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You are on page 1of 7 13/Dec/2010 1 import javax.swing.*; 2 import java.awt.*; 3 import java.awt.event.*; 4 import javax.swing.table.*; 5 import java.util.

*; 6 7 public class PPScheduling extends JFrame { 8 9 static int length = 0; 10 static int[]tempbursttime = new int[100]; 11 static int[]processName = new int[100]; 12 static int[]arrivalTime = new int[100]; 13 static int[]burstTime = new int[100]; 14 static int[]priority = new int[100]; 15 static boolean[]finished = new boolean[100]; 16 17 static int[]ttime = new int[100]; 18 static int[]task = new int[1000000]; 19 20 static int finish = 0; 21 static int time = 0; 22 static int totalTime = 0; 23 24 JToolBar toolbar = new JToolBar(); 25 JButton computeButton = new JButton("Compute"); 26 JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel("Pre-emptive Priority Scheduling Algorithm "); 27 JPanel toolPanel = new JPanel(); 28 JTabbedPane bodyTabbedpane = new JTabbedPane(); 29 30 static JTextArea taskArea = new JTextArea(); 31 static JTextArea ganttArea = new JTextArea(); 32 33 static DefaultTableModel modelData = new DefaultTableModel(); 34 static DefaultTableModel modelCalc = new DefaultTableModel(); 35 static DefaultTableModel modelCalcResult = new DefaultTableModel(); 36 37 JTable dataTable = new JTable(modelData); 38 JTable calcTable = new JTable(modelCalc); 39 JTable calcResultTable = new JTable(modelCalcResult); 40 41 JScrollPane dataScroll = new JScrollPane(dataTable); 42 JScrollPane calcScroll = new JScrollPane(calcTable); 43 JScrollPane calcResultScroll = new JScrollPane(calcResultTable); 44 JScrollPane taskResultScroll = new JScrollPane(taskArea); 45 JScrollPane ganttAreaScroll = new JScrollPane(ganttArea); 46 47 JSplitPane calcSplitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, 48 calcResultScroll, taskResultScroll); 49 JSplitPane tbtSplitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, 50 calcScroll, calcSplitPane); 51 52 53 public PPScheduling() { 54 toolbar.setLayout(new BoxLayout(toolbar, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); 55 toolbar.add(computeButton); 56 toolbar.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); 57 toolbar.add(titleLabel); 58 59 modelData.addColumn("Process"); 60 modelData.addColumn("Burst Time"); 61 modelData.addColumn("Arrival Time"); 62 modelData.addColumn("Priority"); 63 64 modelCalc.addColumn("Process"); 65 modelCalc.addColumn("Turnaround Time"); 66 modelCalc.addColumn("Waiting Time"); 67 68 modelCalcResult.addColumn("Time"); 69 modelCalcResult.addColumn("Task"); 70 modelCalcResult.addColumn("Priority"); 71 72 calcSplitPane.setResizeWeight(0.5); 73 tbtSplitPane.setResizeWeight(0.5); 74 75 bodyTabbedpane.addTab("Entered Data/Process", dataScroll); 76 bodyTabbedpane.addTab("Temp/Burst/Time Calculation", tbtSplitPane); 77 bodyTabbedpane.addTab("Gannt Chart", ganttAreaScroll); 1 of 7 13/Dec/2010 78 79 this.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH); 80 this.add(bodyTabbedpane, BorderLayout.CENTER); 81 82 computeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 83 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { 84 try { 85 86 87 88 while (modelData.getRowCount()>0){ 89 modelData.removeRow(0); 90 } 91 92 while (modelCalc.getRowCount()>0){ 93 modelCalc.removeRow(0); 94 } 95 96 while (modelCalcResult.getRowCount()>0){ 97 modelCalcResult.removeRow(0); 98 } 99 100 taskArea.setText(""); 101 ganttArea.setText(""); 102 103 getInputData(); 104 outputInputData(); 105 106 bubble(); 107 copyBurstTime(); 108 processInputData(); 109 outputprocess(); 110 computeAverage(); 111 generateTaskProcess(); 112 displayTable(); 113 114 } catch(Exception e) { 115 return; 116 } 117 } 118 }); 119 120 } 121 122 123 124 public static void main(String args[]) { 125 try { 126 UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); 127 } catch (Exception e) { } 128 129 PPScheduling pps = new PPScheduling(); 130 131 int width = 500; 132 int height = 450; 133 Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); 134 int x = (screen.width-width)/2; 135 int y = (screen.height-height)/2; 136 137 pps.setBounds(x, y, width, height); 138 pps.setTitle("Pre-emptive Priority Scheduling Algorithm"); 139 pps.