrates Court on
Shobna Shalini Nath appeared before
Magistrate Samuela Qica to answer to
allegations of accessing unauthorized
fnancial data whilst employed at a
prominent motorcycle rental company
in Nadi.
Magistrate Qica ordered Nath to
surrender all travelling documents
and provide a suitable surety whilst
released on bail.
Police prosecutor, Sergeant Subramani
Naidu made an application for Nath to
report to the nearest police station for the
duration of her bail and to remain at home.
Her case was adjourned to March 9.
Govt Starts
Preparation For
New Voting Age
Fiji has begun preparations to
accommodate the lowering of the
voting age to 18 years.
Minister of Education Filipe Bole said
senior offcials at the ministry have
begun work for students who are still
in secondary schools and who will be
eligible for voting by 2014.
This includes cross checking school
registers, birth certifcates and the
distribution of fgures of 16-year-olds
in the nine education districts as part
of governments preparations for the
2014 general elections, he said.
Friday, January20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Fiji News
Vet. Tokailagi Gets Purple Heart
Army Private First Class Semisi Tokailagi, 25, received a Purple Heart at
the Healing Gardens at the VA Palo Alto Health Care Systems Polytrauma
Rehabilitation Center, in Palo Alto. Tokailagi sustained a traumatic brain injury
(TBI) in mortar/rocket attack in Afghanistan on June 5, 2011.
A FIJIAN soldier serving with the
United States Army has been awarded
the Purple Heart for wounds he suffered
while on duty in Afghanistan.
The Purple Heart is awarded to
members of the US armed forces, who
are wounded by the enemy.
It is also awarded posthumously to the
next of kin.
Army Private First Class Semisi
Tokailagi was serving with the 1st
Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th
infantry division when he was injured
in a mortar attack on June 5, last year.
Members of his unit, the Arctic Wolves,
were deployed across the Zabul region
and the troubling Kandahar areas, doing
everything from combat missions to
training Afghan security forces.
According to Bula Bee in the US, it
was PFC Tokailagi's frst deployment.
In his Bula Bee interview, PFC
Tokailagi said he was scared at frst
when reaching the Zabul region.
"We arrived during their fghting
season. It was scary at frst, but I
became accustomed to things because
I had to," PFC Tokailagi said.
He told Bula Bee he was often
homesick but the arrival of Aitu, a
Rotuman and another Fijian, Penisoni
Jikoiono helped him to cope.
He said on the evening of the attack,
there had been an explosion and
shrapnel from the mortar had fown in
all directions.
The last words he remembers hearing
were "Hey! Tok there are too many
mortars around before feeling a thump
on the back of his head.
He woke up several weeks later on
a military hospital bed in Bethesda,
Maryland with his mother beside him
and unable to remember much.
After the attack, PFC Tokailagi was
evacuated to a military hospital in
Germany where he was under the care
of a Fijian nurse, who had her frst
Fijian patient in over 18 years of work
at the hospital.
He was then transferred to Bethesda
to have a plate inserted in his skull
to protect it from infection that could
cause harm and swelling to his brain.
Stop Kava Abuse
Corrections offcers have been advised
to stop abusing kava and prioritise family
The message was relayed to over 60 offcers
by the Fiji Corrections Service Southern
Division acting Superintendent, Sitiveni
Raitamata during a parade at the Naboro
Corrections Complex.
Superintendent Raitamata said overspending
on yaqona could affect family welfare.
While kava is consumed daily in many
households, Superintendent Raitamata told
his offcers that common sense should
prevail while drinking it. Yaqona or kava is
not bad, but it is the way that people abuse it
that is becoming a problem, he said.
Instead of overspending on the traditional
drink, people should save their money for
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other essential things for their families.
Ensure that you spend money wisely, so
that it does not affect your family fnancially
because the welfare of your wife and children
is your responsibility, Superintendent
Raitamata said.
He reminded offcers that kava should not
be consumed during the weekdays from
Monday to Friday as well as during working
They (offcers) are only allowed to
consume kava during the weekend and I
urge offcers not to abuse it because it could
also affect the workforce.
The organisation will not condone or have
a place for offcers who do not perform
their duties in general as expected of them,
Superintendent Raitamata said.
Former Fijian National To Appear In NZ
A 19-year-old former Fijian national
charged with the murder of a teenager in
New Zealand is expected to face a trial in
High Court.
Akshay Anand Chand allegedly murdered
teenager Christie Marceau whose body
and bloodstained knife were found at an
Auckland house in November last year.
Chand and Christie knew each other
from school however the two never had
a relationship.
Chand remains in custody and will
reappear in court next month.
Friday, January20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
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Air Pacifc Invests In New Planes
AIR Pacifc chief executive offcer
David Pfieger has highlighted the
need to buy new rather than used
aircraft from other companies.
Farewelling Air Pacifc's 18-year old
Boeing 767-300, Mr Pfieger said new
aircrafts are much more reliable than
the ones that have already been used.
"It is so important for us to invest in our
country and what Air Pacifc is doing
about that is buying new airplanes."
Mr Pfieger said they faced numerous
problems, including fight disruptions,
with their old Boeing 767-300.
"The key part of what I want to say
about the 767 is that while it did great
things for us for the past 18 years, it's
time for it to leave so that we can bring
in new airplanes," Mr Pfieger said.
"The nice thing about bringing in new
airplanes is that we're going to have
brand new airplanes that are much
more reliable than the ones that we've
been fying recently.
"And that's something we're not only
associating with Air Pacifc but with
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Pacifc Sun too."
Following the purchase of its new
Boeing 737-800 last year, Mr Pfieger
said three more Airbus 300-200 aircraft
would be added to their feet next year.
He said these modern aircraft were
equipped with the latest cabin seats and
in-fight entertainment for passengers.
However, Mr Pfieger said the airline
would be expecting some tough times
ahead before the new aircraft arrive.
"We're going to have some challenges
for the next few years while we wait
for the new A330s to come in.
"Airbus will give us new airplanes but
they're not going to be here in their
entirety until the end of 2013."
Mr Pfieger reiterated that like any
renovation or reconstruction process,
there would always be a dust period -
which is what Air Pacifc will be going
through over the next few years.
Fiji As Export Hub
The topic of hubbing in the region with
Fiji as a focal point in regards has been
a topic of discussion for many years.
Though current activities has already
seen Fiji as the main centre for trade
in the South Pacifc, realising it or
consolidating this has never been done
on an offcial level.
Fiji has companies which for the
past 10-20 years supplied the region
with essential goods and items from
food, cosmetic, electrical equipment
and parts, clothing, detergents,
confectionaries, hardware goods and
equipment to oils and petroleum.
Today, our people working as nurses,
managers, technicians, doctors and
tradesmen have also been posted
throughout the region to work.
As highlighted in previous articles
in the mainstream media, Fiji has
the basic infrastructure and shipping
and air freight services in place to
encourage trade and distribution of
goods and services in the region.
The question for those who wish to
distribute or export their goods to other
countries in the region is who can they
use the existing supply lines or set-ups
to export?
When we speak of hubbing in the
region in regards to export/import, Fiji
has many strengths compared to other
countries, which makes it the most
convenient and cost-effective location
to serve as the main centre for trade.
Centralised Procurement
Given Fiji's larger and more diverse
population, we are actually importing
more than any other Pacifc Island
country. Our volumes are far larger
compared to other pacifc islands
countries and therefore have a greater
buying power in terms of price per
unit. It has been often discussed at
private sector levels to centralize all
procurement in Fiji in terms of purchase
of rice, pharmaceutical, sugar, fuel, etc.
Most suppliers would rather sell in
bulk to one location rather than little
in various locations as a matter of
minimising costs. The other preference
why procurement should be centralised
in Fiji since it is logistically located in
terms of shipping and Pacifc islands
are also transshipped through Fiji.
There is currently a regular sailing
from Asia to Fiji, and from the Tasman.
This allows all procurements to be
consolidated and shipped to Fiji for
further distribution to the other smaller
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
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Fiji News
Permit Not Required For Private
The Fiji Police Force clarifed that people
who have private functions like weddings
and cocktail parties do not need a permit
under the Public Order Amendment
Police Chief Operations Offcer, ACP
Henry Brown said it is clearly stated in the
decree that the Police will only intervene if
people attending a function are discussing
or plotting actions that would disrupt
public order.
ACP Brown said the Public Order
Amendment Decree has offences that are
also in line with the Crimes Decree.
He said the Police have also clearly explained
to organizations like the Methodist Church
on when they need a permit.
It has been stated that no church services
will require a permit.
The Public Order Act which has been in
place since 1969 has been modernized
under the decree.
However the 1969 Public Order Act
which has been in force in Fiji since that
year clearly stated that the Minister may, if
it appears to him to do so in the interest of
public safety and maintenance of public
order, at any time prohibit the holding of
any assembly in any place, whether such
place is a public place or not.
Only religious ceremonies at places of
worship are exempt from this under the
The 1969 Act, which has been in force
also defnes assembly as any gathering
of three or more persons assembled for a
common purpose and a procession means
a procession of fve or more persons or
three or more vehicles.
The unlawful assembly section in the Act
has also been in place since the law came
into force.
This states that any meeting or procession
convened or taking place in a public place
for which no permit has been issued, shall
be deemed to be an unlawful assembly.
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Indian Trade Delegation Expected
This Month
The visit by a trade delegation from
India is an indication of Fijis growing
infuence as a hub in the South Pacifc.
The Fijian Minister for Industry
and Trade, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
highlighted the importance of
conducting businesses between local
entrepreneurs and foreign investors
and urged business houses around the
country to maximise on investment
opportunities provided to them by
Government and Investment Fiji.
What I would urge the local businesses
to do is to talk to Investment Fiji.
We want to also not just get overseas
investors to come into Fiji or business
interests to operate on their own,
but many would like to seek local
partnerships because you know the
demographics, the relationships and
a lot of them see a lot of potential in
Fiji, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum said.
Speaking at the recent launch of the
Lautoka Chamber of Commerce
website, the Attorney General called on
its members to use their new website as
a platform to grow the local economy.
There are a lot of opportunities that
exist so in order for you to be able to
know what is happening, you need
to be able to tap into these resources
and I am glad that youve got this new
website. But part of having a very
good website is also to ensure that your
information is constantly updated, Mr
Sayed-Khaiyum added.
We will also ask Investment Fiji to
tap into the chambers websites so
you know exactly who is coming in so
please use those opportunities.
Mr Sayed- Khaiyum said Fijis
products were fnding new markets and
businesses need to talk to Investment
Fiji in order to capitalize on the various
opportunities available.
Meanwhile the inaugural Fiji- India
Joint Trade Committee (JTC) meeting,
which is scheduled to take place on
January 30 and 31 will be hosted by the
Ministry for Industry and Trade at the
Tanoa Hotel in Nadi and at the Holiday
Inn in Suva.
Fifteen delegates from India, including
government offcials and private sector
representatives will attend the JTC
Similar delegations from USA, Canada
and Korea had visited Fiji last year with
the aim to consider Fiji as their next
investment and business destination.

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Friday, January20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Fiji News
are expected
in 2012.
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Government Grant Provides
Financial Assistance
The Housing Authority is ready to
provide fnancial assistance for home
owners following a two million dollar
grant from the Fijian Government
beginning this month.
The government grant will see the
Housing Authority assist an additional
300 home owners around the country
by reducing their home loan accounts
by approximately $5,000 each,
said chief executive offcer Alipate
The home owners will be assisted
under the social housing policy and
is in line with the announcement by
the Prime Minister in January, 2011
to ensure that all Fijians have access
to decent and affordable housing by
2020, which saw 92 families having
their home loan accounts completely
written off last year.
Under the policy, Housing Authority
home owners who have paid over twice
the principal amount, are unemployed
or disabled and can prove genuine
fnancial diffculty are eligible for a full
or partial write off of their loan.
There is a strict criteria in place to
qualify for assistance under the social
housing policy and the Authority
lending executives are conducting feld
visits to individual customers homes
to ensure that only genuine home
owners are provided assistance.
We are urging our customers that are
facing genuine diffculty in meeting their
mortgage repayments to come forward
if they qualify for assistance. Apart
from this, Housing Authority is also
able to temporarily freeze the interest
on loan accounts for up to 6 months for
those home owners who are currently
in between jobs or are facing genuine
fnancial diffculty, he further added.
The authority said that the policy
should not be viewed as a hand out
scheme but rather a program designed
to assist hundreds of low and middle
income families to own their homes
sooner rather than later.
Once the home owners have received
assistance under the housing policy,
they will not be eligible for further
loans and upon sale of the house within
10 years shall repay the full assistance
amount back to Housing Authority.
Public Warned Against Assaulting
Police Offcers
The Fiji Police Force is issuing a stern
warning to members of the public
against assaulting its offcers.
This follows six reported cases for the
past three months.
During November, four cases were
received, two in the Western Division,
and one each for both the Eastern and
Northern Division, while the ffth case
was reported last month in the Southern
With the latest and sixth case before
the courts, Chief Operations Offcer,
Assistant Commissioner of Police
Henry Brown is once again issuing
a stern reminder to members of the
public to refrain from attacking their
ACP Brown said assaulting Police
Offcers is a serious offence adding the
Force will not entertain the actions of a
few unruly people.
Taiwan Prosecutors In Fiji
Prosecutors from Taiwan have recently
visited Fiji to question related witnesses
to the alleged scandals surrounding
Taiwan's former representative to the
country, Victor Chin.
Chin, who is currently back in Taiwan
under suspension and being investigated
by the Taipei District Prosecutors
Offce, after he was accused of engaging
in an extramarital affair with a Japanese
diplomatic employee and misusing
public funds last year.
The prosecutor responsible for Chin's
case and three other investigators
questioned more than 10 Taiwanese
businessmen in the country who
served as witnesses to the case in order
to facilitate investigations and clear
charges against Chin.
Because of the sensitive timing of their
trip, investigators had maintained a
low profle.
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
India Provides Boost To Fijis
Health Services
Fijis Ministry of Health received a
timely boost of $356,062 from the
Indian High Commission for the
upgrading of surgical theatres at the
CWM Hospital.
Indias High Commissioner to Fiji, Mr
Vinod Kumar during the presentation
spoke volume of the assistance made
by the Government of India to Fijis
Health Ministry.
The donation is part of the many my
Government has provided for Fijis
Ministry of Health, Mr Kumar said.
We have assisted Fijis health sector
in the provision of ambulances,
assistance on prosthesis, which has
seen the Jaipur team coming to Fiji,
treating of local patients in India and of
course training partnership programs
between the India Government and the
Government of Fiji.
He said the embassy was always happy
to be involved in such assistance as this.
In expressing his gratitude at the
presentation, the Ministry of Health
acting permanent secretary Dr Eloni
Tora said the assistance would see the
renovation of surgical theaters and
improved surgical services.
Meanwhile, the Sahyadri Hospitals
Group in India is in discussion with
Fijis Ministry of Health to provide
super specialized surgeries at the
CWM Hospital.
Sahyadri Hospitals Group visited Fiji
in September last year to perform
angiography procedures on Fiji patients
and another team will visit this month.
Air Pacifc Disruptions Due To
Lack Of Crew
Air Pacifc has fare welled one of its
longest serving planes but it can't shake
its so-called maintenance problems.
A big deal was made a couple of days
about the 767-300 Island of Taveuni plane
making its fnal fight to Hong Kong ahead
of the arrival of the new Airbus A330 feet.
But not a mention about the problems
that continue to dog Air Pacifc with
pilots now adopting work to rule.
Previously, airmen would go out of
their way to assist if their services were
needed to bring tourists in or fy them
out of the country.
This is not the case anymore. Pilots
are now only doing fights they are
rostered for as a result of the new job
and salary conditions, which came into
place on January 1st.
The results, as we have seen, have been
nothing short of disastrous. Flights have
had to be cancelled because of a lack of
crew. Air Pacifc's spin doctor, Shane
Hussein, is doing a good job lying to
the public that it is maintenance issues
causing the disruptions.
In fact, Air Pacifc has had to charter
seven fights from Qantas and Air New
Zealand in the past two weeks to cope
with the cancelled and delayed fights.
When you add the cost of these charters
with hotel accommodation and meals
for disgruntled passengers (mostly
tourists), it paints a troubling picture.
How long can the disruptions continue
and how much is it costing the airline?
Promoting Fiji Trade And
Culture In Japan
A Fiji Trade Exhibition was held
recently in Hiroo, Tokyo in a bid to
expose Fiji made products on the
Japanese market.
Invited by the Japanese International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) to hold its
exhibition at their Global Plaza facility
in Japans capital, Tokyo, the exhibition
saw the Fiji Embassy take advantage of
an excellent opportunity to exhibit
Fiji Made goods.
A statement issued by the Fijian
Embassy in Japan highlighted that the
exhibition, which ran for the frst week
of January and supported by Fijian
business houses to provide display
items, complemented Fiji in seeking
continued investment and trade
opportunities for the country.
On January 25, the Embassy will also
conduct a Fiji Trade & Investment
Opportunities seminar with invitations
already sent to diplomats and business
houses in Tokyo and the Yokohama area.
These developments align itself
closely to the Fijian governments
development priorities outlined in the
Prime Ministers Budget speech last
Meanwhile, Tourism Fijis offce in
Japan also conducted a Fiji Tourism
Seminar featuring Fijis fast growing
tourism industry.
Another new outreach the embassy
is doing as part of the exhibition is
showcasing Fijian cuisine as part of
promoting Fijis culture. The food served
is cooked by chefs provided by JICA
using recipe provided by the embassy.
During the seminar the embassy noted
the strong interest expressed by guests
who intend to visit Fiji either for leisure
activities or studies.
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Nightclub Security Offcers Receive
Training From Police
50 nightclub security offcers in Suva
received training on the Crime and
Security Decrees from the Fiji Police
The one day workshop covers areas
stated in both decrees with a focus on
how it relates to the nature of their work.
This will also mean transforming
the style of work for many nightclub
security offcers.
A scenario given is the confnement of a
rowdy nightclub patron, the technique
is to tap the person and give a warning,
without any other form of assault used,
not even punches which is common in
the Fiji night clubs.
Also clarifed were the roles they play
alongside other law enforcement offcers,
while they both provide protective
services, duties under the Criminal Decree
varies greatly for each occupation.
The police offcers are the ones with
special powers under the Decree to
effect arrest and conduct searches.
The Security Decree should come into
effect by the end of this month.
Fiji News
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
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Fiji News
Government Responds To YPCN Statement
Permanent Secretary Sharon Smith
Johns released the following statement
in response to the Young Peoples
Concerned Network:
If the Young Peoples Concerned
Network seeks to represent the leaders
of tomorrow, it will need to do a better
job of understanding recent Fijian
history and of assessing Government
provisions, such as the Public Order
(Amendment) Decree - which it
misreads either out of a desire to
manipulate public sentiment or simply
because of ignorance.
To compare the Public Order
(Amendment) Decree to most other
governments laws regarding terrorism
and extremism, such as the United
States or Australia, would reveal
immediately that Fiji is in fact more
liberal than other countries. The
U.S., for example, under the National
Defense Authorization Act signed by
President Obama, allows the military
to indefnitely detain terror suspects,
including American citizens arrested
in the U.S., without charge. Fiji does
not even come close to this. The United
Nations General Assembly further
encourages all nations to be proactive
Fijian Prime Minister Extends Congratulatory Note To
Kiribati President
Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe
Bainimarama sent a congratulatory note
to the President of Kiribati Anote Tong
on his recent Presidential election victory.
In his message, Prime Minister
Bainimarama said that President Tongs
win rewards an untiring commitment to
serving the iKiribati people in particular
and the Pacifc peoples in general.
President Tong was this week re-
elected to the seat of Presidency in the
island nation for a third term.
In re-electing you, the people of
Kiribati have validated their trust in
your assurance, stability and positivity
at a time when the world is plagued with
volatility and doubt, and the region, in
particular needs to be asserting its voice
in resilience to changing dynamics in
all aspects of international relations,
Prime Minister Bainimarama said.
Fiji and Kiribati have had long standing
bilateral relations both through trade
and economic partnerships and have
worked closely with each other in
regional matters.
This message acknowledges that through
our long-standing values and friendship,
we will work together to preserve peace
and prosperity in the region and beyond.
Rest assured that you may count on Fiji
and on my personal support.
Please accept my warmest
congratulations, both personally and on
behalf of the people and Government of
Fiji, Prime Minister Bainimarama said.
in taking steps to prevent and combat
domestic and international terrorist
threats in all their forms.
To be clear: If you do not want to
engage in racial or religious vilifcation
or create public disorder, then you
should not feel threatened by the
amendment to the Public Order Act.
The amendment is an enabling statute
- one that creates a safe place for open
discussion and critical thinking across
Fijian society for the formation of a
true liberal democratic state.
This is because throughout Fijis history
demagoguery and religious, racial and
ethnic vilifcation has been used openly
to harass and intimidate, and at times
hold Fiji for ransom. Politicians and
religious leaders have used race and
religion, not just to denigrate others but
as a political tool of ascendency. In the
process, they created public disorder,
inhibiting true democracy to fourish.
The Bainimarama Government takes
seriously the welfare and opinion
of Fijian youth, which underscores
all of its activities to strengthen the
Fijian economy, create jobs, invest
in education and technology, and
establish the basis for a new future.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Fiji News
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Fiji Participates At The
2012 Australian Deaf Games
Fiji will participate at the 2012
Australian Deaf Games, to be held in
the city of Geelong, Victoria from the
January 14 to 21.
Led by the Fiji Association of the Deaf
president Mr Serevi Rokotuibau, the
offcial Fiji delegation to the sporting
meet includes 11 athletes and four
offcials, who will participate in sevens
rugby and table tennis competitions.
The Fiji High Commission in Canberra
and Fijis Honorary Consul in
Victoria Mr Reg Hodgson secured an
AUD$5,000 sponsorship from Westpac
Banking Corporation (Australia).
Thanking the sponsor and Mr Greg
Pawson, Westpacs General Manager of
Pacifc Banking for their support towards
Team Fiji, the High Commissions frst
secretary Cheryl Brown-Irava expressed
gratitude for making it possible for the
team to participate at the games.
It will also strengthen the people to
people bond between Fiji and Australia.
First held in 1964, the Australian Deaf
Games is the pinnacle of deaf sporting
events in Australia, with the main objective
of fostering, promoting and encouraging
deaf people's participation and skill
development in all forms of sport.
