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Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

Adam Clinchs Weblog

January 8, 2009
Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB modem from Bigpond
Filed under: mobile adamclinch @ 8:30 pm Years ago I used to use Bigpond NextG for wireless access, this was mainly to be able to connect to the net while travelling. At the end of the contract I switched to virgin broadband with their unlimited 5gb plan with no more to pay for excess usage, this plan is good and still seems like the best one on the market right now. Right now im half way through the 24 mth contract term and the Huawei modem decided to pack it in. You would connect it to a machine and it would not be able to initialize properly while the sim was in. Virgin sent a courier to pick it up a few days later and it could be gone for an unknown period of time. With a trip to the hunter valley looming and the thought of no internet access I found the old bigpond modem in little bits and decided to give it a go. If you see the first post on this blog its there. Heres a pic.

After putting it back together it turns out the thing is locked to the telstra network. Thats nice of them. To unlock it: Make sure the drivers are working and the BP3-USB is contactable via com port. Download qmat from here , i used 4.21. use this program to dump the nvram (see pic)



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

open this file with notepad/wordpad and page down to the end, in the last page should be the 8 digit unlock code there will be an & symbol before it. This is what it looks like in notepad

This is what it looks like in winhex



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

The unlock code doesnt seem to be at a fixed address as one was at offset E449 and another at E0BA, but look around you should see it. Or go to your linux box and simply run strings on it. Now u have the number lets unlock. Get a terminal session to the modem with minicom, putty, hyperterm or shift click the options button inside bigpond connection manager. Type the following to make sure your talking to the right thing, ATI This will come back with something like this, Manufacturer: C-motech Co. Ltd Model: BP3-USB Revision: BP3-USB R1.1.49 [Nov 14 2006 18:10:33] IMEI: 354049832279980 +GCAP: +CGSM,+FCLASS,+DS now check that the device is locked. AT +CLCK=PN,2 that will come back with a code of 1 meaning it is locked. now enter your code example code is 10041005 AT +CLCK=PN,0,10041005 if it worked it will come back with OK , if its the wrong code it will come back with +CME ERROR: 16 to make sure check the locking again with AT +CLCK=PN,2 If its come back as 0 your now unlocked and can use things like your virgin broadband HSDPA/UMTS SIM. Grats

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Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

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Comments (81)

1. Hi Adam Thanks heaps for the instructions. I was lucky enough to be given an unlock code from telstra/bigpond recently and have spent all weekend trying to figure out where exactly to put it. Im on a macbook pro with OS X. I opened a terminal window and followed your instructions and was given code 1, confirming the device is locked (its a Next G option globetrotter express card, and I too have purchased the virgin $10 sim for prepaid internet). However I keep getting an error when entering the unlock code with your instructions. Any further advice will be seriously appreciated as this is driving me nuts! thanks Comment by leah pitz January 26, 2009 @ 12:06 am 2. What is the error ? Post the output of ATI too Cheers Ad, Comment by adamclinch January 26, 2009 @ 12:22 am 3. Hi again Managed eventually to get ok after my unlock code, but unfortunately still replying with code 1 when checking the unlocking again. Not actually sure if the same codes are meant to work with my option globetrotter please advise. Also is there anything special I need to to do to hook it up with virgin. The bigpond software keeps recognising the card every time I insert it, do I need to stop that from happening somehow so I can pick up virgin? many thanks. Comment by leah pitz January 26, 2009 @ 12:39 am 4. ATI Manufacturer: Option N.V. Model: GlobeTrotter HSDPA Modem Revision: 1.11.4Hd (Date: Jan 30 2007, Time: 17:48:49) OK AT+CLCK=PN,2 +CLCK: 1 OK AT+CLCK=PN,0,31359428 OK AT+CLCK=PN,2 +CLCK: 1 OK Comment by leah pitz January 26, 2009 @ 12:40 am 5. also please forgive my complete ignorance but i presume i should have the bigpond sim inserted while trying to do this? Comment by leah pitz January 26, 2009 @ 12:42 am 6. I did the whole thing with my virgin card in. Seems strange that it is still reporting a 1 but you mention that it detects the virgin sim. In the bigpond connection manager hold down the shift key then click options. There should be some new tabs there where you can change the APN, try changing the APN to be VirginBroadband and you should be able to conect up to virgin using the bigpond connection software.