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); 140 pps.setVisible(true); 141 142 143 } 144 145 public static void getInputData() { 146 147 String parseValue = ""; 148 parseValue = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter Number of Process(es)?" 149 150 if(parseValue.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { 151 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid input!"); 152 } else { 153 length = Integer.parseInt(parseValue); 154 } 2 of 7 13/Dec/2010 155 156 157 158 for (int x=0; x<length; x++) { 159 processName[x] = x; 160 161 String parseProcess, parseArialTime, parsePriority; 162 163 parseProcess = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Burst Time for Process + (x + 1)); 164 165 if(parseProcess.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { 166 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid input!"); 167 return; 168 } else { 169 burstTime[x] = Integer.parseInt(parseProcess); 170 } 171 172 parseArialTime = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Arrival Time for Proc " + (x + 1)); 173 174 if(parseArialTime.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { 175 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid input!"); 176 return; 177 } else { 178 arrivalTime[x] = Integer.parseInt(parseArialTime); 179 } 180 181 parsePriority = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Priority for Process " + (x + 1)); 182 183 if(parsePriority.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { 184 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter a valid input!"); 185 return; 186 } else { 187 priority[x] = Integer.parseInt(parsePriority); 188 } 189 190 finished[x] = false; 191 } 192 193 194 195 } 196 197 public static void generateTaskProcess() { 198 int i; 199 int currentPriority; 200 int currentProcess; 201 boolean selected=false; 202 203 totalTime=0; 204 time=1; 205 206 207 for (i=0; i<=length-1; i++) { 208 totalTime=totalTime+burstTime[i]; 209 } 210 211 totalTime++; 212 213 214 currentProcess=0; 215 currentPriority=priority[0]; 216 217 int cnt = 0; 218 while (time<totalTime){ 219 selected=false; 220 221 222 for (i=0; i<=length-1; i++){ 223 224 if ((time==arrivalTime[i]) && (finished[i]==false)) { 225 if (currentPriority>priority[i]) { 226 currentPriority=priority[i]; 227 currentProcess=i; 228 selected=true; 3 of 7 229 } else { 230 231 if ((currentPriority==priority[i])&&(burstTime[i]<burstTime[currentProcess])) { 232 currentProcess=i; 233 currentPriority=priority[i]; 234 selected=true; 235 } 236 } 237 } else { 238 239 if ((time>arrivalTime[i])&&(currentPriority>priority[i])&&(finished[i]==false)) { 240 currentPriority=priority[i]; 241 currentProcess=i; 242 selected=true; 243 } 244 } 245 246 if (selected==true) { 247 break; 248 } 249 } 250 251 task[time]=processName[currentProcess]; 252 burstTime[currentProcess]=burstTime[currentProcess]-1; 253 254 255 256 Object[] rowData3 = {time,task[time],currentPriority}; 257 modelCalcResult.insertRow(cnt, rowData3); 258 cnt++; 259 time++; 260 261 262 if (burstTime[currentProcess]==0){ 263 finished[currentProcess]=true; 264 for (i=0; i<=length-1; i++) { 265 if (finished[i]==false) 266 { 267 currentProcess=i; 268 currentPriority=priority[currentProcess]; 269 break; 270 } 271 } 272 } 273 274 } 275 } 276 277 public static void displayTable(){ 278 int lineCount=0; 279 int i=1,tempi=1; 280 281 282 while (i<totalTime){ 283 284 ganttArea.append("Time :"); 285 for (lineCount=0; lineCount<=10; lineCount++) 286 { 287 if (tempi<10) 288 ganttArea.append("|-0"+tempi+"-|"); 289 else 290 ganttArea.append("|-"+tempi+"-|"); 291 tempi++; 292 } 293 294 ganttArea.append("\nProcess :"); 295 for (lineCount=0; lineCount<=10; lineCount++) 296 { 297 if (task[i]<10) 298 ganttArea.append("|P0"+task[i]+"-|"); 299 else 300 ganttArea.append("|P"+task[i]+"-|"); 301 302 i++; 303 4 of 7