Involving up to 18 sports and now held
every four years, the event attracts
competitors from all over Australia and
New Zealand and, for the frst time this
year, Fiji and Samoa have been invited
to participate.
While sport is central to the event, the
organisers have incorporated a social
and cultural festival for the whole deaf
community, as well as leadership training
by the Australian Deaf Association for
their Fiji counterparts during the games.
Health Ministry Promotes Well
The Ministry of Health in partnership
with the Westpac Bank of Fiji launched
its frst health walk initiative for the
The initiative, which will begin on
January 28, is part of the public
health program the Ministry of Health
The move is in line with the World
Health Organisation in improving
public health and organising physical
activity for communities with the
theme - Health Walk and Well Being,
Caring for our Future, said sub-
divisional medical offcer, Dr Devina
Westpacs acting general manager
Mr Gavin Kinnear, said the bank had
previously been sponsoring hospitals
with painting activities and the aim of
the walk is to reduce incidence of non
communicable diseases in Fiji.
Highlighting the banks social and
corporate responsibility towards
healthy living, Mr Kinnear said
Westpac would support this initiative
in other parts of the country.
Well have four walks this year
spreading to other divisions in the
north and west and this is the frst one.
It is a good way to promote healthy
lifestyle and assist the community, Mr
Kinnear said.
Fijis National Advisor for NCDs, Dr
Isemeli Tukana said three-quarters of
Fijis population was identifed with
not participating in either leisure or
physical activities.
People 35 years are mostly in this
category. Everyone should walk and
not just the overweight, Dr Tukuna
Fiji Govt Orders Investigation
Into Popularity Poll
Fiji's interim government has lodged a
complaint against the country's free to
air television broadcaster Fiji TV over
a text-poll it ran for its 2011 Personality
of the Year competition.
It follows Fiji TV's decision to award
the title to interim Prime Minister
Frank Bainimarama, eight days after
it originally said Consumer Council
chief executive Premila Kumar had
polled the most votes.
It has led to unsubstantiated reports
on pro-democracy and anti-regime
websites that the winning votes came
from mobile phones within the prime
minister's offce, and that those votes
came in after it was informed the prime
minister was trailing.
Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum
said the complaint has been lodged with
the new Media Industry Development
Authority, which became the body
responsible for Fiji's media after Public
Emergency Regulations were lifted.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
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Awareness For Civil Servants
In its quest to enhance conducive and
healthy working relations in the civil
service, the Public Service Commission
is geared towards the delivery of its
Reach-Out Program this year.
The Public Service Commission
permanent secretary Mr Parmesh
Chand made the comments as he
indicated that in 2011, about 6,000 civil
servants, from a total of about 27,000,
participated in the program.
The commission intends to cover
a similar number of government
employees, this year.
The program provides awareness on
the revised Terms and Conditions of
Employment (TCE). It also familiarises
civil servants with the application of the
Contract Offcers Annual Performance
Assessment [COAPA]; and it will
disseminate information on new and
revised government policies, and their
conceptualization by all ministries and
On the TCE, Mr Chand stated that
particular attention focused upon
employees whose terms and conditions
were being verifed and further
simplifed, since the exemption of
Government from the Employment
Relations Promulgation.
This is concurrent to changes in the
General Orders, which all civil servants
need to be fully aware of, Mr Chand
The awareness on the application
of the Contract Offcers Annual
Performance Assessment forms
[COAPA] is now being piloted in fve
government ministries.
The piloting period should conclude
at the end of the frst quarter. From the
second quarter of the year, all other
civil servants on contract will need to
use the form for assessment. This is in
preparation for the 2013 Performance-
based merit system, where all civil
servants, contracted or otherwise, shall
be using the Performance Management
Pay System.
The COAPA framework was developed
out of the existing Annual Confdential
Report [ACR], the Performance
Management System [PMS] and
the Performance Assessment for
Contracted Offcers [PACO].
Health Ministry Promotes Well Being
The Ministry of Health in partnership
with the Westpac Bank of Fiji launched
its frst health walk initiative for the
The initiative, which will begin on
January 28, is part of the public
health program the Ministry of Health
The move is in line with the World
Health Organisation in improving
public health and organising physical
activity for communities with the
theme - Health Walk and Well Being,
Caring for our Future, said sub-
divisional medical offcer, Dr Devina
Westpacs acting general manager
Mr Gavin Kinnear, said the bank had
previously been sponsoring hospitals
with painting activities and the aim of
the walk is to reduce incidence of non
communicable diseases in Fiji.
Highlighting the banks social and
corporate responsibility towards
healthy living, Mr Kinnear said
Westpac would support this initiative
in other parts of the country.
Well have four walks this year
spreading to other divisions in the
north and west and this is the frst one.
It is a good way to promote healthy
lifestyle and assist the community, Mr
Kinnear said.
Fijis National Advisor for NCDs, Dr
Isemeli Tukana said three-quarters of
Fijis population was identifed with
not participating in either leisure or
physical activities.
People 35 years are mostly in this
category. Everyone should walk and
not just the overweight, Dr Tukuna
Deadline For Tobacco Retailer
Registration Extended
The tobacco retailer registration
process has been extended till the end
of June.
Ministry of Health spokesperson,
Peni Namotu said there had been
overwhelming response from retailers
with registration progressing well over
the last eight months period.
Mr Namotu said challenges faced by
retailers resulted in the extension of the
registration deadline.
Nevertheless, there have been some
challenges faced by retailers such as
registration of retailers in rural areas
and obtaining of support documents
such as valid business license and TIN
(Tax Identifcation Number) letter, Mr
Namotu said
As a result of the above observations
and considering the interests of retailers,
distributors wholesalers and all other
stakeholders, the ministry is extending
the Tobacco retailer period for a further
period of six months to June 30, 2012.
Meanwhile, anyone caught selling
cigarettes without a Registration
Certifcate after the deadline will face
a maximum penalty of $5,000.
Govt To Issue $195M In New Bonds
Government will be issuing its new
bond, called the Fiji Infrastructure
Bond (FIB) in the domestic capital
market from February 2012.
Government plans to raise a total of
$195 million in 2012 through the
issuance of the FIB, with maturities
ranging from two years to 15 years.
The objective of the bond is to fund
Governments capital infrastructure
programmes that are outlined in the
2012 National Budget.
Filimone Waqabaca said the new
bond would replace the existing Fiji
Development Loan bonds.
Mr Waqabaca said the change refects
Governments commitment to its
citizens and portrays its willingness
to develop Fijis infrastructure which
will promote economic growth and
development, improve connectivity
and minimise rural-urban migration.
This investment opportunity is open to the
general public including individual retail
investors, Tikinas, Provincial Councils
as well as institutional investors.
The issuance programme, along with
copies of the bond prospectus and
application forms are available from
the Ministry of Finance at Level 6,
Ro Lalabalavu House and from the
Domestic Markets Unit, Tower 2,
Reserve Bank of Fiji Building.
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Universal Security Audit
Programme (USAP)
The International Civil Aviation
Organisation (ICAO) will be conducting an
audit of Fijis Aviation Security Oversight
under the second cycle of its Universal
Security Audit Programme (USAP) from
the January 19th - 26th, 2012.
This will be conducted by aviation
security experts who were sought by
the ICAO under the USAP to conduct
the audit of Fiji.
As commercial and private aircraft
operators now fy across national
and transnational borders, this will
require the harmonisation of aviation
laws, standards and requirements for
consistency globally while the same is
managed locally at state levels.
With the collaboration of member
states, ICAO plays an essential
leadership role in the feld of aviation
security with the ultimate goal of
enhancing civil aviation security
worldwide. To this end, its efforts are
focused primarily on developing and
coordinating an effective global policy
and legal framework in response to
the evolving threat to civil aviation,
conducting audits that identify aviation
security short-comings and assisting
States in implementing security
Standards and resolving defciencies.
The USAP audit reviews Fijis
compliance against ICAO Annex 17
Standards and Recommended Practices
(SARPS) and the security provisions
of Annex 9 (Facilitation) using the
ICAO Eight Critical Elements of an
effective State oversight system which
are summarized as follows:
1. Primary Aviation Legislation
2. Specifc Operating Regulation
3. Civil Aviation System and safety
oversight function.
4. Qualifcation and Training of
Technical Staff
5. Procedures and Technical Guidance
6. Licensing and Certifcation
7. Surveillance Obligations
8. Resolution of Safety Concerns.
The ICAO USAP Audit team briefed
all aviation stakeholders and border
control authorities of their Audit
Programme during their audit entry
The USAP programme will close with
an audit exit meeting on January 26th,
2012 where the audit team will discuss
their observations, recommendations
and fndings.
The last audit on Fiji under the ICAO
USAP was in 2007.
The team leaves Fiji on January 28th,
Rakiraki Woman Wins $1M
Hari Punja
And Sons
Ltd Acquires
Govts Shares
In Fiji TV
Fiji Television Limited Group
company secretary Tanya Waqanika
confrmed that Hari Punja and Sons
Limited acquired Government of Fijis
14% shares held with Fiji TV.
The South Pacifc Stock Exchange
approved the special crossing of
1,442,000 Fiji TV shares from
government of Fiji to Hari Punja &
Sons LTD at $2.40 per share.
The transaction will not affect the
current market price of Fiji TV shares,
which currently stands at $2.50 per
The sale of Fiji TV shares is to allow
the government of Fiji to diversify their
portfolio and liquidate their assets.
Hari Punja and Sons LTD will now
have 26.16% shareholding in Fiji TV.
A WOMAN from the rural town
of Rakiraki has become an instant
millionaire as one of 32 winners sharing
Tattslotto's $54 million mega draw.
She has chosen to remain anonymous.
Fiji Tattslotto director Graeme Brown
would not confrm the amount won but
said the winner was lucky to be one
of the frst division prizewinners. The
draw was held on December 31.
"All I can do is to promote the agent
that sold the ticket, she bought the
ticket from the Rakiraki Lotto shop,"
he said.
He said the delayed announcement
of the win was linked to the required
scrutiny and clearance of prize monies
by relevant authorities.
"It took days to fnalise and we also
had to get hold of her, the question of
bank details as well as advising on the
options available for payment."
"She has chosen for the money to be
paid here in Fiji so that is good for the
country as it means money coming in."
In 2008, a frst division winner from
Namaka, Nadi, won shares in a
$30million Tattslotto mega draw.
The identity of the winner remained a
mystery as the customer used a syndicate
name with the entry. It was speculated
that the winner was either a group of
friends or a family because no one name
was written on the winning ticket.
Pleass Extends
The bottler of AquaSafe water has
extended its sponsorship agreement to
fund the Fiji Rugby Union (FRU) and
supply its bottled water to the union for
the next two years.
Pleass managing director Warwick
Pleass and FRU's chief executive Manasa
Baravilala made the announcement of
the undisclosed funding.
Mr Pleass said the company believed
in promoting the benefts of a healthy,
active lifestyle and forging a strong
link between sports performance and
hydrating with quality safe water.
He said it was a sad fact that most
people in Fiji, especially children,
did not drink enough safe water nor
participated regularly in active sport or
"By showing our support towards the
development of rugby in Fiji, we hope
to raise awareness about the many
benefts of drinking water and getting
involved in sport at any level," Mr
Pleass said.
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Fiji News
Los Angeles, CA-Celebrity actors
took more home than a Golden
Globe nomination this past weekend.
Courtesy of Air Pacifc, all Golden
Globe nominees and presenters who
attended GBK's Celebrity Gift Lounge
received two round trip airfare tickets to
Fiji on Air Pacifc with accommodation
at one of the following exclusive, fve
star resorts: Yasawa Island Resort
and Spa, Vomo Fiji Island Resort or
Tadrai Fiji Island Resort. Actors not
nominated but in attendance received a
three to fve night hotel stay at one of
the participating resorts.
"We are thrilled to be part of GBK's
Celebrity Gift Lounge for the
Golden Globes. This is a tremendous
opportunity for us to share Air Pacifc
and our love for Fiji with such talented
actors. Our hope is they take some time
to relax and enjoy the exclusivity and
beauty of the Fijian Islands," stated
Bob Parra, Southwest Area Sales
Manager for Air Pacifc.
Celebrities in Attendance Included:
Jeremy Irons Nominee "The Borgias"
Callie Thorne Nominee "Necessary
Jim Rash, Nat Faxon Nominee "The
Alexander Payne Nominee "The
Elizabeth McGovern Nominee
"Downtown Abbey"
Thomas Jane Nominee "Hung"
Eric Stonestreet Nominee "Modern
Mireille Enos Nominee "The Killing"
Damian Lewis Nominee "Homeland"
Beau Willimon Nominee "The Ideas
of March"
Ali Fedotowsky "The Bachelorette"
Anthony Anderson "Scream 4"
Booboo Stewart "Twilight Series"
Ben Schwartz "Parks and Recreation"
Barrett Foa "NCIS: Los Angeles"
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Chris North
David Banner
Zach Woods
Mickey Rourke
GBK is a luxury lifestyle gifting and
special events company that features
gifts, services and charity fundraising.
This year's Golden Globe Gift Lounge
was held at the L'Ermitage Hotel
in Beverly Hills on January 13th &
14th. GBK made a gracious donation
of $10,000 to the nonproft FENC:
The Foundation for the Education of
Needy Children in Fiji. FENC seeks to
provide educational and related support
to underprivileged children throughout
the Fijian Islands. More information
can be found at
Air Pacifc is Fiji's International Airline
with a domestic and international
network covering the Pacifc, North
America, Asia, New Zealand and
Air Pacifc, Fiji's international airline,
has been connecting the world with
the South Pacifc for 60 years and
has been awarded "Best Airline in the
South Pacifc" by readers of Global
Traveler Magazine for the 3rd year in
a row. The natural island warmth of the
cabin crew will ensure the journey to
the destination begins with a smile. Air
Pacifc's feet of Boeing 747's, 767 and
737's fy between Fiji (Nadi) and North
America (Honolulu, Los Angeles),
Australia (Sydney, Melbourne and
Brisbane), New Zealand (Auckland
and Christchurch), Asia (Hong Kong)
and the Pacifc Islands (Samoa, Tonga,
Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu
and Kiribati). All fights allow a Fiji
stopover and include checked baggage
and in-fight entertainment, with a
range of complimentary meals and
beverages available.
Golden Globe Nominees Receive Fiji
Vacation Courtesy of Air Pacifc
New Fiji Passports To
Arrive By March
The new batch of Fiji passports will
arrive by March confrms Department
of Immigration.
But after arrival those who have
applied from August 23 last year will
be the frst to receive the passport.
The Department of Immigration says
those who need to travel overseas in
the meantime will be issued with a
certifcate of identity.
A certifcate of identity costs $140 and
is a one day process.
The department is also encouraging
those who have expired passports to
apply for a certifcate of identity.
The certifcate of identity is valid for a
year and its acceptance depends on the
concerned embassies.
Two Bodies Still Unidentifed
TWO bodies are still lying in the
Colonial War Memorial Hospital
mortuary awaiting identifcation.
The Health Ministry is urging people
with missing relatives to come forward
to try and identify the bodies.
Last week, the police said a body
found foating under the Bailey bridge
between Nasinu and Suva, and another
found hanging from a tree in Lami
remained to be identifed.
Health Ministry spokesman Peni
Namotu confrmed the two bodies
remained unidentifed and unclaimed.
"The two bodies are still in the CWM
Hospital mortuary and we are waiting for
police to have them identifed," he said.
"We have put the bodies in body bags
and a decision will be made in due time
on what to do with the bodies."
Mr Namotu said the body of the man
found hanging from a tree had been in
the mortuary for about two weeks.
Asked if it was affecting the mortuary's
storage capacity, he said: "It's not
affecting the storage capacity as bodies
are taken on time because of the user-
pay system.
"We are waiting for police on the
identifcation of the bodies and we urge
people with missing relatives to come
and try identifying them."
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Ongoing Concern
About Fiji
Clampdown: NZ
Foreign Minister
There are ongoing concerns about Fiji's
latest clampdown.
New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray
McCully says the New Zealand
Government was initially pleased to hear
Commodore Bainimarama announce
the lifting of emergency regulations.
But disappointment followed when
it was revealed those rules would be
replaced by new public order decrees.
Under the new rules, anyone taking
part in a meeting of three people or
more without a permit could face up to
fve years in prison.
McCully said a week on from the
decrees being issued, it remains to
be seen just how Fijis government
intends to use its new powers.
What's the issue now is whether in
fact such public consultations can
occur and in a way that respects the
ability of people to assemble and to
speak freely.
He said the international community
will be watching over the coming weeks
to see how that works in practice.
Fijians Are The Happiest In The World -
A new global poll on happiness
conducted on the eve of New Year shows
that Fijians are the happiest in the world.
Fiji tops the list of 58 countries surveyed
in the WIN-Gallop International Global
Barometer of Happiness.
Tebbutt research conducted the Fiji
component of the survey.
In Fiji, 89 percent of the people surveyed
said they were happy, 4 percent said
they were unhappy and 7 percent were
neither happy nor unhappy.
So Fijis Net Happiness index stands at
Nigeria is second while the Netherlands
is third.
Tebbutt Research Group managing
director Caz Tebbutt said the global
survey was carried out by the worlds
largest independent network of opinion
pollsters and research companies all
over the world and Tebbutt Research is
the Fiji member of the network.
Tebbutt said Fiji is renowned for its people
and their Bula smile, with happiness
perhaps being a part of the culture.
It said for many, this result will not be
surprising as tourists travel home with
stories about the happy, smiling people
of Fiji.
It also revealed that the amount of money
that people have did not matter but the
relative status which people enjoy in
their society that makes one feel happy.
For Fiji, the Net Happiness was highest
for those aged from 18 to 29 years.
Their net happiness stood at 89 while
those aged from 30 to 44 years stood
at 83 and those aged 45 years and over
stood at a net of 85.
The happiest are those working full-time.
It also showed that those without
religious beliefs had lower net happiness.
Interestingly, Australia sits in 32nd
place with a Net Happiness index of 38
with 55 percent of people being happy,
17 percent unhappy and 27 percent
neither happy nor unhappy.
New Puisne Judge
Sworn In
Puisne Judge Susantha Nandadeva
Balapatabendi was traditionally sworn
in to Fijis judiciary.
Judge Balapatabendi took the oath
of offce before His Excellency the
President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau.
This mornings swearing-in ceremony
took place at the Presidents Offce in
Government House and was witnessed
by the Chief Justice Judge Anthony Gates
and Acting chief registrar Shanon Toutou.
Judge Balapatabendi will serve as the
Puisne Judge to the High Court of Fiji.
The new puisne judge comes with vast
experience in the legal feld including
a Master of Laws (Commercial Law)
from Queen Mary College at the
University of London.
Prior to this appointment Mr
Balapatabendi was the Senior State
Counsel, at the Attorney Generals
department in Sri Lanka.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
South Pacifc News
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Mystery Over Missing NZ Man
On Sex Charges In Cook Islands
Cook Islands police say they are looking
for answers to two big questions
surrounding an Auckland man believed
to be facing sex-related charges in New
Zealand who is missing from a yacht in
the islands.
Inspector John Strickland of the Cook
Islands police is investigating the
man's disappearance two weeks ago;
after a mayday call was made from a
yacht later found foating empty 20
kilometers off the shore of Rarotonga.
Strickland said: The biggest question
here is, one: is he presumed dead? And
two: was there anybody else on board
the yacht?
Police are also following up possible
sightings of the man after his
disappearance on January 3.
The man is believed to be an Auckland
businessman facing 26 sex charges,
including rape and unlawful sexual
He is due to appear in Auckland
District Court next month and has
name suppression.
We are checking around here on
Rarotonga for the possibility he might
have been sighted around, Strickland
There was a report of him being seen
around here in Rarotonga on the 5th
but we are checking that out to make
sure the information is clear.
So far to date it doesn't seem to be true
that he was actually here after what
happened on the 3rd.
Strickland said if the man was found
he would be extradited back to New
Zealand to face charges in court.
Defnitely New Zealand would like to
have him back for sure. If he is here
in the Cook Islands it's for sure he'll
be extradited. We'll work closely with
New Zealand police on this.
Strickland said the investigation was
proceeding as a joint effort between
Cook Islands and New Zealand police.
The man made distress calls
complaining of heart problems to
Cook Island authorities on January
3. A Cook Islands patrol boat went to
the rescue, but in a scene reminiscent
of the Mary Celeste, found the yacht
foating unmanned 20 nautical miles
off the coast of Rarotonga.
The man was leaving Rarotonga when
he disappeared. He had entered the
country on December 31, and he had
also made distress calls about heart
problems on the way in.
When he got into the country he
claimed to have lost his passport and
documents overboard, but was allowed
through customs into the country for
urgent medical care.
Solomon Islands Government
Slapped With $10 Million Fine
The High Court has ordered the
Solomon Islands Government and the
Ministry of Fisheries to pay Marine
Exports Limited more than US$1.3
million for damages.
The pay-out is in relation to
governments decision to ban dolphin
export in 2005.
The court granted the order for loss from
dolphin feeds in the sum of US$280,209.04,
order for loss of property (38 dolphins)
in the sum of US$1,017,235.28 and the
order for exemplary damages in the sum
of US$67,565.84.
The order for loss of proft (loss from
contract) in the sum of US$ 646,686.15
and the order for interest to be included
were refused.
The cost of the hearing was also
ordered to be paid by the government.
The decision on assessment of
damages was delivered on November
25, last year before Judge, Justice Rex
Foukona fve years after the default
judgment orders were made in 2006.
Marine Exports Limited is a limited
company in Solomon Islands and
specialises in capturing wild dolphins,
keeping them in captivity in a purpose
built facility, breed and train them,
and from time to time export them
overseas. It was frst granted export
permit and had exported dolphins to
Mexico in 2003.
However, on January 13, 2005 the cabinet
decided to effectively ban export of any
live dolphins from Solomon Islands.
On June 8, 2005, the claimant executed
a contract with Wildlife International
Network Inc of Orlando, Florida, USA
to purchase twenty-fve (25) bottlenose
dolphins. On or about September 2005,
the Claimant lodged an application for
export permit for the 25 dolphins with
the Ministry of Fisheries and the sum
of $100 paid as the required fee. The
application was never granted.
Solomon Star contacted the Attorney
General Billy Titiulu who admitted that
the government is going to pay the fne.
We are waiting for tax dues so that we
can pay up.