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

Comment by adamclinch January 26, 2009 @ 10:00 pm 7. The codes entered into the phone to perform the unlocking should be generic across all GSM phones. like on page 52 of this pdf Comment by adamclinch January 26, 2009 @ 10:51 pm 8. hey adam thanks for your help. it does not actually detect the virgin sim, so i think im still a few steps behind. i have no problems getting the new tabs where you can change the APN and Ive changed in to VirginBroadband but still seems to be locked. i downloaded actual software from globetrotter, which instantly tells me the expresscard is locked when i insert it with the Virgin sim. any further advice much appreciated. did i mention im on a mac? (sorry!) thanks Comment by leah pitz January 30, 2009 @ 9:11 pm 9. I suspect that it may be locked due to multiple failed attempts at unlocking, What I would do is upgrade the firmware and hope that resets the network lock like it did on the USB version , then try entering the unlock code again. Comment by adamclinch January 30, 2009 @ 11:06 pm 10. Hi Adam, I just wanted to thank you for the information and the easy to use tutorial. Ive had this gadget lying around for quite a while as I switched to Vodafone. The usb modem that they supply is not as user friendly in my opinion as it can only be connected to a usb port with an extension cable. The BP3-USB modem plugs directly into the usb port making it a lot easier to use while on the go. After following your instructions, I now have it working fine with my Vodafone sim. Thanks again. Anthony Comment by Anthony February 22, 2009 @ 3:21 pm 11. Awesome, yeah mine was laying around (in bits) for months too, I also think it fits quite well as far as the USB modems go. Great news, Ad. Comment by adamclinch February 22, 2009 @ 3:25 pm 12. This is different to my way, harder. A hell of a lot more f*ckin around Comment by Chris February 23, 2009 @ 1:55 pm 13. Still good to see someone helping other people out.. Comment by Chris February 23, 2009 @ 1:56 pm 14. Hey Chris, I am interested to know how you do the unlocking, do you have a link or some notes ? Cheers Ad, Comment by adamclinch February 23, 2009 @ 2:02 pm 15. I recently set up this site, to help people out.. If you have a good (simple) way for MAC or Linux users, Id be happy to publish them on a new page on my site Comment by Chris February 23, 2009 @ 2:38 pm 16. weird. that didnt work, lmao site: Comment by Chris February 23, 2009 @ 2:41 pm 17. Fantastic!! Worked as described. Bye Bye Bigpong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment by Tony March 2, 2009 @ 8:50 pm 18. worked fine for me -:) Thank you so much for the instructions Comment by moha March 26, 2009 @ 12:32 pm 19. Hi there. Sorry for hijacking the comments but do you, or anyone else reading, know if these instructions are compatible with the Maxon BP3-EXT modem? Im led to believe theyre the same, except the EXT is a wireless desktop modem.



