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Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEducaci SIN Pla Marcell

ACTIVITAT_A_English_Group_3_C: William Shakespeare's Treasure Hunt The website Mr. William Shakespeare and The Internet is edited by an editor called Terry A. Gray . The website is distributed into 15 sections. There is a link called Shakespeare Timeline which gives the key events of Shakespeare's life and work. Click on that link and find out what happened in 1616. He dead of a How much money did he leave to his daughter Judith for a marriage portion? He left 100 to his daughter Judith. When and where was he born? He was born in April 1564 in StratfordUpon-Avon When and where did he die? He died in the 23rd of April 1616 What is special with the date he died?
Projecte Cooperatiu de 3r d'ESO Poesia Viva Poetes Morts 2n trimestre 2011-2012

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEducaci SIN Pla Marcell

In one of the sections from the main menu you find a list of his works. Click on The Poetry and Sonnets. How many html editions can you find? We can find 4. How many references of facsimiles of early editions can we find? There are 6. How many facsimiles of modern editions can we find? We can find 4. Go back to the main menu and look for the study guides section. Find articles on the poems. How many different articles can you find? We can finds 6 articles. If you click on Shakespeare's Sonnets you go to Shakespear'es sonnets . This is a very popular website all around the world? Have you used it before? Yes, is it. We usually search information in this website for the school. We always remove the information for some works. Content 1 talks about the dedication Shakespeare's Sonnets to a Mr.WH. What does the dedication in full read? Why were his true friends. Contents 14 is called Full list of sonnets. True or False? False Content 11 is called Pop Culture. True or False? False. There are some references to sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare. Can you complete the following information from the Pop Culture section? Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 is referenced in the films Venus_, Dead Poets Society, ________________, ______________, and the 2007 ___________ episode The Passionate Pilgrim." (in which Shakespeare addresses it to Martha Jones, calling her "my Dark Lady"). It also gave names to the band _________________ and the Projecte Cooperatiu de 3r d'ESO Poesia Viva Poetes Morts 2n trimestre 20112012

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEducaci SIN Pla Marcell

_________ and___________________________ __________________and ___________________________. What is the first line of sonnet 18? Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? This sonnet is included in the film Dead Poets Society and in this cooperative project. IF YOU MANAGE TO GO THROUGH ALL THESE QUESTIONS WITH NO PROBLEMS, YOU FINALLY GOT THE TREASURE! CONGRATULATIONS! NOW, MOVE TO ACTIVITAT_B_English_Group_3_C: William Shakespeare's Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day?
Projecte Cooperatiu de 3r d'ESO Poesia Viva Poetes Morts 2n trimestre 2011-2012

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