He said although it was not the making
of the current government, tax payers
will shoulder the cost of the previous
governments actions.
Fire At The
National Reserve
Bank In Tonga
It's been confrmed that a fre at the
National Reserve Bank in Nuku'Alofa
was caused by faulty electrical equipment.
The fre started at around 10.30pm in
the communications room, the room
where bank employees communicate
with their banking counterparts around
the world.
The Deputy Chief Fire Offcer, Samuela
Huni said the bank's safe was not
damaged, and no one was hurt or injured.
The cost of the fre damage is likely to
be around US$15,300
Some Samoans Create
Bad Reputation
A Samoa business owner of nearly 20
years says she would rather employ
people from the Philippines and Fiji
because she says many Samoans have
a poor work ethic.
The owner of Le Vai Limited in Apia,
Fatima Strickland, fred seven employees
last week for stealing, and had to close
her purifed drinking water business
temporarily while she found new staff.
Strickland has talked to other business
owners, who she says are experiencing
similar problems.
She said it is a growing issue and Samoans
are getting a bad reputation as workers.
"I think it's a disease here in Samoa.
I'm not the only one, there's no work
ethic, not only honesty with money, but
they don't turn up on time, they don't
have work ethic, it's very poor."
Strickland believes the problem stems
from the pressure put on people to
provide gifts and money at traditional
ceremonies like weddings and funerals,
which drives them to steal.
Vanuatu's PM Sacks Justice
Minister Regenvanu
Vanuatu's Justice Minister Ralph
Regenvanu has been sacked for disloyalty.
A letter from Prime Minister Sato Kilman
claims that Mr Regenvanu was disloyal
but no further explanation was provided.
Mr Regenvanu has already cleared out
his offce, dropped off his government
car and handed in his offce keys.
The reporter in Vanuatu, Alain Simeon,
told the media that Mr Regenvanu
would not make any comment about
his sacking but has told him he is
looking forward to the general election
later this year.
PNG Returns
To US Tuna
Papua New Guinea has rejoined crucial
talks with the United States over the
South Pacifc Tuna Treaty.
The move comes after key concessions
from the United States.
Papua New Guinea pulled out of tuna
talks last year and gave notice that it
would withdraw from the treaty.
The announcement that it will rejoin
the talks came after PNG's Prime
Minister Peter O'Neill spoke with the
US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
A meeting of treaty nations in Fiji has
been told that the United States has
agreed to meet PNG's grievances.
The PNG delegation said Mr O'Neill
has placed two conditions on PNG's
return - an immediate increase in
license fees and a better pricing
formula in the future
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
New Zealand News
10-Year Old Boy Eats
Ice Cream Money
A 10-year-old boy's trip to the shop
ended with a visit to hospital after he
swallowed a $2 coin meant to buy ice
The Tauranga boy and his brother and
sister were on their way to buy an
ice cream when he put the coin in his
The boy's father, Grayson Ottaway,
said his son remembered swallowing
the coin but nothing afterwards.
"It was a bit traumatic for him. We seem
to think he was playing around and
had it sitting in the side of his mouth.
Maybe he was tying his shoelaces or
"He seems to remember when he
swallowed it, and then the instant
reaction was that he vomited. It was
that gag refex."
Mr Ottaway, who did not want to name
his son, said the boy continued to vomit
when he got home.
"He was really violently ill, and of
course his mother was wondering what
the hell was going on," he said.
"She was thinking maybe it was something
he'd eaten. Then he said, 'Mum, what
happens if you swallow a bit of metal?"'
He was taken to Tauranga Hospital
where an x-ray showed the coin
wedged in his esophagus.
"They looked at the x-ray and saw
where it was and said there's no way
he's going to be able to cough that up."
The boy was taken to Waikato Hospital
where doctors put him under a general
anesthetic and used tongs to retrieve
the coin.
"It literally took 15 minutes, if that,"
Mr Ottaway said.
Waikato Hospital clinical nurse
manager Diana Knight said she had
seen children who had swallowed pins,
coins and keys.
If a child had swallowed something and
it was lodged in the throat, provided
they were still breathing people should
try to keep the child calm, conscious
and alert.
"If the child is unconscious, turn them
over and give them frm pats on the
back, this may dislodge the object
enough to allow air in. Take the child
to an emergency department."
She said the best advice for parents,
particularly of babies who were
crawling, was to vacuum regularly and
keep things off the foor.
Clinical unit leader John Bonning said
the most dangerous thing for any child
to swallow was button batteries, which
had to be removed surgically.
Chinese Prepare For Arrival Of Dragon
Lanterns are being hung, mandarin trees
sourced and frecrackers put in place in
the lead-up to the Chinese New Year
festivities beginning this weekend.
Auckland's Sky Tower will again be
lit in the traditional colours of red and
gold for the two-week celebrations
from this Sunday until February 6 to
usher in the Year of the Dragon.
Held on the 15th day of the frst month
of the lunar calendar, Chinese New
Year is one of the biggest celebrations
in the East.
Almost 10,000 Chinese people live in
Auckland, according to the most recent
Census fgures.
Lanterns will be suspended across Federal
St in the city, and fabric decorations and
the traditional mandarin trees will be
placed around the Sky Tower.
Festivities and free entertainment will
begin on Sunday, on the eve of the
Chinese New Year, with frecrackers
being lit at the base of the Sky Tower at
7pm. More frecrackers will be set off
on Monday night, Chinese New Year's
Day, followed by a traditional Lion
Dance ceremony and an acrobat show.
The Auckland Chinese Community
Centre has been gearing up for its
Chinese New Year Festival and Market
Day this Saturday after holding the
festivities for the past 20 years.
The festival, featuring more than 200
food stalls and a number of traditional
performances, has grown in popularity
and is now attended by more than
20,000 people.
Try to avoid:
- Housework, in case you wash or
sweep away good luck.
- Anything sharp in case you cut threads
of good fortune.
- Words related to sickness and death.
- Breaking anything - this may indicate
bad luck ahead.
Sheep Shearing Pitched As
NZ Olympic Sport
SHEEP shearing could be the next big Olympic sport,
according to a New Zealand farming lobby group.
Federated Farmers think shearing has
the potential to become a demonstration
sport at the Commonwealth Games, or
even the Olympics.
The group's meat and fber Chairwoman
Jeanette Maxwell says shearing
requires both skill and physical effort.
Newly-crowned world record
shearers Ivan Scott and Kerri-Jo Te
Huia demonstrate the sport's athletic
prowess, she said.
"People like Ivan Scott, Kerri-Jo Te Huia
and our world championships team are
athletes who take it to another level."
Earlier this month, Mr Scott sheared
749 lambs in eight hours to beat the
previous solo lamb shearing world
record, while Ms Te Huia sheared 507
lambs in the same time to claim the
women's world record.
Ms Maxwell says if shearing gets a
shot as a demonstration sport; it would
elevate the status of shearing and
shearers on the world stage.
The idea was frst mooted by Sports
Shear Australia in 2008.
The shearing world championships
will be held in Masterton in March.
Price Rise Puts Squeeze On Bars
The price of beer is set to go up again,
and one bar owner says the increase is
a kick in the guts for already struggling
bars and restaurants.
DB Breweries announced that its
packaged beer and cider would go up
in price by 3 per cent on average from
March 5, with tap beer rising 1 per cent.
The brewery's beer brands include Tui,
Monteiths and Heineken.
DB's ready-to-drink brands will go up
by an average 4 per cent.
Lion Nathan would not rule out
a similar price increase, although
Independent Liquor chief executive
Julian Davidson said they had no plans
to increase prices.
Hospitality Association Chief Bruce
Robertson said members would be
advised to pass on the increases to
patrons as soon as possible.
"Businesses are currently struggling
in terms of proftability, we're seeing
ongoing closures.
"And while it's challenging for them
to pass it on, while they don't they're
putting their businesses in jeopardy ...
and putting at risk the jobs of their staff."
Luke Dallow, owner of Auckland's
Red Hummingbird and Chapel Bar &
Bistro, heard of the increase only when
the media contacted him.
"I haven't even been told myself as an
operator ... it would have been nice [to
know] before it hit the media."
Mr Dallow did not know whether he
would wait to review pricing until after
an increase in alcohol excise tax in
July, or look to recoup costs elsewhere.
He said DB put its prices up by about 4
per cent last year, and was disappointed
the brewery would not negotiate with
its customers.
"You think it is a partnership, and it
would be nice to discuss these things
before getting a 'Happy New Year,
2012 - here's a price increase'.
"They keep putting the price of beer up
... we'll be up to $13 a glass shortly. At
the moment for a pint of beer it's over
the $10 mark."
While the increases weren't huge,
they would cut into margins that were
already dangerously tight, he said.
"It comes straight off our bottom line.
We put our prices up twice last year,
and we don't want to put it up again ...
or we're not going to be here. But we
can't keep absorbing costs."
DB's managing director, Brian Blake,
said higher raw material prices and
the increased cost of packaging and
distribution led to the "unavoidable"
price rise.
"We've tried to limit the price increase
to a lowest possible increase that we can
put through ... the simple fact is that we
can't carry on incurring those costs."
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
USA News
Man 'Burned Money' To Stay
Alive In Blizzard
Yong Chun Kim, 66, survived being lost in a blizzard for two days
by burning paper money for warmth.
A US snowshoer who was lost in a
blizzard for two days on Washington
States Mount Rainier said he burned
his paper money for warmth.
Yong Chun Kim, 66, of Tacoma, told the
reporter that he had fre starters with him
and frst burned some leaves. Then he
started burning personal items: his socks
and then $1 and $5 bills from his wallet.
Kim also said he kept moving to keep
warm, took cover under a tree at night and
dreamed of his wife and a nice hot sauna.
He became separated from his snowshoe
group last Saturday and wasn't rescued
until Monday. Kim was in such good
shape that when he was found, he did
not have to go to a hospital and, instead,
went home with his family.
Searchers traversed deep snow and
snowshoed up a river valley to pull
him from the icy remote backcountry.
The team reached Kim on Monday
afternoon but it took nine hours to bring
him from the rugged terrain covered in
deep snow to a road, spokeswoman
Lee Taylor said late Monday.
"The rangers, they're good people,"
Kim told the reporter. "I love them."
New York Woman's Throat Slashed
In Front Of Nine-Year-Old Daughter
A NEW York man fatally slit his estranged wife's throat in front of
her terrifed young daughter.
The man was arrested after police
tracked him for three blocks, law
enforcement sources said.
"My stepfather stabbed my mom," the
nine-year-old daughter of victim Diane
Sharma told offcers at her home in
Sources said Ms Sharma, a 32-year-old
mother of three whose two younger
children also were at home at the time,
had an order of protection against her
Ukrainian husband.
The man, who was not immediately
identifed, had been arrested on
September 2, for allegedly assaulting
and choking his wife, who then took
out the restraint against him. But he
violated the order the very next day,
sources said. It's unclear whether he
spent any time behind bars for the
The suspect is accused of slashing Ms
Sharma's neck and stabbing her in the
chest before feeing.
Police responding to a report of an
assault inside the home spotted a trail
of blood leading down the block. They
tracked it and found the blood-soaked
husband three blocks away, with cuts
to his hands and arms.
Outpatient Shocked By $45M
Bill From New York Hospital
An outpatient is recovering from shock
after being billed $44.8m in error by a
New York hospital.
Alexis Rodriguez, 28, was one
of a number of patients charged
astronomical amounts because of a
computer glitch, the New York news
The Bronx-Lebanon Hospital treated
him for pneumonia, but the actual cost
was no more than $300.
Billing frm PHY Services said it had
mistakenly printed the patient invoice
number where the amount should go.
Mr Rodriguez told the media he could
not believe his eyes when he opened
the envelope last week.
"I think they should have somebody
look over the bills before they send
them out," said the unemployed
"To send out a lot of bills with numbers
that big - someone could have had a
heart attack."
PHY Services requested that patients
ignore the bills, adding that new ones
would be sent out.
Flight Diverted To Florida For
'Unruly' Couple
Offcials say a Delta Air Lines fight
from Atlanta to Costa Rica was diverted
to Tampa, Fla., after a couple from
Germany became unruly.
Delta spokeswoman Chris Kelly
Singley said Flight 414 departed
Hartsfeld-Jackson Atlanta International
Airport at 6 p.m. Sunday and landed at
Tampa International Airport at 7:34 p.m.
The captain made the call to land, the
spokeswoman said. After the "unruly"
passengers were removed, the plane
went on to Costa Rica, she said.
Tampa International Airport
spokeswoman Janet Zink identifed
the passengers as Peter and Gabriele
Strohmaier of Dusseldorf, Germany.
She said they were seated in frst class
and demanding food and champagne
and refused to sit down.
Zink said no charges had been flled.
The FBI and Transportation Security
Administration were investigating.
Reached at the Tampa hotel where
the couple was spending the night,
Gabriele Strohmaier told the reporter
that a Delta crew member "exaggerated
enormously and felt terribly insulted"
after her husband raised concerns about
the food and beverage service.
She said her husband had asked for a
glass of champagne, but was told it was
all gone. She said the crew member
then walked away rather than listen to
his concerns. She denied that she or
her husband was told to sit down and
"No, we were not standing," she said.
Peter Strohmaier, who identifed himself
as a lawyer, said he "did nothing except
to say I would like to have the meal and
so on...all normal things."
He said the Delta crew member told him
she was not pleased with his attitude.
"I am not prepared to accept such
behavior," he said, adding that in the
end he didn't get champagne, a meal or
even water. The couple had fown to the
U.S. from Germany earlier in the day.
Gabriele Strohmaier said the couple
need to "take another airline, naturally
not Delta" to get to Costa Rica.
Record Imports
Widen US Trade
The US trade defcit widened in November
for the frst time in fve months.
Offcial fgures from the Commerce
Department showed that the overall
defcit grew 10.4% to $47.8bn.
Imports rose 1.3% to a record $225.6bn
boosted by demand for oil and foreign
Exports fell for the second month in a
row, dropping 0.9% to $177.8bn, after
lower sales of cars and capital goods
such as aircraft and machinery.
The widening of the trade gap was
bigger than had been expected.
The average price of imported oil rose
3.7% from October to $102.50 a barrel.
There was some better news for the
US economy, with the trade defcit
with China narrowing to $26.9bn, due
to exports to China being their highest
since December 2010.
Illinois Woman
Accused Of
Bringing Five-
Year-Old Son To
Bank Heist
US child welfare offcials in Illinois are
investigating whether a woman brought
her fve-year-old son along while
robbing a bank with her boyfriend.
Lauri L Ruble, of Antioch, Illinois, and
Brandon Stancliff have been charged in
US federal court with robbing Wauconda
Community Bank in December. Ruble
was ordered released on $5000 bail.
According to the Sun-Times, Ruble
allegedly told the FBI she was upset
she put her son in danger. The Illinois
Department of Children and Family
Services is investigating the couple
for allegations of abuse and neglect, a
spokesman told the newspaper.
The spokesman said he could not
comment on the boy's status.
According to the paper, Ruble allegedly
told the FBI that the couple took a
bandana, a butcher knife and her son
with them to rob the bank.
After the couple stole $4800, an
informant seeking a reward identifed
them to authorities, the newspaper said.
They were arrested on December 30.
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
World News
Obama Asks For Betty White's Long Form Birth Certifcate
When Betty White turned 90 Tuesday,
President Barack Obama turned his
critical eye on the vivacious TV star.
'Dear Betty, you look so fantastic and
full of energy, I can't believe you're
90 years old. In fact, I don't believe
it,' Obama narrates as he writes in her
birthday card.
'That's why I am writing to ask if you
are willing to produce a copy of your
long form birth certifcate.'
Obama then listens to 'Thank You
for Being a Friend,' the theme song
to 'Golden Girls,' the 1980s sitcom
that introduced White to the current
The presidential message is a send-up
to the 'birthers' who argue Obama is
not a natural born US citizen and not
the lawful commander-in-chief.
They have asked Obama to make a copy
of his 'long form birth certifcate' public.
Obama says he was born in Hawaii and
maintains the issue is settled.
But the note is also a tribute to White,
who has endeared herself to TV-
watching Americans since the 1950s
and has had an age-defying resurgence
in popularity since she starred in a
Snickers Superbowl commercial that
became an instant classic.
NBC threw a TV birthday special for
White, who has captured the hearts
of millions of young fans with her
grandmotherly looks and razor-sharp
comedic wit.
White is perhaps best known to this
generation for playing Rose Nylund,
a rambling, kind-hearted retiree from
Minnesota, in 'Golden Girls.' She is
the only one of the four original cast
members who is still alive.
However, she has come back into the
public spotlight in the TV Land sitcom
'Hot in Cleveland' and as a host of
'Saturday Night Live.'
'I've been the luckiest old broad on two
feet to have all the jobs that I've had,'
she said, Us Weekly reported.
A host of big-name stars like Tina Fey,
Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Burnett, Hugh
Jackman, Amy Poehler, Joel McHale,
Morgan Freeman, Ray Romano, Ellen
DeGeneres, Carl Reiner, William
Shatner and Chevy Chase showed up
to celebrate White's birthday.
She began her career in Los Angeles in
1939 by singing on a Los Angeles TV
In 1973, she landed a permanent role as
a homemaker with a twisted side on the
'Mary Tyler Moore Show.'
Woman 'Offered Sex For
Khadijah Baseer, 31, is apparently
homeless and has had a history of run-ins
with the law, according to Burbank police.
She was arrested on January 11 at
a Burbank McDonald's after she
approached the restaurant's manager,
told him she was hungry and offered
sexual favours in return for food,
specifcally McNuggets.
She also was seen opening the car doors
of customers in the drive-through lane,
World's First 'Self-Healing'
Iphone Case
Developed by Nissan in collaboration
with University of Tokyo and
Advanced Softmaterials Inc, the self-
healing paint - dubbed Scratch Shield -
was initially developed for Nissan and
Infniti cars but is now being used in
the smartphone industry too, according
to the reporter.
The paint is made from polyrotaxane,
which means that when damage occurs
to the coating, the chemical structure
reacts to change back to its original
Man Bites Off Ex-Wife's Lips
After Rejection
AN Indian woman was in a hospital awaiting surgery after her
ex-husband bit off her lips when she refused to take him back.
Pushpa Dhantayan, 27, was admitted
to hospital on Monday after Jeetu
Rajput few into a violent rage and
viciously assaulted her when she told
him she was not willing to give their
relationship a second chance.
"Jeetu came back drunk last Sunday (local
time). He clamped his hand over my
mouth and shoved me into a rickshaw,"
Ms Dhantayan said. "He then hit me and
bit me on the back as well as the mouth.
He has chewed off the right side of my
lips. Doctors say I will have to remain in
the hospital for a major surgery."
Vijay Bhatia, the head of plastic surgery
at VS Hospital in Ahmedabad, 500km
north of Mumbai, said Ms Dhantayan
lost one third of her upper and lower
lip, as well as the corner of her mouth.
"We will have to reconstruct the lips
so that she can eat and hold her saliva,
which are the prime functions of the
lips apart from adding to the aesthetics
of the face," Dr Bhatia said.
It was not reported whether authorities
had apprehended Mr Rajput.
Brains Of 40 Dead Children
Secretly Removed
BRITISH mothers upset that their dead
children's brains were secretly removed
and kept in jars said police are probing
40 cases in just one English county.
Horrifed Lisa Burton, 40 - whose
daughter Zoe was three when she died
from epilepsy 15 years ago - said police
visited her to break the news.
"They said there were 40 people
affected - and that's just locally. No
one seems to be able to answer any
questions, and I'm very angry," said Ms
Burton, from Wimborne in the county
of Dorset, southwestern England.
Distraught Julie Middleton, 40, of
Poole, Dorset, said police gave her the
same fgure.
She learned that the brain of her six-
week-old son Regan was still in a jar
at Southampton General Hospital 12
years after his death.
The "missing parts" scandal was
exposed by the media, which
highlighted seven cases amid a
nationwide probe.
Permission to keep the organs was not
needed at the time they were stored by
the hospitals, but the law changed in
2006. A report in March will uncover a
fgure for the UK.
shape and fll the gap. Nissan does not
say to what extent the reaction will
work, but small scratches and blemishes
could well be a thing of the past.
If the prototype cases pass tests,
Nissan said the product might go into
production later this year. There is no
word on pricing.
Nissan claimed that while small scratches
can be healed in just an hour, the chemical
reaction will continue to work its magic
on more major damage for up to a week.
police said.
"She solicits money from customers
and is always causing some sort of
disturbance," the manager, who was
not identifed, told police, according to
Sgt Darin Ryburn.
Police were called because Ms Baseer
refused to leave the restaurant property.
The woman's previous run-ins with law
enforcement are not known. She faces
charges of suspicion of prostitution.
A LOS Angeles woman was being held on $US2000 bail after
being arrested on charges of offering sexual favours in return for
McDonald's Chicken McNuggets.
NISSAN has announced the world's frst self-healing
iPhone case, which the car manufacturer claims can
quickly repair itself when scratched.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
World News
Seven Charged In $60M
Stock Fraud
A HEDGE fund co-founder, four fnancial analysts and a Dell
Inc employee teamed up in a record-setting insider trading
scheme that netted more than $US61.8 million in illegal profts
based on trades of a single stock, US authorities said.
The scheme was described in a criminal
complaint in US District Court in
Manhattan that charged four of the men
with conspiracy to commit securities
fraud and securities fraud, among other
charges. Three analysts have already
pleaded guilty and are cooperating
with the government, according to the
court papers.
The insider trading plot, as authorities
described it, would be noteworthy
for its size. Last month, hedge fund
founder Raj Rajaratnam began serving
an 11-year prison term - the longest
ever given in an insider trading case
- for a scheme that prosecutors said
produced as much as $US75 million
in profts on dozens of trades over a
multi-year period.
That prosecution resulted in more than
two dozen convictions and led to a
spinoff probe that produced even more
In the new case, prosecutors again are
highlighting its size, saying the co-
conspirators netted more than $61.8
million in illegal profts based on trades
of a single stock from 2008 through
Anthony Chiasson, a co-founder at
former hedge fund group Level Global
Investors LP, was among three men
arrested. He surrendered to the FBI.
Jon Horvath, an analyst at Sigma
Capital Management, an affliate of
hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors in
Manhattan, was arrested at his New
York City home while Todd Newman,
a hedge fund portfolio manager, was
arrested in Needham, Massachusetts It
was not immediately clear if a fourth
man charged in the complaint, analyst
Danny Kuo, was in custody.