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

Comment by Shannon March 28, 2009 @ 9:31 pm 20. when i try all i get is an error and when i try with another carriers sim it wont initialize. Comment by mr tim April 4, 2009 @ 6:35 pm 21. Try updating to the latest bigpond firmware first. Comment by adamclinch April 4, 2009 @ 9:08 pm 22. This WILL work on the BP3-EXT model aswell Comment by chris April 5, 2009 @ 1:01 am 23. Hi adam i seem to be having a problem downloading info from the modem when using the ATI command,no matter what i type into the termenal window,all i get in return is OK. I have no other USB devices connected to computor exept a usb mouse. the unlock code has been extracted with qmat. hope you can help ian Comment by ian bennett April 6, 2009 @ 8:31 pm 24. Hi Ian , Yeah that is kinda weird , since you are getting OK replies it makes me think you are connected to the right com port. But you should check to be sure. Im going to guess your using windows, maybe XP , if so go to device manager and see what it is detected as. Mine is detected as Data Modem @ 3GPP Diagnostic Serial Port (6280) (COM13) Then i use putty to open a com port connection to COM12 , not really sure why but the port that you send AT commands to is one less than the one displayed. Putty can be downloaded from here or just google for putty. Maybe using a different terminal will help. Comment by adamclinch April 6, 2009 @ 9:59 pm 25. If you want a very simple way of unlocking it (without sending strings and whatnot) download the maxon minimax modem manager (unbranded version of the bigpong manager) when you put in a non-bigpond sim card it will just simply ask for the unlocking code.. I have a full & simple list of instructions & download links on a blog I made (free of course) You can check it out at 100% success rate so far Comment by Chris April 7, 2009 @ 12:22 am 26. Hi, I successfully unlocked a Telstra Turbo Modem using these instructions. Much simpler than I thought, dont know why I didnt do it ages ago. Ive downloaded Maxons Minimax Connection Manager and with a (known working) Virgin broadband data SIM in the modem the connection manager shows that it has detected the virgin network but when I try and connect it says [virgin] connecting and then a Minimax pop up says Failed to create data connection. Any clues ? Comment by Steve April 24, 2009 @ 11:22 am 27. Hi Steve, Good Job. I would check that you have the right APN configured for virgin which is VirginBroadband also that the dial number is *99# Ad Comment by adamclinch April 24, 2009 @ 11:30 am 28. also dont forget that virgin needs to have pap authentication , not chap Comment by adamclinch April 24, 2009 @ 10:59 pm 29. You will find that the card should program itself if you uninstall the modem manager, insert the sim into the modem, restart your PC, reinstall with the modem plugged in.. This is most people who have had success using the minimax program, with minimal screwing around..



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

Comment by chris April 25, 2009 @ 12:29 am 30. Thanks for sharing this info Adam. Unlocked a cast-off BP3-EXT with your help. Comment by Ben April 26, 2009 @ 10:17 pm 31. Gooday, I have just unlocked my modem using this method. However I had one difference 0 was locked and 1 was unlocked. not sure how or why. My modem is a BP3 EXT, This ATI output from this modem is Model: BP3-EXT Revision: BP3-EXT R2.0.18 [Sep 13 2007 08:16:11] IMEI: 35405xxxxxxxxxx +GCAP: +CGSM,+DS,+ES cheers Comment by lee May 11, 2009 @ 6:07 pm 32. Hi Thanks Adam I have successfully unlocked the modem following your instructions. Just on point 23 above I keep getting searching in the bigpond connection manager now Virgin told me this is because I have not entered the correct APN configuration number being *99# Can anyone tell me how I enter this number and the Authentication PAP using the bigpond connection manager? There is no option anywhere to enter a dial number or an authentication. Comment by Paul May 22, 2009 @ 3:22 pm 33. Gooday Paul, Use the generic maxon minimax software, works great Im using mine through Exetel (optus). Comment by lee May 22, 2009 @ 3:27 pm 34. Nice work mate, your instructions worked a treat. Comment by Simon May 27, 2009 @ 1:40 pm 35. I have unlocked my BP3 EXT with the instructions without any problems, thanks for that, however still unable to connect to THREE, even when i sellect to show bared networks it doesnt come up (only telstra, bigpond, optus and virgin shows) im not entirely sure what to enter under APN (tried three but made no difference) any help would be appreciated, thanks Comment by Ricky May 31, 2009 @ 6:36 am 36. Hi Ricky, I used to have a 3mobile phone years ago when they first came out with the whole video phone thing, at that time the Data APN was 3netaccess theres a good chance it is still that. Its important to note that there are some hardware differences between networks modems, eg. The telstra modem supports 3G on 850Mhz (nextg) and 2100Mhz I think all Huawei modems support 850Mhz 1900Mhz and 2100MHz So if your in an area where the transmissions are 1900Mhz you will find that the telstra modem wont work as good as one that can pick up the 1900Mhz. Comment by adamclinch May 31, 2009 @ 1:01 pm 37. The APN for Three is 3services Comment by chris June 1, 2009 @ 12:00 pm 38. And use the generic minimax modem manager, not the bigpond version. Comment by chris June 1, 2009 @ 12:01 pm 39. Thanks Adam and Chris, tried both and either 3netaccess or 3services works (2100mhz) so all connected now and yes with the minimax. Speeds around 1.8Mbs (is there any way to increase that?) Comment by Ricky June 1, 2009 @ 9:44 pm 40. Best advice I can offer is to try an external antenna. There is another option, which involves having to unlock it again (you have the code already, so its



