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Chapter 8 1. What is conformity 2. What are two reasons we conform a. Information b. Acceptance 3. Informational social influence a. What is it?

b. When do people use it? c. What does it lead to? i. Private acceptance ii. Public compliance 4. Social Impact theory 5. Social norms a. Descriptive norms b. Injunctive norms 6. Normative social influence a. Does normative influence lead to public compliance, private acceptance, or both? 7. A groups response to deviant actors a. What do groups do when we deviate from their norms? 8. Potential reasons why we obey a. Loss of responsibility b. Dissonance c. Normative social influence d. Informational social influence 9. Minority influence a. How does the minority exert its influence? Chapter 9 1. What is a group? a. Typical size b. Other characteristics c. Difference between membership groups and reference groups 2. What does being in a group do for us? a. OR why are we in groups? b. OR what function do groups serve for us c. (The above are all different ways of thinking about the exact same information) 3. What are the members of groups like? a. Homogeniety/Similarity 4. Social norms 5. Social roles a. How social norms and social roles differ 6. What is group cohesion? 7. Social facilitation a. When will it happen b. What happens c. Why does it happen

8. Social loafing a. When will it happen b. What happens c. Why does it happen d. Who loafs more 9. Groupthink a. Antecedents b. Symptoms 10. Types of leaders a. Transformational b. Transactional 11. Agentic & Communal leaders Chapter 10 1. Trivers theory of parental investment 2. Long-term & Short-term mating strategies a. Who pursues each b. Why do they pursue these strategies c. When do men change their strategy 3. Adaptive problem of parental certainty 4. Adaptive problem of parental investment 5. Difference between the functional and proximate levels of analysis 6. Functional preferences of men a. Preferences when pursuing short-term mating strategy b. Preferences when pursuing long-term mating strategy c. What are the indicators of these preferences 7. Functional preferences of women a. Preferences when pursuing short-term mating strategy b. Preferences when pursuing long-term mating strategy c. What are the indicators of these preferences 8. Characteristics of a masculine face 9. How proximity affects liking a. Propinquity effect b. The mere exposure effect c. How the proximity works through the mere exposure effect 10. Similarity 11. When are higher and lower body fat percentages preferred in women 12. Social exchange theory a. How this influences decisions to stay or leave relationships 13. Equity theory a. When are people happy with their relationship b. When are people not happy with their relationship c. Effects of being over benefitted and under benefitted 14. Attachement styles a. How these styles influence relationships, relationship decisions, and reactions to relationship partners behaviors

15. Relationship dissolution a. Breakers b. Breakees c. Mutual d. How each of these react to a break

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