The illegal profts in the case were
made after tips were shared among co-
conspirators about upcoming earnings
announcements regarding Dell and
Nvidia Corp, according to court papers.
Lawyers for the defendants could not
immediately be reached for comment.
Woman Boards Plane At Airport With Gun
A PASSENGER made it though security at Dallas-Fort Worth International
Airport with a gun in her carry-on bag, boarding a plane that pushed back from
the gate before federal offcials were able to alert the pilot.
Airport spokesman David Magana said
a 65-year-old woman from Little Elm,
Texas, had the gun in her bag when she
went through security. She was able
to walk away before a Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) offcial
noticed the scan of the frearm.
Mr Magana said the TSA shut down
only the security checkpoint, not the
entire terminal, and began searching
the D concourse and other terminals
for the woman.
At least 90 minutes elapsed before
security found and arrested the woman,
who was on a plane that had pushed
back from the gate.
The plane, believed to be an American
Airlines fight, was bound for Houston.
It was not clear if the gun in the luggage
was loaded.
The woman, whose name has not been
made public, is charged with "places
weapons prohibited" - a violation of state
weapons control law, said Mr Magana.
BMW Recalls 235,000 Minis Worldwide
GERMAN carmaker BMW has recalled
about 235,000 Minis worldwide due to
a fault in the electric water pump that
cools the turbocharger, which could in
some cases, is a fre risk.
The recall concerns vehicles built between
March 2006 and January 2011, BMW
spokesperson Sven Gruetzmacher said.
In extreme cases, the pump could overheat
and cause a fre. This has already happened
in the United States, Gruetzmacher said,
but no one has been hurt.
US traffc safety agency announced
that BMW had recalled 89,000 Mini
Coopers for the same reason.
"The electric auxiliary water pump that
cools the turbocharger has an electronic
circuit board that can malfunction
and overheat," the National Highway
Traffc Safety Administration said on
its website.
The pumps are to be replaced free of charge.
Indian Teacher's Shock At His
$9.8Bn Bank Balance
An Indian teacher got the shock of his
life when he checked his bank account
online and found 490bn rupees ($9.8bn).
Parijat Saha expected his balance to be
$200 and could not believe his eyes -
but a check at an ATM confrmed his
billionaire status, on paper at least.
The honest Mr Saha rang the State Bank
of India (SBI) to point out the error.
Red-faced bank offcials would not
comment, but sources say the funds
were "uncleared" and he could not have
withdrawn the money if he had tried.
Mr Saha's monthly salary as a school
teacher in the eastern state of West
Bengal is 35,000 rupees ($700).
But his account balance of $9.8bn
is closer to India's annual education
budget of $11.5bn.
"On Sunday evening, when I was
checking my savings account balance
on the internet, I was expecting an
amount of a little more than 10,000
rupees ($200)," Mr Saha, who lives
in the town of Balurghat in South
Dinajpur district, told the reporter.
The billions he found there instead
have left him in shock.
"I called up a friend in the bank and
joked, maybe money is overfowing
in your bank, that's why your system
has remitted so much money into my
account," he said.
The government-run bank - motto
"Safe Banking with SBI" - has not
explained what happened.
Subhashish Karmakar, chief manager of
the bank's branch in Balurghat, declined
to speak about the source of the funds
or how the money got into Mr Saha's
"I have been specifcally asked not to
comment on this issue," he told the
The bank's regional headquarters in
Calcutta and national headquarters
in Mumbai have been alerted and
offcials are trying to fgure out what
went wrong, sources in the bank say.
Mr Saha says he has managed to
withdraw the $200 from his account
that belonged to him.
"Even though I got my money back,
the account still holds the billions of
dollars as uncleared amount. I don't
know how long I'll have to keep that
astronomical fgure in my account."
Seven People Injured In Head-On In
Brisbane's Nundah Tunnel
THREE people have been seriously
injured and four were hurt when two
cars collided in the Nundah tunnel on
Brisbane's north side.
A 43-year-old man is the most critical
after he was driving on the northbound
lane of Sandgate Rd when another
car heading southbound crossed lanes
and crashed head on with his vehicle
around 2.15am Thursday morning.
The car that is believed to have crossed
on to the wrong side of the road was
being driven by a 16-year-old girl.
It had one passenger, also a16 year old
Both were taken to the Royal Brisbane
and Womens Hospital with minor
The 43-year-old was also taken to the
Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital
with head injuries, including possible
Also in his car were a 25-year-old and
21-year-old who were taken to the
Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital
with serious head, neck and pelvis
Their genders are unknown at this
Another 42-year-old man was taken to
the Princess Alexandra Hospital with
chest injuries that appeared to be minor
while a 26-year-old person was also
taken to the Princess Alexandra with a
broken arm.
Police said the tunnel had been closed
earlier but is now reopened to traffc.
This incident comes after a horror day
on the roads, where three people were
Parijat Saha
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
World News
Aussie Michelle Barraclough Tells Of Being Pushed Aside By Terrifed
Men On Costa Concordia
AN Australian mother and her young daughter have described being pushed aside by hysterical men as they tried to board
lifeboats on the stricken Costa Concordia cruise ship.
Michelle Barraclough, 46, of
Melbourne, said she and husband John
Sultana clutched on to their 12-year-
old daughter Katherine to keep her by
their side during the mayhem as 4000
passengers tried to cram on to lifeboats
and fee the violently listing vessel.
It was every man for himself, Ms
Barraclough said.
Basically what we did was John held
one hand and I held the other and we
just dragged her with us.
We were not letting her go under any
We held on to her the whole time.
The chartered accountant from
Essendon said she was pushed aside
by "grown men and women" who
were frantically trying to squeeze on to
already packed lifeboats.
Some hysterical passengers ripped
the doors off lifeboats and piled up to
240 people on to a vessel designed to
evacuate no more than 115, she said.
Everybody just shoved and screamed
in 15 different languages, Ms
Barraclough said.
The people that pushed their way
on to the boat were then trying to tell
them to shut the door, not to let any
more people on the boat after they had
pushed their way on.
We just couldnt believe it - especially
the men, they were worse than the
The family, who took the Mediterranean
cruise as a Christmas present, was
among some of the 23 stranded
Australian survivors who caught fights
home from Rome Monday.
The death toll rose to eleven after the
bodies of two elderly people were
found in the ships restaurant.
Rescuers found the deceased male
passenger wearing a life vest on the
second deck in the unsubmerged part
of the Costa Concordia.
Among the 17 people still missing are
a 30-year-old Italian man and his fve-
year-old daughter, according to Italian
The man was reportedly separated from
his partner by the panicked crowds as
they tried to board a lifeboat.
She made it to safety but the man
and his daughter, who remained on
the doomed ship waiting for another
lifeboat, have not been seen since.
As the search continued inside the
enormous vessel, fresh accounts of
miraculous survival and heartbreak
have emerged.
The ship's purser Manrico Giampedroni,
57, was found alive 36-hours after the
ship hit an underwater rocky reef off
the coast of Tuscany on Friday.
While the ships captain, Francesco
Schettino was confrmed to have
abandoned the ship in the middle
of the evacuation, Mr Giampedroni
stayed behind to ensure all crew and
passengers were evacuated.
He broke his leg when the vessel listed
to one side and remained trapped in the
submerged wreckage but was saved by
rescuers who heard his cries for help.
Two Frenchmen and a Peruvian crew
member were confrmed among the
An 84-year-old Italian man who was
separated from his family during the
ships electrical blackout and a 30-year-
old Italian woman who jumped into the
freezing ocean are among the missing.
Britain To Relax Fines On Garbage
The British government will stop
slapping fnes on people who, at times,
commit "innocent mistakes" while
putting out household rubbish by
overflling their garbage bins or putting
them out on the wrong day.
Presently, homeowners can even be
fned for putting wrong kind of rubbish
in the bin or putting their bins at the
wrong place.
Ministers will consult on ending councils'
right to treat petty infringements as
criminal offences which can carry fnes of
up to 1,000 pounds (over USD 1,500) for
householders who ignore fxed-penalty
notices, the Daily Express reported citing
a government announcement.
"We want to see people helping us to
boost recycling rates by putting out their
rubbish correctly, but bullying them
with fnes is not the way to do it. Only
those causing real problems for their
community will get punished, the media
quoted Environment Secretary Caroline
Spelman as saying.
Maximum penalties handed down as
spot fnes, which could be higher than
those given by police for shoplifting
and other genuine criminal acts, will
also be slashed.
Though it could take two years to
change the law, however, in the
meantime, councils are being urged to
slash fnes of up to 80 pounds down to
40 pounds for prompt payment.
As per the Local Government
Association, fnes were aimed only at
the small minority who persistently
left waste piled up or willfully
contaminated recycling material.
Air France Fined For
'Poisoned Coffee'
A FRENCH court ordered Air France to pay 146,000
euros ($180,000) to compensate a passenger who said he
was served poisoned coffee on a domestic fight in 2006.
The court ordered the carrier to pay
46,000 euros to the man and 100,000
euros to the health insurer that has been
covering his costs after he said he was
poisoned with drain cleaner on the
Bordeaux to Paris fight.
Marc-Fredaine Niazaire was taken
ill during the fight and admitted to
hospital on landing. He was operated
on for a problem with his esophagus
and sued Air France for poisoning him
with a "seriously toxic liquid" used to
clear drains.
A criminal enquiry concluded in 2010
that there was nothing to prosecute,
after which Mr Niazaire launched
a civil case seeking 680,000 euros
($846,718) in damages.
"The symptoms arose at the same
time as Mr Niazaire ingested a coffee
and biscuit. They appeared suddenly,"
the court ruling said, adding that Mr
Niazaire had never previously been
treated for stomach problems.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
ICBC Cases
After my accident I had constant neck and back pains. I felt sad most of the time and became very anxious about
the future. ICBC said I was overreacting and offered $17,000. My case settled for $400,000 at mediation. MR. S.
The damage to my car was only $700. ICBC said I could not have been injured; but I was. My lawyer finalized my
claim for $28,000 plus expenses. MISS M.
ICBC offered me $32,000 to finish my case. I was off work for 6 months and saw a specialist because of my jaw
injury. I couldnt mop the floor or clean our bathroom without help from my children. I received $200,000 through
my lawyers efforts. MRS. S.
The damage to my vehicle was about $1,700. ICBC said this was a Low Velocity Impact (LVI) and refused to pay me for
my injuries and physio costs. My lawyer obtained more than $45,000 for me. MRS. B.
A car hit me as I walked across the street. ICBC blamed me because of the colour of my clothing. My lawyer worked
hard and obtained necessary evidence. My case settled for over $300,000. MRS. C.
*Past cases are not necessarily indicative of future results and amounts recovered may vary according to the facts in each case.
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Anil Kapoors
BAFTA Hat Trick
Anil Kapoor, who was last seen in Tom
Cruise starrer Mission Impossible:
Ghost Protocol, is all set to make
his third appearance at the esteemed
BAFTA (British Academy of Film and
Television Arts) Awards taking place
on February 12. Anil will not only
attend the award function but he will
also be presenting an award.
Anil is the frst Indian actor to be given
such a privilege. He frst attended the
BAFTA Awards in the year 2010 where
his flm Slumdog Millionaire won
seven awards including the Outstanding
Performance by a Cast in a Motion
Picture. Anil had earlier presented the
award for Best Costume Design in
2010 along with Romeo+Juliet actress
Claire Danes.
The category which he will be
presenting will be revealed to him in
the afternoon on February 12, where
he will also attend the rehearsals
along with other star presenters before
heading to the red carpet.
Salman Fans Disappointed
All the Salman fans were in a state
of shock, when the actor was not
nominated in any of the categories,
including the Best Actor category at
the 18th Annual Screen Awards.
Amrita Rao who attended the event
said, Salman Khan is such a big
superstar, and he doesnt need a
nomination to prove it.
Dia Mirza who was also present at the
award function said, People who get
nominated treasure that nomination
and it means a lot, having said that, I
am sure there will be enough award
shows who will nominate him and he
will win enough.
Siddharth Bhardwaj, a contestant in Big
Boss 5, said, I am one of the biggest fans
of Salman Khan and its disappointing
that he has not been nominated, but Im
sure had he been nominated, he would
have won an award.
The actor was royally ignored despite
giving two of the biggest blockbuster,
Ready and Bodyguard. Whats
worse is that Sallus name didnt even
feature in the nomination list.
Raj Kundra Collaborates
With Sanjay Dutt
Hubby Raj Kundra is one happy
man these days. It is heard that the
businessman has collaborated with
actor Sanjay Dutt to start a sports
venture called Mixed Martial Arts
(MMA) league. His wifes pregnancy
is another reason for him to smile.
While he is busy making new business
ventures his wife Shilpa Shetty is
taking the back seat, taking care of the
soon-to-be-born baby, thats kicking
away inside her.
My wife has been my bouncing
(sounding) board for the last six
months. She keeps telling me the kid is
kicking away inside so please no more
MMA. You go do what you got to do
and I support you in anything you do,
said the businessman, who married
Shilpa in 2009.
Shilpa Shetty who is in the second
trimester of her pregnancy, was spotted
at a Lohri celebration
Vidya Balan Joins The Item Girl Brigade
After showing her sexy side in The Dirty
Picture, Vidya Balan is now all set to set
the screen on fre with her item number.
Now, all the Shielas and the Munnis,
the Chamelis and Jalebi Bais are in for
a tough competition as Vidya Balan,
is all set to groove to an item song
in producer Vidhu Vinod Chopras
production Ferrari Ki Sawaari.
It is heard that the item song will break
all records of boldness. The song is still
in progress and will be fnalized in the
next few weeks.
When approached by Chopra for the
song, the actress immediately agreed to it.
Who Will Make A Better
Cop In A Crime Thriller,
Salman Or Shah Rukh??
The latest news has it that both Salman
Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are being
considered to play a cop in the South
remake of Gautham Menons hit flm
Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu. The original
flm starred Kamal Haasan.
The flm is an undercover crime thriller,
having super advanced special effects.
The director is keen on recreating
Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu in Bollywood
but is confused on which actor to rope
in. As of now, Shah Rukh and Salman
are being considered to step into the
shoes of Kamal Hassan.
Gautham is quoted as saying, We are
showing the flm around and we hope
it gets picked up. As far as SRK and
Salman go, all I can say is that it is a
wish list. It would be great if either
come on board, because its a flm for
the masses.
Parents Dont Want Ranbir To
Move Out
Ask Rishi Kapoor about the
reconstruction of his sprawling Pali
Hill bungalow and the actor says
despairingly, Ive been waiting for
this for years, but I dont know what
steps I should take to see that the plans
get passed. Rishis desperation stems
from the fact that son Ranbir is all
grown up and will soon need place to
house his family.
Ranbir will turn 30 this year.
Obviously, in the next two years he will
get married and start a family. Though I
have very good acreage, this house was
built decades ago for my family and
has just four bedrooms. It was never
meant to accommodate two families
and so reconstruction is imperative. I
will need at least two years to build a
new home for it to be ready in time.
I wouldnt want Ranbir to move out.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Exercises To Get Fit In Water
If you like being in the water but get
bored swimming up and down lanes,
or just want to vary your routine,
consider trying some pool exercises.
Water exercises can also be safer and
more comfortable for pregnant women
and for people who are overweight
or suffer from arthritis, back pain or
muscle or joint problems. Since your
weight is partially supported and your
movements slowed down, you are
much less likely to injure yourself. Try
the exercises here as a starter- if you
enjoy them, consider joining a class.
Stand with the feet apart, arms extended
straight in front of you holding a ball.
Breathing rhythmically push the ball
under the water, and swing it into a
fgure-of-eight pattern through the
water. Feel the varying resistance on
the arms and upper body. Move in as
smooth a rhythm as you can making
sure not to strain your shoulders or
back. Try maintaining a sturdy balance
and repeat 10 times.
To begin with stand up straight
breathing evenly, make continuous
strides as if marching on the spot,
extending arms and legs as far as you
can. The resistance created by water
will keep the march in slow motion.
Stretch your limbs to the full, pointing
your toes and pulling your arms
vigorously back and forth. Start with
2 minutes or so or as long as it makes
you slightly breathless. Simply aim for
a good rhythmic walking movement.
This exercise will be greatly affected
by your ftness level, so if you are a
beginner do not get disappointed by
the result. With practice however you
will be able to perform this exercise.
Start with your feet fat on the bottom
of the pool and your arms relaxed by
your sides. Bend your knees and spring
up off the bottom of the pool as high
as you can. As you jump, kick your
legs out to the sides pointing your toes
down and swinging your arms out to
the side and up above your head so that
your limbs form a star shape. Land with
knees bent and feet apart. Once again
jump up as high as you can and bring
your feet back and together with arms
by your sides. Repeat this procedure
for 10 times.
Stand sideways to the pool wall holding
onto the edge with arm fully extended,
and feet fat on the pool foor. Inhale
as you extend the outside arm overhead
as in Posterior Shoulder stretch. Exhale
as you lean hips away from poolside.
Do10 times on each side.
With your back against the poolside,
arm along the edge for support; draw
the knees to your chest. Extend your
legs straight ahead. Inhaling, swing
legs to your left and then to your right
and back to the center. As you exhale
move legs to front and withdraw to
chest. Repeat this for 10 times. All
through the motion keep your back
pressed against the wall.
Facing the side of the pool, grip on to
the edge with your hands. Bend your
knees and press your feet against the
poolside as you inhale. While exhaling,
move hips back. Take care not to lock
your knees or elbows or strain your
back. Repeat 10 times.
Stand an arms-length away from the
pool wall. Keep your shoulders relaxed,
your feet together and arms hanging
by your sides. Breathe normally. Rest
both of your hands against the pool
side at shoulder height. Keep your
arms straight. Bend your knees a little,
tucking in your bottom as you do so.
Using your buttock and thigh muscles,
raise your left leg and swing it gently
back. Keep the supporting leg bent a
little and don't raise your leg too high.
Repeat 5 times with each leg.
Stand with your back pressed to the
pool side, hold on to the rod (against the
wall of the pool) for support. Keeping
your back straight raise your legs. Try
spreading out your legs with minimum
strain on the back. Move your legs only
from the hip joint. Now draw your legs
simultaneously and smoothly together
into the middle.
Once out of the pool, spread out a mat
or even your towel on a straight bench.
Your knees should be bent and feet fat
on the foor. Rest four fngers lightly
on the side of your head, around your
ears. Lift your shoulders and head
so that you can see your knees for a
moment. Return to the starting position
gradually. Repeat about 10 times.
Relaxation is an essential aspect of
completing an exercise routine. Let
your body lose and let it foat on water.
You will be amazed, besides proving as
an essential sport, swimming also lets
you relax.
The performance of the exercises
mentioned above will depend greatly
upon your general health & ftness
level. Always warm-up and stretch out
before practicing these exercises. There
is no doubt that swimming combined
with these exercises will add variety
and fun to your cardio workout.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7 Your Horoscope For 2012
Yearly Horoscope of the Zodiac
Sign "VIRGO" for the year 2012
with general forecast, career,
romance, lucky colours, numbers
and more.
Yearly Horoscope of the
Zodiac Sign "LEO" for
the year 2012 with general
forecast, career, romance,
lucky colours, numbers and
Sign: Lion
Ruling planet: Sun
Ruling house: 5th House
Element: Fire
Compatible zodiac sign: Aries,
Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius,
Incompatible zodiac sign: Scorpio,
Capricorn, Virgo
Span/Date: July 23 to August 22
General Forecast 2012
The upcoming year is going to be a
fun year for you as you are going to
enjoy a quality time with your family
as well as friends. You can have a lot of
expectations with this particular year.
Everything will look just great and in a
way in which you have always wanted
things to happen in your life. Your will
power and pro active nature will take
you places. This is a very signifcant
year for those who are into the creative
feld as they will be showered with
the opportunities of showcasing their
innate creativity. It is a distinctive
feature of your personality that you
can motivate people at ease. It is the
specifc quality which will help you
attain the acute attention from all. It can
also give you a professional mileage.
Career 2012
When it comes to your career or
professional life then you will be asked
not to make any extra worries or take
unnecessary stress levels. The coming
year you are going to have a smooth
sailing in your professional life. You
will be given much importance in your
workplace. There may be a sudden
promotion at work which will inspire
you to give your best and exert the
nicest capacities that you have.
Romance 2012
The upcoming year is going to be a fun
year for you in terms of your love life.
In the matters related to your heart you
are going to come out as a victor. You
are defnitely going to enjoy a peaceful
relationship with the love interest of
your life. It will be an eloquent as well
as highly passionate relationship that
you are going to share with the love
interest of your life.
Finance 2012
In terms of fnance this particular year
is going to be an average one for you.
However there is no such thing that you
have to be skeptical or unnerved about.
With level headedness and strategic
moves you can achieve some proftable
gains as well. The mid of the year is
very much important for you as some
really lucrative business opportunities
might turn up.
Lucky color: The specifc colors which
are going to be lucky for you are
orange, white, red and gold.
Lucky number: The specifc numbers
which are going to be lucky for you are
4, 10, 13, 19 as well as 22.
Great people with this zodiac sign:
- There are in fact a bevy of great
dignitaries who have been born on this
particular date. For example you should
like to cast a look at these entities- Neil
Armstrong, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, J.
R. D. Tata etc.
Sign: Virgin lady
Ruling planet: Mercury
Ruling house: 6th house
Element: Earth
Compatible Zodiac sign: Capricorn,
Leo, Libra, Gemini and Pisces.
Incompatible Zodiac sign: Aquarius,
Sagittarius and Scorpio
Span/Date : August 23 to September 21
General Forecast 2012:
The coming year is going to make
you more sensible as well as more
responsible than you already are.
You will enjoy enough stability all
throughout the year in every feld be it
your profession or your family or your
health and even in your academic life
as well. However in the medial parts
of the year you might have to b a bit
cautious regarding your health. It is
better that you take proper precautions
beforehand. After all we know that
prevention is better than cure.
Career 2012
When it comes to your professional
life or your career you can expect
that the coming year defnitely has a
lot prospects to yield. The year 2012
is going to be a creative as well as a
stable year for you. In your profession
you are going to have ample scopes to
showcase your talents. However you
will also be required to maintain a state
of level headedness all throughout the
year. You have to watch out so that
you do not become the victim of the
internal offce politics.