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

easy) And that is by doing the 7.2mbip upgrade from bigpond (you will need to unlock it again after the upgrade) Comment by chris June 3, 2009 @ 10:47 pm 41. How do i do this upgrade? Comment by Ricky June 4, 2009 @ 6:58 am 42. Hey Ricky, Its actually the next post i did, you can see it on the right menu , recent posts. or here. Comment by adamclinch June 4, 2009 @ 10:27 pm 43. Hi Guys.. The above adamclinch instructions are great but there is even an easier way to finish off the unlocking.. Once youve got the device memory dump and you have located your code this is what I did!! Opened up the generic maxon client software which informed me that the modem was locked to Telstra and after clicking OK to the prompt TWICE I was given a window to enter the UNLOCK code that was obtained earlier on.. I have checked the status and used the unit without any problems.. even DC unlocker has comnfirmed the scanned status of the device as being unlocked.. thus this has saved me going to the device via a terminal window.. Easy!! Enjoy and hope this works for you also Comment by Statikk1 June 14, 2009 @ 12:44 am 44. Statikk If you have a read on this page (post 27. to be exact), You will find that I already explained this months ago.. I also have a website dedicated to those unlocking instructions, that has been running for close to year now. Comment by chris June 15, 2009 @ 10:05 am 45. Hi ,all ive unlocked my bp3-ext with this advice but i cant connect to OPTUS with my modem can anyone tell me how to setup modem config? im using mini max modem software to open modem i can access setting but not sure what to put in or band slection? Thanks Comment by Rob July 8, 2009 @ 10:12 pm 46. Hi Rob, You probably need to create a new profile. Click menu settings connection manager. Then select the profiles tab. Click Create , and call it optus where it says APN name you need to put in connect (or if you are on optus pre paid put in preconnect) Thats almost it, click on the connection tab and make sure next to 3GPP profile id you select optus close the window, click connect on the minimax and you should be connected. Cheers Ad, Comment by adamclinch July 9, 2009 @ 12:19 am 47. Hi Adam thx for yor help but i need more. what drivers should i install for my BP3-EXT modem? is Maxon turbo manager ok to use? ive tried minimax and couldnt find where to enter authentifacation number *99# and optus doesnt show to connect to only telstra 3g. if it helps im in NSW 2537. Thanks Rob Comment by Rob July 9, 2009 @ 6:25 pm 48. The software here is what i used The actual connection driver I think got loaded automatically, you know when you connect it into the usb port and asks to check the internet for drivers.



