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The KPC was initially designed to be participatory, engaging local partners and stakeholders in information gathering, analysis, and

decisionmaking. Participatory research is conducive to partnership and capacity building. In addition, it fosters a sense of local ownership of KPC results and greater utilization of information for local decisionmaking. This version of the KPC report-writing guidelines stresses the importance of discussing partnership and capacity-building activities as they relate to the KPC survey. A discussion of the following would be useful: y y y Methods of identifying and engaging local partners/stakeholders in the KPC Specific roles of local partners/stakeholders in the KPC survey Constraints in making the KPC process more participatory

Why Involve Local Partners/Stakeholders? Partnership building is a dynamic and sometimes, an intensive process. When planning a KPC survey, it is important to consider the amount of time and resources needed to work with partners and build local capacity. The inclusion of local partners involves a great deal of boundary setting and negotiation between the various parties involved. Nevertheless, a commitment to partnership building in both research and project implementation is a means of consensus building and collaborative decisionmaking. This also ensures that the interests and concerns of all stakeholders are taken into account.

Konni Final KPC partnership Building

Dans le mois de Aout 2011 et en preparation a lenquete KPC de Septembre ,lEquipe du projet a envoy des lettres de participation a la preparation et a la mise en eouvre de lEnquete KPC. Ces structures sont : y y y y y y y La Mission USAID a Niamey La Direction Regional de la sant publique de Tahoua Le District Sanitaire La Direction departemental de lAgriculture La Direction departement du Plan Les ONGS Mouviento Por La PAZ et Initiatives pour la scurisation des Menages ( ISCV) de Konni La Direction National de linformation sanitaire ( DSSRE)

La Reunion du Comit de Pilotag de lenquete la Core team dorganisation de lEnquete KPC sest tenue le 16-17 septembre en vue de passer en revue le niveau de preparation de lEnquete sur : - Revue des Termes de References de la formation des enqueteurs, - Revue des drafts doutils de collecte des donnes adapts par lEquipe du projet - Aspects logistiques de lorganisation de lEnquete : Materiels et equipement ( toise et Balance, Medicaments, Moustiquaires), identification des enqueteurs etc. Ainsi les contributions des partenaires dans la collecte des ressources ncessaire a la ralisation de cette enquete sont les suivants : CONCERN Tahoua : Toise et Balance District Sanitaire de konni : Echantillon de Medicaments ( Paracetamol, Fer acid folique, Vitamine A, Zince , Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine, balance, Moustiquaires impregnes, etc) et un superviseur ISCV : - Local et chaises pour la formation des enqueteurs - Datashow - Superviseur et Enqueteurs Direction Departementale du Plan : - Base des donnes demographiques - Superviseurs

En annexe les lettres dinvitations de ces structures ( USAID, DRSP, DS, MPDL)

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