Romance 2012
2012 is good for your romance life
as well. The relationships with your
spouse or partner are going to be
peaceful as well as long lasting. You
need not have any stress level regarding
tour familial life.
Finance 2012
In terms of fnance 2012 is going to
be a stable as well as proftable year
for you. This year you might attain
enough fnancial strength which will
ultimately encourage you to carry on
with a dream project. The acquisition
of fnancial stability and strength will
also earn you a revered position in your
neighboring areas.
Lucky color: The specifc colors which
are going to be lucky for you are green,
grey, mushroom, white etc.
Lucky number: The specifc numbers
which are going to be lucky for you are
5,14, 23,32, 41 and 50.
Great people with this zodiac sign:-
There are in fact a bevy of great
dignitaries who have been born on this
particular date with this zodiac sign.
For example you should like to cast a
look at these entities- Sophia Loren,
Shabana Azmi etc.
Sign: Balancing weighing scales
Ruling planet: Venus
Ruling house: 7th House
Element: Air
Compatible zodiac sign: Sagittarius,
Leo, Aquarius,
Incompatible zodiac sign: Capricorn,
Cancer, Scorpio
Span/Date: September 22 to October 23
General Forecast 2012
The coming year is defnitely going
to be a signifcant year for Librans
in many ways. They have always
been accredited for their patience,
perseverance as well as a strong sense
of ethics. In the coming year they will
enjoy a great deal of laurels because
of these virtues of their personality.
Being committed to your profession
you will also enjoy a rapid fourish in
your professional career. Your family
life, academic life and professional life
will be a state of perfect equilibrium.
You will be able to overcome the levels
of frustrations that perhaps dominated
our soul the previous year. You will
be a gainer in the coming year if you
make it a point to look at the brighter
sides of things in the coming year.
Those who are in the feld of academic
researches may be able to get some
major breakthroughs in the coming
year. You will also enjoy a peace of
mind in matters related to your health
and hygiene.
Career 2012
It is a charismatic charm of the Librans
that they have always been eulogized
for their phenomenal work ethics. This
strong sense of ethics is perhaps the
asset which will help you to attain an
enviable position at workplace in the
coming year. The year is the one when
you will get all the chances to fulfll
your long cherished dreams. However
it is important that you choose to
remain hard working as before. During
the medial parts of the year you might
get a promotion.
Romance 2012
The year 2012 is going to be a very romantic
year for you. If you are still single or if you
have not fallen in love with someone else
then this year you might get out of your
loneliness. 2012 is going to be great for
love relationships as well as for conjugal
life. You will enjoy complete peace in your
love life. Your relationship will stay far
away from the pangs of misunderstanding
between you and your love interest.
However in order to make sure that you
can go on with your love relationships for a
longer span of time it is important that you
and your partners choose to be interactive.
The more interactions will take place
between you the better and the stronger
will be the relationship that you share
passionately. It will also help you stay away
from conficts.
Your '2012: Yearly Horoscope of the
Zodiac Sign "Libra" for the year
2012 with general forecast, career,
romance, lucky colours, numbers
and more.
Finance 2012
This is a year when you overcome
complications and come out
triumphant. 2012 is going to give you
rich dividends. All you have to do is
take some wise decision and invest
money in proper hubs from where
you can earn assured return of your
investments. It is a fact that there will
be an array of opportunities in terms
fnancial gains lined up in front of you.
Do not be in haste. Take decisions with
complete level headedness.
Lucky color: The specifc colors which
are going to be truly lucky for you are
green and blue.
Lucky number: The specifc numbers
which are going to be lucky for you are
6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51 and 60.
Great people with this zodiac sign:
- There are in fact a bevy of great
dignitaries who have been born on this
particular date. For example you should
like to cast a look at these entities-
Hema Malini and Mahatma Gandhiji.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
We are open Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M TO 5:30 P.M
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Naresh Aggarwal
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This is a Practice Test
Discover Canada
1) Which group of people were
important in the building of the
Canadian Pacifc Railway?
A. English.
B. Mtis.
C. French.
D. Chinese.
2) What does it mean for a political
party to "be in power"?
A. To hold the nuclear button.
B. To gain the approval of the Queen.
C. To generate electricity.
D. To have the most elected
3) What is known as the effort by
women to achieve the right to vote?
A. The election law.
B. The women's suffrage movement.
C. The suffrage motion of women.
D. The women's voting law.
4) Why is British Columbia known
as Canada's Pacifc Gateway?
A. Because British Columbia's fshing
industry relies on the Pacifc Ocean.
B. Because many immigrants arrive
British Columbia from the Pacifc
C. Because billions of dollars in goods
are shipped to and from Asia.
D. Because British Columbia is on the
Pacifc coast.
5) Which document frst defned
the responsibilities of federal and
provincial governments?
A. The Constitution Act, 1982.
B. The Federal Act.
C. The British North America Act.
D. The Confederation Act.
6) What is a major river in Quebec?
A. Fraser River
B. Amazon River
C. St. Lawrence River
D. Hudson Bay River
7) What does Register of Electors
A. List of all Canadian citizens who
are qualifed to vote in federal elections
and referendums.
B. Personal information of voters
which is given to each political party.
C. List of Canadian citizens less than
18 years old who are qualifed to vote
in federal elections and referendums.
D. List of Canadian citizens of more
than 18 years who are qualifed to vote
in federal elections and referendums.
8) When is Canada Day?
A. The second Monday of July.
B. July 1st every year.
C. September 6th of each year.
D. The third Monday of May.
9) Which two are Great Lakes?
A. Huron and Erie.
B. St. Lawrence and Superior.
C. Ontario and Okanagan.
D. Michigan and Okanagan.
10) Which two provinces produce
more than three-quarters of
Canadian manufactured goods?
A. Ontario and Quebec.
B. British Columbia and Ontario.
C. Alberta and Ontario.
D. Quebec and Manitoba.
1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A
Good Breeds for New Dog Owners
You have decided to take the big step
and own a dog. However, you are at a
loss for how to choose one. You may
have fipped through dog magazines or
dog breed books, but are overwhelmed
by the vast array of breeds. This article
is a guide to help you narrow down
your search to choose a breed that is
suitable for you.
First-time dog owners may have
diffculties training their dog at frst
because they are still learning how to
read and understand their dogs body
language. Therefore, it might be easiest
to choose a breed that is easy to train.
All dogs can be obedience trained, but
some are more willing to learn new
things and are eager to please. Some
people do not have the time to devote
to training but would like to be able
to teach the dog simple commands.
Other people easily get discouraged if
they do not see results within a short
period of time, so for beginners, an
easily trained dog may be helpful. The
following breeds have a reputation for
being easily obedience trained;
- Collie
- Labrador Retriever
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- English Springer Spaniel
- Standard/Miniature Poodle
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Doberman Pinscher
- Australian Shepherd
- German Shepherd
New puppies are often brought home
to families with children because it is
the children who ask for the pet. Many
adults bring home an animal completely
unaware of the breeds characteristics
and how well they can get along with
children. After all, every puppy looks
adorable and harmless sitting in the pet
shop. Certain breeds have a tendency
to snap at children because they were
either bred for particular characteristics
or have dominance issues. Breeds that
have a lower chance of snapping at
children include;
- Golden Retriever
- Labrador Retriever
- Newfoundland
- Bloodhound
- Basset Hound
- Collie
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Beagle
- Vizsla
- Brittany Spaniel
- Australian Shepherd
Continued next week
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Aries (March 21-April 19):
A new work offer with a better salary is
indicated. An offer of a partnership is also
proposed from a person who lives overseas.
Friends drop in to see you. A discussion
with a close associate about your doubts
concerning new work offers may help you
to arrive at the right decision in this week.
Taurus(April 20-May 20):
You will come across a fresh project
which promises immediate monetary
gains. You are advised to be varying
of such proposals. Also avoid any
investments in speculative trading in
this week. Your family life is happy
and congenial. You may be asked to
look after an older relative for a while.
Eligible young woman can look forward
to their engagement or marriage.
Gemini (May 21-June 20):
Proftable week at work. Those
in the feld of marketing media,
communication or trading, will beneft
in this week. News from a relative is
likely. Fresh investments will not yield
proft immediately. Those in love may
decide to discuss the future with the
family. Rest assured that you will get a
good response.
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
You tend to become too overbearing
and unreasonable towards others. This
could lead to a few problems. Avoid
stressful situations, for a health problem
is foreseen. Allow others the beneft of
the doubt before you draw your own
conclusions. A change of environment
is indicated for some of you.
Leo (July 23-Aug 22):
You will receive some money for
a project you concluded some time
back. In your enthusiasm to get ahead
with your work, you may overlook
some important details which will
cause some delays. Expenses are
indicated. Those in love may plan
to go out of town in the company of
their beloved in this week.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 21):
You will be engaged in activities different
from your routine work. You may be
involved in some social activities which
could be quite tiring. Your mate may not
be in a good mood. Attend to minor details
about work yourself and let your beloved be
alone to resolve a few personal problems.
Libra (Sept 22-Oct 23):
A certain project in which you have
invested heavily in terms of time and
money will now yield substantial gains.
An important meeting scheduled for this
week will be a success. Better prospects
for work and career are indicated.
Matters concerning an elder cause
concern. You may feel a bit tired in this
week. In this week if you try with heart,
youll fnd your beloved in your arms.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21):
Heavy expenditure at work and home
could cause anxiety. However, the
receipt of payment for an earlier
project will substantially ease out the
burden. The employed are advised to
be more diligent in their work if they
wish to retain their jobs. Family affairs
run smoothly.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21):
You need to continue your efforts
in getting a certain deal concluded
in your favour. Financial gains are
aplenty and some of you are likely to
start a new enterprise. Those desirous
of travelling overseas on work will get
an opportunity to do so. Romance is in
the air and you will meet an exciting
person at a social get-together.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19):
Your fresh plans and new business
ventures hit a snag. However, this is
not the time to implement new ideas
so its better to attend to routine works
instead. Your presence may be required
at home to solve a family problem.
Youngsters will organize a large get-
together in the company of friends
which will be enjoyable in this week.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18):
Financial prospects are good. A fresh
proposal through a friend could
bring in substantial monetary gains.
Minor misunderstandings should be
overlooked. Relationships could suffer
if you let minor irritants upset you. You
will be in a mood to spend the evenings
in the exclusive company of your
beloved in this week.
Pisces (Feb 19-March 20):
An early start at work will ease some
pressure. You will accomplish all that
you have scheduled for the week.
Colleagues and associates are not
particularly helpful. Take care of your
health in this week. Over indulgence in
eating or drinking could cause problems.
1 cup Chickpea Flour (Besan)
2 tsp Oil
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1 1/2 tsp Salt
1 -2 Chopped Green Chillies
1/2 cup Water
1 Potato
1 small Caulifower
2 Cabbage
5 leaves Spinach sliced
1 1/2 cup Sliced Onion
How to make vegetable pakora:
Mango Chutney
1 Raw mango
Cup coconut
3 Green chillies
Salt to taste
1 Piece ginger (small)
2 cloves of garlic
Cut mango into small pieces.
Grind all of the above into a fne paste.
Mix thoroughly.
Mint Chutney
1 bunch fresh mint
1/2 bunch fresh cilantro
1/2 inch piece of ginger root
salt to taste
1 green chili
2 tablespoons lime juice
1/2 teaspoon sugar
2 cloves of garlic
2 teaspoons lime or lemon juice
1/2 cup onion
1. Clean the mint leaves and cilantro
2. Put all ingredients in a blender and
blend. Your chutney is ready.
Boil the potato until just tender, peel
and chop fnely.
Finely chop caulifower and onion.
Shred the cabbage and spinach.
Mix frst set of ingredients well. Beat
in a blender for 4-5 minutes (this will
make the batter fuffer).
Let batter rest 1/2 hour in a warm place
Add the vegetables and mix in evenly.
Deep fry in oil that is heated to 375.
Drain pakoda on paper towels and
serve immediately.
Serve vegetable pakora with mint
chutney or ketchup.
If soup turns salty, rectify it by immersing potato quarters which will absorb a proportion of salt then discard the potatoes.
Always salt the water for boiling vegetables, this enhances their natural favour and diminishes the need to add salt to the table.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Hansel and Gretel
Teach your kids to get along
Continued next week
Continued from last week
Continued next week
Favouritism causes bad feelings that
burn deep. Often, parents don't even
realize they are showing favouritism
because they don't feel it. They love
all their kids to death, but at the
same time they brag about Paulo's
accomplishments because he wins
so many awards, or they buy Carter
more expensive skis because he's so
dedicated to the sport.
Yet according to a psychologist, starting
from a very young age, our kids notice
how they are treated in comparison to
their siblings. One of the best gauges
of whether you're inadvertently
showing favouritism is to think about
how your kids get along. The more the
kids squabble, tease and torment one
another, the greater the likelihood that
favouritism is a problem.
Pecking order
Seven-year-old James was sitting
quietly reading his book while his new
baby sister was being examined in my
offce. However, Molly, the middle
child, wouldn't stop crying. The mother
said, James, take your sister out to the
waiting room. James grabbed Molly
by the arm and slammed the door
behind him.
There are different theories on the
importance of birth order. Researchers
have suggested that a child's position
in the family affects personality
development in the following ways.
The oldest child often takes on the
role of the responsible one.
The youngest child tends to be
spoiled, overindulged and may be
encouraged not to grow up too fast.
The middle child often sets the
competitive edge between siblings
because he walks an emotional
tightrope lacking the rights of the eldest
and the indulgences of the youngest.
Mom and Dad's attention and time,
and fnancial resources play a bigger
part in determining a child's success
than birth order.
Findings suggest that families
unknowingly invest their energy, attention
and resources in the child who they believe
is most likely to succeed. Overall, there is
no one factor that predicts an individual's
success in life; complex family dynamics
determine our fate.
Regardless of the theories, there's
no doubt in my mind that birth order
matters when it comes to sibling rivalry.
Very often the baby of the family gets
special treatment, while older siblings
are expected to cater to him.
Kids come with preloaded personalities
and temperamental styles. Despite
being born into the same family,
siblings may not look, feel or think
alike. One of your daughters may
love soccer, while the other adores
opera. Regardless of whether they are
well matched or complete opposites,
we expect our children to become
each other's playmates, collaborators,
partners-in-crime and protectors. But
each child's individual temperament
will infuence how well your kids
get along. For instance, a child who
is more prone to jealousy will look
for supposed inequities in the family
-- Sam got a bigger piece of cake
-- while another child may celebrate
differences -- Wow. Can Sam really
eat such a big piece?
Age gap, gender and family size
Many experts believe that the age gap
between children affects the degree
of compatibility they'll experience.
A two- to four-year gap is thought
to trigger the worst spats, while a
bigger or smaller one seems to lead
to fewer conficts. (In general, I am
wary of these kinds of generalizations
because every child and every family
is different.) Other aspects of family
makeup that may infuence sibling
relationships are gender and size; for
example, research suggests sisters
form stronger sibling relationships than
brothers and a bigger family means
more frequent fghts.
Continued from last week
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Hansel and Gretel
"Hansel, why do you stop and look
round?" Said the father. "Go on."
"I am looking back at my little pigeon
which is sitting on the roof, and wants to
say good-bye to me, answered Hansel.
"Fool." Said the woman, "That is not
your little pigeon, that is the morning
sun that is shining on the chimney."
Hansel, however, little by little, threw
all the crumbs on the path. The woman
led the children still deeper into the
forest, where they had never in their
lives been before.
Then a great fre was again made, and
the mother said, "Just sit there, you
children, and when you are tired you
may sleep a little. We are going into the
forest to cut wood, and in the evening
when we are done, we will come and
fetch you away."
When it was noon, Gretel shared her
piece of bread with Hansel, who had
scattered his by the way. Then they fell
asleep and evening passed, but no one
came to the poor children.
They did not awake until it was dark
night, and Hansel comforted his little
sister and said, "Just wait, Gretel, until
the moon rises, and then we shall see
the crumbs of bread which I have
strewn about, they will show us our
way home again."
When the moon came they set out, but
they found no crumbs, for the many
thousands of birds which fy about in
the woods and felds had picked them
all up. Hansel said to Gretel, "We shall
soon fnd the way."
But they did not fnd it. They walked the
whole night and all the next day too from
morning till evening, but they did not get
out of the forest, and were very hungry,
for they had nothing to eat but two or
three berries, which grew on the ground.
And as they were so weary that their legs
would carry them no longer, they lay
down beneath a tree and fell asleep.
It was now three mornings since they
had left their father's house. They began
to walk again, but they always came
deeper into the forest, and if help did
not come soon, they must die of hunger
and weariness. When it was mid-day,
they saw a beautiful snow-white bird
sitting on a bough, which sang so
delightfully that they stood still and
listened to it. And when its song was
over, it spread its wings and few away
before them, and they followed it until
they reached a little house, on the roof
of which it alighted. And when they
approached the little house they saw
that it was built of bread and covered
with cakes, but that the windows were
of clear sugar.
"We will set to work on that," said
Hansel, "and have a good meal. I will eat
a bit of the roof, and you Gretel, can eat
some of the window, it will taste sweet."
Hansel reached up above, and broke off
a little of the roof to try how it tasted,
and Gretel leant against the window
and nibbled at the panes. Then a soft
voice cried from the parlor -
"Nibble, nibble, who is nibbling at my
little house?"
The children answered -
"The wind, the wind,
the heaven-born wind,"
and went on eating without disturbing
themselves. Hansel, who liked the taste
of the roof, tore down a great piece of
it, and Gretel pushed out the whole of
one round window-pane, sat down, and
enjoyed herself with it.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
7 Walnuts A Day Help Fight
Disease And 'Bad' Cholesterol
Walnuts are the healthiest nuts to eat
as they are loaded with antioxidants,
scientists have claimed.
According to them, snacking on as
few as seven a day could help ward off
diseases and lower cholesterol.
Walnuts contain very high levels of
polyphenol, an anti-oxidant that can
protect the body from molecules which
damage tissue.
They found that the dry fruit contains
the most polyphenol out of a list of
nine commonly eaten types of nuts,
tests revealed.
Brazil nuts and pistachios were close
behind, and cashews and hazelnuts had
slightly lower levels of antioxidants.
Professor Joe Vinson, from the
University of Scranton, Pennsylvania,
said that walnuts inhibit the growth of
'bad' cholesterol.
"Walnuts rank above Brazil nuts,
pistachios, pecans, peanuts, almonds,
macadamias, cashews and hazelnuts,"
the Daily Mail quoted him as saying.
"Walnuts had the highest free and total
polyphenols in both the combined and
roasted samples," he added.
Despite the "superfood" potential of
walnuts, peanuts are the favourite with
consumers and account for 45 percent
of the nuts bought.
The study also found that the
antioxidants in peanut butter were
considerably lower than in roasted
Eat Eggs At Breakfast To
Lose Weight!
Want to shed the fab? Go to work on
an egg -- it`s the best way to start the
day, a new study has claimed.
For decades, it was feared eggs
caused high blood pressure and raised
cholesterol. Now, researchers at Surrey
University have found that eating eggs
for breakfast can help slash the calories
eaten at lunch and dinner.
Eggs keep one fuller for longer
compared with other common breakfast
foods, and are also better for people
who want to resist afternoon snacks on
biscuits, cake or chocolate, according
to the researchers.
Prof Bruce Griffn, who led the study,
said: "This study provides yet more
evidence that eating eggs at breakfast
can help keep us feeling fuller for
longer and may help people to eat less
at subsequent meals, thus helping with
weight loss."
The study tested three typical breakfasts
with the same level of calories -- eggs
on toast, cornfakes with milk and
toast, or a croissant and orange juice.
Adding to the growing body of
evidence to support eggs as a key
ingredient of weight-loss diets, the
researchers found volunteers felt fuller
for longer and had a lower desire to eat
after the egg breakfast compared with
the other ones.
The egg breakfast also led to a
signifcantly lower intake of energy
at lunch and evening meals compared
with the other common breakfasts, the
media reported.
Previous US research found that when
women were given an egg or bagel-
based breakfast of equal calories, the
egg-eating volunteers felt fuller and
had less desire to eat other foods for
the next 24 hours.
Another study published last year
compared a three-egg breakfast and a
low-fat bagel one in a group of men.
It found their response to ghrelin, the
only hormone known to stimulate
hunger, was suppressed.
Breast-Fed Babies Cry
More And Laugh Less
Breast-fed babies tend to cry more and laugh less
when compared to their bottle-fed counterparts, who
are the best behaved, a new study has revealed.
A study of British infants also found
that those who were breast-fed were
harder to soothe and get off to sleep
than their formula-fed babies.
However, the Cambridge researchers
have asserted that the irritability linked
to breastfeeding is only natural, and
is not an indication of stress or even
necessarily hunger.
Instead, it is the baby's way of bonding
and seeking attention and security, as
Apparently the bottle-fed babies look
more content because they may simply
have eaten too much.
Researchers said that a crying baby
may merely be seeking the comfort and
closeness of its mother.
In one of the frst studies of its kind, the
temperament of more than 300 babies
was analyzed when they were three
months old.
This was done by asking their mothers
to answer around 200 questions about
their children from how they responded
to being washed and dressed to how
easy they were to get down to sleep.
Although the results varied little
between boys and girls, socio-
economic status of the parents or the
mother's age, there was a clear relation
with the method of feeding.
"If anything, what might account
for the difference is that bottle-fed
babies possibly get more nutrients
than is typical," Researcher Ken Ong,
of the Medical Research Council
Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge, said.
"Research suggests that these infants
may be over-nourished and gain weight
too quickly. Our fndings are essentially
similar to other stages of life; people
often fnd that eating is comforting.
"Rather than being put off breast-
feeding, parents should have more
realistic expectations of normal infant
behaviour and should receive better
understanding and support to cope with
diffcult infant behaviours if needed,"
Dr Ong added.
Caesarean Born Babies At High
Risk Of Asthma By Age Of 3
Children delivered by caesarean section have an increased risk of
developing asthma at the age of three, researchers have suggested.
This was particularly seen among
children without a hereditary tendency
to asthma and allergies, according to
the study from the Norwegian Mother
and Child Cohort Study (MoBa).
Data from more than 37 000
participants in the MoBa study were
used to study the relationship between
delivery method and the development
of lower respiratory tract infections,
wheezing and asthma in the frst three
years of life.
Children born by planned or emergency
caesarean section were compared with
those born vaginally.