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

Obviously this doesnt help much if you need to set it up somewhere where you dont have a second connection. Details for the driver are: File: cmusbnet.sys Provider: Cmotech Co., Ltd File Version: build 0507 you could probably use those details to search for the self contained driver. Also there is no optus profile by default you have to create it , like i described, in the connection manager you need to make a new profile , dont worry about the *99# Comment by adamclinch July 9, 2009 @ 6:52 pm 49. Hi adam thanks again for help but i can not get signal from optus, virgin or telstra with optus sim in. when i put old bigpond sim in i get telstra signal only Comment by Rob July 9, 2009 @ 8:49 pm 50. owch , maybe check how things look on these maps, vgnextoid=018110009d82e110VgnVCM10000002cd780aRCRD compared to Comment by adamclinch July 9, 2009 @ 10:06 pm 51. Thx Adam, well ive learned a lesson optus,virgin,three,dodo,have no coverage in my area at all and yet AUSTRALIA POST SELL all their 3G Products to us unsuspecting consumers in this area where i am i would need to travel nearly 100km to get 3G wireless internet and yet aussie post will happily sell you 3G kits you cant use!!!! Corporate Greed.. Telstra excluded as it works fine just expensive. Thankyou for all your help Adam Comment by Rob July 9, 2009 @ 10:23 pm 52. Hi adam, well i went into an area with optus signal and modem showed optus 3g but when i hit connect i get message saying can not make data connection i have optus prepaid sim not activated i dont understand where i should make sure APN is set to Static and it say authentication *99# i followed you instructions above but how can i have APN set to static and have APn set as preconnect dont know where im going wrong. any ideas? Thx Rob Comment by Rob July 11, 2009 @ 6:44 pm 53. Its a bit hard to work out what exactly is going on, that being said I would say, Not having used prepaid optus I cant confirm, but, I would guess that you have to activate your SIM card before using it. Just like any pre paid mobile service. Not sure who advised you to set the apn to static but theres no harm trying different APNs these are configured in connection manager. The MiniMax Modem Manager does not need to have the *99# entered into it anywhere in order to work. Comment by adamclinch July 12, 2009 @ 1:15 am 54. Adam, I just love your instructions! Ive been able unlocked my oven, ring a couple of local birds and even managed to change phone carriers all at the same time! (Did I mention Im using a MAC?) My APN has never felt so good, and its all because of YOU!! Its 3G all the way for me know what I mean! I love the secret 3G network codes contained in your pizza pieceI wonder if anyone else will pick them up very handy indeed. Not to mention the universal unlock code for all Nokia mobiles very cleverly disguised you are a tricky one, arent you?



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

Keep up the good work and keep the telcos honest! SS (Did I mention Im using a MAC?) Comment by Syba Spida July 15, 2009 @ 4:21 pm 55. Yeah man, you really rock my world. So many people are charging good money for this service. Stick it to those greedy bitches (including Tel$tra) Thanks a bunch! Comment by gav July 23, 2009 @ 11:13 pm 56. Do you know how to unlock a model bp3-ext Next G wireless broadband modem. Telstra tell me that it cannot be unloacked or even re used with another telstra account Comment by David July 28, 2009 @ 7:34 pm 57. According to Chris @ post number 22 on this page, it does. Comment by adamclinch July 29, 2009 @ 12:20 pm 58. go to all instructions & neccisary downloads are there. Comment by chris July 29, 2009 @ 4:17 pm 59. So, anyone want to help me making this thing work in windows without their cruddy manager? I dont mind writing my own code, and Ive found a million and one at commands inside the existing managers dll files Comment by Freman August 6, 2009 @ 2:09 pm 60. Hey Freman, The device should also be detected as a dial up modem type device that you can configure to connect using windows DUN without needing a manager at all, you wont be able to see your signal strength tho. If you dont like the BP client (me either) use the maxon one , i describe it a bit in my post on updating the firmware, if your in a rush just get it here Ad Comment by adamclinch August 6, 2009 @ 7:09 pm 61. I have tried this but fail to get a code. Does QMAT have to be registered? Comment by Will August 14, 2009 @ 7:11 pm 62. nope i think the only limitation is how long you can run it for, and there is plenty of time to dump the data. Make sure its set to Backup NVitems , like in the screenshot. Comment by adamclinch August 14, 2009 @ 9:46 pm 63. Hi Adam, I have tried unsuccessfully 3 times to download the minimax modem manager from the Maxon site today. I followed the instructions to not use http 1.1 etc but still the file is corrupted (I am also on Windows Vista). Are you able to email me it zipped? or can I download from another site? Thanks Mica Comment by Mica January 28, 2010 @ 2:56 pm 64. Mica, I have the download links and info on my website (free of course) Go to http://WWW.MODEM-UNLOCK.TK Also try running the software in XP compatibility mode.. Comment by Chris February 9, 2010 @ 12:46 am 65. IT WORKED! Thanks heaps



