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CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain WELCOME TO MY PRESENTATION ON Data Vs Information Instructed By: LaMont Johnson, PhD

Professor, Dept of CEP University of Nevada, Reno 1

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Introduction: We frequently use the terms data and information Generally, data and information are synonymic But there is a clear distinction between these Basically, data an d information are in plural form But they might be used in singular form too 2

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Objective: As we may not have clear idea about data and information So we may do mistake in using the terms data and information After completion of this tiny lecture, you will have a clear understanding on data and information. 3

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Data: Data is the name or measure of an entity, thing or item Data may relate to reali ty, or to fiction Real data may be characters, numbers, or images; Unreal data m ay be a fictional movie 4

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Examples of Data: Height of a man, suppose 65 inches, is a data; His name, suppose Jack, is a data; His weight, suppose 150 lbs is a data; His color, suppose white is a data; and so on. 5

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Characteristics of Data: Data are the raw materials of information Data is a distinct piece of informatio n Data must be disorganized or unprocessed 6

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Information: Information is the simplified form of data. zed it becomes information. 7 When the data is processed or organi

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Examples of Information: The average height or weight of several people, suppose 62 inch, is an informati on; The average weight of the class, suppose 130 lbs, is an information; and so on. 8

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Characteristics of Information: Information is the resultant version of some data. Information always be process ed or organized Information is the context in which data is taken. 9

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Data Vs Information by a Chart: 10

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Data Vs Information by a Practical Example: Suppose, in your first, second, third and fourth year GPAs are: 3.0, 3.5, 3.5, an d 4.0 Then so the CGPA is say something like: 3.5 Here, the individual GPAs are da ta And then the finally calculated CGPA is information. 11

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Data Vs Information by Another Example: Suppose, in your first year , you got individual GPs in four classes you took as: 3.0, 3.5, 3.5, and 4.0 Then your average grade = (3.0+3.5+3.5+4.0)/4 = 3.5. Here, the individual GPs you got are data, And the average grade that is calculated is information. 12

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Data Vs Information Just Remember: Positions of data and information are not always fixed They change themselves du e to change of time or situation Just remember that, data is the primary or inte rmediate version of information 13

CEP 758, Spring 2008 Mokter Hossain Thank You 14

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