The results indicate that children born
by caesarean section have a slightly
elevated risk for asthma at three years,
but have no increased risk of frequent
lower respiratory tract infections or
The increased risk of asthma among
children delivered by caesarean section
was higher among children of mothers
without allergies.
"It is unlikely that a caesarean delivery
itself would cause an increased risk of
asthma, rather that children delivered
this way may have an underlying
vulnerability," said Maria Magnus,
a researcher at the Department of
Chronic Diseases at the Norwegian
Institute of Public Health.
The increased risk of asthma may be
due to an altered bacterial fora in the
intestine that affects their immune system
development, or because children born
this way often have an increased risk of
serious respiratory problems during the
frst few weeks of life.
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Australia News
Debt Collectors Chase Boy
For Late Library Book
Tom Wenn was reduced to tears when his parents received a debt
collection notice
A HEAVY-handed library called in
international debt collectors to hunt
down fnes on books borrowed by a boy,
8, after he returned them fve days late.
Year 3 student Tom Wenn was reduced
to tears when his parents were slapped
with a debt collection notice for books
he borrowed from Balwyn library last
October, as reported.
Within just two months, a $7 fne for
fve late books had ballooned to $46.75
including a $15 fee from the agency.
The council was also demanding $15 for
a book it alleged had been returned wet.
But Tom's mother Susie O'Brien, said
the letter was the frst they knew of
any outstanding fees or allegations of
a damaged book.
"We got an email from the library
saying the books were late, so we
returned them, and I thought it would
be like a video shop where you pay a
small fne when you go back," she said.
"But there was no warning of any
outstanding money until the letter from
the debt collectors. This is not a serial
offender, it's an eight-year-old."
Dr O'Brien said she spent more than an
hour in the library questioning the fnes
and disputing that Zac Power: Fossil
Fury, had been returned damaged.
Eventually, she said, it was reduced to
the original late levy of $7, after staff
discovered an error had been made in
the fne process.
But she accused the library, run by
Boroondara Council, of treating her
like a "petty criminal".
Dr O'Brien said she was sent a letter of
apology welcoming her son back.
Tom said he had been too scared to
return to the library at frst.
"I felt quite sad because I was sure I had
returned them, and I spent a couple of
hours looking for them," he said.
Council policy is that library debts
exceeding $25 are referred to debt
collectors after 60 days, but three reminder
notices are usually sent out frst.
In a statement, Kylie Mussared, acting
director of community development,
admitted there had been an error in
notifying the family.
Processes were being reviewed and
"we unreservedly apologise for the
distress our administrative error has
caused this member and her family",
she said.
Man Accused Of Killing His Wife Remanded In Custody Until May
A MAN charged with murdering his wife and burying her in the backyard has been remanded in custody.
Nasir Ahmadi, 46, of Ashwood, appeared
briefy at Melbourne Magistrates' Court
charged with the murder of Zahara
Ramizadegan, also known as Mandy
Ahmadi, on December 16.
Mr Ahmadi dressed in a white and
grey striped shirt and with ruffed hair,
sat silently in the dock of the court as
Magistrate Peter Reardon asked his
lawyer whether her client required
any suicide watch or particular
custody requirements.
Defence lawyer Alexis Bebbington
said it was Mr Ahmadi's frst time
in custody but there were no special
needs or self-harm issues.
She said her client, of Iranian
background, would require a Farzi-
speaking translator at future hearings.
Magistrate Reardon, noting because Mr
Ahmadi faced a murder charge there
would be no bail application before
the magistrates' jurisdiction, remanded
Mr Ahmadi in custody for a committal
Aussie Joblessness Is Set To Rise This Year
Australia is set for a higher rate of unemployment in 2012, new fgures show.
The number of job advertisements on
the internet and in newspapers fell 0.9
per cent in December compared with
the previous month, ANZ said.
Total job ads were 2.6 per cent lower
than in December 2010 - the frst
negative annual growth rate since
February 2010.
ANZ also reported a fall of 0.8 per cent
in the trend measure of total job ads in
The bank's head of Australian
economics, Katie Dean, said this
"points to, at best, modest employment
gains for the Australian economy over
the coming months".
"Indeed, the current trend rate of
employment growth is unlikely to
be fast enough to absorb the forecast
growth in the labour force in the short
term," Ms Dean said.
"As a result, ANZ forecasts the
unemployment rate to rise to 5.5 per
cent by mid-2012."
She said she expected the unemployment
rate to stay at this elevated level for
most of 2012 before falling modestly
in 2013 as economic activity started to
pick-up, in response to strong mining
and infrastructure investment and a
likely extended period of relatively-
low domestic interest rates.
Australia's unemployment rate was
last reported to be 5.3 per cent in
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has
releases offcial employment fgures
for the month of December.
The median market forecast is for
10,000 jobs to have been added in the
month, with the unemployment rate
staying at 5.3 per cent.
Women Tricked Into Sharing Naked Photos
mention hearing on May 21.
Outside court, Rev Robert Carnet, of the
Catch the Fire Ministries church which
Mr Ahmadi and his wife attended,
said the couple were both involved in
community work and he had seen no
evidence of violence in Mr Ahmadi.
The couple had two sons, aged 15 and 11.
TWO Perth women have been tricked into emailing naked
photos of themselves to a man in an online sex scam.
Police say the women, aged 18 and
31, were contacted by a person online
using the name "Catherine Johnson"
who told the women she worked for a
UK modeling agency.
The person told the women she could
get them contracts if they sent her nude
photographs and personal details for a
job application.
When the photos were sent, the person
told the women that she was actually
a man and threatened to post their
photographs on the internet if they did
not have sex with him.
Sex Assault Squad offcers discovered
the emails came from overseas and
investigations were continuing, police
People are being urged to be cautious
when chatting online and to never
disclose personal information or
photographs to people they do not know.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Amitabh Bachchan Turns
'Chauffeur' For Oprah Winfrey
Megastar Amitabh Bachchan must be
having several chauffeurs at his disposal,
but he decided to drive international
talk show queen Oprah Winfrey himself
to a party organised in her honour in
Mumbai on Monday night.
Upon her arrival in the country's
entertainment capital, Winfrey went to
visit the Bachchan residence Jalsa to
meet Abhishek and Aishwarya's two
month-old daughter, nicknamed Beti B.
After spending over an hour at the
house, the 57-year-old was seen in the
car with Abhishek in the passenger
seat, and Aishwarya and Winfrey in the
rear seat.
Excited Amitabh Bachchan, who drove
Oprah from her residence to the party,
tweeted, "The gracious Oprah Winfrey
visits our home, to meet us and bless
the baby...warm hearted, endearing...
drive her to the party in her honour.
And Oprah in sari..looking lovely!!"
Aishwarya, Shah Rukh Khan,
Priyanka Chopra, Priety Zinta, Lara
Dutta, Shilpa Shetty, Anil Kapoor,
Imran Khan, Neha Dhupia, Sameera
Reddy, Dino Morea, novelist Shobha
De, and jewelry designer Farah Khan
were present. They all went gaga over
Oprah's lively nature and clicked photo
with her.
Aishwaryas connection with Oprah
is long time back when she frst
appeared on her talk show in 2005.
After marriage, she appeared with her
husband Abhishek Bachchan in 2009.
Pregnant Lara Dutta seemed to be very
excited to meet Oprah. On her Twitter
page, the ecstatic actress posted a picture
of her with Oprah and Shah Rukh and
wrote, two people I absolutely adore!
Thank you for making my day! Now
can go into labour happily!
Posting a picture with Oprah, actress
Neha Dhupia, says, She is oh so
charming. "Tonight was dinner at the
Godrej House with Oprah Winfrey.
Nice to see her wear a beautiful Sari.
Also nice to see Ash out after so long!,"
actress Priety Zinta said.
Actress Sameera Reddy also tweeted,
"My God! Oprah Winfrey is the warmest
most down to earth person I have ever
met! What a personality! I'm thrilled!"
Winfrey is on her maiden visit to India.
She is scheduled to attend the Jaipur
Literature Festival, and is primarily
in Mumbai to shoot for her new show
"Next Chapter".
Over-Budget On Paper?
The sequel of ONCE UPON A TIME IN
MUMBAAI continues to make news.
The latest rumor doing the rounds of the
industry is that the flm is already over-
budget on paper, even before the makers,
producer Ekta Kapoor and director
Milan Luthria, have commenced
flming. Obviously, a news-report like
this would raise eyebrows.
"Our focus has been on projects
which beneft everyone. We followed
the same pattern in ONCE UPON
DIRTY PICTURE. The budget has to
be sensible," Milan Luthria says, "At
the same time, we need to justify the
humungous expectations. The sequel
is amongst the most awaited movies of
this year and we have to ensure that the
scale is just right. Balancing content
and mathematics sensibly is a must."
- 2 begins flming in May. "We've yet
to lock the star cast. Only Akshay
Kumar is fnalized right now," Milan
says. We're told that the makers have
made contact with Abhishek Bachchan
and Shahid Kapoor for the second lead.
One of them will be chosen for the role
in question. "It's a sensitive topic. Ekta
and I have not decided on the second
lead as well as the leading lady for the
project. Hopefully, we will have the
fnal cast in place this week," he adds.
What about Emraan Hashmi?
Reportedly, Ekta and Milan feel
Emraan is their lucky mascot and
the actor has to be included in the
sequel. "It's impossible. Akshay is
playing the character that Emraan
portrayed in ONCE UPON A TIME IN
MUMBAAI. So the question of casting
Emraan doesn't arise at all," Milan sets
the record straight.
Sonu Niigam To Perform
In US, Canada
Sonu Niigam fans in the US and Canada
are set to get a treat as he will perform
on international shores this summer.
The singer, known for his energetic
livewire concerts, promises the shows
are going to be worth waiting for.
"USA Canada tour confrmed for
June...This time gonna do something
that I've never done before but have
always wanted to do!" Niigam posted
on his Twitter page.
He is known for Bollywood numbers
like "Yeh dil", "Sandese aate hain", "Kal
ho na ho", "Main hoon na", "Tanhayee",
"Panchhi nadiyaan" and "Saathiya".
Will Sonu Sood Be A Part Of Dabangg 2?
Sonu Sood has made it very clear that
he would love to be a part of Dabangg
2. However, the actor is still waiting for
a call from Arbaaz Khan, who is the
director and the producer of the sequel.
Well, but as far as we remember, Sonus
character Chedi Singh was killed in the
climax of the flm. Then how is he going
to return to life in the flms sequel???
Well, it is heard that, its not Chedi
Singh but his twin who would return, to
fght back Chulbul Pandey, in the form
of revenge of his brothers death.
However, things are not yet clear.
Shah Rukh
Khan Wants
To Work With
Vidya Balan
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan
says he is looking forward to working
with Vidya Balan.
She is a wonderful actor. I havent
seen The Dirty Picture but I will see
it. I have seen Ishqiya on DVD and I
just loved her performance. I have also
seen Paa, Shah Rukh told reporters.
Apart from being a marvelous actress,
I think all these girls are such huge
stars. I believe girls are very hard
working compared to boys. I hope I get
a chance to work with her, he added.
Vidya too seemed to be thrilled at the
Why not, I would love to work with
him, she replied when asked about
working with Shah Rukh.
Shah Rukh Khan is presently working
on his next untitled flm with Yash Raj
Films, where he will share screen space
with Katrina Kaif.
Vidya is busy promoting her next flm
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
18Th Colors Screen Awards 2011 Winners
Ranbir Kapoor and Vidya Balan won
the best actors award for 2011 18th
screen awards. SRK won the best actor
award (by audience voting) and Deepika
Padukone won the audience choice
award for Best Actress. Milan Luthria
won the best director award.
The award show hosted by Shah Rukh
Khan, Sajid Khan, Shahid Kapoor was a
total entertainment with lots of stunning
performances from the actors from
Bollywod. During this event, singing
Legend Asha Bhosle was honored with
life-time achievement award.
Here is the list of Colors Screen
Awards 2011 Winners
Best Actor Ranbir Kapoor
Best Actress Vidya Balan (The
Dirty Picture)
Best Film The Dirty Picture and
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara
Best Director Milan Luthria (The
Dirty Picture)
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Saif Ali Khan (Aarakshan)
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Aditi Rao Hydari (Yeh Saali Zindagi)
Best Actor in a Negative Role (Male)
Prashant Narayan (Murder 2)
Best Actor in a Negative Role
(Female) Priyanka Chopra (7 Khoon
Best Actor in a Comic Role
Pitobash (Shor In The City)
Popular Choice Best Actor Shah
Rukh Khan (Don 2)
Popular Choice Best Actress
Deepika Padukone (Desi Boyz)
Best Ensemble Cast Hrithik
Roshan, Katrina Kaif, Abhay Deol,
Farhan Akhtar, Kalki Koechlin
(Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara)
Best Child Artist Partho Gupte
(Stanley Ka Dabba)
Best Actor on Debut Divyendu
(Pyar ka Panchnama)
Best Actress on Debut Parineeti
Chopra (Ladies vs Ricky Bahl)
Best Debut Director Bejoy
Nambiar (Shaitan)
Best Music A R Rahman
Best Background Score Ranjit
Barot (Shaitan)
Best Playback Singer (Male) Mohit
Chauhan (Sadda Haq Rockstar)
Best Playback Singer (Female)
Shreya Ghoshal (Ooh la la The Dirty
Performer of the Year Ekta Kapoor
Jodi Award Shah Rukh Khan &
Priyanka Chopra
Best Lyrics Prasoon Joshi (Achcha
Lagta Hai Aarakshan)
Best Story Akshat Verma (Delhi
Best Screenplay Akshat Verma
(Delhi Belly)
Best Dialogue Farhan Akhtar,
Javed Akhtar (Zindagi Na Milegi
Dobara) and Rajat Arora (The Dirty
Best Editing Huzefa Lokhandwala
(Delhi Belly)
Best Sound Design Kunal Sharma
Best Cinematography R Madhi
Best Special effects Red Chillies
(Ra One)
Best Production Design Shashank
Tere (Delhi Belly)
Best Choreography Bosco Caesar
(Senorita Zindagi Na Milegi
Best Action Ra One
Best Costume Niharika Khan and
Moiz Kapadia (The Dirty Picture)
Best Actress Vidya Balan (The Dirty Picture)
Best Actor Ranbir Kapoor
Performer of the Year
Ekta Kapoor
Shabanaji Is My Mentor: Gulshan Grover
Bollywood actor Gulshan Grover,
whose last release I Am Kalam
fetched him worldwide recognition
and honours, thanked veteran actor
Shabana Azmi for helping him in
fnding roles in his initial days.
Shabanaji has helped me a lot in the
beginning of my career. She recommended
me to Mohan Kumar for a role in 'Avtaar'
and told him that I am very hard working,
the 51-year-old actor said at the DVD
launch of "I Am Kalam".
She sought roles for me in 'Hum
Paanch', 'Aaj Ka MLA' and many
more. She guided me on the sets of the
flm. She has always been my well-
wisher and mentor, said Gulshan who
debuted with Hum Paanch and later
established himself as 'Bad Man' in
Gulshan took villainy to a different
level with his roles in Ram Lakhan,
Raja Babu, Sadma, Mohra,
Hera Pheri and Gangster. He
will next be seen in Saif Ali Khan
and Kareena Kapoor starrer Agent
Vinod, expected to release in March
this year.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Mallika Teaches Vivek How To Kiss
Mallika Sherawat who is expert in
kissing her co-star in flms will give
Vivek Oberoi a lesson as how to lock-
lips on screen for their new fick,
Kismat, Paisa, Love, Dilli. The
script demands a lip-locking scene and
intense love between them but Vivek
who has not locked lips before is bit
nervous about the idea but Mallika
made him ease. She told Vivek she
would teach him how to kiss.
Our source says, "When Mallika read
the scenes she was more than okay
with the idea, but Vivek was a little
skeptical. He has never kissed on
screen before, but she told him that it
would be no big deal." So the romance
between them is also pretty loud and
in your face.
Adds the source, "Most people know
that she has no qualms about doing
sensual sequences."
In the movie Vivek will play a Delhi guy
and Mallika a Haryani. Undoubtedly,
the intimate scene will be too loud
and intense. The scene will be shot at
Buddha Gardens in Delhi, which is a
popular lovers spot.
The writers thought this would be an
ideal location since people would be
familiar with the surroundings and
therefore will look natural."
The flm will be produced by Amit
Chandra and Kishen Chowdhary.
The Deols Giving Hard Time To
The actor is giving scriptwriters of 'Yamla Pagla Deewana'
sequel a tough time
When Yamla Pagla Deewana (YPD)
starring the three Deols, Dharmendra,
Sunny and Bobby hit the theatres in
2011 around the same time as the Aamir
Khans Dhobi Ghat few gave it a
chance. But YPD surprised everyone
when it went on to become a smash hit
while the hyped Dhobi Ghat did just
mediocre business. Perhaps thats why
it seems the success of the movie has
gone to Sunny Deols head.
Apparently the Gadar, actor has
rejected fve drafts for the sequel of
YPD so far. A source revealed that
Sunny has turned very demanding
because he wants the sequel to be even
more hilarious than the frst and has his
expectations set really high.
There is nothing wrong in being a
perfectionist but sources say the writers
are having sleepless nights because of
the 55-year-old actors unreasonable
Well it is no secret that Sunny has already
fred the original director of the movie
Samir Karnik due to fghts and arguments.
But now with his high-handed behavior
towards scriptwriters, we wonder if the
movie will ever get made.
Rani Mukherjee Opposite
Aamir Khan In 'Dhoom 3'
After a remarkable comeback with No
One Killed Jessica, Rani Mukherjee
might be signed for Yash Raj high
octane action drama Dhoom 3. YRF
is chalking out an important role for
Rani as per source. "Rani might be
seen in a role similar to Aishwarya Rai
in Dhoom 2. and Dhoom 3, Aamir is
playing the villain and Rani shares a
fabulous rapport with him. In fact, she
had once mentioned on a chat show
how Aamir had been her best co-star
among all Khans," a source informs.
Dhoom 3 will go on foors next year
and Rani will get enough time to work
on herself to ft the role. "YRF has three
big flms with the Khans - Salman, Shah
Rukh and Aamir. Two of these projects
are already on foors. This leaves only
Dhoom 3 open with a challenging
female role. Rani too is keen on being
a part of the flm. She will take a call
soon," the source was quoted as saying.
Katrina Kaif has already been signed
for the fick, Abhishek Bachchan and
Uday Chopra will be seen in their
respective roles.
Neither confrming not denying Rani's
entry, a YRF spokesperson informs, "We
will make a D 3 announcement as and
when there is something new to share."
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
At The Movies
The Iron Lady (PG) * * *
Fierce and fery best describes the
work of consummate actress Meryl
Streep in her blistering portrayal of a
larger than life leader in The Iron Lady,
the newest biopic from Alliance Films
now enlightening folks at the Fifth
Avenue Cinemas.
Director Phyllida Lloyd
delights audiences with this look into
the life of Britains frst female prime
minister. Told in a back and forth style
that frst traces the early life of Ms.
Thatcher some history buffs will learn
interesting tidbits as to how a lowly
grocers daughter could rise to the top
offce of the land. Husband Dennis is
also given much screen time as are the
machinations of an all male Tory caucus
who must ultimately come to grips with
a woman leader who never buckles and
does not suffer fools gladly.
Already being considered for an
Oscar Streep is good but has done better
work. Memories of the real Margaret
Thatcher are too fresh in the minds
of many to even warrant a big screen
treatment so soon and this 105 minute
movie could easily have been done
as a television story. True to form, the
flm does effectively cover some major
unrest in the United Kingdom such as
the Ira bombings, union turmoil and the
Falklands War but it works best delving
into the private affairs of this high
powered couple and the initial resistance
she faced when deciding to run for public
offce and the problems she encountered
once ensconced in this high position.
Full marks must go to the young
actors who portray the Thatchers getting
to know one another prior to reaching
No. 10 Downing Street. Watch out to
hear more in the future from Alexandra
Roach in her feature flm debut and Harry
Lloyd (Jane Eyre). History fans will get
a charge out of this flm that does show
a very fne portrayal of an aging woman
coping with old age, something millions
of people will be able to relate to.
Honest and accurate, The Iron
Lady shows a one of a kind woman
who rose to the top of the heap and
details the knives that came out early
for her rough around the edges hide
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (G) * * *
Lead On!
Trouble comes fast and furious in
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol,
the latest and freshest actioner from
Paramount Pictures now shooting it
out at The Ridge, Oakridge Cinemas
and Cineplex Odeon Arenas around
Smart from start to fnish, frst
time action director Brad Bird hits the
bulls eye in the triumphant return of
Tom Cruise as famed agent Ethan Hunt.
Now Hunts rag tag team of operatives
has been disbanded. Fret not adventure
addicts as the crew are hobbled back
together when a plot surfaces that has
world wide domination as its theme.
Comic relief is brilliantly brought to
the fore by British wit Simon Pegg
(Shaun of the Dead) whose high teck
antics come in handy as computer
skills are needed to foil a madman.
Oh, and lets not gloss over the comely
attraction of Paul Patton whose wily
ways and lissome frame are used to
great advantage to trap a spy.
Newcomer to Hunts team is
D.C. operative Jeremy Renner who
plays a pivotal role in this complex
thriller that has loads of humour and
non-stop action. World-wide locations
are well utilized in this, the fourth
mission impossible adrenalin rush.
Shot mainly in Vancouver stopovers
in such exotic locales as Dubai, India
and snowy Sweden all fgure in this
complex plot that revolves around
assassinations, lethal lady lovelies,
double agents and rollicking action.
Cruise simply anchors this role and
does 90% of his own stunts, giving this
133 minute flm lots of bang for your
If you enjoy thrillers, high
stakes adventure, deadly enemies
and an engaging hero then Mission
Impossible: Ghost Protocol will be
right up your alley. Expect a ffth
installment in this original television
series based adventure yarn to be green
lit right as we speak.
Tom Cruise as famed
agent Ethan Hunt
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Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7 India News
Punjabi Filmmakers Want To Tell Realistic Stories
The Punjabi flm industry is churning out 40-45 flms a year and getting recognition too, but it feels the need to make real life stories like
Iranian cinema and improve production and technology.
In the last fve-seven years, the Rs.50-
crore (USD 1 million) industry has
edged its way to success, though not
going beyond love stories and potboilers.
People from Punjabi cinema are however
hungry now for quality content.