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

I was getting mad, because initially it was not working then i realised I have to do it with a SIM card into the modem and it worked straight away! Thanks Comment by PAPA March 19, 2010 @ 5:41 pm 66. Hi , I have a USB modem locked by 3 mobile in London, I need to get it unlocked so that i can use it in Australia , can someone help me how can get it unlocked, Your help is much appreciated. Comment by Robin March 22, 2010 @ 2:35 pm 67. Hi Robin, Your three mobile usb, should work with 3 mobile here in Australia without the need to unlock. If I where you I wouldnt bother looking at any other ISP, 3mobile here in Oz is the cheapest and fastest for your dollar.. most others use the optus network and are completly useless due to tower congestion.. Comment by chris March 22, 2010 @ 6:41 pm 68. Thank you so much. Its all works perfectly now. Comment by Melanie May 13, 2010 @ 8:13 pm 69. Thanks Adam, very helpful for unlocking my BP3-EXT modem. Comment by Peter June 11, 2010 @ 7:33 am 70. Ive unlocked a BP3-EXT modem but cannot connect using a Vodafone broadband account with the MiniMax software. The error messages include Failed to create data account, Not provisioned and Authentication failed (the last two entries are in the log). The modems detecting the Vodafone 3G service at reasonable strength. The APN is vfprepaymbb, authentication is set to PAP, etc. Is the profile name important? Vodafone suggests VFMobileBroadband Prepaid as a profile name, but the Maxon software doesnt allow spaces or that number of characters. Any clues? Comment by Peter June 25, 2010 @ 4:17 pm 71. Profile name is not important mate, use whatever you wish. Check out my website for visual setup instructions.. (Its a free site mate) Comment by chris June 26, 2010 @ 1:24 pm 72. Sorry, forgot link, lol Comment by chris. June 26, 2010 @ 1:27 pm 73. Peter: The types of errors you have described looks like the account is not activated or some other carrier issue not related to the modem. I would check with VF that your account is active and ready to use. Chris: Could you stop spamming the link to your website, its all over the comments Im sure everyone has seen it now. Comment by adamclinch July 9, 2010 @ 11:13 am 74. hi i was just wondering what method of connection you use do you still use the bigpond one as all i want to do is use prepaid telstra instead of having a plan. any help would be great Comment by Chris July 9, 2010 @ 6:57 pm 75. Now I use a nexus 1 with usb tether. On a tpg pay as you go plan. It sounds like a virgin broadband 10gb (pre paid with 365 days to use it) would be good for you. See what you think. Comment by adamclinch July 9, 2010 @ 11:41 pm 76. Hi you probably saved my day (or are going to). Ive managed to do most of this, however at the moment



Unlocking the Maxon BP3-USB mode

I keep getting that pop up saying Failed to create data connection (as in post 26)What do I have to do fixing this? It seems I have trouble locating the spot where I have to change APN settings. FYI Im trying to get a prepaid Dodo work in a bigpond modem I havent used in years Thanks Comment by Kathleen July 15, 2010 @ 7:27 pm 77. Hi Kathleen, I have not connected to the dodo network myself but i have been told that they use the following as APN names, DODOLNS1 or connect. Ad, Comment by adamclinch July 15, 2010 @ 10:20 pm 78. Youre probably going to have the laugh of your lifetimethanks to you spelling it all in CAPS I saw where I couldnt spella capital I and small l sort of looked the same Comment by Kathleen July 15, 2010 @ 10:33 pm 79. hehe nice Comment by adamclinch July 16, 2010 @ 10:34 am 80. I might have another stupid question for you. Since Ive done all the above (and it works) I keep getting some error msg saying Demon6280 and 8 What does that mean? Or can I get rid off it somehow? Comment by Kathleen July 16, 2010 @ 3:37 pm 81. Not 100% sure, but it probably has something to do with Telstra Turbo Modem software, if your not using it you could uninstall it. Comment by adamclinch July 16, 2010 @ 4:15 pm

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