13/Dec/2010 13/Dec/2010 304 if (i==totalTime) 305 break; 306 } 307 ganttArea.append("\n\n"); 308 } 309 } 310 311 public static void outputInputData() { 312 for (int x=0; x<length;x++) { 313 314 Object[] rowData = {processName[x] + 1, burstTime[x], arrivalTime[x], priority[x]}; 315 modelData.insertRow(x, rowData); 316 317 318 } 319 } 320 321 public static void copyBurstTime() { 322 for (int x=0; x<length; x++) { 323 tempbursttime[x]=burstTime[x]; 324 } 325 } 326 327 static void processInputData() { 328 int s=0; 329 330 while(finish!=length){ 331 do { 332 333 for (int x=0;x<length;x++) { 334 335 s=0; 336 if ((arrivalTime[x]<=time)&&(tempbursttime[x]!=0)){ 337 time=time+1; 338 tempbursttime[x]=tempbursttime[x]-1; 339 ttime[x]=time; 340 341 if (tempbursttime[x]==0) { 342 finish=finish+1; 343 } 344 345 s = 1; 346 347 } 348 349 if (s==1) { 350 while (x!=length){ 351 x++; 352 } 353 } 354 } 355 356 } while(s==1); 357 time=time+1; 358 } 359 } 360 361 public static void tcoutinput() { 362 System.out.print("--PROCESS|--BURSTTIME|--ARRIVAL TIME|--PRIORITY|\n"); 363 for (int x=0;x<length;x++) { 364 System.out.print(" "+processName[x]+"|"+" "+burstTime[x]+"|") 365 System.out.print(" "+arrivalTime[x]+"|"); 366 System.out.print(" "+priority[x]+"|"); 367 System.out.print("\n"); 368 369 } 370 371 } 372 373 public static void outputprocess(){ 374 for (int x=0;x<length;x++) { 375 Object[] rowData2 = {processName[x] + 1,(ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x]),(ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x]-burstTime[x])}; 376 modelCalc.insertRow(x, rowData2); 377 378 } 5 of 7 13/Dec/2010 379 } 380 381 public static void bubble(){ 382 int i,j; 383 for (i=0;i<length;i++){ 384 for (j=0;j<(length-1-i);j++) 385 { 386 if (priority[j+1]<priority[j]){ 387 swap(j+1,j); 388 } 389 } 390 } 391 } 392 393 public static void swap(int x,int y) { 394 int temp,temp2; 395 int[] temp3 = new int[100]; 396 int temp4; 397 398 temp=burstTime[x]; 399 temp2=priority[x]; 400 temp3[x]=processName[x]; 401 temp4=arrivalTime[x]; 402 403 //transfer 404 burstTime[x]=burstTime[y]; 405 priority[x]=priority[y]; 406 processName[x]=processName[y]; 407 arrivalTime[x]=arrivalTime[y]; 408 409 //get from temp 410 burstTime[y]=temp; 411 priority[y]=temp2; 412 processName[y]=temp3[x]; 413 arrivalTime[y]=temp4; 414 } 415 416 public static void computeAverage(){ 417 int totaltt=0,totalwt=0; 418 int x,time=0; 419 420 for (x=0;x<length;x++){ 421 totaltt=totaltt+ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x]; 422 totalwt=totalwt+ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x]-burstTime[x]; 423 } 424 425 taskArea.append("Average Turn Around Time - [ "); 426 for (x=0;x<length;x++){ 427 if (x!=length-1){ 428 taskArea.append("" + (ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x])+ "+"); 429 430 } else { 431 taskArea.append("" + (ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x])); 432 433 } 434 } 435 436 taskArea.append(" ]/"+length); 437 taskArea.append(" = "+totaltt/(float)length+" "); 438 taskArea.append("\n"); 439 taskArea.append("Average Waiting Time - "); 440 taskArea.append("[ "); 441 442 443 444 for (x=0;x<length;x++) { 445 446 if (x!=length-1) 447 taskArea.append("" + (ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x]-burstTime[x] + "+")); 448 else 449 taskArea.append("" + (ttime[x]-arrivalTime[x]-burstTime[x])); 450 } 451 452 453 taskArea.append(" ]/"+length); 454 taskArea.append(" = "+(totalwt/(float)length)+"\n"); 455 } 6 of 7 456 457 }


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