Film writer Amrik Gill, who has written
scripts for both Hindi and Punjabi
movies, said: "Iranian cinema is known
for its meaningful and quality content
and we want our Punjabi cinema to be at
par with Iran by providing good stories."
"It is high time Punjabi flmmakers
realised that we need movies which
are closer to real life, depict the life of
the common man and project the rich
culture of Punjab. However, for the
past fve to seven years, we have seen
some very good Punjabi flms."
The industry has come a long way -
from one or two flms a year, it churns
out 40-45 flms a year today.
In 2011, at least 47 Punjabi flms
were released, according to Rawail
Singh, secretary Punjabi Academy,
Department of Art, Culture and
Language, Government of India.
"If we see the history of Punjabi cinema,
it was very good in the beginning but in
the 1990s, the cinema was in bad shape
as there were no good movies at all,"
Rawail said.
"But now it has come of age with directors
like Manmohan Singh, Mandeep Benipal
and Amrinder Singh producing good
flms. In earlier days, there were one or
two flms in a year. Today we have at
least 20-25 flms on the foors. In 2011,
as many as 47 Punjabi flms released,
which is indeed a good sign.
"We don't need superfcial cinema,
which we increasingly see in Bollywood.
We want to have meaningful cinema,
similar to that of Iran," he added.
Director Manmohan Singh, also a well-
known cinematographer in Bollywood,
has been a pioneer of change in the
industry, with movies like "Jee Aayan
Nu", "Asa Nu Maan Watna Da", and
"Yaaran Naal Baharaan".
Bollywood movies have been an
unoffcial brand ambassador of Punjab
Indian Man Accused
Of Setting Mom
On Fire After She
Refused Request For
Drinking Money
as many flmmakers extensively use
Punjabi music, dialogues and culture in
their flms, but when it comes to actual
Punjabi cinema, it has had limited
Singer-actor Jasbir Jassi is happy to
see the growth of the regional cinema,
but stresses that Punjabi flms need to
improve the quality of content.
"Punjabi cinema is witnessing good
growth, creating a market for itself.
If the quality of flms improves more,
it would help grow at an international
level," Jassi said.
"We require good flmmakers. I have
seen that many Bollywood flmmakers
are ready to take the plunge into Punjabi
cinema. We need such people who
are technically sound and understand
Punjabi cinema," he added.
Most top rated stars of Punjabi flms
are singers such as Gurdaas Mann,
Harbhajan Mann, Babbu Maan and
Jasbir Jassi. Mika Singh will also be
making his debut soon.
However, according to actor-comedian
Gurpreet Ghuggi, the Punjabi flm
industry lacks good actors.
"The Punjabi industry lacks a lot in
terms of good production houses and
actors. Actors who are talented try to
take a jump and start their career from
Bollywood. But when they don't get
enough recognition, they come back to
other options," he said.
However, actor Jimmy Shergill, who
has made it big in both Punjabi and
Hindi flms, says people have started
having faith in Punjabi flms.
"It has been almost eight years since
I have been doing Punjabi flms and
there is a lot of progress. It is high time
more Punjabi flms started becoming
big hits because the audiences across
the world have got faith in it," said
Jimmy, whose recent release "Dharti"
won accolades at the box-offce.
"They know Punjabi flms have a
standard. They have started making
some interesting stories, good music
and entertaining stuff. I think now is
the time it should do well," he added.
Emirates Wants To Add More Seats,
Destinations To India
Already a big player in India, fying to 10 cities, the UAE's fag carrier Emirates hopes the next bilateral pact between the
two sides will remove air pockets to facilitate more capacity and routes to India to utilise the full potential.
The carrier, which operates as many as
185 fights a week to India, also hopes
to fy the Airbus A380 to India, riding
on the latent capacity for such gigantic
aircraft and the interest the bird had
evoked on a solo promotional run to
Delhi two years ago.
"We are very keen to expand further into
India. This is a major growth market
for us, not just for fights into Dubai,
but also beyond to any destination in
Europe and beyond," said Tim Clark,
president of Emirates.
"But all that depends on the Indian
government. We hope as and when
the bilateral pact is reviewed next, our
request is accommodated," Clark told
the media on the margins of an event
here marking direct Dubai-Dublin
The review of the bilateral pact between
the UAE and India is likely in June.
"A part of that strategy will be also to
fy the A380 aircraft to India," said the
senior executive of Emirates which
already has a feet of 20 A380s in
service with an order for another 70
placed with Airbus Industry.
"But that again is the Indian
government's call," said the top
executive of one of the fastest-
expanding carriers globally, adding
the fve-million-strong Indian diaspora
in the Gulf region exhibited a strong
market for Emirates.
According to Clark, Emirates was only
looking at an organic growth in India
and not keen on a stake in any domestic
carrier, as and when the Indian
government allows such a step -- which
is now under active consideration.
He also ruled out either promoting
or joining a global airline alliance
and that's the reason why Emirates
is among the few carriers that have a
separate lounge in the new terminal
"T3" in the Indira Gandhi International
Airport in New Delhi.
According to Clark, India fgures
prominently whenever Emirates starts
a new route or rationalises existing
ones. The latest Dubai-Dublin sector
was a case point, he said, hoping to
ferry a large number of passengers
from Indian cities to Ireland via Dubai.
At the launch of the new fight,
particularly appreciative was Ireland's
Minister for Transport, Tourism and
Sport Leo Varadkar, who is a Dublin-
born doctor with an Indian general
practitioner for a father and an Irish
"Apart from Dubai, this new service
considerably improves Ireland's
connectivity with India. This, I am
sure, will result in further increase in
tourism numbers from India," Varadkar,
who graduated from the famed Trinity
College, told the reporter.
Some 100,000 Indians visit Ireland
each year, despite there being no direct
AN Indian man has been charged with
attempted murder for setting his mother
on fre after she refused his demands
for money to buy alcohol.
The 50-year-old woman is in critical
condition in a hospital in the Mumbai
neighborhood of Mulund after sustaining
burns to 40 percent of her body.
Her 25-year-old son, who was reportedly
drunk at the time of the incident, was
arrested by police and later charged.
Police said the accused is unemployed
and has been "drinking regularly for
the past fve years."
India To Help Nepal Strengthen
Security At Kathmandu Airport
India will help Nepal in modernizing its
immigration facilities and strengthening
security at the Tribhuvan International
Airport (TIA) in Kathmandu in a
move that may not only help both the
countries in averting any Indian Airlines
IC-814-type of hijacking, but also help
in preventing criminals\terrorists from
using TIA as 'soft' exit or entry point.
Though Kathmandu has improved its
security architecture at TIA substantially
since the 1999 hijacking episode, New
Delhi has been on toes to convince its
Nepalese counterparts to take all such
measures at its airport that had been part
of international security system.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Canada News
Giant Emerald Up For Auction In Kelowna
World's largest emerald is the size of a watermelon and appraised
in Calgary at $1.15 million
The world's largest emerald will be
sold to the highest bidder at a Kelowna,
B.C., auction house later this month.
The massive, 57,000-carat oval gem is
a rough-cut opaque emerald, weighs
11.5 kilograms and is the size of a
"It's a very beautiful deep green.
To me it's just a thing of beauty. It's
spectacular. It's just nothing short
of spectacular," said Western Star
Auctions owner Mike Odenbach.
On Monday, the gem was appraised at
$1.15 million, but Odenbach believes
it could fetch much more.
"It's not unusual for gemstones to sell
a lot higher than their appraised value,
just depending on who wants to possess
the largest emerald in the world. Really
the sky's the limit," he said.
Its owner is a gem dealer from Calgary,
but the emerald was mined in Brazil
and cut in India.
Now it's making its way to Kelowna
where it will be under tight security for
the auction on January 28.
"The gemstone is named 'Teodora' and
rough translation is 'God's Gift.' To me
we're being given an opportunity to
expose ourselves internationally as an
auction company that can handle items
like this. You know, it really does feel
like a gift," said Odenbach.
He said armed security will transport
the gem from Calgary to Kelowna,
and Odenbach is making arrangements
with local companies to ensure the
emerald is secure before, during, and
after the auction.
Odenbach says he hopes the emerald's
sale will draw attention to his auction
house, and realize his dreams of one
day being part of an auction-themed
reality TV show.
Mandatory Helmets Urged For
Skiers, Snowboarders
Helmets should be mandatory for
skiers and snowboarders of all ages, a
medical group says.
The Canadian Pediatric Society on
Tuesday urged for mandatory helmet
legislation, saying it could reduce the
risk of injury, disability and death on
the slopes.
"People think that because they are an
experienced skier or snowboarder they
won't get injured. But they can't control
external factors like the terrain or other
skiers who might not be as experienced,"
said Dr. Natalie Yanchar, chair of the
group's injury prevention committee.
"The risk is especially high for children
and youth, who have increased
vulnerability to head injuries and take
longer to recover," she added in a release.
The group's recommendations for
skiers and snowboarders included:
- Wear proper equipment including a
helmet and goggles, plus wrist guards
for snowboarding.
- Check equipment at the start of each
ski day to ensure that the boots ft and
the bindings are adjusted correctly.
- Avoid borrowing equipment and
rent only from a reputable ski shop or
- Take lessons from a certifed
- Never ski or snowboard alone.
Also on Tuesday, the Canadian Institute
for Health Information said skiing and
snowboarding injuries are more than
twice as common as hockey injuries.
In 2010-11, there were 2,329 hospital
admissions for a skiing or snowboarding
fall or crash, compared with 1,114
hockey-related hospitalizations, the
institute said.
Half of all hospitalizations that year
were for hockey injuries (542 out of
1,114) and close to one-third of all
those for skiing and snowboarding
(689 out of 2,329) were among people
age 10 to 19.
The total number of hospitalizations
related to seasonal activities has not
changed much since 2006-07, CIHI
Among those age 50 and older, falls
on ice were the most common cause
of serious injury during the winter,
excluding motor vehicle collisions.
Teenager Dies In Crash
A 14-year-old girl has died from
injuries sustained in a collision in
Edmonton Tuesday morning.
The crash happened around 10:40 a.m.
at 98th Avenue east of 91st Street.
The girl was a passenger in an
eastbound sports car travelling up the
hill on 98th Avenue when it crossed the
centre line and struck a minivan.
The teen died an hour and a half after she
was taken to hospital. The man driving
the car was also taken to hospital. The
extent of his injuries is unknown.
The female driver of the minivan was
injured but did not have to be taken to
"We have a lot of evidence to collect;
we'll have a lot of witnesses to follow
up on," Sgt. Dave Thomson said.
"We don't know if it was road conditions,
we don't know if it was driver error.
That's something that we'll be looking
into as the investigation progresses."
Surrey MLA Jagrup Brar is moving to
the Downtown Eastside to continue his
welfare challenge. His frst two weeks
in Surrey were luxurious compared to
what he's getting for $425/month now
as he braves the winter weather.
January was the only choice for Brar
who has to head back to the Legislature
in February. "In BC, there are half a
million people who live in every winter
like this, for me, it's only 31 days. So
I'm prepared to do this."
Only three reporters or cameramen
were allowed in the 11ft by 11ft suite
at a time, because that's really all that
fts in there. It has a hotplate, a small
table, a dangerously leaning chair and
a mini-fridge that doesn't work.
He spent the frst half of the month in
a suite in Surrey before moving to this
SRO. Brar is lucky to have a window,
where he could hang any food that
needs to stay cold.
But with all it lacks, Brar says the
thing he misses is his family. "I missed
listening to my daughter's stories about
school and her basketball stories. I
missed my son running around, always
wanting attention."
As media left the suite, one of the
organizers with raise the rates said this
isn't an uncommon thing, sometimes
people forget that those on the
Downtown Eastside have family too.
Welfare Challenge Takes Surrey
MLA To Downtown Eastside
$425/month rents a tiny room
in an SRO
Surrey MLA Jagrup Brar
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Canada News
Tighter Immigration Rules In
Canada May Prompt Flood Of
Refugees Into U.S.
A move by the Canadian government
to enforce tighter immigration rules
may prompt a food of refugees and
asylum-seekers into the U.S.
According to a report in the Los
Angeles Times, the Conservative
government of Prime Minister Stephen
Harper has aggressively been tracking
down and deporting thousands of
illegal immigrants and migrants whose
asylum applications have been rejected
The Times cited the example of Harry
Burkhart, the German citizen who is
suspected of committing a wave of
arsons in Hollywood. He had journeyed
from Vancouver, British Columbia
to California, after his bid to settle in
Canada was quashed.
Richard Kurland, an immigration
policy analyst and lawyer in Vancouver,
told the paper: "This is about to become
a staging inventory for potential illicit
entry into the U.S.
Canada is seeking to accelerate the
asylum review process and start
evaluating a backlog of more than 42,000
asylum applicants, some of whom have
been waiting for a decision for years
(Burkhart was in Canada for three years
before his bid to stay was denied).
Reportedly, Canada allows about 40
percent of asylum seekers to stay in the
The Los Angeles Times reported that
124,000 people in Canada have already
been selected for deportation.
Under the revised program, applicants
cases will be heard within 90 days
of their applications if they cannot
prove that their lives will be in jeopardy
should they return to their native
country, Canada will expel them.
A great many of these unfortunate
souls will likely try their luck in the
U.S. rather than return home.
"If you deprive a large number of
people of asylum options, they're going
to look for the next place to go, in
large numbers," said Kurland. "So it is
utterly incomprehensible to not fgure
out that come June-July 2012, when
the new rules kick in, there will be a
drive to seek sanctuary somewhere
else, such as the largest neighbor in
North America."
It is unclear if asylum seekers who
are rejected by Canada will also be
summarily turned away by U.S. border
"Anybody seeking asylum or claiming
a credible fear of persecution gets
to articulate their case to an asylum
offcer, said Mike Milne of the U.S.
Customs and Border Protection offce
in Seattle, Wash.
We would take them into detention
and they would have the same right as
anyone seeking asylum to a hearing.
Moreover, Nancy Caron, spokeswoman
for Citizenship and Immigration
Canada, the chief border-enforcement
agency, told the paper: "Canada and
the U.S. have a strong record of
cooperation with respect to migrant,
refugee and asylum issues and the
management of our shared border.
Funeral Home Co-Owner Guilty Of Fraud
Clients were overcharged for cremation
The co-owner of a Lethbridge, Alta.,
funeral home pleaded guilty to one count
of fraud for overcharging about 50 clients
for caskets for cremation services.
Ralph Zentner and his wife Faith, who
own the Cornerstone Funeral Home,
originally both faced nine charges
in total, including committing an
indignity to a body for allegedly cutting
the fnger off a body to remove a ring.
The other charges were dropped after
Zentner pleaded guilty to fraud. All
charges against his wife were dropped.
Between July 200 and December 2010
the funeral home charged some clients
for expensive caskets then switched
them with less pricey containers before
Gordon Krinke, the provincial court
judge hearing the case in Lethbridge,
said he needs more time to consider
the sentence and adjourned court until
February to set a date for sentencing.
Crown prosecutor James Pickard said
in sentencing arguments that Zentner
should be jailed for nine to 12 months
for defrauding his funeral home clients,
adding the crimes were an "egregious
breach of trust" and Zentner took
advantage of "people who were at their
most vulnerable, people who were
grieving, and looking to someone for
The prosecutor also said some of the
victims were people who received
social services, including assured
income for the severely handicapped
(AISH) a support for physically and
mentally disabled Albertans. Those in
the care of the province get funding for
funerals from the Alberta government.
The Zentners had previously called the
allegations "ludicrous." Ralph Zentner
said in an oral statement that he chose
to take responsibility and change the
funeral home's practices.
Public Artwork Concept Unveiled
For New City Hall
Surreys latest public art display, being
created for the new City Hall, will feature
a unique sculpture inspired by the theme
of democracy. The artwork titled, What
We Cant Do Alone, We Can Achieve
Together is being created by Studio
Roso, an international team of artists.
This important artwork will serve as
a symbol for Surreys commitment to
community, collaboration and the values
of democracy, says Mayor Dianne Watts.
The artwork will be suspended from the
roof of the buildings six story atrium.
Within the atriums glass walls and
skylights, the fock of birds will appear
to be fying through the building. At
night, a special lighting system will add
to the effect of the sculptures dynamic
movement. Measuring over 20 meters
long, and almost as high, this sculpture
will be one of the most impressive
public artworks in Metro Vancouver.
We hope the artwork refects the
inclusive and welcoming nature of
Surrey, and furthers our City as a model
for public space design, says Watts. She
adds that: many people who have seen
the artwork drawings have commented
that the image of fying birds is an
international symbol of freedom.
Sophie Nielsen and Rolf Knudsen, the
Studio Roso lead artists, were inspired
by the behaviour of animals, who work
collectively to ensure their survival.
Democracy can be interpreted as the
power of many. What is hard for a single
individual to accomplish can be achieved
as a group the power of numbers. It is
also the notion of caring thinking of
your fellow man and standing together.
As a way of conveying the brief theme
of Democracy we have worked with
a conceptual analogy of democracy a
fock of birds, says Nielsen and Knudsen.
This artwork is an outcome of an
international call to artists issued by the
City leading to portfolio submissions
from 158 qualifed artists, said
Councillor Judy Villeneuve, Chair of
the Public Art Advisory Committee.
Our Committee was impressed by
the quality of the submissions and
look forward to seeing this spectacular
sculpture come to life in our new
landmark City Hall facility.
Prior to choosing the submission
from Studio Roso, the Citys Public
Art Advisory Committee shortlisted
fve artists from Canada, the US and
England requesting proposals for
the site. The artwork is expected to
be fabricated in Canada and will be
completed by Fall 2013.
The Citys public art collection includes
55 projects, located in civic parks and
buildings in all of Surreys town centres.
These artworks have been created in a
range of materials from carved stone
and bronze sculptures, to interactive
sculptures, illuminated overpasses, and
collaborative community art projects
such as mosaics.
New Surrey City Hall
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Wake up in Las Vegas
Family vacations
Kids will love Mandalay Bay's Lazy
River, man-made beach and wave pool.
After a swim take them to the hotel's
Shark Reef to meet a 3.7m nurse shark,
pat a stingray and become mesmerized
by aquariums of giant jellyfsh.
MGM Grand Lion Habitat
Don't worry - these furry animals are
safe and sound inside MGM Grand's
lush, $9 million Lion Habitat. See
these stunning African lions through a
soundproof, one-and-a-half-inch thick
glass window as they play, groom and
of course - nap.
There's greenery and even a waterfall
to make the lions feel at home. The
climate-controlled habitat has purifed
air and water. Lions come alone, in
pairs or sometimes three at a time for
a few hours. And since trainers rotate
the lions twice daily, you'll always see
a different set of cats.
If you are lucky, see the trainers hand-
feeding the lions or joining in on some
playtime. Make sure to stop by the Lion
Habitat's gift shop. Browse through
lion-themed T-shirts, stuffed animals,
picture frames and much more.
For affordable family meals many
hotels offer buffets (some with all-
day-passes), like The Buffet at Aria,
which features everything from Thai to
Mexican. And after gorging on lobster
or kebabs, there's an unbelievable
dessert bar.
Before the littlies fall asleep, head to
the Mirage Hotel's nightly musical
volcano show.
If your idea of going wild in Las Vegas
means maxing every credit card you
own, Crystals at City Centre is home
to top labels, including Louis Vuitton,
Prada and Gucci plus the jewel paradise
that is Tiffany.
When your Visa needs a reprieve
you can swing by one-of-a-kind art
galleries, then when your feet need a
break head to Eva Longoria's Beso
The Las Vegas Premium Outlets offer
impressive cheap fnds from American
Apparel, Guess and Nike.
As the clock strikes midnight at XS,
dip your feet into a sprawling, palm-
tree bordered pool, glow-stick in one
hand and cocktail in the other, while the
world's top DJs transform every inch of
foor space into the hottest dance foor
in the world. Or step indoors where
happiness rains on the crowd in the
form of colourful confetti.
Fend off your Sunday morning
hangover by heading to the Hard Rock
Hotel's pool for day-drinking, then
visit Haze at Aria for another crazy
Vegas night.
If the four-storey wine tower, complete
with "wine angels" foating to the top to
retrieve your chosen label, isn't enough
to make Aureole worthy of a splash-out
dinner, then there's the food, courtesy
of culinary icon Charlie Palmer. After
savoring mouth-watering seafood, head
next door to Fleur, where the waiter
will have young and old captivated as
he whips up Baileys ice cream at your
table, then drowns it in espresso to make
a dreamy Affogato.
Border Grill's champagne brunch offers
bottomless mimosas and unlimited
Mexican-themed brunch tapas for
Continued from last week
Tips On Not To Be An Annoying Airline Passenger
If you are a frequent fyer or a restless
passenger on board, here are a few tips
on how to avoid being an annoying
airline passenger. A long fight can
easily get you bored and jittery. Read
on to know how you can make your
fight journeys more bearable:
Keep your tickets ready at
the counter along with your identity
card. Last minute fumbling inside your
bag often annoys the people standing
behind you. Memorize where you have
kept your documents and hand them
over instantly when asked. Remember
that even you would not want to be
queued behind a confused passenger!

Decide which luggage should
be checked-in with the baggage. You
should be prompt to pick your baggage
tags. Keep one or two extra baggage
tags handy for emergency purposes.
It is annoying if you block the
gate or stand out of turn. Avoid pushing
your way through. You will be called
when it is your turn.
People often ignore the safety
rule demonstration given by the fight
attendants. This is a malpractice. Even
if you do not listen to it be courteous
enough to look at the fight attendants
while they are demonstrating.
While on board and seated
properly, never recline your seat to an
extent that would make the passenger
behind you uncomfortable. If the person
behind you is watching TV that is
attached behind the chair, he/she might
get annoyed. One must wait for the in-
fight lights to be dimmed in the evening.
Reclining the seat once the lights are
dim is a good way of not becoming an
annoying airline passenger.
It is always good to say
Excuse me instead of pushing your
way into the aisle or the washroom.
If you are drinking alcohol, set
boundaries to the amount of alcohol
intake and avoid talking loudly. Loud
talkers often annoy the rest of the
airline passengers. They have paid
equally for the fight and would want a
good nights sleep!
Do not fing your hands and
legs to an extent that makes the person
next to you annoyed. Long fights are
always uncomfortable but causing
discomfort to other fellow passengers
is depriving one of his or her personal
comfort. Remember to keep your hands
or elbows within the armrest area.
Avoid yelling while attending
a phone call. Calling your family
members once the fight has landed and
yelling out information to them is the
most annoying thing one can do as an
airline passenger.
