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Keen to Be One Professional and High Efficiency RF Team in ZTE

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Issue 48

Issue 48,


25, 2008

Page 5

Keen to Be One Professional and High Efficiency RF Team in ZTE

Keen to Be One Professional and High Efficiency RF Team in ZTE

AuthorZhao Haifeng categorySprint Period

2007 is the year which should be always cherished and remembered by those who are working or have ever worked in India Network Planning and Optimization Department. The department was established at the beginning of 2007 under the instruction of ZTE India VP Mr.Chen Guanqing and now has totally four subdepartments, such as GSM, CDMA, WCDMA and Expert Support. The Network Planning and Optimization Department's mission is to build one profession RF team in ZTE India to provide best CDMA, GSM, WCDMA service to internal and external customers and help the pre and after sales team in wireless network planning, initiation, execution, control and closure of the project in accordance with the scope of work, meet the sponsors' satisfaction on time within the budget and under the supervision of the project manager. We already deployed all the BTSs and BSCs in Reliance Phase-IV Project, and we are planning to deploy quite more BTSs in Reliance WIN Project. Before the 31st Dec. 2007, the target is to deploy 2008 sites as a greeting and gift to ZTE Corporation for the New Year celebration. And for TATA Rural Project, we set the target to get all first PO and second PO sites SCFT clear and for TATA Metro Project, we make the target to tune the network and optimization to meet all parameters. In doing so, we can win the final RF APT test sign-off to get 100% of the payment at the beginning of the new year. In Reliance GSM project we expect to meet 1000 sites RFS (ready for service), and expect most of sites to get the ATP sign-off. To meet the entire project target well, some activities and action plans were strengthened to guarantee the achievement as follow: 1.Strengthen the main role of RF Team to provide prompt plan for swapping, integration, planning and optimization to keep up with the project speed as per customer requirement. 2.The RF Team leader leads the team day-to-day activities and interfaces with other departments and groups, and reduces the information gap by circulation of daily report. 3.Daily Tracking Network Performance-- monitoring dropped call, blocked call and ineffective attempt of daily statistics within a ZTE CDMA network; to anticipate future network performance by historical performance data. 4.RF Network Optimization-- implement necessary software and/or hardware changes essential to improve market performance and to improve customer perception of the network. Carefully monitoring and correcting RF capacity issues on cell sites while keeping cost conscious. 5.RF Automated Tools-- using web-based tools and Excel macros to generate and monitor statistics of using CNO; developing macros and other essential tools to improve market performance monitoring. 6. Process Improvement and Documentation-- to analyze existing technical processes and prepare


Keen to Be One Professional and High Efficiency RF Team in ZTE

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formal documentation for other groups both technical and non-technical. During the stage of project implementation, all RF members are always dedicated to their job together with PMO team to meet each of the milestones. Many members even don't have their holidays but work continually for a few months. In order to reach the target, they sacrifice a lot. One example is lying in the project of Maharastra Circle Lucent to ZTE swapping which was finished in the last few months of 2007. After that, technical issue was coming in a bunch due to poor installation done by sub-vendors. At that time, even Circle RF leader of ZTE India - Mr. Balwinder Singh was working very hard with his team. Even if he was ill, he kept discussing all issues with customers and dedicatedly optimizing the network till the day we heard that all issues were solved and network performance was stable with all approved RF acceptance test. By the effort of whole RF team, PMO team and all project members, we finally reached the following major achievements in 2007: 1. TTL RAN: All the first and second PO sites SCFT have been closed and one circle RF ATP has been closed. 2.TTL Metro: within 2 months, almost all RAN and CN network KPI met the bench-mark and was full ready for final RF ATP. 3.Reliance CDMA, All the Phase IV sites RF ATP sign-off has been done within half a year and big amount of sites are ready and waiting for sign-off. 4. Reliance GSM, more than one hundred of sites RFS have already got final RF ATP and other batches are also waiting for sign-off. 5.Finished 15 more circles RF planning and optimization tools; more than 400 engineers from BSNL joined the RF training and got positive customer appraisal. 6.Win hundreds of sites planning and optimization purchase orders from SPICE, and finally completed the work handover.

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