In the fight, if you are stuck
behind a long queue in the aisle, it is
a good idea to wait patiently or remain
seated until it is your turn. Remember
that everybody is trying to get off the
fight and no one wants to get trampled!
Never grab someone elses bag
while collecting your luggage. Muddles
happen and it is best to avoid them by
putting an identifcation tag on your
luggage as soon as you have fnished
packing at home. This would also save
your check-out time at the airport.
With these handy tips, make yours and
others journey more comfortable.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
2012 Honda Fit
-- Complete Automotive Repairs - Cars & Light Trucks --
We Repair ALL Makes & Models of Vehicles
Across from Fleetwood Islamic Center
#107-8468 162 Street, Surrey, BC
Suspension Repair Tune Ups Brakes Air Conditioning
Electrical Transmission Service Oil Change
Wheel Balancing Tires Air Care Repairs
New Vehicle Maintenance Muffers Clutches
Towing Available
The 2012 Honda Fit Sport gets minor
styling updates, steering-wheel-
mounted audio controls and an
upgraded Bluetooth system that now
offers streaming audio capabilities. All
Fits receive additional sound insulation
for a quieter cabin.
When you think of affordable
subcompact cars, the last things that
probably come to mind are eye-
catching styling, a spacious interior
and a fun-to-drive personality. Yet this
is exactly why the 2012 Honda Fit is
such a pleasant surprise.
In fact, this distinctive-looking four-
door hatchback defes a number of
common expectations about small
cars. For starters, its interior offers
as much cargo room as some small
crossover SUVs. The space is fexible
as well, with a fold-fat front passenger
seat and a 60/40-split rear seat with
bottom cushions that you can fold up
to make room for especially tall cargo,
or seatbacks that you can fold down to
create a perfectly fat load foor.
Thankfully, its utility doesn't mean
the Fit is a snooze to drive. Its
117-horsepower 1.5-liter four-cylinder
engine and nicely tuned suspension
give this hatch a zippy quality that
actually makes errand-running kind
of fun. The fact that this powertrain
manages to be fairly frugal with a
gallon of gas is also a plus.
Some new standard features were
added to the Fit last year including
stability control, keyless entry, cruise
control and an iPod/USB audio input.
For 2012 there are a few more small
improvements, including freshened
styling inside and out, additional sound
insulation and a new Bluetooth system
that adds streaming audio capability.
Body Styles, Trim
Levels, and Options
The 2012 Honda Fit is a subcompact
four-door hatchback that's offered in
two trim levels.
The base model comes standard with
15-inch steel wheels, keyless entry,
air-conditioning, cloth upholstery, a
60/40-split-folding rear seat, cruise
control, full power accessories, a tilt-
and-telescoping steering wheel and a
four-speaker sound system with a CD
player, auxiliary audio input jack and
an iPod/USB interface.
The Fit Sport adds 16-inch alloy
wheels, a rear spoiler, a sport body kit
with chrome exhaust tip, foglights, a
driver seat armrest, a leather-wrapped
steering wheel with audio controls,
shift paddles (automatic transmission
only), Bluetooth audio and phone
connectivity, and two additional
speakers for the sound system. A
navigation system with touchscreen
interface, voice controls and a digital
audio card reader is available as an
option on Sport models.
Powertrains and
The 2012 Honda Fit is powered by a
1.5-liter four-cylinder good for 117 hp
and 106 pound-feet of torque. A fve-
speed manual transmission is standard
and a fve-speed automatic with
steering-wheel-mounted shift paddles
is available as an option.
In performance testing, a Fit Sport
with the manual went from zero to 60
mph in 9.5 seconds. A base Fit with
the automatic took a more leisurely 11
seconds in the same test.
The manual-transmission Fit returns
an EPA-estimated 27 mpg city/33 mpg
highway and 29 mpg combined. The
Fit Sport with the automatic returns
the same. More conservative throttle
programming on the automatic-equipped
base model helps it achieve 28/35/31
(at the expense of quicker acceleration).
These numbers are good, but quite a few
other subcompacts are even better.
Every 2012 Honda Fit comes standard
with stability and traction control,
antilock brakes (front disc, rear drum),
front-seat side-impact airbags, side
curtain airbags that cover both rows
and active front head restraints.
Winter Driving Tips - Snow & Ice
Winter conditions can be unpredictable;
however most of the techniques which
are required in cold environments are
pretty much common sense:
- Keep speed as low as practically
- Increase the distance between cars,
corners, junctions and any other
- Get all of your braking done on the
straights, never brake during a corner
- Be prepared for under steer and over
steer, and know how to correct
- Be prepared to use ABS or avoidance
braking techniques
- Top up washer fuids and antifreeze
Many sites have already published
which deal with the above issues well,
so if you need more information, try a
Google search. This article discusses
some of the more advanced safety based
driving techniques for winter driving.
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By Aleem Kamal
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Your Career - Don't Go It Alone
The old adage that, "it's not what you
know, but who you know" often holds
true. In the case of pursuing a career,
who you know can certainly help you
get your foot in the door.
Deciding to pursue a specifc career
or personal goal is not always an easy
decision to make, which is why taking
the time to talk to someone who has
knowledge in your area of interest is
a wise frst step to pursuing a dream.
It doesn't make much sense to ask a
doctor how to pass the Bar exam, or
to talk to a zoologist about the current
state of fber optic technology.
Having a frank conversation with
someone who has exposure to a
specifc feld can provide a realistic
look at what your career path could
entail. Speaking with an expert can
provide practical advice on what kind
of training, personal characteristics
and even lifestyles are important for
someone to succeed in a given career.
Finding a Guide
The key to fnding a good guide for
your dream is relatively simple: seek
out someone with experience with the
industry and/or career choice you have
selected; make sure this person has the
time, energy and willingness to listen
to your dreams; and most importantly,
make sure this is someone that you feel
comfortable confding in. There are
plenty of places to fnd a suitable guide.
They can be found in professional
societies, university campuses, local
chambers of commerce and even online
web communities. But one of the most
untapped resources for career seekers
are the recruiters who specialize in the
various careers available to today's
Industry Insight
Why recruiters? They know what
companies are hiring, and they also
know what types of positions are in
highest demand, as well as the criteria
top employers are looking for in
employees. If you want an inside look
into any industry, a recruiter can be a
wealth of information, because they're
always interacting with both talented
professionals and companies that
are hiring. And, in today's economy,
there are specialized recruiters for just
about any profession you can think of.
Areas of expertise vary from technical
to legal felds, and there are even
recruiters who specialize in writing or
working with stagehands for theatrical
productions! With so many specialized
recruiting frms, there's bound to be
one that can offer you guidance with
your career of choice.
Some view recruiters as a means to an
end, and fnd their services necessary
only when faced with fnding a new
job. But successful professionals will
tell you that one of the best ways to
fnd new growth opportunities in your
profession is to keep in touch with one
or maybe a few recruiters who truly
understand what you do, and who you
feel comfortable confding in.
The Right Guide
A perfect example of a positive
recruiter relationship is that of an
athlete's relationship with a sports
agent. As anyone who has seen Jerry
McGuire knows, athletes rely on their
agents for much more than contract
negotiations. Sports agents offer pep
talks, negotiate endorsements, fnd out
what their peers and competitors are
doing, and basically take care of the
parts of an athlete's career that does not
pertain to winning the game.
A good recruiter is much like a good
sports agent; not only does a recruiter
fnd people jobs, but they also offer
support, help with raise and promotion
negotiations, and keep their contacts
abreast of what is going on in their
industry. And a recruiter can brag about
your accomplishments and potential in
ways that you cannot easily speak about
yourself to a prospective employer.
Whether you're looking to become
the next Kobe Bryant, or want to get
your start in computer programming,
there is a recruiter out there with the
knowledge and the willingness to help
you take the frst step towards fulflling
your dreams. It is crucial to make sure
the recruiter understands you and your
goals, and that he or she is trustworthy.
The relationship is never a successful
one if there is not trust on both sides,
or if the recruiter really doesn't have
an understanding of what it is you
want to do. Make sure you ask your
recruiter about their experience and
their background, and how long they
have worked with a particular industry.
Aleem Kamal
Arza Employment
Serv Ltd
For the best value for
your dollar, advertise in
TheFiji Times Canada
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
Places of Worship
Friday, December 30, 2011 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No4
Monday 5:30pm9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm9:00pm Sunday 10:00am12 noon
#4-6468 King George Blvd, Surrey BC
Uplifting Worship | Prayer for healing | Music (CD) Available
Sunday Service @ 2:00PM
Shailendra (Shal) Singh
604-596-7353 or 604-323-6506 |
PH: 604-254-2624
For Pooja Booking Contact:
Aiyaar Shivachariyar Sada Shiva
8840 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC 604.274.7906
Sunday 10am to 3pm
Monday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Tuesday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Wednesday 1pm to 7pm
Thursday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
Friday 10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm

1pm Sundays
(Hindi & English)
5441 - 125A St, Surrey B.C.
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
James Kumar 604-581-3191 (res) 604-599-9518 (work) Cecil Labon 604-572-4854
Serving the community since 1972
Pastor Santosh Raj 604-582-2650
Sunday Service 10:30 am12:00 noon
Service in Hindustani & Punjabi Sunday School for Children
14630-107A Avenue Surrey BC V3R 1V1
We pray for sickness, demon possessed & family problems.
We have testimonies, come and see Gods great work.
Rev. Emmanuel Cheema 778-241-9066
15964 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V4N IH5
You are the light of the world,
a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
(Matthew 5: 11)
Sunday Service @ 5.30 p.m. (Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & English)
467 E 11th Avenue, Vancouver, V5T 2C8
Phone: 604-874-0175
Programmes i n January 2012
Date Time Program

Fri Jan 27 6:30pm Shree Lakshmi Vinayaka Japa
Vasant Pancham
Sat. Jan. 28 6:30pm Shree HanumanJapa
shr e e ma h a l a k shmi t e mp l e
38868 - 128th Street, Surrey BC
Service Sundays 2:00pm
Bible Study (Hindi & English) Wednesdays 7:30pm
Prayer, Counselling & Visitations Available
Pastor Eileen Reddy 604.842.2189
Pastor Isimeli Lesi Korobasaga
Affliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Phone: 604.592.9001 Cell: 778.938.2734 Email:
14455 - 104th Ave., Surrey, BC
Every Sunday 25PM
@ Peoples Full Gospel
If youre looking for a place to belong or have been searching for answers to lifes questions or healing,
come to our services or contact us. Allow us to introduce you to Jesus Christ and help you come into a full relationship with him.
Sunday School/Worship Service: 1pm
11601-82nd Ave, Delta BC (604) 590-8836
Services are in Hindi and English
Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel Krishna
Vancouver Sunday Worship Service: 1:45pm
6075 Inverness St 45th Ave
(Pilgrim Baptist Ch Bldg)
Contact Pastor Silas Naidu (604) 517-4490
Monday to Sunday Morning 8:00am10:00am
Evening 6:00pm8:00pm
Daily Aarthi 7:00pm
Ramayan Katha Friday 6:00pm10:00pm
Pooja/Special Prayer Sessions/Temple/Hall
PT. Shiu Madri 604.582.4899
PUJARI Soma Sundaran 604.363.7180
President: H.C. Gopal 604.290.1114
Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam Educational and Cultural Society, BC, Canada (EST. 1982 Incorporated S176969)
Secretary: Ganesh Murti 604.315.3166 Treasurer: Muniappa Naidu 604.576.4529
Maathar Sangam Activities & Volunteers
Shakuntala Naidu 604.576.4529
9326 - 116th Street, Delta, BC
holds Hawan, Pravachan and Satsangh followed by Preetibhoj
every Sunday 10:00 a.m.12:00 noon at the Arya Samaj Centre, 6884 Jubilee Ave., Burnaby, B.C.
Yoga, Pranaayaam and Meditation classes held every Wednesday 7:00 p.m.8:30 p.m.
at the Arya Samaj Centre, 6884 Jubilee Ave., Burnaby, B.C.
For further information call 604.874.9856
For further information, contact:
Pushp Kant Singh, President 604.437.7903 Jack Sundar, Secretary 604.541.9359 Kushwaha Kant Singh, Treasurer 604.328.5454
Places of Worship
Gita Jayanti: Please join in the chanting of Bhagawad Gita chapters 118
On this auspicious Mokshada Ekadashi day.
Devotees, please note that this month Hanuman japa
will be on Saturday Dec. 24th starting at 6:30 pm.
Please join in the prayers with family and friends and
obtain the blessings of the Divine Mother. Hari Om.
Havan & Sai Japa
All devoutees are cordially invited at Hindu
Cultural Society and Community Centre of B.C.
(3885 Albert Street., Burnaby V.H.P.) to
participate in Havan and Sai Japa on
Saturday 21st at 3.00 p.m. Programme: 5.00p.m. Havan 6.00p.m. Bhajans/Kirtan 7.15p.m. Sai Japa
7.30p.m. Priti Bhojan
Rajubhai Parekh 604-327-8259
Kantibhai Patel 604-522-7989
Informed by Sureshbhai Desai 778 883 5008
Pastor Sakaraia & Rev. Ema Karoi
12371 96 Avenue Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 6:00PM
Ph: 604.593.5663
JANUARY 20, 2012
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
WWE Royal Rumble 2012
The Voices, CM Punk and Chris Jericho
CM Punk has been referred to recently
as "The Voice of the Voiceless", and
now Chris Jericho has returned as "The
Man Without a Voice".
Is this a coincidence or is the WWE
just that smart?
CM Punk will say anything he wants - to
anyone he wants - whenever he wants to
say it. That used to be Chris Jericho's job.
When Punk frst won the WWE
Championship at Money in the Bank
in his hometown of Chicago, he was
catapulted into stardom that he'd
never known. The WWE made their
investment in him.
The Second City Saviour returned
to RAW two weeks later with a new
entrance song (nice choice), new
swagger and a new t-shirt.
What's unique about that t-shirt? The
back read "The Best In the World".
For those taking notes, Y2J has long
regarded himself as "The Best in the
World at What I Do."
The tweets started to fy, mostly from
@IAmJericho. Okay - all from Jericho.
He called Punk out on copying him and
not doing anything new.
Then the rumors and predictions started
Would Jericho return?
Will he come after Punk?
Will they battle at Wrestlemania?
Flash forward to three weeks ago on
Monday Night Raw and welcome back
to the WWE - Chris Jericho.
While CM Punk continues to run his
mouth to John Laurinaitis (which is
fantastic) and says things to get the
crowd screaming, Jericho simply walks
into the ring, smiles and walks out.
While it didn't seem that Jericho was
targeting anyone on Monday's RAW,
after being tagged in by a desperate
Punk, Jericho circled the ring, saluted
the crowd and walked out.
"The Man Without a Voice" abandoned
"The Voice of the Voiceless".
Well done, WWE. Don't mess this one up.
Let Jericho and Punk fuel the fames
in this potentially fantastic feud at
The Royal Rumble and let's hope
it all comes to a breaking point at
CM Punk is at the top of his wrestling
game and Chris Jericho is a future Hall
of Fame inductee.
Punk and Y2J are both "The Best in
the World", but the possibilities of this
feud between them could be legendary.
Alfredsson, Chara Named
All-Star Captains
Boston Bruins captain Zdeno Chara will pick one of the all-star
teams to play in the Jan. 29 game in Ottawa
Daniel Alfredsson of the Ottawa
Senators and Zdeno Chara of the
Boston Bruins will be the captains for
this year's NHL all-star game.
The pair was named to the posts
Wednesday, with the honour especially
signifcant for Alfredsson, considering
the game will be played at Ottawa's
Scotiabank Place on Jan. 29.
Alfredsson and Chara were selected by
their fellow all-stars and as captains will
set their team rosters for both the skills
competition and the game at a draft Jan. 26.
The all-star squads will be designated
as Team Alfredsson and Team Chara.
Alfredsson's squad will wear white
jerseys and red pants, while Chara's
team will wear blue.
"I think both are well-deserved,"
said Rob Blake, who is part of the
NHL's executive hockey operations
department and is overseeing the
organization of the all-star game. "A
lot goes into the players' references
on who they thought would be good
leaders on the team. I think being in
Ottawa with Daniel Alfredsson was
kind of a for sure right from Day 1 -
he's represented the league and the
Senators for so many great years. "
Alfredsson is in his 16th NHL season,
all with Ottawa. The 39-year-old
Swede will make his sixth career all-
star appearance.
The 34-year-old Chara is the captain of
the defending Stanley Cup champions,
but spent four seasons with Ottawa
before signing with the Bruins. The
towering six-foot-nine, 255-pound
Slovakian will also make his sixth all-
star appearance.
"I think it's an interesting storyline with
Zdeno Chara - obviously being part of
the Stanley Cup champions last year
and the year that they're having this
year, and also starting his career there
in Ottawa has a little bit of intrigue,"
Blake said. "I think they'll do a great
job and there'll be a lot of excitement
around them."
Each team will have one assistant
captain named next week.
30 players participated in a Snooker
championship held on December 30
2011 at Fiji Entertainment Center on
86 Ave in Surrey BC The winners were
declared the same evening and they
were Saiyad A Mohammed and runner
up John Enkanna.
Dutt Steps Down As Fiji Coach
Yogendra Dutt has stepped down from
the Fiji Football head coachs post citing
work and commitments to Ba FA.
National team director Tarunesh
Reddy said, Being a school teacher,
he informed us he wont be able to
commit 100 per cent to the national
team. And he also has commitments to
Ba FA to fulfll.
His decision is also believed to have
come after the Oceania Football
Confederations decided to award the
hosting rights of the second stage of the
World Cup qualifers to New Zealand.
The tournament was initially given to
Fiji to host in June.
Under-23s coach Imdad Ali will take
over temporarily until the Board of
Control appoints Dutts replacement.
Ali will be assisted by our coaching
director Carlos Buzetti.
Ali will oversee the frst national camp
scheduled for February 6-10 in Ba.
The Fiji FA board of control will meet
sometime in the second or third week
of February at a time when everyone
is available - to appoint someone to
take over from Ali.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
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Chael Sonnen Not Ready To Talk About Michael Bisping
I had a lot of things to tell you about
Chael Sonnen. About his frst MMA
fght with a high level wrestler. About
the mental dexterity it takes to convince
yourself you can beat an opponent
who has bested you in the past. About
what happens when two wrestling
juggernauts meet in the middle of the
cage to settle a score and earn a title
I won't be telling you any of those
Sonnen's fght with former NCAA
champion Mark Munoz was cancelled
after Munoz was forced to bow out
with an injury. In his stead to save the
day, riding the white horse for perhaps
the frst time in his UFC career, comes
British striker Michael Bisping - the
internet exploded.
Bisping and Sonnen. It's a dream fght
in a lot of ways. Not so much in the
cage, where fans and odds makers
see Sonnen as a heavy favorite. But
behind the scenes, on radio shows,
podcasts and television shows. It has
the makings of an epic.
For now, Sonnen is content to bide his
time. Nothing I said or asked him shortly
after the announcement evoked even
a shred of emotion. The trash talk that
has helped him rise from journeyman to
superstar was nowhere to be seen.
Does he respect Bisping?
"I've never been clear on what respect
means. I hear the word thrown around
a lot, and how it equates to a lowly cage
fghter is beyond me," Sonnen said.
Why do you think the fans don't seem
to like Bisping much?
"He has sold out a lot of different
arenas. What other measuring stick
Even rank jingoism couldn't force
him to play his hand. Is he proud to
represent America against an invading
British fghter?
"I don't get caught up anything this
isn't Chael P. Sonnen. I look out for No.
1," Sonnen said, before conceding one
issue with Bisping and his British fans.
"They have got the Oxford English
Dictionary, and it if wasn't thanks to
us, it would be the Oxford GERMAN
The trash talk will likely come. When
it does, the sane people will all have
a laugh and the serious pundits will
complain about how it sullies the sport.
Right now, Sonnen is too focused on
Bisping the fghter. The questions he
and his team are answering involve
crushing him in the cage. Hurting his
feelings will have to come later.
The fght itself seems like an
afterthought to many fans who expect
Sonnen to be able to ground Bisping
and control the bout on the mat. Sonnen
bristles at the idea this is an easy fght.
Does Sonnen think Bisping really
believes he can stay off the mat against
a bruising wrestler like himself?
"Your question implies that Mike
thinks he can," Sonnen said. "Does that
mean you spoke to him? You spoke
to Mike Bisping in the last two hours
since the bout was announced, then you
had time to concoct these questions for
me? Wow, you have been busy."
While Chael goes out of his way to
defend Bisping, his opponent was
quick to the attack, telling ESPN
"Chael Sonnen cannot knock me out.
He can't submit me, either." Sonnen
seems non-plussed by the comments.
"Let him have fun. There is only one
Mona Lisa, one Leaning Tower of Pisa,
one Saks 5th Avenue and one Chael
P. Sonnen," Sonnen said, referring to
himself in the third person. "I have
been putting the fnishing touches on
my preparation. When I am done, I'll
tackle the scales. The match itself is
down the road."
If He Trades With Me, I'll Break Him
Again - Vitor Belfort On Wanderlei Silva
After earning a dramatic win over
Anthony Johnson last weekend at UFC
142, Vitor Belfort has now turned his
attention to Wanderlei Silva.
Belfort and Silva will serve as opposing
coaches on the upcoming season of
The Ultimate Fighter: Brazil and will
meet in the fnale shortly after. It will
have been 13 years since their frst
encounter took place, where Belfort
obliterated Silva with strikes in the
opening round.
As he prepares to meet "The Axe
Murderer" in an anticipated rematch,
Belfort told on the website (translated
by Tom Mendes that while he expects
a tough bout with Silva, it wouldn't be
wise for the former Pride champion to
try and strike with him.
"If he does that (trade with me) I'll
break him again. He no longer has the
chin to trade with me," Belfort said.
"Tell him to change strategies or it's
going to be another knockout."
Belfort's recent win over Johnson has
now given "The Phenom" seven wins
in his last eight fghts. With a win over
Silva, he'll be on a three-fght win
streak and possibly in prime position
for a title shot.
Meanwhile, Silva is coming off a
critical victory against UFC newcomer
Cung Le at UFC 139 that saw the
Brazilian record his frst victory in
nearly two years since beating Michael
Bisping at UFC 110 in February 2010.
Friday, January, 20 2012 Fiji Sun-Times V6 No 7
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